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For more infomation >> GR _So kannst du den Suchverlauf in YouTube durchsuchen oder löschen - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.60 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.12.26] - Duration: 33:32.
What are you doing
in our house?
I came to check something.
Check what?
What do you have to check here?
Let him be.
Tell us.
What did you want to check at this hour?
My daughter said...
Her daddy lives here.
Are you insane?
Stop talking nonsense.
Did you lose your mind along with your memory?
Snap out of it, you punk.
Haesol says I'm not her daddy.
She said the vice chairman is her daddy.
To be honest, I don't remember anything.
I don't remember
being a husband or a father at all.
But the child says I'm not it.
She says I'm not her daddy,
he is. How am I supposed to take that?
Gosh. You idiot.
You run over here just because of what she said?
Are you out of your mind? Gosh.
You are rude and reckless.
You barge into someone else's home...
Just because of what a child said.
Han Jiseop,
as a former doctor, let me say
your mental state seems unstable.
Shouldn't you see a doctor?
Are you saying I'm a madman?
What are you doing?
Take your son and leave before father wakes up.
What if he gets shocked and his condition worsens?
- Will you take responsibility? / - What?
Yes. Let's go, let's go.
Come on.
Is the vice chairman really Kang Jaeuk?
Will you keep saying ridiculous things and
cause a scene in someone else's house?
The name sounds familiar, that's why.
what are you doing here?
I'm sorry.
Why did you come here?
Let's go.
Yes, I'm glad you're here. Take him away.
Let's go.
Just a minute. Let me go.
What's wrong with you?
I'm sorry.
I'll make sure this doesn't happen again.
I think you'll need to monitor him.
Control your husband.
I'm sorry. Let's go.
- Let's go. / - Go.
I'm sorry.
I'll send them away.
This is insane.
Mother, are you okay?
You must be in shock too.
You should go up.
You're trying your best to stay alive too.
That's right.
We must all do our best
if we don't want to die.
I'm sorry, my son.
Mom had no choice...
But to pretend not to know you.
Jaeuk, please...
Please stay there just a little while longer.
Once you get your memory back,
I will...
I will bring you back to where you belong.
I'm sorry, Jaeuk.
Kang Jaeuk, Han Jiseop.
Han Jiseop, Kang Jaeuk.
It's over.
You can relax.
This is crazy. This is insanity!
Wi Seonae. Jin Haerim.
Han Jiseop. Kang Jaeuk.
We all fell into a crazy trap.
That's why
we must get out.
We must make it out
of this crazy trap alive.
What's wrong? Do you feel sick?
Are you just getting home?
You're lucky you came home late.
Did something happen?
Jiseop showed up and caused a commotion.
He did?
Haesol said he wasn't her daddy,
and that her daddy is here, that little runt.
He lost his mind about what the kid said and
came to check with Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk.
He wasn't like that before. He changed so much.
So? Did he check?
Check what?
It's just what a little runt said.
What do you mean, you'll live with your parents?
Grandfather's caretaker is practically living here
and as you saw, her family keeps coming over.
It's too hard.
I can't allow that.
You can't do this to me.
Do you know how I feel here?
Every day, I'm walking on thin ice.
Why must I shake in fear
because of this dangerous game?
Back then,
if I hadn't switched Jaeuk with Jiseop...
The company would belong to Inuk by now.
You would've had to marry Jaeuk,
who had that crazy Miryeong as a lover,
against your will.
What can you do?
This isn't just about me.
You saw today.
Your son, the real Jaeuk,
showed up and stirred everything up.
First, it was Seora and her child
and then Jaeuk...
I just can't handle it, mother.
I said no.
I need to keep Jiseop by my side.
You can't control him on your own.
You started...
That difficult task.
You put Jiseop...
Me, Jaeuk and Seora
into a game we didn't want to play.
You need to show some consideration as well,
at least to me.
I'll think it over.
Thank you, mother.
I'll assume you agree.
Haerim, I know you.
You're afraid you'll lose Jiseop
if Jaeuk gets his memory back.
I know that's what it is.
You've completely fallen for Jiseop, haven't you?
We're home.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
How could you make Haesol cry?
That isn't like you. You adore her so dearly.
Once he gets his memory back,
he'll be back to his old self.
That's right. Once he gets his memory back,
he'll be back to the person we know.
Mom, dad, please be patient.
I'm sorry.
Sure. What could Haesol know? She's still a child.
She said that because her dad
doesn't remember her and feels unfamiliar.
Be patient with her.
Yes, sir.
Why don't you take him to the hospital
and get him medicine to help him
get his memory back?
Yes. Let's go to the hospital tomorrow
and get a check-up.
Let's find out why your head keeps hurting.
I hate hospitals.
Why? Why do you hate hospitals?
I just hate hospitals.
I don't need to go. See?
I'm fine now.
Something's odd.
What is?
He has changed way too much.
I know.
I'll be working at Gangin Group.
What nonsense is that?
You may flirt with the ladies and bring up sales,
but you're just a part-timer that can be
fired at any time.
- What? / - I'll be a full-time employee...
At a corporation with a salary of over $40,000.
I'll enjoy working in an office,
which you could never even dream of.
Who filled your head with nonsense this time?
Dream on. Who'd hire an old woman like you to work
at a large corporation?
You're too nonsensical to even talk to.
You'll regret it soon.
I don't know why I did that
to such a sweet girl.
Is she even sweet?
Of course. She's my daughter.
I don't understand
why I suddenly got so angry.
Haesol is still a baby.
Her dad, who she thought was dead,
suddenly showed up alive,
and can't remember her.
She must've been traumatized.
Still, I'm hurt that she said the vice chairman
was her daddy.
You need to be understanding.
I'm sure she was confused between you and him,
since you look the same.
Let's go out tomorrow.
I want to make her happy.
Okay, let's do that.
Let's go out, just the three of us.
I'll be good from now on.
Don't try too hard.
Wow, rice rolls. What's this for?
Jiseop and I are taking Haesol to the park today.
Good thinking. That way, he can get close to her.
can you make me some too?
I want to eat with my friends.
I already made some.
You're the best.
Don't save money. Eat lots of good food.
Buy Jiseop some clothes too.
I have money.
Your money and my money are different.
What about me? I need money from you too.
Mom, what about me? I need new clothes too.
Gosh. I wonder what soup my husband made
this morning. Soybean soup? Kimchi soup?
It's kimchi soup.
- Mom, me too! / - Me too!
Seora, you should go to Haesol.
What's wrong? What is it?
Haesol doesn't want to go to the amusement park.
Haesol, why not? You liked going out with us.
No. I won't go. I don't want to go.
What's wrong? You're hurting daddy's feelings.
No. He isn't my daddy.
Haesol, you stop that right now.
Don't do that. It's my fault.
I was too scary to her last night.
No. She has lost her manners these days.
She just falls asleep in other people's rooms.
You need to be punished.
- Get over here. / - I hate you too!
Don't do that.
If you don't want to go, you don't have to.
You were upset because
daddy got angry at you, right?
Daddy's sorry.
Daddy was mean to you,
so I should be hit.
You hit me.
Who was that lady yesterday?
That's right.
She seems to have seen clearly,
so please tell us.
The truth is, your friend came to me yesterday.
To Haesol's kindergarten.
My friend?
Do you mean Miryeong?
Yes, her.
I really don't know her
but she kept insisting that I do
and suddenly came at me.
That's all. For real.
Haesol, that lady was confused.
That lady must've made a mistake.
You can trust me.
Do you mean it?
What are you doing here?
Did I wake you?
She said she wanted to talk to you.
Come upstairs.
I'll come down after talking with her.
Okay. Go ahead.
Your husband?
Yes. I heard you saw my husband yesterday.
- Did he tell you? / - Yes.
He said you suddenly kissed him as well.
He told you that too?
My daughter saw that.
She saw her dad kiss another woman.
She was traumatized.
She won't accept him ever since.
She's smart.
Tell me why.
Why did you go to my husband?
Do you know my husband?
Please, be honest.
I don't know.
I guess guys like that are my type.
You can tell from how I had a crush on Kang Jaeuk.
I was curious because I heard he looked like Jaeuk.
But he really looked the same.
I acted before I even realized.
You may have done it because he reminded
you of your old lover,
but think about the other person.
I'm sure he was shocked too
but imagine how traumatized she was.
Please forgive me this one time.
I think I was slightly out of my mind.
He looked so much like Jaeuk.
Please don't do that again,
at least for Haesol's sake.
I said okay.
I'll go now.
Does it look like your husband
is getting his memory back?
Not yet.
We don't want to be impatient.
You're so laid back.
That's why you lose everything precious to you.
What do you mean?
You should go. I'm going back to sleep.
Moron. You are such a moron.
You lose your parents and your husband!
Why do you live like that?
You and I both...
My daughter must've done something wrong.
Please be understanding.
It's nothing serious. I'll go now.
May I...
Ask for a favor?
Yes, go ahead.
Can you come over a few times a week
and help me?
Maybe run some errands and drive me
when I need to go out.
I need someone to be my hands and feet
when I need.
Why don't you ask Miryeong?
She may be my daughter,
but there are times when it's uncomfortable.
Maybe it's because we were separated for so long.
There are many times when she feels like a stranger.
Okay. I'll think it over.
- Hello! / - Hello.
It's cold out, isn't it? Here. It's warm here.
Have a seat here.
Thank you for coming on such a cold day.
Hey, assistant.
The assistant part-timer doesn't belong here.
Bring him some water.
What would you like?
Here you go.
Look it over while having some hot water.
What tastes the best here?
- The extra spicy noodles... / - The mild noodles...
They are both good.
Yes, have both.
You will not regret it even if you order both.
That's too much food.
You won't mind, though.
That's right. You came all the way.
You should try them both.
Get out of there. Get out.
Get up, get up!
My gosh. I'm terribly sorry.
If you don't like spicy food,
you should try the mild seafood noodles.
The stir-fried spicy seafood noodles is good too.
You, you.
What kind of a part-timer and assistant part-timer
pressure one person to order two dishes?
What do you mean pressure? We weren't pressuring...
Hands. Hands. Hands up.
Don't you dare tell a customer who's alone
to order two dishes again.
If you do...
And you, part-timer.
I told you not to talk like that.
I told you it sounds funny.
How many times must I tell you?
Why is that so hard for you to fix?
When I was little, there was a Chinese restaurant
near us, and that's how the owner spoke.
It seemed so funny.
I'm sorry. I guess I'm still a child at heart.
Take that childish heart of yours
and make it catch up to your age. Got it?
- Yes, boss. / - Do you understand?
Yes, boss!
It's boss. Say it right.
Hey, assistant part-timer.
If you have time to give me an attitude,
go peel some onions.
Stop calling me an assistant.
I'm an intern. Get that straight.
Make me a bowl of spicy seafood noodles.
Make it extra spicy.
- Chara. / - Chara.
have some of this fish.
They say red fish meat is good at fighting dementia...
- And is good for circulation. / - Really?
Then I should eat it.
Chairman, eat lots of good food,
and live a long, long life. Okay?
I've lived long enough.
Don't say that, sir.
Remember what the fortune-teller said yesterday?
You'll never put poop on the walls.
She said it won't happen since you have me.
If you're done eating, would you get me some water?
Are you asking me?
Is there someone here other than you who could?
Hey, lady.
You must be gravely mistaken.
It's your job to serve father
and help him. Do you understand?
Chairman, is it that difficult for a daughter-in-law
to get water for her father-in-law?
Was I really wrong?
Who said that?
You said nothing wrong.
She's always been a rude brat.
You said Haesol likes strawberry cake.
Do you think this will cheer her up?
Okay. I'll be there soon.
Kang Jaeuk.
We meet again.
Go to Gangin Group if you want Kang Jaeuk.
I hear their vice chairman is Kang Jaeuk.
Why are you doing this to me?
Because you're Kang Jaeuk.
You must be confused because he and I look alike,
but I'm Han Jiseop, not Kang Jaeuk.
You're Kang Jaeuk.
I'm Yang Miryeong.
The vice chairman at Gangin Group is a fake.
You're the real thing.
You're the one who really belongs there.
Miryeong, I don't think you're in your right mind.
Kang Jaeuk! You mama's boy scumbag!
You're the real Kang Jaeuk! You're being fooled
by your mom's mask play! The real Kang Jaeuk!
Just die, you mama's boy scumbag!
Snap out of it. You're not Han Jiseop.
You're being fooled!
Jaeuk! Jaeuk!
Jaeuk! Are you okay? Jaeuk!
Oh, no. Jaeuk!
Kang Jaeuk!
You're doing very well as the vice chairman.
You almost died and rose to vice chairman
in record time. You're a success story.
The industry is singing your praises.
You are too kind. This is just the beginning.
Of course.
You have to keep going until you become
the chairman.
Our grandfather's mind may not be all there
but he won't let go of Inuk.
I made it to vice chairman somehow
but it won't be easy to become the chairman.
That's why you should receive
the chairman's shares.
Would that be possible
with Inuk around?
You can't give up.
Opportunities come to those who don't give up.
You should find a way.
Excuse me.
Here are the requested photos of Miryeong.
Is there a problem?
What's wrong?
Have you been seeing Miryeong?
No, sir. Why would I...
I have proof right here.
Will you still deny it?
Jaeuk was hurt?
The person you have reached...
What happened to you, Jiseop?
You said you got a cake for Haesol.
Where did you go? Why won't you pick up?
Mommy, did daddy disappear again?
No. He'll be home soon.
Don't worry.
They say you'll be fine.
They say you'll be fine once you wake up.
(Assemblyman Jin)
Who are you people?
What are you doing?
Where are you taking me now?
Let go!
Please wait...
Please wait a little longer.
Your mom...
Will prepare a palace for you,
the nicest in the world.
So, don't worry about a thing...
And get your memory back.
My baby.
Let go... Let go!
What despicable act is this?
How dare you secretly see your sister's husband?
Are you still up to your old ways?
How long has it been?
How long have you been seeing Jaeuk?
You're all being fooled! He's the real...
The man in the photo...
Isn't Kang Jaeuk.
What do you mean?
What do you mean, he isn't Jaeuk?
He only resembles Jaeuk.
He isn't Jaeuk.
His name is Han Jiseop.
Han Jiseop?
Yes, Han Jiseop is my husband.
Which hospital?
Are you telling me that they're twins?
They aren't twins.
They just look alike.
But Miryeong,
why are you seeing that man? Why?
Because he's Jaeuk!
what did Yeorim... I mean,
what is Miryeong saying?
Haerim. Stop lying to him and tell him the truth.
Don't make me an accomplice and
tell him the truth!
Jin Haerim!
She's right.
The man in the photo...
Is Jaeuk.
The real Kang Jaeuk.
I have no idea what you two are talking about.
Then are you saying Gangin Group's vice chairman
is not the real Jaeuk?
The vice chairman...
Is Han Jiseop.
Please forgive me.
I had no choice.
I had to play along
to what mother had done.
Jaeuk's mother?
She switched Jiseop, Jaeuk's look-alike,
when Jaeuk was in a coma after the accident.
I prepared our wedding, not knowing who he was.
But not long ago, Jaeuk woke up.
He lost his memory completely.
I went to see him to help him get his memory back.
What are you two saying?
I'm sorry, dad.
I only found out recently.
So, all of this
is Jaeuk's mother's doing?
Dad. Dad!
Aren't you grateful?
I didn't say I'm not his real daughter...
Are you insane?
You ruined everything.
We're all ruined because of you.
How dare you put the blame on me?
Should I tell your dad that I'm his fake daughter too?
Then you're dead too.
That's right! Let's put an end to this!
- Hey. / - Hey.
Let go! Let go while I'm being nice!
Do you think you can take me on?
He suffered a minor concussion when he fell.
We'd like to monitor him but
he should be able to go home tomorrow.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
why are you lying there?
How long will you do this?
Why do you keep doing this to me?
How did it go?
How much did your father find out?
He found out everything.
It's all over.
He knows that you are Jiseop
and not Jaeuk. He knows everything.
let me make this clear.
I'll marry you but I will never love you.
I know I can't and I will never do so.
I'll make you regret choosing me
for the rest of your life.
Keep barking.
Go on.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Just die, you mama's boy scumbag!
Jin Haerim.
Why are you opening Pandora's box now?
After all I did to get here...
How could you?
(The Secret of My Love)
How dare you deceive me?
This was your fault.
Did Jiseop get his memory back?
Why do you care whether my husband
got his memory back?
You're not thinking of doing anything bad, are you?
Jiseop knows too many secrets
for me to keep him around.
I love you, Haerim. You're all I have now.
Don't take a single step away from me again.
I won't lose you this time.
Jaeuk, did you get your memory back?
Who are you?
SW_ hur man tar bort svart kant från youtube video bildförhållande - Duration: 2:55.
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Pro Pac Ultimates - сухой корм для котов Про Пак обзор от pethouse.ua - Duration: 1:24.
How To Getting Pregnant Fast | Best Position To Get Pregnant Easily - Duration: 3:34.
How To Getting Pregnant Fast | Best Position To Get Pregnant Easily
정신을 시험하는 10가지 수수께끼, 풀 수 있는가?|HYA TV - Duration: 9:46.
Beer tasting # 171 - Belgian beer Weldebrouck Tripel! Exclusive! 18+ - Duration: 6:38.
Hello friends! Today again I present to your attention
the beer from the heading "Directly from Belgium"
from the micro-brewery Brouwerij Weldebrouck
At the beginning of the last century, the city of Willebroek
numbered more than a dozen breweries.
But somehow they did not work out and they all went into oblivion.
Weldebrouck is a microbrewery located in the Willebrook
of Antwerpen province.
It is quite young and it's first beer,
and this is Weldebrouck Tripel,
which I tasted, introduced May 10, 2014.
As the creators say - here only the best varieties of hops are used,
the secret ingredient gives a light touch in the fragrant aftertaste.
A unique combination of strains of brewer's yeast creates
an incomparable aroma!
Well, of course, would any of the creators be hating their offspring?
Brewer Luc Piessens says:
"Een oude trots herleeft! "The old pride is being revived!"
"In my childhood, I heard stories about all these glorious beers of our region.
People were ready to pay any money to try them again. "
And, having a biochemistry diploma,
Luke decided that it was finally time to revive the beer culture of the region.
With such a noble idea,
the Brouwerij Weldebrouck was founded.
Weldebrouck Tripel is a top fermentation beer with
repeated fermentation in a bottle.
About Belgian triples, I have already
told more than once, and not once it's were guests
on my tastings.
In addition, this is one of my favorite beer styles.
I look forward to meeting with the former pride.
Alcohol content - 8.5%
Composition is not specified.
The recommended flow temperature is 8 degrees Celsius.
Bottle capacity 0.33, dark glass.
Cover without logo.
On the front label is an old black and white
panoramic photo
most likely it's the city of Willebroek
From this label takes some sort of vintage appearance.
Also here the name of the variety, the inscription
"Belgian premium ale",
the logo of the brewery, the mention that the
secondary fermentation technology was used in the bottle,
the alcohol content,
the recommended temperature of the feed,
the link to the brewery's website and its address,
the bottle capacity,
by the way the whole 8 years - until 2025!
There is no countermarket.
Let's try this beer.
The brewery has a very interesting glass.
The glass is like wine.
It has the inscription "Weldebrouck".
A glass on a thin high leg.
The glass is very status and beautiful.
Beer is golden orange,
With the carbonization of medium activity.
With a rather high white foam hat.
When the foam settles, "Belgian laces" are formed.
Look at how it looks in the glass.
And we will try.
In the aroma, classic Belgian yeast esters,
introducing notes of fruits and spices,
reminiscent of citrus and floral associations
with notes of pepper, cloves and coriander,
honey nuances.
Taste: soft, creamy,
based on the sweetness of the interweaving
of malt blends and fruit esters,
spices come into opposition with notes of coriander,
cloves, white pepper,
yeast sourness tones the taste,
light hop bitterness fits well into the balance,
disguised and almost identical with spices.
The body is smooth, medium-dense -
it is a pity that there is no information
on the initial density of the wort,
but it seems to me insufficient.
Alcohol insidiously hides under the mask
of this flavor ensemble
Alcohol is already waiting for its moment.
Aftertaste lasts easy peppery bitterness,
ceasing malty sweetness,
gradually leaving in dryness.
By the way, the beer is rather dry.
I sum up: something I got carried away, captivated
by the taste of one of my favorite beer styles.
This is my mood today.
No, this triple is not perfect,
but with excellent potential.
it is quite smooth, fragrant and spicy.
Malt sweetness is very low-key.
I highly recommend all fans of this style of beer.
The beer came to me thanks to the Belg-Bier-Tour project,
links to which, as well as today's brewery, will be below the video.
And on this I have everything. Drink the right beer,
subscribe to my channel,
join my group in VK,
link below,
leave comments, put likes,
make outposts.
It will be interesting. Bye, bye, friends!
프로듀스 101 시즌2 장문복 뷔 친분 키 사연|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 6:03.
이유리 남편 조계현 목사 나이차이 비화|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 4:42.
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Dino Train Nursery Rhymes For Children | Baa Baa Black Sheep | Dinosaur Kids Songs | BabyToonz Kids
Baa Baa Black Sheep
এই মাত্র পাওয়াঃ দেখুন ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট সংবাদ - 26 December 2017 | Bangla News | Bangla tv News - Duration: 27:30.
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CGI Animated Short Film: "Pandore Short Film" by Pandore Team - Duration: 4:43.
In the beginning reigned Peace and Harmony.
The heavenly cities drifted in the Aether
For centuries Zeus, master of Olympus, watched over the well-being of his people.
But one day, 10 plagues were spread in this ideal universe, which was the source of starvation, plague, and death.
Zeus could not remain insensitive to the distress of his subjects.
For 100 days and 100 nights
the God of the gods fought the calamities that ravaged the suffering humanity
At the end of this fierce struggle, Héphaïstos the blacksmith of Olympus,
locked them in a box he had made.
the 10 plagues now rest in this sealed prison
They are neutralized but their malicious powers remain intact.
They wait...
Eris : Pandore, we .. we should not be here. We do not have the right.
Pandore : Phew .. my poor Eris, what can you do without?
Eris : If your father sees us?
Pandore : Do not worry, he will not see us.
Pandore : and I too want to know what he will offer me for my birthday.
Pandore : I bet you that has a new music box.
Pandore : He knows I love it.
Pandore : Look
Pandore : It's up to my mother, this is ... aaah!
Eris : My gosh, it's not true, but you can't keep quiet more than 5 minutes ?!
Eris : Stop gesticulating you look like a kid.
Pandore : Oh let me see, it's sure it's my gift.
Eris : But no it's too ugly.
Pandore : I do not think it was for me that.
Pandore : But what was it?
Pandore : Eris!
Wow! Yamaha MT-15 new model 2018 launched in indonesia | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:45.
Best Romantic Movies | The Deserted Valley | 7.3 IMDb | English & Spanish Subtitles - Duration: 1:26:27.
Move last element to front of a given Linked List | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 6:30.
డా.కోమండూరి వెంకటకృష్ణ గారి సంగీతప్రయాణం | Kala Ravali | Dr Komanduri Venkata Krishna | Violin Music - Duration: 21:13.
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Cure swollen pimples with rice plants - Duration: 4:11.
Health Network, For Public Health
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Cure swollen pimples with rice plants
According to Oriental medicine, the whole plant of rice is used as medicine, bark of spicy rice, calculated average, has the benefit of low thermal energy, blood red blood cells, and so on.
Flower plants are very familiar to our people, also known as carpenters, neck flowers, flowers, and so on.
Plants up to 15m high or tall, sprouting up with conical spines, double propeller leaves, with 5 to 8 spotted or ovate leaves, about 9 to 15 cm long, 4 to 5 cm wide.
Parts of plants such as flowers, bark and roots, can be used as medicines.
According to Oriental medicine, the whole plant of rice is used as medicine, bark of spicy rice, calculated average, has the benefit of low thermal energy, blood red blood cells, and so on.
Sweet rice, cool, has the benefit of low heat stick, blood poisoning detoxification, sweet rice roots, cool features, low heat stick effect, blood only, and so on.
Rice flower.
Here, the Health Network would like to introduce:Some experienced medicine:
Lesson 1:Relieve body fatigue due to heavy labor:500g rice, 500g squash, small starlets, yellow starch, sharp with 2 liters of water, to light fire 800ml
Divide 4 times, drink the day, drink before meals 30 minutes.
Lesson 2:Relieve back pain and chronic knee pain:60g rice root, rinse, put in warm water poured 500ml, watercolor 250ml water, divide 2 times a day, use immediately 10 days.
Lesson 3:Swelling of the trauma:The trunk of the stem or root of the rice plant soaked in wine, or rubbed to the position of injury.
Can use the bark of rice 100g.
Cover the rice, remove the crust, chopped, crushed, use vinegar and wine for the star, then apply or cover the wound while hot.
Rice flower.
Lesson 4:Cure sprains:Rice casing, cleansed leaves, cleansed, wounded, 2 times.
Or bark of 16g rice, remove the outer shell, wine, leaves 16g, yellow star, sharp with 750ml water, boil 250ml of fire, drink 2 times a day, drink 3 days.
Lesson 5:cough cough with phlegm heat:rice 15g, lettuce fish 15g, 10g bouquet of flowers, sharp with 750ml of water, boil 250ml of fire, divided drink twice a day, use immediately 5 days.
Lesson 6:Cure digestive disorders eat cold food:rice 30g, wash poured 550ml of fire, 200ml color, divided into 3 times a day.
Use immediately 5 days.
Or flower 15g, honeysuckle 15g, phoenix flower, seaweed 15g, washed 550ml water poured, boiled fire 200ml, divided into 3 times a day.
Lesson 7:Relieve toothache:Root of rice 20g thick, suck many times a day.
Lesson 8:Cure swollen pimples:Take freshly cut flowers, pounding, where the pimples are swollen.
On 1 to 2 times, the pain will be gone, soon.
Health:Huu Duc.
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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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