Yo! Here's the plan, I'm gonna be reading and you're going to be imitating me to
improve your pronunciation. then we take little pauses and that's where I explain
the grammar and vocabulary. that way you don't have to look at the dictionary, you
can just enjoy the book! what's the book? well dude, it's the Metamorphosis! it's
part 9, Gregor is about to get out of the room. shit is about to hit the fan! if you
are a patron after this video you will get the review video, so more examples
for the vocabulary and the grammar. as well, there's this new extra vocab video
talking about regional vocabulary, continuing the topic from yesterday, this
video! talking about the regions and accents of the United States. to really
really benefit from these videos, remember click the three dots and then
open transcript. it'll be like you're reading the book with me! so I think
we're ready. let's go back and see how Gregor is doin'!
Gregor slowly pushed his way over to the door with the chair. once there, he let go
of it and threw himself onto the door. holding himself upright against it,
using the adhesive on the tips of his legs. he rested there a little while to
recover from the effort involved and then set himself to the task of turning
the key in the lock with his mouth. he seemed unfortunately to have no proper
teeth. how was he then to grasp the key, but the
lack of teeth was of course made up for with a very strong jaw. using the jaw he
really was able to start the key turning, ignoring the fact that he must have been
causing some kind of damage as a brown fluid came from his mouth, flowed over
the key and dripped onto the floor. "listen– listen!" said the chief clerk in
the next room. "he's turning the key!" Gregor was greatly encouraged by this,
but they all should have been calling to him, his father and his mother, too, "well
done, Gregor!" they should have cried "keep at it! keep hold of the lock" and with the
idea that they were all excitedly following his efforts, he bit on the key
with all his strength, paying no attention to the pain he was causing
himself. as the key turned round he turned around the lock with it. only
holding himself upright with his mouth. and hung onto the key, or pushed it down
again with the whole weight of his body as needed. the clear sound of the lock as
it snapped back was Gregor's sign that he could break his concentration, and as
he regained his breath, he said to himself, "so I didn't need the locksmith
after all". then he lay his head on the handle of the door to open it completely.
oh boy! Gregor is out of the room hallelujah!
before we celebrate, let's review some of the vocabulary here. an adhesive is
something sticky. if something is adhesive it is just sticky. you know like
tape. so Gregor's buggy little legs are adhesive, it means that they stick to
things, they cling. he sets himself to a task. to set yourself to a task means to
start doing a task. this is just a common expression, to set yourself to a task.
this is your jaw, a more formal term for this is your mandible.
but we don't use that in common English. so he's using his jaw to open that door,
good job Gregor! but when he did this, he started dripping a brown fluid *ugh* if
something is dripping it is shedding, or dropping little particles, little
droplets of water. think of a leaky faucet. it drips water. drip drip drip. and
you probably know this word and you use it, but look at the spelling here, because
it makes it look a little more confusing, but it's just WEIGHT. so it sounds exactly
the same as the verb TO WAIT. but it's spelled differently.
Weight. the weight of your body, how much you weigh. so oh my god, I think Gregor is
like outside of the room. let's go take a look. because he had to open the door in
this way, it was already wide open before he could be seen. he had first to slowly
turn himself around one of the double doors, and he had to do it very carefully
if he did not want to fall flat on his back before entering the room. he was
still occupied with this difficult movement, unable to pay attention to
anything else when he heard the chief clerk exclaim a loud "OH"
which sounded like the soughing of the wind. now he also saw him, he was the
nearest to the door, his hand pressed against his open mouth and slowly
retreating as if driven by a steady and invisible force. Gregor's mother, her hair
still disheveled from bed despite the chief clerk's being there, looked at his
father. then she unfolded her arms took two steps forward towards Gregor and
sank down onto the floor into her skirts that spread themselves out around her as
her head disappeared down unto her breast. his father looked hostile and
clenched his fist as if wanting to knock Gregor back into his room. then he looked
uncertainly around the living room, covered his eyes with his hands and wept
so that his powerful chest shook. geez Louise. everybody knows now that Gregor
is a bug! some good vocabulary here, and also some words that we don't use! let's
take a look. to sough, this means to sigh or to make a moaning sound.
this is not common at all! ignore this word . if something is invisible it means you
cannot see it, and for his mother there seems to be this invisible force causing
her down onto the ground. her hair is disheveled, if something is disheveled it
means untidy, very messy, unorganized. which is surprising for Gregor, because
he thinks that she would be well dressed for the clerk. then he describes his
father who looks hostile. if someone looks hostile it means they look angry,
aggressive. which is a rational reaction when your son has turned into a bug. and
he clenches his fist. to clench your fists means to make a fist, but to hold it
very tight. usually because of anger. okay we will do one more paragraph, so Gregor
did not go into the room, but leaned against the inside of the other door
which was still held bolted in place. in this way only half of his body could be
seen along with his head above it, which he leaned over to one side as he peered
out at the others. meanwhile, the day had become much lighter part of the endless
gray black building on the other side of the street, which was a hospital, could be
seen quite clearly with the austere and regular line of windows piercing its
facade. the rain was still falling, now throwing down large individual droplets
which hit the ground one at a time. the washing up from breakfast lay on the
table. there was so much of it, because for Gregor's father breakfast was the
most important meal of the day, and he would stretch it out for several hours
as he sat reading a number of different newspapers. on the wall exactly opposite
there was a photograph of Gregor when he was lieutenant in the Army. his sword in
his hand and a carefree smile on his face as he called forth respect for his
uniform and bearing. the door to the entrance hall was open and as the front
door of the flat was also open, he could see onto the landing and the stairs
where they began their way down below. Phoo! freedom for Gregor but a scared
family. let's do a quick review! Gregor leaned. to lean is to put some of your
weight onto something else to support you, to prop you up. so his big bug body
is leaning against the door to help him up, to prop him up. the door is bolted in
place. a bolt here is like a screw. you bolt it through the door so that you can
open it. it goes through the hinges. the hinges connect the door to the doorframe.
to peer means to look over, or out, through something. you can peer through a
window, or– or I can peer over this microphone. if a thing is austere it
means it's just very simple, bare. a facade is the front of a building. and
the picture that they're looking at shows Gregor in the past, very
carefree. not like today. if you're carefree it means you're not worried
about anything, you feel happy and there's nothing on your mind.
nothing worrisome, unlike today! listen up dudes if you want to continue practicing
by yourselves to reach fluency faster, listen to the podcast. under this video
you can get books, audiobooks a lot of other free stuff to help you. and
remember to visit the For Your English websites to get a lot of great articles
and explanations to go with the videos. besides that, dudios, put your comments
and questions in the comments box and I will respond ASAP! For Your English is
brought you by amazing patrons like Norah! no, for real though! thanks dudes!
and Norah keep it up, being super serious with all of your studies! did you stick
around? well that's good to know! because I have one more tip. this word, photograph.
photograph. the stress is in a different place than this word, photographer.
photographer. photograph. and photography. photography. photographer. photograph. you
got it?
For more infomation >> Metamorphosis | 1.9 | How to Improve Your English by Reading - Duration: 9:15.-------------------------------------------
How to get rid of warts that can be done at home | Natural Health - Duration: 3:05.
Molly's Game Movie Review - Duration: 6:55.
When it comes to Molly's Game
the only real problem with the movie
is that Jessica Chastain is smack in the center of it.
NASA의 중계 영상에 "거대한 우주 새" 포착! 즉시 방송 중단... - Duration: 5:40.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of MINNESOTA – She Was Just Found STABBED 14 TIMES! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 5:11.
Minnesota is rapidly becoming a Sharia Swamp thanks to the liberal politicians who keep
allowing Somali Muslims to invade the city at an alarming rate.
Over the summer, the nation was left in shock and horror after a Somali Muslim cop gunned
down white woman Justine Damond in cold blood after she called 911 to report a crime in
her neighborhood.
Now another unthinkable crime has been taken out in an eerily similar manner by another
Somali Muslim in Minnesota, and the propaganda arm of mainstream media is already kicked
into high gear to bury the violent story.
Ever since Justine Damond was gunned down in cold blood, the local Somali Muslim community
have grown excessively cocky, realizing that they can pretty much do whatever the hell
they want.
They Somali Muslim populace has been out in full force tormenting locals, where white
women are constantly threatened with rape and violence.
Now another American woman horrifically attacked after the brutal near-death assault she endured
at the hands of the very same Muslims that liberals are so hell-bent on protecting.
WND reported:
Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis on the evening of Dec. 13 when
a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled her and repeatedly thrust a
3-4-inch blade into her flailing body.
The 26-year-old computer-store clerk frantically fought back, kicking, scratching and screaming
for help.
At some point, neighbors heard her screams and came to her aid.
Her attacker – described as a Somali man in his early 20s, about 5-foot-7 with a slight
build and wearing grey stone-washed jeans – fled.
Evenson was left bleeding on the curb with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck and back.
Her kidney was lacerated.
She was lucky to survive.
It happened while she was walking home from the Apple Store, where she worked, about eight
blocks away from her apartment.
That's when the man attacked her for no apparent reason.
Police, who have not made any arrests in the case, are calling it a botched robbery.
Evenson told KSTP she struggled with her attacker at the corner of 32nd Street and Fremont Avenue
and she considers herself lucky to be alive.
"It was horrifying, because I could feel something that felt like it was stinging me,
but it was him stabbing me," she said.
"Doctor's told me I had 14 wounds that needed stitches, including a lacerated kidney."
Evenson told KSTP her main concern now is getting better and helping police find whoever
did this so he cannot do it again.
"I cannot imagine anyone attacking someone like that and as a woman it is especially
frightening, but I knew I had to fight back and I want him to know I am OK and that he
will be caught," Evenson said.
Police have called the case unusual for the level of brutality just to get a woman's
purse, leading some to wonder if the assailant didn't want more than just a purse.
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the city's largest newspaper, has been AWOL on the story.
The newspaper's on-duty news editor, Maria Reeve, did not return WND's calls Tuesday
to inquire about why it went dark on such a brutal, unprovoked attack on a defenseless,
unarmed woman walking home from work.Other media, such as the Southwest Journal, have
reported on the crime but left out the assailant's full description as a Somali migrant.
The Sharia Swamp that Minneapolis has been transformed into falls directly on the shoulders
of the city's Muslim-loving mayor, Betsy Hodges.
Following the death of white woman Justice Damond, who was killed by the very same Muslim
police officer that Hodges fast-tracked through the police academy, the Islam-pandering woman
has been on a war path against the local community.
She recently set up an anti-blasphemy hotline in her city so the Somali migrants could call
and report on anyone who "harassed" them or spoke negatively about Islam.
What's equally disturbing is that Minneapolis is becoming a hotbed for human trafficking.
Hundreds of women and children are disappearing off the streets at an alarming rate, with
74 abduction cases just this year, leaving the FBI and local authorities completely frazzled.
One man's eerie warning about the human trafficking epidemic went insanely viral last
month, garnering over 17 million views, after his wife and daughter were nearly abducted
at a local Minneapolis Target parking lot.
Nahar Ali says he frequently sees vehicles mysteriously parked at the back of dark parking
lots, where this pack of human traffickers go around town scouting for people to abduct.
It's absolutely sickening what's going on right underneath our noses as liberals
keep advocating to bring more of these third world country savages in, as the startling
love affair between the left and radical Islam continues.
Muslim migrants continue to prove to us that they have no intentions of assimilating into
western society, and with these anti-American morons flooding cities at an unprecedented
rate, attacks on "infidels" will sadly become the new normal in places like Minneapolis.
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