This video includes lyrics on the screen
For more infomation >> Nightcore - Praying [Male Version] - Lyrics - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Angela Merkel: ist ein Problem, das die Union lösen muss" - Duration: 4:30.
I KNEW IT WAS THE CAT! Let's play world of final fantasy part 21 - Duration: 24:03.
I knew it was the cat. It knew it from the beginning.
Yo, what's up guys and welcome back to world of final fantasy.
so last time we arrived at this city and also defeated an ice wolf. There's also a "seal" around that city so...
there should be a strong mirage.
alright so we can't go this way.
actually.. what's that?
Find the architect inside you! For 15 years the job architect is the job dream number 1 in the whole land. Inside of this book you can find everything you have to know about the job so you can also become an architect! The must read lecture for everyone that wants to make to world a better place!
Everything's beginning is the rank of citizen! To become an architect you must be a citizen that is member of the federation to higher your rank. This can be archived by different ways:
get anything attic or the bed I've landed on everything today
so basically they say the more you work for them the higher you're chance is to get a higher rank.. and that's pretty much it.
he doesn't say anything, that one neither.. but we can't pass. why not?
so where exactly do we have to go?
well I'll go back and buy some of those phoenix dawn we used in the last part.
cause that wasn't too great
I think we used 3 phoenix dawn and 1 mega phoenix. like I said that wasn't too great... and our heal potion are gone as well.
I mean we still got some super potions but we shouldn't risk it.
mh.. we got 3600 in total. so let's buy 3 phoenix dawn and 6 heal potions. right.
we should be good with that. she got nothing new as well. alright than.
mh? what does she have there on her head? some kind of candel?
oh so that was an eather. easy!
alright let's head back to the city. or should I ... na let's not go to that door yet.
I think it's still too difficult for me.
But I mean there has to be a way. I mean we got out but.. oh we can just go down there.
But I'd love to take that chest over there.
whoa what happened at this place? I know how could it be so different from the next road over?
you know from the sound of it they must have joined up with the Federation
pretty recently I think now I'm starting to see what kinds of Sarah meant well
for now why don't we see if we can go talk to that vain guy about the League
of S I'm probably wasting my breath but try to watch what you say around here
uhm.. sure
but before we go there... oh, cutscene... alright, I just thought they go upstairs and won't let me check if there are any chest in this area.
I bet there won't be any but a look doesn't hurt.
there's always a possibility.
up there is a chest. I told you there will be one.
No it's not bad I would say. (also the damn agnés voice again xD)
I don't know he has grayish hairs on the picture but outside of it they seem blue. oh well..
can I jump over that? nope. Can't even do anything with that bell. ok than.. is something up here? nope, absolutely nothing.
Alright than, so now we can go to that castle.
But I'll get the bigger characters now before they tell me I have to fight.
here you're giving you trouble I already told them that the vain is my
uncle I'm not allowed to talk to my own flesh and blood now? I don't care who
you're supposed to be cuz you ain't seeing him! dude, what? well you see sir we
are here to meet the vain on behalf of princess Sarah of Cornelia have a look
for yourselves that's the cornelian seal what now? I
expected better from you considering you're practically our
neighbors. yeah you tell em reynn. cornelia got giants as emissaries?
I got some kind of royal Cornelia thing. what? you sure? it's me you're gonna
send a packet and take the risk wait here I'll go check his nature
hahaha now they are scared.
wasn't a lie we were all heading in more or less the same direction
rekt. (and the translation? "who's davis?" xD)
you must be the giant emissaries from Cornelia
oh uh yes. we're here to..
I hear the Federation finally gave up and just invaded them are you telling me
the invasion failed are you here to ask for my help yes they did try to invade
but for the moment... who are you? hmm why refia is that you? who are you? my
dear please it's me your uncle... NO! you are not uncle taka. wait sorry what
than I was right. if you've managed to see through this facade then there's no
mistake. you are a medium. yes I was wise to make sure you left town and to ensure
that you never returned. where's uncle taka? why he's standing right in front of you.
make no mistake little girl, this is your uncle. what are you? how intriguing.
this must be an act of fate. the Giants from the hills here and with them a
champions medium. and not just any medium. one that bleeds
the same blood is this body. it's more than fate it has to be destiny.
How can I not rise to it?
that answers that. he's the one who put up the threshold here.
He's possessed by the power of darknes xD
well he's nothing like the ones we've fought so far. be careful.
what the fuck was that?
that was really bad for me.
oh wow...
as long he doesn't do that high- jump kick attack again it'll be alright.
woah woah woah what happens now?
oh wow...
oh that looks pretty bad for me.
but he didn't ....
oh god...
let's heal reynn first.
I don't care if we disappoint him (searching for the german word right now xD)
that's not good... (times 2)
yeah okay he lost now.
nevermind that...
he doesn't have any weaknesses
what? how did tama die? by poison? (yup)
urgh tama doesn't get any exp. that's some bullshit...
you are a fool just so much as inquire an imbecile be I believe you let a
medium to champion okay
away from death away from lifeness
contained as body katsu it's worthless body cuts that phenom from younger
IT WAS THE CAT! (she said quick this way)
I knew it was the cat from the very beginning.
the gods would caution us this is and that will not go unchallenged that
there's no way to know the pieces are in life that was too close
sherlotta thank you.
I just knew you would get yourselves in trouble and boy did you prove me right
oh uh what do you call that creepy trick and there is e1 here unbelievable
animagus (from harry potter, people can transform to animals)
would you just put these on then take another look at the town huh what the honk?
is that coming out of the sky "let the me, I wanna have the turn" "hey refia you shoulda have the look too" how do you explain this? Don't expet any help explaining this don't expect any help
for me on that one after all not even the visitor who left those monocles at
my inn could tell me exactly what it's showing us or how. from what I was told
every member state in the Federation is trussed up like this so I thought I'd
bring the lenses here but maybe I didn't have to the same was physically crazy
what in grimoire is going on
okay guess we'll find that when I'm there no one knows so what do we do we
came here to ask about the League of S but all we found was a lot more
questions sorry did you say the league of S that's right
now it's those two, watch it.
oh if that's all it is then maybe I can help you out
you can? oh sure I know a few people right here in sironia who should be able
to get in touch with the league I'll ask them to pass on your message. Do you mean it? thank you
sherlota has been around a lot older than she looks so she knows alot of people. isn't that great don't you talk
about my age so like what's with you and the cat amorphousness that is a very long
story that I don't feel like telling but I will say this
cats get around. huh? yup! oh that's cool. yup! so the real question is what are you two
planning to bite off next you've still got a lot to puzzle over but now that
the League of best thing is settled I think we'd better resume our quest to
find mirages yeah plus we've got that castle and mom to track down along the
way, too. - sounds pretty good to me. From here the best place to go next what have to
be the low seas in which case you basically have no choice but to find
a boat down to the docks I guess this is the last town on the continent okay then
we'll figure something out so what about you two
are you coming back to the solids refia? the wolves have been taken care of
now so the only thing to fight off is the cold. sure
I need some time to digest this business of uncle taka the solids sound great if
you'll have me. of course I will well you too
thank you so much for everything that's good luck in all your adventures Thanks
take care. hey sherlota (translated "feijoada" xD) thanks for stepping in to help
sure speaking of stepping in the end I don't suppose we're planning to make it
up to me for trounsing on my tail huh Oh so that really was you I wish I was kind
of hoping you forget.
yup I want to save.
Oh so I now have refia's symbol. let's see if I can summon her like those other people I am supposed to be able to summon while in battle.
that would be cool.
but why do they always have something to let my stack fall apart? that's so dumb.
I mean besides that stack breaker he was pretty much useless.
oh shit one piece (the first accurate translation xD)
so let's see refia said to borrow a boat at the docks and head to the low
seas. well then why don't we try asking around town and see if anyone's running
the mouth
alright then. how long did the part go.... oh so I'd end the part right here. Hope you've enjoyed and until the next part... I mean hope you'll be there next time! :)
5가지 오이 디톡스 스무디|HYA TV - Duration: 11:40.
Cashless Society 'IF' We need money? - Duration: 10:15.
Hello welcome to If Videos on society, politics and people
We post new content every week hit that subscribe so you never miss a video again.
Cash, wonger, greenbacks, denaro, wedge and Benjamin's
Money is known many names It's something we all know about
Some have too much and others too little and for some it's considered the root of all
evil But what if it was to go away?
In a world of ever increasing digital currencies, and the surge in their popularity.
We ask what a cashless future may look like, and what implications it may have.
Would it be the paradise of Star Trek, everyone working for the betterment of humanity rather
than personal gain or could it be a completely controlled hell?
Devoid of equality and freedom?
Money in one form or another has been with us since the dawn of civilization.
It has come in my shapes and forms.
The Chinese used bronze to trade in 1100BC The modern idea of money in the form of coins
has been with us since the time of Rome.
Early metal money came in varying forms it was often made from precious metals and used
in conjunction with the barter system.
The first known true currency was created by King Alyattes in Lydia, now part of Turkey,
in 600BC.
The use of paper as currency began in China and was carried to the West by Marco polo.
Paper money started out as simple I owe you written notes on which the person carrying
this paper was promised an amount of something in exchange.
This practice really took hold during the time of the crusades.
The Knights Templar would furnish travelers with these early credit notes.
The traveler could then cash them in when arriving at another Temple stronghold at their
This practice led to much of the great wealth acquired by the Templars and we can still
see its, and their influence today in the old capital of the Templar empire The City
of London.
The City of London is a city and county that contains the historic center and the primary
central business district of London.
It is separate to London and holds a lot power even today.
It has been a den of secrets for hundreds of year and maybe worth a look into with another
if you would be interested seeing that Let me know in the comment below?
So back to cash.
Money did not stop evolving and the introduction of the first digital currency came with the
creation of credit cards 1946.
John Biggins pioneered this idea with Charg-It card.
This was a real turning point in the history of money for the first time people trusted
in 0 and 1's instead of gold silver and paper promises.
1999 saw the first mobile banking introduced this in conjunction with the release of the
first smart phones.
Today 81% of people use their phones to bank and this figure grows year on year.
Digital is here to stay.
In 2014 things really blew up.
Contactless payment had been with the world since 2008 but as smartphone technology grew
more secure more and more people adapted to this payment.
The idea of money being a form data had taken hold.
The rise of cryptocurrencies at this time also helping to cement the idea in people's
Now Money is created traded and exchanged all the time with no physical presence except
the device it is being transmitted from.
So we all see the positives of this new way of handling money.
Its convenience, no need to carry around bulky cash less chance of having it stolen the fact
that it is an even medium of exchange etc, it would seem the world has embraced these
new methods.
So are there any downsides?
Some experts have reported their fears of the world becoming a two-tier urban system,
in this system those with the lowest incomes could become separated from the mainstream
digital commercial infrastructure due to their dependency on traditional forms of currency.
This due to the not being able to afford to purchase the relative technologies they would
need to keep up with the pace of development.
This could cause splits in society as areas divide along the lines of the currency they
The development of smart cities with the latest and greatest devices at everyone's disposal
and a second class using only cash.
The next problem is the power and control this may afford the creators of these currency.
As the old saying goes "he who controls the money controls the world"
our current technological snooping prowess and the ease of which big data manipulation
can occur could lead to speculation and manipulation of currency values, something we have seen
recently with cryptocurrencies employing the old pump and dump strategy .
Algorithms have been created to monitor suspicious activity but could this morph into a day when
the health records of an overweight person would lead to a situation in which they find
that any sugary drink purchases they make are declined.
And the line MAY not stop at diet.
What about the media we consume could ideas that do not conform be shunned and blacklisted,
purchases banned by the currency providers?
The government also has a huge stake in a cashless society.
We see politics and big business becoming ever more interconnected, could we see this
relationship between business and government change into a system of totalitarian control.
The government allowing the companies free reign as long as the data is shared and the
algorithm works to support government narrative.
The U.S. government has used similar methods to limit the freedom of its citizens before.
They made it increasingly difficult for companies to operate or individuals to transact by adding
compliance hurdles for banks wishing to deal with certain clients.
They did this by making it too expensive to deal with certain clients, this sending the
signal that banks should not deal with this client type, the government can then keep
that company or person out of the banking system.
In a cashless world you would become a persona non grata.
That thought is scary, very 1984 Orwellian control.
However it could be the tip of the iceberg.
If you are found to be subversive or hold views or a lifestyle that counters Government
could they 'with a push of a button' delete your finances?
What could you do?
And this raises another issue what about those that are experiencing hard times, homeless
destitute people often survive through begging.
How could they beg for a digital currency?
This problem has begun to rear its head today, In Amsterdam, homeless people selling street
magazine Z!, the Dutch equivalent of The Big Issue, struggle to find customers still using
Trialed card payments by giving a dozen of the city's vendor's iZettle readers back
in 2013, but the method was deemed too cumbersome.
With the likes of Bitcoin showing no signs of slowing in popularity some may argue that
they are antidote to this scenario, the problem is that they need connectivity.
This connectivity could become subject to monitoring, control of bitcoin coming via
meta-data and behavioral analysis.
We should be careful of this drive towards cashless living, it is being pushed as a great
freedom and a convenient method of transaction but could be a means to our enslavement.
If a dystopian future awaits us is uncertain, there is the real fear that governments may
find the power irresistible.
The controlling of the everyday behavior of their citizens simply because they can or
because of some perceived outside threat.
If we move into this world and say good bye to cash could we ever get the freedom it affords
us back?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
If you enjoyed this video please give it a share
If you're a fan of a cash hit the like button, Remember to hit the red button and ring the
bell to get alerts when a new video is posted Thanks for watching
Until next time.
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Trump's most explosive tweets of 2017 - Duration: 2:35.
Trump's most explosive tweets of 2017
Donald Trump is the first president to govern by Twitter.
And during his first year in office, he's used the social media platform to announce
new policies, pressure wavering lawmakers, battle the media, rally support for his agenda
and otherwise steer the national conversation.
Despite lacking the official gravitas of a formal speech, these messages are taken seriously.
Earlier this year, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Trump�s tweets
�are considered official statements by the president of the United States.�
The forum, though, has come with pitfalls for the quick-to-type president who's seemingly
feuding with the media and Democrats on a daily basis.
Here is a list of the most explosive Trump tweets of 2017:
Wire-tapped in Trump Tower?
Trump caused an uproar in March over a tweet suggesting former President Barack Obama wire-tapped
Trump Tower during the election.
Just found out that Obama had my �wires tapped� in Trump Tower just before the victory.
Nothing found.
This is McCarthyism!� Trump tweeted March 4.
Later that day, he added: �Is it legal for a sitting President to be �wire tapping�
a race for president prior to an election?
Turned down by court earlier.
A NEW LOW!� �How low has President Obama gone to tapp
my phones during the very sacred election process.
This is Nixon/ Watergate.
Bad (or sick) guy!� Trump tweeted that same morning.
Trump never produced evidence to support his claims, and a spokesman for Obama denied its
accuracy -- though CNN reported that Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was wiretapped
before and after the election.
In September, the Justice Department also made a statement in a Freedom of Information
Act lawsuit that they had no evidence to support Trump�s claim.
�Enemy of the American people�
President Trump has been battling the media all year, regularly calling them the �FAKE
NEWS� as he seeks to undermine their credibility.
Some journalists claim Trump's rhetoric has gone too far.
This one, in particular, struck a nerve with the media:
�The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy,
it is the enemy of the American People!� Trump tweeted on Feb. 17.
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