welcome back to crypto Lent Merry Christmas hope you had a
phenomenal time during Christmas I know this is after Christmas but today I want
to talk about security and something that that was really fucked up to happen
to me personally and now today I got a comment from Achmed need your help guys
I've lost all the data on my phone including the Authenticator code how can
I get a new one I cannot login to finance anymore please
help me out same happen with ripple because I lost my Authenticator code
funny thing is same happen to me I got a my phone my phone is being fixed
now it's in the store I got a phone like a replacement phone for the time being
but I I backed off my phone forgot to back up my Google
Authenticator so same happen to me brother were in this together really
quick what you need to do to get fastest there are really two things there's an
app called on Google Authenticator I think you're referring to that one
there's also an app called of--they it's focus is here authy and
the difference really is that I prefer authy by the way Google Authenticator
really hard to reset if you don't have your backup keys so if you have not lost
your Authenticator code yet and you don't have this key try to go into all
the accounts that you have your Google Authenticator set up as reset it make a
new one and write down on pen and paper the key because if you lose your phone
if it gets stolen if whatever happens to your phone you're fucked
basically or not really fucked because you can get it back but it's gonna save
you a ton of headache because you can do a couple of things you can go to finance
and then go to support and then just go from there if you have the Google
Authenticator you can go to and take a tour or to FA your Google Authenticator
to FA yeah how to reset Google Authenticator so basically what you have
to do is you have to go into all of the accounts again go through all the steps
sent your your passport cover identity card all the stuff that is written here
and then after that is done you cannot make it withdrawal
48 hours after this is done for obviously for security reasons but then
you can get it back is you know also with the other exchanges same thing
applies if you use bit tracks the same exact thing applies in my case I have
some accounts on Google authenticators Authenticator and the other one on
Aussie and Aussie this is why I like it an Aussie I can set a pin code it's
linked to my phone number and I can just reset it from there so I can send a
message to of--they and then the really cool thing that they do is they sent me
four SMS for text messages and four emails saying are you sure are you sure
are you sure so in case you get hacked you get four warnings and in this email
they basically say if this is not you you can cancel here click this link and
you can cancel that so you have four warnings and then it resets and you can
get you can get all your codes back so that saved me a ton of headache over
Christmas I still have some of them I have to get back to the exchange and fix
it myself that's gonna take me some time as well I
haven't made any video over Christmas because obviously you probably wouldn't
be even watching because you're spending time with family and stuff like that so
that was real quick what I wanted to share today tomorrow and talk
Tron a really cool project and I so stay tuned for that like subscribe and I see
you see you tomorrow until then stop settling and start living the corn life
For more infomation >> Google 2 Factor Authentication Lost Phone, WHAT TO DO?! - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Carpal tunnel syndrome | Relieve pain in carpal tunnel syndrome - 5 home remedies - Duration: 8:37.
Maite Kelly: Der Trennungs-Streit eskaliert! - Duration: 2:27.
호랑이 보다 무서운 곶감의 특별한 효능 모음 - Duration: 7:59.
Solomillo de Cerdo al Horno Relleno de Queso y Arándanos | Receta de Solomillo en Salsa - Duration: 7:12.
Hello everyone!
How are you?
Today I can not be happier because I bring recipe is delicious. I'm going
teach preparing a pork tenderloin Stuffed with Goat Cheese and Cranberries. Y
we will accompany with Chestnut Cream and although it may seem to you that it's a recipe
complicated, it is not at all. You'll see that paying a little attention and following
every step the result will be a plate exquisite.
Well, if you liked it all that I have cash and want to know how I have prepared,
Stay to watch the video.
And here are the list of ingredients we will need to prepare this steak
stuffed pork.
To begin with, when we go to buy the Sirloin, we will ask our butcher
we open it and we're ready to leave to fill it.
We already home and we will open it to spicing. And the filling and you will see that
It is very simple. We will put first a layer of bacon sliced. then he
we will place cheese medallions Goat (I bought a small goat cheese
and what I do is to waste the first part which is the bark) and then I cut
sliced and I'll Putting distributed over of the pieces of bacon.
Then I'm dealing as a teaspoon blueberry marmalade over each
piece of goat cheese.
And with this we would have stuffed sirloin ready. Now we will start rolling
pressing it well so that we are not out nothing and is well compact and cerradito.
Once we rolled we will salpimentar by the outer side.
Now it's bridle sirloin, for it we will help a piece of yarn or
rope. Let's start by first one double knot (so it does not slip) and then
let's go past the rope in this way. Let's pass below the tenderloin,
we press a little to make us look good closed and then left us no loose flesh,
and so we will continue bridling all tenderloin until we get to the part
down. Then we will pass also a rope lengthwise and back
again passing the rope in the same way than before. And although this is not the way
wherein a flange sirloin, because it is not It is the technique used, but as I was
hurry I decided to do it this way I took less time. Although not the best
Flanged world assure that meat apretadita was well that is what
Once ready it count him going to happen to a baking dish and you are going to book
because now we will make the sauce.
Let's cut the rest of the slices, which we have left over filling, bacon. The
let's cut into small pieces.
We also put a frying pan and let to add as a tablespoon oil
made of olives. Add chopped leeks and half let it begins to soften a little.
When it starts to transparent, add the chopped bacon.
A medium-high heat let's go letting the bacon slowly, letting go all
fat and go gilding.
We will also incorporate a twig Rosemary and I recommend that you use fresh rosemary,
because it gives so much flavor to the sauce and then it is rich.
Now let's leave about 5 minutes until It has done very well the bacon and leek.
When already well doradito you may have let add 10 ml. of balsamic vinegar and 100
ml. black beer. Raising the fire stop and let evaporate very well all alcohol.
When you spend as about 2 minutes we will add fresh blueberries. Mix well
and we will salpimentar to our liking. try before adding salt because the bacon
I can throw a little salty.
We can only mix a little to all ingredients are well distributed
and we have the sauce ready.
Now let's take over the tenderloin, twig placed above the sirloin
you also give flavor and we will bring to the oven preheated
at 200 ° C. And we will leave as about 15-20 minutes.
While we will be preparing cream chestnuts. We put in a saucepan chestnuts
and potatoes already peeled. Add salt and pepper and add water to cover
While all potatoes. We we weighed the heat until it begins to boil.
By the time it begins to boil the we will have about 15-20 minutes. Practically
the time it takes to get the sirloin.
Pinchais potatoes and chestnuts for check already tender and if so
and we can remove from heat.
Out of the fire we will add the cream Cook. With mixer we will crush
until a fine cream.
When ye list we are going to book until we take to the table. Notice above that
has good pint, I assure you this cream is delicious served with meat
the list will also have to remove it from the oven.
To present and bring to the table, First I remove the rosemary branch, I retreat
all the sofrito has been above and I'll get the steak on the table
where I will present.
Now I'm cutting the ropes podérselas remove all and not left me
any. Then it's as simple as picking, remove all the strings sideways,
pull them, and we have our steak cleansed.
In this case, I like to take it to the table presented in the same wooden board.
What I do is cut all the sirloin with a transverse cuts like a centimeter
and means thick.
After each slice separated leaving a little falling slightly over one another. After,
above, I put the sauce in which He has cooked tenderloin. I put one hand
and the other took her in a gravy boat to the table. I put a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary
and I cast the chestnut cream in bowls so people go serving together
with the sirloin.
Well I hope you liked my recipe from today. And I tell you that this recipe formed
part of my menu Christmas Eve dinner. At home they were all happy, so is
that if any of you do you urge to prepare some of my recipes this Christmas, not
neglect to share a picture with me in social networks.
And for those who still do not ye subscribed to the channel, I invite you to do
so do not miss any of the recipes I have prepared to you.
And as I say goodbye, I am wishing everyone that you spend a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
강예원 고등학교 서현고, 나이, 성형전|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:59.
Last Update: Selena Gomez Begs Mom to Give Justin Bieber another Chance - Duration: 2:12.
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Gomez begs mom to give Justin Bieber of another chance
He won't break my heart selena gomez 25 is trying to convince her mother Mandy TV. That are on again boyfriend
Justin Bieber 23 is a different man this time around and he doesn't plan on breaking her heart
Selena is confident that her mom will eventually come round to her dating Justin again
She just needs some time a source close to Selena
exclusively told hollywoodlife.com
Mandy is really protective of Selena, and she doesn't want her getting hurt again
But Selena is a grown woman and she's going to date whoever she was
Selena keeps telling Mandy that justin is a different person now and that he's really worked through all his demons
But she isn't convinced at all
Mandy has told Selena that she doesn't want to see Justin and she's made it clear that she thinks he's bad news
She can't even stand to hear his name
Selena has begged Mandy to give Justin another chance, but right now. There's not much hope of that
It's incredibly frustrating for Selena and causing a lot of problems
Selena and her mum's difficulties over Justin have been making headlines ever since they unfollowed each other on Instagram
We all know that selena and Justin had a rocky relationship in the past so it's understandable that
Mandy would have concerns, but we have to admit that the two lovebirds have looked super
Happy while you have together recently from romantic dates to Selena cheering Justin on at his hockey games
They're too cute for words
Although Jelena seems stronger than ever we really hope Selena and her mother can work things out in time for the holidays
After all it's about family during this special time, and there's nothing better than seeing
clothes and enjoying each other's company
[SENZAFINE] 「Aphrodite」(feat. Hatsune Miku V3 (English)) [DRUM'N'BASS] [+FREE DL] - Duration: 4:21.
TITLE: 「Aphrodite」
LYRICS: SenzaFine
[Vocal Mix] SUNG BY: Hatsune Miku V3 (English)
Please! Follow to SenzaFine on video description ... ↓ ↓
Free DL link below on video description ... ↓ ↓
Drink in the sunlight
Can you feel it like the first time?
It feels like time flies
When you got me feeling so damn high
Forget the past, this is now
Are you a stranger to love? I'll show you how,
I know life can get so crazy
So why don't we twist the
Stars in the skies in our favor
And if Destiny refuses to listen I'll make her
I've got the power in my hands
To take you to the promised land
I know that this is gonna be
The start of somethin' crazy so
Slow down, don't get hasty
I've got a feeling that I just might be
Your little Aphrodite
They'll chase you around and around
It's a shame there's no point to it now,
'Cause I've made you mine
Forget those girls, they're a bore
And I'm gonna treat you like no one has before
I know I may sound crazy
So why don't you let me
[Kiss you all night]
[Make you all mine]
[One heart, one mind]
Why don't you let me ...
So why don't we twist the
Stars in the skies in our favor
And if Destiny refuses to listen I'll make her
I've got the power in my hands
To take you to the promised land
I know that this is gonna be
The start of somethin' crazy so
Slow down, don't get hasty
I've got a feeling that I just might be
Your little Aphrodite
○ Thanks so much for watching this video ...
Moto Guzzi LeMans II Modification || OTOMODIEF TV - Duration: 2:23.
Trump LIVID After Learning How Sessions Worked To Bury Biggest Scandal In American History |MK Today - Duration: 5:02.
Trump LIVID After Learning How Sessions Worked To Bury Biggest Scandal In American History.
It's only a matter of time until Hillary, Obama, and their lackeys are exposed for the
traitors and criminals that they are.
The walls are closing in on them and recently in November, FBI informant William Campbell
came forward saying that he has damning evidence that links Hillary and Obama to the Uranium
Scandal where he'll soon testify in court and reveal what he knows.
Campbell has already given the Justice Department overwhelming evidence that proves how corrupt
Hilary and Obama are.
Much of Campbell's testimonies have revealed information about kickbacks and money laundering
with Russian officials.
But as more information is coming out, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being implicated
now as well.
New evidence proves that he's been working with Hillary and Obama to sweep the scandal
under the rug.
Ever since Trump was sworn into office, he has been faced with numerous traitors from
within who don't want to see the swamp drained.
They are perfectly content with the status quo and will stop at nothing to keep Trump
from succeeding.
For a while now, people have wondered whose side Jeff Sessions was on.
Now with this new information, we finally know.
A scathing report shows that under Sessions, the Justice Department downplayed critical
evidence that linked Obama and Hillary to the Uranium One Scandal.
The Hill reports:
For instance, both Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein in a letter to the Senate last month tried to suggest there was
no connection between Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case.
Their argument was that the criminal charges weren't filed until 2014, while the Committee
of Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred
in October 2010.
"The way I understand that matter is that the case in which Mr. Mikerin was convicted
was not connected to the CFIUS problem that occurred two to three years before," Sessions
testified to the House Judiciary Committee last week, echoing Rosenstein's letter from
a few weeks earlier.
But investigative records show FBI counterintelligence recorded the first illicit payments in the
bribery/kickback scheme in November 2009, a year before the CFIUS approval.
Trump is fed up with Hillary being excused of numerous crimes and is now issuing a dire
warning to Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department.
Unless Sessions steps in and prosecutes Hillary, Trump says he will be forced to step in and
take drastic measures.
"A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me," Trump
told reporters.
Supreme Journalist reported:
Breitbart.com reports: Trump said that the Justice Department should be investigating
Democrats and the Clintons, sharing several observations on Twitter.
"This is real collusion and dishonesty," Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday night, responding
to Donna Brazile's revelation that Hillary Clinton's campaign was controlling DNC operations
and fundraising well before winning her primary.
"Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – where is our Justice
Department?" Trump wondered.
The president appears unhappy with Attorney General Jeff Sessions failure to investigate
the Clintons, despite recent revelations about their "crooked" behavior.
Trump said he thought Clinton's "deleted E-mails, Uranium, Podesta, the Server, plus,
plus…" all deserved closer scrutiny.
"People are angry," Trump continued on Twitter.
"At some point, the Justice Department, and the FBI must do what is right and proper.
The American public deserves it!"
Trump also spoke about his frustration with the Justice Department in an interview with
Fox News host Laura Ingraham.
"The saddest thing is because I'm the President of the United States, I'm not
supposed to be involved in the Justice Department, I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI,"
Trump said.
"I'm not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I'm
very frustrated by it."
Trump indicated that he wanted the Justice Department to investigate the Clintons.
"I look at what's going on with the Justice Department, well, why aren't they going
after Hillary Clinton with her emails and dossier?" he asked.
"It's very discouraging to me.
To be honest, I'm very unhappy about it."
Trump signaled frustration with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to target the Clintons.
One of Trump's major selling points on the campaign trail was how he always insisted
Hillary would be investigated and charged for her crimes against America.
It's time we get to the bottom of it and charge Hillary, Obama, and the whole gang
for the treasonous snakes that they all are.
The American people are sick and tired of being promised that Hillary and Obama will
pay for their crimes only to be disappointed time and time again.
What do you think about this?
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BREAKING!!! Obama Just Tried To TAKE OUT TRUMP!! MK Today - Duration: 4:59.
Obama Just Tried To TAKE OUT TRUMP!!
Barack Hussein Obama is spending his Christmas vacation trying harder than ever to execute
his plans of destruction.
It's clear that he believes that if he can't be the president, nobody can and he'll stop
at nothing to take his successor out.
However, this latest desperation move was even low for him.
He's definitely gone too far this time and is about to learn a really painful lesson.
There's arguably no bigger sore loser in this world than Obama who is having an exceptionally
difficult time relinquishing his role of Commander-in-Chief to Donald Trump.
Rather than slipping into obscurity and enjoying his retirement, he's working harder than
he did in eight years, but for all the wrong reasons.
Obama is so arrogant that he's taking the stage and airways every chance he can get
– like his wife Michelle Obama is known to do – complaining about Trump rather than
speaking of unity and change he pretended to preach while in office.
He seems to be getting frustrated with the progress of his efforts and has now issued
a warning to all of America about what he believes Trump is doing to destroy the country.
It's ironic coming from a presidential failure such as himself.
As Freedom Daily reported on Tuesday, there's a good chance that the Obamas may not be included
on the coveted royal wedding guest list to watch his friend, Prince Harry mary American
Meghan Markle.
While this is a major snub to the pretentious pair who expected to be invited, the reason
for it has a lot to do with his nemesis, President Trump.
Realizing this, Obama just grossly stepped up his slanderous game like a petulant child.
Despite practically begging to be invited, the British government is actually begging
the royals to refuse the Obamas on their guest list for the much-anticipated wedding set
for May 19.
The Obamas can thank President Trump for that which will surely not sit well with the entitled
Seemingly in response to this recent turn of events for the Obama, Barack went on the
air with Prince Harry to weasel his way into an invite by discrediting Trump.
He even went as far as to issue a warning about the current president as a scare tactic.
After a brief icebreaker in the interview with Harry, where Obama talked about all things
"cool" and comfortable to him, such as his preference between boxers or briefs, which
baller he likes best, and who his favorite Kardashian is – he got right into what he
was really there for – to warn America about what Trump is doing.
"Obama also talked about the dangers of a president hopping on social media … he
didn't mention Trump by name, but it was pretty obvious," TMZ reports.
According to Daily Mail:
Obama said in an interview with Britain's Prince Harry, broadcast on BBC radio on Wednesday,
that social media should promote diverse views in a way that "doesn't lead to a Balkanisation
of our society."
"All of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can recreate a common space on
the Internet," Obama said.
"One of the dangers of the Internet is that people can have entirely different realities,
they can be just cocooned in information that reinforces their current biases."
Obama has previously warned that social media platforms can lead people to make snap judgments
about complex decisions although he has refrained from criticising his successor Donald Trump
who regularly uses Twitter.
Obama said in the interview broadcast on Wednesday that moving online communities offline helped
people to see that many issues were not as simple as they might seem in a chatroom.
"It's also, by the way, harder to be as obnoxious and cruel in person as people can
be anonymously on the Internet," he said.
It was obvious what he was doing and ironic at the same time since he was criticizing
Trump for doing exactly what he was doing by publicly bashing him.
This desperation move comes three weeks after Michelle Obama did the same exact thing.
These two look exceptionally immature and their tactless trashing-Trump mission is so
obvious that it's almost humorous.
The Sun reports:
Government mandarins are urging Prince Harry not to invite the Obamas to his wedding for
fear of infuriating Donald Trump.
Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle have told aides they want the former US president and
wife Michelle at their big day on May 19.
The 33-year-old prince has become good friends with the Obamas since bonding with them during
the Invictus Games.
But Britain's relations with Trump's White House have sunk to their lowest ebb since
his election last year.
The property billionaire does not hide his loathing of Mr Obama and is expected to be
enraged if his predecessor gets the coveted call up when he won't.
They can run their mouths about Trump all they want, but he's still their president
They are only making themselves look worse and still won't be invited to the wedding
party since the president has more power than they do and the British aren't willing to
risk a relationship to have the Obamas at the wedding.
what do you think about this?
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