Nothing would giver conservatives in America more pleasure than to see Hillary and all
of her cronies finally receive justice for their dirty dealings.
While the liberals who run with the Clintons are pretty great at covering their tracks,
every now and again they trip up and the house of cards that their lies are built on starts
to crumble.
Getting a peek into the world of high-ranking liberals isn't common because, as every
superhero movie watcher knows, the villains have to have some sort of blackmail on you
to really trust you.
This kind of system assures mutual destruction if anyone spills the beans, and since no one
wants to go the way of Seth Rich, the aids and staffers that surround the former First
Lady keep their mouths firmly closed.
However The President's promises to make Hillary pay for each and every crime that
she's committed just came a lot closer to being a promise kept as we start to see a
chink in the armor of the once great Clinton campaign.
Right Wing News reports that just like when the government caught Al Capone, it might
just be her dirty money that trips Hillary up as well.
As it turns out Hillary, and a few others like her, have been attempting to skirt a
law that they shouldn't have been when it comes to campaign donations.
All was going fine and good until the issue was brought before the Supreme Court and they
weighed in on it, not in Hillary's favor:
"In 2014, the Supreme Court struck down a law that effectively said how many political
candidates any one person could donate to.
Of course, the sky was falling, or millions of people would die, or we were pushing granny
off of cliff, if this were to happen.
In court, anti-freedom leftist politicians and lawyers said it would create 'Joint
Fundraising Committees' that would allow single donors to donate millions of dollars
at one time and these JFC would rotate the funds through other action committees until
the politician in question actually received the money, effectively bypassing the law.
The Supreme Court said this would still be illegal, so no, the sky would not be falling
that day.
The great irony, it turns out, is this is exactly what Hillary Clinton was doing all
Fox News reported the Democrat National Committee and their ilk as 'us[ing] state chapters
as straw men to circumvent campaign donation limits and launder(ing) the money back to
her campaign.
The Committee to Defend the President, a political action committee, filed its complaint with
the FEC on Monday with the allegations that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash
from big-name donors, including Calvin Klein and "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane
— money that was allegedly sent through state chapters and back to the DNC before
ending up with the Clinton campaign.
Officials with the committee said their filing was spurred by their own analysis of FEC reports,
where they said they discovered the HVF either never transferred the money to state chapters
and back to the DNC, or did so without the state chapters having actual control.'"
Once again we get to see what happens when the DNC decides that rules are for poor people,
and they ignore the spirit of the law.
It's been tested time and again that unless someone constantly, actively holds their feet
to the fire, Democrats will do everything they can to break the law as much as they
can and still stay out of prison.
As it turns out, Hillary might have pushed that line a little too far (or at least we
can hope that's how a judge will see it).
"The 'Hillary Victory Fund' solicited six-figure donations, which are illegal, and
then rerouted them through state Democrat party funds and the DNC and others like that
which finally ended up in the Clinton campaign fund.
It is estimated that $84 million was laundered in this manner.
But don't worry, if you're a Republican, you'll go to jail for this kind of thing.
Campaign finance law is complex.
This is definitely on purpose so that politicians can get rich while we get to lick their boots.
It is time for some kind of change in this country.
I'm convinced that America as we know it will not exist in the coming decades.
A realignment of some sort is coming, and I'm all for it.
We are living in a technologically advanced society that doesn't need governments that
surround arbitrary geographic lines.
It's time to realign ourselves according to our ideologies and unleash liberty on the
The way it is set up is not working.
And we can all see it."
Thankfully the hands of the Department of Justice have been untied by President Trump's
cabinet and they are systematically trying to sane out every single lawbreaker, like
Hillary, and make sure that justice is served.
Even eight years might not be enough time to exterminate the political careers of every
lawless politician, but it might be enough to catch Hillary with her hand still in the
money-grubbing cookie jar.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Yo, what's up guys and welcome back to a new league part.
so... I've decided to do another climb ... so a climb series.
right now I am gold 4 and got 0 lp.
and yeah.. let's do this.
mh maybe I can gank gangplank.
but lee should be near.
ah lucky.
does he live?
ok it seems like lee sin isn't here at all.
oh.. nevermind that.
oh my god!
well this should be a kill in case lee is not there. (gues I am a fortune teller..)
oh there he is.
oh ok gues that's it for me.
well whatever.
ok there he is. perfect.
argh... if he didn't react so fast he would have died instantly.
oh perfect!
well whatever..
if I had smite I probably would have been able to get 3 of them.
annoying.. ( I say that cause none of them helped me with dragon)
huh? what is he doing?
oh ok he ignited her.
oh I think they go ham down there.
this game is already won again.
if I wouldn't have done that play off on top lane that would be a perfect game.
oh that looks pretty bad for him.
wow lee sin fails his q when the enemy yasuo is binded/ snared by morgana q.
ok the gp.. I mean renekton isn't there.
mh ok gues that's it again.
maybe I can counter jungle him.. nope nothing's there.
mh lee goes this way.
oh I deal too much damage..
oh I won't get him anymore.. yeah morgana was there.
oh wait I thought he died..
huh? what the fuck is he doing there?
oh gp is trying..
yeah come here.
oh shit.. does he have ulti?
will she come?
ok she won't flash.
"you are already dead" (omae wa mou shindeiru)
"WHAT?!" (NANI?!)
fucking lethality on renekton...
oh my god it lagged...
oh my god! (they fight when yasuo just died)
just why?
mh I'll just go pushing.. fuck this guy.
well whatever.
ok katarina just suicided.
everyone can do this once. (not saying you should)
lee is buying armor.. gangplank is somewhat tanky too but he mainly just buys armor as well.
told ya.
what the fuck? (ezreal just e's in knowing there's more then 3 people...)
I should get this turret..
please don't fight...
that yasuo is soooo low (on hp)
they fight.. they fight!
what? how did that stun me? I was out of it.
whatever I'll get some free kills now.
oh he's teleporting.
ah fuck that!
does jinx have an active ga? (guardian angel)
no she hasn't
ok they fight, jinx isn't there.
that's a perfect time now.
omg why is he healing so much?
man I just .. clicked that smite so hard.. I mean I got scared and smited
but this should be it now.
cause when lee sin jumped in he also smited so that's why I was so scared.
well whatever.
we got it.
even if we didn't get it we would have won (the fight).
uff! (hard fight with that morgana)
well, I hope you've enjoyed it. I also thank you for watching, and I hope to see you again next time!
I was shouting from a sensational impulse I had
I got the feeling that you'd disappear off somewhere
I wanna see you (or I miss you)
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overwatch is a ripoff of paladins
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Ugh... I don't want to do anything, I just want to sleep.
I wanna do EVERYTHING!!!
(Off-screen) Go to bed!
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2018 will be the year of the electric car
2018 electric cars will finally turn the corner from curious nit product to become a viable option for America's families
Next year will mark a turning point in the ultimate electrification of America's roads
Electric cars will still only make up just
1.5 percent of all US auto sales according Navigant research but for EV the
Really important numbers to watch our price driving range and availability
Americans will finally be able to buy reasonably affordable and widely available
Electric cars that can hold enough power to breeze through their daily routines with no race
cars like the Chevrolet Volt have the redesigned Nissan Leaf and the Tesla Model 3 will begin to strip away the trust issue as
Kelly Blue Book analyst Rebecca Lynn Glen turns it
electric cars are far simpler
Mechanically than internal combustion cars and should be more reliable
But it will take time for people to realize that they aren't going to freeze up like their smart phones do she said
Seeing more electric cars on the road in large numbers will help you use those fears
Next year will be the first full year that the Chevrolet Volt ever will be available nationwide
But it's already been a clear marketplace success
Already more than 20 thousand have been sold
And it wasn't even available in all 50 states for most of the year
Prices for the bowl have start at about 37 thousand dollars, and it has batteries that can take in an estimated
238 miles
Huawei P-11 | FINALLY A DSLR KILLER | 4K Resolution - Duration: 4:20.
"This channel doesn"t promotes any illegal content ,all content provided by this
channel is meant for educational purposes only".
"Before anything make sure you subscribe and turn that notification bell on".
"Hey what's up you guys my name is Bufhan and it's time to talk about the next big
thing, Huawei y which is going to be the
Huawei p11 and this phone is about to bring the true camera ability resolution
and it's going to have a biggest design on any Huawei phone before and I have to
say that last year Hawei p10 and Huawei P10+ were my least favourite phones.,......
and I just liked them so much I mean the Galaxy s8 it's
basalis design has made everything feel outdated they had opportunity to make it
peasant his phone before Samsung but they just didn't did it until the meet
10 Pro which came in like 2 months ago which was very very late but this time
who I was about to do something really incredible first off this leak was
revealed by a fleece shows us the information on the monster camera that
whoever is working on it's actually an advertisement poster for torvik spce
camera CDs made in collaboration with like a which is a German company that
manufactures optics and high-end cameras he says that one of the agencies are
claiming that their 40mp megapixels try lenses camera system on this thing with
5x hybrid zoom and it's 24 MB megapixel selfie camera is now smartphones these
days have dual cameras on the back and dual cameras on the front as well as but
the triple camera lens system is beyond amazing it's the first honest phone ever
and has going to have the highest camera resolution which is for working on any
smartphone he switches 40mp obviously along with the new awesome camera we
expect to see 4k resolution with 60fps along with some high video recording and
there's also pretty high-end selfie camera sensor
come in at 24mp back pixels higher than selfie cameras we have on high top-end
phones now whoever is at the first company to have dual camera phones out
in the world and released so many phones which are in the form of Plataea
Toma trained to even budget phones and now they are going triple with the
Huawei P 11 now moving on to the next big thing which is designed which
includes the norm which is 24 mb megapixels what I'm saying yes I'm sorry
so of course it would have some depth capability so I think that it would be
able to have face lock thing but I think that it would it cannot beat Apple's
iPhone n face lock but it won't be that much good as the apples the face the ID
so so so what what do you say so guys that we all have on the upcoming Huawei
p11 it's hard to believe that triple camera sensor is about to become a
reality and Who am p11 will be the first phone to have a triple camera sensor
which will usually be the DSL camera but I think so that it will work compared to
the DSLR camera but it won't beat it so let me know what you guys think about
this in the comment section and I will see you guys tomorrow subscribe if you
have it already because we do next are my name is Rohan and I'm signing out
Galaxy X | The Future Of Smartphones | Latest Update 2017 - Duration: 8:03.
"This channel doesn"t promotes any illegal content ,all content provided by this
channel is meant for educational purposes only".
"Before anything make sure you subscribe and turn that notification bell oN".
"Hey what's up you guys my name is Burhan and it's the time to talk about
the final chapter number four the galaxy x phone, it's foldable phone that
Samsung had working on for years and it's expected to come to CES 2018 next
year which is probably the next month it's time to look at the latest patent
and it starts form couple of months ago this more spent almost two weeks ago
exactly on 9 December though this is the very latest fitting from Samsung and as
you can see that it's a long long phone not very white but a long phone with the
very tall display with some bezels it's not that infinity display but obviously
it's helping a little bit more stream than a better less Samsung phone just
because of how tall is it there's a front camera and that's probably where
the earpiece will be blurred we do have a back amber with LED flash below it
also kind of looks like a finger scanner similar to larly to the galaxy s 9 which
we have seen a C ad that the finger image scanner is right below the camera
sensor along with that the soon to be announced 2018
ACS will also brought anything image scanner below the camera so it's kind of
like a new design language for the fingerprint scanner that Samsung is
showing for all the phone so it is some of the galaxy x which shows that it is
the latest up-to-date galaxy x design we also have the power key on the right and
the volume key on the lip you can see we can fold the device like a sandwich just
like that in these cases there is no hint shown it's pretty much pending form
the middle which is pretty awesome I don't know a samsung is doing it how a
Samsung is doing it I even don't know how is the thumb singing into this
knowing it but I am pretty much sure that aluminum won't Bend
so there's must be some kind of mechanism to allow the bend to occur so
after seeing these I hit up my main concept creator
to turn this into reality and this is how it would look into real life so a
friend a huge display with some amount of bezels friend cameras along with the
earpiece the sides are aluminum and the back is made up of glass and just below
the wolf broker Crocker yeah the phone has been so there you have it
the long rumored Samsung Galaxy X may actually end up looking like this
while we're LG and even Apple is working on foldable form somewhere in future but
the Samson they also they always do the stuff first that the others to just
after a couple of years so that they want to do the first with the foldable
technology as well it will be lost in China first or in Korea that are
basically specific regions and will not launch in USA or any other region of the
world so guys that's it for this video and now I'm going to show you a clip
where you can see the final trailer of the official galaxy X so I am presenting
the official trailer of a galaxy
Hume doesn't just bend the rules of display technologies it completely
rewrites them
take a look at this flexible OLED prototype our team was able to make a
high-resolution display on extremely thin plastic so instead of glass so it
won't break even if it's dropped and we can actually bend the screen
imagine the products you could design with this it really is I brought
something else here today have a look at this bended yumoto type device do you
see how this green curves beyond beyond the edge of the display around here with
this bended display we have expanded the canvas available for content content can
now flow along the sides of the device so for example if I receive an important
I can see it come through while the device is flat on the table in front of
me this new form factor will really begin to change how people interact with
their devices and opening up new lifestyle
possibilities and it's only going to get better this kind of display technology
is going to allow our partners to create a whole new ecosystem of devices devices
with vended foldable and rollable screens that's a very exciting Brier now
let's take a look at how this new display future might play out
any job what I would huh hey what's up with you and Karla has she
left you yet oh she did hello
hook up my test
technology it's my thing well I need to get going wow that's amazing
can I see that yes
all in a day's work for Samsung
awesome hey you should join me for coffee
sometime it's my card cool hey for handing out business cards
I thought you'd never leave
oh that's amazing so yeah guys that was a small clip that you all had seen I
will see you guys tomorrow subscribe if you haven't already because
we do tech kind stuff my name is Rohan and I'm signing up
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