Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (english subs by ~Aphexx~)
So today, tadaa I'll be eating this bowl of ramen made by 'tsuta'
I made 10 persons worth today and omg you guys....
This ain't your normal everyday ramen
awarded 1 Michelin star by Tokyo Michelin guide
To the owner/chef of the restaurant 'tusuta' this ramen was created by Chef 'onishi'
a Michelin star you guys
This is an instant Ramen that you can make at home but
Just like the ramen made in the restaurant It uses the same truffle oil
Have you guys ever tried Ramen made with truffle oil?
I, for one, have not and am really looking forward to this
Alrighty let's go make 10 portions Of these 'tsuta' noodles
This is how it's made 4 bags/portions came in one of their boxes
in it was noodles and soup And these instructions
Let the soup come to room temperature Then add 350ml have hot water to each packet
In a large pot of boiling water boil the noodles for about 2 minutes
Thoroughly drain the liquid from the noodles then combine with the soup
Add toppings to taste char siu, bamboo, boile egg, onion
Toda it's done
It really does smell very wonderful I don't think I've ever smelled anything like it
itadakimasu The noodles are on the thin side
It's crazy delish The Soup is especially yummy
The noodles are good as well but The flavor of the soup really stands out
The chicken-y flavor really stands out in this And it's accentuated by the flavor of truffle oil
The soup is a blend of, strong, tamari and salt based soy sauces A very unique blend of soy sauces, it says
And to that they added chicken essences
also flavored with mackerel and bonito along with some varietals of clams
also shitake and other shrooms come to gether to produce this soup
The soup is legit yummy
I really love that balance of flavors from the soy sauces and chicken
The noodles also have a nice mouth feel And are very yummy
You can tell they use really yummy flour To make these noodles
Totes delish
I also added all sorts of toppings to this
I looked online for pictures of 'tsuta' ramen And I tried to copy what I saw
the char siu is so yummy
From what I saw of the 'tsuta' ramen They use eggs like these that weren't cut in half
The nice thing about them not being cut in half Is that you get to enjoy doing that here
I goofed I'm making them turn out runny
It's full of very strong unique flavors But it doesn't overpower your palette
This bamboo goes nicely with this as well
The noodles however they do a good job at sopping up the flavors from the soup
I'm really enjoying the flavor Of the truffle oil
I love how this is so easy to make
It's amazing that with just the addition of hot water you can make a soup with all this time invested in it
These noodles are totally The same as any from a Ramen Shop
this tasty yet not overpowering soup is so tasty and delish
No matter how much you have of the soup or the noodles It doesn't feel that heavy
~ then again food doesn't affect me that way ~
I feel as though a normal person would have An easy time digesting these noodles
Only the Soup remains now
All done gochisosamadeshita
this 'tsuta' noodle was so yummy
It's so nice to be able to enjoy a bowl of ramen At home that was made with this much love and care
With a wonderful blend of chicken and soy sauce flavors The soup was very yummy however...
When you slurped up the noodles It picked up the wonderful flavor of the truffle oil
you can find these noodles online from the online site 'MUUU'
You can find a link to it down below in the description area
So won't you please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching
If there is anything you want me to do or eat please Tell me in the comments section below and if you like this Video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Michelin Star Soba Noodles!!! 10 Servings [4360kcal] [CC Available] | Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
Black Mirror 4x04 Promo "Hang the DJ" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:53.
How To Get Rid Of Visceral Fat | Visceral Fat Reduction - Remedies One - Duration: 4:13.
humans carry body fat in a variety of places around the hips and thighs waster
all over multiple body parts today's video will discuss how to get rid of
visceral fat before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our
YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon
so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily however
there are different types of fat within the body subcutaneous and visceral
subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat found right underneath the skin and
generally doesn't impose a huge health risk visceral fat however is a type of
fat that's found in and around the organs especially in the abdominal or
belly cavity it surrounds the stomach liver and intestines visceral body fat
is very harmful to your health changing your eating habits 1 monitor your total
fat intake limit dietary fat to about 20 to 30 percent of your total caloric
intake this is equal to about 40 to 70 grams of fat daily based on a 2,000
calorie diet higher levels of fat may increase your risk of weight gain or
levels of visceral fat to consume heart-healthy fats although it's
important to monitor your overall fat intake it's also important to make sure
you're consuming the types of dietary fat will improve your health and help
support your desire to decrease visceral fat 3 limit your carbohydrate intake a
low carbohydrate diet has been shown to be an effective leading pattern to help
reduce levels of visceral fat reduce the amount of carbohydrate rich foods in
your diet to help promote the reduction of the sural fat carbohydrate rich foods
include bread rice pasta crackers tortillas bagels
sweets and sugary beverages limit these foods to one to two servings maximum
each day 4 consume adequate fiber daily studies have shown that those who
consume adequate fiber daily had lower and had an easier time lowering visceral
fat levels women should consume 25 grams of fiber daily and men should consume 38
grams of fiber daily 5 monitor your total calorie intake consuming a
moderate to low calorie diet has been shown to support the loss of visceral
fat in general men should consume around 2,000 to 2,500 calories daily and women
should consume 1,600 to 2,000 calories daily incorporating other lifestyle
changes to reduce visceral fat engage in cardio exercises cardio exercises have
been shown to be one of the most effective methods at reducing visceral
fat try different types of exercise keep your exercise routine fun and exciting
by engaging in a variety of different exercises go to bed early it's
recommended adults sleep at least seven to nine hours each night sleep is
essential to your overall health and wellness studies have shown that those
who slept less than six hours nightly had higher levels of visceral fat
monitoring your progress measure your waist circumference waist circumference
is a measure that indicates your risk for obesity metabolic syndrome and other
chronic health conditions weigh yourself weekly although your main
target goal is to reduce the amount of visceral fat you will need to monitor
the changes in your weight over time weight loss while modifying your diet
and incorporating exercise can indicate your levels of visceral fat are
decreasing how you get rid of visceral fat let me know in our comment section
below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends
for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
Ekattor News today 28 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla - Duration: 28:36.
Ekattor News today 28 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla
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LATEST Wedding Dresses for Girls Kids 2018 in amazon shopping online dresses
Jaipur Mayor honours Dr Avdhoot Shivanand - Duration: 5:56.
Jaipur Nagar Nigam Mayor
Shr. Ashok Lahoti ji
is here to honour Baba ji
Shri Lahoti ji called me
yesterday and said there have been
multiple Shivirs and Satsangs in the city
I have seen related activities going on in full swing
He further added, "From few days
I have received multiple phone calls
that they want an entry in the Shivir.
So, I had a deep desire
that I should go
and welcome
and honour him personally."
As he is the Mayor of
and Mayor
is the first citizen of the city,
I would like to
request you all to welcome him
to come
forward and
honour Babaji
As Jagmohan ji said,
it's true
When I got a chance
to meet (Baba ji) for 10 min,
I told
His Holiness,
I know politicians are famous for not speaking the truth.
But I generally prefer to speak the truth.
So this is true……
when the shivir was about to get started.
I got a call with reference to
Goa's chief minister's wife,
stating that they have got
themselves registered, but they wanted a front seat.
So I said, what is the problem in it?
The program is in Jaipur, you can sure sit in front.
But before that tell me this, what is this program all about?
I haven't received any invitation, neither I have heard about it.
Who is coming?
One thing I did was, I had sent a team to check
what all cleanness measures have been taken at the event.
Then I got to know that Jagmohan ji is taking care of it.
I was totally relaxed. He is like a big brother to me.
So I asked him, the only excitement that
I have is about who is coming,
that so many people want to sit in front.
that so many people want to sit in front.
I had heard a lot about Baba ji previously.
Today I am feeling blessed and privileged,
that I was able to get a chance to meet you.
I will not take much
of your time, as I know people
have come from very far off places.
But would just like to say one thing, whenever I meet Saints,
they generally talk about religion and religious belief,
but for the time we talked. We only discussed agriculture.
And this is true. It would be an honour for the state of Rajasthan
if we are able to enhance our Agricultural
landscape through Shiv Yog farming.
I told him that in Rajasthan, one media is very strong that is mouth-media.
In fact it is stronger than print and electronic media.
Because we take just one crop
We have a very low density of rain
and that too gets spoiled sometimes due to rain,
thunder or insects.
As you have told about this cosmic form of farming,
I have had a
discussion with Jagmohan ji and Jay ji.
We will sit and
talk about it.
I would like to start with my own farm.
I wasn't aware of this otherwise I would have asked our agriculture minister to come along.
I will be meeting our Chief Minister today and I am surely going to discuss about it.
The sad part is that you are going today, but nevertheless
but nevertheless wherever you might, be we will come and catch you.
I must admit that we are all honoured that you came to Jaipur City.
You just now mentioned that you came back to Jaipur
after one and a half years. I would request
you to come back in 6 months again.
The cycle of one and half year is very long.
After that you will get involved in UK or US
and might even forget us.
promise us that you will
come back within 6 months.
And Jagmohan ji next time I will be happy to be in the organization committee.
In the end, I would like to conclude with a few words.
Baba ji we all are blessed that you came to Jaipur
and the concern that you have raised with respect to Agriculture is amazing.
If the farmers of Rajasthan, in fact of the whole country find success,
then I believe that no one can stop you from being the Guru of the Nation.
Thank you so much
பந்தர் கி சசரஸ் (HD) | Tamil Rhymes for Children | Shemaroo Kids Tamil - Duration: 1:58.
우리 연애가 허무하게 깨질 조짐 6가지 - Duration: 10:24.
சென்னையில் சொந்தமாக ரயில் வைத்திருந்த ஒரே தமிழர் பற்றி தெரியுமா இந்த வீடியோ பார்த்து தெரிஞ்சிக்குங்க - Duration: 2:02.
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ATN BANGLA News today 28 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla - Duration: 15:31.
ATN BANGLA News today 28 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla
ధనుస్సు రాశి యొక్క స్వభావం | Dhanassu Rasi | Sagittarius Sign | Yoga Manjari | Pooja TV Telugu - Duration: 27:45.
Rap Buồn Dành Cho Con Trai Thất Tình Hay Nhất 2017 ( Phần 13 ) | Kẽ Phản Bội Tình Lạc Trôi - Duration: 2:06:45.
সরাসরি আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ২৮ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 17:20.
bangladesh news 24
Gigi D'Alessio e Anna Tatangelo, è ormai addio? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.
Certificate of mechanics for the production of vehicles. - Duration: 7:45.
الطاقة الشمسية A heavenly grace - Duration: 3:04.
A heavenly grace
This is the land of happiness and bestowal… land of peace and brotherhood ... it is the land of Happy Yemen
For the last 50 years, electricity has let streets and houses,
, and that became one of the life essentials.
Without a prior notice, sounds of sirens ran off among the darkness,
and clouded the happy face of this land and all people living in it
Yet hope springs up from among the injury of darkness
In Sana'a, the solar power came as a cure for the sickened body
, after the capital has lived in total darkness with no electricity at all.
Today, electricity is back in most houses in Sana'a due to solar panels.
Queen Sheba has worshiped the sun in her ancient times, and we still need this sun.
Everyone needs the solar power system,
and I am one of those who already purchased it. It is an essential part of our life that cannot be dispensable
I bought solar panels because it is the alternative source of power to the regular power cut
. What should we do? Live with no electricity?
GF VIP: Cecilia e Ignazio a luci rosse anche a Natale:ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.
Minimalist YouTube Watcher - Duration: 2:40.
You on Youtube
as minimalist.
Your action.
Watch videos in a lower resolution
to save Earth resources
and reduce your data transfer.
This is a picture from documentary movie Human
which is available on YouTube.
Now you see the screenshot at highest resolution 1080p.
If I show you same picture in different resolutions
then you can see
that details are disappearing
till it is hard to recognize
what is behind windows.
The trailer is 2 and half minutes long.
You will transfer
about 50 MB at the highest resolution
and 1.5 MB at the lowest
which is only 3% of the original size.
It is an example.
You can reach even better results with more complex videos.
If 1 server handles 1 full HD stream to 1 user
then you need 35 servers to stream this trailer
to 35 users in the same resolution.
If all users switch to the lowest resolution
then just 1 server handles all of them.
In the reality, 1 server will handle more users
but the effect will be same.
It is not only about servers
there are other devices as well.
If I watch something on YouTube
then there are 8 routers in the way
plus converters, repeaters and cables.
Much more hardware is required
to handle high volume streams.
You will save Earth resources
as less hardware is required
and also less electricity to power it.
The video and audio won't be so nice.
It might be impossible to read
small text at the lowest resolution.
It is friendly to Internet connections with limits.
A lower quality is applied to advertisements as well.
As hardware costs go down
there might be more money for video makers
and the Internet connection might be cheaper.
On the other hand, related industries
will offer fewer jobs as there is less
to produce, sell and maintain.
I think that saving limited Earth resources
is more important as we don't have a solution
for Earth limits yet.
Even 1 step down counts.
Try yourself which resolution suits your needs.
It takes just 10 seconds to change it
and YouTube remembers your choice.
If you like only the best resolution
then consider watching fewer videos.
Thank you.
BREAKING NEWS From The WHITE HOUSE… Huge Melania Announcement - Duration: 3:06.
Huge Melania Announcement
A piece of a historic magnolia tree that was planted by President Andrew Jackson is being
removed due to the portion in question being labelled a safety risk by the White House.
Stephanie Grisham, a spokeswoman for First Lady Melania Trump gave a statement about
the decision to remove part of the tree, stating that the decision was reached after reports
were reviewed by the U.S. National Arboretum about the weakened condition of the tree.
Here�s more from Fox News: She trusted that every effort had been made
to preserve the historic tree,� Grisham said in a statement to Fox News, adding, the
first lady �was concerned about the safety of visitors and members of the press who are
often standing right in front of the tree during Marine One lifts.�
Jackson added the Magnolia to the White House grounds in 1835, according to the White House
Historical Association.
It stands on the west side of the South Portico, opposite a second Magnolia that subsequently
was planted for symmetry.
The first lady requested that the wood from the iconic tree be preserved and seedlings
be readily available if there is an opportunity to plant a new Magnolia in the same place.
The removal is planned for this week while President Donald Trump and his family are
in Mar-A-Lago for Christmas.
Here are a few more interesting details via The Washington Post:
The enormous magnolia tree stood watch by the South Portico of the White House for nearly
two centuries.
Its dark green, glossy leaves shaded politicians and heads of state.
Its ivory flowers bloomed through times of peace and war.
It is the oldest tree on the White House grounds, a witness to Easter egg rolls and state ceremonies,
a resignation, a plane crash, all the tumult and triumph of 39 presidencies.
Long after Jackson left office, his magnolia remained.
Other trees were planted to supplement it, and the tree became a fixture in White House
Herbert Hoover reportedly took breakfast and held Cabinet meetings at a table beneath its
sprawling branches.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke with Winston Churchill in its shade.
Richard Nixon strode past it as he left the White House for the last time after his resignation.
In 1994, a Maryland man piloting a stolen plane clipped the tree before suffering a
deadly crash against the White House wall.
And for decades, the magnolia was featured on the back of the $20 bill.
It�s always a bit sad when you see such an amazingly well preserved piece of history
being removed or falling part due to age, as that�s one less link we have to our past,
and in a day and age when liberals are doing all they can to erase the history of our great
nation and its connection with the Founders who risked it all to build this country and
perform a new experiment in government, we need all the history we can get our hands
Let�s hope those responsible for cutting the tree do so with as much care as possible
to preserve pieces of it that can be kept for future generations to enjoy.
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