For more infomation >> Rooh kya hai?| google me rooh nahi by mufti tariq masood| 29 December 2017 | - Duration: 4:35.
Christmas songs | Bandura Sopilka & Accordion music | B&B project | Happy New Year 2018 Jingle Bells - Duration: 2:53.
Let it snow
Jingle Bells
We wish you a Marry Christmas
Thunder Show: What went wrong - Duration: 5:35.
In this episode:
To be continued…
What went wrong
HE Rain
The Way of the Samurai
Welcome to Thunder Show!
The first contestant of the week enters the capture point all tactical-like.
Daring and capable.
Looks promising enough, right?
Lob some smoke shells first, then use that some as cover,
flank the enemy, take 'em out and capture the point. Easy peasy!
Wait… what?
You know, how about we scout the point with binoculars first, like… from afar? Ok?
Олександр Кухар just showed us a brand new way of using smoke.
Please, expect your Golden Eagles soon!
Leopard MBT is a mighty powerful machine, with a deadly cannon and some epic mobility.
But let's just say that is armor and toughness, are, well, not as good.
Usually all it takes is a couple of well placed shots, even with mediocre cannons, to send
this hunter feline back to its hangar.
Let alone the shots from the T-64's gun.
That tank surely will have no trouble dealing with the German cat.
As in usually.
Well. In theory. At least.
Or. Maybe. Not.
Ultimately the Leopard spent seven 125mm shells and a whole minute to destroy its target.
Looks like we got another legendary warrior McOatmeal
Your amazing skill deserves a reward. Here, enjoy!
Ok, now it's let's mix it up a little, after such a procession of fail.
How about a Sherman that doubles as the world's luckiest artillery spotter?
After calling in the rain of lead, he reaps a manly harvest of FOUR Hellcats that tried
and failed to capture a point early in battle.
Instead, they can now compete as the game's first synchronous shell catcher team!
This is got the best artillery shot of Thunder Show so far!
YouWonTheLottery, i don't know about the lottery, but you sure won some Golden Eagles for this video!
Japanese teams are famous in Air Battles of War Thunder.
The same cannot be said for the Japanese tankers, that are still few and far between,
at least for now.
Their hour of glory is yet to come.
Once more Spookston rushes in to solve a problem, by demonstrating us the might of Japanese tank forces.
Now it's time for the best comment of the past week:
This comment has just earned its author 1,000 Golden Eagles!
Please, respond to your original comment with your in-game nickname and email address,
so we can send you your prize!
Please, be advised that the prize eagles may take up to five business days to be added
to your in-game account.
Thank you for watching Thunder Show!
Ok, let's recap the three simple steps on how to submit your video to Thunder Show:
Record and put together a video up to 3 minutes long,
which corresponds to one of the four categories mentioned earlier.
ATTENTION: The submitted video must be made by you, must be published for the first time,
must have public access for viewers and must not violate any copyright laws.
Subscribe to our Youtube channel and hit the like button below this video.
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The covering email should contain the desired category for your video, your in-game nickname
and the email address registered with your game account, so we can send you the reward
should your submission win!
Every week, each winner in every category of the show will get 5,000 Golden Eagles!
We will also be awarding the best comment of the week.
So, get your creative juices flowing, make some content, send it to us, or simply watch
and comment, either way - we've got plenty freebies to go around!
Good luck and see you in a week!
🎮 My Little Pony: Harmony Quest Magical Adventure Kids Games - Educational Fun Games - Duration: 13:53.
🎮 My Little Pony: Harmony Quest Magical Adventure Kids Games - Educational Fun Games
Matt Kemp Family Photos With Father,Mother and Girlfriend Rihanna 2017 - Duration: 1:29.
Matt Kemp Family
Matt Kemp Father and Mother
Matt Kemp Girlfriend
Welcome to Your Moment - Duration: 1:38.
- [Narrator] Hey you.
Yeah you.
Welcome to your moment.
Whatever is happening today, pause,
acknowledge it.
Now set it aside.
Arrive. Arrive now.
This moment right here, this one is for you.
How do you slow down?
Begin to simplify?
Take a moment to tune into what you are doing.
What you are actually doing.
Breathe. Settle in.
If not for you then for the person next to you.
One of the most beautiful things we can do
as humans is connect.
Let's tune into that.
When was the last time you made time
to do nothing.
No planning, no talking, no distraction.
A moment to find stillness.
A moment to just be.
You can't stop the noise.
Noise is all around you.
Your mindfulness is your armor.
You are not what they say.
You are not what they think.
In this moment ask yourself,
who was I before the world told me who I was supposed to be?
There is only one you,
but remember you are not alone.
What if we stopped living like there was no one around us?
There are people that see us for who we really are.
Take hold of your moment and remember,
we are all in this together.
It's the time you spend with your people,
it's the time you create for yourself,
it's the time you spend looking inward.
This moment right here,
this one is for you.
Почему почки двигаются? Как страхи влияют на почки. Сауле и Мурат Тинибаевы. - Duration: 2:22.
How To Cure Diabetes Naturally Without Medication | Home Remedies For Diabetes - Remedies One - Duration: 3:53.
diabetes also called diabetes mellitus has become a very common health problem
today's video will discuss home remedies for diabetes before you watch this video
please take a moment to subscribe our youtube channel by clicking the
subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be the first to know when we
post new videos daily there are two main types of diabetes type 1 diabetes in
which the body does not produce insulin and type 2 diabetes in which the body
does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produced does not work
properly one bitter gourd bitter gourd also known as bitter melon can be
helpful for controlling diabetes due to its blood glucose lowering effects it
tends to influence the glucose metabolism all over your body rather
than a particular organ or tissue drink some bitter gourd juice on an empty
stomach each morning first remove the seeds of 2 to 3 bitter gourds and use a
juicer to extract the juice add some water and then drink it follow this
treatment daily in the morning for at least 2 months
also you can include one dish made of bitter gourd daily in your diet 2
cinnamon powdered cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels by
stimulating insulin activity it contains bioactive components that
can help prevent and fight diabetes mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup
of warm water drink it daily another option is to boil 2 to 4 cinnamon sticks
in 1 cup of water and allow it to steep for 20 minutes drink this solution daily
until use the improvement you can also add cinnamon to warm beverages smoothies
and baked goods 3 fenugreek fenugreek is an herb that can also be used to control
diabetes improve glucose tolerance and lower blood sugar levels due to its
hypoglycemic activity soak two tablespoons of
Greek seeds in water overnight drank the water along with the seeds in the
morning on an empty stomach follow this remedy without fail for a few months to
bring down your glucose level another option is to eat two tablespoons of
powdered fenugreek seeds daily with milk for black plum black plum can help a lot
in controlling blood sugar level because it contains anthocyanins ellagic acid
hydrolyzable tannins etc each part of this plant such as the leaves berry and
seeds can be used by those suffering from diabetes in fact research has shown
that the fruit and seeds of this plant have hypoglycemic effects as they help
reduce blood and urine sugar levels rapidly the seeds in particular contain
glycoside jambo line and alkaloid jam beseen that regulate control blood sugar
levels 5 mango leaves the delicate and tender mango leaves can be used to treat
diabetes by regulating insulin levels in the blood they can also help improve
blood lipid profiles soak 10 to 15 tender mango leaves in a glass of water
overnight in the morning filter the water and drink it on an empty stomach
you can also dry the leaves in the shade and grind them eat one half teaspoon of
powdered mango leaves 2 times daily how you treat diabetes let me know in our
comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel
below thank you
Beautiful Mosque in Bangladesh | South Town Mosque | Documentary film with beautiful Azan - Duration: 3:00.
God is the greatest. God is the greatest.
God is the greatest. God is the greatest.
I testify that there is no God except Allah.
I testify that there is no God except Allah.
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Come to prayer!
Come to prayer!
Come to success!
Come to success!
God is the greatest. God is the greatest.
There is none worthy of worship except Allah!
Fox News, Sean Hannity Both Grab Big Wins to Mark the End of the Year - Duration: 2:15.
Kaashmora 2 (Aayirathil Oruvan) 2017 Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Karthi, Reemma Sen - Duration: 2:06:57.
'In the year 1279, Tanjavur, the last king of Chola Dynasty.'
'The popularity of Chola Dynasty, their treasury and powerful army..'
'..became the reason of jealousy in Pandyan dynasty.'
'That is why they looted everything from Cholas by oppression.'
'At that time Chola King took a decision.'
Hide the prince at a safe place.
Our message will surely reach even if it takes many years.
As you say.
'With some of his faithful soldiers Chola king send the prince..'
'..and idol of family Goddess somewhere else through a secret path.'
'Helpless prince left behind burning Tanjavur..'
'..state and moved on unknown paths.'
'After a long and difficult journey..'
'..Chola prince reached an unknown island.'
'After that he laid down deadly means on..'
'..the different paths that led to the island.'
'After that many Pandyan kings tried to find the Chola prince.'
'But whenever Pandyans went in search of him..'
'..they got trapped in Chola's plan and were killed.'
'The dream of Pandyan kings to finish the Chola dynasty..'
'..and get back the idol of Goddess remained unfulfilled.'
'Even then their efforts continued.'
'Many explorers for generations tried to..'
'..find this place but only few came back.'
'They suggested other explorers also that..'
' find Chola prince is to play with their lives.'
'Those who did not agree to this suggestion, never came back.'
'That is why it was dream of every explorer..'
' find out the place where Chola prince lived.'
'But one explorer by putting his life in danger found out this island.'
'In 21st century professor Shastri with his team became..'
'..successful in finding the secret place where Cholas resided.'
'This place is Mingua island, Vietnam.'
'Professor Shastri wants to create history by making..'
'..his research reach a concrete conclusion.'
'But he was unaware of the death trap that Cholas had kept a secret.'
'Shastri became the target of this trap.'
'And he vanished in a mysterious way.'
'You will not be spared.'
'Popular archeologist professor Shastri is missing.'
'Feared of being dead.'
I am very sorry to inform that your father has died.
Hi. I am Anita from archeology department.
Your father had called after reaching Vietnam.
He had said that he is very close to his discovery.
And is on the verge of creating history.
If he would have found the place of Cholas..
..then it would be a big discovery.
We tried a lot to find your father.
But after enquiry it was found that it..
..was not easy to find him in the place he went.
I don't want to trouble you as of now..
..but we have to send a team to find your father.
Of course, we will be very careful this time.
That is why if you wish then will you give your father's research papers.
One more thing. Minister sir has made a personal request to you.
If you wish you can come along with us.
I mean only if you wish to.
You knew your father well.
If you come along then it will be help to us.
If you wish you can think about it. Think it over.
We will leave in two days. Okay.
'For so many years we were waiting for this day.'
'My name is Anita Pandyan.'
'I am from Pandyan dynasty.'
'These people are ancestors of my dynasty.'
'For many generations we have only one dream and that is to find the place..'
'..where Chola prince had resided.'
'And to back idol of our family Goddess.'
'Right from birth we have been imbibed with the feeling of revenge.'
'Union minister Veera Pandyan, ex major Ravi Shekharan..'
'..and 8 such people were survivors in our family..'
'..which were brought up in a royal way.'
'Some of us possessed divine powers.'
'We were taught many art forms also.'
'So that we get our prestige back.'
I shall introduce everyone. He is Mr. Ravi.
Dr. Lavanya, archeologist.
Dr. Ramnathan and Nalini.
He is Dr. Shivram.
Ramesh, communications.
Ladies and gentlemen this project is of Indian government.
Union minister Veera Pandyan is taking interest in it.
If we are able to find this unknown place..
..then definitely we can create history.
Till now nobody knows.
Where is the last heir of Chola dynasty hidden?
So please sign these papers.
You will be paid well for this expedition.
Private security force will be with us for our security.
The mission can take five months or five years.
These are life saving drugs. Always keep them with you.
My father was a famous archeologist.
He had started on the expedition to find Cholas.
The place where Cholas reached is called Mingua island.
Cholas took his prince through sea route.
Father had told that there is danger at every step.
Even we will have to go through those dangers.
Yes, there on top.
First we will set an office in Vietnam.
Wait there and if need be I will call you.
Be alert and tell this thing to others as well.
Okay madam.
We are ready but your 50 helpers did not come.
When will they come?
They should have come here two hours ago.
I don't know where they got stuck.
Move. Move.
Move back..
Pick this up.
Pick this up.
Move forward..
Get aside..
Pick it up..
What kind of lazy workers have you gathered?
They have not even worn proper clothes.
If these drunkards create drama there then we will not be responsible.
I am warning you beforehand.
Shall I give him good?
- Not now but later. - He is acting too smart.
Come on sit inside quickly. Lazy fellows.
Come on hurry up..
Move fast..hurry up.
Customer is unnecessarily shouting.
Since long I am shouting. Do you think I am a fool?
- Remove the material. - Come on..
Hurry up, hurry up.. Work more and talk less.
- Hurry up. Tie the rope properly. - Okay brother.
Be careful, useless fellows.
There are duck eggs in it. Hurry up..
Don't delay. The ship is about to leave.
You all are doing a great job.
My dear you are looking beautiful.. and you are looking handsome.
Your pair is amazing..
Hurry up and pick it up.
What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a naked fellow?
I do not eat for free. After working hard I earn money.
Hey, hurry up.
Hey, if you curse us then I will not spare you.
What do you think of yourself?
We got in stuck that is why we got late.
Otherwise we are never late. We too have dignity.
- We too have respect. - Wait.
If you say then I will leave madam.
But will not go alone. Glad to meet you.
- I know English. - Leave me.
Okay madam, okay.
Let ladies go first. Dare not anyone stare?
Oh my dear..I am your lover.
Is the ship moving or I am moving?
Is this your room?
Are you alone?
Shall I give you company?
After seeing you I had decided that I would get married to you.
Let me in.
Not right..
After seeing you I had decided that I would get married to you.
Come on let's go to your room and enjoy.
The girl is trapped if she laughs.
Am I right?
You will not become pregnant. I have arrangement for that as well.
Safety first, you see.
Dear, look down. It would be great fun.
'After few days..'
'Mingua island, Vietnam.'
Madam, he is our local guide.
Do you know Hindi?
Go that side.
I talked to many people but no one agreed.
The boat does not go till there because there..
What happened?
People say that ghosts stay there.
What a beauty..
Anyone who went there never returned.
From the time I have met you I am thinking about you.
Shut up.
I will surely marry you. I am saying the truth.
Shall I say something else? Is your room empty or not?
Look, I am not bothered about money but I want boat at all costs.
Yes madam.
What are you doing tomorrow? My room is vacant.
You can come and we will have fun.
- Not here. Come with me. - Tumahri friend hai usko bhi leker aa.
Move. Why did you stop?
We will not go forward..
What happened?
You may give as much money to them but they will not move ahead.
Boys, take positions.
What is it that they are so scared?
Hey..can you ride this boat?
I can even ride the Titanic ship.
What is this? Useless thing.
I will not ride it like this. For that you will have to ask me lovingly.
Otherwise keep standing here and enjoy the breeze.
My red veil is flying in the breeze..
Sir, please ride the boat.
You addressed me respectfully.
You called me sir..
But not like this. Say a beloved asks her lover.
Dear, ride the boat, please..
"This is a strange path.."
"No one knows where it starts or ends.
Which are these paths..
Hey, what happened?
There is sand below so we cannot move ahead.
We shall walk and go.
Remove the boxes properly.
Even if one is less then I shall cut it from your salary.
'This is one of the seven traps that Cholas had laid.'
'Cholas took his prince from this sea route.'
Walk properly..
Something is sticking to the pant.
As soon as we reach burn the fire and cook food.
And put up the tent properly. Okay.
'To stop the Pandyans from reaching this place Cholas made such..'
'..sea creatures which suck human blood and kill them.'
'It is impossible to fight with them.'
'There is only one way by which we can be saved from them.'
'And that is to somehow reach the island alive.'
How many people died?
10 of our men died.
Be alert and put up soldiers everywhere.
Yes sir.
Ask everyone to be alert. This is a strange place.
Yes sir.
Ask everyone to always keep the fire burning.
Move in a line. Do not get lost.
Move in a line.
Beware form insects..
Be not stop anywhere.
Move in one line.
- You look like a buffalo. - Whom did you call a buffalo?
I did not say it to you. Come. Come.
Are you new?
What are you applying?
This is an ointment to be safe from insects.
Just because you remain in AC. They run away on seeing us.
Does this girl have any problem with me?
She does not talk. She just keeps staring.
It seems as if someone has made a stick stand with cap on top.
- Ask your soldiers to move ahead. - Okay sir.
- They are useless and slow. - Okay sir.
- Somehow we have to reach over there till afternoon. - Yes sir.
We cannot have faith on the.
You move ahead take control with your soldiers.
- Go. - Okay.
Take positions. There is danger ahead.
'This is the second phase of Chola prince's journey.'
We will have to cross them and go.
If we challenge them then they will not spare us.
'This place is more scary then the scariest of dreams.'
'And her Nirbhakhsi Adivasis stay.'
Come behind me. Nothing will happen.
Do not look into their eyes. Come on.
Keep looking down. They may do or say anything. But be calm.
Look down, down..
I think this is not enough. He needs something more.
'Tribel language'
He has liked this girl.
He wants to marry her.
'Tribel language'
She is asking that why do you want to marry me in such an old age.
'Tribel language'
'Tribel language'
'Tribel language'
He is saying that professor was a nice man.
'Tribel language'
She is asking the path to go to Cholas.
'Tribel language'
'Tribel language'
'Tribel language'
'Tribel language'
These Adivasis are protecting the generation of prince for ages.
They will never tell the way to go there.
Let's go from here quickly.
He is thinking that you all are enemies of Cholas.
In his shouting I can hear the echo of your death.
I gave the same suggestion to the archeologists who came earlier.
You all please go back.
This is not that easy as you are thinking.
Tell me how many more problems we have to face ahead.
I believe no one will remain alive to see the problems.
They will not spare you and will kill you.
Okay, so you are scaring me.
I am not scaring you but making you all understand.
Are you seeing this gun?
In just 5 seconds this village will be cleared.
Let I also see that whether Adivasis are dangerous..
..or the bullets of this gun.
Go in line..
Hey girl, where are you taking us?
He had asked to dig a pit and not to sacrifice life.
Our people are getting scared.
Tell me where we need to go.
Tell me that, are you a girl?
If you are a man then show courage.
If you are not a man then go back from here.
He is worst than us.
Don't take tension. Nephews, girls are like this only.
She looks to be beautiful but speaks very ugly.
Hey, take out rice, uncle.
One minute. Control. Why are you eating first?
Let them eat first.
What is this nephew; you are stopping your uncle from eating.
Go away from here.
Okay I am going.
Bring that light here.
Hey, look what she wants.
Wait, you go..
Just serve to that girl.
I asked you to serve one and not all.
One of them does not speak and the other does not keep quiet.
Eat it.
Thank you.
'We have come to know one more thing.'
'The soldiers who guard this jungle are like red cloud.'
'Through which blood falls rather than rain.'
'Not only body but the one who sees it also injures the soul.'
'These Barbarians do such condition of their body..'
'..that they can neither be buried nor burnt.'
'They attack suddenly during the quiet night.'
'They are so lethal that you do not get a chance to escape.'
'They attack so malignantly that blood oozes out like a fountain from body.'
'It disintegrates the parts of enemy's body.'
Seize fire..
'It is said that doctors of Cholas had helped these..'
'..soldiers with their herbs during an epidemic.'
'That is why anyone who wants to reach to Cholas passing..'
'..through this jungle is killed by these soldiers.'
Hold fire..
Hold fire..
Hold fire..
Hold your ground.
'The commander could not tolerate..'
'..such condition of the soldiers of his tribe.'
'After many hundreds of years this army had to face defeat.'
''He had understood that the end of his tribe is near.'
'Tribel language'
'By sacrificing his life he wated to reach to his God.'
'He wanted to a message to his soldiers..'
'..that they should leave the jungle and go.'
'But they just wanted to take revenge.'
No one should remain alive.
I understand. That was my fault. I misunderstood.
Okay sir. I will tell Anita.
Yes sir. Okay sir.
We need 50 more soldiers.
Hooligans, robbers, rowdies..anyone would do. I don't care.
Two doctors with full medical supply.
Guns, knives, small and medium bombs, rocket launchers..
..some radio operators that can help in communication.
Have you come here for picnic? Even knowing all this you did not tell us.
Have you come here to enjoy drama?
Listen, we will go. Give us our balance payment.
Because of this fear I had asked many times that where are you taking us.
Who gave you the right to bring workers here and let them die?
Uncle has three daughters.
If they ask me where father is then what will I answer.
Mani, Raja, Suresh all died.
Enough, we are going.
At least rest of us will be saved.
Give money for the ones who died. Those people have no survivors left.
We all came here having faith on you.
We are already into lot of trouble.
Go. We will see later.
Not later but give the money now. We will go.
No one is going from here. Did you understand? Go.
Look, she is giving order to me.
I know how to get money from people like you.
You will surely come to India sometime. Then I will get it from you.
Hey, bundle up the things. Such a low standard woman she is.
Pack up everything properly. Hurry up.
Malti, Pushpa, Tyagi..
Are all these names correct?
They are your family members. Right?
Now if you go back from here then they will lose their life over there.
Just think it over.
Do want to kill me?
Get out. Everyone go out.
Remove your pant.
Remove your pant. I have to put an injection.
Why there? Put it on the hand.
It is a powerful injection. You will not be able to lift your hand.
Hurry up and remove it. I don't have time.
How will I inject here? Put it down.
That's it. I will not put it further down.
If it is injected at the wrong place then it will cause trouble to you.
I hope you are not seeing anything else.
There is no fun crying over dead people.
Sleep peacefully. You will feel better.
Put up the camp here.
Keep the things here.
Ravi, this place is very dangerous.
According to her we should leave this place as soon as possible.
What is the danger now?
According to my research this is the fourth trap.
In this side of the jungle there are thousands of poisonous snakes here.
They attack in the darkness of the night.
Have you come here to tell me that there are snakes in the jungle?
What else is found here?
Is there lion, cheetah, and monkey?
I am scared.
She says that there is danger of snakes in the jungle.
I don't know which stupid girl has Anita brought with her.
I have to tolerate her.
Hey, snake..
She is scared just by the name of snake.
What will happen if it gets inside your clothes?
My soldiers attacked..get out.
I did not like when..
..they were teasing you.
When I was in pain then you had given me advice.. too do not become sad. Forget it.
Sit down.
What are you reading?
I am writing the way through which Pandyans can reach Cholas.
Is that so? So you are finding people who were there 800 years ago.
We are suffering so much because of that.
This is scary to death..
I am supporting them so that I can find my father..
..who went missing while searching for Cholas.
Cholas have laid many death traps.
I mean traps.
Sea creatures, Adamkhor Adivasis, soldiers..
..poisonous snakes, hunger and thirst, killer sand and then ruins.
There are many more like these.
This is one of the traps. Snake.
It means snake.
In these primitive books..
..there are means and ways hidden which can help us to escape from here.
A Pandyan had written this script while following the Chola prince.
- What do you think of yourself? - Leave me.
Stop it. What are you doing?
- Who asked you to climb on me? - Leave. Save me.
- Leave. - Shut up! Shut up!
- Run.. - Even, I am coming.
- Don't leave me. - Come on, move..
Come on, move. Run, run.. Hurry up.
Come on, run..
Come on, run..
- Hurry up. Hurry up, come on. - Don't hold me tightly.
Water, water..
..there is only one way by which we can be saved from the snakes.
We will have to jump in water.
Hurry up. Come on.
- She went there. - Hurry up and come.
Hey idiot, get up.
You are sleeping as if dead body is lying.
If he dies then where will get another porter from?
Stay in your limits. Understood.
What are you looking at?
- How much more do we have to go? - I don't know.
You had given us warning of snaked but we did not believe you.
I am sorry.
I will not go back to the place where there are snakes.
I am very scared of them.
Shall we move ahead from here?
Is there a way ahead?
Hey, listen. What is going on?
Will you both decide? Won't you ask me?
Let everyone come. I will not go alone.
Many people have come with me and their responsibility is on me.
We will wait for them here. Let them come.
We are going ahead. If you wish you can wait here.
Will you tell me? Don't talk to me.
Hey, listen. Wait.
Don't believe her. She will cheat. She is very smart.
Leave my hand.
Stay in your limits. Understood.
Have you seen your status? You..
You mean, low leveled man..
Are you happy now by making us fight?
Will you stare at me like this?
If you were not a woman then I shall have not spared you.
Don't try to be very smart otherwise I will kill you.
Do you want to kill me? Are you scaring me?
Come on shoot me, shoot.
Shoot. Shoot. Come on, shoot.
- Come on. Come on, shoot. - Leave her.
Get back.
Do not interfere, you idiot.
Shut up, you idiot, stupid.
Your English curse is of no use to me.
- I will.. - Don't just show it but shoot.
Shut up Anita.
You, shut up. You, fool..
How dare you call me a fool?
You are looking like a fool.
At least I am not wooing this uneducated fellow.
You are right.
Romance is fine but you were trying for a chance.
Keep quiet otherwise I will kill you.
I got scared. Go ahead.
But you can't. Because you are a fool.
Whom are you calling a fool?
To you because you are a fool, fool..
I have not come here to see your fight.
You are responsible for this fight, you uneducated..
Who did you called uneducated?
I had filled it with bullets?
But where have they gone?
All our weapons are over. We will have to call for more weapons.
Don't be scared. My intention is not wrong.
You were shivering because of cold so that is why I removed it.
You were trembling so that is why, I removed the shirt to cover you.
Is it stinking? Tolerate it.
You have high fever.
I have a solution.
But you will not agree.
Do one thing. Hug me and sleep.
In some time you will be fine.
Just think that I am your brother..
No, not brother..
Just think of me as a friend.
Agree to what I am saying and hold me tight.
You will not feel cold then.
Shall we go back from here?
Now, I cannot tolerate hunger.
Hey stubborn girl.
Where are you going without eating and drinking anything?
'This is another trap of the Cholas.'
'An unending desert where along with sand there is death everywhere.
'For miles there is no hope of getting food and a drop of water.''
'Here there is hunger, thirst and the pain because of that.'
'The heat of the sun burns the body.'
'It absorbs all the power of a person.'
'Slowly, slowly the brain stops working.'
'After coming here it is sure that the person will die.'
'Only time will tell who dies at what time.'
'It would be nature's miracle if one out of thousand people remain alive.'
There can be some trap here too.
Everything is clear so what can here be.
Go ahead.
- Hold my hand.. - Save me.
- Hold my hand.. - Save me.
- Hold it tightly. - Save me.
- Leave her. Let her die. - Save me.
Let this trouble die.
Even you will die.
You go down and die.
Leave her. Leave her.
- I am asking you to leave her. - Hold her. Hold her.
Pull her up. Please.
Save me.
You will never listen to me.
How could Cholas make such pits of sand?
They had a very sharp mind.
High towers of stone, rocks break and change form into parts..
..the rocks rubs against the wind and gets vanished.
We roam and try to find a way out in the darkness..
..which is hidden in the shadow of sunrays and Natraj.
Sun will set and its light will make shadow of towers.
And its shadow will make shadow of Natraj.
Path of shadows will save us.
Ready, ready..stand up.
'Sanskrit shlok'
'Sanskrit shlok'
'Sanskrit shlok'
We will have to run from here before the sun sets.
Come on run in the shadows.
Don't leave the shadow.
Hurry up.
Run quickly before the shadow gets over.
Run, run..
The light is going.
Fast, faster..
Run fast. Fast.
Stop, stop..
Don't go ahead. No, stop..
How will we go ahead?
We will have to wait till morning.
- Then shall we stay here? - Yes.
If we move a step we will die.
Don't move.
Check the lights. Be careful and be slow.
Get down carefully seeing the stone.
Be careful.
Move ahead in light slowly.
Be careful. Be careful. We can fall.
- Be careful. - Don't come forward.
- Do not come forward. Wait there. - Hey, wait.
Do not come forward.
Wait, wait..
Ravi! Ravi!
Ravi, don't come now.
How do we cross this?
Wait till morning.
When you see the shadow of towers then run in that shadow.
Hey don't sleep. A little mistake and you will lose your life.
Are you like this from birth or have become like this after growing up?
Open minded.
Does no one stop you from wearing these clothes?
I don't have anyone.
All are dead.
Mother dies while giving birth to me.
Father brought me up.
But we never got along.
Was there any tension with regard to anything?
I used to love a boy.
He used to get irritated and shout at him.
That is why, I left that house.
Do you live with your lover now?
He was also a cheater. Cheap fellow.
He used to tell me to leave my work..
..and take care of the house after marriage.
That is why I left that stupid fellow.
Who is it?
Ready, ready, ready..
Run. Sapna, run fast.
Hey, come on run in the shadow.
Remain in the shadow.
Keep running.
Fast, fast..
Wait, from there.
Go, left.
Run fast.
Stop. Stop.
Stop on your place. Do not move.
Stay where you are. Stay there.
Now what do we do?
Wait there till evening.
Are we on the right path?
Is this your father's bag?
His camera is still working.
Did he leave these things for us?
He must have put up a camp here.
Look, he left so many things here.
Couldn't he leave a packet of chips?
We have reached. We have reached the place where Chola prince had hidden.
I think my father had reached till this place.
It is gold..
- Oh my God.. - Is he the lost Chola prince?
It can be. The face resembles the painting.
I cannot believe it.
What is that?
What? I cannot see anything.
I will zoom and see.
What is this? Oh my God..
This is a camel.
I will eat it completely. Do not be greedy.
Come on..
That camel might run away. Find a weapon to kill it.
- The camel should not be able escape. - Slowly, slowly..
Let's party..
Surround it..from the front.
We will have to attack the neck.
At last we found the place where Cholas lived.
Thanks to Lavanya.
And now we will go inside it.
For star news from a strange place reporter Sukumar.
What is this? How did the breeze stop?
I feel something is going to happen.
Hey Goddess Chandika, protect us.
'This ruin which gives witness of a prestigious..'
'..history is not an ordinary ruin.'
'And we had no idea that Cholas had laid a secret trap here.'
'Everyone will die.'
- You will not be spared. - You will have to stay with me.
We should run away from here otherwise we will not remain alive.
What is happening?
Something is happening to me.
- What is happening to me? - My nose is bleeding.
Save me..
Save me..
Save us..
Who is screaming?
What is happening with me?
I am going to die because of this scream.
'After crossing the limits of tolerance the person starts becoming mad.'
'He starts to wish for his death.'
'The madness increases to such an extent..'
'..that people start killing each other like animals.'
'This is beyond your imagination.'
Stop screaming.
'Under the state of madness, Raja, Anita and Lavanya..'
'..move ahead and reach till the door of the cave.'
'There they find a human being with firelight.'
Hey Goddess Chandika, at last you made them reach to us like other enemies.
Stay there.
'This ordinary looking man is actually a religious priest.'
Hey girl, come forward.
'He has some strange powers.'
'With the fire of firelight and some magical mantras..'
'..he takes these three out of madness.'
'It seemed..'
Hey girl, now you come..
'That by pious fire of firelight they were being made pure.'
'In unconscious state he takes them inside the cave.'
Hey man, now you come here.
'In the depth of cave there is such a strange world..'
'..which has nothing to do with modern world.'
What is this? Picture of a lion.
I will have to treat and save him.
'It seems as if time has stopped years ago.'
'This was such a kingdom about which no one can even dream.'
'The tantric of Cholas treated Raja..'
'..and gave him a new life.'
'At one time Chola Kingdom was famous for its immense wealth..'
'..was now going through a dangerous crisis.'
'And Pandyans were the reason behind it who attacked the Cholas.'
'To save his son Chola king laid many..'
'..death traps had sent him to this secret place.'
Chola king is arriving..
Everyone reach the palace.
The king has given the order to reach the palace.
'She is the queen of Cholas.'
'She is the princess and the prince.'
'Today it has become a battle for existence even for a morsel of food.'
'Some Cholas believed that they were cursed..'
'..because the stole the idol of Pandyans.'
'The Chola king is still waiting for that messenger of God..'
'..who will bring message of happiness for them.'
'Such a message which will bring the prestige..'
'..and golden period of the Cholas back.'
'These citizens hope..'
'..that Chola king will take them with him to his kingdom.'
'Unfortunately these Chola citizens were cursed by someone.'
'These people slowly, slowly started getting destroyed.'
'Year by year it started becoming hot.'
'First the crops started getting destroyed then one after..'
'..another people started dying because of weather calamity.'
'Due to continuous famine and no connection with outside world..'
'..these people were craving for morsel of food.'
'There was no food to eat or water to drink.'
'Nor clothes to wear.'
For ages there has been no change here.
There is no food or water.
When will messenger come who will bring happiness in our lives?
You enjoy a luxurious life in the palace..
..and no one tells you about the problems we face.
You had said that there will be happiness.. when the messenger comes.
If revolt takes place here then.. and your Chola kingdom will be responsible for that.
'Ravi with his men was able to reach to the lonely..'
'..ruins on the other side of the island'
'On the other hand the religious priest of Cholas was praying to God.'
Hey Goddess Chandika, protect us.
'The tantric of Cholas comes to know through his..'
'..divine powers that an enemy is nearing.'
'He destroys the ruins outside the caves.'
'Hey, the entire ruin is coming down. Now we will not survive.'
I have seen a mark of lion on his back.
I have a doubt that he might be the messenger of happiness.
'The king of Chola and his minister wanted to confirm..'
'..that was Raja who had the picture of cheetah on his back..'
'..was the messenger of God who would bring back their lost prestige.'
'Or he is an enemy who came to kill his king.'
Make him smell that medicine by which he speaks the truth.
Have you brought the message from the Chola kingdom to return back?
What kind of mark is there on your back?
Ask the one who has made that tattoo.
At this time I am feeling very hungry. Give me something to eat.
I have not eaten for last 10 days. I am feeling very hungry.
First give me good food to eat. I want to eat Biryani.
I will not spare that woman.
No, mother had taught me never to curse any woman.
But for Anita I will not listen to my mother.
But Lavanya is very nice and beautiful.
But what is happening to me even in so much pain.
I think I have gone mad.
That is why I am thinking will Lavanya marry me.
What will I do in the marriage?
Why are you hitting me?
Cheap woman I will not spare you.
I will not spare you.
Were you talking about this messenger?
Will this mad person take us to out motherland?
Will he bring rain?
Even you are mad like him.
Kill him.
He is not an ordinary man but the one who possesses divine powers.
'Chola tantric through his magical dices tried to find..'
'..the identity of Anita and the reason of her coming here.'
Goddess, tell us who is she?
'But because he could not get a straight answer he becomes angrier.'
'He decided to sacrifice her.'
'But sacrifice could be made of only healthy people.'
'That is why it was necessary to make both of them healthy.'
'He started to treat both of them with his traditional herbal medicines.'
'Once they were satisfied that Raja, Anita and Lavanya were..'
'..not messengers of God they are taken to temple of Goddess for sacrifice.'
'Hail to Goddess..'
Hey, where have you brought me? Who are you all?
My brother, I have not done anything. Anita has done everything.
'Before offering the sacrifice the Chola women..'
' the traditional dance to appease the Goddess.'
Lavanya, what is happening here?
Tell me, where are we?
Who are these people?
They are Chola people whom we were finding.
I had thought that these people would have been dead.
Even I had thought so. But they are alive.
They are here for so many generations.
'Sanskrit chant'
'Before offering the sacrifice the priest reads..'
'..some mantras in front of Goddess.'
'A blue colored magical light comes out from his finger.'
'That gives an indication to burn them alive.'
'Anita was well aware of the fact that if they are injured..'
'..then Goddess would not accept the sacrifice.'
'Secretly she scratches herself with her nails.'
'Because of bleeding Goddess stops their sacrifice.'
'At that point Anita frees herself.'
'She possessed such powers with which she kills the priest of Cholas.'
'Everyone is surprised to see this dangerous form of Anita.'
'Suddenly a picture of Cheetah comes on Anita's back.'
'Everyone feels that she is the messenger of God..'
'..for whom they were waiting for so many years.'
'Everyone bows head in front of Anita.'
'At that moment the Goddess of Cholas appears in the form of fire.'
'And people believe that Anita is an incarnation of their Goddess.'
'People fall at her feet and offer prayers.'
'But this is in fact a trap laid by Anita.'
I am coming from the capital of the Cholas.
And Nambiyatriar is my name.
I am the heir of Chola king Rajendrasena who was a devotee..
..of Shiva, follower of Tanjay, protector of Meru mountain.
I have brought a message for you.
But for that you will have to fulfill my wish that I become your friend.
'The citizens of Chola gave her the position of queen.'
'She first orders her friends Raja and Lavanya to be put behind bars.'
- 'Lavanya and Raja feel helpless.' - Where are you taking me?
'They do not understand what is happening.'
'What is the truth of Anita?'
'What is her real motive?'
'No one else except Anita knew this.'
What is the message?
Won't you speak or not?
I will tell you king when we are alone.
Will you fulfill my wish that I become your queen?
This poisonous girl cannot be depended upon.
Now tell.
Let me enjoy..
..the feeling of unification..
..just as climbers clings to trees..
Your eyes show cheat.
You are speaking lies.
Your actions do not show love but revenge.
Your heartbeat is full of hatred.
You are not a woman but a curse.
I have very well understood your plan.
Whatever you are doing with me is not love but acting.
It is a show off.
You are death in the form of human being.
'Chola king could not believe the truth of Anita even if he wished to.'
'He tortured her so much so that she would speak the truth.'
'Anita has a secret weapon to kill him.'
'The king attacks on her shadow rather than on her..'
' confirm the possibility of her being poisonous lady.'
'So that he remains safe.'
Tell me what you know. Tell me the message.
Tell me the truth.
Tell me why you know?
Three days from now we will move towards the Chola kingdom.
You will be welcome and your coronation will be done in Chola kingdom.
The public of Chola kingdom is waiting for you.
I have brought this message for you.
This is not the truth.
Tell me the truth.
I am saying the truth.
After two weeks you will be the king.
'How unfortunate I am?'
'Having my motherland I have never been there.'
'What misfortune other than this can a king..'
'..experience who is fluttering to see his country?'
Even now there would be gold grains growing in fields?
Will the public fulfill my desire as an order?
Can I still hear the sound of bows there?
Will the stones be still carved into idols?
How can I believe that you are the messenger whom we were waiting for?
'It was said that when that messenger would come..'
'..then he would bring rainfall.'
'But nothing of this sort happened.'
'The pictures made by our ancestors speak lies.'
'Wait for some time.'
'Everything will turn out to be true when the time comes.'
'Chola kingdom has become powerful.'
'Believe me that bad days are over.'
'On way back we have got rest houses and wells made.'
'Now there is no need to be scared.'
'If we think good then good will happen.'
'Everything will be fine.'
Dear citizens now we need not..
..hide our faces from each other.
Because after two days..
..we will leave for Chola kingdom.
By killing the prisoners we will start celebrations..
..of returning back to our motherland.
'All the prisoners are being taken to a ground.'
'There they will have to fight with devil like men.'
'On one hand those devilish men will have weapons..'
'..but these prisoners will fight without weapons.'
'Anyone who has played this game has not survived.'
'For the Cholas this bloodshed has been the only source of entertainment.'
Come on move from here. Move..
Let's go from here. Save your life. Get lost.
Get lost.
Hey, fool..
Raja, he is my father.
Leave me. Raja, he is my father. Save him.
My father.
Save him.
Kill, kill..
Kill, kill..
Come on. Get up from here. Let's go, go..
Yes. Save yourself. Save yourself.
Go and fight with him. Go.
Are you scared of him? Go and fight with him.
Kill him. Are you a coward?
Hurry up. Come on, go.
'Hey Goddess Chandika, protect that messenger.'
'He will save our life and love.'
Don't be a coward. Go and fight, go..
I will beat you more. Coward! Coward!
'Raja was on the verge of death.'
'Then suddenly a strange picture came in front of his eyes.'
'Instead of human beings she started seeing skeletons.'
'Raja felt as if something from history..'
' trying to tell him something.'
Did Raja have any past?
'Did he have any relation with Chola Kingdom about which he did not know?'
'Suddenly he developed a strange power.'
'And then he did about which he had never imagined.'
Celebrate happiness..
What should we do to make you happy..
..dear Goddess who has come to help us?
You will have to help your queen's message reach to someone.
Now, at this moment.
'I have come to know every weakness of the enemy.'
'We should not delay in attacking now.'
'The time for war has arrived.'
Everyone is informed..
..that from tomorrow the journey to the motherland will be started.
Everyone take your belongings with you.
Keep in mind that no one should remain back here.
Let me see how you bless your Chola king.
'I shall put blood of my hatred in poison and put it in water.'
'Because of which this Chola dynasty will be finished.'
Hail to Chola king.
Hail to Chola king.
Hail to Chola king.
Hail to Chola king.
Gods of our God protect us.
Bless us for our safe journey.
King, there is a bad news.
Enemy army has surrounded us from all sides.
'Today after thousand years the revenge of Pandyans will be complete.'
'Having faith on you I have brought them here.'
'They are also from Pandyan clan.'
'They will also die for their clan.'
'Today would be the last day of Chola kingdom.'
'By now Chola king had understood that he was cheated.'
'Seeing his dream shattering he got into a position of shock.'
'He wanted to kill himself because..'
'..he could not fulfill his promise given to public.'
'History was going to repeat itself.'
Thousand years ago the story of blood and tyranny..
..that Pandyans had written with Cholas was going to be written again.
'He could see the end of Cholas in front of him.'
'Chola king did not have courage to see this deadly and bloody scene.'
'Citizens of Chola kingdom did not want to leave his king at any cost.'
'He was the last ray of hope for them.'
'Suddenly Anita's friend Raja starts crying.'
'His soul is filled with guilt.'
'He knows that he is the mainly responsible..'
'..for the destruction that is going to take place.'
'He was the one who helped Anita to reach here.'
'Raja was responsible for the bloodshed..'
'..that was going to take place with Cholas.'
'People of Chola dynasty wanted to kill him.'
- Kill him. - 'They wanted to give their culprit a merciless death.'
- Don't spare him. - 'Helpless Chola king..'
'..had no other option but to see all this.'
'The prince gives a weapon to Raja..'
' that according to Chola rule he could kill himself.'
'But Raja had decided to do something else.'
'When Chola king saw all this..'
'..then he remembered few old pictures of Cholas.'
'In which the prophecy of future is hidden.'
'He started seeing someone else in Raja.'
'Maybe the messenger of God.'
'After thousand years the Chola prince experiences divine powers.'
'After thousand years it starts raining there.'
'This indicates..'
'..that the messenger of prosperity for the Cholas has reached there.'
'Citizens of Chola Kingdom start dancing happily.'
'This rain was a great ray of hope for them.'
'They had understood that Anita's friend was messenger of happiness.'
Move. Move. Get aside. Let me go.
Get aside.
He is the messenger for Cholas.
He is our next king.
'The old priest transfers all his powers to Raja and dies.'
We have to defeat Pandyans.
We have to defeat Pandyans.
We have to defeat Pandyans.
King, those people can attack us anytime.
Ask our soldiers to be ready.
Cholas! Cholas! Cholas!
'No doubt it was war between two different ages.'
'There was great technical difference between the weapons..'
'..of 16th century and modern weapons.'
'But there was one such weapon..'
'..that did not change from that time till now.'
'That weapon was deceit and fraud.'
Take position.
Stop, stop..
Stop. I am asking you to stop.
- Stop. - Give us water.
- Take it. Take it, drink water. - Drink water.
- Take it. You also take it. - Drink it, brother.
'Before leaving the cave Anita had added poison in water.'
'Because of that many Cholas soldiers died mercilessly.'
'They were not only less in number now but their morale also broke down.'
'Cholas defeat was obvious.'
Stop, stop..
Listen, we will have to use grenades.
What is the name of this army?
You did not tell us about this.
You had thought that I would get scared.
'It was not difficult to guess the result of the battle.'
'Once again the Pandyans..'
'..of 21st century with their modern weapons..'
'..defeated the Cholas of 16th century.'
'At last the Pandyans got back the family Goddess idol..'
'..which they wanted.'
'Thousand years ago they could not make Cholas their slave..'
'..but now they were able to do it.'
'It was evident that slavery, poverty..'
'.and suffering were written in destiny of Cholas.'
'Men, women and even children were not spared.'
'They all were made prisoners of war.'
'After that war it is disheartening to think what pain and suffering..'
'..Cholas would have gone through.'
'A person is forced to think that God made human being..'
'..then instead of teaching him language of love..'
'..why was he given the habit of being cruel and proud.'
'Till these bad instincts are not removed..'
'..humanity anyone like Pandyan can mentally..'
'..physically and emotionally exploit anyone like Cholas.'
'Sanskrit shlok'
King of Cholas, come here.
Come here quickly.
We still can fight for you.
King of Cholas, come here.
The ships are ready..
King of Cholas, come here quickly.
We are waiting for you.
King of Cholas, come here.
King of Cholas..
I had warned you that he shouldn't escape.
Useless people, you wasted all our efforts.
Get lost from here.
- Look, where did he go? - Go and find him.
- He will be here around somewhere. - Find him.
- Look there. - There. There.
- Look, where did he go? - Go, find him.
He will be here around somewhere.
Look there.
L'inizio di Tutto [Trailer Canale - Cortometraggio - ShakersTube] - Duration: 4:44.
Hi Mario
Hey how you doing?
Good, thanks
Do you feel like going to the pitch?
For now how many do you go?
For now we are George and I
I would like to, but I have to look after my brother all day
Okay, come on, let's do another day
All right, let's do another day
We resend
All right
Hi Cristian
Hey, tell me
Do you feel like going to the pitch? For now it's me and Girogio
I would like to see a lot, but I am at my cousin's house and then I have yet to clarify with Giorgio after the last time
So let's do another time, ok?
All right, we'll talk
Hey Giorgio, tell me
Look, we have to do another time, I'm going to my uncle's house
Hey Giorgio, do you want to have fun?
But are you sure you're going to your uncle?
Yes yes yes, it was eee ... the radio of the car, from now I have to escape we resent
A few hours later
Snakem: Hey
Shaker: Hey
Snakem: How are you?
Shaker: let's say well
Snakem: It does not seem from your tone of voice
Shaker: I often find myself doing nothing in the afternoon
Snakem: Calling friends, right?
Shaker: Already done, but every time they are always busy
Snakem: Find a job?
Shaker: I tried but nothing
Shaker: I should find something to keep me busy in the afternoon
Selena Gomez & her mother Mandy have had a strained bond for three years due to managing issues - Duration: 2:57.
Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos
Selena Gomez and her mother Mandy have had a strained bond for three years due to managing issues as it's claimed
They fell out over Justin Bieber reunion
It was recently reported that her mother was upset after she rekindled her romance with pop sensation Justin Bieber
But Selena Gomez and her momager Mandy TV have allegedly had a strained relationship
for over three years after they parted ways as manager and client as
The 25 year old singer bounced back with a new executive team in 2014 the breakdown of the pair's
professional relationship caused a major rift between the mother and daughter
Speaking about the Wolves hitmakers bond with her mother the source revealed
Selena has always said that the one person that means the most to her is her mom Mandy
But still they've had a really complicated relationship and have gone through a lot of ups and downs they continued
It caused a huge rift in their relationship
Mandy wouldn't even let Selena talk to her sister for a long time
Mandy and Selena's stepdad Brian tiki really did everything they could for Selena so when she fired her it took a toll on Mandy
emotionally and professionally
landline have contacted Selena's representatives for comment despite
Eventually reconnecting this report came shortly after the bad liar songstress and her former manager a heated conversation
Over on-off beau Justin Bieber which led to a voluntary welfare check up
according to TMZ
Selena's family will never forgive him or accept Justin for their complicated split in
2014 a
Source told the website that Mandy was taken to a welfare Center in Los Angeles for health check at a family member's request
Following his split from Sophia Ricci and her separation from the weakened the pair began to meet up again in November
Just an instant has started dating as teenagers in 2011 and spent three years in an on-and-off relationship
They initially blamed work schedules for their first split in November 2012 and they briefly reconciled in April 2013
much to fans delight
But things turned more sinister when Justin admitted the trust was the issue in his on-again off-again relationship with Selena
Conversely Justin's mother Pattie Mallette is believed to be very on board with the reconciliations
She lavished the bad liars and stris 25 with words of praise when she spoke with people last weekend
If he loves her I love her patti explained, and i've met him and we have a special bond, so I think she's fresh
1 Hour - Houseki no Kuni OST Mix [Disc #1] - Full OST - Duration: 1:02:35.
Thanks for watching ^^
Trump Lashes Out at China After Country 'Caught Red Handed' Illegally Shipping Oil to North Korea - Duration: 3:32.
Liverpool want Leon Goretzka next after wrapping up Virgil van Dijk transfer - Duration: 2:55.
Liverpool want Leon Goretzka next after wrapping up Virgil van Dijk transfer
Fresh from making Virgil van Dijk the most expensive defender of all time, Liverpool are trying to wrap up a second January deal in the form of Schalke star Leon Goretzka.
Jurgen Klopp forked out £75m to prise Van Dijk away from Southampton, though a deal for Goretzka would be significantly cheaper with the midfielder out of contract next summer.
The German can negotiate a pre-contract agreement with clubs outside of Germany from the beginning of January and, according to Bild, Liverpool are front of the queue.
Goretzka is one of the Bundesliga's best midfielders but is ready to leave Schalke.
The 22-year-old is not expected to renew his current deal with Schalke despite an offer to become the club's highest paid player ever.
That has alerted a host of European giants to his availability, with Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Manchester United, Arsenal and Juventus all holding interest.
Liverpool are ready to make the first move, though, and can easily offer a more lucrative contract than has been tabled by Schalke.
The opportunity to work under compatriot Klopp would also be a huge draw, while the Reds have already signed one of his old friends, Joel Matip, in similar circumstances.
Liverpool's midfield could look very different next summer, with Keita and Goretzka. The centre-back moved from Schalke to Anfield on a free transfer in 2016, while the German influence at the club will grow further when RB Leipzig star Naby Keita joins next summer.
Klopp's intention is to overhaul his midfield and partner Keita with Goretzka in a partnership that he believes can finally end Liverpool's long wait for a Premier League title.
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