Anushka Become Upset When Virat Left Her For South Africa Tour
For more infomation >> Anushka Become Upset When Virat Left Her For South Africa Tour - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Special committee on unification policy reform advises gov't to be more open to N. Korean policies - Duration: 2:22.
For the past three months, a nine-member committee of civilian experts reviewed the policies
of the previous conservative government when it comes to North Korea.
And today they announced the results.
It found some irregularities in some important areas.
The unification ministry said it will take the panel's policy recommendations into account.
Our Ji Myung-kil has more.
The special committee tasked with advising South Korea's unification ministry said Thursday
that the closure of the inter-Korean Kaesong Industrial Complex was unilaterally decided
by former President Park Geun-hye... without any prior consultation with the relevant ministries
or the South Korean firms operating there.
(Korean) "The closure of the Kaesong Industrial Park
was a decision that transcends law.
Even a political decision amid a security crisis should be made within the boundary
of law and should follow legal procedures."
The panel also said that concrete compensation plans were needed to provide extra support
to the hundreds of South Korean companies who suffered losses from investments in inter-Korean
It added that resuming the operation of the industrial park was necessary if certain conditions
are met.
(Korean) "While implementing U.N. Security Council
resolutions on the North, we need to re-open the Kaesong complex and to actively prepare
for it, if certain conditions are met due to changes in the global political landscape."
Seoul shut down the factory zone in February 2016 in response to Pyongyang's fourth nuclear
test the month before and a long range missile test.
The panel also advised the government to separate humanitarian aid and economic cooperation
from politics and military exercises.
All civilian exchanges have been banned due to series of incidents, including when a North
Korean soldier killed a South Korean tourist at the Mount Kumgang resort in 2008, and the
sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan in 2010.
(Stand-up) "The panel's review comes as the current Moon
Jae-in administration is seeking to create North Korea policies that can survive through
succeeding administrations regardless of their ideology.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News."
Pres. Moon vows support for young scientists and to focus on new research - Duration: 2:41.
President Moon invited promising young scientists to the Blue House on Thursday... and formed
his first Advisory Council for Science and Technology.
He, the council... and the young scientists... are focused on science and new research for
the nation's future.
Our Blue House correspondent Hwang Hojun has the details.
President Moon Jae-in pledged to increase government support for cultivating young scientists
to spur innovation.
(PRESIDENT) "You have the government's utmost support
for your journey to becoming scientists.
The government will always walk with you on the road of challenges and adventure."
( ... . )
A total of 180 students were invited to the Blue House on Thursday afternoon,... including
135 college students on a presidential science scholarship program,... and 45 laureates of
the International Science Olympiad.
President Moon told them they are the hope and future of the nation and vowed to establish
a better environment for science and technology research.
He specified that the governmet will guarantee mandatory social welfare programs for student
researchers participating in national research and development projects.
Such efforts will include the establishment of an optimum wage base for postdoctoral researchers
as well as expanding career opportunities for them.
The President has also committed to expanding government investment in basic research initiated
by the researchers themselves... to more than 2.3 billion U.S. dollars within his presidential
term,... nearly double the current amount.
Creating more quality jobs for budding scientists and guaranteeing them a work-life balance
were also promised by President Moon.
On a similar note, the South Korean President also completed the administration's 1st Presidential
Advisory Council for Science and Technology after presenting a letter of appointment to
twelve new members.
(KOREAN) "I ask you to present a vision and a direction
for science and technology that the nation can pursue in the mid- to long term, beyond
just this administration.
Please do this with the sense that you are creating a blueprint for the nation's future."
( .)
The Blue House said it expects the advisory council will be more active with the participation
of young professionals in various fields, including promising field researchers, venture
capitalists and lawyers.
The President called for innovative resolutions that can directly impact the livelihoods of
the Korean people,... pointing to issues like the recent earthquakes, fine dust pollution,
and bird flu outbreaks as examples.
(STANDUP) President Moon focusing on the nation's future
direction in the scientific field can be seen as the administration preparing for South
Korea to enter the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and make sure that innovative growth,...
President Moon's key economic policy,.. will materialize.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
Adventure Escape Murder Inn level 8 walkthrough Haiku Games. - Duration: 9:20.
Alps 2017 - Col d' Izoard - to the top, from Briançon - Duration: 15:05.
In the first part of the Izoard, the curves are rather large
(so also rather dangerous for starting to speed)
Also the Izoard has 2 villages in the beginning
But lukily these aren't as extended as they are at home
The first sharper curves are coming :-)
Apparently, I'm getting into the "flow" ...
Adventure Escape Murder Inn level 9 walkthrough Haiku Games. - Duration: 4:20.
Korea's industrial output figures show solid growth in Nov. - Duration: 2:26.
Korea's industrial output surged in November,... adding to expectations that the economy will
meet estimates of 3-percent economic growth for this year.
Compared to last year, the figures were up for production, consumption and investment.
But business sentiment, especially for the automobile sector, isn't looking so great.
Kim Ji-yeon has the numbers.
Output across all industries in Korea rose one-point-seven percent in November compared
to the same month last year.
Statistics Korea attributes the jump to increased output in the services sector.
Output in the finance and insurance sectors rose ten-point-four percent on-year.
Retail sales also soared five-point-six percent on-month on increased sales of durable goods,...
the biggest increase in eight years and nine months.
However, automobile production dropped by more than six-percent on-year.
(Korean) "Looking ahead, business sentiment is showing
signs of slowing down, the construction sector in particular, as prices of raw materials
Business sentiment in the local automobile industry dropped due to prolonged labor strikes
and massive lawsuits over wages.
The Bank of Korea says its business survey index for the automobile sector dropped six-points
from the previous month to 70 in December.
A reading below 100 means there are more pessimists than optimists.
Despite this, a local expert says sales by Korea's largest automaker Hyundai Motor, and
its sister company Kia Motors, will continue to increase next year... as Beijing's economic
retaliation against Seoul's deployment of the THAAD U.S. missile defense system shows
signs of waning.
(Korean) "Due to the retaliatory measures, exports
to China have faltered this year with combined sales of Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors amounting
to one-million units.
But next year, auto sales to China are expected to surge to between one-point-four and two-million
Meanwhile, business sentiment in the shipbuilding and transport sectors dropped five-points
to just 40.
Excluding the semiconductor-related sectors,... all manufacturing sectors had figures below
the 100 mark.
(standup) "Sentiment in wholesale and retail sales rose
this month by six points... mainly due to end-of-year shopping.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News."
Blaze The Wise | Road Rangers Videos For Babies | Toddlers Cartoon By Kids Channel - Duration: 1:01:44.
Sheriffff! My days of being evil are done
I admire you, and I want to be good just like you.
So, arrest me and let the world know that the great Sheriff has inspired an evil to become good.
Ahh! Nice of you to surrender
We would have put you behind bars ourselves sooner or later.
Sheriff, don't fall for this ploy of his I sense something fishy.
Blaze...Don't you see the innocence in my eyes?
That's enough, I don't think there's anything fishy Blaze
And nonetheless we have him behind bars
He can't do us any damage from in there.
Sheriff isn't seeing the elephant in the room,
The thief isn't the fool he's pretending to be
He is unlikely to surrender without some motive.
Fire! Fire! Fire on the walllll!
Holy smokes! Are you OK Sheriff?
And so the damages begin even from behind bars, huh?
To the contrary, it is this mischief maker that has saved my life today Blaze.
The secure storage is compromised
We'll have to move all of this stuff to another location right away.
Thief, you'll have to accompany me,
I think you've earned my trust.
There's a new Bromance in town.
Oh man! I thought I was his other best friend.
Oh my god Sheriff!
What's going on?
He pushed me over the cliff and escaped with all the money and valuables.
He almost got me killed.
I had told you so, I've got to go...
I've been so stupid,
Would both of you help me get that back stabbing thief back behind bars?
Stupid as you may be
You're still one of us.
Let's get this show on the road.
Help me Sawyer! Help!
Oh maaaan!
Wooooooohaaaaaa! Wooooooohaaaaaa!
We have to be privy to the fact that Sheriff will want revenge now!
He is angry and thus foolish
Its up to you to follow where it takes you
And at the first sign of danger
Send me signal with this!
The boys are in trouble
Thanks Blaze.
Get me down Blaze!
Let's go get him now.
10 Best Reasons Why You Need To Start Drinking Lemon Water On A Daily Basis! - Duration: 6:52.
10 Best Reasons Why You Need To Start Drinking Lemon Water On A Daily Basis!
A lot of experts advise drinking warm lemon water in the mornings because it provides
numerous health advantages.
This is as a result of the fact that water maintains the body hydrated and removes the
harmful toxins.
On the other hand, lemon contains a lot of essential nutrients, such as iron, calcium,
vitamins A, B-complex and C, pectin fiber, potassium, proteins and carbs.
It also contains citric acid and efficient immune-boosting, anti-viral and anti-bacterial
So, what you need to do is to divide the lemon in halves, and squeeze the juice of it in
a glass of lukewarm water.
If you want to better its taste, you can likewise add some honey, which is going to help enhance
its health value.
Drink this beverage immediately after you wake up in the mornings, 30 minutes prior
to having breakfast.
The best and most important health advantages of this lemon drink are the following:
Betters The Immune System
This healthy drink can increase the functioning of the immune system due to the fact that
the lemon is rich in vitamin C and it can prevent colds and the flu.
Moreover, it strengthens the absorption of indispensable nutrients of importance for
the health of the immune system.
In addition, lemons contain saponins, which possess powerful anti-microbial characteristics.
Cleanses the Urinary System
Lemon water can help cleanse the urinary tract and stimulate the production of urine because
it acts as a diuretic.
Additionally, this rejuvenating beverage can change the pH level of the urinary system,
hence lowering the number of bad bacteria.
The citric acid present in lemons can detoxify the body, as well as prevent the appearance
of infections of the urinary tract.
For this reason, lemon water is especially beneficial in women who struggle with regular
infections of the urinary system because it can prevent their reoccurrence.
Betters Food digestion
Lemons contain ingredients that cause the production of bile in the liver, which is
extremely important for digestion.
It can also help the digestion system remove toxins and other damaging substances that
can be found in the body.
Therefore, if you drink lemon water daily you are going to reduce the symptoms of indigestion,
like heartburn, burping and bloating.
It can also prevent diarrhea and constipation because it promotes a healthy functioning
of the bowel.
Due to the fact that it can stimulate smooth functioning of the bowel, it can prevent constipation
and diarrhea.
The American Cancer Society advises the use of lemon water as an efficient method for
preventing the development of cancer.
Betters Skin Health
By drinking lemon water on a regular basis you can improve the appearance of your skin
because it can cleanse the blood, as well as stimulate the growth of new blood cells.
It is also abundant in anti-oxidants, such as vitamin C, which can prevent the appearance
of blemishes, skin spots and wrinkles, and battle damages caused by free radicals.
In addition, with the adding of honey to the lemon water, it is going to obtain potent
collagen-boosting, anti-bacterial and restorative outcomes that are going to provide even more
potent beneficial effects to the skin.
Aids Weight-Loss
If you have been making attempts to shed some extra pounds, then you definitely have to
start drinking lemon water with some honey added to it on a daily basis.
Lemons are very rich in pectin fiber that can stop food cravings, as well as provide
a feeling of satiety that is going to last for a longer period of time.
You can also accelerate the process of losing weight due to the fact that the ingredients
are going to make the environment in the stomach more alkaline.
Regulates Hypertension
Lemon water is very helpful when it comes to high blood pressure due to the fact that
it has the ability to hydrate and cleanse the lymphatic system.
Lemons are rich in potassium, therefore they can also better your mental performance and
sleep, they are going to help reduce stress, as well as regulate your high blood pressure.
Given that lemons are abundant in potassium, they can help you reduce stress, sleep better,
as well as better your mental functioning, hence regulating your blood pressure.
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Return maximum occurring character in an input string | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 3:08.
This Smoothie For Balancing Your Digestive System | Best Smoothie Recipe Healthy - Remedies One - Duration: 2:29.
thanks to its digestive properties this smoothie with papaya can be a great help
for your digestive health and it can help you to have regular bowel movements
today's video will discuss papaya apple and notes smoothie for balancing your
digestive system before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe
our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon
so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily people who suffer
from digestive problems should try this delicious smoothie
it's made with papaya apple and oats the best part about it is that it's great
for balancing your digestive system papaya papaya is a tropical fruit that's
rich in sugar and fiber this stands out because of its high content of beta
carotenes these give it its characteristic orange color apples
apples are a very common fruit sometimes we don't appreciate them because we
always have them in reach however an apple of day keeps the doctor away
oats oats are one of the best cereals that you can eat this is because its
nutritional values are fairly complete they're rich in vitamins mineral fiber
and moose village papaya apple an oat smoothie we are going to tell you how to
make this papaya apple an oat smoothie it's both easy and natural ingredients
one round of pineapple one apple two tablespoons of oats 1 cup of water
stevia to sweeten optional to taste what do you need to do first the night before
you need to let the oats soak in a cup of water in the morning blend the water
in the oats together with the Apple if it's organic with its peel and the
papaya you can add some of the papaya seeds if you want however don't add any
more than 10 if you want it to be more liquid add more water
finally you can sweeten it with stevia how you balancing your digestive system
let me know in our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel
below thank you
Gardenscapes Level 197 - How to complete Level 197 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 3:40.
Gardenscapes Level 197 - How to complete Level 197 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 197 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 197
Gardenscapes how to complete level 197
Gardenscapes beat level 197"
Talking Heads, Dissenting Voices #6 Jacob Hasbun - Duration: 11:42.
#6 Jacob Hasbun, Brussels
My name is Jacob Hasbun.
I was born in Colombia of a Palestinian father
and a Colombian mother.
I spent part of my life, my youth, in Colombia
and for the last thirty years I've been in Belgium
first as a lawyer, and now I am essentially a sculptor.
Sculpture is my core profession.
For many years I felt a calling towards sculpture,
but I didn't allow myself
the pleasure of taking this path
until there came a time when I could no longer refuse it.
It became imperative for me to answer this calling
and I started sculpting, and today it's my main activity.
When I was a young child, I asked my mother
to buy me some clay,
because I wanted to do the portraits
of my father, my brothers, my sisters.
And I think of this today because I really don't know
where this idea came from,
to do people's portraits, to model in clay.
So my mother went to buy me some clay
and I came back home with her
and I was really happy and I started to do
the portraits of all my brothers and sisters, and my father,
and I spent hours and whole days doing portraits.
So sculpture revealed itself in me
as a mysterious calling
which literally fell from the sky.
But it was something
that I then forgot about for a number of years
after I'd enrolled as a law student.
But it caught up with me about twenty years later
and it was then that I finally felt this calling again,
that I realised it was an important
and actually essential path for my personal growth.
It was vital for me.
And I'm still doing it.
Gradually, I spent more and more time
sculpting as an amateur,
and I realised that it was THE path
that I was destined to follow in this life.
I began with figurative sculpture.
I was fascinated by people, by forms and shapes,
by the human body,
and I did a lot of figurative sculpture.
But after a few years
I felt that I couldn't express everything
that was happening to me
that was growing in me
and I tentatively moved towards
different types of expression.
And I felt that the material I used
should change also.
I started experimenting with wood, metal, marble
and what is called abstract art.
But in my case it wasn't really that,
it wasn't abstract art.
It's more a stylised organic art
which is connected to life.
So it's organic art, not abstract art.
"Abstract" is a vague term
which has always dissatisfied me.
This sculpture is more a type of celebration,
it's not an imitation but a celebration.
And I want it more and more to be neo-pagan.
It's neo-pagan sculpture of the celebration of life.
This is my vegetable garden
where I grow only traditional varieties.
For example this is pre-columbian maize
which comes from Mexico and the United States.
I buy my seeds from Kokopelli
I'm a member of Kokopelli
an association which protects and safeguards
traditional seed varieties.
When I was seven or eight
I had an experience that had
a major influence on my life
both spiritually and in other ways.
It was the magic of seeds which sprout
when they are put into damp earth.
My father had made a small vegetable garden
for his chidren, which was divided into squares.
Each of us had a small square and he gave us seeds,
and for the first time in my life
I experienced the miracle of seeds germinating.
The contact of a seed with the earth
and the creation of a plant.
And I've lived with that magical moment all my life.
And it's still there.
This plant, the amaranth, is my "fetish" plant
and it's also the "heroine" of my plants.
Because for a number of years
it has caused a lot of trouble for Monsanto
the world's no.1 producer of GMO seeds
major trouble because it has become
totally untreatable by Monsanto
and for farmers who use their seeds
because it's a sort of weed
which is very difficult to get rid of, and there are
a lot of contracts with Monsanto
which don't get renewed because of that.
She's a sort of resistance fighter
and that's why she's my heroine.
About twenty years ago
I started a vegetable garden
and I grow a wide variety of vegetables
year after year,
because I want to use
traditional horticultural methods
which have an organic connection with the earth,
with the energy of the earth and a respect for nature.
And also with the intention
of encouraging others to do the same.
I'm very concerned about the loss of plant varieties
which has been accelerating for several decades.
It's a wealth which is disappearing for ever
an ecological cataclysm
which we all should be aware of.
I'm part of a project which is trying
to save plants in danger of extinction.
The project is run by an association
which has created an adoption programme
for plant varieties in danger of extinction,
and I have adopted two varieties.
So what do "adoptive parents" do?
They agree to grow the varieties they have adopted
then carefully keep the seeds safe
which they collect at the end of the growth cycle
and then send them to the association
which then distributes them
to people who have agreed to grow them
the following year
and the years after that.
They're distributed across the whole world.
It's like a brotherhood
of protectors of varieties in danger of extinction.
We have a very serious responsibility
and thanks to us, perhaps, in three generations
these varieties will still exist.
I am haunted by beauty, because beauty is life
and I've planted and tended
a number of gardens in my life
which are all celebrations of beauty ...
– the garden of sculpture;
the garden, in its original sense,
of plants, of organic agriculture;
I've done things myself ...
made my own soap, paprika, shampoo.
Then there's the garden of ideas
the garden where I cultivate
my critical faculties, critical ideas, critical attitudes,
these are fabulous, extraordinary plants.
A few years ago I came across a book
"Creating Alternative Futures"
and I now realise, twenty years later
that this title is a good summary
of my attitude, of my life's programme:
Creating Alternative Futures.
Trusting politicians and the leaders of this world
to bring about the changes
that will improve our lives in the future
and carry forward our hopes for a better world,
this is not the way to go.
We must, whenever we feel deeply unhappy
about the way the world is going
when we want something to change urgently,
we must translate this into action
transform our words into acts
our convictions into deeds
and create alternative futures in our present.
Bring the future into the present.
یرقان سے نجات کے لیے چند گھریلو ٹوٹکے || Yarkan || Hepatitis Ka Ilaj || Tib E Nabvi In Urdu - Duration: 4:00.
Yarkan || Hepatitis Ka Ilaj || Tib E Nabvi In Urdu
Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: Trumpet Jazz Music - Duration: 3:33:37.
Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: Trumpet Jazz Music
Fun Girl Care & College Crush Date #w | Learn Colors & Play Make Up Dress Up Spa Dance Games - Duration: 5:58.
Fun Kids Games & Fun Cooking Games #w | Baby Play & Bake Chocolate Caramel Candy Bars
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