Hey guys its me Rahul, The mobile gaming industry is getting bigger and bigger day by day.
Mobile games are becoming more realistic and developers are putting a lot of effort to
make great games.
Playing games on such a small screen is getting popular and people are not really bothered
by the screen size anymore.
You guys know what this video is all about, so let's get right into it,
you can look at playing video games on a smartwatch as a futuristic thing or as a stupid weird
thing, either way you are right.
I have played games on my smartwatch long before i decided to make this video, and it
is actually quite enjoyable.
My friends really love playing games on watch . Just think about it, you are playing games
on a freakin watch How CRAZY IS THAT.
So today i'll be sharing my top picks for the best android wear games.
1.Starting things off with papercraft, It is my favourite game to play on my smartwatch,
and it is the only game that i had before making this video, The game is very simple,
you have to shoot the enemy objects coming your way, and it does reminds me of galaga,
and a lot of other retro mobile games . The game is super fun, the controls are very simple,
swipes and taps that's all you need.
2.Pong might be the oldest video game that people still hasn't forgotten, you can feel
somewhat nostalgic playing BiDot, an android wear game that has a similar game mechanics,
it is a bit different because in this game you have to Separate the bouncing blue and
red dots by moving separator door from side to side.
3.If you are somewhat following the gaming industry for the past 3 years, you probably
know a game called flappy bird, It was HUGE ,everyone was playing it, and the playstore
was flooded with its clones So if you ever feel like playing flappy bird again , you
can play that on your watch, with this game called bird wear, it has the same game mechanics
as flappy bird, it is a lot of fun to play this game.
4.Digital galaxy is a very simple game in which you shoot asteroids at planets.
5.have you ever thought of playing tetris on your watch ? well, you can do that right
now, dragon laser is a tetris like game, in which you place the blocks in the gaps,if
you want to feel nostalgic, give it a try,.
6.Jump line is a really clever game that takes full advantage of the small screen of your
watch, you need to draw lines in order to bounce the ball around, if the ball hits any
falling spikes "GAME OVER".
7.Minecraft jumper is a game for your smartwatch that has nothing to do with minecraft, but
it is another cool game in which you jump over obstacles and change tracks in order
to progress in the game.
8.Power of two is watch version of the popular sliding block puzzle games 20-48,in this game
you slide the same blocks to merge them and continue doing this until you reach the tile
with a value of 2048.
9.I have never played solitaire in my life, i don't know how to play it either.
Solitaire wear is a very minimal version of the solitaire games that you see on your pc.
10.Tictac toe is a very simple popular board game, and it is one of those games that it
perfect to play on a watch, the game is simple , you know how to play it, so what are you
waiting for ?
Have you had those geometry boxes which has a maze on top of it?
And 2 or three small balls in the maze , well.. i grew up playing that during class, and now
i can play it on my watch, i wish the animations were are little bit smoother, but other than
that, no problems.
Wear rider is the last game on this list, and it remind me of those 8 bit bike racing
games on Nintendo consoles, the game is very simple you switch lanes to avoid obstacles
And finish.
For more infomation >> Top 12 Best Android Wear Games for your Smartwatch - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Talcum Powder and Fibroids - Duration: 5:17.
The Making Of - Simon's Cat | OFF TO THE VET - Duration: 11:11.
Angela Merkel: Schockierende Neuigkeiten vor dem Jahreswechsel! - Duration: 4:45.
2017 in Review: North Korea PART 1 - Nuclear & Missile Development - Duration: 4:35.
North Korean provocations.
We've grown somewhat numb to them here in the nation, but noticeable strides made in
missile technology has more citizens down South fearing the worst.
Pyongyang decared it completed its weapons development after their latest ICBM launch.
For the second part of our year-end special, Oh Jung-hee has a wrap-up of the regime's
nuclear and missile upgrade through 2017.
This year, North Korea conducted one nuclear test and 15 missile tests, firing 20 missiles
in total.
That's fewer tests than last year... but this year's provocations were bolder and more daring...
in that the regime continuously tested upgraded missiles... which are now deemed to be capable
of striking anywhere in the United States.
Among the missiles Pyongyang fired in 2016, the ones with longest ranges were the intermediate-range
Musudan ballistic missiles.
These can fly up to 3000 kilometers,... putting the U.S. territory of Guam within reach.
But these missiles weren't considered a big threat... as only one out of the eight Musudan
tests was successful.
This year, the regime started firing missiles with longer ranges.
Intermediate range Hwasong-12 missiles fired in August and September passed over Japan.
ICBM-level Hwasong-14 missiles in July... which were launched at a lofted angle,...
reached altitudes of 28-hundred and 32-hundred kilometers,... and the latest Hwasong-15 reached
an even higher altitude of over 44-hundred kilometers.
The higher the altitude, the longer the missile range.
If fired at a normal trajectory,... the Hwasong-15 is believed to be able to fly up to 13 or
14-thousand kilometers.
(Korean) "The Hwasong-15 ICBM can carry a super-sized
nuclear warhead and strike the whole United States.
It's the DPRK's most powerful ICBM and meets the DPRK's goal of completing the rocket weapons
[ -15 ... .]
But still unanswered are two questions: has North Korea developed the technology to miniaturize
a nuclear warhead... and can its missiles successfully re-enter the Earth's atmosphere.
The ideal weight of a nuclear warhead designed for an ICBM is seen to be around the 500-kilogram
But some experts say... if the engine is strong enough, the warhead may not have to be made
any lighter.
(Korean) "I've conducted a virtual simulation after
the Hwasong-15 launch... and even if we assume the warhead's weight as 700 to 800 kilograms,
it appears the missile can fly up to 10-thousand to 12-thousand kilometers.
This would mean that the North has lightened its nuclear warhead to a sufficient level
for itself."
[700-800 10000 12000 . , 15 . .]
Missile re-entry is another crucial part.
When an ICBM re-enters the atmosphere,... it has to protect the nuclear bomb inside
from frictional heat of 7000 to 8000 degrees Celsius.... as well as massive pressure and
Whether the North has achieved this technology is not clear... but pundits say,... Pyongyang
was still aiming to test the technology through the latest Hwasong-15 launch.
(Korean) "The North decided not to fire its missile
to fly over Japan,... because if it does, then it can't check whether the missile successfully
re-entered the atmosphere as it doesn't have a satellite.
But if the missile falls in the East Sea, then the regime can check the missile re-entry
using radar."
[ . .]
Having declared the completion of its nuclear weapons program,... will the reclusive regime
continue with its provocations?
Analysts say the North could possibly halt its provocations... at least temporarily -- until
after PyeongChang Winter Olympics -- and turn toward a peaceful dialogue with the surrounding
But if that fails,... the North could conduct further ICBM... and even submarine-launched
ballistic missile tests... and a seventh nuclear test to develop an even lighter nuclear warhead.
(Korean) "What the North calls a "completion" is actually
about 90-percent complete, not a hundred-percent.
There're more stages Pyongyang has to go through to diversify its missiles and actually deploy
The North could also go on to develop solid-fuel missiles... and SLBMs."
[ , 90 100 . // . ... // , SLBM ]
Next week, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will make his New Year's speech.
And there's a lot of interest on... whether he'll use the speech to officially declare
North Korea as a nuclear state... and hint at the possibility of starting negotiations
with the United States.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
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Plant Intelligence 'IF' plants are sentient? - Duration: 8:33.
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Life fills the earth and so far it is the only planet we know of that supports it
A wide range of animals populate the globe from microbes to whales these diverse forms
populate every niche on the planet.
But there is one group of life form that tends to get over looked and are probably the most
successful group of living things in all of history.
Plants form the base of all ecosystems, they are the producer's taking the suns energy
and converting this light energy into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates.
Today more and more people are becoming vegetarian or vegan.
There is a wide range of reasons why but primarily for most, they do not see the need to make
animals suffer for our food.
For them eating plants soothes their conscience, plants do not exhibit qualities that we associate
with conscientious or do they?
Science has begun to show that they may indeed be sentient.
Back In 2005, a group of international scientists established The Society for Plant Neurobiology.
This group set out to study the sophisticated behavior found in plants.
In these studies it was discovered that plants are much more sophisticated then was first
They discovered evidence that plants could sense what's around them and in ways more
sophisticated than animals.
How is this possible?
On the root tips of all plants there is a tiny region that functions as a point to gather
electrical signals.
This mirrors the way signals are detected in human neurons.
This meant that every single root apex in a plant's can detect and monitor at least
15 different chemical and physical parameters.
So if plants are gathering so much information how they process it, for animals it's the
brain but for a plant that doesn't make much sense.
Many animals graze on plants and having all their senses feed into one area that could
be easily eaten does not make evolutionary sense.
Instead they have evolved a decentralized intelligence scattered which is spread throughout
the root systems.
So if we are using evolution to show their development of sentience, we have to ask why
they haven't evolved movement like animals?
Well plants do move and with intention.
A plant flowers and orients its leaves to follow the light, they also go into a form
of sleep at night.
Plants have also exhibited the ability to make mathematical computations and even show
kindness toward their relatives.
They can recognize themselves and communicate with animals and other plants by using alluring
fragrances and a diverse range chemical compounds exuded by their roots.
Another study in 2013, looked at Arabidopsis thaliana and found that these small weeds
are capable of making mathematical calculations.
Requiring starch to survive, which the plants manufacture using photosynthesis.
At night, they hold an amount starch in their leaves this saving them from starvation, and
this is where the math comes in.
The plants can estimate the amount of time until dawn, and divide their food reserves
by this expected time.
This allows them to have enough starch to last until the sun rises.
Manna Center for Plant Biosciences at Tel Aviv University reported that plants can even
They use photoreceptors that perceive different wavelengths of light.
This kind of vision makes them aware of when something is near them and may even be able
to detect colour.
If this is not proof of how plants are sentient, how about plants their ability to recognize
one another.
in 2007 plant ecologist Susan Dudley of McMaster University in Ontario, worked with sea rockets—members
of the mustard family native to beaches throughout North America.
She investigated whether plants could recognize their relatives.
They discovered that there was less root competition when closely related "siblings" shared
the same pot this was opposed to when groups of stranger plants grew in the same container.
This experiment showed that the plants not only recognized but acted altruistically toward
their relatives.
Other studies have indicated that plants are capable of self-recognition.
The roots of white bursage plant inhibit the growth of other plants they come into direct
physical contact with but do not impede the growth of their own roots, meaning that they
can distinguish "self" from "other."
So far it seems that these smaller plants exhibit the most sentience but what about
their larger cousins the trees?
Trees compete against each other for light and space.
But it is now known that individuals of a species are actually working together, they
are cooperating with one another.
This cooperation comes in many forms mother trees suckle their children, they feed the
young tree just enough sugars produced by its own photosynthesis to keep them from dying.
It is believed that trees communicate with members of their own species through interconnected
roots this in the same way shown on the smaller plants.
What proof of this interaction and support system exists?
Trees that have been felled and thus do not have leaves to enable photosynthesis are found
to still have chlorophyll under their bark.
They must be receiving nutrients through this root support system.
It has also been shown that trees like their little cousins trees can and do communicate,
we can measure electrical signals that pass through the bark and into the roots and from
there into fungi networks in the soil that alert nearby trees of danger.
The trees pay for this service by supplying the fungi with sugars from their photosynthesis.
And the fungi in turn protect their host trees from attacks by other dangerous species of
fungi and contamination by heavy metals.
So it would seem that there is indeed proof of sentience to plants and with some 300,000
known species on the planet they make up a significant proportion of intelligent life.
So now to the million dollar question, if plants are intelligent what the difference
in us eating them is verses eating animals.
Is vegetarianism and veganism more to do with the attributes and personality we give to
certain animals rather than the measure of intelligence?
Can vegetarians and vegans claim the moral higher ground?
It would seem that there is only one universal truth and that is life preys upon life.
Will a shift in thinking about plants as sentient beings help save them from the dinner table
and the environmental threats they face?
Or is plant intelligence a step too far most?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
And if your name is Groot or you're a fan of plants hit that like button.
Show me your intelligence by hitting that subscribe button
Thanks for watching Until next time .
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