You have made it almost all of the way through 2017.
There are moments where it felt like maybe we wouldn't.
Next year in space news, we've got a lot to look forward to, from rockets launching,
to spacecraft arriving at their destinations, to missions coming to an end.
And like we do around this time every year, we wanted to give you a sneak peek.
There are three missions that you can expect to hear more about in 2018.
In late November, Mars will receive another visitor: NASA's InSight mission,
which will likely launch in May.
It'll land on Mars to study its interior
to learn more about how the rocky planets formed.
All the rocky planets in our solar system have similar interior structures, with separate
layers including a crust, mantle, and core.
While scientists know the basics of how these layers formed,
how they separated is still poorly understood.
But Mars happens to be an ideal size to study how that happened.
It's massive enough to have experienced most, if not all, of those fundamental processes,
but not so massive that it lost evidence of them through years of geologic activity,
which is what happened to Earth.
InSight will be studying the basic properties of Mars's layers, like their size, thickness,
density, and composition, as well as how heat flows through them.
It'll also monitor seismic activity, the rate of meteorite impacts, and how Mars wobbles
due to the gravity of its moons and the Sun.
One of its three instruments will also hammer a probe 5 meters into Mars' surface, much
further down than any mission before it.
InSight was originally meant to launch in 2016, but engineers found a leak during testing,
so it missed its launch window.
And it took another 26 months for the Earth and Mars to line up for another shot.
Thankfully, InSight passed its most recent battery of tests this past November, so now
it'll be ready to launch in just a few months.
Speaking of delayed missions, the finalists of Google's Lunar X-PRIZE have a new deadline:
March 31, 2018.
This competition was announced back in 2007, and a year ago, five finalists were selected
to compete for the 20 million dollar grand prize.
To win, a team has to land a spacecraft on the Moon, move it at least 500 meters, and
transmit a variety of data, including videos, a panorama, and an email and text message.
The projects have to be almost entirely funded by private investors,
and it has to happen by the end of March.
Piece of cake, right?
The five final teams are Israel's SpaceIL, the US's Moon Express, India's TeamIndus,
Japan's HAKUTO, and the international team Synergy Moon.
SpaceIL would be the first group from Israel to land on the Moon, and if they win, they've
promised to donate the prize money to advance STEM education in their country.
To travel the required distance on the Moon, their lander will perform a "space hop."
They'll land, take off again, then land 500 meters away.
Moon Express is also performing a space hop.
They have a contract with the company Rocket Lab and will launch from New Zealand, traveling
on a rocket that only had its first launch last May.
Synergy Moon, on the other hand, is the only team that can completely send itself all on
its own to the Moon, since one of companies involved builds and launches its own rockets.
Meanwhile, HAKUTO and TeamIndus will hitch the same ride to space
aboard a rocket from ISRO, India's space agency.
HAKUTO's four-kilogram rover has 3D printed wheels
and is built out of plastic reinforced with carbon fiber.
And TeamIndus's rover, called ECA for short, might be the most adorable of the bunch.
It even has its own comic strip on the team's website.
They're planning to land in the same region Apollo 15 did.
So far, it's still too early to say how many of the finalists will make it to the
Moon by Google's deadline, but if any of them clinch that grand prize, it'll open
up a totally new phase of lunar exploration.
The jury's still out on X-PRIZE, but we do know about one spacecraft that will definitely
reach its target next year: OSIRIS-REx, which will arrive at the asteroid Bennu this August.
Asteroids are left over from when the solar system formed, and are basically unchanged
records of the solar system from 4.5 billion years ago.
We can occasionally study them when meteorites hit Earth, but OSIRIS-REx will go straight
to the source, collecting a sample and bringing it home.
It launched back in September 2016 and has been making its way to Bennu,
which is located between Earth and Mars, ever since.
When it gets there in August, it'll spend a year mapping potential sampling sites before
approaching the surface and blasting Bennu with nitrogen,
which will dislodge rocks and dust to be captured.
Bennu is a rare, primitive type of asteroid that's chock full of carbon.
It's expected to have organic molecules and water-containing clays, and OSIRIS-REx
will be able to confirm those hypotheses.
It will also study how Bennu's momentum changes as it rotates and emits heat, which
will help scientists understand its long-term trajectory.
That's important because, over a century from now, Bennu could hit Earth, although
it's a slim chance, so, you probably don't need to worry too much
about your, like, potential grandkids.
OSIRIS-REx won't return to Earth until 2023, so like a lot of science missions, we'll
have to wait a few years before we get all that juicy data.
But luckily for us, there are way more missions running through 2018 and beyond, so we'll
have plenty to tell you about in the upcoming year.
Thank you for watching this episode of SciShow Space!
If you would like to keep learning about the universe with us next year, you can do that!
Just go to youtube.com/scishowspace and subscribe.
For more infomation >> Future Space News of 2018 - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Top Ten Movies of 2017 - Duration: 12:40.
Hello and welcome to my list
of the Top Ten Movies of 2017!
2015 TB145 Halloween Asteroid || Rahu prepares to return in 2018 - Duration: 2:53.
In Vedic astrology all the planets have physical and visual existence.
But Rahu and Ketu are two invisible planets or astronomical objects in modern science.
The Rahu is the severed head of an demon called Svarbhanu.
'Rahu' can be considered to be a mythical planet, as astronomically there is no such
planet in the solar system.
But a creepy skull-shaped space rock or asteroid is discovered by astronomers.
Which is due to haunt the world again in the year of 2018.
Maybe it is rahu of ancient indian astronomers.
Hey there, This is Bhaskar Banerjee and you are watching YouTube Channel Bhaskban.
The asteroid, whose shape resembles a human skull in some angles, flew a short distance
from Earth to Halloween in 2015.
Astronomers say that in November 2018, the asteroid will fly again relatively close to
our planet.
On the night of Halloween 2015, 2015 TB145 asteroid flew a short distance from Earth
- only 486 thousand km, that is, 1.3 times greater than the distance to the Moon.
The heavenly body attracted attention not only by the fact that it flew close, but also
by an unusual form resembling a human skull.
At the last arrival, it approached the Earth at 486,000 km.
It was spotted on October 10 in the Pan-STARRS Hawaii telescope.
Refers to near-Earth type asteroids.
It was analyzed both in visible light and in the IR range.
The review from Spain showed that the most probable period of rotation reaches 2.94 hours.
Observations from the Very Large Telescope provided information on thermal radiation.
In form - slightly flattened ellipsoid, and the axis of rotation is approximately perpendicular
to the Earth at the moment of closest proximity.
Reflectivity is 5 to 6%, slightly more reflective than charcoal.
There is an assumption that an asteroid is a dead comet that has lost its volatile compounds
after multiple passes past the Sun.
Regardless of the type of object, we were able to study the cosmic body, which appeared
4,600 million years ago.
Mechanical Box 2 (M-Box 2 ) stage 14 walkthrough - Duration: 1:45.
THE KEY IS NOW - Time at the moment of the game
12 AMAZING IMMORTALS OF LITERATURE | Los 12 Mas - Duration: 11:02.
Goffum Steel! (Gotham Steel pan parody) - Duration: 2:09.
F**ked at the thought of food sticking to your pans? First you pick it...then you nick it...
You might as well kick it!
Hi, chef Michele Green here with Goffum steel! The latest technology in ceramic non-stick cookware.
Oh f**k I've made a mess! Other pans burn food easily, but not Goffum Steel!
These were almost baby chickens!
Burnt on cheese a f**king nightmare....AHHHH!
But not in my pan
So slick, nothing sticks!
Is it dishwasher safe?
Check out this s'mores recipe...
First add eggs...
Then cheese...
Birfday cake...
Tuna fish...
and candies!
Then just put it in the oven to bake! Goffum Steel can even withstand temperatures of 900 degrees in the oven!
Look, it slid right in!
Not even O.J. can harm my pan!
"Knife stabbing sounds"
If it does not stick you must acquit!
Here's a tip!
Use Styrofoam plates to make Styrofoam bowls!
For a festive way to serve mac and cheese.
Not even my clingy girlfriend will stick to Goffum Steel!
Other pans crumble under pressure...not Goffum Steel!
Call 1-800-GOFFM-STEELROX now to order your very own Goffum Steel pan for just $19.99 plus shipping and handling.
I'm not even a real chef!
I've made a f**king bloody God d*mn mess!
This a f*cking nightmare!
Take control of the kitchen again with Goffum Steel!
미운우리새끼 이상민 엄마 건강 불참 하차? 이유는..|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 2:39.
7 Reasons the Name YEHOVAH Is a Counterfeit! - Duration: 3:51.
Hey this is pastor Randy like to welcome you to Drive By Teaching here recently I
was asked about the name Yehovah when it comes to this name there are many
reasons why we should avoid it in this short video I want to share with
you seven reasons why Yehovah is not the name for our Father in Heaven but a
counterfeit based on Jewish tradition. Reason number one except for a few rouge
self-proclaimed scholars within the Hebrews Roots movement in over 20 plus years
in the ministry I have yet to find a scholar confirming this name Yehovah reason
number two according to the scholarship the name Yehovah or Jehovah arose
through the vowel points of Adonai except for the compound shwa under the Aleph of
adonai and the regular simple schwa under the Yod of the Tetragrammaton the
vowel points between Adonai and Yehovah are the same and by the way this difference
between the vowel points is due to the Aleph being a guttural and the yod being a non guttural
reason number three according to Jewish authorities is a mistake to read the
vowel points from Adonai with a yod heh waw heh forming Yehovah based on Jewish
tradition the Jews were to read adonay or this practice was to ensure that they
would not pronounce the name Yahweh reason number four in addition to
Yehovah other spellings for the divine name are also found in the Masoretic
manuscripts this is because the Jews were not consistent with how they used
the vowel points from adonai and Elohim matter of fact within the
Leningrad codex we find at least six different spellings for the
Tetragrammaton reason number five except for the Masoretic manuscripts dating
back to the 9th century and later the name Yehovah is not found in any other
documents including in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Reason number six the letter V
within Yehovah was in later use the v come from the hebrew letter vav was
originally pronounced as a w is found in Yemenite and a Sephardic Hebrew which
predates the Ashkenazi or modern Hebrew and last here reason number 7 according
to early Greek documents dating to the second century the divine name is
pronounced Yahweh even in the greek septuagint within the Dead Sea Scrolls collection
we find evidence for the short form Yah well for more information on the name
Yehovah I would encourage you to watch my video exposing the name Yehovah and
also read our online article The Yehovah Deception. The name of our Father in
Heaven is one of the most important truths we find within the word it's
important we get it right. You know we thank you for watching this drive-by
teaching and until next time may Yahweh bless you this has been drive-by
teaching with pastor Randy join the conversation and leave us a like and
comment below subscribe now for all our latest releases for one of the most
extensive religious websites ever yrm.org for all the ways to connect
with us see the description below from all of us here at drive-by teaching
don't get stuck in the slow lane of tradition put the brakes on ignorance
and put your understanding into overdrive
BREAKING NEWS!! Liberal Governor Just Set Them ALL FREE! REMOVE HIM NOW! - Duration: 4:19.
Liberal Governor Just Set Them ALL FREE!
Ever since Trump got into office, liberal mayors and governors have been thumbing their
nose at both the President and federal law, where these nasty officials continue to harbor
illegals in their "Sanctuary Cities."
Despite President Trump's Justice Department threatening to fine and imprison any elected
official caught sheltering illegals from deportation, these officials continue to put the lives
of countless Americans in jeopardy by allowing these criminals to hide out in their cities.
Now liberals of these Sanctuary Cities have found a new loophole from preventing their
precious illegals from being deported, after what New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo did overnight
is borderline treason against the United States of America.
Breaking reports reveal that in a clean sweep, Gov. Cuomo pardoned 18 illegals that were
slated for deportation, where he gave Trump the middle finger saying that he's going
to fight Trump's crackdown on illegals in every way possible.
In a statement, Cuomo said: "While the federal government continues to target immigrants
and threatens to tear families apart with deportation, these actions take a critical
step toward a more just, more fair, and more compassionate New York."
Even more horrifying is these aren't just innocent people that Cuomo is pardoning, as
this governor continues to echo the ridiculous rhetoric on the left that Trump is "ripping
children away from their families."
One of the illegals that Cuomo pardoned is a hardened criminal, who was convicted of
criminal facilitation in 1994.
According to Breitbart:
Lorena Borjas, 57, is one of the illegal aliens Cuomo pardoned.
Borjas, who is a biological male who lives as a female, had been convicted of criminal
facilitation in 1994.
Cuomo's office said Borjas has become an advocate for transgenders and immigrants.
The Governor's Office said the pardons for those in danger of being deported should act
as a bridge to legal status, although they stressed there is no guarantee the pardoned
would gain legal status.
The New York governor has had a history of pardoning and commuting the sentences of controversial
He commuted the sentence of radical terrorist Judith Clark in 2016.
Cuomo also pardoned 39 people convicted of misdemeanors when they were under 18 years
old who have not re-offended in the past ten years or more and commuted the sentences of
two people.
"These New Yorkers have proved their rehabilitation, in some cases for decades, but have been unable
to gain legal status or fully re-enter society due to the stigma of conviction," Cuomo
Trump ran on the promise to put America first, unlike Obama who constantly put the interests
of illegals, criminals, and terrorists before the American people.
This isn't the first time that liberals have taken outlandish steps to prevent their
illegals from being deported, as they understand that illegals comprise a hefty portion of
their loyal voter base.
Several months back, Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez literally called for blood in violence
in the streets, telling illegals to take whatever means necessary to keep themselves from being
Gutierrez incited acts of domestic terrorism, telling illegals to "take to the streets
and fight" to get what they want.
Being that there's currently over 11 million illegals in America, this is a serious threat
towards our country.
Liberals and illegals are already taking this congressman's calls for war in our streets
quite literally.
Shortly after the announcement of the DACA getting axed, protests broke out in front
of the White House and in cities across the country.
Liberals always like to argue that America is a "country of immigrants" and that
our doors should therefore be automatically opened to whoever wants in.
The issue with opening our borders is that we have no idea who is flooding into our country,
and with the threat of violent gangs from Mexico and ISIS terrorists finding loopholes
to gain entry into America, it's more important than ever that we properly vet these people.
And now that liberals are using the tactic of simply pardoning these illegals to keep
them in our country, no telling what criminals are now lurking that's putting the lives
of countless Americans into jeopardy.
what do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
$500 Ultra Gaming PC Build with GTX 1060 - Duration: 5:29.
hey what's up guys it,s HAZET here and in this video I am going to teach you guys
how to build a ultra gaming PC with just only $500 okay so the reason I am making
this video is most of the channel similar with mine are making the same
kinds of videos so some of my friends are suggest me to make a video about it
okay so in this build each of the part I will talk about each of them's link will
be in the description so you can directly buy olive from there and one
thing I forget to mention that the price of this build will be $500 at this time
but it could be up and down depend on the time you are watching the video so
if there any of the parts price will be increased then don't afraid to choose
another one just ask me on the comment or send me a mail and I will definitely
help you to choose the right part okay so before start the video hit the like
button if we can hit 20 likes on the video that would be absolutely amazing
and now let's jump into each of the part ok so it the first part will be the
power of our PC the processor so for the processor we will be choose the AMD rise
in 312 hundred so the reason I choose this processor is it has 4 cores and
obviously it's from the Rison series because most of you know that the rise
ins are the most demanding AMD processor for gaming and one of the big reason is
the price it's less than only $100 so if you will go for intel there has no
chance you can get more than 2 cores at this price and in two cores it's pretty
much impossible to run any high demanding games without bottleneck and
this processor has 3.4 gigahertz max speed but you can overclock it up to 4
gigahertz with a really good cooler than with 4 gigahertz I don't think there has
any games could bottleneck with ultra settings ok now moving up to our
motherboard for the motherboard we will take the asrock 320 m so there is
nothing special about this motherboard but the reason I choose this one is it
support our processor and it's super cheap at this time it's less than $30 on
Newegg and it has 2 RAM slots and the max memory it support is 32 gigabytes so
only for $40.00 I think it's a great deal ok so moving up to our memory we
will choose the sorry gigabytes ddr4 ram now at this
time you could feel disappointing for the memory but lesson to me you will
never need more than 8 gigabytes memory for 1080p gaming so if you will take
more than 8 gigabytes ram then that would be just waste of money and it's
also ddr4 I mean there has people doing 1080p gaming even only 4 gigabytes
memory and here you are getting double so it will be perfect for 1080p gaming
even on Ultra settings ok so now let's move to our storage for the storage we
will choose the Western Digital one terabyte hard drive and one terabyte is
absolutely alright for storing all your games because I don't think you will
ever store any of games after you complete ok now the sixth number part
will be our graphics card so this is the most important thing for any gaming PC
so just for this I West our 40% money on it because most of the gaming PC under
$500 using the gtx 1050 or 1050 Ti so this time I take this thing to the max
level for this build we are using the gtx 1060 3 gigabytes video card it's 3
gigabytes because the 6 gigabytes one was $80 more than this and even if you
will take the 6 gigabytes one then also you will get just only 5 more FPS on
average games and for $80 5 FPS is too less to me so I choose the 3 gigabytes
one then with this one you will get average up to 80 FPS and 1080p Ultra
settings because obviously it's the GTX 1060 but if you like to see the
benchmark between the 3 gigabytes of the 6 gigabytes then check out this
benchmark video link will be also in the description ok so now moving up to our
power supply we are using the thermal take TR - 600 watts power supply so I
choose this power supply because it's only about $20 at this time and 600
watts for only $20 it's a great deal ok so moving up to our last part is our
case this is also a important thing not only for look also for performance
because this case is designed for good cable management and cable management
are also important for performance because without a good cable management
your system could become hot and your PC could perform bad so that's why I choose
the roads will Nautilus mid tower case it's only for 24
on new ink and for me this case is also looks really cool for only $24 it has a
really cool side panel so you can install LED on there and with the LED it
will looks absolutely fantastic okay guys so that was all the parts for the
video now let's talk about the performance of the PC so this is a chata
have collected from different benchmark YouTube videos
so almost average in 1080p with ultra settings you will get around 80 plus FPS
easily in any games so if you guys want then you guys also download the chat
from the description and also each of those parts link will be in the
description ok so that's it for the video guys hope you like this video if
you did then one like on this video will so much for me so please hit the like
button and press the subscribe button so I am has it and see you next time
Uomini e donne : la scelta di Paolo Crivellin lascia tutti a bocca aperta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.
Heidi Klum: Dieser Mann macht sie jetzt glücklich! - Duration: 3:56.
GF Vip: Ignazio ha fatto infuriare gli utenti della rete con un video | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.
Gossip Uomini e donne,la scelta di Paolo: l'addio clamoroso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:21.
Mera Naam Radha 3 | Manto ki Kahani, Agastya ki Zubani | Saadat Hasan Manto - Duration: 15:25.
Neelam told me nothing
about Raj Kishor for a long time.
But we both were
pertinent to the other's thoughts.
Whatever she thought,
I used to know and
whatever I used to think
she would know.
This quiet transit continued till
many days.
One day director Kripalani
was watching the rehearsal
We were all in the music room.
Neelam, sitting on a chair
was giving a round-up with jumble
of her feet.
The song was boring,
but the tune was good.
When the rehearsal was over,
Raj Kishor entered the room with a
Khadi bag on his shoulder.
He adored director Kripalani, Music Director Ghosh,
Sound Ricardist P A N Moga,
all in English.
With folded hands said
namaskar to heroine Miss Eidan Bai.
His eyes saw Neelam,
who was scorched in a chair near pyano.
His hands stood up
to greet her.
Suddenly Neelam stood up on seeing this.
Don't ask me sister".
Neelam has said this in a way that
everybody in the music room
was taken aback.
Raj Kishor became a bit ashamed
and could only say,
Neelam got out without answering.
When I reached
Shyam Lal Panwadi shop in Nagpada,
there was a stir of this incident.
Shyam Lal was speaking in a big accent.
"Her own mind would have been muddy.
Otherwise if Raj Bhai
calls anyone sister, and she feels bad is impossible.
Her wishes will
never be fulfilled.
Raj Bhai is a man with strong nappies.
I was fed up with
Raj Bhai's nappy.
But I said nothing to Shyam Lal,
sat quietly, and kept listening
to him and his customer friends,
which had more of false statements
and not the truth.
Everyone in the studio knew about
this incident of the music room.
The issue was discussion for
three days was,
why Raj Kishor refused to
tell Miss Neelam a sister.
I did not hear anything about
Raj Kishor's announcement, but
one of his friends told me that
he mentioned this incident in his diary
and prayed that the eyes and mind of
Miss Neelam should be cleaned.
Neelam had become more sensitive
than ever before
and the buttons of kurta of Raj Kishor
were now open every time,
from which black hair of his
white and raised chest stood out.
Since rain had subsided for one or two days,
the director pasted the schedule of
shooting on the notice board.
These scenes which were to be taken now,
were between Neelam and Raj Kishor.
Since it was myself who
wrote these scenes,
I knew that Raj Kishor will kiss
the hand of Neelam while talking.
There was no room for kissing in this scene.
But to provoke the emotions of the people,
usually women are dressed
in clothes that will
harass people,
so director Kripalani
kept this scene of kissing
according to old rules.
When the shooting started
I was present there
with a throbbing heart.
Thinking about what would happen
to both Raj Kishor and Neelam,
I had sensational thoughts
in my mind.
But all the scenes were completed,
and nothing happened.
In the evening when climax was shot,
Raj Kishor caught Neelam's hand
in a big romantic style,
but after peeling back to the camera,
he kissed his own hand cleanly
and moved away.
I thought that Neelam would take a
hand on Raj Kishor's face
and would scream in such a way
that the ears of sound recordist
P A N Mohha would burst out.
On the contrary,
I saw a smile on the
thin lips of Neelam.
I was
absolutely disappointed.
But I did not mention it to Neelam.
Two-three days passed and even
she did not say anything to me about this.
I concluded that she
did not know about the ambiguity of
kissing her hand.
Rather, it should be said that
it did not come to her hollow mind,
and the reason could only be that,
at that time she was listening to Raj,
who was habituated to say sister to any woman,
but was pronouncing romantic words.
Instead of kissing Neelam's hand,
why did Raj Kishor kiss his own hand?
Did he take revenge?
Did he try to
insult her?
Many such questions were born in my mind
but no answer was found.
The next day when I went to
Shyam Lal's shop in Nagpada,
he said to me in a complaining tone.
"Manto sahab,
you did not tell us anything about your company.
You do not want to tell or
you do not know anything?
Do you know what,
Raj Bhai did?"
After this he started the story in his own style,
that there was a scene in
"Ban Ki Sundari"
in which director Sahib
ordered Raj Bhai to
kiss Miss Neelam's mouth.
But sir,
where is Raj bhai and where she
... huh
Raj Bhai immediately said,
Sir, I will never do such a thing.
I have my wife.
After kissing this dirty woman's mouth
how can I get my lips with
my wife's holy lips?
So, immediately
the director had to change the scene
and Raj Bhai was told ok,
do not kiss the lips,
but kiss her hand.
But Raj Sahab
did not even play pills.
At the shooting time
he kissed his own hand
with the purity that the viewers
knew that he had kissed
the hand of that vamp".
I did not
mention this buzz with Neelam.
It was of no use
when she was unaware of
all this news.
Malaria is common in Bombay.
Do not remember the month and date.
Only thing remember that
it was fifth set of "Ban ki Sundari"
and it was raining non stop
that Neelam suddenly got ill.
Since I had no work in the studio,
I used to sit around
her for hours.
Malaria had created a
strange kind of pain
in the flurry of her face.
In the corners of her eyes and
thin lips which used to be
unmistakable, they now had a
glimpse of a well-known helplessness.
Her health weakened
with Kunain's vaccines.
She had to make her voice
higher to murmur.
Perhaps she thought that
my ears have become worse.
One day when her fever
had gone away,
she was thanking to
Eidan Bai from her bed.
Sound of horn of motor was heard.
I saw that Neelam was
shattering by listening to this voice.
After a while,
the door opened
and Raj Kishor entered laded in
white khaki kurta and tight pajama
with his wife.
He greeted Eidan Bai by calling her Eidan Sister.
Shake hands with me
and introduced his wife Shanti,
who was a lady with sharp features.
Then he sat on
the bed of Neelam.
For some time he just smiled.
Then he looked towards the sick Neelam
I saw for the first time
some strange emotions in his eyes.
I did not even fully understand that
he started saying in shaky voice.
"It was intended for many days
that I should come here,
but the engine of my motor
was in such a bad shape that for
ten days it was lying in the garage.
When it came today I said instantly
that let's get up this time.
Somebody else will do the kitchen work.
It is also festival of Raksha Bandhan today.
Will ask goodness of Neelam sister and
she will also tie Rakhi on my wrist.
Saying this, he pulled a
silk-blower gajra from
pocket of his khadi kurta.
Neelam's face
became darker.
Raj Kishor deliberately
did not see Neelam.
He said to Eidan Bai.
"But not in such way.
This is time of happiness,
sister will not tie rakhi with ill looks.
Shanti, Just get up.
Apply her lipstick.
Where is the makeup box"?
Neelam's makeup box was
lying on the mantle piece.
Raj Kishor took a few long steps
and brought it.
was silent.
Her thin lips were scorched,
as if the squeaks
are stopping hard.
When Shanti arose and
tried make up on Neelam,
she did not do any harm.
Eidan Bai helped her to raise,
who was like a lifeless corpse
and when Shanti started
applying lipstick on her lips,
she smiled looking at me.
This smile of Neelam
was a silent squeak.
I thought... No, no,
I was certain that something would happen.
The swollen lips of Neelam
will burst with a bang, and
in the same way, the mountainous drains
break through a huge strong dam,
like the beats of the Divine,
in some similar
way Neelam
will flow all of us
in the stormy
stream of emotions.
But it is surprising
that she was completely silent.
The pain of her face
remained hidden in the
make up and she was
sitting like a stone statue.
In the end, when
the make-up was complete,
she shrugged off Raj Kishor
with an eminently strong tone.
"Bring your wrist! Let me tie Rakhi".
Gajra with silk blisters
was tied in the wrist of Raj Kishor
and Neelam, whose hands
should have been trembling,
was tying thread with great ease.
During this period,
I saw a glimpse of shrewdness on
Raj Kishor's washed eyes,
which immediately turned into a laugh.
Raj Kishor gave a few rupees to Neelam
according to the ritual in an envelope
which she thanked and placed under her pillow.
When they went away,
I and Neelam were left alone,
then he put a winked eye on me
and laid in a silence
on the pillow.
Raj Kishor
forgot his bag
on the bed.
When Neelam saw it,
she slipped aside from her leg.
After that, I continued reading the newspaper
sitting around her for about two hours.
When she did not talk, I left quietly.
Raj Kishor's bag, in which
he used to carry his diary all the time,
carries a secret.
What was the secret I'll tell you next week.
Right now, like, subscribe and share this channel
and wait for next week
for the last part of story-
Mera Naam Radha Hai.
Fence Armor Truck Wrapping | Fence Armor - Duration: 3:14.
My name is Heather and I work with a company called Window of Opportunity and we specialize
in vehicle wraps and lettering for vehicles, windows.
We've worked with Fence Armor for the last 5 years and we've wrapped a couple of vehicles
for them.
This is the latest.
This is the owners vehicle.
While driving around he wanted to brand his business, so this was nothing too extreme,
we just wanted to give him something creative and a great way of putting your name on the
vehicle without it being tacky on a nice, personal vehicle.
We have also done something on the back for when he is able to go to a trade show, he
can lift up the bed from inside and he can display his product, which again is a great way for
him to advertise.
You're just cleaning the door now right now are you, Mike?
Yep, just giving it a quick clean. Make sure there is no road debris or dust on the side.
Does it go on a similar way to the tinted glass?
Similar yes.
So the aligning process you use the panel lines on the car or do you use a laser, how
do you get it so it is straight?
We typically measure of this line here.
Ahh okay.
This guy goes here correct?
So in the printing process it isn't always printed in its exact orientation?
There is a little bit of artistry to this, it is not just slapping it on.
I used to use a similar gun when I made model airplanes.
To heat up the glue?
No to shrink the monotope as the skin on the aircraft.
Oh I see.
You've got to take off the backing?
It is a little different than tinting on a glass, you don't spray a lot of water on it.
So what is the heating for, guys?
This just helps to secure it and set it in the crevasses and everything.
It really activates the glue.
What did the red green guy say?
"If they don't find you handsome, they better find you handy?"
Very nice guys.
50 nombres chinos para niños - los mejores nombres de bebé - www.nombresparamibebe.com - Duration: 2:05.
50 chinese names for baby boys
namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
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