Someone tried to shoot the world's smartest man today, Moloch.
Guy worked for Pyramid Transnational.
More than a just delivery service, I take it.
Last time I was here, I saw a pension check written from the same company.
I'm guessing it's a front set up by whoever wants us masks dead.
Now, no more lies, Moloch. Who runs Pyramid?
This is the police. We know you're in there.
No. No!
If there's anybody in there with you, send them out unharmed.
No. No, no, no!
Framed. Walked right into it. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Never, never surrender.
All right. I hope you're ready, hero.
When you are.
Come on.
Son of a bitch.
- Christ, he stinks. - Get that mask off him.
- I got it. - No. No!
My face! Give me back my face!
For more infomation >> Rorschach vs Police | Watchmen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
iPhone на морозе. 3 способа сохранить батарею - Duration: 4:17.
Walkin meme - Duration: 0:41.
I don't even know if what I am going to say is the real lyrics, but whatever.
Along with you, still alive
6, 2 a.m steal a ride (what-)
And you could follow the May
bE oN tOmMoRrOw By ThEn
Be on the shine in your miiind
Is when we walkin on-
sO dElAyInG
ALOng wiTH YOU STIll aliVE
Six 2 a.m steal a ride
And you could follow the May
Be on the shine in your miind
is when we walking on-
SUN (happy day of birth, mother)
(If she gets more drunk than on Christmas Eve I stg-)
5 Foods To Avoid When You Have A Stomach Ache | Stomach Ache After Eating - Remedies One - Duration: 3:43.
although you might not relate the two carbonated sodas can increase the
production of gas and irritate the lining of your stomach so it's a good
idea to avoid them if you're having stomach problems today's video will
discuss five foods to avoid when you have a stomach ache before you watch
this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by
clicking the subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first
to know when we post new videos daily a
stomach ache is a very common symptom that's usually caused by digestive
issues due to microorganisms or other substances in your food we want to share
the top five foods to avoid when you have a stomach ache so you'll be sure to
cut them out of your diet one dairy products dairy products are part of the
regular diet for millions of people their delicious foods that have
essential nutrients for your bodies helped however they have also been
classified as inflammatory agents particularly for those who suffer from
lactose intolerance lactis can take a long time to break down and when this
overloads your stomach it causes inflammation pain and other digestive
discomfort this is why it's a good idea to avoid dairy products when you're
suffering from stomach pain even though you can otherwise eat them too fats when
you're having stomach pain you should limit your consumption of fatty foods as
much as possible as they slow down your digestion when they are absorbed by your
intestines they reduce your ability to control inflammatory processes
increasing the severity of pain or indigestion fried foods ice cream and
meat all slow down digestive transit and lead to bouts of constipation and
inflammation three spices seasonings contains some very beneficial
nutritional properties that some of them are also irritating to your stomach and
should be avoided if your in pain eating food that's too spicy can
stimulate the production of stomach acids that lead to acid reflux and
burning sensations while it's fine to consume them in moderation they should
be completely avoided when you're having indigestion or any other digestive
problem for spicy foods just like spices spicy foods can irritate the lining of
your stomach and increase your production of stomach acids they can
weaken the sphincter that prevents acids from traveling into your esophagus which
causes acid reflux and heartburn it's ideal to avoid spicy foods completely if
you're having stomach pain and consume them in moderation in general five
sugars and sweets the addition of refined sugars and any products that
contain them can affect your metabolic activity and interfere in the digestive
process sugars feed harmful bacteria that alter the pH of your intestines in
addition to causing inflammation this increases your risk of infection and
disease on the other hand you should be aware the excessive consumption of
sugary products slows down your body's absorption of other nutrients and can
lead to becoming overweight or obese how you treat stomach ache let me know in
our comment section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share
with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
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