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And this is why we elected Donald Trump to the office of President of the United States
of America!
Multiple reports have surfaced today that he Trump administration has made the decision
on Friday not to keep sending any more military aid to Pakistan.
That's a saving of $255 million dollars a year to the already overburdened US taxpayer.
In accordance with the Pakistan agreement, the Trump administration can refuse to give
monetary aid as a response to its inefficient action against terrorists and militants on
its soil.
Not really sure why we kept giving them money even after the 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden
was found to be hiding there in a compound close to a military base for years, and was
actually being protected by the Pakistani military.
Godfather Politics Reports:
Rand Paul was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren on Fox News about the sequester cuts, which
Senator Paul has said will be a "yawn."
She asked him about his own ideas of budget cuts and referred to his proposal to cut foreign
aid by about half.
She wanted to know which countries he would cut aid from.
He replied:
"Well, I think there's some argument whether it's been effective.
A lot of foreign aid's been stolen over the years.
The Mubarak family in Egypt became very wealthy off of our foreign aid.
In the end, when people were rioting in the streets and protesting Mubarak's rule and
protesting his martial law, he sprayed them with tear gas that he bought with our foreign
So I don't think the foreign aid necessarily endeared us to the Egyptians that were rioting
against Mubarak.
But what I would say is I would start by cutting foreign aid from countries who are burning
our flag and chanting death to America, countries that don't really seem to be acting like
our allies."
That would be a start.
But what about cutting foreign aid completely?
We're not in favor of our government handing out welfare checks and food stamps even to
our own people.
And we get really mad when our government hands out these freebies to illegal aliens
in our country.
So, why would it be OK to give out billions of dollars a year to people who aren't even
Americans at all?
It's not constitutional to take money from some people in the form of taxes and give
it to others for "charitable" purposes.
That's theft.
No matter how generous our government thinks it is, it's still our money that they're
being generous with.
Taking money from us in the form of taxes or borrowing money from other countries or
having the Fed print money from nothing in order to give to other countries is just as
If they borrow the money, we're stuck with the bill to pay it back.
If they print the money, that dilutes the value of the dollar.
It's still theft.
In her question, Greta said that "foreign aid has been very effective for us in many
parts of the world in achieving certain goals."
This is kind of like saying government education has been very effective.
It has been successful in achieving their real goals, but it has completely failed in
achieving their stated goals.
It's not like the billions of dollars we dole out every year to foreign countries is
going to feed the starving children or to give to the poor.
No, as another Paul mentioned in a presidential debate a couple years ago, foreign aid is
"taking money from poor people in a rich country and giving it to rich people in a
poor country."
Once they get the money, they get do with it just about whatever they want as long as
it doesn't harm our government's agenda.
But it also means that that dictator is on the hook to do exactly as our government says
to do.
If not, then we seek to replace him, and if necessary take him out by assassination.
Even if foreign aid really was effective at helping poor and hungry people in foreign
countries or used to build and repair the countries' infrastructure, it would still
be an unconstitutional use of American money.
Especially now with our being in such financial dire straits.
Now is not the time to be giving out our money to foreign dictators.
Now please explain to me one thing.
Why does the United States of America, which is not a rich nation anymore, have to keep
feeding money to people who hate us?
We have to be the world's sugar daddy while we are 20 trillion in debt?
Which is an amount we can't even pay if we were to confiscate the earnings of the
entire US population for the year 2016.
Soon just the interest payments alone will amount to more than the whole US yearly GDP.
We just can't keep giving away our hard earned money anymore.
Our government is intent on spending like drunken sailors and they think we the taxpayers
are their bottomless piggy banks.
This needs to stop.
No more aid to nations that hate us.
If they want to hate us they can hate us just fine for free.
We as a nation need to get smarter about our finances and we need to do this fast because
once the debt comes due, there will be no stopping our freefall.
what do you think about this?
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If you follow along closely, Trump lays out a plan to send Hillary Clinton to prison.
It's not that difficult.
She's corrupt.
She deserves to serve time.
Here's the transcript, per Real Clear Politics:
INGRAHAM: Hillary Clinton said last night that paying for the dossier – she defended
it, basically.
She said it's different from meeting with Russians; like meeting with Russians.
She's trying to make a comparison to say – she totally defended it.
TRUMP: Well, she talked about oppo research is wonderful; oppo research – but not when
it comes to us; okay?
Oppo research for us, of course, is no good; no.
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There are times when we feel alone.
We feel that people around us have given us back
we feel that our family does not support us
and is the time in which we feel more fragile
weaker, more vulnerable to everything.
If you get a negative comment, you are going to take very personally
because you're literally destroyed inside
and looking for one way or another power arise, and be well
Feel good with yourself
it happened to me.
And it's something that is not very good, because we understand that we are only people
all people are different, and that's what makes us unique.
There are moments where you just want to leave everything
leave your project, leave all you have to do
simply to concentrate with what you're feeling
to find ways to feel better
there are; many ways.
looking for a "hobby", do something you're passionate about
even if nobody supports you, no matter; keep doing it.
If you want to study, Graphic Design, Medicine, Biology, whatever
If at home you say: You're not going to study it
because it is a race that has no future
or because there is not enough money
you go not stay with "Well, I'll have to find something else to do"
No, do not, for there
and get to analyze the situation, perhaps the economy is not well
perhaps, your loved ones will not support you
they want you to study something else
But you you got a passion was for that race, for this project
for that thing you long
Fight for it, if your family gives you back, no matter
fight your means
If you need money, work, make desserts, bandaged your friends
There are thousands of ways to earn income
is not that you get to work 24 hours 7 days a week
not rest, you do not have time to study, you do not have time for anything, no.
Ideally, you have the time to do your stuff, but at the same time
you give your space to work
or do you project that is generating revenue
Because it's your future, not the future of your parents, not the future of your uncles
is not the future of your friends, it's your future.
So you want to study something?
Fight for it
Want to earn income ?, you know to do
looking for a way to serve you
you will have your own income, you can focus on doing things
If your family does not support you, just breathe and say to them
I can, so you do not support me.
For so you're showing your family, your maturity
the way you look, the way you no matter if you are alone
you love that thing you're doing, this project, that race
That's what people see, that decision you have
to take that and do it properly yours.
There are times when people are in crisis
there are times when no longer want more, you want to get away from everyone, and that is not the solution.
Looking for a person who is very close to you
or even picks up a camera and Pour over
di everything you're feeling, Pour, scream, cry if necessary
Pour over but, do not stay with things inside
because those things just make you hurt
Free yourself from all those bonds.
You fight with your best friend, your best friend, your parents
Do not go to sleep without having apologized, because that feeling
you'll continue tormenting night, after night, after night.
And so say "Things were solved" in quotes
things will go bad within you, Why ?, because inside you
It is going to be that something that tells you: "You fought for silly"
"You did not ask for forgiveness" and that will torture you, day by day
What is best ?, when everything is relaxed, feel the people with whom you discussed
and tell them what you really feel, why did you bother ?, Why are you that way?
Why you're acting in a very cold way and apart from them?
and reaches a solution.
Di attitudes bother you or that you took a wrong attitudes
Because you thought something else, it was also a mistake
Accept your mistakes, you agree that you were wrong, and so people are going to accept further
Why ?, Because people will see that you are a person who does not care that has muddied
but learn from your mistakes, and you want to keep improving, not stay stuck in an error
that he muddied, and stayed there, "There, we meet again not speak, do not see us"
"Left to exist for me"
that is not the solution, the solution is to talk to that person.
Accept your mistakes, if that person was also wrong
also accept her mistakes, and that you forgive him, you forgive her
no matter, but in yourself is a peace
You say: "It hurt, but I prefer to forgive, to continue suffering inside"
forgive people because maybe today you do not need to go, or maybe never, fences need
but we know, by tomorrow, something happens and the first thing we will be going to hurt us
Why ?, because we know we could have done something, we could advise you if you did something crazy
If you made a bad decision.
And all because a small error.
Everyone has a great impact in the lives of others, only you need to know to make impact
do not leave a bad impact not leave a bad impression, always the best
Why ?, because those people will be, which will advise you when you're wrong
because your the counseled, you asked for forgiveness, those people are going to ensure that you're well
you feel good, you feel happy.
Those people are worthwhile, these people are what you most appreciate, which must have
among the first people in your thoughts, why ?, because those people
by tomorrow, you get to need them, they will come to need
and time is not returned, apologizes, fixes things, fight for your dreams, do not stand still
feel something, you're upset about some attitude, tell the person
"Look, I did not like you said you took such an attitude", tell
and so the person come around and say, "That's right, I took a bad attitude, I should not have done that."
The person will change and it will be even better
because it is already accepting their mistakes, because someone else helped him see them
since she did not see, or saw did not accept, now that he has accepted
will try not to commit more
It is the same thing we must do, if someone tells us (told), we did something wrong
we said something that hurt others
ask apologize, accept our mistake
let's look at what we said
Let's reflect and, if we are really wrong, apologize to that person who hurt
tell it was not your intention, but arranges things
either by a call, either by a message in person.
Obviously it's much better in person
but if you can not, there are several ways to do
but do not stay with those things that fill you with evil
do not stay sad because you got back, because they do not support you with something you want
no matter your fight; because it's what you want, because it is what you crave
follow your dreams, do not let go.
Because those dreams can change your life
perhaps other people think that no, that's simply a quirk
you want it just to kill time, but no, that will fill you
and that you'll enthuse over you
when you want to study other other career, or want desempeñarte at some specific job
You're going to love what you do
because even when you got the back, you went there, you persevered, you do not walked away from what you wanted
your goal, yes, maybe you had a goal to 5 years, could not be achieved
but that does not mean that no longer will achieve
That means that maybe it was not the time that you needed even more time
to complete that goal, the best.
they will no longer be 5 years will be 7, or 10 maybe
but at some point you shall perform, and when thou mayest will feel a satisfaction in you
You'll feel full, full, full of those things that even
when you were alone, you went, because that's what makes us special
not stop fighting for what we want, not stop fighting for what we dream
because that's what makes us human.
I'm Daniel Ocampo, and thanks for watching this video.
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