Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily Dec 3 2017

I love the German Christmas traditions, but some of them are a little weird.

Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.

In the past I've made a several Christmas videos, including but not limited to German

versus American Christmas traditions, a video about Advent calendars and Advent wreaths

in Germany, Christmas dinner in Germany versus the USA, trying German Christmas snacks, and

even a video in which I read you a poem.

And I have put all those videos and more into a Christmas and New Year's playlist, which

I will link down in the description box below.

But now, some of the German Christmas traditions that I've experienced that are, in my opinion,

are a little bit weird.

First up: Krampus because, well, this one's a pretty easy target.

From what I learned, Krampus is the evil sidekick of St. Nicholas

in some parts of the German-speaking world.

So not in all parts of Germany, but here in Munich at least there is the Krampus Run in

December, where hundreds of...

Krampuses? Krampi? Krampuses? Krampuses.

During which hundreds of Krampuses parade through the city.

Now, Krampus can take many different forms, all of them terrifying, and while St. Nicholas

brings gifts for the good little kids, Krampus is the punisher of the bad boys and girls,

and even carries around a whip or this whip-like stick ready to use.

Now as an adult, I personally loved the Krampus Run.

I had so much fun there, but still it just, it seems a little weird that St. Nicholas

has this evil companion running around with a whip.

For more information on where Krampus came from and video footage of the demon sidekick,

you can check out my video from the Krampus parade in Munich a few years ago.

Next up we have the Christkind pageant in Nuremberg.

Now, as far as I've understood it, Christkind literally means "Christ Child," and in many

parts of Germany this then equates to the baby Jesus.

But in Nuremberg the Christkind is actually a teenage girl, and every two years there

is this kind of competition to choose the new Christkind.

Which, having a competition to choose the new Christkind already seems a little bit strange,

but then I found out that there are also height regulations for the Christkind.

So to even qualify to compete, the girls must be at least 160 centimeters.

Which makes this sound to me more in the direction of a beauty pageant.

Is this a Christkind beauty pageant?

I just don't understand why is there are height qualifications for choosing the next Christkind.

So yeah, this tradition just seems a little strange to me.

If anyone can explain it better I would love to hear down in the comments what this Christkind

pageant is all about. Thank you.

Now this next one is a Christmas tradition that is a little weird, but I love it.

I love it so, so much.

And that is putting your clean shoes or boots outside on the night of December 5th so that

Nikolaus can come during the night and fill them with little treats like oranges, walnuts,

small chocolates.

I think this one is weird because it always feels a little strange to eat chocolate that

has been in my shoe.

Like, no matter how much I clean the shoe, it's still a weird place to put food.

But I love this tradition because it's also just so cute to open up the door the next

morning and find my shoes filled with treats.

And yes, Nikolaus has come to our apartment many years, Mr. German Man always makes sure

that he knows to come here too. Thank you, Stefan.

Another strange Christmas tradition that I've taken part in several times here in Germany

is called Schrotteln.

Now, Mr. German Man tells me that this tradition can also be called Wichteln, but it's never

been called that any of the times that I've taken part in it, so I'm sticking with Schrotteln

for this video.

Now, Schrott means scrap, so Schrotteln is basically where you gift your friends your

old scrap, the stuff you don't want anymore.

You dig around in your home and find something that you don't want anymore.

You wrap it up, usually in old newspaper, and then get together with your friends and

play a little game where you have to pass around the "gifts" until everyone ends

up with something crappy from someone else.

It is totally fun, and a really great way to enjoy spending time with your friends without

having to go out and buy something new, spend money, so I really love this tradition too,

but still when you explain it out, like that you give your friends the crappiest stuff

that you can find in your apartment that you don't want anymore, it definitely sounds a

little weird.

And then during Christmas it is also a tradition in Germany to watch the movie "Drei Haselnüsse

für Aschenbrödel," which is literally in English "Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella,"

but is also known in English as "Three Wishes for Cinderella."

And this movie was filmed in 1973 in both Germany and the Czech Republic, and the movie

was filmed with both German and Czech actors and when they first shot the film, the Czech

actors spoke Czech and the German actors spoke German, so the original footage of this movie

is in both Czech and German all mixed up together.

And then for the final Czech film, they dubbed the German parts into Czech, and for the final German

film, they dubbed the Czech parts that they had into German.

Which I think is an amazing, such an interesting way to go about making the movie.

But it was still a little weird for me when I first found out that watching this now over

40 years old Cinderella movie that has apparently nothing to do with Christmas is a

Christmas tradition in Germany.

And then lastly we have a weird German Christmas tradition that isn't.

So in America somehow, at some point in time, somewhere the rumor got started that it is

a German Christmas tradition to hide a pickle, real or as an ornament I'm not really sure,

in the Christmas tree and the first child to find it gets a prize.

But I have yet to find anyone in Germany who does this or who has ever heard of this tradition.

So this is a weird German tradition that isn't.

However, if anyone out there does this tradition in America or Germany or anywhere in the world,

I would love to know, so please let me know down in the comments.

So my question for you is: what is your take on these Christmas traditions and what other

interesting holiday traditions do you know of around the world?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching!

If you love these videos, if you enjoy the content I'm putting out there, please don't

forget to subscribe to the channel and hit that like button, thank you so much, it's

very much appreciated.

And also a really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who

help make these videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

If anyone...

More in the direct...


Another strange...I have a really hard time starting.

Still kind of like, huh. Interesting. A little weird. Interesting.

For more infomation >> 5 WEIRD German Christmas Traditions (and one that's not...) - Duration: 8:43.


Trump's lawyer Say I wrote the president's 'sloppy' tweet about Flynn's dismissal - Trump News - Duration: 1:38.

Trump's lawyer Say I wrote the president's 'sloppy' tweet about Flynn's dismissal - Trump


President Donald Trump's personal lawyer John Dowd drafted the president's Saturday morning

tweet that stated he fired former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for lying not

only to Vice President Mike Pence but also to the FBI, Dowd told ABC News Saturday.

"I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI," Trump

tweeted at 9:14 a.m. on Saturday.

"He has pled guilty to those lies.

It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful.

There was nothing to hide!"

The apparent admission by the president -- that he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI at the time

of his firing -- seems to add a potentially explosive new dimension to the ongoing special

counsel investigation.

If true, why then would Trump ask the FBI director to go easy on Flynn, as former FBI

Director James Comey later testified?

The message set off renewed talk of potential evidence of obstruction of justice.

But now Dowd, corroborated by a second source familiar with the matter, said the tweet was

not drafted by the president himself but rather by the lawyer -- and done so in a "sloppy"


The White House, which has insisted that tweets from the president should be taken as official

statements, has declined to comment.

For more infomation >> Trump's lawyer Say I wrote the president's 'sloppy' tweet about Flynn's dismissal - Trump News - Duration: 1:38.


Home remedies for sinusitis | 3 Home Remedies for Sinusitis - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Home remedies for sinusitis | 3 Home Remedies for Sinusitis - Duration: 3:47.


Helmut Kohl: Skandal um Witwe Maike Kohl-Richter! - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Helmut Kohl: Skandal um Witwe Maike Kohl-Richter! - Duration: 4:58.


English prepositions - FOR (Listen to 15 natural example sentences!) - Duration: 6:54.

in this video I'm going to teach you how to use the preposition for naturally in

English conversation

Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary lists 20 uses for the preposition for in

this video I'll teach you four ways we use this preposition with lots of

natural example sentences that are very common and easy to remember let's get

started some example sentences are basic and others are more advanced

this way the video is helpful for any level and it can help you get to your

next level let's start with one of the more common

uses we wait for something we can wait for somebody or something Karl's waiting

for his friend he should be here soon

the cafe is busy today I have to wait for a seat

they finally built a new bus shelter on Queen Street now I don't have to get wet

waiting for the bus in the rain

or we can wait for something to happen wait for the light to change before you

cross the street

I want to go to lunch but I'm waiting for a phone call from my customer

you bought a new iPhone I'm waiting for the price to go down before I get one

to look for something means to search or try to find something

Aaron is looking for a black sport coat size 40 regular

I can't find my earring can you help me look for it

all my friends from university are still looking for a job I'm lucky to be


four can be used to show purpose or function

let's go for a while the purpose of going out is to take a


are you learning English for pleasure or for work

what's the purpose of your English study what'd you do that for equals why did

you do that what'd you do that for in natural spoken English the phrase what

did you becomes Wadjya when spoken at native speed

what'd you do that for

we use for to show a reason or a cause

the town is famous for its Cathedral

the reason it's famous is the Cathedral

she gave me a bag for my birthday

the reason she gave me the bag is because it was my birthday

he got an award for bravery

he got the award because he's brave

and stay tuned some of the videos I made earlier this year had a live

introduction I would use some video editing tricks to make them look more

interesting at the end of this video please watch them and vote for your

favorite intro

Hey look another example sentence with the preposition for we vote for

something or someone

here's a fifth way we can use the preposition for we can also use for to

receive something

this number for more information

to receive more information thanks Roger I can always count on you for help

I can depend on your help I can always receive your help

good job everyone using this preposition correctly will increase your

conversation ability and your confidence to talk with native speakers

now it's voting time please vote for your favorite intro by writing a B C or

D in the comments below and make sure you tell me why you liked it are you

ready a hey why don't you play soccer

somewhere else


I better go outside before I overheat

d are you ready let's go

you can find English preposition lists on sites like Wikipedia dot com but lists

are not as helpful as listening to real natural sentence examples with common

preposition usage

thanks for watching remember to subscribe comment and like if you

enjoyed this video whatever you do today I hope you have a great one

thanks and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> English prepositions - FOR (Listen to 15 natural example sentences!) - Duration: 6:54.


أوقفوا العصبية ◆ كيف نستقل بذاتنا ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> أوقفوا العصبية ◆ كيف نستقل بذاتنا ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 11:45.


이종훈 수영장 몰카 논란 심각하게 봐야 한다|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> 이종훈 수영장 몰카 논란 심각하게 봐야 한다|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:05.


Поздравление с Новым годом. Видео поздравление. Необыкновенный концерт. - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Поздравление с Новым годом. Видео поздравление. Необыкновенный концерт. - Duration: 1:47.


Health Online|السيجارة الإلكترونية قد تنقذ حياة 6.6 مليون مدخن أمريكي - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Health Online|السيجارة الإلكترونية قد تنقذ حياة 6.6 مليون مدخن أمريكي - Duration: 6:14.


மாமனாரை வலையில் வீழ்த்திய மனைவி நேரில் பார்த்த கணவன் செய்த செயல் Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> மாமனாரை வலையில் வீழ்த்திய மனைவி நேரில் பார்த்த கணவன் செய்த செயல் Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 0:44.


Maurizio Costanzo contro il GF VIP mentre Belen 'mortifica' la sorella - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Maurizio Costanzo contro il GF VIP mentre Belen 'mortifica' la sorella - Duration: 3:52.


Sandık Odası - One Survival - Duration: 21:45.

For more infomation >> Sandık Odası - One Survival - Duration: 21:45.


Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: Jazz & Jazz Music - Duration: 3:31:25.

Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: French Jazz Music

For more infomation >> Coffee Time & Coffee Time Music for Office, for Work and Relaxation: Jazz & Jazz Music - Duration: 3:31:25.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 67 - Duration: 3:40.


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"히어로만 28명"…역대급 마블 시리즈'어벤져스:인피니티 워' 예고편 최초 공개 (영상) - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> "히어로만 28명"…역대급 마블 시리즈'어벤져스:인피니티 워' 예고편 최초 공개 (영상) - Duration: 3:29.


선미,"'가시나'이후 남자 연예인 대시 하나도 못 받았다" (영상) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 선미,"'가시나'이후 남자 연예인 대시 하나도 못 받았다" (영상) - Duration: 3:12.


KPOP NEWS-최신 뉴스 김범수 아나운서 재혼부인 결혼 전부인 이혼 강애란 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> KPOP NEWS-최신 뉴스 김범수 아나운서 재혼부인 결혼 전부인 이혼 강애란 - Duration: 5:17.


'어벤져스4' 장례식 촬영 예고…"어떤 히어로가 죽나" - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> '어벤져스4' 장례식 촬영 예고…"어떤 히어로가 죽나" - Duration: 3:08.


The Air Biểu Diễn Tại Asian TV Awards 22 - Singapore | 22nd Asian TV Awards Day 2 - Duration: 25:15.

For more infomation >> The Air Biểu Diễn Tại Asian TV Awards 22 - Singapore | 22nd Asian TV Awards Day 2 - Duration: 25:15.


How to Remove Tonsil Stones at Home And Easy Way - V 4 YOU - Duration: 5:05.

How to Remove Tonsil Stones at Home And Easy Way

Tonsil stones, conjointly referred to as tonsilloliths, are small, off-white deposits that you just

will see within the craters of your tonsils. they're sometimes caused once bits of food

get lodged in these craters; microorganism begin feeding on them, digesting them till

they become the funky ooze we all know and hate. lymphatic tissue|faucial tonsil|tonsilla|lymphatic

tissue|lymphoid tissue} stones aren't uncommon for folks with deep tonsil craters. though

they're frequently dislodged throughout coughing and uptake, and medical or home intervention

is commonly inessential, there square measure many ways for removing these deposits and

forestall their return.

0 Removing Stones with Cotton Swab

1 Assemble your materials. Get together the

cotton swabs and other necessary components: Cotton swabs

Toothbrush A mirror

Flashlight, flashlight app, or lamp that you can direct.

Running water.

2 Shine a light down your throat.

Open your mouth and shine the sunshine into your mouth. do that before of a mirror in

order that you'll be able to find the faucial tonsil stones.

3 Flex your tonsils.

Close off, or flex, your throat muscles whereas protruding your tongue. Go "Ahh," and tighten

the muscles within the back of your throat. try this whereas holding your breath, nearly

as if you were gargling water. this could push your tonsils forward therefore you'll

be able to see them higher.

4 Prepare the cotton swab.

Run water and dab the cotton swab into it. this can build it softer and fewer irritating

for your throat. do not place it down, otherwise you risk contamination. Minimize the contact

your cotton swab makes with any germ-carrying surface, together with your hands. once you

take away the stones, shake them off into the sink while not touching your swab to any

surface, or wipe them on a clean towel. If you bit one thing just like the sink or

counter together with your swab, trade it for a replacement one.

5 Poke at the stones gently with your cotton

swab. Press or poke at your stone until you dislodge

it. Carry it out of your mouth on the cotton swab.

Be very gentle, as bleeding may occur. Although a little bit of bleeding is normal, try as

much as you can to minimize the bleeding. Cuts and wounds can get infected by the same

bacteria in your mouth that cause tonsil stones. Rinse if bleeding occurs, and brush your teeth

and tongue as soon as it stops.

6 Rinse with water and repeat.

Rinse with water and progress to consecutive stone. Rinse particularly if your spittle

feel sticky, that generally happens when the throat has been poked. As sticky spittle starts

forming, drink water to skinny it out.

7 Check for any hidden stones. After you have

extracted all the stones you can see, place your thumb into your neck under your jaw,

and your (clean) index finger into your mouth right beside your tonsil and gently try to

squeeze any remaining stones to the openings (like squeezing out toothpaste). If no stones

appear, don't assume they aren't there. Some craters are very deep and it is sometimes

hard to get them all.

8 Remove stubborn stones carefully.

If you have got a stone that will not start off with a cotton swab, it should be particularly

deep. do not force it, as this could cause haemorrhage. Use the rear of your toothbrush

to carefully nudge it till it loosens, then take away it with the swab or with the toothbrush.

If the stones still will not start off, you'll be able to attempt gargling with gargle for

some days and so making an attempt once more. If that does not work, you will wish to undertake

victimisation associate oral irrigator. If this does not work, you'll be able to increase

the stream somewhat. Keep in mind that some individuals have a

robust pharyngeal reflex and can not tolerate poke.

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