hey what's up guys so in this video I'm going to show you how you can use the
autoliker script on tinder.com so without any further ado let's get
started so if you want to use the auto liker hack
I don't know why would you use it but still if you want to use it then copy
the script from the description open tinder.com
right click anywhere on the screen go to inspect element then click on console
then paste the script right here and press the Enter button so if you have no
taste or have nothing to do in life then you can use the script so that's it for
this quick video guys I will see you in the next one
For more infomation >> Tinder : AutoLiker Hack! 👈🏻💕😈 - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Mayoral candidates take questions about flood risk in New Orleans - Duration: 0:43.
Deep Voice Tip: The 2 Types Of Booze To Make You Sound Smooth ❓❔ - Duration: 4:06.
Alright listen, we can all talk about how drinking is bad and all this but the truth
is that when most people go out on the weekend, they're gonna have a couple drinks!
And what we drink can serious impact the way our voice will sound that night… so lets
talk about how to do it the right way.
Lets float my head up here in the corner and get into this…
A lot of alcohols seriously mess up our voice but I'm going to give you list of liquor
that is the least detrimental AND at the end of the video I'm going to tell you two specific
ones that will actually help your sound.
Now this video is only about how booze impacts your voice.
If your looking to get some techniques about how to make your entire voice stronger, I
put together a Vocal Power Cheat Sheet that you can click right here in the upper right
corner to download an I'm not gonna charge ya anything for it.
It's gonna show you 5 things you can do right now to beef up those pipes!
Think about it this way, when you go out to a bar or restaurant or other social event,
you are gonna do a lot of talking.
Much more than most people will any other time of the week.
This means we need to prepare just like a vocal performer would.
And don't give me that, "oh I don't care what people think about how I sound they
should just like me for me!"
If you want to be an average joe - struggling through life then that's fine, keep that
If you want to be a top performer and get what you want, lets start doing what we know
will help!
The majority of alcoholic drinks are carbonated, and carbonation is the worst thing you can
drink when talking.
I've got a whole other video talk about just this that you can click up here to watch.
So alcohols is bad for our voice… what can we drink?
The list of vocally approved alcohols are as follow: Vodka, Port Wine, Gin & Whiskey
and Brandy.
So what are the two drinks that can actually help to make
your voice sound warm and hardy?
First, although you may sound with her 1, drink a day in the nursing home, you can drink
a vodka and water.
This is one of the very best options because its base is vodka, an approved alcohol, it
has water which acts to help balance out some of the hydrates that alcohol naturally causes
and doesn't have carbonation.
The other drink, to take you to your Texas cowboy roots, straight whiskey
Sipping straight alcohol can actually keep you drinking at a nice, slow pace as its much
harder to breeze through a glass of whiskey than a cold beer.
If you haven't seen this video right here, your gonna like it I suggest you click on
it to watch.
And if you didn't take advantage and grab your free vocal power Cheat sheet, you can
click right here.
Talk soon
The Hidden Biases in WEIRD Psychology Research - Duration: 4:36.
Psychology is the study of human behavior and the mind,
so it's easy to imagine that researchers are trying to learn universal truths.
But humans come in a lot of different flavors.
So we can't make sweeping predictions about all of humanity based on the limited populations
that are usually used in psychology research.
In fact, many subjects may actually be psychological outliers, so we should be careful about jumping
to conclusions about what makes humans tick.
See, most research subjects in behavioral sciences, which include psychology, economics,
and cognitive science, belong to what's called the WEIRD population.
Coined by researchers in 2010, WEIRD is an acronym
that stands for Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic.
These subgroups are more likely to have the resources and educational systems to support
academic research, but it means that the studies that they publish can be really skewed.
For example, in 2008, a study of more than 4,000 articles published over 20 years
found that around 95% of behavioral science research subjects
come from the U.S., Europe, and English-speaking countries like Australia.
But these countries only make up about 12% of the world's population!
The same analysis found that 68% of subjects are from the United States, and more than
two-thirds of American psychology research subjects are undergraduate students.
So another review in 2010 looked at dozens of studies in the behavioral sciences and
concluded something that seems kind of… obvious.
But it's worth saying: American college students aren't representative of all humans.
They're actually a pretty unusual subgroup.
So they were given the acronym WEIRD.
Like, take the W in WEIRD.
As one example, research has found that Western subjects tend to report having higher self-esteem
than many non-Western subjects.
Some scientists have pointed out that this might just reflect how different cultures
value things like modesty.
This could affect how people describe themselves but not how they actually feel.
And even within the same country or region, people aren't the same.
Just looking at a "typical" American psychology subject, an undergrad student,
compared to most Americans reveals some differences
in self-perception, ethics, and economic decision making.
For instance, researchers compared a bunch of studies on the Ultimatum Game, which is
a financial sharing and decision-making task
that was designed for psychology and economics experiments.
Specifically, they were looking at the "E" in the WEIRD acronym, to understand how people
in college made money decisions in this game,
and whether those results could be generalized to all people.
And they found that undergrads are more likely to offer less money to another person compared
to American adults who aren't currently, and may have never been, college students.
So even just within the U.S. economy, it's important to recognize that the typical research
subject's behavior doesn't really tell you how the typical person manages money.
And education is just part of society.
Society-wide traits like industrialization, which is basically a shift from growing food
to making goods, has some pretty dramatic effects on psychology, too.
For example, a number of studies have found that people who speak English and other Indo-European
languages tend to use words meaning "left" or "right" to describe where things are.
In other words, we use egocentric terms, and view objects relative to where we are.
But it turns out that's a pretty unusual way to think of things.
People in smaller-scale societies tend to speak languages that favor allocentric terms,
like "behind" or "above," or even cardinal directions like "north" or "south."
This anchors objects in relation to other things or the environment.
This is important when it comes to behavioral research,
because it suggests that this way of thinking is cultural.
It's a result of the language we speak and the environment we grew up in.
And all this doesn't even begin to cover differences in wealth or political structure, either.
But the point is: researching outside of the WEIRD bubble is really important because it
lets psychologists puzzle out things that do seem to be universally human.
Like, most people seem to recognize the same facial expressions meaning specific emotions,
like anger and happiness.
And we're pretty sure that most people perceive the same colors, even though the amount of
names for colors might vary between languages.
Now, this isn't to say that WEIRD studies,
and all the psychology research done so far, isn't valuable.
It is!
It's just important to recognize its limitations.
And if we want to learn the most we can about humans,
we need to study more different kinds of humans.
Because, again, different flavors.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!
If you want to dive into another example of how our brains might be influenced by our cultures,
check out our video about an optical illusion that doesn't work for everyone.
Better Animated Media - Solar Sands Response - Duration: 12:40.
Is that what I
Think this is funny you think this thing is funny
All right, so really quick. I just like to say I don't hate animation memes. I don't really like animation memes either
I'm indifferent to the creation of them
but I believe animation memes are a bad starting point even for beginning animators as
You can see from the title this is a semi response to solar sans video with my own take on the whole animation meme debacle
So as you may know animation memes have made a pretty big resurgence over the past months. Maybe even going back to late 2016
Don't really have a problem with animation memes like I said, but I did think that they died out like four years ago
it seems as if ever since Solar Sands has put out his animation meme video people have been a bit unkind to the artists and
animators behind them and
as more people jump on the back of the hatred bandwagon
Nobody is learning how to become a better artist and nobody's learning how to become a better skeptic or critic
I don't blame Solar Sands for this obviously because what your audience does is completely out of your hands
Even if you take notice and ask for them to stop in this video
I'd also like to give tips to teach animators and critics how to make better animations and critiques however
I think the critique video will have to be at a later date as to give this video some brevity
I'd also like to preface really quick that this video if you haven't already watched it is opinionated
So nothing should be taken as completely factual and on to the video
99% of animation memes are exact clones of two types of animations
Let's do a breakdown of what I'm talking about
So we start off with an OC because you know we have to cram in auro season 2 something
I mean what else are we going to do with them besides role-playing am I right and this OC begins to dance or move in?
Some way keep in mind. This is usually paired up with obnoxious music and then one of two things happen either at first
It's all happy and carefree and then suddenly when the music changes
For a few seconds boom it turns all edgy and dark. Happy and carefree
edgy and dark happy and carefree
Edgy and dark and the second thing that can happen is your character just sort of dances in the same spot
And that's about it now loot this four or five times and then tada you have your full animation mean
I kinda agree with what solar says the edgy and dark side to Aussies is very much overdone
Don't really see why artists still use this trope when they could make their characters way more interesting with little Kirk's and no God know
What he says about artists and animators being too sensitive to criticism is completely correct although
For the most part the artists that pop up and make up most of the community you're young and simple-minded
Older and more experienced artists and animators seem to have trouble accepting criticism as well
Which creates a vacuum of sorts where only positivity is shared between tight-knit?
Communities that don't understand how to deal with criticism or negative attention if you know you're blind to criticism
And they're trying to get out of that trap though. You can break out of that
She'll asking your friends for some criticism and working up to random people
Getting as many artist input as you can is the surefire way to become better and to add on to the beginning of my statement
Try different quirks for your characters other than their all-powerful Mary Sue's that have a green day, Linkin Park Hot Topic
Looking a side that makes them special give them positive and negative traits
Try outweighing the positive with the negative or vice versa to see how fleshed out your character can feel
Animation is hard
Lots of things in life are hard. I understand that animation is especially difficult and tedious and can take years
But just because something is difficult doesn't mean you can't criticize it
there is a bit of a problem with both the sentiment that solar is giving to the animation main creators and the idea that the
animators have and that's the fact that animation is hard when
Animation isn't hard
Whoa, okay, okay, okay, I take it back
Sorta you see animation isn't difficult in the aspect that the main creators are saying
most of the time the animators that say this one in regards to their meme also bring up time and the fact that
animation is difficult because the time it takes that's not true whatsoever the word you're looking for is boring or
Arduous when I think of animation is difficulty?
I think of the difficulty of holding all 12 fundamentals of animation in my head while trying to follow those
Fundamentals all the while making sure that my frames are all in order
and the pacing is correct and
Animation is difficult tediously creating frame after frame and keeping the amount of continuity errors and issues minimal is
Boring not hard solar is right though
And what he said just because you bring up the defense that animation is difficult or that your memes are just for fun does not
Mean that you aren't subject to criticism
Every artist is subject to criticism and that's how you get better at your craft in the rest of this video, though
I'm going to be taking the role of professor Popa get it and
reviewing the twelve animation fundamentals giving some resources to websites and stuff that may help you in becoming a better artist an animator and
reviewing animation means what defines animation and how to grow let's get started with some practical definitions to work off of
Animation is defined as follows the state of being full of life or vigor liveliness
they started talking with animation the state of being alive as
Well as the manipulation of electronic images by means of a computer in order to create moving images and now the technical
definition of an animation main
Animation memes are different from other memes while still keeping the aspect of being easily shareable content
These memes are created by animators and are put to music
Animation memes are usually driven by the beats of a song
Often being very repetitive in nature and often use self-made characters now in order to get the full meaning of the definition of word
It's important to take a look at all
definitions from what I pull from this I believe that in order to create something that classifies as animation you must create a
secession of physical or digital drawings that give a sense of weight
Movement and liveliness or humanity would you rather see a static ball?
Just moving around a room merely giving the impression that it's bouncing
Or would you like to see the ball squish show some sort of weight and show a motion through the drawings
Depending on who you are you'll prefer either of those, but for the most part
I believe you'd rather enjoy seeing a ball show more emotion whilst it's bouncing now
We're going to take a look at two animation memes one that I consider to be of a higher quality and one that I consider
a lower quality
Please however try to look at these memes at animation value alone while the artistic talent of a creator will heavily influence how an animation?
Looks it's easy to see when some of the fundamentals are missing
All right so this first animation room
There are only about four frames with a slow motion tween between a lot some of the main pillars of animation are missing from us
Meme that being liveliness and weight as you'll see in most animation memes the characters seem to be floating in space
They don't have a set weight exactly this can be very
Distracting other distracting things about this meme are the Goro slash body horror frames that pop up when the music gets a bit darker this
Obviously contrasts the lighter tone in the music, but when the subject is
So skewed like this it gets a bit hard to watch and moving on to the next animation man
You've probably noticed from looking at both of these names that they're more feats of editing than
animation they both have few frames and use the few frames
They created in some sort of editing program
But in this last meme the editing is quite a bit of effort put into it unlike the other though this animation is two things
One it doesn't use the overused edgy second life multi-personality disorder black metal body horror trope and secondly
It's actually a mean
Honestly, why aren't more animation memes actually memes the trope of going from normal to crazy is so boring and it has no punch whatsoever
Because it is in 2007 anymore
I pretty sure most of the art and animation community you like memes
So why don't they use those to their advantage the difference between these two should be quite obvious?
One has more life put into it and the other is much more floaty an alien this goes back to my ball
demonstration which leads to one of the twelve core animation
fundamentals really quick check the
description for two links to two very important books that every animator should own the illusion of life and the animator Survival Guide
From what I know they both go over basically the same concepts
But maybe you'll pull different things for the two different books in the description
I've also linked all the videos you've seen in the past few minutes as well as some other
Very amazing helpful artistic websites now
let's look at the fundamentals by the way if you'd like to see a more in-depth look at the
Fundamentals alan becker details them all very well in his videos squash and stretch almost
Exactly as the name entails same with most of the rest of these fundamentals
Squash and stretches the use of squashing and stretching a character or object in your animation to give it a more realistic and grounded in
reality feel
Objects that are more rigid and Static don't squash and stretch as much while fluid and squishy things will squash and stretch more anticipation
Anticipation and animation is essentially using a few frames to build up the action of a clip
The point of staging is to make sure that your subjects are placed in a way that makes it easy for the viewer to know
What the most important part of a scene is?
Straight ahead and post a pose straight ahead and post a pose are two different ways to animate in its most simplest description
Straight ahead is a bit more difficult because you have to have the movement planned in your head straight ahead will usually result in
Continuity errors and more revisions on your part pose the pose is when you create several key frames to guide the scene both are good
For different things for example straight had his better fluid and fast action while most opposes better for slower scenes
Follow-through and overlap this one is a bit more difficult for me to describe
Follow-through is making sure that loosely connected things like body parts will follow through with an action being made such as walking
punching running and throwing an object
overlap is one different parts of a body or object move at different speeds an
Example would be the difference of movement between your pelvis in your leg and the difference of movement between your leg in your foot this
Fundamental is basically making sure that your character or object stays true to gravity and Newton's laws of physics ease in and slow out
again kinda awkward to explain when the human body begins moving it needs time so when the body begins walking the frames the beginning of
The walk should be slower this goes the same for the inverse if you've already got momentum going while you're walking or running you need
To use force to stop yourself same goes for
animation arc most if not all
natural movements follow an arc
For example the joints in your arms and legs force your appendages to move at a natural arc in fact
I believe most organic things move in natural arcs, but definitely not machines
Which can do both arcs and straight ahead movement?
secondary action
Secondary action is the separate less important actions that a form will commit to like hair and clothes moving
this is usually used to give your object or character some sort of weight or more liveliness timing a
Character that's light and jumpy will move differently and on a different timing than a large lethargic character
Timing is also used to show how emotions change in a character or how it communicates with other characters?
Most simple of all of the fundamentals in my opinion taking things grounded in reality
And skewing them just a bit to make sure that they're still believable this is usually used for stylization
I believe but can be used in smaller facets to make a character's movement more involving solid drawing
Solid drawing is having a firm grasp of objects in the 3d space
And finally appeal is making sure that the character your puppeteering is appealing to your audience also
Making sure the character is interesting to look at and different from other characters
Now that you know the fundamentals of animation try and apply these to your memes obviously?
I don't want you to spend months of your lives making a three-minute masterpiece, but maybe from this knowledge
You can grow as an artist. Please take the time out of your day to learn more about this craft
If you see this video and actually by advice
I would love to see what you make you can reach me at my twitter at synth wave and post or my deviantART, Dhakal
It's dogle with a cue. It's very very intuitive name. Thank you very much
Please leave any criticism notes or comments down below, and I hope you have a very nice day
LIFE-Video Game Animation - Duration: 3:26.
RUSSIAN ROULETTE of 1000 YEAR OLD EGGS - Duration: 6:35.
- Fucking hell. - Cheers!
- I can't swallow it. Disgusting.
- This is the first and the last time you will see me.
- What's up, guys? What're you up to?
- Too much energy. That was the youtuber inside me. Today's challenge is...
...is fucking hard. These are 1000 years old eggs.
- The last time I ate 1 1/2 and I couldn't stand for another one.
And there's 12 in here.
- I will have a spicy papaya side salad. I'm scared as fuck.
- I swear I can feel the pressure over my chest.
- Without further ado: the hell's dozen egg challenge.
[ How can I explain you this taste? ]
[ It tastes like a SEWER. ]
[ Not as bad as I remember tho. ]
[ We will be back in 2 seconds ]
- At least show my abs. I'm looking for a girlfriend. Don't show that.
- Ok, I will try one that looks really bad. - Yeah, that one looks bad with that liquid thing...
- So good... you made me so hungry.
[ The 1000 yo eggs, aka preserved eggs, are buried for weeks until they look like black jelly. ]
[ I decide to eat as many as I can. ]
- Fucking hell. That one was so disgusting. Motherfucker!
- The bastard was waiting for me, hiding among the rest.
- Such a big motherfucker!
- I'm crying a little bit. If they all were like this, the challenge would be over.
- I'd rather have it the last one if there's another one like that.
- I've got scared as fuck again. This is like the russian roulette of the crazy eggs.
- I have a title for the video: «The russian roulette of the crazy eggs.»
- Fuck it! Fuck it!
- They come from two different places. Maybe...
- Fuck. You put all the rotten ones in the same basket.
- I had teacher who used to say that. You must put all the rotten eggs in the same basket.
- Meaning her students by «rotten eggs». I was among them.
- She separated good students. The ones that she knew that didn't have a chance were sitting at the end.
- Fuck you! See where I got.
- They are pretty disgusting now.
- Which one do you wanna try? This one looks fresh and this one's normal. The best ones I found.
[ TakeThat69: mat stoni ate only 6! this is fake for sure ]
[ They are painted in pink in order to distinguish them from regular eggs. ]
[ You will never learn, Mandel. ]
- Pheww! Oh, boy!
- Shit! I thought I was going to throw it for a moment. I couldn't swallow it.
- I will eat the vegetables. Otherwise the vegans will get mad.
- The last one. Let's go, guys!
- It's disgusting. Fucking disgusting.
- You get a taste in the end like if they wanted to go out.
- It left a bad taste in the mouth.
Big Farm Mobile Hack - Get Free Gold and Dollars ! - Duration: 2:41.
Big Farm Mobile Hack
Sophia Thomalla provoziert auf Kosten von Missbrauchsopfern - Duration: 4:54.
GZSZ-Liebling: Schock-Diagnose! - Duration: 1:11.
Herbert Helmrich ist gestorben - Duration: 3:30.
Bastian Schweinsteiger: Schockierende Nachricht! Ist es aus und vorbei? - Duration: 4:52.
Kaip pakeisti salono filtras MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 PAMOKA | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:02.
Use a socket №10
Angelo Kelly: Er schickt seine fünf Kids nicht zur Schule! - Duration: 4:50.
Helene Fischer: Schock für Florian! Sie saß Kollegen auf dem Gesicht - Duration: 6:06.
Promis am Pranger? RTL plant brutal-ehrliches Show-Format! - Duration: 5:01.
Thế Giới Võ Thuật - Tập 11 .Khám Phá Thế Giới - Duration: 51:03.
Best Bankruptcy Lawyers Asheville NC | Bankruptcy Attorneys in North Carolina - Duration: 0:56.
BanglaVision News Live 27 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all - Duration: 45:48.
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