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Holiday Gift Ideas | Make Your Own Bath Bombs | Michaels - Duration: 1:20.
DIY Bath Bomb
Citric Acid, Fragrance, Pink Color, Mold, Baking Soda and Cornstarch Blend, Wisk, Water, Bowl
Add 4.25 oz of sodium bicarbonate/cornstarch blend
Add 10-15 drops of fragrance
Add 25-30 drops of color
Slowly add water
Add 1.25 oz citric acid
Fill mold with mixture
Pack tightly
Press both halves together then gently remove the molds
Let dry for 24 hours
Thanks for watching. Subscribe to our channel and share your projects using the #MakeItWithMichaels
Social Sites Give Testimony on Russian Election Hacking | LIVE on CBSN - Duration: 1:01:28.
FLUFFY SLIME With a Mixer Machine - A Slime Making Machine - Duration: 6:44.
10 TRENDING MINECRAFT SKINS! (Top Minecraft Skins - Java, PC, Better Together) - Duration: 10:34.
Hey there!
What's going on guys?!
Today I'm sharing with you 10 Trending Minecraft Skins!
These are some of the Top 10 Minecraft Skins on NameMC.com and PlanetMinecraft.
These skins were all found on the Trending skins page on NameMC and PlanetMinecraft.
These are not the top 10 trending skins on the sites but rather 10 skins that I saw on
the trending pages that I wanted to share with you.
I decided this week to add skins from both sites.
I may do that from now on since I use both sites quite often.
But yeah, add me as a friend on NameMC...
And I hope you enjoy watching this video!
We will start of with a skin, as the skin creator, of whom I'm not going to attempt
to prounounce their name, calls a Strange Dreams skin.
You may find that in this video there will be
multiple times I mention the Urban Legends skin content on PlanetMinecraft.
That's because many of the trending skins were created to go into that contest.
Basically the contest wanted people to make skins based
on like paranormal, mythological, and just like creature type skins.
Ya know, Urban legends.
This skin here, the skin creator says, represents a trippy dream world.
So you may see this type of person, thing, or creature within a dream world.
So, uh, you may actually think that this would be a skin that could fit into the whole Urban
Legends skin contenst thing... but it's actually not.
I mean, it's basically an inside out Jack-O-Lantern if you really
want to look at it like that.
Or an inside out smiley face, a creepy smiley face at that.
But yeah, I found this skin as the number 33 trending skin on NameMC.
If you've watched my previous trending skins videos you've probably just seen random skins
like this pop up.
I just always feel the need to add something like this into the video.
Plus it's trending right now so it fits the theme of the video.
It's being used by 94 known profiles so it's popular.
The next skin is the second skin on this video from NameMC.
When I found this skin it was the number 9 trending skin on NameMC.
Also, at the time I found it, it had been used by 128 known profiles on the site.
It was found on SenpaiTeddy's profile.
So yeah, it is quite popular.
As you can see, the skin is an Alex model skin.
I personally like Alex model skins.
I know there's a fair ammount of people who don't like it and a fair ammount of people
who do but I like Alex skins, personally.
I mean, I guess the main thing to mention about this skin
is the green hat or hood that the skin has on featuring that face on it.
Quite ammusing, I'd say.
I suppose we have another ammusing skin here.
Again, a skin that I found on NameMC, this skin was used by 23 known profiles and was
the number 27 trending skin on the site.
It was found on Dekishaa_'s profile.
This skin takes a lot of typical things from skins and adds it into one skin.
For example, the suit.
How many Minecraft skins have you seen that have suits?
Secondly, of course, the grass and dirt block texture.
There are plenty of people who use Minecraft texture skins as camoflauge skins.
I actually made a video featuring camo skins before.
Also, the sunglasses.
Sunglasses have always been a popular feature in Minecraft skins.
And finally, the mouth.
That ever so popular mouth was added to this skin.
We're now back into the Urban Legends Skin contest with this skin here.
This skin was created by Noobator on PlanetMinecraft.
I like featuring skins from contests because they usually have a description that helps
the skin have a story around it.
This skin creator says that this skin is "a true horror in any sane pair of eyes."
The skin "represents fear's relentless grip on all
that we understand, and how it encompasses the things we don't."
As you can see, the skin takes on a bit of an odd texture
and just an odd design as a whole.
You'll see eyeballs and other different pictures and design throughout the skin to create a
skin named Unwanted Flesh, or Fear.
So now with this skin, we're heading in a completely different direction.
The last skin was meant to be a bit scary.
It was meant to be a bit odd.
It wasn't meant to be anything normal that you'd expect to see.
This skin, well, it's exactly the opposite of that.
This skin was created by Stella and it's simply called Adidas.
Stella said in the description that this was just a random
request and that she's like bored.
I don't know, this is a skin that you'd probably more-so expect to see somebody using in
Especially if they're looking to wear a skin that looks like them or features clothes that
they'd typically wear or whatever.
Not quite the same concept as the previous skin, I'd say.
This skin is The Monster Inside.
As you can guess, this skin was created fro the Urban Legends skin content.
Created by PlanetMinecraft user Havingfun_ISKEY, this skin
does have story but without readin the story, I'll tell you what my first thoughts were
based off of the name and the skin design.
The skin shows a man that is split in two.
One side is his typical self.
The other side, well, that's the monster inside.
The monster can't make it's way fully out but it's always within and it does show itself
from time to time.
At least, that's how I interpreted the skin.
I'll let you read what the skin creator's story about the skin though.
Definitely check it out, it's pretty interesting.
With Halloween being today, or tomorrow, not sure when I'll get this video done but yeah.
Anyways, It's Halloween time so there's obviously been a lot of Halloween skins
that are trending.
You've seen that in the past few trending skins videos that I've created.
They all have had at least one Halloween skin featured.
This skin was made for Halloween.
It's a Tryrannosaurus rex skin... but it's totally not un-dead, as the name of the skin
But yeah, the skin-creator created this skin for Halloween.
Everyone needs their own Halloween skin for this time of year if you ask me.
I mean, I have one on.
It's a pumpkin face and it's very adorable and it's very creative.
Just go a long with it please.
Just let me be happy about it.
Speaking of Halloween skins, here is an orange colored skin.
Now, I'm not sure if it's meant to be a Halloween skin but it certainly fits the color of Halloween..
because, well, orange.
This skin was created by Cherriy on PlanetMinecraft and it actually has two versions because the
skin creator loved the hair that was on the skin.
I actually like the hair too.
It's a bit different than, like, usual hair on skins.
So that's just an interesting addition to the skin.
In the 4 days it has been up on PlanetMinecraft, this skin has already had 412 views and 112
That's quite a lot of downloads for only 4 days so it's a pretty well-recieved and well-liked
To finish off we have a skin that I found as the number 4 trending skin on NameMC.
This skin is an all black skin with rainbow outlines and highlights or whatever you want
to call that.
The features of the skin are rainbow like the eyes and the small design on the body
of the skin.
There's not a ton for my to say about the skin other than I
understand why so many people are using it.
There are 50 known profiles on NameMC using this skin and I mean, it's just one of those
skins that people like to use.
It was found on Koblax's profile and, well, it's
a pretty cool skin.
I really like that it has a rainbow theme.
The skin just looks really cool.
I really like it.
As simple as it is, it's still fairly creative.
So yeah, that's gonna do it for me guys!
Thank you all so much for watching!
As I've said plenty of times, these skins were all found on NameMC PlanetMinecraft.
I can't say where the original source for the NameMC skins
are because I found them on that site so I'm not sure if those are the skin creators or
not but I'll leave the links to the skins in the description so you can find the
skins both from NameMC and from PlanetMinecraft.
If you want to friend me on NameMC, plaese feel free.
I accept all friend requests on there.
All you have to do to use the skins, is just click the "Apply" button on NameMC or the
"Change My Minecraft Skin" button on PlanetMinecraft to bring
them to your Minecraft profile and yeah, i think you can figure it out.
If you haven't already and you want to see more videos from me or want to be notified
when I upload, please consider clicking subscribe, clicking
the bell, and turning on notifications so you never miss an upload!
Clicking the like button doesn't hurt either!
That's gonna do it for me guys!
Thanks for watching!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
How To Lighten Dark Inner Thighs │ Lighten Inner Thighs At Home - Duration: 2:50.
How To Get Rid Of Dark Inner Thighs.
A lot of people are having problems with hidden areas in their bodies and they feel embarrassed
to discuss it.
This is especially the case with having dark inner thighs or dark groin areas of the body.
We usually see persons with light and fair skin.
Here are tips on how to whiten dark inner thighs the natural way.
In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to get rid of dark inner thighs.
Please click the subscribe button and the bell icon for more videos.
The acidic property of lemon works as a natural bleaching agent for dark skin.
Apply lemon juice to your dark inner thigh using a cotton ball.
Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
Repeat 2 or 3 times per week.
Those who have sensitive skin must dilute the lemon juice with water.
As lemon can dry out your skin, apply a moisturizer after using these remedies.
The natural bleaching property of cucumbers can help lighten your dark inner thighs.
Gently rub cucumber slices or cucumber juice on your thighs for 10 minutes.
Wait 5 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
Repeat once or twice daily.
Turmeric inhibits melanin production, so you can use it to treat skin discoloration and
maintain an even skin tone.
Mix a little turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of milk cream.
Rub it gently on your inner thighs.
Allow it to dry before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
Use this remedy once daily.
Baking Soda.
Baking soda can also improve the dark complexion of your inner thighs.
It works as an exfoliating agent to remove sun-damaged skin cells that have darkened.
Mix 1 tablespoon each of baking soda and milk or water to make a paste.
Add a little honey and mix well.
Apply it on your thighs and rub gently in circular motions for a couple of minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat every other day.
Yogurt is a very gentle bleaching agent that can lighten the color of your inner thighs.
Gently rub some plain yogurt on your inner thighs.
Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Use this simple treatment once daily.
Stranger Things Season 3 - Beyond The Trailer - Duration: 7:50.
As today's mega movie franchises
find themselves locked in desperate competition
for hot new directors...
¿Belinda y Grettell Valdez se disputan a un hombre? | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:44.
It's Over! Anti-American NFL Just Hit With Their Most Devastating News Of The Season That Will End T - Duration: 5:16.
It's Over!
Anti-American NFL Just Hit With Their Most Devastating News Of The Season That Will End
The League.
The first 8 weeks of football season have left many Americans wondering what it would
take for the National Football League to get the message that America isn't happy with
Despite the highly successful boycott of the league, due to many of its players kneeling
for the National Anthem, the league who has a history of nitpicking their player's every
action, still, won't stand up to the social justice warriors.
Thus far, the damage has been doled out by the former fans of the sport, and the league
has stood its ground and crossed its fingers that viewership would come back.
The latest blow being dealt to the league isn't one that's going to be easy to recover
You see, there was always a chance that if the NFL and the networks that carry their
games pound us with this disrespect for long enough that a portion of the fans would just
give up the fight and go back to passive submission.
First off, they seem to have underestimated how personally America has taken the disrespect
toward our anthem and those who died to protect it.
Secondly, they didn't expect some of their allies to turn their backs in favor of keeping
a positive checking account balance.
The latest betrayal of the social justice warriors comes from an unlikely source.
According to the Conservative Tribune, ESPN is making sure they're under no obligation
to continue airing the underperforming football games in upcoming years.
ESPN's contract that is connected to their coverage of Monday Night Football is about
to expire, and experts think that they might not keep it in their line up of programming.
If they move forward without the Monday staple, it would be the first time in three decades
that they didn't broadcast NFL games.
"'With so much of ESPN's universe asunder, it's not outlandish now to entertain a previously
unthinkable prospect: Might ESPN elect to go without rights to NFL games after the expiration
of its eight-year deal for Monday Night Football in 2021?' asked James Andrew Miller in the
The journalist pointed out a few factors that make this decision plausible.
For one, ESPN has quietly and carefully changed its contracts with cable companies in a way
that sets the stage for an NFL pullout.
'There is no longer specific contract language that requires the cable giant to have NFL
games in order to earn its lofty (and industry-envied) subscriber fees, currently more than $7 per
household," The Hollywood Reporter explained.
In other words, the sports network seems to be actively preparing for a situation where
it won't be broadcasting full games."
If nothing up to this point was a good wakeup call for the NFL, this should do it.
Most of us probably take for granted that networks like ESPN will always show the football
games, but apparently, the dent in their bottom line has been so severe that they're making
plans to cut their losses.
The NFL boycott has most certainly been one of the main contributing factors to the decrease
in viewership, so the company is considering new options other than actually broadcasting
entire games.
The new plan is to just play some clips and chat about it, and the NFL is in such a state
that they're expected to accept:
Additionally, ESPN may be able to license highlight clips for commentary and replay
without having to shell out for full games.
'Can anyone imagine the NFL turning down an offer from ESPN of $300 or $400 million
for just those rights, even if ESPN didn't have game rights?
It's doubtful,' Miller admitted."
You might be wondering what exactly pushed the sports network leader over the edge to
change their format in such a huge way.
The answer is simple: a mass exodus.
ESPN is a subscription-based service that depends on people going out of their way to
want to watch their programming.
But lately, people have been going out of their way NOT to watch their programming.
In fact, according to Liberty Unyielding, they're losing subscribers to the tune of
1500 a day and they're ready to stop it:
"Effectively ESPN is tossing up a trial balloon letting Wall Street know they probably
can't afford to keep Monday Night Football rights past 2021 when its current deal expires,
but they're trying to make it seem as if this is their decision and it's a good thing
for the company.
And they're simultaneously letting Wall Street know that their business won't completely
collapse without the NFL either because, how convenient, their executives are geniuses
who negotiated language that protected them in case they couldn't afford the NFL.
Another way to put this would be as follows: ESPN's business is collapsing so rapidly
that they are now trying to figure out which would be more destructive — losing billions
on the NFL or losing billions in cable and satellite revenue because they don't have
the NFL."
Some may hate to say "I told you so" but I, unfortunately, am not one of those people.
It's about time those in broadcasting started to have a little respect for the values of
middle-class Americans.
They might think that the social justice warriors are the ones that need to be appeased, but
this protest has proved that they're not the ones that hold the purse strings, we are,
and we are the ones that they need to be listening to.
What do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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How To Get Rid Of Insomnia │ Home Remedies For Insomnia - Duration: 2:23.
How To Get Rid Of Insomnia.
Most people at some time experience sleepless nights or insomnia.
It is thought that ten percent of the population experience chronic insomnia and about fifty
percent are affected to some degree.
Insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom of something else.
In this video we are talking about best 4 home remedies to get rid of insomnia.
Please click the subscribe button and the bell icon for more videos.
Eating a banana can be useful in combating insomnia because it contains an amino acid
called tryptophan that helps raise serotonin levels, which help regulate sleep patterns.
It also will elevate your mood and help regulate your appetite.
Minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium present in this fruit also help with sleep.
Warm Milk.
Warm milk is an excellent home remedy to relax your mind and body.
Moreover, like bananas, milk contains tryptophan that promotes sleep.
Mix one-quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of warm milk.
Drink it one hour before going to bed.
Hot Bath.
Taking a hot bath or shower about two hours before going to bed can be of great help in
treating insomnia.
It works as a good bedtime ritual to relax your body and soothe nerve endings.
To make this remedy even more effective, add a few drops of soothing essential oils like
lemon balm, chamomile, rosemary, or lavender to the bath water.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey.
Apple cider vinegar contains amino acids that relieve fatigue.
Plus, it helps break down fatty acids that release tryptophan.
Honey promotes sleep by raising your insulin and causing a release of serotonin, a brain
chemical that helps regulate sleep cycles.
Mix two teaspoons each of organic apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of warm water.
Drink it before bedtime.
Doña Rosa Rivera habló de sus peores momentos como inmigrante | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:34.
How To Get Rid Of A hickey │ Home Remedies For Hickey - Duration: 2:45.
How to Get Rid Of a Hickey.
A hickey is known as a love bite and is basically formed as a result of rough kissing or sucking
hard on the skin.
The broken veins in the shoulder or neck can source the pooling of the blood, which turns
the skin purple or red.
As making love becomes more and more passionate, it is almost impossible to know that the skin
is being scraped as bites form wounds and reddish spots often known as a hickey.
In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to get rid of hickey.
Please click the subscribe button and bell icon for more videos.
The stimulant effect of peppermint can help improve blood circulation, and hence it is
very useful in treating hickeys.
Apply peppermint oil gently on the affected skin area.
Initially there will be a tingling sensation, but it will quickly go away.
Do not use this remedy more than twice a day as it can irritate the skin.
Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that will
help reduce the sensitivity of the affected skin area.
Also, its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties will help the burst capillaries under your
skin heal faster.
Extract fresh aloe vera gel and massage the gel into the bruise.
Do this two or three times a day.
Banana Peel.
Banana peels have soothing as well as cooling properties that can help minimize your hickey
Cut the peel of a ripe banana to the size of your hickey.
Place the inside of the peel on the bruise for 10 to 30 minutes.
Do these two or three times a day to reduce the appearance of the bruise.
Oranges have a high amount of vitamin C, an essential nutrient required by the body to
repair your skin.
Also, vitamin C has healing properties that will help heal a hickey quickly.
Just after getting a hickey, drink extra orange juice.
Instead of packaged orange juice, drink fresh juice for best results.
Cocoa Butter.
Cocoa butter works as an effective healing agent for bruises like hickeys.
Apply a warm compress on the hickey.
Once the area is warm, apply some cocoa butter.
Massage the area gently for a few minutes.
This will break up the blood clot and stimulate circulation.
Do this several times throughout the day.
How To Get Rid Of Tinnitus │ Natural Treatment For Tinnitus - Duration: 3:21.
How to get rid of Tinnitus.
Tinnitus is known as a noise that seems to originate inside the ear or head.
It really is worth remembering that Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease.
The most common causes of tinnitus are blocked ear canal with earwax, ear infection, hearing
loss related to getting older and other.
In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to get rid of Tinnitus.
Please click the subscribe button and the bell icon for more videos.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
Being an antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent, apple cider vinegar can also be used
to treat any underlying infection that may be contributing to tinnitus.
Apple cider vinegar also balances the alkaline level in the body.
Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a little honey in a glass of water.
Drink this solution two or three times daily until the ringing sensation in the ears stops.
The medicinal and antibacterial properties of onions help treat ear infections causing
Chop one small onion into small pieces.
Microwave the onions for one to two minutes.
Allow it to cool, and then strain out the juice.
Put two or three drops of the juice in the infected ear.
Leave it in the ear for five minutes, and then turn your head to let the juice drain
Do this a few times a week to get rid of tinnitus.
Garlic can be used to treat tinnitus caused by high altitudes or cold weather.
Garlic helps reduce inflammation as well as improve blood circulation.
Fry two crushed garlic cloves in one tablespoon of sesame oil.
After straining and letting it cool, and put two or three drops of the oil into the ear
Do this daily at night before going to bed.
Continue for about one week.
You can also take garlic capsules or use this herb in your cooking.
Holy basil.
Holy basil can be made into a paste and put into the ear to help clear out any bacterial
Blend a handful of basil leaves in a blender making a paste-like mixture.
Press the paste through a strainer with a spoon to extract the juices.
Warm the juice mixture up slightly, about lukewarm.
Drip the holy basil juice into the affected ear using a dropper.
Repeat twice daily for three to four days.
Mustard oil.
Mustard oil is an antifungal agent, so it can help clear infections and boost the immune
Slightly warm a little mustard oil in a microwave.
Put a few drops of warm mustard oil directly into the affected ear.
Allow the oil to sit for five to 10 minutes.
Then tilt your head to the other side so that the oil drains out of the ear.
Remove the softened earwax with the help of an ear bud.
Repeat once daily for a few days.
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