Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about, How to Download, or, remove Chrome themes.
Personalize Chrome on your computer with a fantastic theme. The theme appears around the border of the
browser and as the background when you open a new tab. Your Chrome themes are stored in your Google Account, so when you sign in to
Chrome on any computer, you see the same theme. To Download and add a Chrome theme
On your computer, open Chrome.At the top right, click More, and then Settings.Under "Appearance," click Themes. You can also go to
the gallery by visiting Chrome Web Store Themes. Click the thumbnails to preview different themes.
When you find a theme you'd like to use, click Add to Chrome. The theme will be applied immediately. If you
change your mind, at the top, click Undo. To Remove a Chrome theme. On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right, click More, and then Settings. Under "Appearance," click Reset to default.
You'll see the classic Google Chrome theme again. If these steps don't work, you could have
malware. Get help restoring your Chrome settings. Hope, this information, is helpful,
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy,Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com
For more infomation >> IT_Come Download o rimozione dei temi di Chrome - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
10 ExtraOrdinary Toys which Actually Exist 🚗 - Duration: 10:02.
guys if you are bored your normal life then welcome to TTI today we are listing
10 most advanced and amazing toys which are really fun and awesome watch the
entire video to explore the best from us. so sit back relax and enjoy my friend
number 10 the kinetic sand
kinetic sand is the first sand with the surprising texture and dynamic behavior
that many of us never seen before it is the coolest sand ever because it provides
crazy magical experiences as well as a pleasant state of relaxation. there is no
need to remember your old childhood because both children and adults can
play with it age is just a number
this crazy sand is made up of 98% sand and 2% of silly putty the good news is
that it doesn't stay in your clothes or it won't dry
thanks to these properties it will always be green soft and the safest
thing to play with in addition this will increase creativity skills and the
children without giving the headache of cleaning up for parents because it
doesn't spread dirt or residue and it's easy to pick up the fascinating thing
about this magical sand is that kids can play with it at home at the beach and at
the park as well
number 9 the MindFlex this awesome game was created by Mattel in 2009 obviously
you are thinking how does this work literally there are some special sensors
on the forehead and behind the ears which are reading complex brain impulses
and thus the signal is transmitted to the fan location within the console
machine. now you can look the ball by focusing on the ball even with your eyes
closed, this might be the newest way to check your IQ just complete the game
with your mind power. the goal is simple you have to pass the ball through the
blue rings with great precision even though this game was intended for
children all the challenges are endless and I know you're wishing to play with
it. surely a fabulous day is guaranteed with the mindflex. number 8 the AntBo
AntBo is a robot which you can build your own from scratch it is a great way
to learn some programming and coding languages even if you are not interested
in these things he is still a cool robot companion that you will have fun with
this awesome toy is for both children and adults
once he's assembled you can control antBo by using your smartphone with your
own voice
he is even smart enough to recognize her voice able to learn about you and it can
sense the environment around him. antbo is clever he can use his sensors to
find way through the most complicated mazes number seven the meccanoid g15
this robot has a lot of flexibility in its construction
it's loved by both those who accept challenges and have problem-solving
skills the g15 is two feet tall and may be constructed with more than 600 pieces
the g15 has voice recognition capability and it can tell so many jokes due to its
advanced computerized brain thanks to four servo motors the g15 delivers
realistic movements as well as artificial intelligence it can copy your
movements at the same time you're doing them the g15 contains 64 megabits of
flash memory allowing it to learn movements this robot can be controlled
by your Android and iOS devices number 6 the rhino fire blaster
without a doubt this blaster has unusual end of firing tubes, the to and fro
motion represents the firing process. this blaster is a dream of every child
but market research has proven that it is most popular and adults too. now you
can release your anger and frustration on your enemies with the range of up to
27 meters fortunately you will never miss your
target because it comes with a tripod for better stability. number 5
leka, this cute ball is a great solution and the treatment for children with
autism the manufacture of this toy understood the significant impact of
autism on children after a lot of research and development this is the
best gift for those who are suffering from autism the leka has a screen to
show emotion for better connectivity with children and then is a great
learning tool as well the Leka has different LED lights with multiple
sensors and it has a capability to make kids engage in social interaction
ultimately leka is a child's perfect companion and friend
leka is focused on making social interaction easier with the child's
family and surroundings through multiplayer games as well as reducing
anxiety and stress number forms the Google tilt brush
of course Google toke brush is an advanced technology which works in 3d
environments with some precise senses with Google tilt brush we're going to be
3d artists in virtual worlds with this revolutionary tool anyone can create 3d
characters which is significantly important in the video games movies and
animation industries this tool allows us to express the imagination from our
brain into a reality such as an erupting volcano or the most luxurious and
exclusive fashion designs number three the ultimate Lightning McQueen surely
you have seen this car in animated movies from Steve Jobs company Pixar
this Lightning McQueen can run a lithium batteries with the top speed of 10
kilometers per hour and it can last up to 40 minutes with lithium ion batteries
on continuous use he has animated eyes and animatronic mouths and emotive
suspension it seems that he has a real soul like us time to watch a pro just
connect to the app on your iPhone or iPad hit the gas and see lightning
respond to your commands with his personality on his color door display
and the crowd goes wild. number two the Atari pong do you remember the original
Atari pong games in 1979 which was basically available in 2d graphics now
we're bringing the best pong game experience with the pong table now you
can challenge your friends and just defeat them in this game this is the
perfect solution to reduce your daily stress and depression also it has a
coffee table with awesome LED lighting for enhanced gaming experiences and a
beautiful digital clock on the pong board this table has high quality music
systems which allows you to play your favorite song as well it has Bluetooth
connectivity and a USB charging port say no more - boring tables number one the
TerraScout RC drone after seeing this drone it is pretty much clear that the
future has arrived it is sure that this battle tank is one of the super awesome
remote control models this tank is equipped with weaponry which can be
fired with a special remote control this remote control is getting instant video
transmission from a tiny camera which is installed in front of the model more
than that this toy has some amazing movements which can differentiate it
from other toys
not only does it look like a tank that can go anywhere it can also run on
irregular surfaces in short this is an ultimate remote-control tank that you
can use to shoot out your enemies in the battlefield
thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video then give a big thumbs up and
feel free to subscribe my friends
guys which toy do you find the most interesting? tell me the reason why in
the comment section.
I will catch you in my next video
you can watch our
previous videos by clicking these windows
Sam Witwicky Kills Starscream (Scene) | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) CLIP - Duration: 5:23.
Decepticons around the world,
launch the pillars.
We are so lost!
Always left out.
It's time to lay down the law.
About to bring some hurt now.
It's starting! You see it?
Look out!
Where are Sam and Carly?
We'll go this way.
I give you one thing to do,
one thing to do, and you drop the ball on that?
I ain't signed up for all this!
Got aliens blasting at me, running around, chasing me!
I'm ducking through churches and buildings and all that kind of crap!
This is bullshit! I ain't signed up for this, Epps.
I'm trying to keep it together.
- What a treat! You and me, alone! - Carly!
Come on, come on! Run!
Okay. He's after me, not you.
You can't hide, boy!
I just love it when your little insect feet try to run!
- Sam! - Run!
I thought you were working for us, boy?
No! Sam!
My eye!
My eye!
Target the Decepticon!
Please, you've got to save Sam!
- You've got to save him! - What the hell is he doing?
This better work.
D-Bots! D-Bots!
I can't see! I can't see!
It's on my hand! Grab the knife! Knife!
- I'm trying! - Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife!
The bomb's gonna blow! The bomb's gonna...
You human scum!
- We got 20 seconds on that bomb! - What bomb?
You see that bomb?
- Cut it, cut it, cut it! - I got it!
How long do we have?
I'm gonna kick you!
Cut, cut, cut!
I'm gonna kill...
Well, he's dead.
Hey, Bee's going to run with the rest of the Autobots
- and meet us at the edge of the river. - All right.
It sucked me in! There was nothing I could do!
This is a total cluster...
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) Spotted On GeekBench, Specifications Revealed And Some Leaks - Duration: 3:11.
Ngủ Dậy Uống Một Cốc Nước Này Sau 3 Ngày Điều Kỳ DIệu Sẽ Xảy Ra Với Cơ Thể Bạn - Duration: 16:48.
Learn Colors for Kids With Squishy Balls Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:35.
Siêu Hành Tinh Với Chiều Rộng 4,4 km Sẽ Bay Qua Gần Trái Đất - Duration: 4:49.
Hey guys, it's Mike Chen!
Here are some really interesting things going on right now
that you should know about so lets get started.
First...you may not know it, but today, right now,
there is a massive astroid nearly 3 miles wide
that is making a close encounter with earth.
According to NASA,
this is the closest to earth an asteroid of this size has come
since it first began tracking near-Earth objects.
The asteroid is so close you can even see it with certain binoculars and just a back-yard telescope
and the best time to see it is late evening.
So make sure you take a look at fForence, yes it has a name.
The giant space rock will pass 4.4 million miles from earth,
which is about 18 times the distance between earrh and the moon.
Now it is not the closest a NEO or Near Earth Object has passed by our planet
but it is by far the largest.
And if it would have hit earth then...well lets just say,
you wont have to- worry about going to work on Monday, or Tuesday if you're in the US.
Anyway, the asteroid, Florence is named after Florence Nightinggale
and was first discovered in 1981 by Schelte J Bus
at the Siding Spring observatory in Australia.
It orbits the Sun every 859 days
and won't come this close to us again for about another 500 years.
Unless we all become robots in the near future,
this will be the last time to take a look at this monster.
And speaking of monster asrroids possibly hitting and ending all life on earth.
You know we do living in a universe
where random space objects are really just flying around every which way,
so the chances that a big one will eventually hit us
is probbaly pretty good.
And this could happen become of some random asteroid
or when a large star could come close enough to the Sun
and nudge some comets out of orbit
and send it crashing towards earth.
So according to Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
that very well may happen
because there are about a couple of dozen stars
that will creep very close to the sun
and possibly send some comets our way.
Now the good thing is,
it most likly won't happen for over a million years.
Anyway, researchers using data from the Gaia Space Telescope predicts that
within any one million year period
between 490 and 600 stars will come within 16.3 light-years of us.
Now that may still seem pretty far but in the grandness of space
that can still be close enough for their gravity
to pull on objects in our solar system and pull them out of orbit.
And what scientits are scared of
is the disturbance of the oort cloud
which is basically an extended shell of icy objects
that exist in the outermost reaches of the solar system.
And it probably will be disturbed,
because approximatly 19-24 stars
are expected to get as close as 3.26 light year
and may drastically disturb the object flying in space
and maybe pitch one our way.
And the closest is a dwarf star called Gliese 710
that could crash through the cloud itself,
but again that wont happen for at least 1 million years.
Finally accoridng to popular science
and basically every other science publication out there.
Last Saturaday, astronomers hunting for signs of intelligent alien life in the universe
have recorded 15 mysterious radio signals
coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away.
And I've talked about FRBs before,
they stand for 'Fast Radio Bursts'
and are basically short pulses of radio emission, just milliseconds long,
believed to be coming from rapidly spinning neutron stars or black holes
in distant galaxies or from powerful spaceships from alien civilizations.
And a particular FRB named FRB 121102,
is really interesting because it's repeating
and thats something scientists cannot explain.
And then last week,
researchers from the Breakthrogh and Listen project
which was a project set up by Stephen Hawking and russian billianare Yuri Milner
to basically find aliens.
And they found new activitly from FRB 121102
Doesn't that just roll off the tongue?
And acoording to Emily Petroff, a post-doctoral researcher
at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.
"The repeating FRB source is an anomaly in the population right now;
it's the only one of its kind,"
"We're trying hard to find more,
either by checking to see if other FRBs repeat,
or trying to find more FRBs and monitor them),"
"Keep in mind that the population is still really small.
Only 30 FRB sources have been found,
from 29 of those we've only seen one burst,
from one of them we've seen over 200!"
Basically to see 15 burst from one source in a short amount of time
is really rare, well, it's never happened before.
And a press release put out by the Breakthrough Listen organization, said:
"Possible explanations for FRBs range from
outbursts from rotating neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields,
to more speculative ideas
that they are directed energy sources
used by extraterrestrial civilizations to power spacecraft.
But whatever the sources are, everybody is really excited about this.
Because, again like I said, it never happen before.
So if anything, reasearchers are learning more about FRBs.
But I'm really poll for aliens here.
So to recap, don't forget to check out that asteroid,
or we're gonna die in about a million years.
And ET is phoning us.
Alright guys, thank you all so much for watching.
Have a great weekend
And unless an asteroid hit us, I'll see you next week.
Soviet Secrets - Highway Chase (Scene) | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) CLIP - Duration: 8:23.
Going to a gig on the hunt for two Russian cosmonauts.
Nothing like driving in a Maybach,huh?
Germans know how to make cars, let me tell you.
My Dutchman, former NSA cybersleuth extraordinaire,
tracked them down here.
So, these cosmonauts went into hiding. Why?
Bingo. I got a match.
You're a German Shepherd, Dutch.
The thing about Russians is, they never like to talk.
It's gonna take a little of the "international language."
That means "good-bye."
Stay loose.
Dutch, give me something tough.
We do speak English.
Dutch, you suck.
It's a Cyrillic alphabet.
It's like all the buttons you never push on a calculator!
I don't suck.
Agent Seymour Simmons, Sector Eight, formerly Seven.
We know who you are, cosmonautchiks.
So what?
You were supposed to travel to the dark side of the moon,
then it all got shut down.
The question is, why?
"Can my child smoke in here?"
Okay, all right. Okay.
Go ahead, shoot me.
I'm willing to die for my country. Are you?
You are beautiful. Has anyone ever told you you're beautiful?
She's a beautiful woman.
Dutch! Back in the cage.
Dutch! Hold, Dutch, hold!
Control your boy, please. Control your boy.
Dutch, stop!
I'm so sorry. That is the old me.
Okay, let's everybody just calm down!
Let's lower the heat, lower the guns. Let's relax. World War II is over.
You are about to see one of the biggest Soviet secrets.
America first to send man to the moon.
But USSR first to send camera.
In 1959, our Luna 3
take picture of the dark, the shadow side.
Sees nothing.
But in 1963, Luna 4 sees...
- Strange rocks. - Yeah.
Around the ship. Hundreds of them.
Yeah, show picture.
With some drag marks.
I've seen these. These aren't rocks, these are pillars.
Alien pillars for a space bridge.
We know about them because the Autobots have five of these.
The Decepticons must have raided the ship before Apollo 11 ever got there,
took the pillars, and hid them.
It doesn't make sense.
The Decepticons have the ship. They have all those pillars.
Why would they leave Sentinel
when he's the only one who can use them?
He's the one thing they still need.
We've got to meet up with Sentinel, rendezvous with him and keep him safe.
Mearing, I just picked up Sentinel. Optimus is 10 minutes behind.
We're coming to NEST now.
Mr. Witwicky, I thought I made it clear to you
that I did not want you calling this phone.
Listen, the whole thing has been a setup since the beginning.
The Decepticons wanted Optimus to find Sentinel
because only Optimus could revive him.
But we have the space bridge.
Mearing, you have five pillars. I just learned that they have hundreds.
You're doing exactly what they wanted you to do.
What do you need me to say to you?
The Decepticons are coming for Sentinel Prime!
We're going to NEST.
We have an Energon alert.
Energon readings detected on the D.C. parkway.
Currently tracking three black Suburbans.
Bee, you got to get Sentinel out of here! You got to guard him!
Oh, mein Gott! I'm fired!
Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
Got you!
Shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him, Bee!
Bee, you've got to move faster! Faster, Bee! Go!
All right, back to NEST!
Dino, I got him!
Is there a problem?
A little Mexican standoff we got here.
Weapons down.
And we'll let you escape with your dignity.
Drop them.
That's good.
Ironhide, watch out!
Ironhide, catch!
Behind you!
Decepticon punk!
Class dismissed.
Warm Sunday morning forecast - Duration: 0:55.
FUNNY CLIP.HÀI HƯỚC NHẤT THẾ GIỚI.Phì cười đau cả ruột với những tình huống hài hước NHẤT p21 - Duration: 15:24.
Resurrecting Sentinel Prime - N.E.S.T. Base (Scene) | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) CLIP - Duration: 6:45.
- What is with you? - This is the real deal, Carly, okay?
I need you to stay composed. It's real life. I'll explain it to you later.
We've got an emergency. You gotta get Colonel Lennox out here.
I'm reporting a Decepticon. The Decepticons are back.
You gotta open that gate right now.
Easy, sir. This is Health and Human Services.
Right. Packing M4s?
What are you protecting, colostomy bags?
- Bedpans? Throat lozenges? - Babe...
Where'd you get that hat from, nursing school?
So, you're nurses and foot-powder protectors? Fantastic.
- Babe. - Yes.
I don't think we're in the right place.
We are in the right place.
We're in the right place and I'm gonna talk to Optimus right now.
- You're gonna get Optimus out here. - Sir.
Sir, you got the wrong building.
I don't know what you're talking about.
What part of "Decepticons are back" do you not understand?
Yo! You being a smartass?
Do not hit my car! It's a collector's item!
I wouldn't do that.
You're crazy!
We got an Energon reading!
We've got aliens in the vehicle!
You move, you're dead! Out! Out!
Got aliens in the vehicle!
- Freeze! Get out! - We're freezing!
Are you... Are you kidding me?
Sam, they've got guns!
- I got him. Go! - Bee! Is Bee in there?
Okay, all right!
This how you treat Autobots? We're on the same team.
Yeah, enjoy your next job at 7-Eleven, dickhead.
- That's right. - A-hole.
How's your car now?
That's my car.
Come here.
Come here!
Come on. Sam.
What is your deal?
I know your black ops stuff is important to you.
I'm not trying to diminish it or guilt-trip you or anything,
I just never see you any more.
You can't come to the garage and just hang out one night?
Sam. That makes me feel bad.
I hope you feel bad. You should feel bad.
Look at the jalopy I'm driving now. I feel bad every single day.
Yo, let's go, both of you. Lennox wants to see you.
What, we not good enough for you any more?
I'm sorry, babe. They were very rude, all right?
And you're fixing my car. You don't think so?
Raise your hand if you had a flying psycho-ninja copier
trying to kill you today!
Those are my brass knuckles.
That's my anklet. Do I have to take that off, too?
And my toe rings?
All NEST officials clear the floor.
We have 10 minutes until attempted contact.
We've taken possession of the five devices
that were hidden in the ship with Sentinel Prime.
They're some kind of prototype Autobot technology.
They say Sentinel was the Einstein of his civilization,
so we're gonna keep these locked up
until we know what we're dealing with.
Right now, no one gets access. No one.
This Wang guy recognized me. He told me to warn you.
He was talking about the dark side of the moon,
- then they killed him. - Wait a minute.
- He mentioned the moon? - Yeah, dark side of the moon.
But why would Decepticons want to kill humans?
I thought their war was with the Autobots.
And that is when he made his first quick-look science report.
That's what we want...
Who's the chick? Okay.
Excuse me! Colonel Lennox?
Director Mearing, this is Sam Witwicky...
I know his name, Colonel. I wanna know who gave him clearance?
Who gave me clearance? How about Optimus Prime,
when he touched down in suburbia looking for my house?
This is the National Intelligence Director.
In case you...
- Hi. - Disrespecting a federal officer?
Maybe that'll get you somewhere. Who's she?
She's my girlfriend.
What is this, like, a date?
She knows all about the Autobots, okay? She knows Bumblebee.
And she comes from a military family. I can vouch for her.
Hey, I have an idea. How about we get back to the important topics,
like the fact that I almost had my face cut off by a Decepticon?
As a taxpayer, I'd like to lodge a complaint, as a matter of fact.
Okay, listen, all right?
One of the software engineers at Sam's office was murdered today.
He was involved in NASA's lunar mapping probe.
Here's the thing, Colonel Lennox.
We cannot entrust national security to teenagers
unless I missed a policy paper. Are we doing that now? No. Good.
I don't care who you are.
If you breathe a word of what you see in here, you will do time for treason.
Do you understand me?
I'll take my orders from the Autobots. I know them. I don't know you.
You will.
Sentinel Prime.
These things run on Energon, and he's out of it. He's in a
sort of a sleep mode.
Let us begin.
That's the great Matrix of Leadership.
He holds the only thing in the universe that can repower a Transformer's spark.
This is incredible.
Sentinel Prime,
we bid you return.
Hold your fire!
Stop! Sentinel!
It is I, Optimus Prime!
It is all right. You are safe.
There is nothing to fear.
We are here.
You are home, Sentinel.
The war... The war!
The war was lost.
Cybertron is now but a barren wasteland.
We have taken refuge here, on planet Earth.
Its human race is our ally.
My ship. We came under fire.
The pillars. Where are the pillars?
You saved five of them, including the control pillar.
Only five?
We once had hundreds!
Excuse me, gentlemen.
May I ask, what is this technology you're looking for?
It is the ability to reshape the universe.
Together the pillars form a space bridge.
I designed, and I alone, can control it.
It defies your laws of physics
to transport matter through time and space.
You're talking about a teleportation device, aren't you?
Yes, for resources, for refugees.
Refugees, or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs!
A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?
It is our technology and it must be returned.
Yes. If humans say so.
You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere!
You kind of have to clear customs first!
A little formality called paperwork kind of separates us from the animals.
I will overlook your condescending tone
if you heed the gravity of mine.
The Decepticons must never know the space bridge is here.
For in their hands,
it would mean the end of your world.
How to make Halloween Cards for kids - Duration: 4:27.
How to make Halloween Cards for kids
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