hello everyone is welcome back to my channel
no no Meatwad - vamos Balaji was there were there what did you hear what did
you tell baby was there world
that was
yeah the IVAC steal their world
there were a view is this to you if a patent negative that was they are
there was pain chief there wasn't
that's the fuck man I got you
and that warned you
is that words the world of their words but the moon time was there Dorota were
there were there adhere with Gia
Ivo is geo world
wars are example guru or many people imahara's night giamatti special nami
akazawa language Ezzor Vodacom bureau on the table chain computed or namida
attention to really achieve the new century forces I have a car in thank God
I know he'll time era IBM stallion in Baja computed from Rome is a city
vigilante 25
crash 25 there was the world
there was a Alvia sh t the Posada the world avium is chill fastest
we have a tier 3 album mr. teacher sure of the future
a female friends positive achievement there was a book on the table she only
program is a there was a kid plane visible geometry algebra condo combo
there was a computer for the experience
she computadoras piracy students
there was an issue with the coals chingon unibody concours there were many
empty chairs were kept okay many many moons Nimoy's don't work no plural there
were men trees in the park
Morel phrase negative negative fries there wasn't any milk in the mug you
know macaques lady mechanika there wasn't much time we finished attached
mohamad tempura final result - there was a jacket on the roof Namrata Natalia
there weren't many people at apart Mohammed's peacefulness esta the word
computers at school no computable perusahaan escola interrogative fries
present a hug achievers while they're getting the house on got nakum
Mikasa in Garnica was open toga was apricot apricot truck was there a book
about even virus our liberal studies on peers were there many people in a class
a moon so now were their children like Ariana
says brats make fries with their world the world passeth France comes the world
the world number one process whose achievements which means acronym there
was a boy playing ball a vo main unit open border the rural our fence here is
a huge scandal second on there was a singular human Ian there were a plural
movies movies tresnag achieve you know there was a boy
penny ball now normal view minion Dragon Ball though there were many pens here
now Noah's is humans can the attackee
never a frazzle how achievers was there a boyfriend ball a real two million
rotten bowler would buy many pens here this to Buddhist Canada key home world
the so Jakarta number one there was on a little music up
completely thorough a wonder of the world will see Hadji there you g have a
VSO mention popular age it's not sugar number two was there any meal in de
Grasse completely later Hajj it will be heavily restored the rodeo world
yo completa com1 Desperados only test point in the cure it completely to them
they'll reproduce under Preiser Teochew in number three world are many carry on
the table no there weren't any completely ready Harwich there will be
verge the receivership Guruji was no get the some party Virginia in which Scotto
enemies no no chicken number four world very many piece average complete Weasley
way was the Ruby world Lucy hydrology have a via Virginia wants
the - with the phone number five there were many park in London war pokey avoid
many pro computer is the way was the world as a hydrogen health the Cheney
moon to sparkling launders number six all there are many people here yesterday
completely the way our narubu serology had or didn't win special is a
key one thing never serving were there you know done warming aren't you there
were there many children playing with you yesterday
completely is the way are the Ruby world will see world the regime hatch Des
Moines grants urban condo converse the Ont age well their life famine last
century Capri trees literally was the a little bit the world Azur darling Jeep
their world tonight is familiar octopus odd number nine one of their ability to
zoom complete Whistler way was their little bit the world will see world
elegy that word genius MacGregor Cobra knows a large mass a pinch now the Chan
no there wasn't any milk in my glass
completely is their way wasn't it there will be words those you earn over would
you all no no no of the year oh no launching a population of Bob
number eleven know that warranty many people eat a body
Bobby de Bretagne a BA in leadership Alabama number completely zero a wasn't
a little be warned to the receiver no energy were low so the so now not even
special number
0:12 why is there any any poop my lady it is back up okay press a key and no
negative one of their in warriors today no there was in completely Louie was no
the reviewer no less he wasn't a narrow G word
they were paka go on no no table no mr. chin what was there in your bag there
were two things
completely his literary world there will be world that was a hanger of your head
okay chiana's was a koala Ginga duel squeezes noble for a chain
there were many roommates in my house
copy trees live a wonder of the world little see hydrogen head Cheney amoun
comedies mean cancer number 50 chain there were many pictures in that museum
work okay many meters complete trees there we had a row behaviorist world
merit awards vehement squadron like in module number six chain their worlds in
any any without contrast negativity there was any more in the fridge a
computer is little a warranty little B warrants little C words the road over
the fuckin as the forgot she via in Pokemon technical a deer Piscotty lodge
and I think Oh God neurosurgeon there were many scenes at
who completely twist their way handle behavior
civil energy words James Wisniewski all never change
oh yes control yes was some point if wond Aquino aqui en e a bhakta bang so I
was at home trans positivist Sun Conference negative in
yes there was Sammy Kofi completely is the way water in the world she have
already have seen choo-choo cafe
webknight chill no there was an emu key
complete history words let us see heavily ugh no as we accomplished number
20 of tragic what was there on that table completely the way you had it
there will be world SeaWorld algae have the kitchen
Universal home world insurance Asante card as partners number one there
was on a little milk in the carton completely later in water of the world
energy had number two monitoring beauty in the glasses complete whistle there we
had never behave in this world the regime world number three one of their
many cards on the table no there were ten computers where we had in general
the world to the receivers little Jeep was no number for all that many pieces
of bad computer is near a wall there will be war
hydrogen had and five there were many park in the London complete Whistler
where he was there will be world of a sea hundred you have number six world I
mean people here yesterday the mr. radik human compute Whistler way our it'll be
was they receive world energy had number seven world I many children playing with
you yesterday compete with the way are there will be world elegy had the bridge
was the right families last century
completely sliver he was rather be the world receive a learner give their world
number nine what is that a big Nikita's room
complete with their way was there there will be the world Azur energy their
world number Chan no there wasn't any beauty my grass complete listen everyone
no Nairobi world no there are sea walls in the rooty world number 11 no there
weren't many people had a puppy complete peace in the way world there will be
world there were super no Jeep was no number 12
why is that an other meaning water yesterday no that one's and complete
resist the way no there'll be war no there we'll see
one little Jewish number 13 what was that in your bag there were two
since complete wrist the way world will be world and say hi Mooji and number
four chin there were many rooms in my house computer is the reward of you all
the sahaja Yogi's have number fifty children they're warming it should you
know that Museum completely in the way how did you behave the world
Jeep was number 16 their words with any bar is a frigid frigid air completely
still a word to the world they're super nerdy world number seven
children there were many since school
computers their way handle review have the receipt
number chin yes there were samokov tea complete we is their way world there
will be world ever seen handle Japan
number 19 no there was an immunity completely is the way world the world
that will see hanage energy has never training
what was that was a table complete wish that we had number train what was there
was a table completely stairway at the Ruby world severe Oh G have silver cigar
Tom Ince crevice II don't like the compact Chile Masuda minions as joining
parrot severe impairment with videos see ya bye
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KHOẢNH KHẮC KỲ DIỆU - Tổng hợp Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu tuần 43 - Phim hoạt hình ► Hoạt hình hay 2017 - Duration: 51:17.
Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - HAI ANH EM SƯ TỬ - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 4:32.
Alaska Maps Google Earth Fly Through Report English Subtitles Translation Screen Recording - Duration: 10:39.
good evening good morning good afternoon YouTube Internet warriors crochet geeks
and everyone YouTube okay so uh we're gonna be taking a look at Alaska we're
going to be looking at an unusual coastline on Alaska but I need to show
you some things first in other countries let's go here to Africa and we're gonna
look at the coastline here on Africa okay we'll wait for it to come in here
okay so you see do you see how you know right here well there is some little
things here that seem similar to America possibly but those might just be natural
I don't know maybe they're just little islands okay but when you look right
here there's little coves let's call them coves and things like that okay so
now I'm gonna go we're gonna go look at Europe oh gosh what the heck is wrong
with my my mouse is acting up okay let's go up here to Europe and we'll look at
I'm not Norway let's look at Norway let's wait for it to come in maybe
Norway is one of those countries oh yeah we can see it okay so you can see right
here there's like the the water goes in far far far there's nothing blocking it
there's nothing blocking the water from going in okay so let's look at an
another country oh let's look at the United Kingdom Ireland and and see what
they've got up here
let's go this direction well you can see right here there's nothing blocking this
there's no it doesn't even look like they have any beaches maybe they do oh
yeah maybe right here is yeah that looks like a beach right here so you know but
they have little bays and coves and inlets and and so you can see that the
water it just goes in well like right here is something that might be man-made
possibly but there there's nothing on the outside and so ok now let's go to
the east coast of the United States okay we're gonna go to the east coast and I
can find it where did the USA go oh ok so I gotta go up like this then we'll
get to Alaska I promise we will get to Alaska but I wanted to show what Florida
is just one straight line of beaches well let's wait for it ok do you see
that is one straight line of beaches so see there's water in here but it's just
all straight and I was thinking when I can think about that and compare it to
the other countries why isn't like that so it's like there's
it's just straight down the coast and so let's go up north a little bit let's go
up oh there's a good one up here this is a good one there's a straight line here
a straight line of beaches just straight and you know when you think of water it
it typically like just the water like is is uneven you
know so it pounds and pounds and it creates its own shapes but look at this
this is pamlico sound and so look at what we've got here we've got all these
straight beaches straight out here but then what happened to all the land in
here what happened and I saw another guy do this I think it was about a year ago
now and I was kind of thinking so like you know I mean I think I actually kind
of think that there might be some Island building going on you know that they're
they're putting dumping sand out there and creating these artificial barriers
that's what I think is going on and and so all that so so if these weren't here
then this is what the east coast of the United States would look like right up
here but but then they put this up and so but then they're building houses and
stuff they're building houses out in these areas - which I think that that's
another problem but let's go over here to Alaska okay so let's go this is
probably the first one I I found it a few yesterday and we're gonna zoom in
some of this oh this is a really good one but this is kind of what I was
talking about so let's zoom out and you kind of see the same thing up here on
Alaska do you see all these straight lines here and so it looks like I'll
barter island here there's been some artificial islands or something made
here because they just go straight and and I'll give you guys the properties
here we'll right click go to properties and you can see the latitude right here
here's the longitude and yeah and so it goes like from well it goes a long long
ways it goes from here now see if we go down and and it's right there even
oh gosh it's all along here look at that look at that and it goes all over here
and all around here all out there and then some places it does now if we go
down here let's see what we got here there's some white water in there but I
don't see any beach type well that looks like it might be rocks and jetties so
they're trying to start something right here possibly but this is what it would
look like oh this is a good example right here do you see this there's all
Beach right here and so there's just quiet space right there and the same
right here there's like a straight line so typically water is just gonna wash
all this away but there's something here that's creating this do you see that
something right here is creating all that and and so and then even like up
here I'm wondering if so it's kind of funny sometimes you know what I think
about our president saying China is his island nation building well what the
heck are we doing and I'm thinking this is taxpayer money that they're using so
look at this so so these are barrier islands that they're planting or
building you know so they're creating their own land and see then they build
houses on some of these I don't know if they're gonna do this up here in Alaska
I hope they don't because I think I mean that would be terrible
yeah so there's clearly there's something right here so for example and
I'm wondering if they did it for purposes of war that's what I'm thinking
that they've done it for purposes of war so if somebody was going to come
crashing in here so it looks like they could be dredging stuff up and then
putting it in here so if something was gonna come crashing into the coast then
they're trying to protect everything and so like right here this here looks like
it's all open do you see that that looks like it's all open but there's a whole
bunch oh look at this all the way let's see
how many miles that is we're gonna measure
we're gonna measure from from here wait a second we're gonna measure from here
from here to here that is 33 miles long so from here to here is 33 miles long
long distance there that is really really long and so ya see these are all
open here I wonder what happened up here maybe it's not possible to do all that
up there I don't know but see this is what it should look like on the East
Coast so here's some stuff right here so I suppose if the seas are so so wicked
that it might be impossible to do all that oh here's a bunch of holes to this
kind of reminds me of I hope I didn't go over to Russia I don't think I did I
think I'm still in Alaska I need to double check and make sure yeah I'm
still in Alaska I just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally end up in
Russia because I think this is swamp that's what I think that this is swamp
let's look at one of these pictures here I like some of these are on panoramio it
says freedom trips adventures so we can look
oh that's underwater by Gabriel Gersh so that's an it looks like it's underwater
and oh here's something else here are freedom trips that's oh oh that's really
pretty what's really pretty up there let's so I
can't really tell oh look at that it's green I'm kind of shocked and like what
are all these little potholes here that's what I wonder what the heck is
that because it's like they're strategically placed there and then so I
can see a picture of what it looks like right here and then I can see like here
it doesn't look green though but but his picture is showing that and so
yeah but I just wanted to show that to you guys so I want to thank you so much
for watching please smash and hit the thumbs up button share this video with
your friends subscribe leave comments suggestion ideas I'll see you guys soon
I love you peace love and avocados
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