Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Earlier this week Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to address the issue of sexism in the music
She tweeted,
"In any field, women must work TWICE as hard to get even HALF the respect her male counterparts
When does this stop?
The greats collaborated w/Drake, Kendrick & Jcole b/c they're dope MC's.
They collab'd w/nicki cuz someone pulled a gun to their heads...
Putting ppl in the same sentence as me after my 10 years of consistent winning.
What are you teaching THEM?
They'd never do this to a man."
Journalist and Rap Radar founder/CEO Elliot Wilson posted a tweet in response to Nicki's
point saying,
"Once Nicki stop pulling this "stats/accomplishment" ish, she'll win everybody back over.
Azaelia Banks apologized to Nicki for "Catty Shit" about a month ago, and now the girl
is on the defense for her new best friend.
"These are all stats hiphop didn't give her.
[you] just trying to tear her down because you feel not in control and not responsible
for her success...
You lot are always trying to prescribe life for the female rapper not acknowledging that
our music world extends far beyond hip hops walls.
Our femininity is what makes us non threatening and with such we've been able to take hip-hop
places it's never been before, places were the sight or notion of the black male is still
She goes on to say,
"...No matter how hard you try you won't be able to erase authentic black women from authentic
black women's art forms.
The end."
On fan chimed in to say that instead of clapping back at tweets Banks should be focusing her
energy on rap.
To which she responded, "Excuse me, did you listen to "chi-chi"?
Chi chi is the hottest female rap song of 2017 buddy.
Don't you go discrediting.
Chi Chi was released in back in June.
That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe
to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News I'm Natasha Martinez.
For more infomation >> Azaelia Banks Comes to New Friend Nicki Minaj's Defense - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
This Southern School Tailgates With Tiny Houses | Southern Living - Duration: 2:06.
We lived in Ohio, we would drive down
and just tailgate out of the trunk of our car
and it was always a really good party.
And then it kept growing,
more and more people wanted to tailgate with us
and it kept getting bigger and bigger
and we got to the point where we were
doing this elaborate setup.
We were coming hours before the game,
even the day before to set up.
Once UK came up with this concept,
it was perfect for us.
The 1865 house are a really neat idea they came up with.
We've got six different tailgating units.
The idea really is that Kentucky fans
do tailgating unlike anybody else.
This is a way for them to do it kind of at the next level.
It's a premium tailgating experience.
You can customize it as you want.
Bring your own food, we can bring your food for you,
you can bring your own drinks, we can do it for you.
We've got a refrigerator, freezer,
we keep all our stuff in here.
We keep it here during the week, they lock it up for us.
Heck, we've even got satellite TV in the bathroom.
So we've got satellite TV out here as well.
A lot of times we'll sit out here and watch the game.
We have such a large group we tailgate with
and everybody wants to participate, bring stuff,
but it becomes bigger than the event itself.
What I see it is, it's a way to take
the work out of your hands
and let everybody come and just hang out.
It's nice because, obviously, it's your own crowd.
You know who to expect, the kids are able
to run around and play football and safe.
You know, just trying to set a tradition.
Our kids are young now and they're growing up
and getting to come to these games,
and they'll remember these experiences
for the rest of their life and hopefully
they continue it on.
We stay later, too.
We just spend more time together
and just really enjoy the whole atmosphere
and the whole game day experience.
That really is what we love about Kentucky fans.
They have a way of building community.
They're going to have fun together,
they're going to get to know each other,
just based on that common bond
of having Kentucky in their heart.
In my opinion, this is the best fan base in the country.
They're just true, you know, they're true fans.
We're always here no matter what.
We've been through some really hard times
and we still keep showing up.
Everybody is all in, all the time.
I think our support of our team,
no matter if we're winning or we're losing,
is what makes us the best and this
really is what our game is just
as much as the football game.
How liquids flow: laminar, transitional and turbulent flow (simple tutorial) - Duration: 1:46.
Have you ever wondered what's actually happening when water flows?
Well let's take a look!
Here we have three garden hoses.
At a glance their water flow looks identical;
but if we insert a thin constant through each hose we'll see that their flow is actually quite different.
In the top hose, the water molecules are flowing in a very orderly fashion and we call this laminar flow.
In the bottom hose, water molecules are flowing in a very disordered and turbulent manner; we call this turbulent flow.
In the middle hose, water flow is somewhere between laminar and turbulent flow; we call this transitional flow.
Now you may be thinking: the hoses are identical, so
so why is water flowing so differently through each of them?
That's a great question!
Well, this has to do with how fast the water is flowing.
The faster it flows, the more likely it is to be turbulent.
There are of course other factors that can affect how a liquid flows in a system,
including its density, viscosity, and also the diameter of the pipe itself.
Reynolds number combines all these variables in such a way that we can predict how a liquid will flow.
If you calculate Reynolds number to be less than about 2000, the liquid will likely to be flowing with laminar flow.
Any value above 4000 indicates turbulent flow, and any
and any value between the two means the liquid is transitioning or fluctuating between the two flows.
We'll look at Reynolds number in more detail in future videos but for now you just need to know that
Laminar flow is when liquids are flowing in a very ordered fashion;
turbulent flow is when flow is very disordered;
turbulent flow is when flow is very disordered;
transitional flow is a fluctuation between the two flows;
and both properties of the liquid and the pipe it's flowing through will determine how a liquid flows.
We hope you found this video useful. As always you can find a link to the written tutorial in the description box below.
Check it out and if you've got any questions don't hesitate to directly message us through YouTube,
or send us an email to NinetyEastTV@gmail.com.
Thanks everyone!
¿Cuál es el destino final de Satanás? | Preguntas y Respuestas | SUB - Duration: 2:58.
Microvawe Learn Color With Play Doh Surprise Toys Nursery Rhymes Finger Family - Duration: 3:15.
The Flatterer (아부쟁이 얍) - Full Episode 10 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 18:30.
The Flatterer
The Flatterer
Even though you do well for nine times,
for the next tenth, and eleventh time, you have to do better and be more carefull.
Go buy ramen.
What kind of ramen?
Anything that has a lot in it.
Aren't you going to run?!
I became the lowest rank
Slave of the highest...
But, I don't ever intend to live as a slave.
It's hot! What are you going to do? I asked what are you going to do?
I'm not holding it back because of compromise.
I'm holding it back to become stronger.
I'll buy it.
Eat a lot, my friend.
Move your hands. I hate it when somebody touches me while I'm eating.
I'm just trying to become friends with you because we are in the same class.
Have... Have you forgotten what Bang Hui said the last time?
Bong Hui?
Oh, I forgot about it.
What's wrong?
I heard you had a meeting yesterday with Bong Hui.
Hey... It wasn't on purpose... I had a reason.
What reason?
I thought I told clearly you not to hang around Bong Hui.
I'm not patient. Be careful from now on.
What a rough bastard.. That's why he doesn't have friends.
You don't have them either... Friends.
Do you know me?
Of course I do.
Poonglang High's pushover.
I'm not a pushover! Did Dae Chi say that?
Hey! A friend doesn't call a friend some kind of bastard.
Become close with kids similar to you.
I'm trying to become closer, but that bast...
Dae Chi is acting crooked.
You shouldn't treat Dae Chi like that.
Then how do I treat him?
- Am I supposed to tell you for nothing? -Are you going to take money from student?
No, I'm not that kind of person.
If you don't want to know, then just give up.
- Teacher... Let's go somewhere quiet and have a cup of tea... - Tea?
Or a health drink? The so-called Vita drink?
- Is it good for your body? -Yes, Customer.
- Lets go. - Yes, Customer.
Oh... What's this?
I had a crush on you since a long time ago...
Please accept my feelings.
I know you're a great person, but
I already have somebody else whom I like.
I'm sorry.
I'll go first.
I don't know.
Did I get rejected?
But I'm smart and rich..
I think something's wrong..
So you're saying that you asked teacher Song and got rejected?
Yes... She says she has another man she's interested in.
It's because you suddenly asked her!
You should've made her fall for you.
Lets try to find a way to win-win.
A way for Win-win?
Oh, then... I should try to help you and Yong Ho get closer?
Then I'll help you get together with Teacher Song.
Oh really? Thank you!
Then what should I do next?
Maybe make a date for the four of us.
Shall we increase our attractiveness?
Yeah, that's good.
But... I'm just asking this..
Does teacher Song like Yong Ho?
What? No way...
Yeah. Maybe it's because they were close since they were little.
Yeah that should be the reason...
Anyway, let's do a cheer!
Chae Bin likes the store ajussi...?
I know you're a great person, but
I already like someone.
Oh no no. No way.
That bastard!
Yes? Me?
Uh yeah you! If you fail your test tomorrow, you're going to get kicked out of school!
♬ Before I was aware of it the invisible hope which is love came knocking on my heart ♬
♬ The unheard pealing of love's bell is ringing in my head ♬
What? Stop being so annoying.
I'm sorry for being annoying.
Sorry, I thought you were Dae Chi.
He keeps saying I had a meeting with you or whatever..
I'm sorry for that time.
What are you sorry for...
It's hard becoming friends with Dae Chi. Is there any way I can get close to him?
- You called this late at night to ask me that? - Yeah.
Especially for that.... Dae Chi is...
You fill empty spaces for your friend.
There is the sound of eyes straying (to look at someone else's answers.)
Stop all actions!
Collect the tests.
Hey pushover!
See me for a second.
I think Tae San also started to use Park Geon.
We'll see.
Hyungnim, since the test is over, can we go to the night club?
Shall we?
Park Geon already left.
I came to play with him, and he's not here again?
Yeah... Oh! Did you buy a new uniform?
Wow.. It's really pretty. Where'd you buy it?
Hey. Who buys things in stores? You can buy it online, stupid!
Internet? Which internet? Wait up! Let's go together.
Do you have anything to say?
Or do you need money? I don't have a lot today... But
What do you see me as?!
You told Dae Chi the answers, right?
Yeah... Dae Chi's grades are really low so
I just showed him mine as a friend.
Tell me them, too.
I'm not asking you to tell me the exact answers.
Just... Share some information about the test.
Share..? Study?
- If I tell on you? - Hyungnim, I'm not that smart and I don't have time..
You can make some time.
Okay. Of course I'll make time
Just trust me.
Oh. Long time no see. I heard you still go to school.
Because you graduated
are you acting all mature?
I heard a person named Tae San goes to your school.
You know Tae San?
Be careful.
- Who's that? - A Friend.
What were you guys talking about?
There's something. You guys don't have to know.
You didn't get hurt? Well Tae San isn't the type to hit anyone for no reason.
He asked me to help him study.
From you? So what? Did you tell him you would?
Now what?
For now, let's try our luck. Try to be invincible.
A chance came again.
Warning! 8 Dangerous Diseases Caused By Kissing! Must Know This Before Kissing Someone | HealthPedia - Duration: 2:48.
Warning! 8 Dangerous Diseases Caused By Kissing! Must Know This Before Kissing Someone | HealthPedia
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