New Religion Former Google Engineer Is Developing An Artificial Intelligence God!
By consciousreminder
Anthony Levandowski is no ordinary person.
He went from being an engineer at Google to heading the Uber self-driving program before
becoming the CEO of Way of the Future.
This is a religious corporation, strictly nonprofit, which has been in operation since
September 2015 with the sole purpose of creating an AI God.
The organization intends to use this Godhead to help in the development of society.
We do not know how large Way of the Future is, or how much work
they done on this Godhead.
But we do know that Levandowski�s aim is to enable this creation to command worship
and obedience.
Many find this idea very attractive.
The organization claims that in half a century, this Godhead will have surpassed humanity
in all respects.
Christian organizations like the Christian Transhumanist organization are in favor of
this as they believe it will help those seeking redemption if it is created keeping in mind
Christian values.
However, many prominent personalities disapprove of this as they believe
AI�s are detrimental to the growth of humankind.
Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and others do not think we will be able to merge in harmony
with machines no matter how technologically advanced we are.
Musk has often warned that instead of worrying about North Korea�s aggressions, we should
be worrying about AI as it will soon be out of our control.
While it is true that AI might be useful in the future to create more prosperity and development,
we cannot escape the elephant in the room.
What if, one day, we become weaker than the AI we have developed and they realize that?
What if humans in the future live under the regime of an omniscient, omnipotent, godlike,
AI machine?
What if those days are not far away?
For more infomation >> New Religion Former Google Engineer Is Developing An Artificial Intelligence God! - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
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Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 151 - Duration: 7:34.
WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.
Hello tankers!
In today's V-LOG, we'll be telling you about upcoming changes in maps.
We'll also be announcing the winners of the Tanki Tower contest,
and telling you about our special Halloween festivities.
With every update we roll out,
Tanki Online is moving closer to getting a complete matchmaking system.
We've already released the unified battle list,
as well as the new interface for joining battles.
The next step, is new maps.
With one of the upcoming updates,
we'll be redesigning the maps that are included in regular, NON-PRO battles.
There are more than 20 of them.
In some places, the changes will be hard to notice.
Other maps, such as Highland, Silence and Polygon, will change drastically.
Many tankers managed to get a look at the new maps
during the matchmaking test in August.
Since then, they haven't changed much.
During that test, we also introduced a new map called Yorkshire.
We'll be adding that one to the game soon, too.
The changes to the maps will be made to achieve better team balance.
They will be optimized for 10 versus 10 players for team modes, and for 20 players for DM.
Some might ask "Why 10 versus 10.
Why not 12 versus 12, for example?"
Well, let's start with the fact that this question
is going to be asked no matter what we announce.
Our preliminary tests show that 10 players per team
is the best choice for balance when it comes to each player's contribution in battle.
Let's look at an example: in a 2 on 2 tandem battle,
the skill of each individual player is crucial for the outcome of the battle —
one bad player kills the team's chance of winning.
On the other hand, when it's 20 against 20,
the role of individual players becomes insignificant,
and no matter how hard you try, you cannot determine the fate of the battle.
Additionally, the FPS on maps with many players, can be quite low.
So, neither the maximum, nor the minimum, are a good fit for random battles.
But 10 on 10 is just right!
After the matchmaking test, many asked us
whether we could make all of these maps available even in PRO battles
It's possible, and we are not against the idea.
But there are a couple of "but's".
First of all, the new maps will most likely be tweaked on the fly —
a bush here, a wall there and so on.
And we don't know how many of these small changes there will be.
That's why we'll be testing these new maps in regular battles first,
and fixing what needs to be fixed.
Then we can return to the question of whether to make these maps available in PRO battles.
The second "but", is because we need to decide how many maps to transfer.
The thing is, some of the maps are only slightly different from the originals.
So there's no point in duplicating maps
when the only difference between the new version and the old one
is just a couple of walls.
Then there's the case where the updated map
is considerably larger, as in the case of Silence,
which is 1.5 times larger than the original version.
Once we're ready to transfer the maps to PRO,
we decide on which version to pick,
and of course, we'll speak with you about it first.
The release of the new maps is planned for mid November…
possibly a bit later.
And we'd like to make something clear from the start.
Once we release the maps, we're pretty sure they will undergo a number of changes.
We'll probably be experimenting with battle length, and
there's a chance that 10 on 10 battles won't feel right.
In any case, we'll keep you updated.
In the meantime, send us your questions in the comments,
and we'll try to answer as many of them as we can next week.
The Masters of Parkour contest is nearing its conclusion.
On Monday, October 30th, we will stop accepting videos for the contest.
Next Friday, November 3rd, we'll be announcing the top 10 finalist teams
who will be competing for the title of best parkour team in Tanki Online,
and hot gaming keyboards.
The finals will take place on November 4th, which will be a Saturday.
We're expecting a thrilling showdown.
Tomorrow, Saturday, October 28th,
we kick off the Tanki Halloween festivities
that you've been looking forward to for so long.
The celebrations will go on till the server restart on November 6th.
Throughout the celebration, we'll have a special holiday map in the game.
It will be called Halloween, and you can play it by using the button in the Lobby,
or by choosing it from the Battle List.
It's up to you.
Now, the discounts.
We'll start with Shop sales on Saturday, with discounts from 20 to 50%.
Between Sunday and Friday we'll be having a Garage sale,
starting at turrets at 50% off, followed by
discounts on hulls, modules, Alterations, Paints,
and ending with MicroUpgrades.
Speed-ups will get a 70% discount.
And throughout the holiday celebrations,
supplies and gifts will be at half price in the Garage.
And special missions!
This time you will need to earn experience on the holiday map.
What's special are the additional prizes - Gold Boxes.
And if the player who completed the mission has a Rank lower than Warrant Office 1,
then the Gold prize will be turned into crystals.
Now the best part.
On Halloween, October 31st, for a full 24 hours,
Gold Drop rate all across the game will be increased by…
Of course, for those of you who are not fans of Gold Boxes,
you can always turn them off in PRO battles.
And what about crystals, you ask!
Don't worry!
On November 4th, all NON-PRO battles will feature TRIPLE battle funds.
You know this doesn't happen often, so DO NOT miss them!
And one more cool thing.
On Sunday, a new animated paint, "Nightmare", will appear in the TO Shop.
It looks terrifying... and cool!
You'll be able to make it yours by getting the special holiday bundle,
or by winning it in a new contest called...
For more details, check the link in the description.
Two weeks ago we asked you to stack as many tanks as possible on the Rio map,
record it on video, and send it to us.
When we said "as many as possible", we obviously meant 20,
which is the maximum number of players for that map.
And now let's watch the winner of the contest and his friends!
He has built a Tanki Tower out of 20 tanks.
The prizes have already been sent out.
Tell us in the comments whether you enjoyed Tanki Tower for the Video of the Week section,
and whether you'd like to see something similar in future V-LOGs.
For next episode, you need to record a video following the usual guidelines.
The theme this time is, "how I caught the Gold on Halloween".
Make sure you're wearing the Holiday or Nightmare paint.
That's all for today's V-LOG.
See you next Friday and remember to celebrate Halloween responsibly.
See ya!
Last week, two tanks fired at Hornet at the same time.
You had to guess which one would get the kill.
The correct answer is, tanker "Tou", option B.
Here are our winners, and here's the new question!
How many tanks Striker will destroy?
US Releases Most John F. Kennedy Assassination Files But Delays Others | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:24.
Governor Chris Christie On Opioid Crisis: We Have A 9/11 Every 2.5 Weeks | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 21:46.
In the loop | Fidelity - Duration: 0:31.
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-♪ Just remember what I said ♪
♪ I've got a little bit o' soul ♪
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Bangla Khobor 27 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
iPhone 8 Plus Camera Review - Duration: 7:06.
Hey guys It's Sagar from Tecworkz, and here is my camera review of the iPhone 8 Plus.
Every time I get a new smartphone, I make it a point to travel extensively with it.
That way I get to test out the camera in different situations, and it also gives me a fairly
good idea, about the battery life that one can expect, out of any given smartphone.
So in the past 2 and half weeks that i have had the iPhone 8 Plus, I travelled a lot,
and shot a lot of images with it.
I have also shot a many of images with the S8, OnePlus 5 and the iPhone 7 Plus, which
means there are going to be a lot of comparison videos in the coming days.
So make sure you hit that subscribe button, if you don't want to miss out on any of the
action coming up on this channel.
Now, before we get to the Image and video samples from the iPhone 8 Plus, lets get the
specs out of the way.
The camera module and its specifications, are more or less similar to that of the iPhone
7 Plus, but Apple tells us that these are new sensors with deeper pixels.
Out of the dual cameras, The first camera has a 28mm wide lens, and the same resolution
of 12 megapixel, with a wide aperture of f/1.8 as we saw on the iPhone 7 Plus.
While the 2nd one also retains a telephoto lens of 56mm and again has a resolution of
12 megapixel with an aperture of f/2.8.
Thanks to this dual camera setup and the portrait mode, you can get shots with amazing shallow
depth of field, and now, also add various professional lighting effects to your shots.
More on this, when we take a look at the image samples.
You get optical image stabilisation on the wide camera, but the telephoto lens lacks
that feature, We also have a quad LED True tone flash.
These new cameras can now capture 4k videos at 60fps and 1080p slow motion videos at 240
These features are not even available in most of the high end cameras.
So having them packed in your smartphone, is really impressive.
Something what I don't like, is that Apple has buried the options to change any of these
video resolutions, deep in the settings app.
So every time you need to shoot at different resolution, you gave to go to settings, scroll
down to camera settings, and then make the desired changes.
I think, they should simplify things, and let us make these changes, right from within
the camera app.
At the front you have an 7 megapixel sensor with an aperture of f/2.2.
With iOS 11, Apple also embraced High Efficiency Image File and High Efficiency Video Coding
Which basically means, you will save about 50% of storage space while taking photos and
videos, using the iOS 11 camera app.
Now lets take a look at the image and video samples from this phone.
All the images are shot in the auto mode, with auto HDR turned on.
Right from the first shot, you can tell, that the colours are much more saturated and vibrant,
than what we are used to seeing from an iPhone, and I am liking it.
Apple seems to have made some changes to its image processing algorithm, and now it adds
a bit of punch to the image.
The overall images are very crisp and sharp, and if you take some time composing your shots,
you can end up with some really impressive images.
There is a lot of detail in every image, and thanks to the wide f/1.8 aperture, you get
amazing close up shots.
Auto focus is fast and accurate, which is important while taking these close up shots.
Now here are a few images shot with the normal and telephoto lens.
The telephoto lens, helps in capturing distant objects clearly.
You can see from these images, how much of an optical zoom it provides.
From these kind of shots, it is clear that the dynamic range captured by this camera
is simply amazing.
Just look at the amount of details in the shadows of these images.
Its sometimes hard to believe, that the the camera on smartphones, can take such beautiful
The portrait mode gives even better effect to the close up shots.
This mode was introduced with the iPhone 7 Plus.
It was not perfect at the start, and it still isn't, but it has been getting better and
better, and now most of the shots that you take in this mode, are actually usable.
What this mode does, is combines the image data from both the cameras, and Image Signal
Processor does its magic and create a shallow depth of field effect.
The Portrait lighting mode is introduced with the iPhone 8 Plus, and it is in beta right
It allows you to choose from various professional lighting modes, while capturing or even after
you have captured a portrait shot.
It is still in its early days, so it doesn't work every time, but when it does, the results
are truly amazing.
As light starts to go down or if you are shooting under artificial lights, you can still pull
off some amazing images.
Thanks to the wider f/1.8 aperture, even in artificial lighting and lower lighting conditions
the results are amazing, and the noise levels are very minimal.
Having optical image stabilisation also helps, as it allows the shutter to remain open for
longer time, to capture more light.
Colours and sharpness are still maintained even in these lighting situations.
If you like taking images with the front facing camera, the 7 megapixel sensor delivered great
results in ample light.
Colours and the dynamic range from the front facing camera are also very good.
Coming to the video footage, the iPhone 8 Plus is one of the best in its class, the
video it shoots is very stable, thanks to the Optical Image Stabilisation.
And as I said before, you can now even shoot 4K videos in 60fps.
240fps slow motion videos in 1080p resolution are just buttery smooth.
I did see some focusing issues while shooting slow mo videos, specially in low light, but
that can easily be taken care of, via a software update.
This is without a doubt, the best camera on an iPhone yet.
Thanks to the wide aperture and telephoto lens, you can take some amazing low light
and portrait shots, which was not possible from the iPhones before this.
Its definitely an improvement over the iPhone 7 Plus in the camera department, specially
while shooting videos.
But sadly its throne of being the best camera on an iPhone, will be short lived, as the
iPhone X with even better set of cameras, is about to hit the market.
If you want one of the best camera on your smartphone, go with the iPhone 8 Plus without
even giving it a second thought.
As I said at the start of the video, There are going to be a lot of videos in the coming
So make sure you hit that subscribe button if you don't want to miss any of them.
That is it for this video guys.
Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and You can also check out some
of the other videos on the channel.
This has been Sagar, and i'll catch you guys in the next video.
Take care.
Liberty 7th-grader overcomes crippling condition to play football - Duration: 1:50.
SA TV News 27 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh Latest news Today BAngla Breaking News BD News All BAngl - Duration: 17:02.
SA TV News 27 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh Latest news Today BAngla Breaking News BD News All BAngl
Delish Diaries - I'm Obsessed with Food Trucks - Duration: 2:56.
- Sometimes people ask you what you do for a living.
You'll say I'm a teacher, or I'm an electrician,
or a plumber.
I get weird looks when I say I'm a food tour guide.
(upbeat music)
About six years ago, I was looking for a job
that was conducive to like going on auditions and stuff.
I found being a food tour guide.
Actually I found it on Craigslist.
After awhile, I had my own vision of what I wanted
the food tours to be.
So about three years ago, I started Nice Guy Tours.
I am a nice guy.
It's been years, and years, and years of delicious research
that I've put in.
After a tour one time, I saw a homeless guy.
He went to kick a pigeon, and he missed.
Then he tried to punch it, and he missed.
And this lady said, "You shouldn't do that",
and the guy goes, "That pigeon's a jerk.
"I've known him for years."
(bird says what)
This is the original Biryani Cart,
and we're gonna have Kati Roll from here.
The Kati Roll is made with this delicious tender chicken
that they actually let soak overnight,
and then it's got sauce on it.
They make it with paratha bread,
which is kinda like a soft taco
that predates the soft taco coming from India.
Part of my job as a tour guide
is to make sure that none of the food is poisoned
or anything, so I have to sample it.
Oh my God.
So, Kwik Meal is one of my favorites.
They've had write-ups in New York Times.
Bobby Flay was here, and it's really delicious.
We're gonna have Biryani, which just means meat over rice.
In this case it's gonna be lamb over rice.
A little yogurt sauce on the side.
A little bit of salad.
It's a delicious little meal in of itself.
Kwik Meal.
I'll see you later okay?
Bye bye.
Psst, I got the stuff.
I always tell people that the guarantee
that I make on my website is if whatever I feed you,
you don't like, I will finish it.
Souvlaki GR, Kostas comes from Greece.
And when he came here, he started his own food truck.
His Chicken Souvlaki is the best.
I got the worst job.
Oh my God, so delicious.
You want some?
Here we are in Times Square.
Any New Yorker will tell you
this is their least favorite place to be.
The reason why I bring that up
is to illustrate the point of how delicious the waffle is
that we're about to eat.
Let's go eat a waffle at Wafels & Dinges.
Dinges in Belgian means things, so it's waffles
and the stuff you put on top of it.
My wife and I, we have a one year old son.
She was pregnant last year, and she had a craving
for one of these Throwdown waffles.
So at ten o'clock at night, I got in the car,
I drove all the way down here to the city,
and I brought her home a Throwdown waffle.
It's a small Liege waffle,
which has this sort of crunchy outside.
Then the spekuloos spread,
and then delicious whip cream on top.
And then cookie crumbles on top of that.
Sounds terrible right?
Thanks very much for having me,
and I hope to see you on a tour soon.
(upbeat music)
Video: Woman becomes police officer 9 years after father killed - Duration: 1:48.
Chicago Fire - I'm Not the Bad Guy Here (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:06.
Clear and straightforward Retirement tools | Fidelity - Duration: 0:31.
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-♪ And as you go through life ♪
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Hulk vs Absorbing Man | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:43.
All right... I'll go!
- You just watch me go! - Hit it.
Hit it again!
We can't, sir. There's no power. Some kind of counter-electromagnetic field.
Move in and assault the target. Move in!
Move, move, move!
Sir, I've located them on radar. Pear Lake.
Call up the task force.
That's right. Keep fighting.
The more you fight, the more of you I take.
Strange. We're reading a phenomenal drop in temperatures there.
But simultaneous radiological activity.
They're absorbing all the ambient energy.
Sleep now, Bruce, and forget forever.
Struggle no more... and give me all of your power.
You think you can live with it? Take it!
Take it all!
Oh, yes! Yes!
Take it back!
It's not stopping!
Take it back!
Gentlemen... release.
Gamma charge away.
- Mwah! - Sweet dreams.
Learn English and Chinese with Natives for FREE! 무료로 원어민과 외국어 배우기! #HiNative - Duration: 9:19.
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Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 3
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Mutual Fund Q&A, October 27, 2017, English - Duration: 3:10.
In this video, we take up a question by our viewer Devendra Kumbhkar, who wants to know how to increase the investment amount of an existing SIP
If you have an ongoing systematic investment plan (SIP), there is no provision or facility to increase the investment amount
Unless it is a different kind of systematic investment plan (SIP) where there is a provision for topping up your investment
If you think, your income is going to increase as well your savings, opt for a top up SIP
For an existing SIP, you will need to opt for a fresh SIP in case you want to increase your investment amount
You can invest in the same scheme if it is doing well and ensure that you don't have too many mutual fund schemes to manage
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