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For more infomation >> How To Make Amazing Broad Game Marble Labyrinth from Cardboad - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
[Trap] - Ship Wrek - Pain (feat. Mia Vaile) [NCS Release] - Duration: 3:31.
Wherever love goes there is also misery
It's no mystery
And you and I, we got history yeah
Wherever love flows there is also tragedy
When we're in too deep
And you and I, we got history, yeah
Go look in the mirror
Say "Hey I'm sorry for all the pain"
"I'm sorry... for all the pain"
Go look in the mirror
Say "Hey I'm sorry for all the pain"
"I'm sorry... for all the pain"
Go look in the mirror
Say "Hey I'm sorry for all the pain"
"I'm sorry for all the pain"
My love, it grows with the memories
Like a symphony
And you and I, we got history, yeah
And when you're alone
Do you say my name?
Oh, you say her name
My love, it grows with the memories
Like a symphony
And you and I, we got history, yeah
Wherever love flows there is also tragedy
When we're in too deep
And you and I, we got history, yeah
Color Slime Fruits & Squishy Balls Learn Colors for Kids nursery rhymes for children's baby songs - Duration: 5:31.
Gotham Season 4 Episode 6 REVIEW - Duration: 10:55.
I gotta say, for an episode with a guy
running around with a dead pig's face on his head
last night was pretty uneventful.
GARLIC BREAD PUMPKIN Savory Bread - Duration: 4:26.
Soft fluffy savory bread
3 cups (375g) all purpose flour, 2 teaspoons dry yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon pepper, optional
1 teaspoon garlic powder
One & half teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons chopped scallions
Stir well
1 large egg, beaten
1 cup (250ml) warm milk
Stir until just combined
4 tablespoons soft butter/margarine
Stir using a strong spoon/mixer with dough hook/KitchenAid about 5 minutes
Until form a soft sticky dough
Don't worry if the dough is stick in the bowl
Cover for 60-90 minutes at warm place
The dough will be very soft, sprinkle little flour to handle
Sprinkle little flour on work surface
The dough is not sticky anymore
Form a ball
Cut into 12 pieces
Flatten each piece and fold into a square
At this step we can add filling, optional
I use rectangle baking pan 28x22 cm. Grease with butter/cooking spray
Cover for 30 minutes
Egg wash
12 pieces of pumpkin cubes
Put pumpkin cube in the center of each dough and press down
Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 25 - 30minutes
Oven may vary
The bottom side looks like this
¿Cómo tener una "Noche de Sensaciones" con tu pareja? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:21.
Jak wymienić zacisk hamulcowy tylne MERCEDES BENZ E W211 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:29.
Use a simple screwdriver to take brake caliper spring out
Use a socket №8
Use a torx №T40
Use a special brake line wrench № 14
Use an open-end wrench №10
The County Seat Western Desert Issues - Duration: 28:51.
Welcome to this weeks' episode of
The County Seat, I'm your host Chad
Booth. Today we are going to talk
about west desert issues and joining
us are the people that are closest to
the issues that happen out here. We
have Glenn Greenhalgh from
Planning Department in Juab County
and we Commissioner Dean Draper
from Millard County and we are going
to have a discussion about the issues
that really are driving survivability of
the west and that may sound
dramatic but really the survivability
of the communities of the west
desert are at stake. It is not unlike
the pioneers where you look at first
issues of land water access and
invasion and those are the four topics
So let's start the conversation with
land access Dean what is the biggest
problem with land out here?
Well 70% of Millard County is public
land and the BLM part of that it's
used for grazing and mining it's used
for recreation. Up until the current
administration there was a great
drive to keep the public off of public
lands to curtain grazing allotments to
make it so mining could not happen
that impacts the economies of our
counties it reduces our tax base and
it reduces the service that are
available to our people. As far as the
average person who came into
wester Utah they would be allowed
just like in Hawaii if you are out on a
sidewalk or a beach or asphalt you
can go there but you cannot go
anywhere else.
Okay, understood. What are some of
the specific problems that threaten
our status quo the administration has
hanged but there are things like the
test range that have an impact on
how we use public land and have a
big effect in both your counties.
That's correct. The Utah test and
training range is extremely important
to the free world. It's the only type
of its range in the United States. We
support and are grateful for that but
we are also need to understand it can
have a large impact of the residents
of that area of the state of Utah.
They are doing some expansion now
we are concerned about the
possibilities of road closures and
things we been working closely with
SITLA as well as the DOD and others
but it is a mixed blessing but we need
to maintain the access to the lands.
all, are their multiple roads that
actually cross like multiple uses on
the test range?
There are many uses across the test
range. This latest expansion would
allow some closures for that but they
have fly sorties if you will or have
pilots from around the free world
that come and test on this range. It's
one of the few places they can fly
what they call map of the earth and
do some of the training. Last time I
was with the air force out of hill air
force base the pilot that was
conducting the briefing had just
returned from some very successful
missions in Iraq and he said every
tactic I used in Iraq I learned right
here on this range.
Wow, so it is not that they are
dropping ordinances out there so
much as it is they are practicing
They are testing new technology. The
formal border for this is the
Juab/Millard County line but it's like
tehSR21 Blackbird it takes 3 states to
turn one of those around these things
do not turn around at the border
they come across Millard County's
airspace. We have a project being
developed on the Sevier Lake dry bed
and the fly zones extend in a vector
out there you have places where you
cannot build 100 feet above ground
level others where it is 200 feet
above ground level that is also
Millard County's next primary place
for development. This mine that is
going in on the lakebed there would
have things that could possibly
exceed that so that their energy
could be used to process their
ultimate pot ash situation. What we
are looking for is to not inhibit
development in our counties with
that out in Juab County there are
roads that will be closed and the
people that live there will be told that
for 2 or 3 days they don't move.
If you live in Callao that is kind of a
problem, isn't it?
IT is.
Is there a general solution to this, it's
kind of different than the normal
BLM we are going to cut your grazing
allotment issue right?
It is but if you look at history and I
like to be an optimist not a pessimist
if you look at history what often
happens is what I call baby steps,
they get a little bit and then they get
a little bit more and then they get a
little bit more and you are never sure
where you are going to end up so you
got to be careful and watch as the ant
begins to eat the elephant one bit at
a time.
Understood we have just barely
touched on this issue sounds like we
will be coming back on an entire
series of shows. We are going to
move onto water on the County Seat
and talk about that that is an issue
that is very important to the counties
be back in just a minute.
Welcome back to The County Seat we
are talking today about issues of the
west desert which actually
encompass several counties out here
in the west. Our topic now is to look
at the issues of water of which is the
most important issue for survivability
of any of the communities out here.
We do want to talk about the water
issues behind us is surface water and
most people think if you need a
community to survive you just build
another reservoir you tap a little
more of a river and your problems
are solved. Is that not the case?
Absolutely not the case. Surface
water is but a small part of the whole
water scheme of things water system
and I believe that people really have
a misunderstanding when it comes to
water what water is and the
importance of it.
know that every now and then in the
news Snake Valley water comes up
and people go what does that have to
do with Delta what does that have to
do with Callao and western Juab
County because it's over in Nevada
aren't they on a different aquifer?
They are on a different aquifer than
we are right here but they are not on
a different aquifer from some of the
rest of the state of Utah. We have
studies that show that water actually
flows from Utah side of Snake Valley
even in towards Salt Lake and there
are a couple issues with that it's not
as much that the water guest to Salt
Lake some of it does head that way
but if we start reducing the water
pressure or water flow on our side
some of the bad water from around
some of the salt flats things like that
will begin to head this way it will
deteriorate the water situation in Salt
Lake County but it could also destroy
such things as fish springs which is
national wildlife refuge.
So Dean when you are talking about
hydrostatic pressure of ground water
basically I think I understand what
Glenn is saying you take water out of
a chunk the surrounding water is
going in to fill in the void.
That happens the mountain ranges in
western Utah run across Nevada all
have permeability at some point in
Nevada right now there was a
hearing 2 weeks ago about pumping
water out of the Spring valley that
aquifer there the LDS church put
together a study in 2017 if they were
to pump water in this Spring Valley7
according to that study water would
flow backwards from the Hamlin
Valley and the Snake Valley in Utah
back into the Spring Valley that would
have a draw that also brings water
down from Juab and Salt Lake County
because it would reverse the flow
depending on how much was taken
So if they basically take water out of
an aquifer and pump it to Las Vegas
which I think they are trying to do
what happens to the water out here?
Is there proof that this is actually
They have models they do not have
proof yet they do have some history
though. On the Utah Nevada border
in the Snake Valley there is a large
spring called Big Springs. It provides
water that goes north to Esdaile and
Callao and Juab the water table there
has been dropping 6-8 inches each
year for the past five years.
You find that has been true in Juab
County as well.
That is true. We find that the existing
wells and ranchers' farmers in Juab
County in Snake Valley their water
levels have dropped and I do not
have exact measurements but they
have been dropping and I have
toured that country many times and
where they used to be large seeps if
you are lucky now there is a tiny
One other question the argument
that says Las Vegas Salt Lake should
get this water is that there is ah
higher need there. Do you guys agree
with that model?
No I do not.
How do you justify that Glenn?
I have had some experience some of
it in the electric power industry there
was a group that I was involved with
had some big players like Provo some
small players like Manti and Nephi
and Levan and actually the power
superintendent in Provo taught us all
that a kilowatt is a kilowatt no matter
what. It is not about how many
people it's about the individual
people and those individual people
who have made their life and
livelihood carved out some very
rough country of a place they can live
and work they deserve as much
condition as much protection as any
other resident or citizen in the state
of Utah. And it is important that we
understand that. People think that
water is a small thing it's important
to understand a few points. One that
in order for humans to survive there
are 3 most important, if you exclude
air there are 3 most important items.
Number one is air and you can go a
few minutes without air. Number two
is water you can go a few days
without water. Number 3 is food you
can go weeks without food. People
need to understand how important it
is and people in Callao and Trout
Creek Garrison and Baker Nevada
they deserve just as much
consideration as somebody in a larger
valley. We need to stop inner basin
flows if we are going to protect the
lifestyle that is the American Dream.
I know we are running a little long on
time but one very quick statement
from you, Dean, what happens to the
land if they do withdraw the water?
Okay they are looking at doing
evapotranspiration capture that
mean that all of the plants and the
valleys that they would pump from
would die. It would leave an absolute
desert with no plant growth on top
other than what surface water might
Would that basically create a dust
problem for some of the metro areas
that are sucking the water in?
Absolutely, you would have a
pollution with the dust that way an
inner basin transfer in any basins in
any states sets a precedent where a
large urban area could come after
rural water and leave everybody
sitting there with hey we are in
That would be starving to death
eventually because a lot of food
comes out of this area.
That's right.
We have to take a break we will be
right back with The County Seat
talking about west desert issues and
we will pick up with getting access to
those when we return.
Welcome back to The County Seat we
are in the western part of Millard
County out in the great western
desert of Utah talking about issues
that are really important to rural
Utah particular people who live in
this dry climate out here. We have
covered the topic of land and water
but neither one of those amount for
much if you do not have access so
one of the other key problems is
access to roads and we continue our
conversation with Commissioner
Draper from Millard C county and
joining us now is Tony Rampton from
the Attorney General's office who is
the RS2477 Czar from Southern Utah.
Tony thank you for driving all the way
out here for this RS2477 road. Let's
just have a chat a bit about where we
are with RS2477.
Well where we are right now is there
are several different things that are
moving forward. As I have said many
times everyone recognizes that
litigating the 12,500 roads that the
state of Utah and the counties are
claiming won't happen.
It cannot happen.
Physically it is impossible so we have
to come up with an alternative
solution and an alternative process
for processing these road claims so
we have got 3 different groups
working on that the courts are
working on that the Congress of the
United States is working on that and
BLM is working on that so there are
things in the works it just takes so
much time that is the thing that is
frustrating to people is that it just
takes a lot of time and it will continue
to take a long time. It's a big project.
So a lot of people look at this and say
what difference this dirt road makes.
It may have been here 100 years ago
but who needs this road today?
Well this has been used for over 100
years this is a mining district this is a
grazing district and it allows access if
this road were to be closed you could
take a 20 mile detour and still never
get where you needed to be.
So who uses it today?
We have cattle producers that are
out here with different permits in this
area. They come out to check their
livestock over here to the west of us
is what is known as Smelter Knoll it's
a rhyolite formation rock founders
come out here commercial rock
salesmen come and they collect the
different formation they put them in
aquariums and fire places these
people use this road for access to
that. Down at the south end of
Smelter Knoll is a crate which in the
1940's they took a meteorite out of it
that is now in the Smithsonian. It is
still a favorite for people to come and
camp and enjoy life and this road
facilitates that.
Well why couldn't it just be a Title 5?
That limits access in such a way that
you cannot do anything with it.
If it stayed Title 5 who would decide
how the road was used or how it
The BLM. Title 5's cannot be
compared to an RS2477. A Title 5 is
essentially a permit issued by the
federal government. That permit is
subject to conditions. BLM can place
any kinds of conditions that they
want to.
Including revocation?
They are always revocable. You
cannot put together a Title 5 permit
that is not revocable. The law
disallows that so that is a conditional
permit that is revocable an RS2477 is
actually a conveyance of title to a
right of way that is permanent that
cannot be revoked. So you cannot
compare the two they are very
different animals.
Okay we have covered as much as we
can one last final question, how much
would it cost the county if you did not
have these roads out here?
Oh, it would be hundreds of
thousands if not millions of dollars
just in access. The grazing would go
away you could round them up on
horseback but permits have different
times on them it would be
Indeed we have covered the issues of
roads not as well as we would like we
have spent several hours talking
about this over the years but it looks
like there is some progress as Tony
said and the counties are still really
engaged in the fight to make sure
that they maintain access. We are
going to take a break from the
County Seat when we come back
some problems that are facing the
west when we take a look at the
current status of wild horse and
burro and how much impact that
really has on people out here on the
range lands. Back in just a minute.
In 1990 when the BLM was still
gathering horses this spot looked like
this. In 2000 after they had
discontinued regular gathers of
excess horses the area looked like
this. What's the difference? The
foliage is gone the ground cover is
gone. This is the area today and what
you see here today is not only is the
ground cover gone but so is the soil.
Welcome back to The County Seat we
are talking about issues that are
impacting the west desert counties of
Juab, Millard, and Beaver and to
some degree Iron and Tooele county.
Joining us for this segment is Mark
Winch who is a cattle rancher out
here in the west desert in Beaver
County and Mark thank you for
joining us.
Thank you Chad, I appreciate it.
You run probably one of the bigger
cattle operations out here and this is
part of your allotment area is that
Yes this is one of our summer
So I want to talk to you about the
issue of what is happening to the land
out here because this entire wild
horse and burro issue that keeps
capturing the headlines and keeps
causing the protests and keeps
affecting BLM and Congress and what
they do is this about the horses or is
it about the ground.
This really is not about the horses.
This has to be a rangeland health
issue. Over the years we have seen
horse numbers well above 300 head
in this area. Its suppose to have zero
and as a rancher the destruction of
the resource is my main concern I like
to see a few horses it has always
been a fun and entertaining thing but
when you come out here and you see
horses and horses in large numbers
destroying the resource like you can
see here and losing the grass and the
foliage and being left with rock is
In this case even the top soil. Let me
ask you a question I know people at
home are thinking about this, when
was the last time you had cows on
this land?
Last time I had cows on this land was
about 3 years ago. But I am
supposed to be able to run 330 head
here and all I turned out was 50 head
so significant numbers it's been a
So since you ran it like it is. So who
ate that grass that is still here?
Well what little bit of grass that is
here you can see right here what is
left with this plant that has been a
horse that has come along and
cropped that and is pretty well
Could a cow actually crop grass that
No a cow cannot crop grass that close
a cows purely has bottom teeth it
wraps the grass and it pulls up and
cuts the grass but a horse has top and
bottom teeth and they can get right
down to the dirt.
Okay so we obviously see that this
damage is caused by horses but the
thing that most concerns me and I
am most alarmed at in looking at this
is that picture from 2000 while the
ground cover was gone you still had
top soil and this is obviously different
do you think you can rehabilitate
It's possible maybe but it will take a
lot of effort and money.
How do you get grass to grow on
It's going to be hard and it may not
ever come back and that's the real
scary part is here on these ranges we
are getting about six and half inches
of water annually and so the grass is
here does need to be managed and
taken care of and with cattle we are
able to do that we are able to put
them in for a certain period of time
and then pull those cattle out which
helps plants and helps them grow but
with horses they are here all the
One quick question how about the
horses. Does the ranching
community want them off the land?
No what we would simply like is
horses to be held at the scientific
level a number that is going to be
manageable and healthy for them
and the range I have seen starving
horses I have seen dying horses and I
have seen dead horses and its tragic
and if you call that a humane source
of compassion to let these animals
die and starve on the range that is
absolutely cruel.
Mark thanks for your time,
Thank you, Chad.
Thanks for staying with us on The
County Seat so much more to find
out about so if you go to our website
or YouTube channel or our FB page
you can find more in depth
interviews with the people we had on
the show so we thank you for joining
us today and remember local
government is where your life
happens and sometimes where your
food comes from please be engaged
and part of the solution we will see
you next week on The County Seat.
These Jets Can Hover Like Helicopters, Here's How They Work - Duration: 2:17.
I think we can all agree that fighter jets are pretty sweet.
But sweet as they are, almost all of them still lack one amazing feature of their whirlygig
helicopter cousins; the ability to hover.
Come on, it's 2017 people, where are the hovering jets?
The problem is a fundamental one.
You can think of the rotors of a helicopter as wings.
They're constantly moving through the air, generating lift, even when the chopper is
hovering in place.
But jets, with their airfoils fixed in place, need to keep moving forward.
If they don't go fast enough their wings don't generate enough lift, and the jet
is essentially a very expensive rock.
But there is a way around this.
Why bother using the wings at all?
Heck you've got a mighty jet engine underneath you, just point it at the ground and blast
Over the years engineers have tried a few different approaches, but the most successful
idea was to use thrust vectoring, like on the Boeing AV-8B Harrier II.
The Harrier's engine has four nozzles that can swivel.
They can be pointed downward for vertical takeoff, landing, and hovering.
Or they can be pointed backwards, and the Harrier flies like any other jet.
That doesn't mean all the problems are solved.
Unlike a helicopter, whose spinning blades act like a gyroscope and stabilize it, a hovering
Harrier has to be balanced on its thrust, which is no easy feat.
Worse, since there's no air passing over the wings, the normal control surfaces are
Cleverly, the Harrier sends compressed air from its engine out of the nose, tail, and
wingtips so the pilot can still control the aircraft while in a hover.
The next generation of fighter, the F-35B, will also have the ability to hover using
its thrust-vectored jet engine and a giant fan tucked behind the pilot.
But because of the engineering challenge and the skill needed to fly them, it's no surprise
that hovering jets are the exception, not the norm.
For more epic stories of innovation that shaped our future, check out
If you liked this video, subscribe to the channel, there's always more videos.
Like on helicopters! If you're more curious about that, Amy's got a video right here.
So important question: Which is cooler, jets or helicopters?
Tell us down below and thanks for watching Seeker.
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death - Donne cannibale - 1989 - J. F. LAWTON -[LANGOSTO] - Duration: 1:26:26.
We got lost
Not so, look!
You'd better return ... -But...
I heard something ... I think they are women
-Let's go already - No, do not be afraid wait ...
Look at them, they are beautiful
They are not the sexiest women you've seen?
-Let's move on - Are you crazy? Look at them ...
-They are dangerous - Do not look dangerous
They are lonely
-I'm leaving I'll go introduce myself
Hey, girls
Hi girls
They want to know?
During the long history there has been sexual domination
In China, the woman was subordinated and mistreated ...
But the Amazons defended their Mukih territory ...
It is possible that women and men live together?
It will be the subject our next class
-Dr Hunt, adore her class - Thanks Bani
'You can tell me Margo. - I've been thinking...
I want to emphasize more on feminism, cooking classes are feminist?
I do not think so, but It would be interesting
I love what he said now ... - You should read it anymore
before deciding on deeper into the ...
But I really love feminism, I identify ...
Could be a simple hobby - Margo.
Dean Stockwell. Doctor, these gentlemen need ...
Are Ford Maddox, Minister of Agriculture and Colonel Metel ..
National Commission of Avocados - National Commission of Avocados?
It is of utmost importance Talk to us ...
In private
Dr. Hunt, 98% are American aguacata grown in California.
In the territory between the Bakersfield to the Mexican border jungle ...
'This territory is "belt avocado" - I know that, but not for me ...
Dr., avocado is a product of great national importance
The Communists came to Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador in a total revolution
California has the only reservation Avocados left in the world
And the threats of the USSR predict a conflict
Kremlin, Gorbachev They want our avocado ...
And that what it affects me?
-Because he does not understand...? - Colonel, quiet ...
As I said, avocados US It comes from this area of the belt,
but only harvested in a specific part of the jungle.
Because this place is unexplored and wild
Which he approaches the belt avocado, never returns
It's a good one question, Bani.
Perhaps Dr. Hunt knows the answer ...
'It's just a legend ... - We believe it is real ...
-The piranha women - Piranha Women who they are?
They are a community feminist...
Radical, wild and ... They eat men.
-Once I saw ... - No, they devour Bani
As Black Widow, they have sex with them and then eat
The dismember and the They eat with guacamole.
That says the legend. - It's true and it's a big problem ...
affecting agriculture the whole country
Before workers could enter 20 in the jungle ...
But thanks to the piranhas, no survives belt avocados.
And why not send troops to combat them?
-Colonel? - We sent 3 divisions with the best men ...
-Y? -The they killed all
Our men had the more powerful weapons ...
Piranhas only used knives and Spears is so confusing ...
We find this in the jungle
-self? -they covers guacamole
Now understands doctor? Their feminist sisters destroyed our troops
Please control yourself. And the military option was used
And we saw that no It was no use ...
So we're going to fight the piranhas and you will also
We want to go to the jungle and solve this mystery
-I'm afraid I can not We want the piranhas leave the jungle
Let them go to Malibu.
A luxury condo
With sauna, swimming pool, Total relaxation
Even the government He accepted this condition
to avoid more horrible sacrifices from them
We do not care who they are cannibals women
That's a problem piranhas ...
We are only interested avocado
Sorry but I say no
Dos..¿Por you do not tell us real reason for not going?
He wants the country to enter a communist crisis avocados?
Or you want to eat me alive? - The doctor does not do that
Dr. Hunt is a respected feminist
I know it will help us, she is very important for this institution
The problem is that Hunt Dr. Hunt ...
If you do not feel convinced to help us in this ...
So I think not We have no choice ...
I will not allow this type of abuse ...
Here we respect freedom and not I'll never break it ...
No teacher will be forced against his will to act or say anything
Even if there is political pressure or by national
Margo, you do what they say or I'll and I will leave you on the street, you know?
I really want to know if this project really help this institution
-What about you, Margo? - I'm going to the jungle
-Infinitas thanks -Thanks to you
Mr. Madoks, I need an explanation...
What do you mean?
I know I will not be the first woman to sent to negotiate with Piranhas
-what happens in that jungle? - I'll tell the truth
Two years ago, we sent to the jungle Dr. avocado. Kurtz.
'The Dra. Kurtz? -the who wrote "Wise women, stupid men"?
That explains his sudden disappearance media ...
-What happened? - Do not know, maybe he is kidnapped
And Piranhas are women dangerous and evil
Now I imagine will reject the proposal ...
On the contrary, I am determined to go
No Bani not go ... - Dr. Hunt, let me go with you
Nobody has returned from Avocado Jungle
It is full of dangers and risks
It's too dangerous and have experience in this
I do not want to expose yourself to something, so you'll stay here
-Bani like you're beautiful? -Hello
There will be a super party this Friday in Delta Epsilon
Free'll be all? - Apparently, I think so ...
It will be a party from another planet
With pretty girls like you
There'll show wet T-shirt But my shirts are dry ...
Do not worry, all you We will protect
You did struggle the mud?
You come with me... The jungle is safer!
Patricia already arrived my order?
No, two weeks ago and fails
Forget it, I go on an expedition And I'll need a few things
3 seals, 10 envelopes, a recorder and 4 cassettes
A knife, emergency kit, 100 meters of rope and a revolver
-1000 rounds of ammunition - Teflon or steel?
What I recommend to fight ...
the dangers of the jungle? - I would use Teflon ...
They are more effective, shredders and easier to carry.
Bani Oh, you should bring something more practical, we go to the jungle ...
I brought a suitcase to spare for if required...
Do not worry, there'll lend you something appropriate
I also carry a beautiful lingerie set ...
-why the man-eating piranhas? It's their culture ...
Their methods of attack gender resolve conflicts ...
And they understood that gender issues meet with death ...
-the feminists kill men? - No, Bani!
Well, not many ... In reality Piranha are naturally radicals
And traditionalists since ever...
And feminists like me or Dr. Kurtz believe in gender equality ...
there is no feminist groups to practice cannibalism ...
Not since the 60's.
San Bernardino, a desolate place Shore belt avocados.
We must find some mercenaries join us in the jungle.
I had never come to Saint Bernardine.
Do not worry Bani ...
Hey girls, want a drink? - No thanks
When I tell a girl that ... No I'm your baby ...
I'm a PhD in history and anthropology, OK? Yes Dr.
I understand your desire for domination verbal women ...
through sexual stereotypes presented by the media ...
-for it, I do not blow your brains out - Thank you
I'm the feminist department Pretzy University.
I need mercenaries dangerous work
I Anvil, crazy exveterano of Vietnam, ready to kill
and enter wherever ...
You can steal, plunder and vacating an entire village ...
With just try ...
Hushiko am an experienced ninja
I am a killing machine, ready to destroy
If you need a true mercenary ...
You found it
I'm the masked avenger
Heavyweight champion ...
and professional levantapesas
I do not need any gun or pistol ...
My muscles and enough left over ...
Destroy and dismember ...
What should I do?
They want to burn a village?
-Penetrar a fortress? - Destroy a battalion?
I must go to the jungle avocado - Die Hard avocados?
I must find Piranhas
Sorry girls, I'm a little busy, I'm ...
I remembered that I have other commitments, so goodbye
I train so I can not, I must go
That happens Bani, the noisiest men and conceited are cowards ...
They are trying to take refuge in his image goon but deep ...
'They can with a real woman ... Dr. Wait. Margo Hunt.
miss ethnohistorian
There are still men truth here
Although the Feminist propaganda has emasculated all ...
with their campaigns in schools and on television.
People think that women only It serves to procreate, cooking ...
or pose for magazines, though real men ...
We believe that we must love, protect and dominate women ...
I will go to the jungle avocado with you
Let's look for women piranhas
I'm not afraid to know the dark dangers of the jungle
I do not fear women piranha...
Although its history is bloody ...
And do not feel love for anyone ...
And even if feminists killer destroys troops ...
Jim, what are you doing here? - I know Dr. Hunt.?
Of course, Bani, Dr. Hunt and I are old friends
-Well... - We love once ...
A passionate love
But the time happens, some Margo?
And your love is defiled ideas feminists about love ...
But you will always be women more I've met passionate
You took me to madness, we live incredible moments...
We had plans together
But you left me because you felt that there was no ...
In your feminist radical ideologies and you let convince your teachers.
It was a long time ago, I was half drunk and ...
me you had not returned to talk and all you said ...
It was a terrible and ugly word
No change Doctor, you do not understand there are things that can not be expressed ...
There is indescribable feelings and sometimes ...
Last forever ...
You broke my heart and since then I took refuge in drink ...
You took off to Hawaii with stupid cafeteria.
Yes but that was One week before...
and returning from Hawaii, I fell into alcohol so far ...
Let's go Bani. - Wait
Need help, let me help you
We do not, and go the two single
You would not last 10 minutes in that jungle without me ...
I know take care of myself Not in the jungle of avocados
You know there are deadly snakes They are living in the River of Death?
Mortals know as climbing crags there in that place?
Well, no, and you?
Me neither, but I this manual.
I'll buy mine - They're sold out
How cobrarás?
Now you treat me like a giggolo ...
You try to buy ... -How much?
- $ 25,000 -Never
-50 dollars -OKAY
50 is not enough
Jim, I do not care what which occurred in the past
And I want you to understand that now...
The relationship is merely professional.
Whatever you say beautiful
-Outside! - OK, as you say
Only professional, as you say.
Share bags sleeping, right?
Welcome to the jungle avocado
Not look like a jungle ...
Here it is clear, but oil gets below ...
We must leave the car and Keep walking
Please alert care a stumbling
-You're good? Yes, just he looked tires
I look oil
Be careful
We arrived at the jungle of avocados. Look Bani ...
Before us, an unexplored area without damaging human footprint
Behind us fucking Western civilization
We live in a world dominated by men and enter one dominated with women
And that? In a few days you will dying to eat a hamburger
I doubt it
Criticisms of men when in fact you have to accept that men
They have invented everything, or who invented 101 flight, tell me?
Women who invented?
Nothing, not have invented anything
Although not believe it, we invent nuclear weapons - So is
And what are they for? - To avoid Nazi threat
You led to the Holocaust, the World wars, the Inquisition ...
-Elvis Presley. - Janis Joplin
Theme Baker - Jim Baker, Jerry Falou, Jimmy Sveger
Joseph McCarter, Richard Nixon
Joan Rivers. - Joan Rivers?
'I like Joan Rivers, it's fun Well I do not think
Jim, what are you doing? - Wiping the passage area
without them aside destroy anything
Well I brought my machete and I have to use something
It serves to practice in case things They get rough later
I'll look cute with machete - Thank you, Bani.
Walk, almost dusk!
-Sigamos his voice - This is how it is done in the jungle
-You want? - Yes
-What is it? - PINA Kolada.
And Bani? -I was in...
You missed, kitty? Where is your house?
Her cosmetics - And his lunchbox Indiana Jones
Look, you have cookies and cakes
I feel like someone is watching us
I I saw a big kitty - Where were you?
We are in dangerous territory - Why you let your friends?
-Do you know where we are? -Of course
-We are in... - Let me see
Please gorgeous ...
I know you think I can not, but I am an expert reading maps
To meet piranhas must go for the Rio Rosa
So we cross the jungle avocados and find
And if we go by current downstream?
Well, according to my calculations I see the North Star ...
And the moon points to East and ...
The wind registered a 5 ...
So the river is 23.6 miles from here ...
About two days on the way
23 miles?
But there is a lot of vegetation, He may be closer
If anything I can do is read maps
Now I am going to water trees
They believe it know everything, you ...
He found the river
North Star He was wrong
Almost it will dry
Remember to dry the military patches ... - Clear
You're good ironing, Bani Thank you, I've practiced a lot ...
But despite all, my ancestors Feminists have always been
Because you are interested in feminism? - I want to broaden my horizons
-Why? - I do not know
Maybe someday I can be the first woman president
I followed the river restro and I found a canoe on the shore
They are free and we will serve for travel
I wonder who will? - an expedition
You know who? - Clear
It was many years ago, was very young
Young and foolish, pretty dumb
And I made a grave error ...
So I got marine ...
And for three years I traveled the world many times...
I really do not want broach the subject
-Does not matter... - Then I fell into alcoholism ...
Oh Jim, do not start with the history of whiskey
Jim should be cold
Bani, you have nothing to worry
You not think it's cute?
Actually, yes
She told me something about you - What?
He said you wanted
Because it I doubt very much
It is egocentric and very dominant
But it's cute ...
Maybe I'm hard to convince and ...
He represents my mistakes
-Mistakes? - We all do
I can tell you a big secret?
Jim is right somehow
I have alienated much of the men...
I got drunk and unconsciously...
I've gotten with cretins They have nothing to do with me
And that makes me feel empty
And I think actually will never exist ...
One respect nor gender balance
Because they do not want commitments I want to be dominated
Not overpower him neither
Probably it sounds weird ... - Can I tell you a secret Doctor?
Bani course, you can trust me
When I'm with a man, I would that would tie me ...
And I punished and eat the ropes ...
And I release ...
And make love listening the philharmonic playing boleros ...
Thanks Bani, you have a great imagination
I feel better...
-You want to try? - No thanks
Bani want? Cómete half of this sweet ...
-No thanks - You lose it
Metámoslo water
Here there are alligators to to give away ...
2 for 1, you can choose the one you like best
I remember when I went to Disneyland jungle.
-How good Well, you'll like this jungle
Shut both!
I was born for this type of adventures...
-What was that? something big hit the jackpot
Perhaps it was a stone
It's a hippo I -Hipopótamo in California?
Hippos Palm Springs, are a race under the hippos ...
But they are dangerous They're coming over here
Do not let zoom in, Jim!
Begins to row
-A left or right? -Left!
-Died? -I think
'I see his face? - He seemed very angry
This is not the fucking Disneyland,
He could have killed
There is something there
I heard something
They attack us
Did it hurt?
I think I'm shocked
Or bleeding
I think I am going to die...
Maybe I'm already dead ...
They seem pieces fabric ...
Handwoven seem ...
These women are piranha pretty silly
Now we will throw pillows or toilet paper
These women are not as I thought
This is not made the Piranhas, which he did, he was
-We'll see - Wait
It could be dangerous
-Why attacked us? Maybe it was not an attack ...
-but a gift ... - Flattery?
-I do not understand... - Yes
Let's get back to the boat - We can not
We are perhaps the first with those who have made contact
They must be filthy - Who?
They are not, whatever is unlike the way you think ...
Or do you think live disgusting
There are multiple lifestyles and traditions in the world, Jim.
And the men who were found with worms in the stomach?
It's just an old legend Avocado Jungle ...
He says they were victims of piranhas ... - Apparently if so ...
It's a different culture Jim, filled new and valuable things
They're maniacs! - They know how to weave
Perhaps they leave these crafts on the road and if they return ...
They will not eat us
It is symbolic
For me it is a great stupidity
-How are they called? -The Colorful
Out, there is nothing to fear ...
I am a historian
They're a fagot - It's another culture, Jim!
They are very beautiful
Welcome to our community
Do not touch me assholes, Get away
What kind of tribe Lunatics is this?
Not because I do not want more
-Do you want more? - No thanks
I do, thank you. This Delicious food
It has such natural flavor and nutritious, love
'I do not want to know what I'm eating - Why bother you so much ...
See men doing work home we normally do us?
Look happy, masculinity is not synonymous with worthlessness or rejection other
Live and let who they are
I'm sorry ... is that no man can live happily ...
Near a tribe of cannibals women
Cook and sew not come in hormones men
Men should be examples to follow...
As John Wayne, Stallone, like others...
They are violent, repressed emotionally ...
And little reflective
But they are my heroes.
Strong and powerful
Bani Hey, pass me the kiwi sauce ...
Oh look, it's beautiful
What did you do? Is beautiful but ...
My apartment is very small then I think ...
But it's just beautiful
My fantasies of being tied up and punished no They are very liberating, right?
-What are the fantasies of a feminist? - Bani, go to sleep and
We must get up early tomorrow ... - What will the Piranhas fantasies?
Men may eat, raw or cooked?
It takes a little, please
He needed a drink ...
But if it is ... chocolate hot. Oh my God!
Men are not offered hot chocolate...
Boy, this is no life
I know that within each of you live ...
a powerful macho man ...
And I am ashamed to see you live fags like cowards ...
I will teach them how to be men
I will teach
Beer! Beban!
That's what men do
Come on, do it!
Do it!
Be men, come on!
You're the leader, show them you can!
Beer, beer!
These beers are where I live...
Now we will make a small quiz ...
Look, what's that? - Beer
What is this?
-Journals - Magazines, yes!
-Cast? -The car keys
Enter into context ...
Imagine that you go down the street driving a Corvette.
Driving and being attentive from the police...
And suddenly see a group of sexy girls on the street ...
They understand? Girls, women, females?
Women!! What would they do?
No, not sit, do not go!
What would they do? Do not! Do not!
They not offer them these damn crafts ...
They have to shout!
You have to say, hey mamasitas! Hey delicious!
You want to give a I ride with me?
-Repitan "hey mamasitas" Hey mamasitas
-Hey delicious - Hey delicious
You want to walk with me? -want walk with me
Well done boys, they learn fast
Boys, recess time
Excuse me, hello
I can not sleep, so I would like hot chocolate, yeah?
Woman! Look!
-Mamasita -What?
Do you want to go to walk with me?
I do not know .. Where is your car?
Hey beautiful, let's do it very dirty
Precious? I believe that They are a little confused ...
Dr. Hunt!
Stay away from Bani!
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry, really, I am sorry...
We take a lot and things They got out of control
They went out of control?
They were going to rape Bani! - And they gave me chocolate
Violation? They are unable to such thing...
-Moron! - What? Nothing happened ...
Bani, they made you hurt?
-Well... -Further...
With its behavior so Strange, I doubt ...
they were able to touch a woman, I do not think they did ...
Of course, for you all revolves around violence
Yes Piranha and women are violent but that's not bad ...
And men eat if you do not know. Yes, and perhaps they are right
Something stuck again
There's lots of vegetation here - We're going to have to push
-Push? - As heard
What else can we do?
I have to get wet?
I do not have boots that
-Sanguijuelas? - No, bagres
Catfish not bite
I know but are touching my ankles
I hate catfish are so ugly and so biscozos that I detest
-What if... - Shut up and up again if you want
Margo, I think you have to control you
-What do you mean? - I cry, you get angry for what I say ...
And you know you should not hide your true feelings towards me
As which?
-You love me No I love, and I like you!
Because you voice trembles then? - I do not voice trembles
Well if it seems
You know a woman loves you because His voice trembles when he speaks
That does not shake my voice - Why so sensitive?
'I'm sensitive -Tiemblas again
Neither emotional nor am I tremble
Margo, you're on your period?
No, and it will take about two weeks to arrive. Why you say that?
Because I care - Jim, you have a bug in the neck
-Pelea water? - No, nothing like that
And so I started my own business though They said I was crazy ...
But I did not want to follow My mother's advice ...
Margo Hey, try a little This guacamole
Yes it is guacamole and I'm tired of guacamole
No more avocados
I want meat!
I knew you were going to need sooner or later
Or a steak or a roast ...
Do you look at me?
'You think eat, right? -I have not said that
I can feel it in your eyes, devour you think!
Just one bite
Modern feminists, some psychopaths ...
A few days in the jungle and completely they go crazy
His speech is a lie for equality get what they want!
-Godlike Grandeur -Mastering and devoured men - I am sorry
I'm canzada, heat and out of my mind!
Then retrieving them, mirala Bani!
Look at her well, I wanted to eat
That these are the ideals yours movement
Enough, you'll be my food!
Quiet, calm yourself
Quiet, quiet!
Damn pig!
When I get my hands on ...
Dr. stop now. Hunt!
Oh God, I'm going crazy
In this jungle ...
I am going crazy
Maybe it's by reach out the term...
You'd better return
We've gone too in the jungle
It is very late, Margo. We found
Look at those clothes!
They do not look very friendly
-Do not worry -Les you're going to throw a Granada?
No, something any radical group and primitive will understand ...
My membership card
How you painted your lips?
-What did he say? -I dont know
Some strange language ... Listen
I am looking for Dr. Kurtz, understand?
Kurtz? Yes, Dr. Kurtz!
They can take me?
collect all
The secret temple Piranhas
Its architecture is well advanced
They did it with Legos?
It seems the altar where ... - They eat men?
Hey, look, a small jacuzzi...
It must be relaxing - Jim, no!
Bani, give me one ...
-What are they? - Piranhas.
Real. This should put the remains bones of sacrifices
Mentioned, Dr.. Hunt, you're right
Kurtz Francine, you're alive - also uses this funny clothes
I have better things that, Bani
Piranhas are the owners Avocado Jungle
-I am their leader - Seriously?
I knew someone had crossed Avocados belt ...
But I did not think it would Another feminist.
-After end the military ... You were the one who destroyed those men?
Of course, they violated our precious sanctuary, deserved to die
And they were delicious - Dr. Kurtz, respect their practices ...
But I think that killing and eating men goes against of any ethical and moral existing ...
Always showing what they learned, Dr. Hunt?
No study women piranhas, I am who directs
The future of feminism grows in this temple
-The future is cannibalism? This is a war, accept it!
A war of sexes, cannibalism It is just one more technique
Well, it's obvious that only control reaches the belt avocados
It's true, you're so academic, ilusa ...
You still think there such border ...
So I thought, but then to investigate I learned the truth
The United States consumed avocados uncontrollably ...
But thrown away thousands of them in Santa Monica all the time ...
Then they sent me to do? You're a historian, think ...
The government does not care about avocados, but the piranha women
Our system for attack It has terrorized
And with terror, it is possible to master the rest of the country
So we must stop the tradition...
And make feminists, the new power that dominates the whole society
And condominiums Malibu? I -the there, and also researched
luxurious house, swimming pools sauna, complete relaxation ...
Not to mention the hundreds of photographers Cosmopolitan ...
Ready to chase one Once we get ...
Or cosmetic companies they begin to call
There is a secret plan to end the Piranhas
Worse than sending invaders military ...
cultural assimilation? -Yes
In 5 years, they become piranhas in silly with bikinis in Malibu ...
Which work in a sushi restaurant I know a restaurant in Malibu.
You see? They want to become ... in her
Now you arrived, you must decide to join us
I know a piranha woman - I can not
I would like but I must fight for gender equality
I can not allow to leave the jungle, and discovers A Secret About the piranha women.
I can not let you go so, you join or die ...
Kill us, I'd rather die than betraying my ideals ...
Speak for yourself, I'm sure we can talk ...
You fool, you die first
You look ugly, but after cooking, it will resort
Cooked? It does not sound funny, Bani!
Dr. catch. Hunt.
You're good, Margo.
But thousands of women piranha here, no escape
Or we loose or I shot
Go ahead, kills one feminist colleague
Kills another anthropologist. I know that our tactics are ugly ...
But I struggle just to keep Piranhas tradition ...
Shoot, if you can - Kill her!
Give him what he wants
It takes time to prepare for be part of the Piranhas
I give you until tomorrow to choose.
You have until tomorrow to decide and make your sacrifice
If you do not, you'll fall in piranha well and die
Horribly, Take her
And also silly
Bani quiet, I will save
I hope you're just kidding, because I will not hurt you and ...
You have said that you cute you see that dress?
You look so feminist and I I love feminists
'I've always thought that women like you ... 'I will cook very well
Take him with other men, we will eat tomorrow
Let me tell you something for the sake of all of you ...
Perhaps because their health is at risk because ...
Eat Meat man can be harmful to you ...
I see you They have enough meat ...
That means the Piranhas They know how to pick their prey ...
I see why they just male meat eaters ...
Cigarillos have?
I brought food - Who you are?
I am Jean Pierre, your tomorrow sacrifice
It's traditional to serve you the victim his landlady before the ceremony
-Speak English? - A bit
I learned from Dr. Kurtz.
Then you must be very intelligent and You have very good body
For Piranhas, intelligence worthless man
Only muscles
That you have a lot
We are forced to exercise, that It makes tastier our flesh
-Eat Please - Thank you, I have hungry
-It tastes so good -I am glad
He was my friend, a sculptor
She tastes like chicken, I like it...
-What is it? -Meat
-of some exotic animal?
Whatever, tastes good. I like your muscles
I wanted a piece of that ... now
I want to talk to Jean Pierre. Where is it?
Ah, he is your friend. Do not I'll kill him, quiet
God knows I will not eat me
Look at your victim, if you want to be a Piranha should take your body ...
And his life .. What You decide?
I will not kill a being Human cold blood
However, if tended sex with him if possible
Impossible, you must kill him now
If you do not kill him with this dagger, you'll go the residue of piranhas
I refuse to join your tribe
And as a member of the Academy Scientific ...
I ask you to let us go here right now
Do not! Want to be a piranha woman
-Bani, you say? - I want to be a piranha
I knew not to bring Here, you let convince ...
By the simple philosophy of these women
Not at all, I just want a dress like you have ..
Bani, escuchame
-Segura you want to be a piranha? -Yes
You want to participate in the initiation with the sacrifice?
Have sex with him and then kill him? Well, as I've done before
There is another condition more to be a piranha
He will be your sacrifice
You have gone too far, Dra. Kurtz.
And this time it has been wrong...
That the poor Bani, will be unable to hurt me ...
-She does not... - Shut up now
-Prepárense for sacrifice -See you
-What? - Do it
It will escape, I kill him
Salta, runs away now
Oh no, you come with me
You're you who must escape - Jean Pierre...
Do not play the victim and come with me
Shit, the first decent man and ...
I will paint the hair to become a woman piranha?
It would be better if they used conditioner, you have?
I thought it cut one little and paint it but ...
I decided letting me red and long for so ...
I'm more like Tiffany, the famous singer ...
Hey, all Piranhas are so you pretty like you?
Hey What are you doing? Wait a minute
I prefer to kill me and and not have to cook me ...
This is something crazy, people and piranhas, piranhas and people ...
Hey, I like that. Fun in the bath
Now I start to like this place
They are not so bad after all...
Maybe they had a difficult childhood ...
Problems at school or divorced parents, you know ...
Oh yes, below ...
Do it in circles
At least you know how treat a man well ...
They may not have known the man indicated to you
And I think you would be good cooks, something smells good
It is the water?
It seems like a soup or something ...
Hey, and this ??
O God, are peppering me! let me go
We are the Barracudas, you enemy Piranha Women
If you run away from them, you must be our friend
For thousands of years, piranhas and Barracudas were a single group
But we parted, by ideological differences
As which?
The piranhas kill and eat men with guacamole
That is incorrect? - Yes, men ...
They know much better cooked with mandarin - What do you say?
With mandarins? - It's a matter of principles
They were divided use of an ingredient?
It's ridiculous, why women We argue about stupid differences?
At least men are agreed football and beer
Let's return to the temple Piranhas
They must unite as women and as I will achieve Historian
I start to like be a Piranha
Let's make an interagency committee Piranhas and Barracudas ...
Where they can iron out differences and reach an agreement
And it will be something simple ...
Come on women!
Are your notes
It's your book ...
Then, she will sex with me ...
Good idea and then I I will kill and eat
That bad!
Nunca puedo tener un día bueno!
Bani, bebe el elixir de las Pirañas
Que comience el sacrificio
Bani, por favor, suelta ese cuchillo...
-No sabes lo que haces -Sé lo que hago
-Quiero ser una mujer Piraña -Oh Dios
Tus ojos!
Ese elixir te ha cambiado el color de los ojos
No me distraigas idiota, cállate y disfruta tu sacrificio
Lamento tener que matarte
Siempre me pareciste cute
Bani, no me hagas daño
Debo hacerlo
Que diría Margo?
Mátalo ya!
-Mátalo ya! -No puedo
Come on!
I can not
I want it
Tírenlos al pozo de las pirañas
-No me puse vestido de baño - Esperen
What happened?
Según sus tradiciones, las reto a una pelea por el trono de la jungla
Claro que puedes, pero te advierto Margo,
-Vas a perder - Ya veremos
Sabes pelear bien
Aprendí un poco en Berkeley.
-Con el Profesor Harris? - No, con el Profesor Johnson.
-Dr. Johnson de Stanford? - Sólo la inducción
Porqué no le dices a las Pirañas la razón por la que te convertiste en su líder?
-De qué hablas? - Encontré tu diario
Leí tus notas, son de tu libro?
No te interesan las Pirañas, solo quieres escribir un libro sobre ellas
"Mi vida con las Pirañas" por Francine Kurtz? It's good
Sería un best-seller, un libro famoso...
Necesitas nuevo material para atraer lectores...
Quieres exponer la vida y los secretos de las Pirañas...
Y si Margo gana? -Pues... trajiste condones?
-Sí, en mi maleta -Los necesitaremos
Vas a exponer sus vidas y sus tradiciones para ganar popularidad...
Quien va a apostar por Margo?
Vamos 3:1 perdiendo la Dra. Kurtz. Alguien apuesta?
Sí estoy planeando un libro...
-Pero es algo investigativo - Mientes, Kurtz.
Pasaste tanto tiempo aquí que te has vuelto primitiva
Me sorprenden tus métodos para confundir y ganar...
Quieres hacer fama con simples observaciones que has hecho
Será mejor que te rindas porque te he descubierto
Explotar la cultura de las Pirañas para ganar publicidad
No comprendes...
-Francine... - Atrás
No comprendes...
Tuve que hacerlo
Estuve en el medio por 6 meses
El feminismo es tomado como una broma tonta
No sabes lo que es que David Leterman se burle de tus ideas...
Necesitaba algo más y pensé...
Que las pirañas, el canibalismo...
-Son cosas serias - Pero Francine ...
Sí he explotado a las Pirañas...
No sabes lo que es estar en David Letterman ...
Tan difícil!
Se burlaron...
Gracias a usted, Dr. Hunt, las mujeres de la jungla estamos unidas
Ahora deben reconsiderar sus relaciones con los hombres del lugar
Pues considerarlos algo más que un plato del menú...
Cambiaremos eso después de dialogarlo en las reuniones
-Suerte en su regreso - Adios
OK, ahí vamos
-Mi pistola? - Tu pistola...
Déjame llevarla hasta la barrera de la jungla
Ya sabes, sólo déjame llevarla un rato
Ya sabes que hay cosas que vigilar...
Thank you
Está cargada?
Después de una evaluación médica completa...
Tendrá una reunión con Nancy Reagan, al otro día...
Siguen los seminarios sobre relaciones...
Después la orientación política
Sí y luego vamos por el pez gordo
Afortunadamente, la Dra. Hunt aún no vendrá...
Sería divertido ver feministas contra feministas ...
It would be a good idea
Y tu esposa?
-Terminamos Oh!
Dr. Hunt, hace cuánto está ahí?
-No la escuché... - No me diga lo que ya sé
Francine me contó sobre sus planes futuros
Kurtz? La encontró?
David Letterman llamó y no sabemos qué decirle
Me temo que la Dra. Kurtz ha muerto...
Cómo murió?
Murió tratando de salvar la herencia de una tribu primitiva
No tan rápido profesora
Aún no hemos finished
-Su universidad - Nada pasará con ella...
Sólo que el ministerio de defensa trabajará por las feministas...
Y por las posibilidades de las mujeres en la milicia
-Está loca -Además, yo iré al show de David Letterman.
Le diré lo que sé sobre los militares y los asuntos de la Jungla de aguacates...
Y los condominios en Malibu, más los tratos con la revista Cosmopolitan
Me imagino la cara de sarcasmo de David al escucharme...
No lo hará...
No me provoque...
Dra. Hunt! Necesito hablar con usted
-Bani, qué ocurre? - Me casaré con Jim en 10 minutos y necesito su opinión...
Y debería ser una ama de casa sumisa por siempre?
-O estudiar y ser la primera presidenta? - Pues Bani ...
Es una decisión personal
Quisiera ser ama de casa pero...
-No quiero perder lo que me enseñó... - Bani...
No vivas para complacerme...
Debes hacer lo que mejor te parezca...
Siempre creí que cada mujer debe estudiar hasta donde le sea posible...
Y mejorar sus habilidades intelectuales lo más que pueda
Pero en tu caso....
-Es inútil... - Eso cree?
-Entonces debo casarme? - Si te hace felíz, sí
-Puedes darle la bendición? - No la presiones
Thank you
Me casaré con Jim aunque...
Me duele dejar de ser una de sus mejores estudiantes...
-Quien? -Yo!
No te preocupes, habrán más estudiantes..
Bueno me voy Dra. Hunt, adiós... atrápela
-Gracias por todo - Adiós
Jean Pierre, qué bueno verte, como van las clases?
Bien, he visto clases very interesting
Introducción al feminismo, comprensión de relaciones sociales, etc...
-Gracias por su ayuda, Dra. Hunt. - Es un placer
Llámame Margo.
Bus driver accused of raping 13-year-old student extradited - Duration: 0:56.
New Dinotrux Stego Storage Garby Playset Surprise Toys Dreamworks Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing Top 10 - Duration: 19:08.
okay today we have the gigantic storage carbine which has about 30 dinotrux in
her right now and we're gonna go ahead and take a look at the rest of my
collection which includes a lot of talking dinotrux
toys awesome so let's go ahead and take a look at Garvey first to see you again
today this is the cool one I just long cat toys for us this is dinotrux dango
storage Garvey you could fit up to 10 of the diecast characters in there
this thing has it is playset you could launch your vehicle's break down there
New Dinotrux Stego Storage Garby Playset Surprise Toys Dreamworks Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing Top 10
launch type rocks I'm gonna have my helper help me open this up today and
we're gonna go ahead and watch some vehicles for you guys it also comes with
a little tiny ty rux t-trux dinosaur trucks okay buddy let's go ahead and open up this new stego
storage Garvey are you excited dinotrux garby dinotrux revvit dinotrux skya dinotrux ton ton dinotrux ty rux, dinotrux D-Structs
Wow awesome okay open it up wow that looks cool okay let's go ahead and open
this up and check it out Wow Wow buddy look at all this whole big bags and
dinotrux toys we're gonna go ahead and launch
them down Garvey's RAM oh okay here it goes
tie-rocks Wow they go down the ramp in out of his
mouth wow it's dozer lunch him bunny cool Wow
it's Ton Ton go ahead and launch him yeah rocks go ahead
wow it's rolling on and here it goes D strong
here's another tie rocks in shadow tie rod and the snake wad in descriptor okay
who is this one sky ah and we have a drill a sword we got a dragon flop derp
oops and one of the rep tools and who is this one guys yay and this one is
a and we have Tuerto okay and we got rolled up and we have three scrappers
yeah and who's this one yay Garbi and this one is yeah welcome and we've
got to rep tools Wow great job by the end sapore okay now we're gonna watch
Wow that was a great job okay let's take a look at this giant Garbi first of all
you could attack prep tools to the outside here awesome and then you could
attack rep tools on the other side too so this storage container will really
hold a lot of rep tools hope that one that one took a while to get on there
okay so we will have three different rep tools there but as you can see this one
is a giant Garbi with a cool handle here that locks the tail flips off over there
so you can flip the tail down and then here is the other side and then you open
it up and let's check out the options inside ball saw so inside ok so inside
you can open it up right here and you have adjustable shelves inside here you
can move them back and forth so you can fit different size rep tools
or different-sized dinotrux so you will pull off three full-size
dinotrux characters in here three up them in there we'll go ahead and close
that then on this side we have storage for a bunch more dinos trucks so let's
see how many dino trucks we can fit into here to size and smaller ones so let's
see so we got room for specters over there then we've got room for more time
fitting in there then we could put tour tool and bar go over here and then let's
see how many we can fit on the other side
so you could plot smaller ones like Repsol's or you can put full sides
I just want to see how many I have to fit into the air Bobo they say Ted but I
think if you smash different size ones you could fit more so right now I've got
nineteen dinotrux and Reptoids let's see if we can go ahead and close this up oh
we closed it we fit nineteen of them in there how awesome is that
that is so cool and then here's a good look at the back so you could have them
come out the back here even with inset closed or you could go in here and it
can't really come out the Evolve right now
they would get stuck so you've got a really awesome carrying case here huge
RV Wow okay so we've got nineteen dyno trucks
inside and we have six rep tools on the outside Wow so right now we have 25 dyno
trucks that we could carry around on this awesome Garbi case that also rolls
how cool is trucks toys and take a closer look at them Wow
we have a lot of dino trucks toys here we are gonna have a lot of fun guys also
our guys I have unboxed all of these Vicki's toys here and done awesome like
Dino battles with Jurassic world and Jurassic Park dinosaurs so go ahead and
check out the dino trucks playlist at the end of this video
wow we're gonna have a lot of fun let's get started okay it's great to see you
again we're gonna have some awesome new dinotrux
toys to add to our collection and I will show you all these awesome toys in this
huge dino trucks surprise box of toys so here is the four that we opened today
and now let's go ahead and take a look at the box of these awesome dino trucks
toys wow this is a good addition to a lot of other ones we already have the
first toy we have is a giant talking rolling sky so if you push her
she lifts her head and makes different sounds and she also rolls and she's a
lot of fun and then the next one is a talking Boozer and then we have a giant
talking Garbi if you are you load balls into its mouth here and when you pull up
the back is shoot the balls off the back side and then of course there best one a
huge talking ty-rux toy when you push it
let's get building names tie rocks but you can go each eye
and then he has a giant swinging tail this guy and then we have a giant skya
place that this one on has a working book here that goes up and down her
mouth opens and closes you can lean her former to create a ramp for the Dino
truck toys to go flying down and flying up into the air so this set is a lot of
fun awesome and then we have a talking shadow this
one has like like a claw on the back you can use to pick stuff up and then up and
down here so this guy's and then we have a giant
d-structs place that if you do it on a certain amount of time his mouth will
snap shut
ah we have a talking taco trucks puppet tie-rocks
we got a giant talking rabbit with a spinning bit up here you could change
out two different bit and he has a tape measure ton another talking tie-rocks
we've got a big rolling ton ton if you roll him his back groups of the
Don and his head also pullback d-structs if you pull him back here run and also
his mouths we move up and down I also have reviews of all their story sets and
a lot of die cast figures let's see who we've got
okay first we got the die cast Garbi die cast Ton Ton we've got a big die cast
ty-rux another smaller die cast ty-rux and still another die cast ty-rux
we've got to die cast d-structs and then we have two more die cast ty-rux figures
so we actually have five die cast ty-rux figures some are different this one's a
really nice shiny one that came with one of the sets and then we have a die cast
skya we've got a die cast dozer a die cast rolling on
die-cast Ton Ton we've looked like four diecast rabbits another diecast Ton Ton
so we've got two of those tore tool we've got three diecast tor tools the
reason I have so many doubles and triples is some of these come in sets so
that is pretty cool and then a scrap grapa dactyl well actually this is uh I
believe this is Scarpa dactyl I apologize this is Scarpa dactyl so this
guy is really cool we've got three scrap ters here
this one actually rolls and then we have a diecast Waldo and a couple other
miscellaneous diecast ones so you can see here I got a huge pile these are all
all my diecast dinotrux figures so I got a lot of them besides the big talking at
once so like I said if you go to the end of this video I've got full reviews of
all of these unboxing them and also fun story lines where they have to protect
themselves from Jurassic world dinosaurs and it's a lot of fun okay guys so this
was our awesome dino trucks dinosaur zoo if you enjoyed it make sure you click
like drop me comments what other toys you want to see reviewed because I do
follow I do listen to people's suggestions and many times the toys they
want to see reviewed I end up reviewing guys I love doing this this
my job I love doing my job and you could help to support my channel to see more
awesome toys simply by viewing and dropping me comments letting me know
what you liked what you didn't like so I know which toys do buy wow that's a lot
of fun guys this is my job I love doing my job
and if you do like dinotrux toys I'll have a link below the video where you
could buy some of them wow you are awesome and I will see you
tomorrow click the subscribe button below for a
lot more fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make
a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to
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Chocolate in puff pastry. With a quick dessert for tea - Duration: 1:10.
Jeep Wrangler Mopar Slush All Weather Front & Rear Floor Mats (2007-2013 JK 4-Door) Review & Install - Duration: 3:42.
These Mopar slush all-weather floor mats for the front and rear of your 2007 to 2013 4-door
JK are for those of you that are looking for a floor mat in order to help protect your
interior, help protect that carpet and also give your Jeep a more custom and a more finished
off look.
This, of course, is going to install very, very easily into your Jeep.
A floor mat is hardly an installation at all.
They'll just drop right into place, but we'll talk a little bit more about that in just
a second.
Now in the world of floor mats, there are going to be a lot of options out there and
a lot of them are actually going to be more expensive than this.
And I'm a little bit surprised by that because these are Mopar, these have the Jeep logo
on them which usually will drive the cost up quite a bit.
However, these are still gonna be very affordable when you compare them to a lot of the top
tier, really premium floor mats on the market.
Now, those premium floor mats are going to be a little bit better molded to the interior
of your Jeep.
They're really going to follow every contour of the inside of the tub.
They're gonna wrap up on the sides so if you do have any spills, rain, mud, melting snow,
whatever it might be, it's gonna get captured a little bit better in some of those more
premium floor mats, so there is a reason that those are going to be a little bit more expensive.
However, if you're looking for the type of protection that these offer, which is going
to be for sand, dust, dirt, rocks, any normal stuff, not those more extreme conditions and
you also like the fact that this has the tire tread, this has the Jeep logo, this is a Mopar
piece, I do think these are going to be pretty affordable for what you're gonna get.
These floor mats are made of a thick, rubber material like I mentioned before.
They have this tire tread over a cracked ground design on it.
They do have that Jeep logo and you're gonna get three floor mats here, one for the front
driver, one for the front passenger, and one large one for the rear seats that's going
to span over top of the trans tunnel, as you can see here.
This one in the back is going to have all the cut-outs for all of your seat brackets,
so it's gonna fit very, very nicely.
The ones in the front are going to have a couple of spots where they'll clip into that
factory carpeting for some nice retention so they're not going to move around.
And on the back side of these, they do have some rubber nibs built into them as well,
which is going to help to grab onto the carpet and really keep them from sliding around.
If you've had a set of floor mats that doesn't have any sort of retention, you'll know that
it only takes a couple times of getting in and out of your vehicle before that floor
mat starts to slide up and underneath the pedals, which is not only annoying but can
end up being dangerous.
So these having some good retention is something I really like.
As you can imagine, a floor mat isn't much of an install at all, you're just gonna throw
the rear one into place, the front ones, a little bit more of an install because they
do have this spot here for retention where they're gonna clip right into that factory
carpeting, but not much to it at all.
A very simple job that'll take less than five minutes.
This set of all-weather slush mats comes in at right around $100 and like I said before,
I do think that's a pretty good deal.
A lot of the premium floor mats on the market are going to be more expensive than that.
With these, it's only $100 for something that's very high-quality.
This is a nice thick floor mat and it is a Mopar branded floor mat that has the Jeep
logo in it which generally you have to pay a premium for, but here you're still getting
them for a very fair price.
So if you're looking for a quality set of floor mats for the interior of your Jeep,
I definitely recommend taking a look at these all-weather slush mats from Mopar and you
can find it right here at
Whitefish Defends Contract In Puerto Rico Amid Controversy | MSNBC - Duration: 8:29.
"Gran Oportunidad", ¡entérate los detalles de la final! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:24.
Descubre quiénes fueron los mejores vestidos de los LAMAs | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:14.
Football Player Devon Still Completes The Final Pass To Tackle Cancer | TODAY - Duration: 4:08.
방탄소년단 DNA 한류를 이끈다|NVM TV - Duration: 5:53.
✔Triple Your Internet Speed By Using DNS Server✔Internet Tips✔150Mbps to 1000Mbps - Duration: 2:15.
Hello guys!
What's up?
I come back with another tech video.
In this video I'm going to show you
Increase your internet speed
by using DNS server.
It's very easy to do that.
Just follow my instruction
and increase your internet speed
by using DNS server.
So, let's take a look.
At first go to control panel.
Then go to Network and sharing center
Here you find
which internet you're connected at your pc/laptop.
which network you're connected,
Then click on this.
Then go to properties.
Then select Internet Protocol version 4
and go to properties
After typing DNS server
Then press ok.
and close it.
And this make your internet speed
Triple than before.
I hope that will work
on your internet connection.
That's it.
Thank you for watching this video.
My name is SALIM KHAN.
You're watching Computer Repair.
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