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Independent Tv News 31 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News Bangla - Duration: 11:18.
Independent Tv News 31 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News Bangla.
BitMinutes White Paper Quote ✅ ICO IS LIVE on www.bitminutes.com ✅ - Duration: 1:16.
Learning Street With Bob The Train | Letter E and Letter D | Word Play | Learning Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 3:30.
Hi kids!
Guess who is there..
Yes its' me bob..
Join me for learning street with bob
Hey kids, Today, we are going to learn to make simple words that end with 'e' and 'd' in a fun way.
Without letters to play It can be a dull day
So let's all together learn and churn words that make 'e' and 'd' fun
'e' and 'd' make 'ed' that's 'ed' 'ed' 'ed'
'e' and 'd' make 'ed' that's 'ed' 'ed' 'ed'
With 'b' they turn to 'bed' at night, you go to bed
Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed
With 'f' they turn to 'fed' I fed my dog some bread.
Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed
With 'l' they turn to 'led' I led the way in the dark
Led Led Led Led Led Led
With 'r' they turn to 'red' Fire Engines are always Red
Red Red Red Red Red Red
With 'w' they turn to 'wed' another word for married is wed
Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed
"E' and 'D' made our day they are so much fun to play
Lots of words they helped us make they deserve a pat and a cake
Wow we have learnt a lot of words today ending with 'e' and 'd'. Bed, Fed, Led, Red and Wed .
Wasn't that fun kids? Thank you 'e' and 'd'. That's all for today, kids. Hope you had a great time!
We'll be back soon to discover and learn new words.
Till then adios!
How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus At Home│ Toenail Fungus Remedy - Duration: 3:11.
How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus.
Toenail fungus causes are no laughing matter.
The fact is that about 12% of the population in developed countries is afflicted with some
degree of toenail fungus.
There are a handful of clear methods that people can use to prevent catching a toenail
fungus infection.
In this video, I review the best practices and suggestions for never developing nail
fungus of any kind.
Please click the subscribe button and the bell icon for more videos.
Baking Soda.
Baking soda will not kill the fungus, but it can effectively prevent fungus from growing
and spreading.
Plus, it helps by alkalizing pH level of the skin.
Mix two parts baking soda and one part warm water to make a paste.
Apply the paste on the infected toenail using a cotton ball.
Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
Repeat twice a day for about a month.
Garlic contains the antifungal compound, which is very effective against toenail fungus.
mix two to three freshly crushed garlic cloves with olive oil.
Rub the mixture on the affected area with a cotton ball.
To keep the mixture in place, wrap the infected toenail with a gauze bandage.
Keep it on for several hours and then rinse with lukewarm water.
Follow this remedy once or twice daily for several weeks.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus due to the presence
of antimicrobial properties.
Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water.
Soak the infected toenail in this solution for half an hour.
When done, pat dry your toenail thoroughly.
You can even use a hair dryer to remove all the moisture in and around the toes.
Apply this once daily for a few weeks.
Tea Tree Oil.
Tea tree oil has antifungal as well as antiseptic properties that help kill the fungus infecting
your toenail.
Put four or five drops of tea tree oil in a small tub filled with lukewarm water.
Soak your feet in the solution for 15 minutes, and then pat dry thoroughly.
Apply this twice daily for a month.
Oregano Oil.
Oregano oil has antiseptic as well as antifungal properties that help treat toenail fungus.
Mix four to five drops of oregano oil in two teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil.
Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the infected toenail.
Leave it on for 10 minutes and Use a toothbrush to gently scrub away the uppermost layer of
the nail.
Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Follow this remedy at least once daily for three weeks.
CHUTNEY FOR MYSORE MASALA DOSA-RED CHUTNEY II मैसूर मसाला डोसा के लिए लात चटनी II BY VIJAYALAKSHMI I - Duration: 3:56.
Hi this is Vijaya & welcome to Vijaya's recipes
Today we'll make a chutney recipe which we use in Mysore Masala Dosa
That is Red Chutney, which is very easy to make, requires less ingredients and prepared very fast
So let's make Red Chutney for Mysore Masala Dosa
To make Red Chutney for Mysore Masala Dosa we've taken 1 Cup Roasted Bengal Gram
2 Finely Chopped Onion, 8-10 Dry Red Chillies
1 Lemon, 3 tbsp Cooking Oil, Salt to taste
1 tsp Turmeric Powder
8-10 Garlic Cloves
1 Inch Finely Chopped Ginger
So let's make Red Chutney for Mysore Masala Dosa
Turn on the flame and pour Cooking oil in to the pan
Adding Bengal Gram
Onions (Optional)
Mix it well
Adding Dry Red Chillies & Turmeric Powder
Mix it well
We've roasted it well for 5 mins and now we'll turn of the flame
Once its cool down we'll grind it
Now its completely cool down & now we'll grind it
Adding little bit of Water in it
Mix it well
We'll grind the chutney
Chutney is ready and we'll serve it into the bowl
We've taken out the chutney in a bowl and now we'll squeeze lemon into it
Mix it well
Here we have our chutney is ready
If you like our today's recipe then do try this
We've given detailed method of preparation and ingredients
Do like and share our videos also subscribe to our channel
And for more such recipes, please visit our website "vijayasrecipes.com"
Thanks a lot for watching & see you in our next video.
সরাসরি..আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি লাইভ ৩১ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ - Duration: 16:37.
bangladesh news 24
How To Unlock iPhone 8 - Duration: 3:05.
Badsha | বাদশা | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Bikash Roy - Duration: 1:58:11.
Cast :
Music Director :
Screeplay & Director :
Horrible Robbery at Nandanpur
Hallo. . . . yes. .
yes. . . Greetings Sir,
What the hell you people are doing?
Yes sir . . . Anandabazar. . .
Well enought. . . the fame of police activities
You must be aware the incident of snaching
Did you over slept during the incident?
Not exactly Sir. . . I mean. . .
Don't you utter a bullshit...
such an ordinary mischief. . .
Sir, Badsha is not a ordinary mischief...
...horrible type . . .
I see. . and so you hide yourself from all tensiion...
No Sir. . . we've already arrested
Yes I know. . a crowed caught that mischief and
worthless. . .
but Sir, we. . . .
yes Sir . . .
That hooligan must be arrested at any cost. .
Otherwise you'll be demoted for not doing the same.
Ar you going out?
Police is behind us . . .
Seth Ramlaal. . .
Hallo Ramlaal. . . What's up?
Brother Badsha. . .
shut up. . .
Address me as Master
Oh..yes. . forgive my mistake. .
Master. . . I'm in deep trouble with those materials.
I really couldn't arrange anything to get the value.
Again those lame excuses?
Ramlaal. . .
Do you really know me?
What odd are you asking Master?
I'm saying true, Master. . .
All those ornaments are made of real gold.
Listen Ramlaal. . . .
I hardly need some money. . .
police has escorted the area and ambushed.
Fine Master. . . I'll arrange some money for you.
Five Thousand . . .
Five Thousand?
I'll surely get die Master. . .
Ramlaal. . . I extremely need that money by today night.
I shall be waiting around outhouse and
Understand . . Master
I must go . . .
You mean the outhouse at the river edge?
Exactly so. . .
Master . . .
Are you arranging any dance programme or cocktail party?
Remamber. . Ramlaal
We will seat for accounts later.
That is obvious. . .
Five Thousand . . .
Seth Ji.. you'll also need to go with us.
He will defenetely kill me. .
I already described the address of outhouse.
If Badsha somehow noticed alongwith with the force,
When he will get that oppertunity?
You don't have to worry any more.
Everything is ready?
Let's move now Seth Ji. .
Take care me Oh God. . .
Any news of Ramlaal?
Master . . . Master
Get ready to escape. . .
Beech . . . Unfaithful,. .cheater...
Move toards roof. . .
Get the rope right now.
Bring the rope. . . . make it fast.
You escort the house from behind with your team.
You come with me. . .
Listen . . .Run through the edge of the river.
Sir this way. . .
Where is Badsha? Tell me quick.
I don't know Sir.
Watch that side. . .
Sir. . . Badsha escaped.
Force, you need to escort the whole house,
Seems very smart. . .
I'm terribly tensed now. . he will surely kill me.
Don't disturb during our duty. . .
Oh God. . what kind of fate is waiting for me
In spite of coming with full force you unable to arrest Badsha?
Now Badsha will surely kill me.
That hooligan is running. . . catch him.
Fire . . .
mannu . . . Mannu . .
Get me the smoke..
Master have one. .
Come . . .
Newspaper has published a picture of Master.
Let me see it once.
What's written on it?
They have valued my old picture Ten Thousand.
shall I rush to inform police right now?
What crazy are you doing?
How changed I'm looking. . .
Even I can't identify myself then how police?
Badsha is finished. . henceforth I'm Payaralal.
You idiote. . . why not replying me?
Come in . . Sir. Please take your seat.
How wonder. . .
You made the whole house a zoo for others.
Nothing to compare with you and animals.
Have a cigerette . . . .
But don't refuse me to pay,
What about another follow? That murderer,
As you're covered face no one can recognise you.
Come out. . . let me see your face.
Now you're looking exactly, which suits to you.
and which does not match with civilized people.
Don't say that way Master, Badsha will be upset.
Don't you utter a single word in favor of Badsha.
If you have so much ffriendship
Moreover medicine, altogether
Doctor please don't get angry for his word.
Both of you are under same mental state.
No more cut jokes.
Due to my accident I am unable to earn money presently, whatever in stock gone to pay medicine bill, how do I arrangge money right now?
I don't want to listen same story.
Stealing, killing whatever may be your source of incoem,
This is my final warning to you.
I wish, if could kill them by poisoneous injection.
So mean minded.
I'm bedridden since three months,
Now needs to go out for earning money..
I'm well enough.
Joy Bharat Steam Nevigation Co Ltd. organising
Master,. . .. police is searching you. .
they were asking nearby the shop,
sound of storm . . .
Don't get upset. my dear. .
Nothing is in our hand.
om jabakushumo sankashan
dhantariing sarvapapaghna
Jilabi for twenty five paise.
Do you have milk?
that poor child is in empty stomac since last night.
Give me one litre milk.
Where will you take?
My son. . .
He has got temparature
My son . . . my child . . .
My child . . drink some milk.
Don't tell me to go. Mintu is here,..
Listen to dear . . .
You won't get him back with tears.
What has happened to them?
now they are returning back without their only son
Raja . .
Raja Bhai. . when did you get so much sick?
When did you?
Will tell you later. .
Doctor. . . dorcor
Who is it?
I am Badsha. .
You have to visit once at my home. .
Do you know the time right now?
I agree. . .
Rikshaw fare in addition...
When you are agree with all condition then let me prepare.
A hooligan. .
Me hooligan?
I didn't mention that to you. .
I won't go. . you think of myself a foolish?
What a problem arise. . .
I won't go. . get out right now.
Listen Doctor.. I didn't mention that to you. . .
Am I a hooligan? Well . . then I'll do like that.
Twenty rupees. . . can you afford that?
I'll pay. . .
Who is the patient?
High temparature. . can't even speak at this moment.
That intoxicated mad? Breathing trouble?
Doctor. . .
What are you saying Doctor?
He made me cure when I was injured.
Just realize his golden heart.
You can't get such a golden heart against money.
I do agree with your words. . .
Wealth and heart will never be available together.
Stop here. . .
Why the dog is weeping? Let's see there.
Doctor. . . .
Check once more properly. .
No need to check properly any more.
He died as like his golden heart.
It has been said. . .even animals pay
Just observe. . you won't find anywhere this pure tears.
You get ready to arrange for next duties.
Who is that one?
He is my son. . tremendous fever.
Your Son?
You such a mischiefeous face & he is bundle of jesmine. .
Is he your son?
Your wife? Even you're married too.
I don't know which family was
No worry, temparature due to cold and caugh.
Did you kidnapped someone's child?
Come tomorrow at my chamber for medicine,
Why are you becoming so upset?
I an't carry on like this. . .
It's making me tremendous weak.
Why are you disturbing that way?
Temparature is truly high. . arrange for wet cloth.
Some water and a piece of cloth. . my foot.
Is this a piece of cloth?
Look, this way put it on his forehead
Give some good medicine. .
The temparature may increase.
how long will you be in sleepy
the darkness disappear in presence of sun rays. . .
deep realisation will make you
the opperktunity to show your humanity is knocking . . .
How long will you be in sleepy
the light of sun rays will wipe of all the darkness of sin.
the light of sun rays will wipe of all the darkness of sin.
Open your heart to spread love for everyone
Bapi . . . Bapi. . . .
My chile . . . my son. .
You also have. .
Have some water. . .
Oaky my son, . . . lay down.
You're my nice child. . .
get sleep okay. . .
Don't shout. . .take out money right now.
Bapi . . . Bapi. .
You are crying for me?
You stop. . . stop. .
why are you escaping?
There are so many dieseas and I spread my net
Why I won't pay your fees?
It seems you are completely okay now.
Greetings Doctor.
Let me see your tongue
He is completely cure now. . .
I guess you'll train this chile as per you profession.
Not at all Doctor. .
Even I'll give up my profession too.
Don't utter a bullshit. . .A leapord
that is upto you. . .
Here it is . . . .
Only five rupees? Are you joaking?
I know Doctor, but please accept
How do you say fund crunch? Where as you can earn
The dieseas has no mercy at all. . .
Up you leg. . . .
What are you donig my son. . .
He float away in front of my eyes.
Couldn't do anything. .
So he could hurt you like this.
Please don't say that word.
now I wonder if he could save Mintu instead of me.
Go and see what fuss have they done again.
Again you're playing with the valuables?
No one become civilized.
Let me look into it.
Why me? I didn't touch anything.
Such a nice flower vase. . .
Not at all, you must not give them indulgence.
Master... what is you plan with this child and your profession?
No other option. .
But how do you carry on?
As you know my profession.and earning....
I can't even feed them twice,
Mamata. . . I'm thinking few days to say somthing,
What is it?
You will be happy as your substitute of Mintu and
I'm so furtunate?
It's my pleasure to hand over you for his welfare.
Mahesh Babu. . . I have no words to express my gratitude
You saved Mamata
It was an internal wish of mine which I couldn't say.
He is disturbing me continuously. . .
Come over here.
Listen. . henceforth you'll stay here with Aunty.
Aunty will give you many toys. . .
Cartainly...she will get you cycle with
and call Aunty as Maa (mother)
Go and ask Aunty for your cycle.
Will you give me?
In the name of God I'm handover Bakul to you.
I'll take care of Bakul.
I'm very much hungry. .
Wait for a while my son. .
Why don't you go, I'm very much hungry.
Okay my son. . .
When will you go? I'm extremely hungry.
please go right now, I'm hungry too much.
Go inside. . .
Master . . .
Can you lend me some. . .
Take care of the child, he is alone there.
Move, come again tomorrow to get injection.
Three time daily.
Now you tell me waiting since long..
You have to do me favour. . .
What is that?
You make my face complete change
Scoundrel. . what do you think of myself?
You insist me to operate without any reason?
How dare you asking me to do?
You so mean, uncivilized . . wish to thrown you out.
Any job to do? . . .
you need any labour?
Who are you my son? Who left you
Why are you crying my son?
Come with me. . .
Give this child some puffed rice and sweets.
Come quick. . .
Keep it there
Slow down. . .you'll destroy all my belongings.
Are you not happy with this?
Will you give the whole money?
Okay no need . . .
Where did you get this food?
You begged ? . . .
leave him.. don't beat to kill him.
A son of Badsha can't beg and doesn't care anything.
I carry baggage to arrange food for him. . .
and he couldn't wait for a while. .
What is his fault?
feed him well and don't scold.
My son. . never beg to anyone. . .
Nothing is shameful than begging.
What are you doing Bakul?
Do you know the picture of whom?
That is your brother's picture.
At heaven. . .
Bakul . . . be careful...you'll get down.
the red hemp macaw has place order
the red hemp macaw has place order
sari with parrot color and red border.
hence she angry and upset too. . .
sari with parrot color and red border.
hence she angry and upset too. . .
what else can I offer to achieve your smile face.
if you want to grow up from child to youth . . .
be attentive and continue your study
if you want to grow up from child to youth . . .
be attentive and continue your study
No one likes a naughty child. . .
the red hemp macaw has place order
the red hemp macaw has place order
Woh Master Ji. . Woh!
Now you have to stop singing. . .
did you bring for others?
Feed them too. .
have sufficient food. .
Anything left for you?
My son. . are you having properly?
My son. . now finish your dinner quick, already too late.
come and enjoy the variant piece of tricks by Payarilal.
won't get the oppertunity twice. . . .
enjoy the tricks of Payarilal. . .
watch the dance form of animals with the tune hand clap.. . .
enjoy the tricks of Payarilal. . .
the bride feels shy with the make up of anklet and skirt. .
the bride will perform variant form of dance. . .
the bride feels shy with the make up of anklet and skirt. .
the bride will perform variant form of dance. . .
O bride show your dance. . .
the crowd pay huge tips to see the performance
enjoy the tricks of Payarilal. . .
come and enjoy the variant piece of tricks by Payarilal.
the monkey bride will get marry to nanny goat . .
then the bride will whispers for long.
the monkey bride will get marry to nanny goat . .
then the bride will whispers for long.
Buddhu say somthing . . .
will realise the tantrums of partner after marriage . . .
come and enjoy the variant piece of tricks by Payarilal.
Bring more bread . . . .
Give him too. . . okay.
Master. . can't recognise me? Ratna. . .
Who is Ratna? I don't know.
I guess you're Badsha. .
Have you finished? let's go. .
How much?
Bapi . who is that person?
Two tea. . .
let's go. . already late, will take a taxi
Any mistake done by me to recognise?
Okay. . move.
You can't recognise me? Ratna. . .
Bapi. . have your tea. . already too late.
I'm not well, feeling pain througout whole body ..
Feverish feeling. . .
Won't you go out for circus.
No my son. . .
I said I'm not feeling good. . .
Give me tea.
Let's do one thing.
It' a fun toshow isn't it?
don't go too far.
Come to me. . .
Don't go too far and come back soon.
Will you show your tricks?
How much your charge?
listen my brother a funny tale . . .
my friends are asking . . .
listen my brother a funny tale . . .
every child are seen cared and fond by their mother.
every child are seen cared and fond by their mother.
no need to get upset and better forget the pain.
listen my brother a funny tale . . .
you all are my substiture of mother. . .
you all are my substiture of mother. . .
so I would love to carry on rest of my life with you.
listen my brother a funny taley . . .
my friends are asking . . .
listen my brother a funny tale . . .
I've no change to return you.
then shall I start again from the beginning?
Then I'll come some other day.
Mother. . can you arrange me some water?
Go and fetch some sweets and water.
What's your name?
Your parents?
My Dad is a big show player
First have some sweets then drink water.
No, I need only water not sweets.
Have the water. .
Bishnu. . listen here. . .
Bacchu went out earlly this morning
Don't worry, he is enough matured now.
Don't be tensed, he will come back.
My poor son. . empty stomack since morning.
Hey. . listen
I've seen you at Payaralal's house..
Where do you stay?
I've earned Two Hundred. . . see.
I'm upset for you.
Why did you became so late?
when will you go?
Today i met that unknown person
Which person?
What did he say?
let's go inside. . .
Now we have to plan for big show.
We need a camp so that we can earn
That will decided later, now get sleep.
I'm not sleepy at all.
withou lay down how will you sleep.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Now you have recognised me.
What do you need here?
Wait . . . . . I'll back.
Who is that person?
He is known to me.
Shut the door, I'll come back soon.
Come with me. . .
What do you need to say?
Before that have a smoke.
Don't smoke now, given up.
You completely changed yourself.
Ratna . . .
It's midnight now. . my son is alone there.
Son?. . where did you collect him?
My son . . .
Who is her mother?
What do you want?
Share. . .
Ramlaal is dead.
I was behind bar that time.
Arrange me some money, it's very hard time for me.
I said Ramlaal is dead.
I don't want to listen anything, I need my share.
I'll kill you, if you ask for share again.
I'll show you my capabillity.
What has happened to you?
Bacchu. . . You promise me not to leave me ever.
If with the help of power?
Give me some water. . .
I'm suddently become sick. . .
I couldn't realize.
You lay down here, I'll take care.
Hallo. . . make it quick.
Master . . .
Police . . .
Yes. . alongwith Ratna. .
May arrive here any moment.
Bacchu . . .
Babuji . . .
Where are you going?
He need to stay apart to do some urgent job.
No he will not go, he is sick.
Bacchu. . . my son. .
please allow me go.
Babuji. . please don't go leaving me along.
Listen to me. . .
I have to go, no other option.
You please leave me, enemy is behind me.
I'll defenetely come back after some days.
Please take care of Bacchu. .
Babuji . . .
Have the milk
No my son. . . this is for you.
No I can't take. . .
Come in Sir. . .
He has gone out.
You ask him according you way, Sir. . .
Why don't you answar?
You don't worry Sir, He will certainly
I'll keep an eye on it and inform you at the right time.
Well then. . Okay.
We need to catch that person.
inviting all to enjoy the tricks and stunts of Payarilal . .
inviting all to enjoy the tricks and stunts of Payarilal . .
won't get the oppertunity twice . .
what's the reason for angry and upset. . .
why your face look gloomy. . .
must be angry for an argument with your partner
share the reason for your annoyance
it's a big trouble to manage a bride-groom
come to enjoy the stunts and tricks of Payarilal.
suggest me how to get back home without earning. . .
promise to get you a attractive saree from market. .
will you show your dance. . .
will reallise the situation to carry on if don't earn money.
enjoy to see the stunts and tricks of Payarilal. . .
enjoy to see the stunts and tricks of Payarilal. . .
Hai. . child
Where is Badsha?
Answar me quick otherwise I know how get that.
I already said don't know. .
That is nothing. .
Master. . . police is asking about you everyday, go away.
Bacchu. . .
Listen. . I find out a new shelter to stay. .
You arrange to come alongwith Bacchu and all
I shall be waiting there.
I'll take care of Bacchu, no worry. . . leave now.
Bacchu. . .
I became late my son.
I find out a new place where I'll take you soon.
Let's go right now, I won't stay here any more.
Already described my friend he will arrange everything.
Now allow me go.
Hang on. . .
Hold it streight . . .
What happened Babuji. . .
I'm okay my son.
As I come with bit sickness and some fever. . .
You better lay down. . .
Bacchu. . . you're mine. . . only son of mine.
Bacchu . . .
Let me go to call a doctor.
What's the need to call a doctor?
Otherwise you won't get well.
I'll back soon.
I'll be back soon with a doctor, you take care of him.
Why're you shouting so much, am I deaf?
Please come right now, Bapi is seriously ill.
You must be that fellow. . son of great Badsha.
What did you say?
Can you afford to pay my fees.
yes I can
Now both of started earning huge money by stealing.
No. . . .I've nosuch habit.
Then what else you do?
No . . by showing my tricks. . .
Please don't do any more delay
If you donn't go right now. . .
Why are you crying?
Okay,. . I'll go.. . .no need to cry.
But remember my fees.
Rupees Ten,. . can you afford?
Yes doctor. . I'll do.
Just wonderful . . .marvelous. . .
You made the dieseas according to your name.
Do you know the dieseas?
Yes i know Doctor. . .
Now be ready to go for another world.
Please prescribe for medicine. . .
Do you know the price for this kind of dieseas?
Not only medicine, there is also my fees involve. .
Twenty rupees in stock, will it do?
You take these all, only you do a favour to get him well.
Come with me for medicine. .
you take the money. . .
How does such a rich people here?
He is unable to earn now,
Follow me. . . such a invited problem.
Can't you clean my shoe properly. .
Your shoe is properly cleaned. .
I won't go to school
He put me a shabby uncleaned shoe
This is unfair Bakul. .
You manage it anyway today,
Get him reach at school.. .
Again Bakul is pretending to attend school.
His tantrums are increasing with his maturity.
I feel for Mintu now, would have been like Bakul now.
No one can controol his fate.
What's use of getting upset now.
I'm leaving.
Have this medicine.
Hard earned money is wasting for medicine.
Don't say this Bapi. . .Have the fruits now.
Have you all taken food?
Yes we will have just now. .
I'm occupying the fate of real Badsha. . medicine,
Bacchu is you real son.
I am worred for Bacchu in absence of me.
Why are you thinking like that?
Npw have the food and get sleep.
What can be done, no money in stock.
Give some idea
But how can I go out leaving Bapi alone in this condition.
I understand you too, but problem is Bapi.
Both of you take care of Bapi. . .
What do you want here?
Will you buy this necklace?
Where did you get this?
You hand over money then I'll give. . .
Did you steal that?
Where did you steal that?
I didn't steal, this is mine. .
You thief. . .
Vacate the place . .
Let me see you wounds.
I'm quite okay. . .
They are blaming me without any reason.
I'm not telling lie,
Hand ove to police, everything will be solved.
All you stop creating fuss, I'll arrange his first aid.
Come with me, child.
Start the car.
You left him without handing over to police.?
Mamata . . . Mamata . . .
Let me see your wounds . . .
I'm perfectly Okay. . please allow me to go. . .
This fellow suddenly came in front of my car. . .
so I take him here. . get some iodine
Don't you came on that day to show your tricks.
Yes Mother. . they spread the remour and run behind me.
What is it? . . .
What is it Mamata?
Belong to Mintu? Let me see once. . .
Embossed name Mintu one side and Ganga on the othe side.
You are correct. . . . then?
Where did you get this necklace?. . .Tell me right now.
I didn't steal . . Mother. .
Tell my son. . where did you get this?
In the casket inside of my Bapi's bag.
My Bapi is Payaralal. . we show tricks with animals on road.
he is a good performer to show tricks.
If you want to ask my Bapi, come with me to verify.
You better go with him and verify the fact. . .
Come with me. . .
please come. . we stay here.
please come. . .
Why are you waiting?
My Bapi is seriously ill...
Believe me, what I'm saying is fact. . I didn't steal.
I wanted to sell out the necklace without informing Bapi,
Therre is one pair bangle too.
Bangle? Can you show that?
Promise me you won't say anything to Bapi.
I knew. . you will certainly recover.
now let me check you pulse.
Bapi . . .
Bacchu . . .
Wher you have been?
Bapi I wanted to sell the necklace you kept in the casket.
They are blaming that I've stolen that.
Which necllace?
Where did you get this necklace?
I am asking you repeatedly.
Why aren't you answaring me?
Why do you silent, answar the question.
How will he answar? He must be cheating somewhere.
Now he is honest for few years but
Who are you?
Bacchu you go out for a while. .
Listen my son. . . go out for a while.
Yes Sir. . what do you need to know?
I didn't steal that necklace. . .
Then where did you get that necklace?
At the Ganga Sagar Fair. . .
How does it?
Does that fellow wearing this necklace and bangle?
don't be hurry. . . I'll say everything.
Did you kill him?
Then what did you do?
But who are you?
He is my son. . .
Is that your son?
He is alive. .
That fellow named Bacchu is your son.
Bacchu. . .my son. . where has he gone?
Bacchu. . . Bacchu. . . my son.
Bapi . . . did you call me?
Mintu . . .
Mintu. . . leave me. . .Bapi
I'm not Mintu. . . I'm Bacchu. . .
Please come with me . . .my son.
Bapi . . . .
I'm not Mintu. . . I'm Bacchu. . .
Listen to me . . my son.
I am no one for you my son. . .
I'am not your reall father . . .
You are my only father. . .
Bravo . . . wonderful
You were a thief, hooligan. . but this
I salute you Badsha . . .
A thief has become a man. . .
Miracle. . . A thief has become a man.
bacchu my son listen to me. . .
You go with him. . .
No. . Bapi. . .
he is your real father. . .and you are his real son.
Take him Sir, Take your own son.
I couldn't grew him up comfortably.
I couldn't feed him properly.
But muy love and affection was not less than my own son.
But I never hurt him conciously.
get back to your own parents. .
Go to your own parents. . .
You are getting me out from you.
Mintu . . .
Listen my son. . go with him. . .
Okay. . I'm going. . I won't come back even call me ever..
Come. . . let's go. . .
don't get upset my son . . .let's go home. . ..
What are you starring at me. . Bacchu has gone.
Mamata. . Mamata. . where are you?
Mintu. . . our Mintu. . .
What are you looking? This is our Mintu . . .
Mintu . . . my son. .
Mintu. . where you have been for so long?
My beloved Mintu. . has come back. .
Don't get upset. . he will never come, he is no more for us.
He won't come back to us, no more for us.
He got his parents now, will never come.
Payarilal. . . . .
It's you . . .
Why are you here again? What do you want now?
Whatever you may be thief or dacoit. .
Mintu is our only son, I can't describe his mother's condition
It's quite unbelilevable that he is
Whatever may be the past, you have to accept these money
Take these money Payarilal. . .
Money . . .
Don't show off your money. . I'll kill you. .
This is your room, you'll stay here.
all these are yours. .
You'll get all your chilhood toys inside the almirah.
What else do you want now?
Need a new cycle?
Well, tomorrow I'll tell your father to arrange a cycle for you.
Now go to bed.
My beloved. . get sleep.
Bacchu. . my son. . .
Munnu. . . you? . . . .wait.
I'm unable to open. . . it's closed.
Munnu . . . Munnu. . .
Are you giving correct information?
yes Sir. . this time we must catch him.
What happened?
Where can he go at this midnight?
Let me see. . .
Bapi . . . .
Bapi . . .
Bapi . . look. . I'm back again. .
speak up Bapi. . . response. .
Master. . . Master
Mintu . . . .
Mintu . . .
Sir . . this is Badsha. . .
Wait. . you don't need to do that. .
Sir. . Badsha againt cheat all of us.
The King is dead. . . long live the King. .
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