Shriya Sharma Become Big In 16 Years Later And She Looks Extremely Beautiful NOW!
For more infomation >> Shriya Sharma Become Big In 16 Years Later And She Looks Extremely Beautiful NOW! - Duration: 5:17.-------------------------------------------
Lola La Vache - Comptines pour bébé avec animaux - Duration: 34:49.
Wie MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 Federn hinten wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:43.
Use an end bit №10 and a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16
Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a socket №E14 and a combination spanner №16
Korea's Vlog EP.5 - LET'S DRINK ! (30 FREE BOTTLES OF SOJU) - Duration: 5:25.
- *Speaking French* Hey, what's up ?
- Fuck
Shit !
- Beef
- French... and Baguette
- Cheese - Restaurant
- Eiffel Tower
- *Singing the French Anthem*
Doraemon Wii Game #272[ドラえもんWiiゲーム]信田は、🎃Nobita trêu đùa Shizuka 🎃 Nobita tries to tease Shizuka - Duration: 14:42.
JJRC H47 Foldable Drone Review - Duration: 3:03.
Hello this is a very quick look at the JJRC H47
quadcopter, this is a foldable quadcopter so it's really nice and compact, comes
with a lovely case and if I flip this over to the bottom you can see the
little foldable propellers, so you just pop those out and it's ready to go.
That's also where the battery is on the bottom, there's not much more to it
It's a really nice lightweight drone can quite easily fit in your pockets along
with the remote if you want to carry it around without the case and when you're
ready to use it simply flip out the propellers. It's available in a range of
colours and it comes with an instruction manual to get started there's the
one-handed remote I had in my pocket earlier. If you're unfortunate enough to
crash there are some spare propellers and a screwdriver and very generously
you also get a couple of extra batteries, so there's three in total, and you charge
those via the included USB charging cable. The remote requires two AAA
batteries and they simply slot in the bottom and then it's got a little case
over it and there's an on/off switch to the side as well as a trigger switch and
various other buttons these are all explained in the manual but this is a
gravity remote so you simply turn on the device and pair the remote with it you
can see it's got lights front and back you can also pair this with your phone
via Wi-Fi and that allows you to record the footage and you simply use a single
hand to control this so you can see it's going up down left right depending on
where I'm pointing my hand and use the thumb stick to make it increase or
decrease altitude. Camera footage is okay, you can see it's fairly steady(ish)
it does rock around a little bit I think I need a bit more practice but you can get
some decent selfie shots. It's a 720p camera and in total you can fly this for
about five, six, maybe seven minutes and you can see it can go quite high up and
you get a pretty good view I do need to practice a little bit more because when
you do change left or right you can see it's a bit choppy a little bit jerky
around there's no gimbal on this to keep the footage really nice and smooth
However, I am operating this single-handedly and you can see it's
actually staying very steady I was quite impressed with this at first it takes a
little bit of practice once you get the hang of it you can see I'm in pretty
good control you can rotate it left right
we go up down and generally it stays there's a nice steady platform very
impressed with this little quadcopter. You can try and control it with a mobile
if you prefer I think the remote is perfectly good and
that gives you about, I think it's about, 80 to 100 meters distance, if you're
running low on juice you simply pop out the battery on the bottom and replace
it with one of the spares I think it's very generous that it comes with two
spare batteries, so three in total. The camera is ok you can swivel this a
little bit if you want to get a slightly different angle and I think with a bit
of practice actually this is a really good drone the fact that it is really
nice and compacting you can simply slip it in your pocket I think is a real bonus.
I hope you found this short review useful thanks for watching if you want
to know more I'll put a link in the description below, if you haven't already
please consider hitting the subscribe button. I'll see you next time.
La rentabilité d'une éolienne (83) - Duration: 1:29.
Nỗi Đau Của Ký Ức ➤ Hương Tràm [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 4:41.
শেষ লটের শুটিং এ ঢাকায় ফিরছে চালবাজ টিম, এদিকে শাকিব খানের অপেক্ষায় ঢাকাই ছবি | shakib khan news - Duration: 1:41.
Le funivie di Carla - Duration: 3:35.
I had a dream...
I was a girl ...
voice dubbing by Marcello Bigongiali
Where are they going?
where they come from?
I know so much
travel in time ...
(do not be surprised at my oddities ... if you do not understand then I might also be an artist)
For everyone who goes on
the other comes in the opposite direction
they are like the past
and the future
maybe they can
where are the designs of my mind inspired?
They go back to the past
which can not be changed
for good or bad ...
do they come from where I delivered my first word?
In a parallel reality!
Maybe they push
up to the echo of the last breath
of each of us?
I always want to be there
like grass that always grows
(continue to follow us)
click here
JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners #1-Introduction to JavaScript - Duration: 8:06.
Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified, and from this episode
we are going to start a new tutorial on JavaScript.
Now the question is what is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a powerful scripting language used
to make your web page or site interactive.
How JavaScript is a client side scripting code, that means it requires a browser to
run the script while the processing will take place in the user's end.
Now what is this client side script?
All of this programming languages those can be divided into two categories;
the first one is the client side scripting code or programming and the second
one is server side scripting code.
Now in case of client side, we require a particular
Browser, that means all our files those are to be executed to perform some tasks or operations,
those required files are sent into the user's end, i.e. into user's machine,
and there those files will be rendered accordingly in the browser and they will perform
those tasks assigned to them.
But in case of server's side, all those kind of stuffs
or operations, such as logical arithmetical or combinational operations,
whatever be the kind or type of the operations, all those operations will be conducted
inside the server itself; no files will be dispatched to the user's end and the
final result or output will be sent to have a display.
Now let's analyse the workflow of web in short.
Now this is the practical scenario we have to organize this whole operation into two
parts - the user's end and the server's end.
Now in this particular case if a user, suppose this user, he is actually looking for
Now this request practically goes to DNS, that means domain name
The DNS actually uses some crawlers and it will be looking for the request with
those crawlers across different servers and if that particular server is found here,
first of all the domain name which is matched, then the second thing is the processing
will be initiated.
In case of server side scripting code all those logical and
arithmetical and combinational logic operations, those will be held here, those will be
done here, and this processing will be taking a certain time and then they will be ready
to release all those script and other files.
This files will be dispatched to the DNS and from the DNS these file result will be
conveyed to the user's end and user will be having a full-featured display with all operations
performed prior to delivering him the site and he will be having a full-featured
display of
If this whole procedure is alright and the domain name is
matched and everything is in order and the data are being sent back into this DNS, then
it will send all this data back to user's end, and if he cannot find this domain name
into the Internet then it will be responding with a 'Not Found' that we find of them in
case of some particular websites.
Now the question is all these things that I have discussed here, this is the practical
scenario in case of server side scripting code.
Now the question is if we use a client side scripting code then there is no need
to perform any kind of operation inside the server.
All those files those are needed to render that particular operation, those are
sent towards the DNS and in turn the DNS send those files into the client's end and once
it reached into the clients end then every kind of performances or tasks are performed
inside the user's end and this is the main difference between this client side and
server side scripting code.
Now we have understood this segment and will be getting back to our next portion..
In this context will be no discussing about the
front end and back end web development.
So what is this front end and back end?
The front end development means things that users
can access while browsing a particular web page that includes every kind of graphics,
every kind of fonts that means each and every kind of contents those are visible inside
a particular website; but in case of back end operations, tasks those are assigned to
accomplish to the browser in case of a client side, or a server in case of a server side
scripting code along with database handling operations those users don't have any
access, those kind of performances or tasks those are known as back end development.
Now this can be observed with a good or a proper
example and will be having a look into that:
OK now let's have a look at a proper example of server side scripting code.
Now I have used practically PHP and MySQL database in
this particular case and here we can see that there goes the form field which has two input
type form elements; the first one is the 'Enter Email' where I will be entering an
email and the second one is enter comments; that means where I can suggest a particular
opinion, my opinion over here and that is what we're going to do here we are going to
see whether it is working or not.
And if you just enter something over here; now we have
entered some input over here.
If we press now submit button we can see that the processing
is been initiated and a popup dialogue box has appeared which says 'entry details
successfully' saved.
First of all just have a look into here we have placed here this input
email; this email is been placed over here and the comment is been placed, ' hello cruel
world', but if we press ok now we can see that both of them are gone and the page is
now refreshed.
Now if we come down we can see that my post has been enlisted and it is now
showing over here.
And the same email address that we can see with the timestamp.
So this is the thing that we will be learning in case of a server side scripting
Here practically I have implemented to measure and valuable things; the first one
is the programming language; the part of the programming language which enables this thing
is suggesting this page that it has to take all the inputs, it has to receive all
the inputs made by the user and it has to store that input into the database and after
that it has to fetch that particular or get array of input those are assembled into the
database and organize them accordingly into our website.
We shall see that the last input was 'hello cruel world' and that is
executed on the top of every Other comments.
So this is the thing which is allowed by the programming language but in case of storage
of data into database this is the part of the database structure that we will be
discussing a short while after.
So this is the end of the line hope you have like this tutorial if you guys have like
this tutorial then do not hesitate to hit that red subscribe button.
Hope to see you guys in our next tutorial; till then, bye..
সরাসরি আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ নিউজ ২৯ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 16:45.
bangladesh news 24
Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.10.27 - Duration: 10:39.
Rap Buồn Dành Cho Con Gái Thất Tình Hay Nhất 2017 ( Phần 1 ) | Nỗi Đau Khi Yêu Nhầm Người Khốn Nạn - Duration: 1:56:34.
✅ স্ত্রীর গর্ভাবস্থায় সহবাসের নিয়ম ও বিধান দেখুন - Bangla Health Tips for Pregnancy - Duration: 1:56.
Hello Friends !!
I am Doctor Farhana . Welcome To My Channel Doctor Farhana Tips…
I m back with new bangla health tipsfor you all !! I hope everyone will love this video !!
This health tips will help you …
Bangladeshi Actor Shakil Khan Movie List | Shakil Khan All Movie List | Shakil Khan Filmography - Duration: 1:10.
Bangladeshi Actor Shakil Khan Movie List | Shakil Khan All Movie List | Shakil Khan Filmography
YouTube Account | YouTube Account Bnany ka Asan Tariqa | Online Ilm Seekho - Duration: 15:36.
Aerobic Exercise Easy on Knees - Aerobic Exercise Easy Steps - Duration: 3:42.
Aerobic Exercise Easy on Knees
Exercise is a crucial a part of staying match and healthy, however it is not straightforward
for everybody – notably if you suffer from knee issues. If you've got a health condition
poignant the knee or expertise knee pain throughout exercise, that does not mean that you just
cannot keep match and active. selecting the correct exercises that take it straightforward
on your knees and create your muscles stronger will assist you alleviate knee pain whereas
keeping your body healthy.
Causes of Bad Knees. You may have suffered associate degree injury
– maybe associate degree overuse injury from effort improperly or too strenuously
– that caused your knee issues. alternative causes of knee issues embrace health conditions
moving the joints like degenerative arthritis or autoimmune disorder, says the National
Institute of inflammatory disease and contractor and Skin Diseases, or NIAMS.
Best Aerobic Exercises for Knees. Aerobic exercises ar people who boost your
pulse rate. they could leave you somewhat in need of breath if you push yourself laborious
enough, and that they will work muscles everywhere the body. If you have dangerous knees, the
most effective exercises ar people who work your heart while not straining your knees
– normally, NIAMS recommends low-impact aerobic exercises. The University of Washington
faculty of drugs recommends low-impact aerobic exercises like biking, walking and swimming
– something that does not jar the knees, and is straightforward on all of your joints.
Worst Aerobic Exercises for Knees. Stressing the knee might cause pain, injury
and inflammation. High-impact aerobic exercises ar the worst for dangerous knees as a result
of they place stress on the joints, says NIAMS. High-impact aerobic exercises embrace running
or cardiopulmonary exercise, that ar dangerous selections for individuals with dangerous
knees. alternative exercises {that can|which will|that might} take a toll on the knees
may embrace vigorous saltation, cardiopulmonary exercise and jumping rope.
Take It Easy on the Knees. Choosing exercises that do not irritate your
unhealthy knees can facilitate manage knee pain and keep you active, however you'll be
able to additionally take alternative steps to manage knee pain. NIAMS recommends obtaining
regular exercise that improves your knees' vary of motion and helps to strengthen the
muscles round the knees. attempt these varieties of exercises by walking up stairs, doing a
little leg lifts or figuring out on a stationary bike. it is also vital to take care of a healthy
weight, in order that your knees haven't got constant stress from carrying excess weight.
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