hey everyone it's James from fun foods and today I'm gonna show you how to make
these witch poo cookies now these are a lot of fun to make and they're perfect
for a Halloween party so I hope you get a chance to make it for yourself for
right now keep watching and I'll show you step by step how to make these now
the first thing we need to do is make our sugar cookie dough and to do that
you can either do a box recipe or you can make it from scratch if you want to
see how I made it from scratch click the little card above or the link in the
description and that'll take you to last week's recipe where I made this from
scratch now after our cookie dough is made I had in a refrigerator chilling a
bit I'm just gonna open it up now you want to use the cutout cookie recipe if
you're making it from a box we're gonna divide this into four equal pieces and
we'll color it different colors I'm gonna use Halloween colors I'm going to
use orange black green and purple
there you go that is our purple one and we're gonna do the same thing with the
rest of the colors when you're all done coloring the dough you should have 4
different colors just take a few of them set on the side we're gonna work at one
of them at a time take it with some wax paper
I'm gonna use another sheet of wax paper and we're gonna roll this until it's
about 1/4 of an inch in thickness and it should be nice and flat it's okay if
it's less than 1/4 of an inch we really wanted a little smaller than that because the
total one all four of them together will be 1/4 of an inch so take this set this
aside and move on to your next color and when they're all nice and flat next what
we're gonna do is just take some egg white and I'm gonna start with the black
you can start with any color you want and I'm just gonna brush some egg white
right on it on one side so after I put the black down now I'm gonna take the
purple and I'm gonna flip it right on top try to line it up the best you can
it's not gonna be exact but just do the best you can put some more egg white on
the purple
now we're just going to put the paper right back on top of it and we're going
to roll this out this time we do want it to be 1/4 of an inch in thickness
there we go it's all rolled out nice and good it's pressed together and what
we're going to do now is cut these into strips now I'm going to cut this about
here this isn't necessary but I want I want to start with the longest piece
possible so I'm just gonna put this aside and we're gonna cut and trim a
very small piece about ooh only about two centimetres I guess long piece like
that and that's what we're gonna work with now I have it on this mat here that
we can use to roll this out and as you see it has all the colors on it and
we're just gonna roll it with our fingers we're gonna make it this long
cylinder of shape okay so when you have this shape now what we're gonna do is
put it on our baking sheet we're gonna just do it nice and slow we're gonna
start just like this and we're gonna curl it around it's okay if it breaks up
and then just join this with the part that broke now when we get to the top we
want to kind of twist it and break it off and we're left with the shape of
poo now you just want to leave it like this and do the rest of them that way
now you may not use the whole long roll that we did but that's okay I'd rather
be longer than shorter when you get your cookies all shaped perfectly like poo
we're gonna take these put these in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes to get
them nice and cold now what we need to do is pull our dough out of the
refrigerator make sure you pre-heat your oven to 375
degrees we're gonna take these put these in there anywhere between 7 and 9
so after about nine minutes pull the out of the oven let them sit and rest until they
cool down well now it's time for the taste test I'm gonna try out this witch
Poo cookie it looks like a lot of fun and I'm sure it's not taste amazing it's
good well thanks everyone for watching I hope you enjoy watch me make these witch
poo cookies this wass a lot of fun making these these are perfect for a Halloween
party so I hope you get a chance to make it for yourself and I hope if you
enjoyed this video you hit that like button and that big red subscribe button
so you get new videos every week now I didn't show you the actual way to make
this as far as ingredients wise that's because last week I put in my other
Halloween cookies the exact ingredients and the step-by-step on how to make the
sugar cookies so if you get a chance to go check that video out as well as other
videos too and until then I'll see you next week
For more infomation >> Witch Poo Cookies | Fun Halloween Treats - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
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7 Ways To Lose Weight Fast - Best Way to Lose Weight
Losing weight seems to be on everyone's list of New Year's resolutions.
But what's the best way to shed pounds once the holidays are done?
Read on for tips to help you lose weight successfully in the new year
Eat Regularly "Skipping meals can have a negative impact
on your metabolism," says Toronto nutritionist Aviva Allen-your body might start storing
extra fat in anticipation of more missed meals.
Instead of eating less, consume small, nutrient-dense snacks and meals more often, every three hours
is ideal, and try not to eat after seven o'clock at night, when your metabolism is at its slowest.
Reduce Your Portions It's a simple fact: Eat less and you'll
lose weight.
There's good evidence that over the past 50 years, restaurant portions have "super-sized,"
and our waistlines have grown along with them.
We've become accustomed to eating larger servings to the detriment of our health.
To combat this habit, use a smaller plate for your meals.
Less space on the plate means automatic portion control.
And when ordering or buying food, choose the smallest size of any high-calorie items.
Ditch The Crash Diet Dieting makes food an enemy, not a source
of sustenance and well-being.
So-called yo-yo dieting-losing weight, putting it back on, losing it again and so on-is bad
for your health.
If you suddenly reduce your food intake, your body, because it is designed for survival,
will slow down your metabolic rate in order to store energy more efficiently.
This is why people on a diet crave snacks like chocolate, which gives a quick boost
to their energy levels, and why weight loss slows down dramatically after the first couple
of weeks.
Don't Rush Your Meals Eat slowly.
It can take half an hour for the brain to realize the stomach is full so don't rush
your meals.
It's a principal reason we overeat.
Always put your fork down between mouthfuls.
Give Your Kitchen A Makeover Take a look in your fridge-what do you see?
Two jars of mayonnaise, some leftover cheddar and a lot of sugar-laden condiments in jars?
Now open the cupboards: what's the cookie and cracker situation?
Do an honest evaluation of what you tend to keep on hand.
If you always have chips on hand, you will eat them.
If you keep Goldfish crackers around "for the kids," you can be sure that they won't
be the only ones snacking on them.
Throw out anything that's going to be a temptation and sidetrack you from your weight-loss
Be ruthless.
Give the unopened food items and cans to your local food community centre.
Watch Your Calories, Even If You Exercise There are not enough hours in the day that
will allow you to exercise off a Happy Meal," says Dr. Arya Sharma, chair for Cardiovascular
Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta.
Working out has countless benefits to your health and will help keep your weight down
by building muscle and encouraging better body image, but when it comes to shedding
pounds and keeping them off, reducing your caloric intake is the way to go, Sharma adds.
If counting calories make you cringe, Jessica Begg, a registered dietitian based in Vancouver,
has this advice: "As corny as it is, you really can't go wrong with Canada's Food
I would rather people look at recommended portion sizes than calories."
To keep weight down, she suggests that 80 percent of your daily calories come from foods
recommended by the Food Guide.
That leaves the other 20 for treats such as cookies, chips, and cocktails.
"[It's] the equivalent of a small dessert every day," she says.
Understand Why You Overeat Looking back, can you see what lead you to
overeat in the past?
It's important to understand if you turn to food when you're stressed or want comfort.
If you like this video don't forget to subscribe our channel and also check some other interesting
video in my channel.
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