Rob's World!
Hey what's up guys and welcome to my tutorial for the easy stick boomerangs!
In the last video, I got a lot of requests and comments and over a
thousand people voted on the poll that I had in my video. I'm going to show you
how to make two really easy stick boomerangs that fly great and you'll see
that in a second. To make both you'll need six craft sticks that you can get
at a local craft store and these cost about six cents each I think you can get
sixty for four dollars. You're also gonna need some tape, a ruler, a rubber band, a
pencil. You'll also need some sharp scissors just like these. We might also
use some sandpaper or a nail file whichever one you guys have is fine
but it's not necessary. Now they're really super easy to make but it's gonna
take some practice to get them to fly. Once you see how much fun I had with them and
how they fly, I think you guys are gonna have a lot of fun and you're gonna love
them just like I did! So before we start let's check out some
clips of me throwing them!
Secret Comment: #RobSeesStars (Shooting Stars Meme)
The first thing we're going to do with the sticks is create what's called an
airfoil and this allows the stick to get a lift because the air is flying faster
on top and lower on bottom not going to go into too much detail but that's
basically what it's going to do. Now this is a side view of the stick. To do this
we're basically going to make a line on the stick vertically two to three
millimeters from the edge--from here in. So let's go ahead and do that as you'll
see each of these individual marks right here are one millimeter so it's a very
small increment so we're gonna go up to the third one right here on each of the
sticks and we're going to make three marks just like this: There's one mark
Two marks... and Three marks. Once we have the three marks then we could take the
ruler and place it directly next to the marks not on top of it because you need
room for the pencil. Hold it steady and then draw a line going all the way
down through those three marks now you'll have something that looks like
this and you're ready to take off the excess wood. Now we're going to remove
the excess wood along that line that we took on this edge so that it looks
something like this. It's easier I believe if you take the stick in your
left hand, take the scissors in your right hand now
you're mostly going to be using this back top edge here this is a little bit
longer a little bit sharper than the other edge here so you're going to hold
it like this move the stick away from you and towards you back and forth like
this okay as you do this you'll notice the wood will shave off as you can see
here keep doing this until you get close to the line you aren't trying to chop or
cut the wood at the intersection of the blades. Work your way back and forth up
and down the stick and we're almost done at this point. Leave your thumb here at
the base because this part doesn't need to get shaved because that's where the
sticks are going to join. You don't need to go all the way down to the end but
you can hold the scissors vertically and that'll smooth things out. As you can see
by that shadow right there we've removed the excess wood along here at an angle
all the way up to about right here, okay? Now, I'm just going to take the nail
filer and I'm just going to go over and smooth things out and kind of round
okay a little bit. Take the nail file and move it up and down along the stick move
the stick down and then keep on doing the same thing with the nail file
relatively at a low angle. Be careful not to poke yourself, and this will give the
stick a nice smooth feel. And there you go! We have completed one of the air
foils. Now you need to do this with the remaining five sticks if you do want to
make both boomerangs. Now that we have air foils for all six sticks, which I
showed you should look something like this, you should see a nice shadow when
you hold it up to the light sort of like that we're going to just take two of
them to create the by blade or the two bladed boomerang so just take two and
you could set the rest aside now we're going to take the stick on the left hold
the one on the right completely vertical up and down and you're going to take the
one on the left and you're going to twist it clockwise so that the air foil
is now on top and then we're going to take the end join it up to the other end
and leave about a half of an inch to maybe 3/4 of an inch of overlap for both
ends of the stick just like this. I'm going to take a little bit of tape about
a half of an inch in width and I'm going to cut it off you can also use scotch
tape if you want but I find it's not as strong. Now that we have a piece of tape
that's about 1/2 to 3/4 inches in width we're going to take the two sticks hold
them steady like this and we're going to start like this take the tape and
starting about a half inch below the bottom of the top stick place it down
being sure to crease in the edges and flip the tape to the other side then we
can flip it over and do the same thing place the tape around 1/2 inch above the
top stick crease into the grooves and flip the tape over to the other side
Now, we just need to cut off the excess edges just like this
And there you go that's how to make the buy blade boomerang. Now, if you find that
it comes apart with just tape you can also take a rubber band and wrap it
around I'll show you how to do that with the one with four blades but you can get
away with it with just tape for the debye blade to make the quad blade or
super stick boomerang we're going to need to do the same thing except with
four of them so on each of them just hold that airfoil on the left side like
this and we're going to start out with the two sticks here it doesn't matter
which two. We're going to hold one like this vertically so that the airfoil is
on the left now take the next one and turn it 90 degrees clockwise so it's
airfoil is on top and place it directly on top of the first stick. Take the next
stick turn it 180 degrees so the airfoil is on your right and place it directly
on top of the second stick. Take the last one and turn it 90 degrees
counterclockwise so the airfoil is on the bottom. So if you look closely it
should look something like this in the middle. Now I'm going to do the same
thing with the tape I'm going to take about a half of an inch of tape and
starting out I'm going to take this one too this one like this apply the tape
directly across the horizontal blades first creasing in any grooves then you
could take a second piece and place it vertically along the vertical blades
again creasing the tape in any grooves just like this now that we have them
taped on top we're just going to gently flip it over like this try to hold it in
the middle and flip it over make sure that all the sticks are 90 degrees from
the adjacent stick for this side you could place a piece of tape vertically
from top to bottom then you could take a second piece and just like before tape
it across horizontal blades increasing in the grooves so it should look
something like this now we're going to take the rubber band because this one
will come apart if you throw it and it hits something because you need a little
bit extra than tape so just pick it up hold it nice and firm in the middle here
like this and we're going to first put it around one of them hold the rubber
band in the middle and then wrap it around the top one. Then we're going to
twist it on the bottom like this hold it and then we're going to go around this
next one and this next one try to make sure that the overall X is
in the middle here and not pulling on these blades so now we have that now
we're going to turn it again and we're going to go between these two so you're
just going to go between these two then these two then these two and then just
keep on rotating until the rubber band becomes too tight. So just like I showed
twist it around the two adjacent ones, underneath twist it, and then bring it
around the top two, twist it bring it around the top next two. It's starting to get a
little bit tight here so I might be able to do one more I might not looks like I
could so I keep going around these two and then twist it and then go around the
next one and I'm done and there you go just make sure all of these are 90
degrees you can kind of move them around at this point now just make sure looking
at it that when you're holding the bottom stick towards you on the bottom
the airfoil is on the left same thing when you rotate it the bottom stick
airfoil is on the left bottom stick airfoil is on the left
same thing with this one and there you go you have created two really easy
stick boomerangs now here's how to throw them. To throw the Bi-Blade boomerang,
what we're going to do is to make sure that the air foils are on top of the
stick so the airfoil here when I'm holding it like this is on this side and
this side you can see it right there and right here then you can kind of just
hold it like this put your pointer finger right here on top, your thumb like
that and hold it between your three fingers and you're going to basically
give it a nice spin. It's all about getting the spin with the boomerang! So
you're gonna kind of flick your wrist and throw it like that. Also, instead of
throwing it perfectly horizontal you're going to want to give it a little bit of
a lift maybe at like a thirty or forty degree angle like that so I'm gonna kind
of aim up like this while giving it a nice spin with my wrist like you would
throw a frisbee
Oh! Just like that...
to throw it overhand like this it doesn't fly as well but the same thing
you're going to make sure that the airfoils are on top here and on top here
then you're going to grip it kind of like this with two fingers and your
thumb here and it's all about really giving it a nice spin by letting it roll
off the tip of your two fingers so you want to get a nice spin you could also
hold it like this if you want almost like a pen and you want to throw it like
this maybe like a 70 degree angle and up a little at like a thirty degree angle just like that
I ran out of daylight, but I'm gonna show you how to throw it to yourself basically to
make it flip and hover it's gonna go like this and then I'm gonna flip and
then it's gonna hover and you do that by taking it just like this with the
airfoils on top and just holding it like this with your finger on the edge and
your thumb and middle finger like this and you basically just flick it out a
little bit angled up like a frisbee and you just flick it like that
To throw the quad-blade boomerang with your right hand make sure all these air
foils are facing to the left when you throw as you see them here on top then
grip it between your two fingers and thumb like this almost like a pen and
throw it hard at a 70 or 80 degree angle trying to get the most spin you can
there you go super easy stick boomerang! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you guys
so much for watching my tutorial for the easy stick boomerang.. Oh, wait no that's
my real one the easy-- easy stick boomerang-- the easy stick and super stick
boomerangs! I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you did please give it a
like down below a thumbs up and also be sure to subscribe by clicking that
notification bell and subscribe button down below. Also, leave a comment down
below let me know what you guys want to see next do you want to see a really
easy ninja star spinner or maybe how to juggle or maybe some kirigami perhaps
the kirigami spider web and the spider for Halloween I think that'll be pretty
cool I can try to get it out by then also if you want you can try to make the
try blade boomerang. I'll put a poll up in one of these corners here so be sure
to check it out and vote and the highest vote how I'm trying to make that video
as soon as possible. And if I don't see you by the 31st, have a Happy Halloween!
For more infomation >> 2 Easy EPIC Stick Boomerangs! (Bi & Quad-Blades)- by Rob's World - Duration: 13:06.-------------------------------------------
What The Hen! [NO-SHOP] #06 : 250 GEMME GRATIS - PROVIAMO SCHELLY - Duration: 11:26.
THE BEST GEOCACHE IN AMERICA! (Geocaching) - Duration: 10:08.
I had an opportunity to find this epic amazing cache this summer.
But I didn't, because I wanted to bring friends with.
And the time is now!
It's time!
Hey guys, it is Joshua, The Geocaching Vlogger and I'm so excited today.
You don't realize I've been waiting to find this geocache for so long.
I would say I'm looking at it right now.
And based on what I heard before, I've heard that this is probably one of the best if not
the best geocache in America.
America, America the land of geocache.
We have been waiting so long.
look who is with us.
She's back!
From the future.
It's been a year since you have seen JSox!
Hello, hello it's me.
It's me your waiting for...oh sorry...poop.
How are you guys feeling right now?
You are seeing the outside of the geocache.
How are you feeling?
I'm super excited.
It's so big!
It's huge.
It's amazing, it's beautiful and it's blue, let's find it.
oh my gosh look at what it is!
Do you know what this is?
Yeah, do you know what it is called?
Uh, no.
Apparently not.
What is this?
It is the Tardis.
The Tardis from what?
Uh, Doctor Who.
Doctor Who!
Vanessa, why are you doing that?
I love you.
She's loves it she loves this geocache.
So, you guys it is a full sized Tardis and it is a geocache.
And its not only a geocache, rumor is it is a gadget cache/smart cache.
We have to figure out how to get inside this thing.
And I have heard it is larger inside.
Alright, Vanessa.
There's a handle.
Go ahead.
It's making noises.
You guys look at this!
Vanessa, Vanessa you look so concerned.
What's happening?
Press any button to start.
Oh press the green one!
It's Simon!
Oh my gosh.
Do it!
Oh my gosh.
Oh my God, I don't remember.
Help me out.
Ohhhh no.
You try it you try it.
Ok so this is like the game of Simon.
Uh huh.
Would you like to play a game?
And Vanessa just tried it and did fantastic.
I don't even know how, I thought you did it right and it said no, Tardis malfunction.
And it is making noises.
It's making noises.
It's high pressure.
It sounds hungry.
It's suspenseful.
I'm afraid it is going to explode.
JSox, it's your turn.
How do you feel?
You got this.
You got this.
My bowels have turned to water.
No no no no no!
The Geocaching Vlogger has arrived, at the Tardis.
And it is the time to solve this sucker.
Easy, easy.
Ok now this is the tricky part.
It's lighting up!
It's lighting up!
Oh my gosh, it is light up on the top!
Ok, hold on.
Wait, wait.... oh!
What is this???!
Dress up like a doctor.
You guys, it's a time machine.
This is the best thing ever.
Oh, model status.
We're inside the Tardis.
It's like we are time traveling.
I feel smarter already.
Oh my gosh, I have a cowboy hat.
Oh what's this?
It's all the guts!
This geocache has a soundtrack.
Look it we found the logbook!
Best geocache in America!
Were time travelers.
Where should we go?
Somewhere November 5th, 1955.
November 5th 1955?!
Sign it Geocaching Vlogger, JSoxs, and Just Vanessa.
It alive!
It's alive!
Oh my gosh, amazing.
Alright, now we've got to figure out how to get out of here.
Push to open door.
Oh good.
Alright, here we go.
Oh my gosh guys that was so cool!
Alright, leaving the Tardis.
Oh my gosh.
And it just goes quiet.
Alright here what I've got to do right now.
The owners of the amazing cache are here!
We have DJWHouse and Doctor Doolittle.
First of all high five!
I'm just going to call it right now.
I've been to thousands of caches.
I think that might have been the best geocache I have ever seen.
I'm not just saying it because you are here.
It was so cool!
Tell me your thoughts your thinking.
You were like I am going to put a new cache out, it is going to be good.
Tell me about it.
Tell me your thought process.
I wanted to build the best one in America.
And I love to build wooden things and I saw this box and I wasn't even a Doctor Who fan
at the time.
And I was like I can build that.And then I started to watch the TV series and get into
And I found there was a whole sub culture of Doctor Who fanatics.
And so, I get muggles that come by on the street and they will stop and I invite them
to find it because there are so many people that know Doctor Who.
Were you part of the programming of the Simon game that I wasn't so great at.
We were not so great at it.
So Ron calls up and says so I want to this, this, this and this.
And I go what the heck are you thinking.
You can't do that Ron it ain't going to happen.
So, but we did it anyway.
You made it happen.
Inspiration almost exceeded capability here but we managed to pull it off.
That's amazing.
The Simon game, I mean there are so many great things about it that make this a good experience.
The Gadget cache, just the structure itself is amazing, then when you get inside its like
an interactive experience.
Like you feel like your in Doctor Who.
As Marty McFly would ask, how is this thing powered?
It powered by a solar panel.
So sucker is electrical?
It's electrical.
It's 12 volt electrical.
Oh, so its not 1.21 gigawatts.
No, no.
Its got a large battery inside and its rechargeable the same battery that would run a wheelchair
for people.
And this solar panel over here.
Solar Panel!
A solar powered Tardis geocache.
You need quite a bit of power because you have full speakers in there.
We do.
We got megawatts powered speakers in there and at night the lights come on on the outside
the box.
You know it's funny sometimes people will come over it's a public park nearby and they
will be thinking this is a real police call box, and I'm like when have you ever seen
in America a blue police call box?
I mean, really?
And they open it up and it starts playing music, and I am like go ahead and play the
game, it's fine.
But uh, yeah.
That's so awesome.
That was awesome!!!!
Mine blown, exploded, and reformed into something amazing.
There two are not even geocachers and they were impressed, and amazed.
Guys, that was good.
You have to come to Wisconsin.
So this thing is in the Milwaukee Wisconsin area.
It is an experience.
I know you saw us solve it but the Simon game changes every time.
So you have to solve it and open it and time travel and it was amazing.
Thanks so much Doctor Doolittle and DJWHouse for inviting us to this amazing cache.
If this is the first time watching my videos, click that subscribe box right there.
You don't want to miss any of our adventures as we bring joy to the world one geocaching
video at a time.
And as always, thanks for watching.
ULTIMATE Clash Royale Funny Moments,Montage,Fails and Wins Compilations|CLASH ROYALE FUNNY VIDEOS - Duration: 10:27.
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Support Gill chang on soundcloud
Alisa Kozhikina — Gravity - zero (Audio) - Duration: 2:51.
We would, we would not be at the bottom
Number one to be like in a movie
And to love without a shadow of regret
Changing statuses in the social network
We know where we are going and who with
We are a completely different generation!
Let all around are silent, but we sing,
Not shutting up
Everyone goes, but we run forward,
Not stumbling
We know the username and password, but
There is no authorisation,
Gravity is zero
If we just want to
We could to take it all and fly away
Sweeping away the doubts on the way
You do not tell us:
How to live and who to love
We are a completely different generation!
Let all around are silent, but we sing,
Not shutting up
Everyone goes, but we run forward,
Not stumbling
We know the username and password, but
There is no authorisation,
Gravity is zero!
Let all around are silent, but we sing,
Not shutting up
Everyone goes, but we run forward,
Not stumbling
We know the username and password, but
There is no authorisation,
There is no authorisation,
Gravity is zero!
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বাক্স বদল এর নায়িকা সৈরিতী বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় সম্পর্কে জানুন Zee bangla serial Actress Sairity as Tip - Duration: 0:50.
✌ #Car Reviews:三菱 新型 eKカスタム/eKスペース カスタム 特別仕様車「ACTIVE GEAR」 2017年3月発売 ✌ - Duration: 2:35.
☆【BGM素材影片試做】李玉璽-我們青春(NightCore) | 阿神&小玉cover [cc字幕] - Duration: 2:19.
爵士音樂, ジャズ&ボサノバBGM. カフェ BGM, 作業用や勉強用にも, JAZZ+BOSSAでオシャレでゆったりとした時間を - Duration: 3:42:06.
Title: Jazz & Bossa Nova BGM! Cafe BGM! Work and also for the study! The time and spacious with stylish JAZZ + BOSSA!
শুধু বড়দের জন্য অ্যাপ আপনি যা চাইবেন তাই করতে পারবেন।Bangle Android mobile tips - Duration: 1:44.
Best motorised slider for smartphones - Duration: 4:11.
Hey Guys its Sagar from Tecworkz.
Today we take a look at, one of the most affordable and smallest motorised slider from Kingjoy,
for your smartphones and small cameras.
It is so compact that you can just throw in the backpack, and carry it around, where ever
you go.
The good guys at TomTop, sent it to me, for taking a look at.
Right now, I believe its available at around $50, which is an insane price for something
this good.
I'll drop a link to it in the description section, if you guys want to check its current
price, or if you are interest in picking it up for yourself.
It comes in this simple black box, with Kingjoy Logo and the model number of this particular
slider on the top.
Opening the box, we have the warranty card, a user manual and what looks like extra set
of rubber inserts for the wheels, and a couple of different sized Allen keys, if you want
to maybe open it up.
Next is the Micro USB cable for charging the battery in this slider.
Then there is a ball head, with a standard tripod thread, to mount your smartphone or
camera on.
This is made of metal, and not some cheap plastic.
You can also remove this ball head and use a different one, or mount the camera directly
on the slider, if you want a very low angle shot.
And finally, at the centre is the motorised slider itself.
You get a few tripod threads, so depending on the weight of your camera, you can use
either one of them.
We have the buttons and a charging port on one side of the slider.
It is really impressive, how compact and light this thing actually is.
You can even move the position of the front wheel, to make it go in any desired direction.
The tiny battery powering this slider, sits inside one of the wheel shafts.
To start using it, just screw in the ball head to mount your camera on, and press the
power button.
You can control the speed with the Plus and Minus buttons, and you also get a button for
changing the direction of the motor.
You get to chose the speed according to your liking, for getting some nice and smooth sliding
shots like these.
Now this slider is supposed to be used with smartphones or small and light cameras.
But I tried using it, with my Canon 80D and Sigma 18-35 Lens, and the motor inside is
strong enough to take its load as well.
Now because this lens is very heavy, I could only get it to travel on a straight path.
I actually also tried balancing it for curved shots, but I was not very comfortable, leaving
my camera like that.
If you have a smaller, light lens on your camera, I am sure you can use it even for
curving parallax shots.
I have been using this slider, for some of the shots in a few of my videos, its a really
convent way to get cool sliding shots.
If you use it with a DSLR, the battery lasts for only about 45minuits.
Since the motor has to work harder, to push that extra weight of a bigger camera.
But If you use it with a smartphone, the battery can easily last for over 3 hours, depending
on the speed that you are using it at.
The only other downside which I see, is you need a flat surface for this slider to work,
like a table or an even floor.
You obviously just cant mount it on a tripod, like you could do with other conventional
Other than this, I found it to be a great addition to my filming gear.
I might not use it a lot with my main DSLR, but I often include shots in the videos, which
i take with my smartphones, and this slider, comes in very handy for that.
Again, link to it, is in the description section, if you want to get it for yourself.
That is it for this video guys.
What do you think about this slider?
Do you see yourself getting it and using it for your videos.
Do let me know in the comments section.
Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and subscribe to the channel for
more amazing videos like this.
You can also check out some of the other videos on this channel.
This has been Sagar, and I'll catch you guys in the next video.
Take care.
Channel 24 News 29 octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News Bd News bangla. - Duration: 16:32.
Channel 24 News 29 octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News Bd News bangla.
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