🎮 Strawberry Shortcake Sweet Shop – Baby Play & Learn How To Make Desserts - Kids Cartoon Game
For more infomation >> 🎮 Strawberry Shortcake Sweet Shop – Baby Play & Learn How To Make Desserts - Kids Cartoon Game - Duration: 16:56.-------------------------------------------
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Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Mesothelioma - Duration: 12:04.
Hi, I'm Johnny on this occasion I will talk about the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma
Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional
medical or nutritional advice
Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems
instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice
Mesothelioma a rare and deadly cancer caused by asbestos can prove difficult for physicians to diagnose
this is because early symptoms of the disease are sometimes mild and can easily go unnoticed if
You know or suspect you may have been exposed to asbestos
It's important to understand the subtle ways in which mesothelioma can first present itself
Remember symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear for 20 to 50 years after asbestos exposure
Knowing the early symptoms of mesothelioma is the first step to receiving early diagnosis?
One pleural effusions the most common early sign of mesothelioma is the presence of pleural effusions?
What's an effusion?
This is a buildup of excess fluid around the lungs that can be found in 90% of patients
however like all of the early symptoms of mesothelioma
Pleural effusions can be representative of other illnesses such as heart failure in embolisms
- fever or excessive sweating at
First a fever may seem to indicate a passing condition
However, if this fever does not accompany other expected signs of a cold it is worth questioning
Especially if other symptoms such as those listed above are present
Excessive sweating such as night sweats is also a warning sign
three unexplained weight loss
Weight loss that occurs unintentionally is worrisome
30% of mesothelioma
Patients experience weight loss if you notice weight loss in either yourself or a loved one ask yourself. If there are valid
explicable reasons for it
Unexplained weight loss of more than a few pounds can be attributed to a wide variety of illnesses it
Is important to see your doctor to determine the cause?
for difficulty swallowing what doctors call dysphagia if
Swallowing food becomes difficult, or if you or a loved one is experiencing pain upon swallowing
This is a cause for concern as an early symptom of mesothelioma
Difficulty swallowing may be accompanied by hoarseness reflux or the sensation of food being stuck in the back of one's throat?
Difficulty swallowing is not normal and is not something you should ignore 5 fatigue
fatigue is another early sign of mesothelioma
It's common to overlook or discredit certain symptoms such as fatigue
Especially if one is overworked or tired in general
Fatigue associated with cancer however is a type that does not resolve itself with sleep
This type of fatigue may also be sporadic
because fatigue can result from many different medical conditions
Recognizing additional symptoms is meaningful here in helping guide proper diagnosis
6 chronic cough a chronic cough just like the presence of chest or abdominal pain is something to pay attention to
If this cough is accompanied by pain in the lungs or shortness of breath make sure you seek medical attention
36% of mesothelioma patients develop a chronic cough but an even greater percentage
79% experience shortness of breath
7 chest or abdominal pain and swelling
mesothelioma most typically affects a tissue around the lungs an
Early sign of mesothelioma is chest pain especially if this pain is felt under the rib cage
like many early symptoms of mesothelioma
However chest pain can be attributed to a wide variety of can and diseases in
Addition to affecting the lungs mesothelioma can also affect tissue in the abdomen
this is called peritoneal mesothelioma an
early sauna this is abdominal pain and swelling just
as with chest pain abdominal pain is a symptom attributable to a wide variety of illnesses if
You are experiencing chest or abdominal pain you should seek medical attention
Pain is your body's signaling to you that something is wrong
Be smart about your symptoms know when it's time to see a doctor each of the symptoms listed here could at first
result in an incorrect diagnosis
For instance chest pain could be attributed to heart conditions such as angina in
addition certain symptoms such as abdominal pain and fatigue often remain undiagnosed if
You are loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms
It is important to seek medical attention if you believe you may have been exposed to asbestos
Be sure to mention this to your doctor right away
The more information you are able to provide the sooner your doctor will know the best course of action
Symptoms are the body's way of communicating with us and with others
Listen to this communication no matter what their cause it is always important
Ten habits that make you age faster and look older with age the skin becomes thinner and dryer
This leads to fine lines and wrinkles
increased pigmentation loss of elasticity and firmness and dull skin at
times body starts showing aging signs sooner than you might expect
several environment lifestyle and dietary factors can cause premature aging
This makes you look and feel older faster
But by taking care of your skin and overall health and avoiding certain day-to-day habits, you can prevent premature aging
Here are the top ten habits that make your skin age faster
Smoking it is a known fact that smoking harms your health in many ways
But smoking can also accelerate the aging process of your skin
the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke chronically deprive your skin cells of oxygen which can lead to pale uneven coloring
It even triggers the breakdown of collagen and can cause loose saggy skin in
fact the whole process of smoking can cause deep wrinkles around the mouth a
2007 study published in the Journal of dermatological science reports that smoking tobacco leads to accelerated skin ageing
So those who are more concerned about their appearance should try to stop smoking
by quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke, you can restore your skin's health a
2010 study published in skin Journal reports that quitting smoking improves skin conditions and above all skin aging effects
- drinking in excess
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
Alcohol is a natural diuretic so when you drink in excess it causes dehydration
Dehydration depletes the natural moisture from your skin, which automatically makes you look older than your age
excess alcohol intake causes a depletion of healthy nutrients in your body particularly vitamins A and C
These antioxidant vitamins are essential for maintaining vibrant and supple skin
Plus excessive alcohol intake is one of the triggers for associate outbreaks
high alcohol intake is even associated with skin cancer a
2014 study
published in cancer causes and control reports that higher current alcohol and tank higher lifetime alcohol intake and even a higher
preference for white wine or liquor were associated with increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer
3 holding grudges
Forgiveness is something most of us believe in but we don't always practice it
holding grudges against any person or situation is not good for your health as well as appearance if
You are not able to forgive. You are adding more stress to your life, which boosts your level of the hormone cortisol
Cortisol leads to weight gain high blood pressure and high blood sugar
stress even leads to more frowning one of the key causes of wrinkles on a forehead a
2005 study published in the Journal of behavioral medicine highlighted the link between lack of forgiveness and reduction in stress
Stress is a common cause of a lot many health problems and also contributes to aging
Do not allow an old grudge to SAP your youthfulness
practice forgiveness and experience better mental and physical well-being
For sun exposure
No matter how amazing the Sun feels on your body?
Regular and prolonged exposure to sun rays is one of the worst things you can do for your skin
long-term exposure to harmful ultraviolet UV
Rays of the Sun weakens your skin cells and blood vessels
Which causes at end leathery looking skin it even needs to?
pigmentation reduce skin elasticity and a degradation of skin texture
also, the risk of skin cancer is significantly higher due to sun exposure a
2013 study published in clinical
cosmetic and investigational dermatology states that UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs
freckles can turn into brown sunspots the skin takes on a try leathery appearance and wrinkles and sagging increase
Before going out in the Sun protect your skin by wear hat covering up with clothing and using sunscreen that is broad-spectrum SPF
30 or higher
you should apply sunscreen throughout the year if you like a Thai look apply self-tanner rather than soaking up the sun rays if
You are worried about sun damaged skin
Consult a doctor to reduce existing damage
Five to little sleep
Just one night of bad sleep can make you look and feel tired it can even lead to dark circles and bags under your eyes
Now imagine what lack of sleep four days can do to your skin appearance?
sleep deprivation can cause skin damage in several ways
First of all it can increase your cortisol level which in turn can worsen inflammatory conditions
Secondly it can cause poor collagen formation which leads to skin aging in
a 2013 study by the university hospitals case Medical Center physician scientists found that sleep quality
impacts skin function and aging
According to the study for sleepers had increased signs of skin ageing and slower recovery from several
environmental stressors such as disruption of the skin barrier or UV radiation
Staying up late can be fun but burning the midnight oil can make you look older as you age
To enjoy beautiful and flawless skin make sleep a priority and try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night
But avoid sleeping too long on one side of your face as it can cause wrinkles and sleep lines also
Use a satin pillowcase to avoid fine lines and wrinkles
Halloween festival 2017 - Motu fight with zombi part 2 - Motu Patlu in Hindi latest episode - Duration: 2:39.
Halloween festival 2017 - Motu fight with zombi part 2 - Motu Patlu in Hindi latest episode
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