Slime! Slime! Slime
Daddy Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Mommy Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Brother Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Sister Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Baby Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Slime! Slime! Slime!
Daddy Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Mommy Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Brother Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Sister Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
Baby Finger
Where are you?
Here I am
How do you do?
For more infomation >> Finger Family Halloween Song | Scary Nursery Rhymes | Slime Monster Song for Kids - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Welcome to Sunnyside - Duration: 0:36.
SA Tv News 28 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla. - Duration: 26:45.
SA Tv News 28 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla.
Unused Railroad Crossing & Skydivers - Duration: 3:13.
Hello ladies and gentlemen
Today we have another unused railroad crossing here
SW 162nd AVE
Cutler ridge
Naranja, Homestead
area. This is all
blurred lines over here.
On the boundaries of the cities, so yeah
here we have SW view on the track
This is the CSX S line Homestead Subdivision
Here you can see
this crossing which is just wood and cross bucks
as i said
crossing number
The on the bottom you have CSX S line Homestead Subdivision
58.37 milepost
There you got the reflective sticker
and the cross bucks up top
and here you have the old wooden
characteristics of an old SCL crossing
and then here you have
track view NE
Here Hurricane Irma ripped off the
reflective tape of the wood and cross bucks
and you have the emergency contact info there
cross bucks and wood just like the other side
wooden cross ties too.
You can see the rails are really rusted here
usually when a track is active
its polished
this one
this was the last time a train came through here
and that was a long time ago
Where the wheel made contact with the rail
but yeah there voodoo right there, I can smell the dead chicken.
So that's track view NE, OH YOU GOT SOME PEOPLE SKYDIVING, look at that!
see if I can find him
I can see them
I don't know if you guys can see them
if the camera picks them up
there he is
I would never do that
Oh he's going to land, he's going to land
So yeah guys and then track view
SW again
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Creative Boys Make Best Crocodile Trap Using Bamboo Cage and Tire - Quick Crocodile Trap Works 100% - Duration: 11:51.
Creative Boys Make Best Crocodile Trap Using Bamboo Cage and Tire - Quick Crocodile Trap Works 100%
Police stations across country want your old prescription drugs - Duration: 1:27.
Color Vegetables Fruits Learn Colors for Kids Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Learning Colors - Duration: 4:01.
اعتماد عقار أوليسيو بجانب سوفالدي بديلا عن الانترفيرون لعلاج مرضى فيروس سي|Health Online - Duration: 8:27.
지승현 아내. 결혼, 영어실력|NVM TV - Duration: 10:30.
5 HALLOWEEN OPTIFINE CAPE DESIGNS! - Top Optifine Capes - Duration: 5:34.
Hey there!
What's going on guys?!
Today, I'm sharing with you 5 more Optifine Cape Designs with a Halloween theme!
Now, this is the second video I've made featuring Halloween
themed capes for Optifine.
I very much doubt I'll have another one of these videos before Halloween so if you have
any Halloween capes you want to share with people, be
sure to comment them in the comment section and label them as Halloween capes in your
comment so others can check them out!
ALrighty, I hope you enjoy this video and maybe
find a cape you like!
Let's get started...
As was the case in my other video, I don't have many capes featured that were from viewers.
In this video, I do have two.
Which is one more than my previous video.
Anyways, I featured a cape in my last video from xMist.
Here I have another one that they shared with me.
This one is a Jack-O-Lantern cape.
I've seen a ton of pumpkin capes and Jack-O-Lantern capes over the last month.
Many of them take the same approach and look similar.
I like how this one is a bit different than what I've been seeing.
It actually has a feel of it glowing like a Jack-O-Lantern
actually would.
I like that little touch to the cape.
It's interesting.
This cape here is the other cape that I have in this video that was shared in the comments
of one of my videos.
This cape was submitted by Froeg as what he calls an
"extra swag pumpkin" cape.
I mentioned while talking about the previous cape that most of the capes I've seen sort
of take the same approach for pumpkin or Jack-O-lantern capes.
This somewhat takes that approach but at the same time doesn't.
Given that the face is just different than most of what I've seen for pumpkin capes...
It just feels like an interesting cape.
Also, don't take me saying that many capes taking the same approach is a bad thing because
it's not.
I just want to share something a bit different today.
This next cape is one that I really like.
I don't want to show just all pumpkin type capes in this video.
Halloween isn't all about pumpkins so for this cape and the next
one I'm going to throw in some different capes.
The original source I found for this cape was on PlanetMinecraft by Indialien.
I really like this cape because of the detail within it as a whole.
The mouth featuring a tongue is a cool effect.
The ghost type theme fits well and connects with the Halloween theme so when I came across
this cape and saw it for the first time I thought it was
perfect for a video like this one.
This next cape is one that I feel is a bit different than anything I've recently featured.
Another cape that I originally sourced back to PlanetMinecraft by Connor Franta,
this is a Witch Cauldron cape.
I haven't featured any capes like this and I aside from the Lone Pumpkin cape in the
previous video, I haven't really featured a cape with
this much detail in terms of it being a full picture on the cape.
I don't know, I just feel this is an incredibly creative cape that looks awesome.
It fits that creepy theme of Halloween and the colors really fit well
in a Halloween themed video too.
Okay, to finish off this video, I sourced this cape back to a PlanetMinecraft user of
the name barrettr500.
This cape is just a simple pumpkin cape.
The pumpkin doesn't take up the entire cape, it's just a pumpkin on
top of a black background...
Even though the background is technically orange but you get what I'm saying.
You can change that black to any color you wish too.
It just probably stands out the most on black.
I actually think I sort of prefer this type of cape.
I like how the pumpkin is centered and it sort of reflects a pumpkin block in Minecraft.
I don't know, I just really like this cape.
I always say simple and minimal is better when it comes to Optifine Capes.
So that's gonna do it for me guys!
I hope you enjoyed!
This has been my third Halloween themed video this week.
I think I'll go back to creating regular content for you guys
I'm working hard at trying to get more videos out to you guys.
I'm actually really enjoying myself in terms of creating content right now.
I hope it reflects with my editing changes I've been making and some
of the new videos you'll be seeing come up on my channel in the coming weeks or days.
Anyways, if you're new to my channel, thanks for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed!
If you did, feel free to check out some of my other videos too!
If you're not new to my channel, thanks for watching another video!
If you haven't already and you would like to know when I upload, feel free to subscribe,
click the bell, and turn on notifications so you'll always be notified when I upload!
That's gonna do it for me!
I hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for watching!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
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Crash on the road Dnipro Donetsk
Collision of minibuses with passengers
Drivers and pedestrians observe the rules of the road
And be careful on the road!
Place of events Donetsk highway
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