Look What You Made Me Do / Believer
For more infomation >> Nightcore - Look What You Made Me Do / Believer (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Wall art decor | How to make shopping bag Wall hanging diy wall decor | DIY | Creative Diy Art - Duration: 12:56.
Wall art decor | How to make shopping bag Wall hanging diy wall decor | DIY | Creative Diy Art
Wall art decor | How to make shopping bag Wall hanging diy wall decor | DIY | Creative Diy Art
Wall art decor | How to make shopping bag Wall hanging diy wall decor | DIY | Creative Diy Art
Wall art decor | How to make shopping bag Wall hanging diy wall decor | DIY | Creative Diy Art
Michael Jackson's Halloween Claiming Another Crown For The King Of Pop - Duration: 4:44.
Every October
Just as reliably as the autumn leaves
Start to change in colder climes the songs of Michael Jackson creep back onto lists of the most played
His Halloween spooky thriller and lesser-known
Somebody's watching me a rock. Well track featuring his vocals both songs figure prominently
Into Michael Jackson's Halloween an hour-long animated special set to air on CBS tonight
directed by Mark dip and produced by Jackson estate
co-executors John Branca and John McClane the program will act as a
family-oriented visual follow-up to recently released album scream a compilation of Jackson's eeriest work
It's all part of an effort to cement his status as not just the King of Pop, but the king of Halloween
Michael loved Halloween he loved
Animation he was basically a big kid at heart says Branca
We wanted to stay true to and be inspired by Michael and what his tastes and loves were
The special we'll follow two youngsters who meet by chance at this place hotel on
777 Jackson Street joined by a little white dog named Ichabod they are
Confronted with a major choice picking between what's expected of them are following their dreams
they're aided in their journey by Jackson himself who takes the form of three characters a
Dancing pumpkin a spider security guard and a black cat scientist in each case
Attempting to inspire the characters to find their true calling
Aside from Jackson's music the special will have other familiar elements the cast of voice actors
include CBS stars Lucy
Liu and Jim Parsons the
animation takes stylistic used from seasonal class six like The Nightmare Before Christmas
There's a lot of pieces that inspire myself and my team in terms of animation
style and look says diff
it's a fantastic magical world with these magical characters that are able to tell stories that let's say a
Normal human might not necessarily tell that's been a theme in the lucrative
post-mortem world of Jackson who pulled in a stunning
825 million dollars last year the highest annual total ever amassed by any entertainer Dead Alive
Thanks largely to the sale of his half of the sony/atv music
publishing catalog
his cumulative post-mortem pre-tax earnings tally now sits north of
1.5 billion dollars with the catalogue steady payouts now out of the picture and the Michael Jackson
Immortal world tour in the rearview mirror
The singer's estate appears to be looking to establish other
Reliable income streams to couple with its remaining Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas an ongoing
revenue from Jackson's own work
Locking in his Halloween
Supremacy seems like a wise move
beginning with the CBS special
We hope that it'll become never Greene says Branka
We may actually do some updates from time to time after the first run
You know you see Charlie Brown Christmas and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving every year
So now we're looking to have Michael Jackson's Halloween every year don't expect the program to
Push Jackson anywhere close to matching his once in an afterlife time
2016 pay day but will the King of Pop continue his reign as the top earning star beyond the grave
Spooky Halloween Tag - Duration: 16:59.
hey guys oh what's up I'm coming on here to do the spooky Halloween tag so we're
gonna do that and I don't know kind of like in the Halloween spirit and I have
vacation coming up soon so I'm just like in good mood anyway I saw the tag when
amy mclean youtube channel i just recently started following her I think
she found me through a book haul that I did and she does book hauls and she's
like kind of cool and I like her style so following her and she was doing the
tag and she's like anybody that wants to tag him and like I was like okay cool
good reason to do a tag so I haven't done a tag in a couple years this is a
thirty questions and I watched her tag but I don't really remember a whole lot
of the questions so we're just gonna kind of go through it and hopefully get
through it quickly mostly question one brave RIT horror or
Halloween themed song I'm gonna say there's two I'm pickin to the Monster
Mash because my mom was like a complete oldies fan of all kinds of oldies music
and also thriller because Michael Jackson hello 80s we watched that about
a million times and number two name something you wouldn't want to run
into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building no no I'm kind of scared of
everything I'm scared of my shadow so like I'm gonna say like anything but I
guess I will say I wouldn't want to run into like something slimy and gross
looking I guess that even an answer no no number three have you ever played
with a Ouija board I have when it was little like probably elementary middle
school age so um so yeah I have it's not something I do now I have a little bit
more respect for the Ouija board then I probably would have had when I was
younger just trying to like be stupid but I'm gonna tell you we G boards are
freaky there's actually somebody that I want to go see she does tarot cards and
she also I don't know what the proper word is for it but she like talks to
dead people and stuff and she can like see people and she has a bunch of Ouija
board she doesn't use them but she collects them and apparently she has
like a seat that that one her clients made for her and it's like a Ouija board
but it's a seat I know that sounds kind of cool number four a favorite horror
monster or villain I'm gonna have to say Freddy Krueger number five the creepiest
thing that's ever happened while you were alone creepiest thing was ever
happened while you were alone I don't know I'm not really alone that much so I
don't really know I'm trying to think back but it's just like I can't come up
with anything number six if you were dared to spend the night in a haunted
house would you do it I want to say no but I might it just kind of like a
depends on whether or not like am I alone cuz if I'm alone I probably
couldn't do it but if I was with somebody I'd probably do it just because
I have to act big and tough like yeah okay I could do this like a handle this
are you scared I'm not scared but I'll probably be totally scared number seven
are you superstitious yes I am very superstitious but like wants it like
black cats don't scare me so I'm not superstitious on that I do think that
you probably shouldn't break a mirror that's bad luck it don't step on cracks
well actually I guess I do when I was younger I didn't and I don't believe in
splitting poles I've never heard about that until like as an adult but I kind
of believe that's bad luck too cuz there's a couple different things trying
a blank oh my god I'm so put on the spot but I'm not put on this back because I
knew I was gonna do this tag but I'm just a terrible terrible tag person
apparently do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision oh my god it is
so weird that that question came up today because I swear I saw like this
piece of fuzz today and I'm working on the computer and I'm like
I just see a piece of I smell like definite ghost what's on a ghost
what's wrong my mom I think my mom's coming just to like haunt me for some
reason me her birthday is coming up after all let's say number 8 which urban
legend scares you the most I think I have an urban legend that scares me
honestly number 10 do you prefer Gore or thrillers I guess
I would say I'm more of a thriller type of person I think I like things that I
kind of feel like could really happen you know like Freddy Krueger stuff like
that really couldn't happen unless I'm walking down the hallway in the middle
of the night and like I just got them watching a scary movie and then like I
have to have my back up against the wall but I'm really scared because I remember
watching Freddy Krueger when I was little and I remember like the hands
like coming up through the bed or something like that it's been a long
time since I watched Freddy and like that freaks me out cuz I'm like oh my
god I'm walking up against the wall like protect myself right so I can like watch
and I've got my back up against the wall and then I'm afraid that like Freddy
Krueger will come behind the wall kind of thing and then you know like okay so
I used to watch Carrie - so like Carrie is is a scary movie to me that I'm like
well that could kind of happen right because it was a girl in the prom and
like everything to happen could like really happen in real life to me that's
like the kind of scary freaky stuff so I don't know I'm like getting off-topic I
think okay number 11 do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds think so
not really okay my battery died so I'm back I think
number 12 ever made a potion of any sort no I have not number 13 do you get
scared easily oh my god do i somebody could come up behind me and just be like
hey Don I'm like what huh what you just gave the crap out of me like I'm always
scared number fourteen have you ever played
Bloody Mary yes when I was like in elementary school we lived on base I was
an army brat and we did like army brat stuff and that was one of those things
number 15 do you believe in demons and the devil absolutely number 16 you're
home alone but you hear footsteps in your house what do you do
freak out and see how fast it's gonna take for you to go get my gun like legit
I guess scared all the time number 17 if you got trapped in one scary movie which
would you choose it would have to be don't go to sleep it's like one of my
favorite movies of all time it has valerie harper in it it's not like your
typical scary movie like Freddy Krueger or saw or anything like that it's more
like real like this girl sisters dead and like she comes back to life and she
tries to talk her sister and to kill him the whole family it's crazy but it's one
of those movies I saw them I was like little like under the age of 10 it was
like back in the 80s but it's like so good and it's one of those ones that you
can't really find one line when you can't go get it from the store it
doesn't really play like you have to try to find it on YouTube and watch it that
way but it is so good I like it alright
number 18 if you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your
life what would it be I would want to be like a sexy Betty Boop fireman like I
wanted to get that as a tattoo on my leg I was gonna get Betty Boop she's gonna
have these high heels on one and he's like booty shorts and it's like this top
like a bikini top where she was like busting out of her top and she was
holding like this hose and she was looking looking all sexy and she had
heard like foot up on the UM fire hydrant and she's holding the hose but I
don't know if she would had high heels little boots probably boots cuz I'm like
a such a boot girl but um yeah that's yeah now it'd be a burger is a Betty
Boop prostitute looking fire woman go darlin boo-boo number 19 would you
go to a graveyard at night yes and actually I was looking at homes multiple
homes that oh we're like right next toward door two or right across from
different graveyards when you live out in the country out here anyway there's
there's so many churches and there's so many graveyards like everywhere so like
that doesn't scare me I actually find that really cool number 20 in a zombie
apocalypse what is your weapon of choice I mean like I want to say like a gun but
I really really want to say like a knife because like zombies and gore and like
you'd stab them and stuff right so I'm gonna go with the knife
21 would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick-or-treating you'll
have to choose okay I'm gonna say I've actually never been to a Halloween party
so I don't know I'll say trick-or-treating you're in a horror
movie are you the final girl the first to die
the comic relief the skeptic the smart one or the killer I was gonna say the
first to die but actually I want to be that killer but probably the first one
to die 23 do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so
you can go to sleep no I probably need to like have a glass of wine or a bottle
and just like try to go to sleep I can't watch anything else because all I can
think about the whole time is like just the horror movie 24 whilst watching
scary movies are you the person who yells at the characters the person with
their eyes covered the whole time or the person who falls asleep well because I
have a hard time staying awake I'm gonna say probably the window with my eyes
covered unless it's kind of slow moving and then I'll probably be the one asleep
but we'll go with covered eyes 25 are you the one who gets scared or the one
who does the scaring oh hi I'm totally the one who gets scared number 26
your favorite scary I'm gonna go like back to the 90s and
I'm gonna say one by John saw called second child I don't know I I wasn't one
that really read scary books and I read that it was kind of like freaky it was
Stephen King kind of freaky so I actually never read Stephen King
books but it was like that kind of level but it was good you should check it out
number 27 how old were you when you saw your first horror movie oh god I don't
know I'm gonna say it was probably pretty young maybe four or five but
that's the type of like family that I grew up in and also like just the kind
of take it back like my mom she was born on Halloween right and she was also
epileptic which means that's like back in the day like the Salem witch trials
is my mom would have been killed for being a witch because she had grand mal
seizures and they used to say that if you had grand mal seizures that your
body was taken over by the devil so they had to kill you so she had grand mal
seizures she was born on Halloween hello and and when I was young I found some
witchcraft books in her closet like I'm not even kidding
like real witchcraft books like I've read through it and it was like you need
the blood of a goat kind of stuff like it was weird but you know that was my
mom okay let's move on what was your first Halloween costume so like I was
saying my mom was born on Halloween and she used to go out every year for
trick-or-treating so she took me out my first year was
born in May so wasn't that old like six seven months and we went as an Indian
with her baby so I was like a little Indian baby that's what I was 29 what
are you going to be for Halloween this year my self I used to go out
um you know with my daughter and what Cara
neighborhood she's an adult she's no longer at home so and where we live
there's not really like any kids that walk around don't really live in a
neighborhood so like the first year we were here we had like three or four kids
that came by for trick-or-treating and they were all like clumped together and
last year we got zero and this year we'll probably hit zero but November 1st
is mine and Greg's anniversary so we don't really do anything like I come
home we relax and that's like it 30 if you could have a spooky Halloween pet a
black cat and now a bat a rat yes a wolf what would you pick totally totally a
black cat totally when I was in sixth grade this boy that I had a crush on his
name was Ricky and he had like a whole bunch of cats and we had a mouse that
came in from the field and my mom said you can get a cat from Ricky so I did
and the cat was like gray and white and that cat ended up having a whole bunch
of kittens and one of the kittens it was completely black completely black
and I named it W say witchcraft because I was so cute back then and I just I
loved six black cats so black cats do not scare me I love black cats I
actually think they're good luck and every time I see a black cat it makes me
feel like it's my mother so my mom passed away like five years ago and
every time I see a black cat and it's actually kind of weird because I went
and I talked to I'm totally rambling I went and talked
to like one of my old neighbors she um got struck by lightning when she was
like 16 and a total three times she's got struck by lightning in her life and
she can see and speak to dead people and I never knew anybody who died and then
when my mom died I went back and I found her and I'm like hey you know I used to
live next door to you do you remember me you know can we can we meet up and talk
and she's like yeah we can you know meet up let's do dinner
and the day that I was going to meet her for dinner I actually saw a black cat
and gonna you know like I talked to mom and after so I don't know anyway I just
every time I see a black cat I just feel like it's my mom but it's gotta be all
black it can't be like black with like a little bit of white or a little bit of
grey it's gonna be all black so anyway I think they're good luck Greg and I were
supposed to buy a farm and when we're gonna buy a farm of like I have to get a
black cat all black but we never got a farm so we're still looking alright
that's it that's my Halloween tag yay gods on did you guys learn anything new
about me did Joe I don't know alright so we're gonna go ahead and end this here I
hope you enjoyed it if you want to do the Halloween tag go ahead and look in
the description box below I'll leave all the questions down below also don't
hesitate go check out um amy's channel she is awesome I really like her I'll
leave her a link down below as well or you can always go to my blog at
مؤتمر طبي سعودي يؤكد فاعلية علاج لهشاشة العظام في مقاومة السرطان|Health Online - Duration: 9:27.
NFL Owner In Full Panic After What Packers Star Said He's Doing At Next Game That'll DESTROY Team - Duration: 4:48.
NFL Owner In Full Panic After What Packers Star Said He's Doing At Next Game That'll
The anti-American epidemic within the National Football League has reached pandemic proportions
as the Commissioner sits back and allows the problem to persist while it gets worse each
If the league doesn't get ahead of the problem immediately and change the course the season
is going, it could be the end of the NFL as we know it.
However, the star player for the Green Bay Packers wants to ensure that happens with
what he announced he'll be doing at the next game that could officially destroy his
entire team.
The point with the National Anthem protests have been made and now it's time for it
to stop, but that doesn't seem like it will happen anytime soon.
The competition level within the sport has transferred from the actual game to who can
make a bigger, more disgusting statement than the last athlete.
It appears that Packers' Aaron Rogers wants that title in a sudden surprising move.
Of all the teams in the NFL, the Packers was among those who have gone against the grain
and not wasted airtime and energy protesting.
This was in large part due to coach Mike McCarthy's unique approach to combating this issue on
his field.
From the start of the preseason when the protests began, McCarthy preempted the problem on his
team by educating his players on why we stand for the anthem since ignorance is why most
of the idiotic athletes are sitting or kneeling on the sidelines.
He's put the knowledge of the real history of this nation on the field to stop players
from making fools of themselves with protests.
However, his quarterback didn't listen to this lesson, or one of the team owners'
shocking ultimatum yesterday.
Rogers just proved that players don't care about anything other than the attention they
Just hours after one of his team's shareholders announced that he's ready to call it quits
if the protests across the NFL persist because he's livid about what it's done to the
The quarterback must have taken that as a challenge, spitting on this man's massive
investment and followed up the announcement with one of his own.
Circa reports:
NFL star Aaron Rodgers says that fans should lock arms during his next game in a show of
solidarity with players.
"This is about equality," he told Packers News Tuesday.
"This is about unity and love and growing together as a society, and starting a conversation
around something that may be a little bit uncomfortable for people."
Who it's really "uncomfortable" for is the shareholder of his team who is rightfully
fed-up with these constant antics that distract from the sport.
It's time to separate athletics and politics and let people enjoy this past time again.
Now he's probably panicking about the loss of revenue his franchise will likely face
like the others teams have experience who brought protests on the field.
Rogers' misguided move to lock arms in the name of "equality" and push this agenda
could destroy his team if the shareholder sticks to his threat of bailing out of the
business and if fans start boycotting too.
This seems to have already begun based on the reactions.
The quarterback explained more about why he decided to suddenly do this protest now.
"But we've got to come together and talk about these things and grow as a community,
as a connected group of individuals in our society, and we're going to continue to
show love and unity," the Green Bay Packers quarterback added, according to Circa.
"And this week we're going to ask the fans to join in as well and come together
and show people that we can be connected and we can grow together."
The furious shareholder unloaded his ultimatum to the players in a phone conversation with
the news outlet The Daily Caller, as we reported yesterday.
He didn't hold back when he expressed how upset he is with protesting and it's a sentiment
that most Americans share at this point in the protests, more than what Rodgers had to
"I am f*****g livid right now.
I see this s**t and I lose my mind.
It needs to end immediately," the owner shouted over the phone the phone with the
news source on Monday night.
"I'll give up football completely and find something else to do with my time if
this continues," he added.
"This horse s**t must end.
These players are so out of touch.
They disrespect our flag and then wonder why Trump won.
It's a no-brainer.
This is so disrespectful."
"People will run to college football over the NFL in droves if these protests continue,"
the owner ended the conversation in saying.
Regardless of how much money he has in his team, he's willing to relinquish control
over his massive investment because he's so fed up, and who can blame him?
Despite it being disrespectful, it's nauseating to see.
People are tired of it, including the guy who has a ton of money invested in it.
The players are too arrogant to see it or care because they are loving all the attention
they're getting for it.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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