Combatant Commands are now at DEFCON 1.
Approximately 200 Decepticons are now in hiding.
Energon detectors have been triggered
as far away as South America and China.
The U.N. just received an encrypted audio file.
They say it's from the leader of the Autobots.
Defenders of Earth.
We have come for your natural resources
to rebuild our damaged planet.
When we have transported all we need,
we will leave your world in peace.
For such peace to exist,
you must immediately exile the Autobot rebels you have harbored.
Renounce the rebels.
We await your reply.
We'll debrief you in transit.
Yeah, I really don't see how I can be of any help.
I mean, you guys seem pretty busy.
We could just do this another time, I think.
I have underestimated you at every turn.
You warned us that they were using humans.
And you knew that Sentinel was the key.
Who am I? Hey, you're the expert. I'm just a walking security risk.
Are you all right?
- No, you're not. You're sweating. - I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm sweating because I'm nervous.
I'm nervous because you got me in here with this information.
Okay, I'm a Twitter junkie. I blog everything.
- I can't keep a secret to save my life. - You wouldn't dare.
- That's the truth. I'm telling you. - Director, the Pentagon's calling in 15.
- What are you doing? - Nothing. What are you doing?
Get away from me.
It's been a remarkable series of events today at the Capitol.
Just moments ago, legislation was passed
to exile the Autobots from American shores.
The U-S. Military alliance with them is officially overt.
In the words of the House Majority Leader;
The sponsor of today's resolution,
- ""We cannot in good conscience..." - Okay.
What? They can't do this.
- You gotta tell them. They can't do that. - Okay. It's official. It's a go, people.
These are our allies. The Autobots fought for us. They fought with us.
And where are we now?
Facing an enemy invasion
with an enemy that has the means to deploy countless more.
If there is any more you know,
anything at all about the enemy's intentions,
now is the time to tell.
Autobots have no way of leaving this planet.
And that is where you're wrong.
Its name is the Xanthium.
It brought the second wave of Autobots
and it's been under NASA's care and study ever since.
We linked it with a decommissioned shuttle
to maintain military control until they're gone.
Gonna be 10,000 pounds of torque on that itsy-bitsy bolt, not 19!
You're gonna risk the lives of all me mates! I'll ball you!
These guys are the Wreckers. They take care of the Xanthium.
We don't let them off the base much, 'cause they're assholes.
You gotta pull that, ya nancy wanker!
It's time to kill him!
I'm just trying to help, you know. Just doing my job.
Just calm down. Leave him alone. This is a human being.
- Epps! - You are ridiculous!
- Is that you? - What up, man?
What are you doing here?
I retired from the Air Force.
Can you let my hand go?
What the hell was that?
Now I just consult to run interference for them.
Well, you're not helping!
No more combat and aliens shooting at my ass. I got a dream job.
Time to get off this planet.
Kicking the Autobots out. Can you believe this is happening?
- Where do you think it's taking them? - Any planet but here.
I wanna talk to whoever's in charge here!
Well, well, well. Charlotte Mearing.
Agent Simmons. Former Agent Simmons.
So I see you survived Washington.
Washington, Egypt, heartbreak. I survive. I will survive.
They're bringing everybody in, kid. Putting all the intel on the table.
And if you think deporting nine Autobots is gonna solve a damn thing...
It's out of my hands.
Moving up in the world?
Your booty looks excellent.
If you ever say a word to anyone
about what happened that night in Quantico,
I'll cut your heart out.
You already did.
Sammy, listen to me. Don't let them exile us.
- Don't let them take us, Sam. - It's a Decepticon trap.
Check the nitrogen levels. We're booking out of here.
What your leaders say is true. This was all my fault.
I told them whom to trust. I was so wrong.
That doesn't make it your fault. It just makes you human for a change.
Remember this.
You may lose your faith in us,
but never in yourselves.
I need to know how you're gonna fight back.
I know this is strategy, I know you're coming back
with reinforcements, something. I know there's a plan.
You can tell me. No other human will ever know.
There is no plan.
If we just do what they want, how are we gonna live with ourselves?
You are my friend, Sam.
You always will be.
But your leaders have spoken.
From here,
the fight will be your own.
Make it short.
We're loading up.
All right, hustle up! We're launching at dawn.
We're gonna do whatever we can. Make it like it was.
You will always be my friend, Sam.
I gotta be going on.
Years from now, they're gonna ask us,
"Where were you when they took over the planet?"
We're gonna say,
"We just stood by and watched."
You should really look at this as a partnership.
You have to stand on the side of progress
if you wanna be a part of history.
Seven, six, five, four; Three, two,
One, zero.
Go ahead and throttle up.
You wanted an answer. You got one.
I always get what I want, Sam. We just needed to be sure.
Sure of what?
That they would go without a fight.
- Say again. - Tracking an incoming object.
We all work for the Decepticons now.
For more infomation >> Autobots Exiled 'There is No Plan' Scene | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) CLIP - Duration: 9:46.-------------------------------------------
Bauer sucht Frau-Gerald packt über seine Ex-Freundin aus - Duration: 8:27.
Megatron's Plan - Sentinel's Betrayal | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) CLIP - Duration: 7:01.
My master! Such a brilliant scheme!
So when Sentinel left Cybertron, it was to defect?
He was meant to rendezvous with me here on Earth
before fate waylaid us both.
The only way to revive him,
we needed Prime and his Matrix.
Excellent strategy.
Mine, mine!
So he is now your partner, master?
He is my greatest triumph.
So impressive.
Commencing transport.
Stop! No! No, Sentinel!
Forgive me.
Here we are.
Fight us now.
Watch out! Move it! Move it!
Autobots, retreat!
Why, Sentinel, why?
For Cybertron! For our home!
What war destroyed, we can rebuild! But only if we join with the Decepticons.
No, it's not the only way. This is our home! We must defend the humans!
So lost you are, Optimus.
On Cybertron, we were gods.
And here, they call us machines.
Let the humans serve us, or perish.
You're lucky I didn't kill you. In time you'll see.
It's not over.
Now, if I were him, I wouldn't let you out of my sight for one second.
It's funny. I was just thinking on the way over here,
I could really use some advice from Dylan, and there he is.
- Can I speak to you, Carly? - Welcome. Please, sit down.
Have a drink.
You know what, I don't need a drink. Or a car, or a job.
I just need to speak to my girlfriend alone.
Is that okay with you, Mr. Inappropriate?
Excuse me.
- What's going on? - I'll tell you outside.
I really think I can help you, Sam.
I remember a talk I had with my dad once about tough choices.
Yeah, now's not the time. We'll set something up, though.
Of course, it was way back, when my dad's firm was in charge
of budget review and accounting for NASA.
You see, the thing that he taught me was,
when it's not your war, you join the side that's going to win.
Too direct? Or is it just me?
Certainly not you, sir.
You're mine!
- Get help! - Sam, I can't get out!
- Someone get help! - Good night!
Good night, Mr. Dylan.
Get me out of here!
Help! Get help!
- He's young. He will learn. Good night. - Get me out!
It was a fun night.
You really think you're the first man ever asked to join the noble alien cause?
Who are you?
Do you know why we've not been back to the moon since 1972?
Because these two,
they came to my dad and they told him to do some creative accounting.
Make it way too expensive to ever go back. So, he and the others
shut down the American and Russian space programs.
And they've been our clients ever since.
- You helped them kill people? - You think they'd give you a choice?
Besides, it's not like I personally participated.
I am a liaison. I liaise.
It's hostile takeover time, Sam.
- Sam! - Let her go!
I've had my eye on you for years, Sam.
You're the one spy I've never been able to provide
as someone close to the Autobots.
Sam! Don't do what he wants!
Yes, he will.
They all do.
They will slaughter her, you understand me?
In the time it takes you to blink, they'll do it to her and they'll do it to me.
So you show a little respect
when someone offers you a job!
You are to track down Optimus Prime,
because you're the one human he trusts,
and you will ask one question.
How does he intend to fight back? Strategies, tactics, everything!
Has a nasty little bite, doesn't it? It's very high-tech.
It lets us see what you see, hear what you hear
and it taps your nervous system.
So, if you so much as try and signal...
I don't know what to tell you, Sam.
Relationships have consequences. I am here because of my father.
She is here because of you.
Stop, stop! Stop! Stop!
Soundwave, would you please?
Sam, do your job.
She'll be safe. I give you my word.
I'll kill you. You have my word.
ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ БЕГ ЗА ЗОЛОТОМ #90 Зомби Бен ДРУЗЬЯ СОРЕВНОВАНИЕ Анджела Хэнк Джинджер - Duration: 20:27.
Marc Terenzi: Schockierendes Todes-Drama! - Duration: 3:23.
3 Breast Cancer Survivors Who Decided Against Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomies | TODAY - Duration: 5:12.
Kaip pakeisti galinio rato guolis MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 PAMOKA | AUTODOC - Duration: 26:43.
Use a socket №18
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use a socket №32
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №16 and an open-end wrench №16
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №18
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a socket №8
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
The Changing Scope of Who is a Publisher - Duration: 3:03.
Hi there.
I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.
Today I am going to discuss the changing scope of who or what a publisher is.
I have previously spoken about what is academic publishing, in particular the traditional
roles of acquisition and business development, production and editorial services, and marketing
and sales.
See a link at the end of this video to that video.
But today I am going to talk about the expanding definition or scope of who a publisher is.
Typically, in scholarly publishing, companies like Elsevier or Wiley or Lippincott Williams
and Wilkins would come to mind if someone mentioned for-profit publishing.
Or, one might think about large professional societies or associations and their flagship
journals like IEEE, the American Chemical Society, or the American College of Physicians.
Others would rightly include database companies or continuing education organizations as publishers.
But increasingly, a wider net is now being cast.
Online only publishing companies of course are on the list.
But how about video sites like YouTube or Vimeo.
Or podcasting networks like Panoply or Earwolf.
Facebook and other social media sites are creating an enormous amount of content each
day, albeit user-generated.
Active bloggers are creating original content that sometimes can exceed what a journal or
magazine might publish in a month, especially if you take into account the comment section
to the blog.
All of these groups can lay claim to the term publisher.
Additionally, aggregators, whether in news or scholarly content are an interesting case.
In the purest form, they are creating little to no new content but I would imagine many
might view sites like Flipboard, Inoreader, or Feedly as publishers.
And then considering sites like Reddit or Quora that generate an enormous amount of
content, the line becomes even grayer.
And finally, is the individual.
Many people through the avenues mentioned above or at their own sites are creating a
lot of their own content.
Individuals are assuredly becoming publishers themselves.
When the word publisher is used today, in scholarly publishing or more broadly, we will
have to continue to expand our thinking quite a bit beyond the traditional organizations.
Well that's it.
Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click on the link to see my previous video
on what is an academic publisher.
And make comments below or email me with questions.
Thank so much and take care.
سيدة تنجب توأم سيامي بساقين وأربعة أزرع|Health Online - Duration: 7:15.
Dog Cane Corso Derrek in the veterinary clinic. #canecorso - Duration: 4:59.
"Glitter Tears" Halloween/Festival Makeup Look - Duration: 2:11.
Mark Halperin Accuser Eleanor McManus Speaks Out About Alleged Sexual Harassment | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:17.
விக்ரம் மகள் திருமணம் கோபாலபுரத்தில் கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி தலைமையில் கோலாகலமாக நடந்தது வீடியோ உள்ளே - Duration: 1:28.
Kuinka vaihtaa takapyörän laakerit MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 -merkkiseen autoon OHJEVIDEO | AUTODOC - Duration: 26:43.
Use a socket №18
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use a socket №32
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №16 and an open-end wrench №16
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №18
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a socket №8
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
الـ FDA توافق على "زيباتيير" لمرضى فيروس سي بنسبة شفاء تصل 100%|Health Online - Duration: 6:16.
Nach Mord an zweijähriger Tochter: Geflohener Vater gefasst - Duration: 3:26.
Melania Trump's spokeswoman would've never been forced to do this for Michelle Obama - Duration: 3:40.
it isn't news that millennia Trump and Michelle Obama are polar opposites when
it comes to their roles as first lady's comparisons haven't typically been drawn
between what their spokespersons have had to say on their behalf however
Stephanie Grisham Melania Trump's communications director has been forced
to defend President Donald Trump's wife on a number of occasions since he was
elected Grisham has come forward to not only make routine announcements but
justify Millennia's actions to a bemused public the latest statement that Grisham
delivered in regards to Melania Trump confronting bullying is the one
initiative she's been defending repeatedly there are a few words used in
her statements that are being attacked by a former White House official who
worked for the Obama administration the official tells CNN that a no way would
Grisham have ever needed to be as explicit in her statements on behalf of
Michelle Obama Melania Trump has a whole different set of circumstances that have
to separate her from her husband's role Grisham was asked by CNN if Millenia
feels the need to send her out to make statements justifying her agendas since
they don't match up with the president Grisham reportedly answered a flat no
first lady Melania Trump is independent in acts independently from her husband
she does what she feels is right and knows that she has a real opportunity
through her role as first lady to have a positive impact on the lives of children
her only focus is to affect change within our next generation the statement
which is intended to be instrumental in separating Melania Trump from the
president by virtue of their agendas meaning the president has a tendency to
outright bully others the report notes that it's fundamentally different than
first ladies of recent memory the fact that it's spelled out and no uncertain
terms is what truly separates Melania Trump from Michelle Obama according to a
former Obama aide while mrs. Obama did tackle her own initiatives that were
independent of her husband she wouldn't have ever needed to distance herself
from him there would never have been anything similar to that statement from
Grisham because it wasn't an issue for the Obamas
Michelle Obama had her own agenda let girls learn let's move joining forces
but at no point did any of those conflict with the president's words
actions or policies anita McBride who acted as chief of staff her first lady
Laura Bush who says the first lady role is unique to each president's wife and
the job description can be anything she wants McBride notes that millennia trump
has charted her own course since the beginning by moving to Washington DC six
months after the inauguration and doing things on her own terms in her timeline
another factor separating Melania Trump not just from Michelle Obama but other
first lady's is that she's using a fraction of the staff they all did many
first lady's utilize the assistance of 20 or more staff members but Grisham
explains that mrs. Trump uses nine staff members because she values quality
versus quantity the nation is still adjusting to Melania Trump living by her
own rules despite the vast differences in strategy compared to that of Michelle
Obama and other first lady's before her
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