It's where I was born.
I'm proud of the place I was born.
I'm proud of the South.
(country fiddle music)
I think there's a lot of good things about the South.
I'm Southern, and I was born in the South,
and I've lived in the South most of my life.
There's a pace of life here that I like.
I communicate with people because I was raised around 'em.
You know, it's funny.
People set off and make fun of us,
how slow we are and everything.
Yet, there's a hundred people every day coming to Nashville
from other places,
so we must not be the only ones that like it here.
My favorite food in the world is
country-style steak with rice.
You want to throw in some side dishes,
maybe some sliced tomatoes, cucumbers,
a biscuit or cornbread, either one,
sweet tea, that's all I need.
For more infomation >> Why Charlie Daniels Loves The South | Southern Living - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Adventure Escape Starstruck walkthrough Chapter 4 5 6 - Duration: 25:01.
Sunday Brunch: New play on grits - Duration: 2:11.
Antelope and Horseshoe Bend, Arizona - Duration: 16:40.
Amphiprion Percula, the clownfish - Duration: 9:25.
The 28 species of clownfish are subdivided into in groups that we call complexes.
We will study one by one in this video series
Are they: Percula, Tomato, Skunk, Clarkii, Saddleback
and Maroons.
Do not forget to enjoy each one of them and get informed about you.
The orange clown fish (Amphiprion percula) is widely known as a popular fish
of aquarium.
Like other clownfishes (also known as such as anemonefishes), often lives in
association with sea anemones.
Amphiprion percula is specifically associated with with the anemones Heteractis magnifica and Stichodactyla
and, as a larva, they use chemical cues released from anemones to identify and
to locate the appropriate host species to use them for shelter and protection.
This causes preferential selection when their host species of anemone.
Although popular, keeping this species in captivity is quite complex.
The Marine Park Authority of the Great Barrier chooses the number of licenses for
which are issued to traders of aquarium fish looking for this and other
tropical fish in the Marinho Grande Recife's barrier.
The symbiosis between the clown and anemones depends that the clown would attract other fish to the
anemone, where they are stung by their tentacles poisonous
The anemone helps the fish by protecting predators, which include starfish, wrasses
and other maidens, and the fish helps the anemone feeding it, increasing oxygenation and
removing the waste material from the host.
There are several assumptions about of the fish to live inside the anemone without
are impaired.
A study conducted in Marineland of the Pacific by Dr.
Demorest Davenport and Dr.
Kenneth Noris in 1958 revealed that mucus secreted by the clown fish prevented the anemone from
their lethal nematocysts.
A second hypothesis is that A. percula acquired immunity to anemone toxins
of the sea, and was shown experimentally as a combination of the two.
The fish feed on algae, zooplankton, worms and small crustaceans.
reproduction Since these fish live in an environment
hot water, they can reproduce during the year.
Each group of fish consists of a pair of playback and 0-4 non-creators.
Within each group there is a hierarchy based in size:the female is larger, the breeding male
is the second largest, and male non-breeders become smaller and smaller as the hierarchy
Each fish is born male, but will only change to
the female if the only female breeder dies.
If the female dies, the male reproductive changes sex, it becomes the breeding female and the
the larger non-breeder becomes the breeding male.
The spawning process is correlated with the lunar cycle.
At night, the moon maintains a higher level of alert in fish and this increases the interaction
with males and females.
Before pairing, the male draws the female through of courtship behavior.
Such courtship actions include extending its fins, biting the female and chasing her.
Males also swim quickly in a upward and downward movement to attract
the females.
The location of the nest is also important for the survival of eggs.
Depending on the size of the female
400-1500 eggs per cycle.
The expected period of rearing females is approximately 12 years and is relatively
long for a fish of its size, but it is characteristic of other reef fish.
It was not clear why non-breeding continue to associate with these groups.
Unlike the non-reproductive ones in some groups of animals, they can not
of occasional reproduction because their gonads are not functional.
They can not be considered helpers in the nest, because he discovered that his presence
does not increase the reproductive success of the breeders.
Recent research (Buston, 2004) suggests that they are simply queuing for
the territory occupied by the breeders, that is, the anemone; non-breeding
living in association with the breeding have a better chance of eventually securing
territory than a non-resident.
The probability of a fish climbing this queue is equal to that of the individual who
at least one of its dominant ones, because an individual will move up if some
of its rulers die and not simply when its immediate dominant dies.
The development of juvenile fish for depends on the hierarchical system and can
be described as density dependent.
There is aggression involved in these small families, although not usually among the male sex
and feminine.
Aggression usually exists between males.
The greatest man will suppress the development of the next male minor and the cycle will continue
until the smaller fish is dumped from the anemone hostess.
Within each anemone, the regulation of the species is controlled by the female once
that the amount of space for fish in the anemone is directly proportional to its
size (which eventually reaches the maximum), then it controls the size of the other fish.
Amphiprion percula is a very competitive fish and this causes the smaller fish to have a
atrophied growth.
There is the potential for a fish to ranking, contesting its dominant.
This depends on the relative body sizes of the two fish, and it is very unlikely that
happens, since A. percula maintains well-defined size differences between
adjacent individuals in position.
However, in an aquarium, this fish is peaceful, and can live well in an environment
of aquarium.
Fish lay their eggs in a safe place near the anemone where they are easily
protected, and parents can withdraw to the safety of the anemone if the danger threatens.
The clown usually puts his nests to the night after a few days of careful cleaning
and examination of the chosen place.
The preferred egg sites are flat stones or slightly curved or some other item
that the fish dragged near its nest to the effect.
(In captivity, clay pots and saucers are an attractive choice.)
First, the female lays down some your ovipositor (a whitish tube that
descends from the belly), taking stock of the surface, then the male follows behind
to fertilize the eggs. After many passages, the nest is complete and will hatch in 6-8
few days after sunset, usually on a very dark night.
However, the male is very protective of the nest and incessantly stirs the eggs to provide
circulation of oxygen and verifies them As for any bad egg, what does it eat?
before they can rot and damage more eggs.
Females may or may not help the male to take care of the nest.
In incubation, the larvae explode and swim towards the moon and the open ocean to
ride the chains and eat plankton for about of a week, before the still tiny
clowns return to the reef and look for an anemone to settle in.
Eventually the cycle repeats itself.
Development The development of A. percula is relatively
After the eggs are fertilized, they ready to hatch after about
six to seven days.
After incubation, the larvae are very small and transparent, except for the eyes, the bag
yolk and some color throughout the body.
The larva then sinks into the benthic environment, but then nothing to the upper water column.
The larva spends about a week floating between the plankton and is carried
ocean currents.
The larval stage ends when A. percula sets in the ocean floor.
The process of larval stages for juveniles takes about a day.
There is rapid color development during the juvenile stage of A. percula.
During the juvenile stage, the anemonefish must find a suitable anemone host.
Specific chemical components are used When finding your host.
These chemical clues are different for each anemone.
This causes preferential selection when their host species of anemone.
When A. percula comes in contact with the anemone, it produces a protective mucosal lining.
This mucosal lining is developed with multiple interactions with the host anemone.
A. percula dances around the anemone, playing their fins first to the tentacles
and then your entire body during your first interaction with the anemone.
This process may take a few minutes or up to several hours.
If A. percula does not continue to contact with the host anemone, the protective cover
of the mucosa may disappear.
A. percula belongs to a group of fish that are not stung by anemone nematocysts.
If A. percula did not have the mucosa, they would be stung.
Other species of fish that do not have mucosa are consumed by the anemone.
لقاح مضاد لفيروس زيكا "خلال أشهر"|Health Online - Duration: 6:45.
Sepuluh Botol Hijau | Lagu Anak | kartun anak | lagu anak terpopuler | Little Treehouse - Duration: 27:40.
♫ Kids Music ♫
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be nine green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Nine green bottles hanging on the wall
Nine green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be eight green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Eight green bottles hanging on the wall
Eight green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be seven green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Seven green bottles hanging on the wall
Seven green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be six green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Six green bottles hanging on the wall
Six green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be five green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Five green bottles hanging on the wall
Five green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be four green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Four green bottles hanging on the wall
Four green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be three green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Three green bottles hanging on the wall
Three green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be two green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Two green bottles hanging on the wall
Two green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be one green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
One green bottles hanging on the wall
One green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be no green bottles hanging on the wall!
♫ Kids Music ♫
Do Black Guys Die First in Horror Movies?: Where Do Movie Clichés Come From? - Duration: 8:36.
Two guys walk into a bar in a scary movie, one's a black guy, the other's the white
main character. The white guy says "man, I sure hate scary movies" and then the black
guys says (gunshot). He dies within the first couple of seconds of this video. Get it? If
you don't get the joke, don't worry. Find out more on my first episode of "Where Do
Clichés Come From?" This week we talk about how black guys die first in horror movies.
Growing up, horror movies were always my favorite genre. I didn't have cable for an extended
period in my childhood and the horror genre were the only films TV stations could censor
and still keep the film entertaining. I've had it with this mother f#cken snakes on this
mother f#cken plane! (audio). I, like most movie buffs will constantly yell at the screen
and give advice to characters before a fatality (audio). I'm willing to bet, if the main
characters were like me, 75% of horror movie victims would still be alive today. Or would
they? See, the thing is, I'm black and apparently, we don't always die first in horror movies.
According to this film trope, no matter how fast I could run, or how smart I am, I'll
die in the first 15 minutes of a film. False! As I stated earlier, I watched horror movies
a lot. This includes the popular ones and the ones no one remembers. Out of all the
horror movies I've watched, occasionally, a brother would be the first one to say goodnight,
but most of the time, they survived or were killed outside of the first five fatalities.
Those stats look pretty good in my book. Where did this trope come from? Who would invent
such a rumor? To find out, we're going to go back in time (audio). See back in the day,
when films were black and white, there were barely any black people in them. If you did
see black people, they usually served as comic relief (laugh track audio). Hollywood had
more restrictions on what they could and couldn't show in major productions. So the good news
was, you'd rarely see anybody die in scary movies. Maintain Moreland for example, would
constantly be placed in the face of danger and he would constantly laugh at it like Simba
did. Whether you were black or white, you were safe in horror movies. To find out where
things started getting dangerous, we'll have to go back into our time machine. In
1967, Mantan Moreland, who had survived countless horror movies before, his luck ran out. In
the beginning of 1967's Spider Baby, he became the first black man to die within the
first 10 minutes of a movie. Cinema would never be the same again. His death sent shock
waves throughout tinseltown. After that point, if you were black, an actor and wanted a gig
in Hollywood, you had better been good at dying, like really really well or they didn't
want to see your resume. Due to the lack of respectable roles in Hollywood, this ushered
in the blaxploitation film era or the 1970s. The era received a lot of criticism for perpetuating
black stereotypes. In these films, black men were pimps, black women were hoes, but the
good news, black people didn't die first in horror movies. Black people had a healthy
alternative than just showing up to work for a day to die within the first 10 minutes of
a film. If you remove this decade from any alternative time line, the only roles that
would be available to black people are the types of roles like Moreland's in Spider
Baby. In the 70s, it wasn't all about blaxploitation, in fact, it was all about the Benjamins. Low
budget gore films like Rosemary's Baby became huge box office successes and this gave Hollywood
a blueprint. Spend the least amount of money you can, kill the most amount of people you
can and you could make the most amount of money you can. This formula would give rise
to countless slasher movies. Leading this renaissance was a film titled Alien. This
is the earliest film I could point to that best defines the horror genre as it is today.
Put your main character in the center of a lot of characters that the audience doesn't
care about. These throwaway characters almost always includes the infamous black man (Now
you know he dead audio). Yes, the black man will definitely die, but he doesn't always
die first. In fact, in Alien, the black guys were 2 out of the 3 of the last survivors.
Parker makes it all the way until the end before he says night night (you ever go night
night audio) and the last one to die is the alien which by the way is played by a black
man, so technically black men die last in horror movies. Well not really because then,
the 80s happened. The 80s were a happy time for black people, the number one sitcom in
America was Cosby Show, the number one recording artist in the world was a black man, and Hip
Hop entered mainstream. As a race, black people were winning in real life, but in movies,
we couldn't stop dying. It was like some sort of disease. See if you're going to
get screwed by Hollywood, it's best you wear a condom. In 1980, we witnessed Dick
from the Shining get killed. What was so bad was he was the only person Jack killed in
the whole movie. In 1986, Frost died first and it was so embarrassing because he didn't
even put up a fight. And the worst one of all, the biology teacher from Gremlins went
out like a sucker. And you want to know the worst part of that? Years later, 27 years
to be exact, you would think black people would come a long way and have better roles
in Hollywood, but no, no, no, look at good ol' Roy Hanson, almost playing the exact
same dude in Super 8. There he is, dying first again. That's racist. No, my friend, that's
Hollywood. Damn. My bad y'all. Sorry to get so sensitive, but stuff like that hurts
my feelings. I'll admit, black people die first sometimes in horror movies, but out
of all the horror films that came out in the 80s, I was only able to find 9 examples and
I was only able to find 28 total examples of black people dying first since the beginning
of time. So always is a strong word. So when did this cliché become a thing? I thought
you'd never ask and even though you didn't, I'll still tell you. Remember that movie
you don't remember? Yeah, that's the one. Way back in time, 20 years ago to be exact,
Roger Ebert reviewed that movie and his words were as follow. At this point, we could easily
predict the death of the assistant. He's an African American, and so falls under the
BADF action movie rule. The brother always die first. This just goes to show, you can't
trust everything a man says especially when said man doesn't even like Usual Suspects
or Gladiator. Without doing any fact checking, Ebert's audience ran with the quote. He
couldn't take it back, no one could. The world would never be the same. Maybe, just
maybe, that's what Ebert had intended all along. Actually, the idea of black people
dying first in horror movies isn't exactly Ebert's fault. If you pay attention to his
quote, he never suggested black guys always die first in horror movies. He suggested black
guys always die first in action movies, which by the way is totally false also. Ebert's
quote had a snowball effect and became the punchline to every rapper's 16th bar in
a freestyle. This ish is a horror flick, but a black guy doesn't die in this movie (8
Mile audio). It also didn't help that 3 months after Ebert's quote, Scream 2 was
released and Omar Epps and Jada Pinkett Smith set a record for the quickest black people
to die n a horror movie back to back. Before Ebert said what he said, from 1967 to 1997,
there were 14 reported cases of black guys dying first in horror movies. From 1997 to
2017, after his quote, there were 14 instances where a black person died first. That means
half the cases of black people dying first in a horror movie happened in the last 20
years so it's tough to credit Ebert for that quote. 28 black people dying isn't
a low number, but it's way less than sluts that die first, jocks that die first, or first
person on the screen that dies first. So you can't consider it a trope if it rarely happens.
There's approximately 1800 American horror films and with the 28 cases we found, no,
it's not true black people always die first in horror movies. In fact, black people only
die 1.3% of the time (Do the Right Thing audio). Hey guys, thanks for watching the whole video.
I pay attention to tropes and movie clichés a lot and this one was especially fund to
research. If you have a trope in mind you would like me to discuss in a future video,
share the trope below. Click the like and subscribe button to keep up with my future
videos and if there's a horror movie where the black guy dies first that I left off the
video, feel free to comment below.
Live Calls on Ghosts - Duration: 59:33.
Julio César Chávez y sus primeros sueldos de campeonato mundial | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entre - Duration: 6:42.
Ganador de Gran Oportunidad Lázaro Arbos y su historia | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 8:07.
Julio César Chávez habló de su familia y del estreno de su serie - Duration: 2:06.
O Bombeiro - Charles Chaplin - Duration: 25:45.
Huracanes del Norte describen distintas personalidades | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entretenimiento - Duration: 8:16.
Julio César Chávez perdió todo después de haber ganado millones | Don Francisco Te Invita | Entrete - Duration: 8:02.
Shout Out Monday Evening - Respect Every Persons Loyalty As Yours - Duration: 8:47.
here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today's shout out acronym is
some replay and why are we doing a replay well let's find out now I'm Tom
Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was created to help
other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of
building a model railroad and today we're going to do a shout out on someone
that I did a shout out once before now that was the very second shout out that
I ever did back in January 16th of 2017 and why am I doing this shout out well
on Friday I did a live show and somebody gave me a ten dollar super chat and said
is this the only way that I can get another shout out so that gave me a good
idea to do this shout out again now the acronym some replay is Shout Out Monday
Evening Respect Every Person's Loyalty As Yours now let me talk about loyalty
this person has been a loyal follower ever since I started here he has watched
every one of my videos I thinks he's commented on almost every one of them
and asked a lot of questions I've given a lot of advice I don't know if he's
taken the advice but I give it to him anyway but anyway who are we talking
about well I'll tell you in a minute or so I'm going to show you some clips from
the very first shout out like you did of this guy and it was on January 16 2017 I
recorded it I did the first part of the recording and the second part of the
recording I did five days later and the reason I did it five days later is
because I ended up in the hospital I was having migraines and my doctor gave me
some medicine that put me in the emergency room it increased my blood
pressure so high and I thought I was gonna die
so I went to an emergency room and they admitted me and my migraines did nothing
but get worse so they put me on some really strong medicine and you could
tell from the second half of this these clips that I'm going to show you that I
was really loopy I was out of it but I did the video anyway because I wanted to
get it out for you and but I'm going to show you three
different takes because the first part of it I did three different takes of the
beginning of it and you'll see why now let me put them up there right now and
Who am I taught me yeah and who am I talking about here well let me tell you
Sparky107107 so let's take a look at this right now
this thing oh alright well g'day model railroaders today is January 16 2017 today here we
go and this thing working here okay
well g'day model railroaders today is January 17th
well g'day model railroaders today is January 16 2017 if you haven't
figured it out already this Shout Out Monday Evening is for Sparky so let me
go find the utility knife so I can open up some boxes this one's for Sparky107107
I was going to do a big production on this but since I just came out to the
hospital and I'm on meds right now and I'm a little bit loopy it's gonna be a
really short one I was gonna do a you know big production about you know this
little utility knife right here that Sparkie always lost but I'm gonna skip
that for right now Sparkie reached 600 subscribers and he's going to give away
$500 when I first saw the video he was at 608 subscribers when I just looked at
a few minutes ago he was all the way up to 741 subscribers so good job Sparkie
there you go you made the statement tell what you liked about your channel it's
not the channel that everybody likes it's what they liked about you because
you're a nice guy you take the time even though that you had so many problems
this past year with the flood you still took the time to watch everybody's
videos and comment and when people watched your
videos and made comments on them you responded to them and that's why I liked
about you and one of these days you're gonna listen to some advice that people
give you you know people are always giving you a vice but I don't think
you're listening so one of these days you're gonna start listening to the
advice people give you so anyway I'm cutting this real short because I'm a
little bit loopy the medication and I'm on you know just I can't concentrate
really well so take a look at Sparky's channel
Sparky107107 I'll put a link up there
over here and at the end I'll put that little round thing over there and I'll
say Sparky along with mine and have a good day
and ooh that was tough
Wow I was really out of it that day but anyway go check out Sparky's channel
Sparky107107 the links will be in the description down here and subscribe to
his channel and ding his bell while you're at it and that'll notify you of
whenever he has another video coming out I know a lot of you are already
subscribed to them but if you are not subscribed to them already go ahead and
do that and while you're at it go ahead and subscribe to my channel also and
ding that Bell and that'll notify you whenever there's another video coming
out so don't forget Monday Wednesday and Saturday I have videos coming out and
occasionally I'll have a live stream sometimes on Friday and sometimes on
Sunday so check them out also I got a lot of videos on the playlist check them
out I have them categorized for you so you
could find them very easily on the subject you're looking for I have over
40 of them on there so go ahead if you're ever looking for anything that I
have you could check them out in the playlists they're easy to find
and so we'll see Ya
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