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¿Por qué 'Rackly' ? | Story time (w /subtitles) - Duration: 5:58.
Please ignore my hair
Hi guys! I'm Rackly.
Welcome back to my channel.
One of the questions people always ask me is
Why is my channel called 'Rackly'?
Why did you choose that name?
Where does it come from?
In this video im going to explain where that name comes from and all the details.
And meanwhile...
I'll be taking care of this.
Let's begin.
I'll have to start from the very beginning.
As some of you may already know
My name is Rackel.
My mom decided to name me that because there's this actress she used to like a lot
Her name is Rachel Welch
Raquel Welch
I don't remember how it's pronounced
But my mom used to like that actress a lot
She decided to give me that name.
The thing is that my name is spelled differently.
My name isn't spelled with 'qu',
But it's spelled with 'ck' instead.
When they were going to register my name,
My mom wasn't by herself, she was with my aunt
And my aunt decided that...
'Raquel' was a very common name
And that it should be spelled a bit different
This is what happened
Mom <- - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Aunt
What's her name going to be?
Isn't that name a bit too common?
But I like the name 'Raquel'.
That name is way too common.
But I like that name.
I have an idea!
If we spell it differently ...
It won't be so common anymore.
Let's spell it with...
And that's what happened.
I don't spell my name with 'ck' only because I like it...
But because it's actually registered like that.
If you don't believe me...
There it is.
But it won't focus.
There it is.
I'm not lying, it's true.
My name is spelled with 'ck'.
Now, why 'Rackly'?
That's another long story.
Ok, I happen to be half Swiss and half Costa Rican.
But I'll explain that in another video.
Don't worry.
I was born in Costa Rica. When I was 5 years old we moved to Switzerland
And we lived there for about 7 years.
But I was very little when I was living there so...
I don't remember much.
As we have a way of calling people
When they are very close. ( (in Spanish) )
For example
Someone who's name is Carlos
Would be called 'Carlitos'
The same goes with Pablo (Pablito).
And stuff like that.
In Switzerland, people also have nicknames for close friends or family members.
I really wasn't expecting this but...Whatever.
For example my brother is called Daniel,
And my other brother is called Gerald.
So classmates and older people would call them
'Dani' and 'Geri'
Or someone called Humbert
Would be called 'Hubi'
Or...what else?
I can't think of more examples right now.
How to make stuff sound cursi in Swiss German?
So since my name is Rackel...
People would call me 'Rackly' when I was in Switzerland.
With Swiss accent:
"Rackly how's it going? "
Ok that's enough.
That all I can remember.
Actually, I do remember some words but...
I have to practice you guys, it's been a long time.
Everybody would call me that
My classmates, my teachers...Everybody.
Including my parents.
It's been a while since we came back to Costa Rica.
But my parents still call me Rackly.
Especially my mom.
Hi mom <3
So when I was thinking of a name for my channel,
It didn't take me too long to choose 'Rackly'
Because it brings back so many memories.
There you go!
Thats why my channel is called 'Rackly'.
And why I spell my name with 'ck' just so that you all know.
And what do you think about my new haircut?
I'm crazy I know.
I have no idea why I did this.
It still works, it doesn't look that bad.
I really like having short hair ok?
Don't judge me.
By the way, did you see this wall?
Isn't it gorgeous?
One day I was very bored here at home.
I probably had stuff to do
But since it's me we are talking about (Queen Procrastinator)
I do things I shouldn't be doing, because that's how I am.
So that day I decided to do something with this wall.
That was way too white and boring.
So I made doodles because I like sketching and stuff.
I made this little monsters and I like how it looks.
It's actually bigger, i'll show you.
Let's see.
That's me.
We look alike.
And there's this.
And there's this dragon.
Because I love dragons. <3
And I have this other dragon.
I made this a few years ago.
And I love it too.
And I also have...
Señor Antonio
Señor Antonio used to have a moustache but he got rid of it.
He's actually on the wall.
That's him.
I'm a bit weird right?
I hope you guys enjoyed this video and...
Uh! I got burned
With the hair straightener.
Don't forget to subscribe, like and share!
And I'll see you next time!
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