HOLLA! Ween that is I'm worth it it's honesty with the undisputed king upstream this
Halloween 2017 that's right no one other than my idol my hero my boy Stephen King
huh you know Stephen King brought me through some of the hardest travel only
and all I wanted to do was escape into his books when I was 12 13 whatever I
was going through rape molestation all those things and you know I just thank
God for Stephen King. as a matter of fact my stepfather who did those things to me
like I said it's all good I thank God for him he's the one actually introduced
me to Stephen King so thank you Bill Thank You Stephen because you know what
it's Stephen King is so powerful and so called colorful as an author I mean like
he could do things I've never seen he's amazing and I'm just praying to God that
I'll be as free and creative as he is one day when all my books are published
so anyway thank you and thank you Stephen King thanks all for coming y'all and you
know I shall working on some fiction stuff right now so I hope you really
enjoy I'm gonna do real good on it anyway this is Liberty justice here
reminding you that you are worth it valle s mucho so let's jump right into
this and today's theme is all about you know talking about my favorite author
Stephen King and his books or series that were adapted into movies so some of
the ones that I really enjoyed consuming but I want to hear from you all so what
are your favorite thing is Stephen King movies comment below even if you have a
video on your channel in one of his movies please drop that link below -
okay we're all here to support each other team champions so the first one
that I have for y'all is Cujo okay and and this movie is a classic it you know
what I mean this movie is a classic now so so Cujo let me go be a little thing
about that one time my ex I was one of the few things the guy that I told you
he beat me well one of the few things that we enjoyed together before we broke
up was that we did some we went to it was called the Erie
horror fest and they had all these actors down there we got to ask them
questions and they had these screenings in the movies and it was like
rock-bottom prices that the Warner Theatre it was like five bucks for three
movies it was really amazing anyway we got to see Cujo and we got to meet Dee
Wallace and Dee Wallace if you recall she was the mother from Cujo so she was
really cool sweet down-to-earth just come in and she looks really great for
her age girl you go girl anyway she's healthy strong woman so and
so I want to show you part of this clip from Cujo and then I want you to see cuz
it's a classic will we see this movie this Halloween there right now and this
movie is credited to movie clips so thank you movie clips you
hear that music you know what check it out now yo this is one of the scariest
parts of the whole movie
oh no we're gonna stop right there all right now again thank you so much movie
clips again okay so this next one is attributing to DukeTube so thank you
very much Duke Tube also I'm gonna push all of these links to these videos below
okay so you can check out these other youtubers and check out these other
links for all my sources or they'll be posted below okay so I want to show you
this one this next one is Duke - and it's the running man dance - and this is
a really cool thing so the movie running man and which was released in 1987 with
Arnold Schwarzenegger Selma Hayek and a whole bunch of other really cool people
also Paula Abdul who choreographed that I just found this out is really cool
Paula Abdul choreographed the running in dance troop moves so I really want you
to watch this for a second here and pay attention and again I'm gonna post this
link below so thank you very much check it out this was a really great
moves huh?
especially for a movie a movie about ex-cons I mean finds that we're being
chased and there's an awesome movie paula abul's in the middle there
somewhere okay so this next one one of my next favorite is with Jack Nicholson
in the shining okay and so anyway this one is a good by the way there's a
sequel to this and I'm gonna have to look into this and go this is crazy I
just found all this stuff out all this research is radical rabbit hole and so
far it's hard to do my own writing because I'm so stuck on the research and
I don't want to get distracted by details but anyway this movie was made
in 1980 or released in 1980 and again this clip comes from movie
clips so thank you very much movie clips I found a lot of good stuff on your page
and I am subscribed to you now so thank you and so I want to show you this is my
favorite line for the movie and I always use this line I'll tell you about I
don't want to spoil it but because if you haven't seen it this is really cool
and you have to go see this movie because it's gonna you're gonna want to
see it after this is really cool the line that I wanted to tell you was
here's Johnny so that's the lie that I use whatever I
go to hold was there's a guy here at whole foods 365 Santa Monica his name's
Johnny the guy never smiles it's gonna be a great victory whenever I get him
just not and if you watch this don't get offended I Love You Man I love everybody
I just think it's funny I'll go here's Johnny and his eyes kind of get big
but he never smiles but I'm gonna make you smile one day
Johnny that is my mission to make every person I see light up because I want y'all to know vales mucho you are worth it anyway his buddy so okay so again I want to
thank movie clips and I want to thank this next clip is from an awesome movie
that my cousin and I always watch because well let's face it Jimmy Smits
was in it okay but really it's just because it's one of the few movies I
can get my cousin to sit still for that long back of the day it was one of the
shorter ones and it was like one of the like the best one of the best of one of
the worst if that makes any sense not all Stephen King movies are created
equal and some of them weren't as great as others and I'm getting to some of my
favorites but Tommyknockers was just a fun movie to watch and it was like you
know about this alien ship that came and it like made everybody more creative
people were inventing all these things and falling in love and all this crazy
writing poems and all these things well anyway it was really cool and it kind of
made me think about myself when I was like I don't know lost in my addiction and
all those things and I was very creative but a lot of stuff i created it was
crap but anyway so this is a good movie and I'm just want to show you kind of
part of the ending it's kind of cool and I hope you enjoy this and this one is by
enlightened2099 so thank you enlightened and here we go
okay so that's that all right yeah so this is one of maybe my favorite maybe
it's probably my favorite movie of all the Stephen King movies which is the
Green Mile now I specifically remember reading
these when I was a young woman teenager whatever and these were so the greatest
thing because I love the bought my books too which by the way by the way I mean
just reading series like that Stephen thank you so much that's a great idea
and I'm doing that very thing right now I'm creating some series but anyway
series especially from Stephen King it's great because you got the reader but
it's just like you get a little taste of something real good in your mouth and
you're like oh I gotta have more I gotta have more and then you can't get in you
gotta Wait it sucks but it's building anticipations so it was amazing I love
these green mile books and it was a lot of fun reading these books and when I
was it I was a cashier at quality markets in Erie PA and anyway so I read
this article about this I read this article on Mental Floss about the Green
Mile 15 things you didn't know or 15 things you might not know about the
Green Mile by Michael sorry guy I don't know how to pronounce your name dude are
arbeiter and so Michael says that one that it won the The Green Mile won
the Horror Writers Association's Bram Stoker award which the horror writer
Association gives out for every year for superior achievement in dark horror and so that was pretty cool plus it was the highest grossing Stephen King
movie of all time which it made one hundred and thirty six
point eight million dollars my grandmother watch this movie away
with us now you know that my I mean well you don't know but my grandma like
horror movies okay anyway so another thing this movie was really great and
know another thing about this movie was that you know Spike Lee was always
outspoken about the black men and and women being depicted in hollywood movies
in certain in certain lights and he and reportedly I'm just telling you what I
read that Spike Lee took the Green Mile to task
saying that uh that Michael Clarke Duncan was "the magic
negro meaning like you know they just used him as a black man you know just to
that he only reason his character even existed was to to enhance the lives of
his white co actors or whatever but the thing is that you know I think
that's just Spike Lee no offense man love you man but you know we got to "do
the right thing" and I'm doing the right thing right now cuz I'm telling them
keep it real and I believe you were just you want to get on the mic and you wanted to weigh in on this and that's what you do I mean that's what we do we just
play the game right so but anyway you know just if for
me myself want to weigh in on this I mean the man was cast because he's
amazing you know to play of that black man who in the 1930s was he was an
empath and he was a healer and you know falsely accused of murder and you know I
mean that's the kind of thing to want went on back then and I mean you really
he was an amazing actor and you know rest in peace Michael Clarke Duncan but
anyway and he didn't really great in Armageddon which is by the way the
reason why he got this because Bruce Willis and when it went to bat for
Michael Clarke Duncan got in this role and also it is reported that the
the original roll was supposed to be played by Bruce Willis and so I thought
that was pretty cool that you know actually that it was this very it just
very interesting reading and like I said I can't really you know I don't really I
can't really say I'm sorry you know what it wasn't really it wasn't Bruce Willis
it was John Travolta but he turned the role down and then Tom Hanks got it
which Stephen King really loved so anyway I apologize for that I had to
look at the web page and make sure that I'm I was correct on that but anyway and
I forgive me for steppin a way for a second okay so I want to show you this
clip though real quick because this is one of my favorite lines of all time of
any movie cause it was like "wow that's deep man" and it's and if you like this let
me know I want you to know weigh in what you think about this line from this movie ok?
isn't that a great line I mean I believe that to you and you know how do you
think I'm kind of in heaven now because I don't think about what when was i
happiest and what did I enjoy doing and it wasn't like and as child I was
happiest I was happiest as a child when I was creating when I was reading and
writing and listen my music and feather boas and pretending I was a
famous star walking down the street, well not down the street but in the house on the
catwalk my big sunglasses and my fur coats and hats and stuff so anyway
that's when I was happiest when I was doin my own thing and what was that like well
I told the truth and I kept it real and I looked myself and guess what I didn't
care what anybody thinks about me because I love me listen to personal
development podcasts they didn't have podcasts back that but you know
what I mean listening to things like to clear my mind and meditating all those
things I do to child it was talking to myself organizational skills planning
out my day like I do now anyway it was amazing so thank you Stephen king for
that line and thank you I don't know how to pronounce your name but it's erhan
and that gave me that video so thank you so much and again I'm gonna post that
link below so so I'm going to post the link but stand by me is another
movie that you have to go and see one of them really when greatest movies is that
like coming-of-age movie it's kind of scary because it's like this can really
happen like Mark Twain said fiction is truer than if it had really happened
another one honorable mention evil thinks great movie great movie I'm gonna
post some clips from those below additionally another movie that I would
like to recommend obviously would be "It" the original which I loved it was scary
and there were like I'm not scared I was scared of Cujo because we had a dog like
Cujo and then bit my hand so anyway I was 12 or that happens but you know so
go see it and there's another "it" coming up and I'm
also gonna post the clip from the new it movie I can't wait to see that one and
I'm gonna wait till comes to dollar theatre hey but Stephen King himself
said that he loved that one and one more thing I want to mention well I was doing
the research for this show I found a um a video by my friend Evan Carmichael
now it's "Stephen King's top ten rules for success" now Evan I want to thank you so
much for that okay because I got so much out of that um but there's so much out
of that show and here's my two takeaways from this I takeaways from your show was
that where Stephen King says the best way to immortalize bad ideas is to have
a writer's notebook because he said that good ideas stick like it when you're
straining things in a strainer all the good stuff stays on the top and the bad
ones just fall through the slides now that that is really true it's so true
I'm not gonna forget these great ideas they're gonna keep coming back I might
forget for a few minutes and I'll be focused on something else but eventually
they're gonna come back tomorrow or in a month or even in a year they're gonna be
there so thank you for that Evan and another thing really great thing that I
got so great thank you so much Evan if you try hard to please this is what
Stephen King said he said you try so hard to please your audience and you
worry about what they want then you won't make anything that they like and
so I was like it just means be true to myself and just stop being afraid that
I'm gonna displease you guys and just be true to myself and that's what I'm gonna
do and just do what I want to do because I'm here for now I love myself and I'm
here for you obviously and I love you know what to be happy so comment below
if you don't like the show if you do like the show please tell me that to
tell me what you like and if you want to see more of this let me know just you
have to type let's do more like this or whatever because I need to notice
specificity as power so tell me what you want anyway my friend Evan Carmichael
I'm gonna post this video below and a card right up here in the corner for my
channel I mean for his channel because it has a goal of getting 1 million
subscribers it is personal development and he's doing he's always talking about
you know top 10 rules for success from this person and that person and he has a
goal of helping 1 billion entrepreneurs and so I'm here for you and I appreciate
you I love your show and I hope you watch this show and I hope you enjoy my
show sin2 I work I'm worth it you're worth it Evan and Evan is believe
nation and we're the champions over here so let's get together believe nation and
champions let's all love each other man let's just be here for each other so if
you like Evans you know you click on it on the card you can click on his video
go subscribe and I'm sure you're gonna love it so there's a lot of good content
there and so anyway my personal goal for my channel is that well I have a lot of
high goals but for right now I'm starting small and I wanna my first
stepping-stone would be to get up to 1,000 subscribers so I can start getting
sponsorship so like Nike and Ford in places like that and so I can start
making some money off this channel because this is the only thing that I'm
doing and I'm not earning any money right now this is my career and I would
appreciate you all if it would support me so thank you like subscribe comment
comment and please comment and sharing is caring itself but if you comment I
know you more I could pray for you I can know what you like and we can be here
for each other ok and so after that I also want to get like the wall I guess
probably in the meantime while I'm getting those subscribers as 1000 and up
and up and up more first I really want to start getting 10,000 views because I
need to start getting 10,000 views so I can start to get paid from Google's ad
revenue and stuff so anyways I appreciate y'all for watching and I just
want you to know that you are worth it vales mucho and comment below and post
your videos or whatever and keep on watching them because you are worth it
happy HOLLA ween! thank you
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Ubuntu 17.10: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Duration: 12:48.
Ubuntu 17.10 was released a week ago.
I have installed it on my computer almost immediately.
I tested it for a week and now I am ready to share with you what was Good, what was
Bad and what was Ugly.
This is my review of Ubuntu 17.10.
Hello everyone, It is Average Linux User helping you to install
configure and use Linux.
If you want to learn more about Linux, please subscribe and click on the bell notification,
so you won't miss any new video.
I usually don't pay attention to .10 releases of Ubuntu.
But Ubuntu 17.10 is a very special release.
You probably heard that Ubuntu was going to switch from Unity to Gnome 3.
Now, it happened.
Ubuntu 17.10 is the first Ubuntu release with Gnome 3 desktop also known as Gnome Shell.
I have installed it on my hardware last Thursday when it was released.
I tested it for almost a week and now
I am ready to share with you my thoughts on Ubuntu 17.10.
I am not going to show you everything that is new with this Ubuntu release.
There are already many YouTube videos on this topic,
and you can also find all this information in the release notes.
In this review, I will show you what, in my totally subjective opinion,
is good, bad and ugly about Ubuntu 17.10.
Let's start with the good.
It looks similar to Unity
When Mark Shuttleworth announced that Ubuntu
would move to Gnome,
there was a lot discussion about whether Ubuntu will use vanilla Gnome
or make it look similar to Unity.
Now, we can see that it has the layout that strongly resembles Unity.
So, this is good because it will look familiar to former Unity users.
I also find the position of the main panel on the left the most productive.
If you don't like it, luckily there is an option to move it down.
Or to the right, if it is your preference.
I also think it is good because this layout is also strongly associated with Ubuntu distro.
It is sort of Branding of Ubuntu.
So, it is good that Ubuntu has its own unique look
and it sticks with it in Gnome desktop.
It is surprisingly stable
I will be honest with you when I installed
it, I expected it to perform poorly.
You know the first release with Gnome, the transition to Wayland…
There were too many things which could go wrong.
However, the installation process and overall performance were great for me.
My hardware is sort of designed for Linux and I try to keep it simple.
I don't use a dedicated video card that requires proprietary drivers, nor I have Bluetooth
or any other things that may not work correctly with Linux.
So, your experience may differ from mine.
But I can compare this Ubuntu with Fedora 26, which also uses Gnome desktop
and Wayland display manager by default.
And Fedora 26 is also installed on this computer.
And here comes my third point for the good.
Ubuntu works very smooth with Wayland.
It feels as good as Xorg or even better.
Login is fast, all transitions and effects work fine.
On the other hand, in Fedora login with Wayland display manager was slow.
After I enter my password in the login screen and press enter, I have to wait around 5 seconds
to see the desktop.
Also, some applications freeze often.
Nothing like this happened to me with Ubuntu.
But even if Wayland doesn't work for you, you can always change back to Xorg.
There is an option to select it in the login screen.
The next point is my favorite.
The Night mode.
I think every desktop should have this feature by default.
The Night mode reduces the amount of blue light in your screen after the sunset.
This not only helps to reduce eye strain, but it also reduced the negative effect on
the production of the hormone melatonin that regulates sleep and wakefulness.
So, with this feature enabled you should have less problem falling asleep
after sitting in front of the computer at night.
It is so easy to configure.
You just go to the settings and set it on.
The last good point is Ubuntu is not boring anymore.
Ubuntu with Unity desktop just became boring.
There were no many new features in every new release with Unity.
Ubuntu looked and felt the same.
Ubuntu with Unity was truly lagging behind the development pace of Gnome and Plasma 5.
The Ubuntu team probably had no enough resources
to maintain and at the same time develop new features of Unity.
They tried to innovate with Unity 8, but it didn't work.
Now, the Ubuntu team will not do all the work alone.
A larger part of the work will be done by the Gnome community and the Ubuntu team can
polish, fine-tune and modify the already developed Gnome desktop.
I hope with Gnome desktop the development of Ubuntu will be more dynamic.
Now, we start with the bad.
Ubuntu changed again.
As far as I remember Ubuntu started to move down in Distrowatch ranking
after the switch to Unity
Users usually don't like dramatic changes.
They want a familiar desktop.
So, I predict that with this switch to GNOME the popularity of Ubuntu will go down again.
Actually, it is already even below Manjaro.
I know Distrowatch ranking may reflect the reality, but this is what we have.
The current state of Ubuntu GNOME desktop is rather the downgrade
in comparison to what Unity delivered.
And here come these downgrades.
There is no global menu by default
and it seems like there is no way to add the global menu extension.
This is because Gnome global menu extension doesn't work with Wayland yet.
The only way to use this Global menu extension is to switch to Xorg from Wayland.
But it you want to use Wayland you have to live without the global menu and have some
wasted space in the top.
Another bad thing which I didn't notice immediately but after some use, I really started
to feel the need of it.
There is no show desktop button.
Maybe it is not a popular feature nowadays and nobody uses it, but I like to clean my
desktop by minimizing all apps with one click.
The next bad thing is again related to this new dock.
When you click on the icon of any app, this app doesn't minimize.
It was the most annoying drawback in Unity and it was the major reason I could not use
Unity full-time.
You may say there is a minimize button on the window use it.
But it is less convenient.
It is small, not easy to aim, and if I want to check some app for a moment, I just want
to click on it see what is happening in that app and click again to minimize it.
But I cannot do that with this dock.
I need to move my mouse to this button, which now very far away in the right corner and
click on it.
When I used Unity I had a workaround, I use the custom keyboard shortcut to minimize windows,
but I still would prefer to use my mouse.
The last bad thing, before we move on to the Ugly things, is that
the Dock shows apps from all desktops.
For example, If I open Calendar and I don't want to take space in this dock and this desktop.
I move it to another Desktop, but its app icon is still present on all desktops.
And it is active.
The same applies to Alt+Tab switch.
Imagine having dozens of apps open, even if you distribute them into different desktops,
you would still need to scroll through all of them to find the one you need.
Seriously, it is just a disaster.
Now I would like to show you some less critical issues,
which don't affect the use of the
desktop too much, but they are still desirable to improve or change.
The first problem is this one.
When you click on LibreOffice's Maximize button to minimize it,
it collapses to this small window.
I first thought it was a bug.
But I quite quickly realized that it is just a very small window,
and it can be manually expanded.
After this, the Maximize button works correctly.
The next negative aspect is that the show application menu is at the bottom.
If you ever used Unity, you probably remember that menu button was in the top left corner.
Now, we have activities here in the top left corner.
And the application button at the bottom.
You actually can use activities to launch an app as well.
You just need to type its name and press enter.
But if you want to scroll through all available apps, you need to click on this menu.
Honestly, I think it makes some sense to separate these two options,
but during my use it was confusing.
I used to click on Activities pretty quickly because this is how you interact with your
system most of the time.
But when I wanted to open the menu I would still click on Activities.
It became a habit.
Then you cannot click somewhere else to go back, you need to either select an open app
or go back and click on Activities again.
You can also press ESC.
And after that, I would go down and open the menu.
Maybe I need time to get used to all these features.
But I prefer to have one single menu.
Even the vanilla Gnome desktop was more intuitive for me in this regard.
The next ugly thing is that window Buttons on the right.
I know it is debatable, and users coming from Windows would probably prefer it this way,
but buttons on the left are way more efficient.
All the elements in this desktop on the left, the mouse pointer spends most of its time
here, why do I have to move it far to the right?
Maybe someone will disagree with me, but the position of the windows buttons on the left
is what I consider a right position.
When I switched to Linux I also felt unconformable with these buttons on the left, but after
some time I realized how convenient it was.
And the last three ugly things.
You still may get occasional glitches with Wayland.
I have seen some screen tearing issues when I open firefox.
Unfortunately, I was not recording at that time and
I was not able to reproduce that issue.
But Wayland is still pretty new and some small problems may arise.
Another problem I faced was the User setting dialog freezes often.
I have seen the same problem in Fedora.
So, probably it is a Gnome problem, not Ubuntu.
The User settings are not visited often, so it is an unpleasant problem but it's not critical.
And the last small issue there is no 32-bit version anymore.
I personally think it is the right time to abandon the 32 bit ISO.
But I know this may affect some users.
So, I decried to mention it too.
Ubuntu 17.10 brings many changes,
but for the end user, these changes, unfortunately,
don't improve anything compared to the previous release of Ubuntu with the Unity desktop.
Ubuntu 17.10 is a transitional release, as all .10 releases of Ubuntu.
It is expected to be not perfect
I hope most of the downsides I mentioned here will be addressed in the next release of Ubuntu.
On the positive side, I was already impressed with Wayland performance in this release.
So, the next release of Ubuntu 18.04 will be very exciting.
What is your opinion about Ubuntu 17.10?
I am looking forward to reading your comments.
Thank you for watching.
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