Hey! This is the Daily Overpass! My name is Eric and I make apps!
Now today, let's talk about some of the recent updates on the Google Play
Developer Console.
Now, if you develop Android apps and have apps on Google
Play, you may have gotten an email from the Google Play Developer Console last
week with changes to their policy updates. Now, we get these every so often.
They'll make certain changes, they'll send things out, for the most part. I just
ignore them. But, you know, this time, it was actually pretty interesting.
First of all, I don't know if you, guys, get this but every time I get an email
from Google Play Developer, part of me just sort of, you know, it just goes, "Oh, my
God!" Like my heart stops for a second because if you've ever gotten the
email that says your app has been suspended or temporarily suspended or
your AdMob has been stopped for whatever reason, a part of you just goes
into disaster mode. And that's happened - that's happened to be
just a few times, but enough so that every time I see the email from Google
Play, you know, part of me just sort of shrinks even though I haven't done
anything wrong. I think it would be the same like if the police
were knocking at the door, like if I look through the curtain, saw the police were
knocking at your front door, part of me would sort of freak out even
though logically, I haven't committed any crime. It's just sort of
like that. So, anyway, once I got over that little bit of shock that Google's
emailing, oh, it's just a policy update. I read through it and it's
actually - was actually pretty interesting. But very much like an
Apple thing. So, if you - if you look at that email, they talked about it made
some changes to the base guidelines and things like that. But you know, some of
these links are really interesting. First of all, there - have a bit more
guidance here on spam and minimum functionality. And so it says here on the -
if you go through that page it says, "We don't allow apps
that spam users or Google Play such as apps that send users unsolicited
messages," which makes sense. "or apps that are duplicated and low quality."
Now, that low quality thing sounds a little bit subjective. A lot like
Apple is, but I don't think we're gonna have as much trouble with it.
In fact, when I saw this spam area on the new - on the on the policy updates, the
first thing I thought was, 'Oh no. It's just gonna be like having to go through
that process again and the nightmare that we're having at the moment with
with Apple." And the stuff that we had in the past trying to make sure that it's
not low quality, but it's also trying to make sure that, yeah, like it's that
subjective nature of it. So, make sure that it's good enough for an
application. I mean, it makes sense from a user's point of view. I don't know how
they're gonna police that but, you know, some of these other things here are a
bit interesting. So like Message Spam, like you should be able to
send out SMS or email without the users knowledge, that makes perfect
sense. I mean, none of this stuff is really worries me. This Wizard Spam
area here, there's a section on Wizard Spam saying, "We don't allow apps that
are created by an automated tool to be submitted to Google Play by the operator
on behalf of other persons." So, if you have like a like an automated tool like
say AppyPie or business - what is it -BizApps or whatever, those
kind of things should go on your clients you know Google Play - on their own
Google Play accounts and not on your own, so, all this kind of stuff. And it
really makes sense that it shouldn't really affect. I mean, for me, it's not
gonna affect me too much because it's something I insist my clients do, anyway,
is to set up their own Google Play account, to set up their own iTunes accounts.
And the other thing over here, there's another tab here for Minimum
Functionality which is really - it's hardly anything. It's just - it really just
says, "Common violations: Apps that don't install, Apps that install but
don't load and Apps that load but are not responsive." So, yeah, for me the thing
that that I need to look in is the ANR request. So, one of my apps has -
it's not a high amount of ANRs, but is about - it's about two and a half percent
of users get ANRs on Ear Spy and the reason - and I went through, look through
it and try to find out what's causing that. It's really because we're checking
the App Store and validating purchases, it's just one of these things we need to
make sure the Internet's online and all those kind of stuff. So, little stuff like
tha,t but it's really interesting if you haven't looked at this, it's so
easy to ignore these emails, is to have a look at it and see what's going on. I'm a
bit concerned about the spam stuff just sort of the
broad terms that's being used, just because like with the App
Store - with the Apple App Store, it's obvious you get a good review, you're
okay. If you get a bad review, r you're not, it's a very subjective. But with
Google Play, you know, I think it's a lot more automated, so
hopefully, we'll be treated much more fairly. But anyway, I just wanted to bring
that to you guys' attention. If you haven't seen it, it's you know. very
interesting and all that stuff. So anyway, that's it for today. Also let me just - I'm
gonna try to get into habit of saying this each episode.
Don't forget to Like and Subscribe and all that - Comment and all this stuff.
That's it for today. That's it for this week and I'll talk to you, guys, on
For more infomation >> New Google Play Policy Updates - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
PR_ Refinar pesquisas na Web operadores de pesquisa google, - Duration: 3:12.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
How to refine Refine web searches. You can use symbols or words in your search, to make your search results more precise.
Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn't part of a search operator. Don't put spaces between the symbol or word
and your search term. A search for site:nytimes.com will work, but site: nytimes.com won't.
The following are Common search techniques, to refine web result from your search.
Search social media. Put @ in front of a word to search social media. For example: @twitter.
Search for a price. Put $ in front of a number. For example: camera $400.
Search hashtags. Put # in front of a word. For example: #throwbackthursday.
Exclude words from your search. Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. For example, jaguar speed –car.
Search for an exact match. Put a word or phrase inside quotes. For example, "tallest building".
Search for wildcards or unknown words. Put a * in your word or phrase where you want to leave a placeholder. For example, "largest * in
the world". Search within a range of numbers.
Put .. between two numbers. For example, camera $50..$100.
Combine searches Put "OR" between each search query. For example, marathon OR race.
Search for a specific site. Put "site:" in front of a site or domain. For example, site:youtube.com or site:.gov.
Search for related sites. Put "related:" in front of a web address you already know. For example, related:time.com.
Get details about a site. Put "info:" in front of the site address.
See Google's cached version of a site. Put "cache:" in front of the site address.
Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,
Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by J.Fla ) - Duration: 3:03.
She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene
I Said Don't Mind, But What Do You Mean I Am The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
She Said I Am The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
She Told Me Her Name Was Billie Jean, As She Caused A Scene
Then Every Head Turned With Eyes That Dreamed Of Being The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do
'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
For Forty Days And Forty Nights The Law Was On Her Side
But Who Can Stand When She's In Demand Her Schemes And Plans
'Cause We Danced On The Floor In The Round
So Take My Strong Advice, Just Remember To Always Think Twice
People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do
'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
Zee TV Soap Jhansi Ki Rani Actress Then And Now Look Will Shock You!! - Duration: 4:00.
Zee TV Soap Jhansi Ki Rani Actress Then And Now Look Will Shock You!!
English Ninjas | Dion - Tuana - Duration: 1:01.
- I'm good thanks for asking :) How are you?
+ I'm very Good thank you, and how was your day today?
- Great! I went to the museum with my school friends.
+ Yes...
- And... we went to the space museum.
- And we looked at the stars... in the television.
+ And did you go for a school trip, or did you go after school?
- School trip!
+ Oh very fun! School trips were some of my favourite days at school...
+ Unite with... (uh...) away from the classroom.
-Yeah, it's true!
+ Yeah, so what else did you see in the space museum? Did you see some rocket ships or...?
U.S. defense chief James Mattis says Washington's goal is to denuclearize North Korea - Duration: 1:45.
Let's begin with Washington's Defense secretary's Seoul trip.
Earlier he visited the DMZ -- where the nation is divided in two.
Meeting his Korean counterpart...
James Mattis placed extra emphasis on the importance of denuclearizing the out of control
Kim Hyun-bin has our top story.
U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis arrived in Seoul early Friday for his second visit
as Pentagon chief.
Mattis toured the front line units with his South Korean counterpart Song Young-moo and
gave a strong message towards North Korea.
The U.S. general stressed that Washington's goal is to denuclearize the regime.
"Our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization
of the Korean Peninsula.
Defense Minister Song made similar comments, urging Pyongyang to give up its nuclear ambitions.
(Korean) "I urge North Korea should halt its reckless
provocations and come back to the negotiating table as soon as possible."
The U.S. defense chief's visit comes as South Korea and the U.S. are scheduled to hold their
annual Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul on Saturday, a day after the allies' Military
Committee Meeting.
Friday's Military Committee Meeting was led by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the two allies
-- General Jeong Kyeong-doo and General Joseph Dunford.
Seoul's Defense Minister Song Young-moo and Mattis will hold their official talks at the
SCM on Saturday.
The allies plan to have in-depth discussions on enhancing extended deterrence against North
Korea's ever-expanding nuclear and ballistic missile threats.
They are also expected to discuss alliance policies, including the early transfer of
wartime operational control from Washington to Seoul, which is one of the key goals of
the Moon Jae-in administration.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
How to replace fuel filter MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:58.
Use a torx №T30
Use an end bit №5
Rachel Platten Shares A Tender Moment With A Fan: 'I Believe In You!' | TODAY - Duration: 1:40.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: The Importance of Business Experience | Humana - Duration: 0:41.
I think the thing for people to understand, is having clinical leadership is one thing,
but understanding the payer world and understanding the business of insurance is crucial.
If we as clinicians don't have this ability, we can't speak to our business colleagues.
We can't be intimate in the decision making processes that will be required for this transition
from fee-for-service to value-based care.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: Leadership Support | Humana - Duration: 0:30.
When I first proposed this I spoke with our, with my boss, the Chief Executive Officer,
Bruce Broussard, of the company.
This is an idea that he fully endorses.
The management team rallied around this instantaneously because they recognize that as we move through
this transition that clinical leadership within the company will become increasingly important.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: Are You A Good Candidate? | Humana - Duration: 0:35.
The candidate that we're looking for will be someone who is earlier in their career,
someone who is interested in working in the payer space.
We believe that a secondary degree will allow them to have the expertise to work not just
on the business side, but to bring all of their clinical expertise into the decision
making that will be required in this ever increasingly complicated business world.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: One Physician's Point of View | Humana - Duration: 1:13.
So, the executive physician immersion program, I look at it as almost a functional MBA.
It's a residency, if you will, in business.
So typically, physicians kind of are trained to be clinical physicians, clinical people,
bedside, right?
And we may go and get an MBA secondary degree, but how do you actually get to practice that
and learn and matriculate that?
And that's what this program is really designed to do.
Humana recognized a few years ago that if we really are going to become a healthcare
company, we need more clinical leaders, and so to develop a clinical leader, we can start,
grab some young talent, give them two years' exposure to the company, teach them about
insurance, teach them how to be in a corporate setting, and then hopefully kind of give them
a springboard to move throughout the company.
So over two years, you get to spend a period of time within various departments of Humana.
One, you're learning the in and out of Humana, but two, you're also learning about health
insurance, and then three, you're learning about population health and why good health
equals good outcomes.
So, I look at it as kind of a two-year functional training on the job, kind of getting your
feet wet in kind of corporate culture.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: Goals | Humana - Duration: 1:10.
One of the things that we're trying to accomplish with this program is to develop business leaders,
people who are going to run large segments in the payer world.
And the payer world is transforming itself very quickly, as is Humana.
Humana is moving from a payer world into a population health to a care delivery system.
And if in this transition we are increasingly responsible for patients, members, we have
to have a group of people who are managing the business and doing that really effectively,
but at the same time have all the clinical intuition and clinical expertise that is needed
to make these appropriate and correct decisions for populations.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: Our Hope For Participants | Humana - Duration: 1:13.
What I hope, in this experience, is that one takes the clinical skills that one has with
the background of a secondary degree and builds upon this with a two-year experience that
allows them to participate in the payer world in ways that people haven't traditionally
done so, but will allow them to advance rapidly through large, complex organizations.
The investment is large and the expectation in terms of where these folks will go and
what they are going to do is similarly high.
And that's what we're expecting of each and every one of the people who go through this
That they're transformed from being clinicians who have other experiences to folks who have
all of that but understand the business of insurance, the business of healthcare and
will lead companies like Humana in this transformation that we're experiencing in the United States.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: Population Health Leadership | Humana - Duration: 0:37.
There are very few companies in the world who have the expertise in population health
than Humana.
Humana's one of the best population health companies and for these people, these younger
folks to have this two-year intense exposure will benefit them tremendously and, provided
they stay in the industry, I believe, will tremendously benefit the company but long-term.
Priorities diverge in U.S. Congress over N. Korea - Duration: 2:13.
Over in Washington, members of the U.S. Congress met with South Korean lawmakers and agreed...
the allies should consider redeploying tactical nuclear weapons.
In contrast some Democrats proposed a bill to limit President Trump's authority to use
military force against Pyongyang.
Oh Jung-hee zooms in on the conflicting developments.
The U.S. agrees that the allies should consider redeploying tactical nuclear weapons to the
Korean peninsula.
That's what the Chairman of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee said on Thursday...
at a meeting in Washington with members of South Korea's main opposition Liberty Korea
According to the party's spokesperson...
Representative Mac Thornberry said... the redeployment of tactical nuclear weapons is
possible if South Koreans want it... and he will make sure this is discussed within the
Trump administration.
He added... that amid growing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea, if South
Korea and Japan feel any bit of doubt about the U.S. nuclear umbrella,... it is natural
for them to think of getting their own nuclear arms.
Representative Thornberry called the North Korean threat "imminent,"... and called for
Seoul, Washington and Tokyo to strengthen their trilateral cooperation.
He added that only when Seoul and Washington coordinate closely and maintain a powerful
military force... can they press Beijing to work on Pyongyang.
While some U.S. lawmakers agree on the need to beef up military capabilities against Pyongyang,...
dozens of others have proposed limiting President Trump's authority to launch a pre-emptive
strike on North Korea without congressional approval.
On Thursday,... a bill called "No Unconstitutional Strike against North Korea" was submitted
by fellow Democrats John Conyers in the House and Ed Markey in the Senate.
They said...
President Trump's "reckless" behavior and "provocative rhetoric" put U.S. troops and
American allies in danger... and therefore, Congress should act to limit his authority.
It's the first bill to specifically name North Korea as the possible tarket of a strike...
and the first to ban any sort of military attack.
61 lawmakers in the House have backed it... two of them Republicans.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Executive Physician Immersion Program: First Impressions of Louisville | Humana - Duration: 1:33.
Well, Louisville, first impressions, it's a great town.
I was pleasantly surprised that it was as big as it was.
I guess assumed it would be a smaller city than it was, but it's actually a pretty
nice city with lots of stuff to do, so I'm happy.
I found it to be a big enough city to have lots to offer, yet at the same time small
enough to be very accessible.
We can live close to the city.
We can walk to coffee shops.
People are super friendly.
Within a week we knew all our neighbors and had their phone numbers, versus Chicago, I
didn't know a lot of my neighbors ever, so it's been a nice change.
So far, I love Louisville.
It's a lot of trees, a lot of space to – a lot of nature, and best of all no traffic
compared to what I'm used to.
Louisville is also very eclectic, I think.
It has a very unique vibe of being sort of a Southern city but also a Midwestern city
at the same time, and so you find very unique cultural experiences here.
People are just so friendly out here.
You know, open to helping you with directions and whatnot.
Definitely a difference from the Los Angeles crowd.
My impression of Louisville so far has been positive.
It's been better than I expected.
You know, when I was telling people that I'm going to Louisville, Kentucky, people were
wondering why I would be coming to Louisville, but you know, it's been really good so far.
Learn how to make an origami witch's broom for Halloween - Duration: 16:23.
Hyo Ahn's Origami
Origami Witch's Broom for Halloween Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn
Level: Beginner Base: 16x16 matrix
Published on October 13, 2013 at www.origami-make.org
If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!
If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on! Here I am using a 15cm x 15cm paper.
Here I am using a 15cm x 15cm paper.
Here I am using a 15cm x 15cm paper. Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Fold the paper in half.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 180 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 180 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 180 degrees. Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Prepare to turn the paper over. Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold. Now, open the paper
Now, open the paper
Now, open the paper Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Fold the paper in half.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Prepare to turn the paper over. Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over. Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Now, open the paper.
You have just made a 4x4 matrix base.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold in half.
Apply a valley-fold in half.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold. Prepare to turn the paper over.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold. Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold. Open the paper
Open the paper
Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over. Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Prepare to fold the paper in half. Fold the paper in half.
Fold the paper in half.
Fold the paper in half. Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold. Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Prepare to turn the paper over. Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold. Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold. Now, open the paper.
Now, open the paper.
You have completed making an 8x8 matrix base.
Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Prepare to fold the paper in half. Fold the paper in half.
Fold the paper in half.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply another pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold. Prepare to apply another pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply another pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply another pleat-fold. Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Now, open the paper.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Prepare to turn the paper over.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over. Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Prepare to fold the paper in half.
Fold the paper in half.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold. Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over. Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold. Apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply another pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.
Apply a pleat-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Open the paper.
Open the paper. You have completed making a 16x16 matrix base.
You have completed making a 16x16 matrix base.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees. Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Prepare to apply two mountain-folds.
Prepare to apply two mountain-folds. Apply two mountain-folds.
Apply two mountain-folds.
Prepare to apply an inside reverse-fold.
Apply an inside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply three valley-folds.
Apply three valley-folds.
Apply three valley-folds. Prepare to apply three mountain-folds.
Prepare to apply three mountain-folds.
Apply three mountain-folds.
Apply three mountain-folds. Prepare to apply three valley-folds.
Prepare to apply three valley-folds.
Apply three valley-folds.
Prepare to apply three mountain-folds.
Apply three mountain-folds.
Apply three mountain-folds. Prepare to apply three valley-folds.
Prepare to apply three valley-folds.
Prepare to apply three valley-folds. Apply three valley-folds.
Apply three valley-folds.
Prepare to apply three mountain-folds.
Apply three mountain-folds.
Prepare to apply three valley-folds.
Apply three valley-folds.
Prepare to apply three mountain-folds.
Apply three mountain-folds.
Prepare to repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds two more times.
Repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds two more times.
Repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds two more times. Prepare to repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds one more times.
Prepare to repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds one more times.
Repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds one more times.
Repeat both three valley-folds and three mountain-folds one more times. Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold. Apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Firmly press the origami broom model to get a flat stick.
Spread the other end
Get a string.
Start tying the string into a loop.
Tie a knot,
Trim the string.
Trim the string. Shape the broom.
Shape the broom.
Shape the broom. You have completed making an origami witch's broom.
You have completed making an origami witch's broom.
😊 Free PDF 🇩🇪 deutsche Präpositionen 🤔😃 #subtitles #learnGerman #Deutschlernen - Duration: 0:27.
Hello, dear German learners!
I don't want,
that for a long time you
must "fight a running battle" with the prepositions.
That's why I
created a free PDF for you.
Click on the Link now,
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and then you can download this PDF.
See you later!
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