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For more infomation >> Funny Fails 2017 Try Not To Laugh Funny Kids Fails Vines Compilation October 2017 - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
On the Record: Best week? - Duration: 1:34.
On the Record: McCain vs. Trump - Duration: 6:55.
Sunday a.m. KSBW Weather Forecast 10.29.17 - Duration: 3:45.
On the Record: Rep. Capuano on Opioid crisis - Duration: 8:25.
Power Factor Correction - Power Factor Correction Methods - Power Factor - Duration: 3:03.
The power factor correction means bringing the power factor of an AC circuit closer to
one by using the equipment which absorbs or supply the reactive power to the AC circuit.
Generally, the power factor correction can be done by using the capacitor and the synchronous
motor in the circuit.
The power factor correction will not change the amount of real power, but it will reduce
the apparent power and the total current drawn from the load.
In this video we will learn different types of power factor correction methods.
The power factor correction methods are mainly classified into three types.
Capacitor Bank Method.
Synchronous Condenser Method.
Phase Advancer Method.
Power Factor Correction by using Capacitor Bank Method:-
In three phase system, Power factor Correction means reducing the phase difference between
voltage and current.
Since majority of loads are of inductive nature, they require some amount of reactive power
for them to function.
This reactive power is provided by the capacitor or bank of capacitors installed parallel to
the load.
They perform as a source of local reactive power and thus less reactive power flows through
the line.
Mainly they reduce the phase difference between the voltage and current.
Power Factor Correction by using Synchronous Condenser Method:-
The three phase synchronous Condenser was running without the mechanical load, and it
is connected in parallel with the load.
It absorbs and generates the reactive power by varying the excitation of the motor field
For inductive loads, synchronous condenser is connected towards load side and is overexcited.
This makes it perform like a capacitor.
It draws the lagging current from the supply or supplies the reactive power.
The synchronous condenser has some disadvantage like it is costly and their installation;
maintenance and operation are also not easy.
Power Factor Correction by using Phase Advancer Method:-
This is an AC exciter generally used to improve power factor of induction motor.
They are mounted on shaft of the motor and is linked in the rotor circuit of the motor.
It improves the power factor by providing the exciting ampere turns to produce required
flux at slip frequency.
Further if ampere turns are increased, it can be made to operate at leading power factor.
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Why Garlic Good for Men? Garlic Health Benefits | You will be surprised After Watching This Video - Duration: 3:45.
Garlic Health Benefits Garlic Health Benefits
Garlic Health Benefits Garlic Health Benefits
Garlic Health Benefits
5 Optifine Cape Designs! - Cool Optifine Capes - Duration: 5:22.
Hey there!
What's going on guys?!
Today, I have 5 Optifine Cape Designs that were submitted by you guys!
So, I just want to mention that for now, I'm only going to be creating
one video a week featuring just capes that were submitted by you guys!
I'll be adding in themed videos to go along with these videos.
There are a couple of reasons why but I'll talk about that in the outro.
I just want to let you know.
I'll still be featuring submitted capes just a bit less often.
Once a week and sometimes in other videos too.
But yeah, let's just get started!
I hope you enjoy!
To start off, we have this cape that was submitted by Rift.
There was a few cape designs submitted in Rift's comment but this one really stood out
to me.
I haven't really seen a design like this before so I thought
it was pretty creative.
It's a UFO cape.
The grey part of the cape represents the ship and the green part represents the green
beem that shines down from the UFO to abduct people or animals or whatever.
You know what I mean.
I probably didn't really need to explain that but I did.
But yeah, I really do like this cape design.
It's pretty creative.
The next cape being featured today was submitted by Cuho.
This is a Twitch design.
I've seen Twitch capes before.
I've never featured one in video before though.
At least, I don't remember featuring one in video before.
I might have.
I've created so many of these videos that I can't remember every cape that I've featured.
But yeah, the cape is purple and white and represents the Twitch
Obviously this is a decent cape for anyone who livestreams on Twitch or, I guess, anyone
who loves to watch livestreams on Twitch too.
The next cape is, sort of, a simple, or minimal, cape design that was submitted to us by XAN.
They submitted a bunch of capes in their comment.
A lot of them had yellow in them.
I don't know if that was a conicidence or not but I like the color yellow.
The reason why I decided to add in this cape isn't because yellow is my favorite color
I like adding in some capes into my videos that are just designs.
Maybe simple design capes.
Maybe minimal design capes.
Sometimes even some complex design capes.
There's always somebody that is out there that is
look looking for a cape like this one.
Speaking of capes that I like to add into videos.
Heart capes always seem to find a way into my videos.
This heart cape was submitted to us by...
Abduallah Riyadh Abdullah Abunayyan.
I'm sure I pronounced that completely wrong and I apologize for that.
I'm not very good at pronouncing names.
But yeah, this is clearly an upsidedown heart design.
I like the detail added within the cape.
Adding the cyan colored brick design into the heart was just a small creative touch
that adds a bit of color to an otherwise grey colored design.
It mixes well into the cape in my opinion.
Like I said, I think that's a great little addition to the cape.
. This is what FramedFruits calls a "simple enderman" optifine cape design.
I really do like this cape.
It's, like FramedFruits said, a simple cape but like I say sometimes simple and minimal
is just good.
The enderman head is in the middle of the cape.
Not like exactly in the middle but close enough.
It stands out on top of that white background.
So, for those who like endermen, or are looking for a Minecraft themed Optifine
Well, this is definitely an option for you to choose from.
So that's gonna do it for me guys!
I hope you enjoyed!
I mentioned in my intro that I'll only be having one video per week featuring all capes
that are from submissions.
The reason for that is because I'm going to be creating
more themed Optifine capes videos.
That will allow me to enjoy the process of creating these videos a bit more.
Also, to avoid the constant repetitive videos.
And it allows me to be a bit more creative when making videos.
I can do a bit more with themes and stuff so the videos will be a bit more
entertaining for you to watch and enjoyable for me to create as well.
Anyways, if you're new to my channel, thanks for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed!
If you did, feel free to check out some of my other videos too!
If you're not new to my channel, thanks for watching another video!
If you haven't already and you would like to know when I upload,
feel free to subscribe, click the bell, and turn on notifications so you'll always be
notified when I upload!
That's gonna do it for me!
I hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for watching!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
HEY TRIPPSTERS Shania Twain and John Travolta on the set of trading paint now
apparently 80 was the only one on set the only I guess for a reporter place
that was on set and they got footage of Shania and John they did like a little
interview and I have to thank my buddy Colin Colin you're awesome thank you so
much Colin sent me the link to this so I'm
gonna put the link in the description below and guys if you click the link it
will take you to the the little short clip of the interview that should not
wane and John Travolta did while on the set of their movie trading paint but
Colin thank you so much I haven't seen this I didn't know et had released it
yet so I really appreciate you keeping me up to date on this stuff and guys I'm
going to try my best to keep you guys up to date on everything everything should
i but the link is in the description it is ET online interview with John
Travolta and Shania Twain now it's a very short clip but I think it was well
worth watching I really enjoyed it but that is going to do it for now this is
icepets Queen and I am tripping out
Sounds of Nature: 💦 Relaxing Music with Flowing Water 💧 Music for Massage 🍂 Reiki Music - Duration: 1:00:01.
Snowfall 1x09 Promo "Story of a Scar" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.
How To Quickly Cure A Sprain Or Ankle Strain At Home! - Duration: 2:21.
How To Quickly Cure A Sprain Or Ankle Strain At Home!
Ligament sprains and ankle strains are far more common than we imagine.
They occur due to simple faux pas and can be caused by daily physical activities.
Sprains are defined as partial structural damage in the fibers of a ligament.
Many people can't tell the difference between an ankle twist, dislocation and tear– a
dislocation is the most severe condition as it involves a separation of the bones that
may tear up the muscle tissue.
The severity of sprains depends on the severity of the injury.
Sprains occur in ankles, elbows, thumbs, wrists, knees, shoulders and the neck too.
The most severe and painful sprains are the so-called third-degree sprains which require
immediate medical attention.
Not being able to stand and having the necessity to sit or lie down is the first symptom of
a sprain.
They are very difficult to treat, with rest being the most important part of the healing
The area should be kept cold– the best way to do this is to cover a few ice cubes in
a cloth and keep them on the sprained area till they melt.
The process needs to be repeated 3 times daily for finest results.
Bandages, splints and even plaster can be used to treat a sprain.
Physicians usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs too in order to solve the issue fast.
Of course, rest is important, which is why you may need crutches to walk.
You should not try to do any sort of demanding physical during the recovery process.
Here are some exercises that will help you treat sprains or strains more quickly and
reduce the pain and inflammation:
JOINT MOVEMENTS Move the ankle around in all direction in
order to stretch it and improve the mobility of the joint.
STRETCHES Lie down on one side of your body on a mat
and stretch your legs with a rubber band between the ankles.
Stretch the legs as much as you can and hold the position for a few seconds before resting
and repeating it again.
BALL EXERCISES Rest the injured foot on a tennis ball on
the ground and apply more pressure on the painful area.
Try these exercises at home, however keep in mind– if the pain doesn't go away shortly,
you'll need to see a doctor.
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HEY TRIPPSTERS Shania Twain she was on the talk and she performed she performed
lots about to get good now if you missed that performance the
link is in the description below kasa Twain has that performance up on
his YouTube channel so if you missed it and you'd like to see it or if you saw
it and you just like to see it again just click the link in the description
below it will lead you directly to the actual you know performance and cuss at
Wayne you are awesome thank you so much for bringing us these these performances
and these interviews dude you do an awesome job thank you so much but guys
the link is in the description if you want to see the performance life's about
to get good brushing on Twain on the talk that is going to do it for now
this is IICEPETS Queen and I am tripping out
Film Factory quick tutorial: "Davinci Resolve full screen preview shortcut" - Duration: 0:27.
Alt + F ---- Enhanced Viewer
Shift +F --- Full Screen Viewer
Ctrl + F --- Cinema Viewer
স্বামী ও স্ত্রীর গোপ ভিডিও | অক্ষমতায় বন্ধুর সাথে নববধূর ভিডিও ফাঁস | জ্বালা মিটাতে একি করল - Duration: 2:45.
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▶How to Work Hand Dryer by azadkgm 2017 - Duration: 2:05.
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BadRabbit Ransomware | BadRabbit debugger | Malware test | EN SUB | Cybersecenv - Duration: 6:08.
Hello My youtube Friends.
Digiboy16 Back :D
in their ethical hacking and Cyber security channel
Cyber-Security Environment
The day of today we have a super special chapter.
Today we have Malware Test
we have a ransomware took fame in October 2017
BadRabbit Ransomware
And Let's Get started.
We have a virtual machine running windows 7
it will be our test machine
We are running Process Hacker
Process Monitor
And we left wireshark capturing traffic.
we have internet connection
And we left wireshark capturing traffic.
we select our desired interface.
before execute the malware let's prepare a little filter
Process Create
Operation is Write File
Process Name
and we choose the malware filename
with .exe format
and a last windows process called rundll32.exe
add, apply
and accept
Now, Let's Execute the malware
BadRabbit us promise to be a FLASH Player Update
But obviously is fake
Now Let's Execute it
Check process Monitor and Process Hacker
with some process are running
The malware has been executed correctly
Now Let's go to Process Monitor
we can see at the execution momment called the rundll32.exe
and started to write files is some windows directories
as you can see here.
if for example we navigate to some
Song Time (Don't forget subscribe)
we can see it store pictures
with different directories, Also created
different folders
with Public IP address
in each folder
have sub folders
for example tcp-443
or TCP-80
it also store, images, http certificates and many others
that's the basic behavior
before start another behavior
also execute other commands as you can see here.
it creates a command to restart the machine at 00:36
at that time the machine will be restarted
with the /r to restart
also Let's go to wireshark
to see the packets, Let's go to stop the capture.
Let's go to make a simple filter.
if we make a follow tcp stream
It tried to get certificates from the windows update website
but obviously is fake
look at here all the connection information
Let's go forward the time to see the next one behavior
we changed to 00:35
in one minute it will be restarted.
the machine is being restarted
that ransomware created.
the machine is being restarted.
Let's forward the process
the machine has been loaded correctly
if for example we go to local disk C
us let a readme file
indicating our files has been encrypted
us let a .onion page
and us let a personal key we have to paste in the .onion address
obviously after do this no one guarantee us they give us back the files
the next step is restart the machine and encrypt the MBR about the system
I'll show you a website in which the .onion is located.
is this, automatically we access
us show the remaining time
the amount to pay in bitcoin
here we paste the personal file we have in the readme file
returning back to our virtual machine
the next behavior is the machine restarted
Don't let us the access because has the entire system encrypted.
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after restart our machine us appear
that our files has been encrypted
the same information us appeared in the readme file is the same us appear in the phase loading windows
That's Everything for today
See you Next weekend Bye!
If you liked the video, Give us a Like.
Kuinka vaihtaa takajousi MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 -merkkiseen autoon OHJEVIDEO | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:43.
Use an end bit №10 and a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16
Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a socket №E14 and a combination spanner №16
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