The Search Engine Google is showing this Doodle in few countries for Hannah Höch's 128th
Birthday Hannah Höch was a German Dada artist.
She is best known for her work of the Weimar period, when she was one of the originators
of photomontage.
Photomontage is a type of collage in which the pasted items are actual photographs, or
photographic reproductions pulled from the press and other widely produced media.
Hannah Höch showed her most famous photomontage, Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the
Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, at the First International Dada Fair in 1920.
Dada was an artistic movement formed in 1919 in Zurich, Switzerland.
The movement rejected monarchy, militarism, and conservatism and was enmeshed in an "anti-art"
Dadaists felt that art should have no boundaries or restrictions and that it can be playful.
These sentiments arose after the Great War, which caused society to question the role
of government, and to reject militarism after seeing the atrocities of war.
Created by Berlin-based collage artist Patrick Bremer, today's Google Doodle uses photomontage
imagery and the feeling of brushstrokes to capture Hannah Höch's likeness as one of
her own collage characters.
For more infomation >> Hannah Höch Google Doodle - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
UPDATE: 10 in custody in stolen sports car chase - Duration: 0:31.
Sol Solecito Luna Lunera - Canciones Infantiles | HeyKids - Duration: 41:09.
Citi Foundation: Community Progress Makers: Building Better Cities - Duration: 1:13.
BRANDEE MCHALE: Community based organizations,
have been at the forefront of transforming cities in the US.
Block by block,
neighborhood by neighborhood.
To help these organizations be more impactful in our cities,
they not only need financial support,
but they also need a true partner.
That's why the Citi Foundation launched,
the Community Progress Makers Fund.
Providing multi-year core operating support
to non-profits in six cities across the US.
We're focused on promoting growth,
and economic progress in low income communities.
These organization have a track record
of implementing solutions that work for their communities.
Because they know the people there,
they understand what resources to tap.
And most importantly they feel deeply invested
in the places where they live and work.
Community Progress Makers are just getting started,
and there is much more to come from these powerful organizations.
Citi Foundation: Green City Force: Helping Youth Help the Planet - Duration: 2:34.
LISBETH SHEPHERD: In New York City, 35% of 18-24-year-olds
are out of school or unemployed.
The problem is even more acute in public housing,
which is home to 1 in 14 New Yorkers.
Public Housing is a natural partner for Green City Force,
because it concentrates both need and opportunity.
We recruit all our member to drive large-scale green initiatives,
within public housing communities.
DOMINGO MORALES: Before Green City Force,
I was working over 70 hours a week at a dead-end job,
and I wasn't making a livable wage.
I had the work ethic, but I didn't know what to do with it.
Green City Force gave me the opportunity
to find out what I wanted from life.
With the training I received, I was able to land my current job
as an Organics Recovery Coordinator in the heart of Brooklyn.
SHEPHERD: Our city needs the young people
who live in public housing.
They are the future of work. They are the future of our city.
Young people close to problems, have the solutions.
For most of my adolescence,
I was in and out of the foster care system.
MORALES: When I hit 18, I aged out of my group home,
and moved back in with my mom to take care of her.
She is unable to work,
so she needs someone to help her stay positive.
Now, I am actually earning a livable wage,
I can help my mother with her bills,
and better provide my children with what they need.
Community based organizations have been at the forefront
of transforming cities in the U.S.
Block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood.
As a Community Progress Maker, Green City Force is doing just that.
By leveraging its relationships across sectors,
and plugging into the needs of New York City youth
living in public housing.
The Community Progress Makers Fund
provides significant general operating support
and technical assistance.
It's a package that so many organizations need.
Citi Financial Support has given us
the chance to have flexibility to innovate and to dream big.
MORALES: I remember when I first found out,
that I'll be working on a farm in Brooklyn,
I thought, "There are no farms in Brooklyn."
It's actually inviting for people to come here,
and that's one thing that I love about working here,
is seeing the difference,
that this farm makes in this community.
One day I wanna have my own compo-site right here in the city.
White House Downplays George Papadopoulos' Role, But Emails Show Opposite | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 9:09.
New Short Film | Ami Neta Hobo | 2018 | Bangla Movie | Action | Shakib | Heels - Duration: 32:53.
Short Film
Ami Neta Hobo
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The newest Primanti Bros. location: Carnegie Science Center's Miniature Railroad - Duration: 0:38.
Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski: George Papadopoulos Was Merely A 'Low-Level Volunteer' | TODAY - Duration: 4:53.
Congress Holding Hearing On Extremist Social Media Content - Duration: 0:58.
Citi Foundation: FIU: Cooking Up A Stronger Community - Duration: 2:40.
EMILY GRESHAM: In the city of North Miami,
the unemployment rate is 22%,
or three times the national average.
Small businesses truly anchor our economy.
They make up over 60% of the jobs,
and we're second in the nation at creating new start-ups.
Therefore, self-employment or entrepreneurship
is a viable option for many residents.
SHERRONDA DAYE: Back in 2010, I lost a six-figure job overnight.
And in that moment, my life came to a screeching halt.
There I was, with several degrees, but no job.
I had a new baby, a recently purchased home,
and no hope.
And so, I started baking to maintain my sanity.
And to support my children.
When we first started this business, we baked from home,
then we outgrew the house and moved to the church kitchen,
and when we outgrew the church kitchen,
I was introduced to StartUP FIU FOOD.
GRESHAM: StartUP FIU FOOD offers a nine-month classroom
and workshop based approach.
Combined with individual mentors and food experts.
The program also helps entrepreneurs transition of informal economy,
and participate in the resources available
to documented companies.
Community progress makers combine fresh ideas and approaches
with a first-hand understanding of their communities' challenges
and resources.
Florida International University, embodies that.
GRESHAM: It's been so meaningful to partner
with a corporate foundation that truly wants to be a partner.
And I've never worked with a funder who supported my creativity.
FIU saw and pursue an opportunity to expand access
to their commercial kitchen for local food entrepreneurs,
struggling to start or scale their own business.
DAYE: You see, this program has afforded me
more business opportunities because of the exposure
and the increased space in this kitchen.
With this kitchen and this program, I can take on more business
and in turn, reach my economic goals.
The Community Progress Makers Fund, brings international reputation
and resources of the Citi foundation to FIU.
The operational dollar isn't just about flexibility.
It's about entrusting us with the awesome responsibility
of being good stewards of grads.
DAYE: When I look at my children,
it is a consistent reminder of...
what I lost and what I have yet to gain.
I will never again have to look in their faces and tell them
that mommy doesn't have a way to provide for you.
When not to Focus on the Problem - Duration: 2:53.
Hi! I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video and today I want to talk to
you about the times when you shouldn't focus on the problems. You might say to
me, "Sharon, I've got problems everywhere. I've got problems in my business, I've
got problems with my life, I've got problems with me." Yes, they are out there
and we can soften them up and call them 'challenges' or 'issues' but they're
problems, let's just talk problems today. We have them in our life a lot and what
happens is people tend to focus on all the problems they've got. I talk to a
lot of people who can tell me their problems and they just give me the list,
"Spend some time with me, I'll list out all the problems I've got in my
life and my business" and I go, "If you focus on the problem, you're going to get
more problems." The universe is going to give you more problems and the way to
stop that happening is to refocus, not focus on the problems but focus on the
solutions. Be a solution-finder, be a problem solver.
What you need to do is forget focusing on the problems and take them
and go, "I'm going to set myself a task to find the solutions." And when you
you start focusing on solutions, you will find more solutions and then your
problems won't be so massive. You just go, "I know I can find a solution for every
one of these problems", so start focusing on the solution. That's my message to
you today. Refocus, take it away from the problem and focus on the solution and
when you do that the problems will get less, your solutions will get more and
then you'll have more solutions to figure out all of that crap that's going
on. You'll feel more in control. You'll feel like you're in a step-by-step
process of getting rid of all of those problems and believe me, you're going to
feel a whole lot better when you're not worried about every problem that's in
your life and business. So that's my message today. Don't ever, ever focus on
the problem; always focus on the solution and your life will be amazing.
I can't tell you how much of a difference it will make in your life and
your business. I'm Sharon Jurd, thank you for listening today. If you think
that this video would add value to your family, friends or colleagues please
share my video. I want to help as many people as I can and I would love you to help
me do that. I'll talk to you soon.
Citi Foundation: MEDA: Preserving Affordable Homes & Cultural Identity - Duration: 2:20.
LUIS GRANADOS: 60% of Latino families
in San Francisco's vibrant Mission District spent more than half
of their monthly household income on rent.
Eight thousand Latinos have been displaced from the Mission
because of rise in rents since the year 2000.
That's over 25% of our community.
Working with the city of San Francisco
The Mission Economic Development Agency
is able to buy apartment buildings with residents
who are vulnerable to eviction.
♪ ♪
ANNA CUELLAR: My family has called The Mission District home
for almost three decades.
My mom and my grandma raised me in the studio apartment
from the day that I was born.
My home is the center of everything, and it holds all my memories.
When we first noticed the "For Sale" sign go up
in front our building, we feared the worst.
We worried we'd lose our home because we've seen families
like ours get pushed out of the neighborhood.
The first step in keeping the Mission diverse
and inclusive is making sure families have secure, quality housing.
But families also need to be strengthened in other ways.
MEDA weaves financial coaching
into all of the services and programs it offers.
ANNA: MEDA helped my family see that there's still hope for us.
And that there are still people looking out for our well-being.
The Mission Economic Development Agency was chosen
as a community progress maker because it's holistic approach
is helping preserve neighborhoods for generations at risk
of being displaced.
The Community Progress Makers Fund
has provided crucial unrestricted funding
to support our neighborhood goals.
MEDA's multi-layered strategy, which includes,
financial coaching, home ownership counselling
and so much more,
expands our idea of what's possible.
LUIS: MEDA bought the building in which the Cuellar family resides,
so that they and their neighbors could stay in their longtime homes.
ANNA: I'm the first in my family to go to college,
and I'm studying to become a Veterinarian
I plan on returning to the and helping families here.
My neighbors watched me grow up and I've watched them start families.
Our roots run deep here. And they're stronger than ever.
♪ ♪
Adorno navideño 1 kanzashi con papel - Christmas ornament 1 kanzashi with paper - Duration: 11:29.
AHHH!! Taking a risk in my YouTube business! - Duration: 10:30.
- Today is the big day, guys.
People are flying in from all over the world.
It's going to be an amazing two days
of working with these creators,
helping them to grow and develop their channels
and reach their goals.
I can't believe this is actually happening.
I loaded up the rental van with all like the TVs
and stuff that we need.
And so can you guys fit back there?
- We got it.
- (Tim) Kathryn, did you find a spot?
- Yeah.
- (Tim) Okay.
Hopefully everyone lives.
I've been doing the online version of Video Labs
for about three years now,
and a lot of creators have gone through it.
It's helped a lot of them really grow
and develop their channels.
It's been fun to see.
I wanted to see like what would happen
if I took that 10 week experience to do online
and cram it into two days here in Cincinnati, Ohio?
I am surprised.
Not really,
but still blown away that it sold out.
Like completely sold out.
Every ticket gone.
If you don't Jeremy,
he's one of the trainers, instructors.
What are we calling these people?
Now see, that's Kathryn.
She's my business manager and works for me,
so she's super awesome.
So is Jeremy.
And this is Kristen.
She just came in from Dallas also, right?
- Hi, yes.
- (Tim) And you have a fun YouTube channel?
- Yes, Six Sisters Stuff.
- Yeah.
And if you research why I'm really excited about this event,
one is when you are YouTube creator,
it can feel very lonely.
You have like problems,
you have issues,
you have questions,
you have things you want to talk to.
Like this is a community of people
that now we're together physically in the same spot
where we can just hang out.
Let show you guys around a little bit
where we are having this event and setting up.
This is the Westin Hotel in downtown Cincinnati.
We're here setting up,
got like TV screens, TV stands.
I got to open up TV boxes,
set it all up.
You're setting up easels.
We got a lot of work to do.
Out here's where the like meals
and snacks are going to be,
like so you can kind of come out in the natural light,
hang out in this area.
And then we also have this room over here
for one of the breakout sessions in here.
(techno music)
I hope that when people leave this event
in a few days from now,
they leave feeling like they didn't just learn something
and they didn't just walk away with a notebook full
of new ideas and inspirations.
But mostly I want to them to walk away feeling like
I felt like I deeply connected with people who care.
It's definitely about knowledge and information,
that's a huge part of this,
but it's also about the human connection
and helping them accomplish their goals and their dreams.
It's coming along pretty nicely.
What do you guys think?
One of the things that I appreciate when I go to events
that no one ever does
is like I fidget a lot,
like I like to have things in my hand.
I think like creative type people
are just typically like that.
I got fidget spinners.
I got Play-Doh.
We've got one of these guys
where you can just like spin, flip, flick,
so people have something to do with their hands
like get Play-Doh stuck in their keyboard keys.
We're out getting some dinner.
We're going to eat at this burger joint right here.
(techno music)
When I first thought about doing this Video Labs event
here in Cincinnati a few years ago,
I thought I could never pull something like that off.
It's too big for someone like me.
Here we are and it's happening.
Good morning guys.
I'm teaching all the sessions today.
Other people are teaching the next few days,
doing channel reviews with creators.
It's going to be awesome.
I smell breakfast and it sounds great.
So you know when you like this dream
and it's a big risk to take it?
I am learning right now
that the risk is sometimes worth taking.
Risk doesn't always necessarily equal disaster.
Maybe that's how I kind of think of it sometimes.
Sometimes risk means success.
Like there was an application process
to be here at this event,
and we had over 300 some applicants.
We accepted 20 of them,
and they were all handpicked with the idea of like
I can tell you have a mission
behind what you're trying to do on YouTube.
Like you might not know what it is,
you might be still trying to figure that out,
but I can tell the heart is there.
One of the things I like about doing events like this
is you get to meet cool people like this guy.
- Hi.
- He has a blogging channel he's starting.
And then like these guys.
Yeah you have fun blogging channel?
- I do. - (Tim)There you go.
- Yes.
- So it's been a lot fun just like meeting people
and hearing stories and stuff.
I love seeing like the light bulb moments
that some of these people are getting
when they're like,
you know I came in with this idea for my channel,
it's going this way.
It's not really working.
And then we sit down
and we work though like content strategy.
And we work though like the target audience
and the value preposition.
And we start like getting like practical.
And like oh, I get it,
and they start developing this bigger picture
and this vision for their channel
than they even thought of in the first place.
Like that's the type of thing
that I don't think can just happen
if it's just experts on the stage.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
There's a lot of value to that for sure, you know?
We're getting ready to go out for dinner.
We had a great day together.
How's going so far for you, Derral?
- It's good, but it's going to be a lot better
after I get some food.
- (Tim) How's it going for you guys?
- Good! Doing great!
- It's going awesome.
(upbeat music)
- The people are connecting well with each other.
I see new friendships being made.
There's way more collective wisdom
in the group of the people who are here
than there is in just Derral, me, and Jeremy.
And I wanted people to tap into that.
Like I wanted people to be like,
hey, I know some things about YouTube,
but this person has experiences on YouTube
I've never had before.
Everyone just feels like
so far that they're getting what they need from each other.
- (Tim) You need a bib?
That's called a rib bib.
Oh yeah, everybody's getting one tonight.
(upbeat music)
Today is the last day of Video Labs.
I am feeling really tired,
staying up late,
getting ready for the next day with sessions and notes.
My voice is starting to leave.
I gotta be careful I don't lose it completely today
because I really need this
so I can finish serving people talking
and really helping them out the best that I can.
Day two is starting with Derral.
- Anything outside of PBS.
- He's going to talk about fitting SCO
for like the next two hours.
It's going to be cool.
- Well I love YouTube because you can...
(thoughtful music)
- Wooo, we had a great morning of teaching
and training from Derral and Jeremy.
We're about to hit lunch,
but before we do that,
we are going to go outside,
go over to Fountain Square,
and take a big group picture together
and plus it's really good to get out of that room
and just stretch our legs a little bit, seriously.
Taking pictures.
- Don't push me Tim.
We're all going to fall in the water.
- No pushing and shoving around here.
All right, here we go.
I think I'm distracting them.
We're getting ready to do my favorite part of this event,
which is I get to hang out with these people.
We get to just dig into their YouTube channels together.
We can pull them up on the screen like that.
So right now, that's Jessica.
- Hi. - Right there.
And we're going to talk about her channel.
And it's fun because like everyone's
like sharing insights together
and we just get to hang out and talk
and you know that someone else has like an insight
then just kind of the conversation rolls
and I'm even learning lot just by listening to them.
So it's been fun.
So all right let's dig into Jessica Stansberry.
I think the main difference
that I'm seeing between doing this event online
versus doing it in person
is that online you kind
of dial into the call we do every week.
You get the information.
You meet some people, it's cool,
but then you hang up and that's it.
In person, you get the information
and then you continue to talk about it
and interact and think
and hear different perspectives and stories
and you continue to gage
and deepen the relationships with the people
that you're engaging with.
Like and everything like just doesn't stop
when the phone call ends like it does online.
Instead here like you are emersed into it
for two solid, completely full days.
(thoughtful music)
I would love for this to be the experience
that happens regularly for creators.
This is the type of thing that can really help creators
not just reach people,
but impact their lives
and you guys know here
that that's what me and my wife and my family,
that's what we're all about.
Time for me to leave.
Time to go.
The event's over.
Thank you guys so much for being a part of it.
- Yeah.
- Those of you guys who are still here,
thank you so much.
Safe travels back to London,
to Florida, to Florida,
to Nashville, to.. - Minnasota.
- Minnasota, that's right, and Pennsylvania.
And me, about 20 minutes away.
(techno music)
The World's Strongest Armies. Weapons and Soldier Count - Bilgicim.Net 👊👊 - Duration: 6:16.
Primer vs Primero | ¿Cuál es la Diferencia entre Primer y Primero? - Duration: 5:40.
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Ekattor Tv News 31 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla.
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