Use Instagram and Lose Weight Fast - Weight loss tips
Losing weight (and keeping it off) isn't easy.
If you're looking lead a healthier lifestyle, turning to Instagram can help.
Trying to lose weight can be a lonely experience.
While pretty much everyone says they could lose a few pounds, but anyone wanting to eat
healthier knows how isolating it can be to eat clean at a work lunch or skip drinks with
the girls to workout.
Especially if you don't know anyone else who needs to lose more than 100 pounds in
order to be a healthy weight.
Bailey Ryan knows that feeling all too well.
She struggled with obesity for most of her life.
But it was 2015 when the nurse decided that a healthier lifestyle was worth it.
To find support and inspiration Ryan turned to Instagram.
Inspired by clean eaters on Instagram (using the hashtag #whole30approved), Ryan tried
The Whole-30 diet, a month-long nutrition program that excludes dairy, sugar, grains,
legumes and alcohol.
Ryan later adapted to a paleo diet.
In addition to clean eating, Ryan also works out regularly.
Now, two years into her fitness journey, Ryan credits part of her 120-pound weight loss
success to her Instagram account @paleobailey.
How sharing your fitness journey on Instagram can help ?
Weight loss Instagram accounts aren't like the typical accounts you see on Instagram.
There are no expectations to post carefully crafted, witty captions to photos that look
like they belong in the glossy magazines.
In fact, weight loss Instagram accounts are the exact opposite.
Most people with these accounts expose the vulnerable thoughts of body image and self-esteem
that we all have, but wouldn't even admit to our best friends.
People with weight loss and fitness Instagram accounts post progress pictures, recipe ideas
and their non-scale victories.
The posts are intimate, diary-entry confessions.
The new way to get healthy
With Instagram following her weight-loss journey, Ryan felt motivated knowing that people were
invested in her weight loss.
"My followers hold me accountable and push me through the hard stuff," she says.
"My Instagram account is a place where I can share everything about my struggles with
weight loss."
Instagram also helped Ryan track her progress.
"Since I also wrote about how I was feeling in the photo captions, it's been really
cool to see how much I've changed.
Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, too," she explains.
You'll notice that her cutlines are long and she doesn't hold back.
Reading her old posts and looking at her weight loss pictures have been Ryan's favourite
parts about journaling on social media about her weight loss.
Being vulnerable on social media
Unfortunately, with cyber bullying and Internet trolls, anyone active on social media is at
risk for online harassment.
And when you have a big social media following like Ryan, you're more likely to receive
unwanted comments.
Although Ryan knows a lot of people who have experienced online harassment on their weight
loss Instagram accounts, remarkably, she seems to be an exception to the rule.
"I'm super grateful that I don't have to deal with any of it or read any of it,"
she says.
If you like this video don't forget to subscribe and also check other interesting videos
in this channel.
For more infomation >> Use Instagram and Lose Weight Fast - Weight loss tips - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
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New Jurassic World Custom Paint T-Rex Vs Trex Battle /Jurassic park Mobile Command Unboxing - Duration: 14:03.
welcome to WD Toys New Jurassic World Custom Paint T-Rex Vs Trex Battle /Jurassic park Mobile Command Unboxing
wow guys is great to see you again New Jurassic World INDOMINUS REX 2015 Electronic Lights & Sound UNBOXING Review
we're gonna have so much fun today and so glad you came back
today we have the in dominance racks
it has lights in silence you pull the arms it makes a roaring noise
while a second look at death and it
the whole head here is all Robert Hill I'll look at it
EC pull the arms in a mile opens up
in la jolla take a look at the back see lot this had a magnitude chomping action
and a half caller marking the skin this skin like Suppan
automatically changes collar while as salt call
k before we open it we have to pay for at
Celes ask Barbie how much it costs
3 30
I know it well 30
knowing do it and ninety talk say
how much you make Paul the ever again paper this a credit card
p let's go ahead and pay for at
okay are paid for
while let's go ahead and open this up wild guesses dinosaurs
also on its ok cool it's huge
in its talent detach a wall becomes detached in the Boxee attach array here
looks like you push it then
and the locks NC
it doesn't come off their now while the Suns huge
I thought the t-rex is big but this one is awesome
while stands really talk to.
and the cool thing is
all it slams move like a good range of movement let's take a closer look at
up here this here is all robber see here
it's really cool his mop
okay like way of
I mean if you're playing with Danny Kaye like eat a lotta dinosaurs
and see his arms if you move his arms that's when he opens his mocking growers
and his legs have a really good range of movement
you have the Jurassic world tack to over here
see his get huge nails
he's got a long tail while
let's take a look at the front see i mean this
this guy open his mile like growing
K I mean take a look at like this would be my hand here
I mean look how much he could okay
ma of the many could almost hit my hope this here
so it's really fine like this said the arms move
that makes his head open and then the legs are really cool
with big long nails he's got a really long tell their
so he could not go over other dinosaurs that are fighting him
and let's take a look at this without the lights so we could see the collar
marking skin
you pulled on his arms and when he roars
his skin color comes on here it starts with the yellow
and then it's gonna automatically more
to read you see that in turn red
this really cool this is a fun this should be a fun toy to play with
at night time too and he's really big
he's a lot bigger than that T-rex a have often heard the sizes for you in a
K see look at his head
in March he opens his mouth I
pay he hasn't of showing your
you okay day
any hey
the rubber skin up top is really cool
I really like other rubber skin feels in like a said he is fully articulated
I'm you could stand this guy all the way up and he could balance with his tail
and pull his head all the way up in the air
and take a look at that hearing is my hand
and in this case stands like alway up high
is really a cool dinosaur and he kissed and buy and sell
to you SAR not only does everything moves in his mouth open FB he kissed and
buy and sell
this is really a fun dinosaur guys
this is the Jurassic world T-rex and look how much bigger this guy as
when you open is mile I'm here
he could pretty much swallow the mouth
its follow the head the t-rex look at that
the car biggest smile opens up law I'll
this guy really is huge
Heath of some is so much fun to play with it
TT wraxall for his mop threaten him
this Kyle do is get em wow look at that
boy he could just swallow ish
hey p
I I'm he could even
I believe his jaws is strong enough to even pick up the t-rex
which is pretty heavy let's check it out
wow look at that say
K yeah him off the ground
test is so cool off 0
lock pepper pink George
are Rebecca rapid peco pony RBI
chief but the t-rex through the forest i'll know what are they gonna do
first thank goodness for her HMO
Craig P-forty Kansas all what is this guy's
all my endowments racks by
quack run pepper run
could get away pepper up on No
he picked up the whole keeping his job
why I'll happens in trouble now
they're gonna have to run for it I'll look they all jumped out
and they ran away into the forest while
dinosaur didn't get them but what is it dominates Rex gonna do.
well now look at em his good throw the Jeep
ob why he's so strong he just threw their jeep ride either way
and now he's good challenge the t-rex
but the T Rex s such a tiny brain
he doesn't know arty get added danger and some
attack and ominous rex King opening his mouth on up
too small the whole head the t-rex
and to pick him up into the air while look at that guy
set T rex is pretty heavy and he's holding and his jaw
many snaps a job back and forth any throws the t-rex
off into the forest Wow
boy this guy is strong p
K he could beat the t-rex no problem wow that is of some
and his skin morphing callers of some
if you play with this thing in that dark you gonna have a lot of fun
if you look you
lookin like his neck when he moved when he opens in
to all his neck looks almost like it's a live look at that yeah sure
cool what do you guys think you guys like that one
Wow I like this one
so far I did the Jurassic World Toys destroys my favorite Lookin Dec
it s so cool PC how realistic it looks hit the robber
P haha I'll
by I
go restrictions should just give her sword
look in NY 0 he can keep the whole
T rex is to skinny
first sketch but we can't get away
365 to suing oh wait so quick
wow guys did you like this video make sure you subscribe to my channel up
down below you keep click down below the video here
you can leave me comments could go think
why weakest SIM card
with so many traffic world
videos simply doesn't need kept up her ok honey
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Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Mirror Relocation Brackets (2007-2017 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 3:59.
These Rugged Ridge mirror relocation brackets in textured black are for those of you that
have a 2007 and up JK that are looking for a way to move your factory mirrors from the
door onto the A-pillar of your Jeep, so that you have them even when the doors are removed,
in order for you to remain both legal and safe when you're driving doorless.
Now, there are gonna be quite a few different options out there for mirror relocation brackets.
There are some that are of this style that allow you to move those factory mirrors onto
the A-pillar.
There are other mirrors that will be a quick disconnect style that put a whole additional
mirror up on the A-pillar that you can take off when you have the doors on, and put on
when you have the doors off.
And finally, there's an option of a mirror that'll just drop right in that top door hinge
when you have the door removed.
I personally like this style, because you can very easily remove and reinstall the door,
without having to think about your mirrors at all.
They're always on the A-pillar.
You don't have to move them when you take the doors on and off.
So, this is the style that I personally really prefer.
Now, no matter what option you go with, most of them are gonna install pretty easily.
This one's no different, definitely a one-out-of-three-wrench installation, less than an hour to get these
Now, this setup here is going to be a fixed-length arm setup.
So, you're gonna have those mirrors.
They're gonna go on there.
There's not going to be any adjustability.
There are some mirror relocation brackets set up like this that will move your factory
mirrors onto the A-pillar, that have a little bit of adjustment, especially on the passenger
When you move the mirror forward a little bit to get it on the A-pillar, it can make
it a little bit difficult to see out of that mirror.
So, they have an adjustable arm that lets that mirror sit a little bit further away
from the Jeep, giving you a little bit more visibility.
This setup does not have that.
Now, those adjustable options might be a couple dollars more, but in my opinion, it is worth
it, if you're worried about visibility out that passenger side.
This kit does come with a total of four different pieces here.
So, you're going to have the relocation brackets themselves, and then block off plates for
the doors, so you don't have just big open holes when you move those factory mirrors
onto the A-pillar.
Everything is going to have that textured black powder coat finish, so it's all going
to match a lot of other aftermarket accessories you may have added onto your Jeep.
And, it's also going to do a really nice job of matching the factory black plastic accents
that you have on your Wrangler right off the assembly line.
Both pieces are going to have a foam backing material on there in order to keep them from
chaffing your factory paint.
So, if you were ever to remove these, you can go right back to a stock setup without
having any permanent damage to the Jeep.
To get these installed onto your Jeep, again, very simple one-out-of-three-wrench installation,
less than an hour to get this installed.
In order to remove your factory mirror, all you need to do is remove the mirror from its
factory mirror arm.
Remove the two bolts from the inside of the door and that mirror arm will come off.
In order to get this bracket mounted up, you're gonna have to remove a couple of torques'
bolts out of your windshield hinge.
Once those bolts are removed, you can put the mirror arm in place and replace those
Then you can go ahead and set your block off plate in its location, and put those factory
screws right back on.
Finally you're going to bolt it on to your new, relocated mirror arm.
These brackets will run you right around $55.
And that's really par for the course when you look at a setup like this that includes
all four pieces.
As I mentioned before, there are some that have additional features, some adjustability.
Those ones might be $5, $10 more.
If you're looking for that adjustability, if you want maximum visibility, especially
out of the passenger-side mirror, it is worth it to spend a couple of extra dollars.
However, if you're not quite as worried about that, if you're gonna be running without doors
a lot of the time, you're not as worried about having that adjustability on the passenger
side, this is gonna be a great kit.
And it'll save you a couple of dollars over those other ones.
So, if you're looking for a mirror relocation bracket set to move those factory mirrors
onto the A-pillar permanently, I definitely recommend taking a look at this setup from
Rugged Ridge.
And you can find it right here at
Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Paracord Grab Handles (1987-2017 YJ, TJ & JK) Review & Install - Duration: 4:43.
These Rugged Ridge Paracord Grab Handles in red and black are for those of you that have
a 1987 and up Wrangler that are looking to add a grab handle to make it easier for you
and your passengers to get in and out of your jeep whether your jeep is lifted or is stock
As with most soft grab handles of this style, these are going to install very, very easily
into your jeep, definitely 1 out of 3 wrench installation, less than 10 minutes to get
these installed, and we'll talk a little bit more about that in just a second.
So, when it comes to grab handles, there are really two main categories.
There are going to be those steel bolt-in grab handles and then there are going to be
fabric style grab handles.
Now the steel ones do have some benefits.
They are very, very secure.
They don't move around at all when you're using them to pull yourself in and out of
the jeep, holding onto it when you're going down a bumpy trail, and a lotta people do
like that benefit.
However, the metal ones are a little bit more difficult to install, they're definitely gonna
more expensive, and they'd pose a little bit of a hazard if you were to bang your head
off of it.
It's certainly gonna hurt a lot more than if you hit your head on something like this.
So, if you are one of those people that prefers to have a soft grab handle, then this is gonna
be a real nice option for you.
Now, in the world of soft grab handles again, you have a lot of different options as far
as how many straps hold them on to the support cage, that's going to affect their strength,
if there is a hard plastic or rubber material on the actual handle, if there's neoprene
there or in this case if the handle itself is actually made out of paracord.
And paracord is a pretty cool material.
It's something that has been gaining popularity, especially in adventure sports, and jeeps
just go right along with that.
This is going to be a 550 paracord that is woven into a grab handle, and of course, it
has a more traditional upper half of the grab handle here that's going to be a vinyl style
material with some Velcro fasteners to attach it on to your sport cages.
Now, these ones being paracord are gonna be a little bit more expensive than some of the
other grab handles out there.
They require a little bit more to actually put them together and to make them and they're
a little bit newer, a little bit more trendy, so they're a little bit pricier, but this
is the style that you're going for in your jeep if you want that utilitarian, that military
off-road adventure sport, that sort of vibe in your vehicle whether this is a standalone
part or you're using this in conjunction with a lot of other paracord products in your vehicle
is gonna be a really nice add.
So like I said, these are gonna be a very well-built grab handle.
The upper section here is going to be very much like the lot of the Rugged Ridge grab
handles that aren't paracord, it's going to have a vinyl material here that's going to
wrap around the bottom side of your sport cage, then you're going to have three different
Velcro straps with some plastic clips that's going to help to hold everything in place
very, very securely.
And these are going to fit on either a 2 or a 3-inch sport cage, and that's why this will
work on anything from the '87 and up, your YJ, your TJ, your JK, these are going to fit
just fine on there.
And then as it says right there in the name as we talked about, this section here, the
actual part you grab on to is going to be that 550 paracord, and this is a combination
of both red and black paracord which gives some really nice style to these particular
grab handles.
So like I said, all fabric and grab handles are going to install very, very easily into
your jeep.
Definitely a 1 outta 3 wrench installation, less than 15 minutes to get these installed.
All you're going to need to do, you take 'em out of the box, you release the Velcro, pull
it through the plastic strap, open everything up, and you can set it on to your sport cage
and get all of the Velcro straps started.
Then, you can index the whole grab handle, figure out where you want it front to back,
where it's gonna be easiest for you and for your passengers to grab on to it and use it
to get in and out of your jeep.
Once you have that front and back location set, you tighten down all the straps, and
that's it.
These grab handles come in around at $40 which is a little bit more than some of the other
ones on the market, some of the other fabric grab handles.
Of course, the metal ones we talked about, those ones are definitely gonna be more expensive,
but as far as fabric ones go, these are a little bit toward the upper end of the price
range, not by much, but maybe $5 to $10 more than some of the other options out there.
And if you're looking for the paracord styling, you want something that is designed this way,
then I think it's worth a couple of extra dollars.
If you're somebody who's just looking for the cheapest grab handle possible, yeah, there's
a lot of other options out there, but if you like the paracord styling, you have a couple
of extra dollars, I think these are very well-built and I think they're gonna be a nice choice
for you.
So, if you're going with the paracord theme inside your jeep and you're looking for a
good set of grab handles, I definitely recommend taking a look at these from Rugged Ridge,
and you can find them right here at
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Diablo 3 - Patch 2.6.1 Sets Summary - Duration: 13:41.
Hello ladies and gentlemen.
Firzjberg here with new Diablo video.
Since new season is getting closer and new patch is out i think it is time to summarize
all the info based on patch notes and ptr's leaderboards.
Here, in my video i will share my personal thoughts for each class and sets with all
pros and cons that i found out while playing on PTR and share it to you.
if you barely understand my speech be sure to turn ON subtitles.
You can also check my previous videos on this channel to see more gameplay for each set
from patch 2.6.1 So let's get started.
First class is Barbarian. Generally speaking all sets have been updated in matter in numbers.
Wrath of the Wastes set is boosted even more and can easily fit into top leaderboards +
it is really good set for non-stop speedrifting because of Whirlwind.
This build is simple and doesn't require a lot of extra legendaries except one rare Skull
grasp ring and Istvan blades for late pushing.
Two Bul kathos swords are optional and used mostly at the beginning of season for example.
As for top Greater rifts it is capable of 105+ levels with good trash and map.
Immortal king is shining in next patch 2.6.1 with 4 piece Raekor combination.
Hammer Barbarian with Istvan blades does insane damage in huge pack of mobs and has good mobility
because of Furious charge skill.
It can probably be used in speedruns and bounties as well but you will need to maintain Berserker
skill for increased damage from IK set.
Raekor and IK itself, if use them seperately without combining deal less damage for leaderboards.
Raekor can be seen in the leaderboards rarely but pretty viable now, as for 6 piece IK set
, it is pretty strong with Ancient Hammer build.
Immortal king is also one of the starter sets in season 12.
It will grant you 7 items including two handed set weapon for a good start.
Might of the Earth or Leapquake build is the same old earthquake barbarian but with increased
6 piece bonus damage from Avalanche, Leap, Slam, (Spear) and ofcourse Earthquake.
Nothing else changed.
I personally think it is the hardest set to play because it requires a lot of attention
to what skills you hit and how to maintain damage boosts from different items.
Unfortunately this set is weaker than Whirlwind and Immortal Hammer Barbarian, and even more
it is very slow in speedrifting and bounties.
Next class is long forgotten for me Crusader who will return in patch 2.6.1 because all
4 sets have been drastically buffed.
All of them are in leaderboards and there are a lot of build variations especially for
renewed akkhan set.
Akkhan set got more damage from 6 piece bonus.
sounds like nothing new but old legendaries have also been updated and now provide extra
space to settle your playstyle.
Blessed shield, Condemn or Heaven's fury.
All in the leaderboards right now.
Also Akkhan set have some builds specifically for speedfarming and that probably makes it
the best set for Crusader.
Roland set is quite average compared to other sets but can still remain in leaderboards
with his Sweeping attack build.
Not really good one for speedfarming and mostly played only in greater rifts.
I assume you will rarely see this set in regular rifts or bounties.
Seeker of the light remains the same top leaderboards build as usual.
No new build variations, only slightly increased damage from Blessed hammer to keep this set
competitive with others.
last set is Thorns of invoker that has become a death machine on the battlefields.
Thorns damage is tripled compared with old set.
It has insane toughness and damage in Greater rifts when you are hit by enemies.
I think it will be the best set for hardcore players who prefer to push risky levels and
survive easily.
There is only one problem that Invoker has slow performance in speedrifts because the
more trash attacks you the more damage you deal but in rifts it mostly doesn't work because
some mobs will attack other players and will be killed by others before you reach them
at all.
However if you build perfect invoker with top rolls and high paragon, all enemies including
elites can be one shotted easily
Next class is Demon Hunter.
Marauder set is going back to leaderboards since the set itself, manticore crossbow and
quiver got buffed as well.
Unfortunately there is only one build variation for this set and it is Сluster Arrow grenades.
Same playstyle and same role in greater rifts, as for speedfarming it is quite slow compared
to the following sets.
Unhallowed essence set can now be played without grenades build to stay in leaderboards and
require only 6 piece set, quiver and bow for multishot.The rest is up to your discipline
Grenades build will be mostly for solo greater rifts while regular 6 piece unhallowed for
both - speedruns and Greater rifts.
Natalya set is buffed only in numbers.
This set was a big disappointment to me until now.
Before patch 2.6.1, this set was rarely seen anywhere especially in the leaderboard and
there was only one viable build with Fan of knives skill similar to LON demon hunters
where you have to charge up fan of knives skill to 30 stacks . For me it was incredibly
annoying even in solo pushing.
Other skills did no damage at all in high leveled rifts and you could die easily.
But now there is some room for experiments and this set is really good to start next
As i mentioned Natalya is rewarded in season 12 and you will receive 7 pieces including
one handed Crossbow.
Shadow's mantle strikes back with boosted Impale and can now replace Trag'oul Necromancer
as a boss killer, speaking of Inarius set it will require more field testing but from
my personal observations Inarius will win anyway because of Skeletons insane phylactery.
Shadow set is really good in surviving and dealing insane damage especially for solo
targets and can also be used in speedfarming rifts or bounties.
Next class is Monk.
Inna's set is pretty the same as before with slightly increased damage.
It performs well in Greater rifts with exploding palm weapon or Shenlong fists similar to generator
monk. even if there are no new builds for this set, Inna is still essential in meta
for healing and protecting allies.
Uliana set is returned once again in the leaderboards.
the damage of Exploding palm is increased from 250% to insane 2100%.
same as Inna it performs really good only in greater rifts up to 110.
Farming rifts is not the best choice here as it requires good density on maps to nuke
all enemies.
Monkey king or Sunwuko is the top number one set in the leaderboard thanks to few updated
legendary items for Wave of Light and Lashing Tail Kick. This set is super strong and fast
in every aspect of the game - rifts, bounties, and greater rifts.
while Lashing Tail Kick is the best skill for speedfarming, Wave of Light is preferably
used for pushing up to 115.
From my point of view Sunwuko has high chances to be in new meta speeds.
Maybe 3 Sunwuko monks and one Shrine monk for pulling enemies.
that is my speculation.
Thousand storms just like Inna set, has been slightly buffed and got no new build variations.
the best use of this set is only one solo pushing build with Shenlong fists equipped.
According to PTR leaderboards it is the least used set compared to other monk's sets and
viable only up to 100 Greater rifts.
As for Necromancer, he can still remain at top positions in solo and group runs.
All 4 sets are buffed even more and there was only one nerf that affected globes spawn chance
which has been abused for the entire season in Rathma speeds and 2-3 player pushing.
I haven't tested this meta on PTR and For me it is still unknown whether this meta will
stay or be replaced by another classes.
In 2.6.1 Rathma's mages are buffed to 1000% damage + Scythe of the Cycle to 400% instead
of 300% which still remain overpowered for rifts and greater rifts.
Inarius set has been buffed too but it is not so popular in solo greater rifts.
On new build variation for this set is thorns pets which can easily do 100 Greater rifts.
Some players still prefer inarius for farming rifts but in my opinion Rathma is the best
because of insane damage coming from mages.
Yet inarius is still the best boss killer set in 4 player meta thanks to one skeleton
phylactery that endlessly stacks insane damage on a single target.
Pestilence set will now be a replacement for Trag'oul Necromancer in solo pushing or speed
greater rifts.
Skills and gameplay is the same, there are only 2 differences here - Corpse Lance no
longer drains your health and hits an enemy after consuming a corpse.
Trag'oul set is simply the same.
Same damage, same skills, same builds, but life spending abilities will now cost less
Slow trash killer but deadly against (elites).
for Witch Doctor we have Helltooth set which has a great use with Gargantuan for rifts
and pushing, or with Firebats for pushing in solo and group similar to Arachyr set.
Both sets are great in matter of toughness and damage and can easily compete to each
other but Helltooth has more build variations for specific activities like rifts or bounties.
Jade harvester set is back in the leaderboards for solo pushing.
With Ring of Emptiness and Sacred Harvester this set has good toughness and damage for
100+ greater rifts.
Unfortunately Jade is not really fast and mobile in rifts and bonties as it requires
to cast haunt and swarm for each new pack of mobs.
Zunimassa set can finally return in the leaderboards with doubled damage but build variation is
still poor here.
With new Gargantuan ring and fetishes belt Zunimassa can be played up to 100 greater
rifts but it still feels weaker compared with other sets.
Also this set may be useful in rifts and bounties because of huge army of pets like Helltooth.
and the final class is Wizard.
Delsere set from my perspective has big chances to be useful in speedrifts and greater rifts
with all these arcane or frozen orbs but there is only one drawback in this set that requires
to cast slow time skill on every crowd or single enemy and keep them always inside of
this bubble for damage boost.
without this skill, Delsere will be pretty useless.
classic 6 piece Firebird is back once again with Archon skill.
But if you are tired of archons you can play non archon meteor Firebird Wizard which is
able to play 105+ greater rifts and he is quite good in rifts. despite the fact that
Firebird set itself has been slightly boosted only in numbers, more different legendary
items can now diversify the playstyle.
Vyr set can be used now without Tal rasha's pieces and can be easily played in 100+ greater
rifts with Chantodo wand and Manald heal ring if you still prefer archon ranged abilities.
Vyr is perfect for speed rifts and bounties especially with In-Geom sword and also Vyr
is the starter set in season 12.
Tal rasha remains untouched with the same set bonuses however it has a lot of build
variations that can compete with other wizard's sets and classes.
Meteor wizard is one newly added build for Tal rasha in 2.6.1.
It is really strong in greater rifts and rifts and it doesn't require Archon skill at all
which is really cool.
Meteor or archon Tal rasha are ok for everything, you name it - bounties, rifts, greater rifts
up to 105+ but Meteor build will certainly freshen up gameplay.
Well, If you have any questions don't forget to leave a comment and i will try to answer to
everyone's messages.
Also if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to see more content and support
my channel.
Thank you for watching and listening.
Have a nice day!
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