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What is Rocket | How Rocket Works
El Juanito Reviews - Show by Rock!! EP 3 - Duration: 5:01.
What up people? I'm your hommie Juanito, let's continue with Episode 3 of Show by Rock!!
If you missed the previous Reviews, check 'em out
It all starts, with Manager Egg cooking fried rice, and tells the girls...
The agent of a rival Idol Group bets his band beats Plastmagica
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So, the Bunny girl says, let 'em come!
and the gothic lolita neko idol, all right, my first concert, let's do it!
and the othe performers, a cow, a frog, a bear and a cat, are saying they don't stand a chance
S: Where are the cows udders? Everyone knows cow girls have to be busty, and she's the smallest of the 4
Socky, do you watch Anime for the Plot?
Plot is what this socky Show needs
it's BS that the frog has more. Those animals aren't even mammals
Anyway, the guitar tells Cyan what's the deal in a Battle of the Bands
and it's like one of those TV Shows where you sent a text message to vote for your favorite
So, the catgirl puts on a hopping rodent pajama, and she's making arrangements to the song
In the rehearsal, they don't mess up or anything, but it isn't ike they're nailing it either
but Cyan doesn't want to bitch about it, so she doesn't tell 'em they're lacking
In the competition, the rivals come first, and turns out they have a huge fan base.
They even have chorus and sheit
Plasmagica watching that. Dang, we can't compete...
Since CritiCrista is really popular, Retoree wants to back down
Why perform their first concert in a competition where people vote and stuff. I'm going home
To make her react, the neko plays a guitar note
Gal, you should've slap her f'n face like Umi did to Honoka
So you don't want to be School Idol anymore?
In the end Love Live is a popularity contest and they won. Dig that you lesbitch ._.)
So, Cyan tells them about her arrangement to the song, it has vocals for the 4 to get hyped up and light up the audience
Where's the slam you pieces of sh*t? You farm animals are worth 455
they f'n lose!
Next, lesbian moment, let's practice a lot more, Ganbaru-desu, the value of friendship
you know, all that BS at the end of an Episode
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Bro, watch my other Anime Reviews, if you want me to continue Show by Rock!!
Please Thumbs Up, Comment & Share
and watch This Game SOCKS which is better than your f'n show
I'm your hommie Juanito and I'll see you when? Next time! PEACE
Pumpkin Carving easy tutorial and tips for Halloween - Duration: 1:10.
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Disney's Lost Franchise: Nightmare Ned | Secret Screening - Duration: 20:20.
As a kid, one of the scariest things you have to endure, is a nightmare.
A funhouse mirror of our greatest fears.
Surgery and doctor visits, The repercussions of bad grades or a bad reputation, growing
up, embarrassment….
phobias……... change....
These things come at us quick, but in the altered landscape of our dreams, we can sometimes
find ways to make sense of our daily trials and tribulations.
Twenty years ago, Disney crafted a character that dealt with that very subject matter.
But because it aired only once twenty years ago, you may not have even heard of it.
So join me as I explore the strange history of Disney's lost franchise, Nightmare Ned.
Nightmare Ned was an ambitious video game that inspired and co-launched a slightly less
ambitious cartoon show that both debuted in 1997.
There's a pretty big difference between the game and the cartoon, but because both
were produced at the same time, it's hard to talk about one without bouncing off the
So, let's start at the beginning.
Nightmare Ned began as an idea formed by Terry Shakespeare, his wife Sue, and their business
partner David Molina.
Terry himself worked as an animator on many of the early Don Bluth films, including The
Secret Of NIMH, An American Tail, The Land Before Time, and most importantly, both Dragon's
Lair arcade games and Space Ace.
Thanks to connections made while working on those games and films, and realizing the potential
of the video game market, their company, Creative Capers Entertainment, was able to not only
scoop up a lot of the animation talent from Bluth at the time, but also forge a lucrative
and beneficial bond with Disney.
Together, the company not only provided some uncredited additional animation for Beauty
and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King, they also formed the backbone of much of Disney
Interactive's early work.
Providing the animation for interactive storybook games based on nearly all of the Disney Renaissance
films including Aladdin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pocahontas, and Hercules.
They even worked on some weird Disney console games, like Gargoyles, and the truly bizarre,
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow.
And it was because of this strong partnership that Disney Interactive looked to Creative
Capers Entertainment to craft a brand new IP.
A prestige game to help make a name for themselves in the booming PC game market, and help them
step out of the shadow of the cutsey movie tie in games aimed at a very young demographic
they were known for.
Enter Nightmare Ned.
Aimed at older kids and pre-teens, it focused on Ned Needlemeyer.
A young bespectacled boy wrapped in an ocean of anxiety.
Now as I said before, Nightmare Ned the video game has a different premise than Nightmare
Ned the TV show, so let's focus on the Video Game first - because this was likely the project
that had the full attention of Terry, Sue, and David, and I feel is probably the best
representation of what Nightmare Ned was supposed to be.
In the game, Ned comes home from school to find a note from his mom explaining that he'll
have the house to himself.
Leaning into his newfound freedom, he runs about in his underpants, eats a ton of junk
food, and plays video games.
Until a thunderstorm rolls in and knocks out the power.
With nothing better to do, Ned calls it a night, but his anxiety creeps in and he starts
seeing monsters that aren't there.
However, the game shows us that he's not actually alone, and he's stalked by five
fear eating shadow creatures that sneak into his dream once he's finally asleep.
Each of the shadows manifests as one of his worst fears, and scatter into five distinct
The Graveyard, The Hospital & Dentist's Office, The Bathroom, The School, and the
Attic Basement & Beyond.
And each of these worlds are distinctly different and rendered in an expressionist composite
of mixed media.
Traditional 2D animation mixed with lush hand painted backgrounds, 3D animation and environments,
photo collage, even stop motion was used to bring parts of this surreal nightmare world
to life.
It also featured haunting original music and even original songs crafted by Jim Owens aka
Jim of Seattle.
To this day he still maintains a Soundcloud playlist called Nightmare Ned that features
all of the songs he crafted for the game, and which he uses to stay in touch with fans
both old and new.
He even remastered and rerecorded his song "The Mathematics Lesson" and featured
it on his twenty sixteen album, "Both the Planet Frank and the Chet Lambert Show".
You can find links for all of Jim's music in the description below.
As Ned, it's up to you to travel to each of the five dream worlds, and solve puzzles
that eventually reveal the true nature of the fear each shadow creature represents.
Robbing them of the power they hold over Ned and allowing him to overcome that fear and
Additionally, the game has a timer mechanic.
You must solve all five worlds in under eight game hours, or you get the game's bad ending.
And here comes the really interesting twist.
You see, there are two endings to the game.
One where Ned remains a nervous easily frightened mess, and a better ending where Ned wakes
up feeling calm and less afraid because he was able to overcome his fears.
But either ending you get, it's shown that the shadow creatures that followed Ned into
his dream are real, and not just figments of his imagination.
Now let's gearshift to the animated series.
Nightmare Ned the game clearly sparked a lot of interest in Disney, and so they also greenlit
and pushed into production a cartoon show based on the same property that was produced
and directed by Donovan Cook.
Donovan is best remembered for creating Two Stupid Dogs.
A show that might not be too fondly remembered, but it did help launch the careers of many
big names in modern animation, like Genndy Tartakovsky, Craig McCracken, Butch Hartman,
Seth MacFarlane, and Rob Renzetti.
The show still followed the anxiety driven trials and tribulations of Ned Needlemeyer,
but expanded the cast slightly.
We now get to know Ned's father Ed, his baby sister Amy, and his still unnamed mother
Mrs Needlemeyer.
The primary additions to the cast that we see the most of are two school bullies, Conrad
and Vernon - who are usually antagonizing Ned in some way or another.
Devoid of shadow creatures or any extrapersonal reason for Ned's ongoing nightmares, the
series of 25 segments featured plots that quickly sparked a fear or anxiety in Ned,
a swirly transition to telegraph that Ned was going to sleep, a nightmare that magnified
that fear to surreal extremes, and usually ended with Ned being startled awake and finding
some resolution.
For example, in the segment Canadian Bacon, Ned sneaks a pig home as a pet.
Over dinner he tests the water with his parents about getting a pet pig, but his parents have
some startling news for Ned.
His favorite food, Canadian Bacon is made from pig.
He goes to sleep mulling over how the two can stay together, and in his dream he discovers
that his pig can talk.
The pig takes him to his family in Canada, where they can stay together without fear
of separation.
At first it's idyllic, but it soon becomes clear that the pig family is just fattening
up Ned so they can kill and eat him.
After a terrifying chase scene, and being cornered between the pig family and anthropomorphized
food that wants to eat him, Ned is startled awake.
His parents check up on him and discover the pig hidden in his room.
However, Ned's parents quickly warm to the idea, and the segment ends with Ned happily
with the pig as his pet.
It doesn't really touch again on the ethics of eating meat or have Ned having some epiphany
to become vegetarian.
It's just a quick sitcom happy ending.
I don't even think the pig is mention again in the series.
The series is full of weird twisty stories, like in Abduction, where Ned dreams that he's
abducted by aliens that mistake him for a cow and experiment on him, only for it to
reveal in the end that it wasn't a dream and it really happened.
Or like in Dapper Dan, where Ned's dad accused him of being forgetful, so he dreams that
he forgot to wear clothes to school.
After desperately trying to make it through the day at school without people noticing
that he's completely exposed, he wakes up relieved that it was all a dream.
Only to reveal that later that morning Ned's father really forgets to wear clothes to work.
And perhaps by accident, the show sometimes managed transcend its simple premise.
In the segment Girl Trouble, Conrad and Vernon trick Ned into using the girls room at school.
He's embarrassed when everyone finds out, which is compounded by his crush Joanie dismissing
the embarrassment because Ned is a non threatening delicate flower which further emasculates
Ned then falls asleep under a tree and dreams that he suddenly - and against his will - is
a girl.
And despite pleading with everyone to accept the fact that he is a boy, everyone dismisses
him and tries to force him to accept the reality of the newly genderswapped Nedra.
The episode ends with Ned realizing the power he has over the smitten bullies as a girl,
and segways into a power fantasy of world domination.
After Ned wakes up, he realizes he's back to normal and writes a simple journal entry.
"Dear Diary, I just had the strangest dream.
It made me feel kinda funny."
So as you can see, the whole segment plays with the concept of gender roles and gender
identity decades before it was less taboo to address these topics in youth centered
The way this is written many trans kids could have seen themselves in Ned, and found some
of their beliefs and problems addressed and validated in a way they wouldn't and couldn't
see anywhere else.
Nightmare Ned ran on ABC's One Saturday Morning for just a little over four months
- April to August in nineteen ninety seven.
Just long enough to air all twelve of the produced episodes once, before being yanked
from the airwaves and never shown again.
And that's one of the main reasons it remains so mysterious to this very day.
It only aired that one time on ABC, and never showed up again on any of the Disney channels.
Even as special Halloween event filler.
And because it only aired once on network TV and was never released officially on VHS
or DVD by Disney, the show was actually lost for a good deal of time - which only increased
its cult status as the years pressed on.
Nowadays, thanks to those who had the good fortune to rediscover VHS tape recordings
of the original broadcast, most of the series has been archived in varying degrees of quality.
All but two episodes have been found.
Episode ten only has only a partial segment saved, and episode three has only been found
in a tape of a Greek dubbed broadcast.
Even information about the series is hard to come by and is riddled with misinformation.
Since Nightmare Ned came about right before the internet was ubiquitous, we don't really
know what happened behind the scenes, or any of the specifics of its origin beyond what
I've been able to piece together.
Rumor has it that the show was cancelled halfway through its first season for two reasons:
it ran terribly over budget, and, because of its dark and scary stories, parents called
in and complained until it was banned from TV.
While these seem plausible at a glance, the latter of these two reasons seems to be nothing
but an urban myth.
While I can't find any evidence that this actually happened, I don't put it past a
few worrisome parents to write TV affiliates to complain about what they aired that week.
People love to complain, but I don't think enough would have been sent to make any impact.
And that's because Nightmare Ned is ultimately incredibly tame.
Yes, it does deal in horror, suspense, and anxiety, but far less than you'd find in
any episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog.
And it didn't deal in shock or gross out realism or visuals like Ren and Stimpy - which
came six years before Nightmare Ned and received so many complaints that several of the episodes
were pulled from rotation and heavily edited for rebroadcast.
What I'm saying is, the level of parental complaints required to cause censorship, bans,
and cancellation is newsworthy.
And I can't find any record that this was the case.
Don't get me wrong, that makes a good story, but it seems far from the truth.
And even the show's budgetary problems are suspect.
The best information I could find stems from a two thousand eight interview with Chris
Headrick of Phineas and Ferb fame.
Chris' first job was as a storyboard revisionist on Nightmare Ned and had this to say about
the show:
"Nightmare Ned, which was the first show I worked on in the industry, was a Disney
premise show back in 96-97.
Unfortunately, "Ned" might have turned DTV off premise shows for a long time: it ran
quite a bit over budget …"
I reached out to Chris for comment, but unfortunately he didn't get back to me in time for this
But confused about what he meant by "Premise Show" and why DTV would be scared away from
them after the failure of Nightmare Ned, I reached out to Dana Terrace.
Currently one of the directors of DuckTales 2017 for more info on what Chris may have
As you can see, Dana explained that a Premise Show likely meant a "storyboard driven show".
Where the writers and showrunners create an outline of varying complexity that's then
fleshed out by the directors and storyboard artists and then finalized into a script of
sorts that's passed off to the Voiceover Artists.
However, every show is different.
And just because a show is storyboard driven, or a "premise show" as it were, doesn't
mean that's why it went over budget.
Perhaps it was due to mismanagement, as the team juggled creating the game at the same
time it worked on the show.
And since the game seems to be where they sunk the lion's share of their time and
effort creatively, that may have caused the entire project's budget far more than they
So in the end I'm no closer to knowing the real reason why Nightmare Ned was cancelled.
The game sold well enough for the time, but did it sell enough copies to cover the cost
of the game AND the show?
Was the show more costly to produce because it was rushed into existence to synergize
with the game?
Did ABC have too many problems finding advertisers for the costly show it was also helping to
produce financially?
Did Disney just sink what they saw as an irreparable ship?
I don't have concrete answers, and that's frustrating.
Disney carries a weight empirically in all of its productions.
Because of its history and pedigree, all of its works are sought out and remembered by
And when shows between ten and twenty years ago disappear without a trace or even an acknowledgment
by the company, it's upsetting to many to see these works slip through the cracks.
I mean, does Disney even have master tapes of this show anymore, or did ABC destroy them
after a period of time to make storage room?
Or because formats changed?
I don't know.
And to make matters worse, Nightmare Ned, and most of the early PC Disney Interactive
software, is now antiquated and abandoned by the company.
It's no longer playable on modern Windows platforms, and it requires an emulator to
There's no port.
No digital alternative.
Disney isn't investing in bringing it back, and there's no way to even find it outside
of legally dubious downloads and lucky Ebay finds.
As for Nightmare Ned, it may be tame by today's standards, but there's a real quality to
this hand drawn series that you just don't see in modern animation anymore.
Its use of color and expressionism brings a Cabinet of Dr. Caligari-feel to its world
that boldly illustrates many of the shared fears of kids Ned's age.
Yes, it's clearly influenced by the success of Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice, but
it's not bogged down by Burton's morbidity, limited color palate, and trouble with emotion.
Nightmare Ned is it's own weird thing.
Probably brought about and undone by its freedom and lack of oversight, but not for want of
creativity or originality.
Personally I think there's enough meat on Nightmare Ned for a reboot of some kind.
Perhaps one that better merges the ideas of the game and the cartoon.
Bringing back in the mixed media and shadow creatures to create a show packed with heart
and understanding.
Perhaps even bringing in the nightmares of an extended cast that Ned has to help sort
Or bumping up the scares for a more modern and savvy audience that's grown far too
accustomed to shock.
As you can see, there's a lot of ways this show could be positively relaunched and updated.
Now I don't know if Creative Capers Entertainment still has a connection to Disney.
Their most recent project was a film called Gilbert Grimsley which was released in two
thousand twelve, and as far as I can tell the most recent Disney project they were connected
to was a Winnie The Pooh PC game in two thousand.
But if Terry, Sue, David, Donovan who just finished work on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and
even the game's composer Jim Owns are down with returning to the project in some way,
all the better.
But that said, this is a franchise now twenty years old.
And while I would like the original team to return, I'm also cool with the idea of seeking
a new creative team under a showrunner with a strong idea of where the series should go.
If that makes you worried, just take a look at the amazing work Matt Youngberg and Frank
Angones have accomplished on DuckTales twenty seventeen.
Before I close, I want to give a big thanks to T.N.Newton who not only suggested the topic,
but provided all of the footage I used in this video, and a huge chunk of the research.
T.N.'s long play of the Nightmare Ned video game is what I showcased in this video, and
if you'd like to see their play of the game in its entirety, you can follow the link in
the cards or in the description below.
I'd also like to give a huge thanks to Dana Terrace for responding so quickly to my question.
If you're not watching DuckTales twenty seventeen, watch DuckTales twenty seventeen.
Additionally I highly recommend following her on Twitter and especially Twitch, where
she sometimes hosts charity streams that are always a blast to watch and important to donate
You can find all of her links in the description below.
Thanks for watching.
Until next time, I'm Douglas MacKrell, and I'm asking you to share and like this video,
and subscribe to my channel.
Because you'll always have a ticket for my next Secret Screening!
Allo DigiOne SPDIF board for Raspberry Pi - Duration: 10:59.
When a manufacturer wants you to review a digital output board for the Pi at almost
triple the price they normally go for, you wonder if they really have something or are
just bolt.
For I will not compromise on integrity…..
Every few days people tell me that, since digital signals are digital, there is no difference
between digital sources.
All kinds of arguments follow, sometimes well thought out - though wrong - and sometimes
simply ignorant.
Point is that if I only change one digital source for another, I hear a clear difference
on my three reference setups or, if the difference is small, primarily on my big setup 1.
And I hear these differences for decades now, as do a lot of my colleagues.
I you don't hear any difference, you might buy better gear and or watch my series on
audio hygiene to improve YOUR stereo.
Or just don't bother, that's your choice.
I bring this up here since the subject of this review is a relatively expensive digital
audio output board for the Raspberry Pi and the big question of course is: does it sound
better than the clearly lower priced competition.
So buckle up for this one….
Allo sent me a board an a housing and as with almost all Pi housings, it came as a flat
pack without instructions and made me long for Ikea constructions.
But on the Allo site there is a clear instruction video that will help you out.
After assembly you end up with an elegant looking housing that, especially with the
current non-spring loaded microSD slot, makes it somewhat difficult to change microSD cards
and the same goes for the network connection.
But then again, that's mainly a reviewer's thing.
'Normal' people will insert the microSD and network cable only once and leave it there.
According to Allo there are 10 low-drop-out voltage regulators.
These have the advantage of having no switching noise at the expense of some heath dissipation.
Having 10 of them on board means that they must have been rather careful to supply clean
power to the different parts and - for instance - keeping the noise from the Pi out of the
DigiOne board.
Added to that they also claim to use DC/DC converters that do the same but do have switching
noise and lower dissipation.
There furthermore is extensive filtering, galvanic isolation and then reclocking, using
the Wolfson WM8805 SPDIF receiver to output the digital signal.
There is no optical digital output, for Allo considered that to be a waste of quality and
they are right.
I advise to use TOSlink only when I suspect that galvanic separation is needed.
The TOSlink connector has low bandwidth and if no galvanic separation is needed, RCA is
a better choice and BNC the best.
Since Allo has provided galvanic separation, it would be wasteful to provide TOSlink.
Remember the SOtM sMS-200 Ultra review I did?
No, the Allo DigiOne is not that good but it has the same charme as the sMS-200, the
basic model.
- It performs clearly better than any digital output board for the Pi I have tested up till
now, regardless the power supply used.
And I used the DigiOne mounted on a Pi 3B with the normal cheap wall wart connected
to the microUSB on the Pi.
De highs are surprisingly clean, there is more tonality in the lows compared to the
competition, and stereo image is also clearly bigger and more defined.
The sMS-200 with sBooster power supply offers more detail and sounds more relaxed, but then
we are talking about 750 euros of gear as where a complete DigiOne setup - Raspberry
Pi, DigiOne, microSD card, power supply and housing - is under 200 euros.
Compared the the HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro, the DigiOne has clearly superior highs, better
sibilance control, more openness and a somewhat deeper and better defined stereo image.
It better have, given the price difference, you might say.
But I use the HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro the way I described in the video 'HiFiBerry Digi+
Part 2'.
The link is in the show notes.
That is about the standard Digi+ Transformer version but the modification I did on the
Pro is the same.
And I used the AudioPhonics linear power supply that costs 89 euros making the total cost
of the total HiFiBerry Pro setup the same as the Allo with the cheap wall wart.
Then I came across an interesting phenomenon….
At the end of the day I wanted to enjoy some music so I selected the USB input on the Mytek
Brooklyn to listen over the SOtM sMS-200 Ultra that now is standard in my setup 1.
I left the Pi with DigiOne board connected to the SPDIF input of the DAC and kept it
under power but not selected.
I started playing one of my favourite albums, 'Urk' by The Nits - a Dutch band - and
immediately notice something was seriously wrong.
The album contains strong sibilance but playing over the Ultra and the Brooklyn that's no
But it was now.
Since I always will change only 'one' thing at a time in my reference setups, I
knew it must be the Pi/DigiOne combo.
So I disconnected the SPDIF and took the wall wart from the socket.
Immediately the sound as I know it was back.
It appeared that the switching mode power supply was the problem so I replaced that
with the Audiophonics linear power supply and that solved the problem.
It also generated a question.
If the switching mode power supply has so much influence on the main setup, how would
the DigiOne sound with the AudioPhonics power supply?
Well, slightly cleaner on the high end and more relaxed and certainly worth the 89 euros
the AudioPhonics costs or, if you like, slightly less for the iFi iPower that is a switching
mode power supply done well.
I now couldn't resist to try the sBooster power supply too.
That again gave an improvement but only slightly.
Audible on my setup 1 but not on the other two setups.
And given the alternatives nowadays, it is not wise to equip a 20k stereo with a Raspberry
Pi and DigiOne.
Although it is fair to say that three years ago I would have been very happy with the
DigiOne on a Pi and fed by an sBooster.
In my setup 2 - costing around 3k - it is a very fine solution when used with an AudioPhonics
or iFi power supply.
And clearly the better choice than the competition.
Whether it is worth the money in my setup 3 - a 1k set - I find hard to say since I
was stupid enough to start with my setup 1 and once you have heard the artefacts of a
device, you'll hear them everywhere.
My guess is that it will be noticed by some but not all.
For a simple digital output board for a Pi the price of 99 US dollars seems steep, rather
But it's no simple digital output board.
It is of very high quality compared to the competition.
Sure, use a microRendu or sMS-200 and an audiofile power supply and you get even more openness,
more detail, cleaner highs and so on.
But the tested setup with a standard power supply running the RoPieee image and Roon
came at about 65 percent of the sMS-200 using an sBooster power supply.
Using the Audiophonics linear power supply brought it to say 75% of the sMS-200 with
And please don't ask me what 75% means, I'm just trying to give you an impression
and that judgement will vary depending on your auditory system and your stereo.
Let me also put it in another way.
If you have a stereo in the same realm or higher than my setup 1, the best choice I
have found until now is the sMS-200 Ultra at 1700 euro's or more including a proper
power supply.
Below that the standard sMS-200 would be my choice and then the Raspberry Pi with Allo
DigiOne and AudioPhonics power supply.
Please do understand that I haven't reviewed all available products on the market and if
there is a manufacturer that thinks its product is better, please contact me.
This review started that way and I am glad Allo did contact me.
Developments in digital music reproduction go quickly now so if you want to stay informed,
subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
See the show notes for the links.
If you have a question, post it below this video but please don't ask me for buying
See my About Questions video to find out why.
If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon and see super
exclusive videos too.
Just one dollar a month will do.
The link is in the show notes.
And don't forget to tell your friends on the web about this channel.
I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on
And whatever you do, enjoy the music.
Tu Diversidad | Gilberto Daza | Videoclip Oficial - 4k | Música cristiana 2017 - Duration: 3:38.
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Jeene Nahi Doonga 2 (Saagasam) 2017 New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Prashanth, Amanda Rosario - Duration: 1:45:23.
Hello guys. You are listening to FM 106.4 and I am your host Suresh Kumar.
Let us now know the latest update of the traffic.
As soon as Development Bank announced to give 2%extra to its customers.. seems as if the entire city is out on road.
That is why there is traffic jam in the city.
So the one who wants to get stuck in traffic jam comes out of the house..
..or sit quietly in the house and eat hot fried snacks.
I will keep giving you update.
You listen to this new song.
- How are you? - Fine sir.
Sir, just see that for 2% extra interest..
..people have left their homes and offices and have come here.
Have you come here to dance?
No sir I have come to get benefit of 2%
- How much collection is done? - 1500 crores.
Why is everyone clapping?
Actually with the amount you have deposited..
..the collection of our bank has exceeded our record..
..and it has reached 1500 crores.
That's great. So won't I get any gift?
You will get the receipt.
Excuse me sir, chairman sir in phone.
You know that we do not get any network in this room.
Vardhrajan sir, I am Srinivasan speaking.
Sir, from Chennai to Coimbatore.. 23 of our branches we have collected 1500 crores in 40 days.
- This is a record, sir. - Very good.
..bundles of 1500 crores will not be tall as Qutub Minar.
While going from Salem to Yerkad there is s strange turning in between?
There I have a land of 10 acres.
If you look down from there..
..then it seems as if entire Salem city is at my feet.
In my childhood I would sit there and look down for hours together.
Someone told me that this type of place is there in Chennai as well.
I wish to get my bungalow constructed there.
For that I need lot of money.
What a great timing?
Approximately, 1500 crores.
From today you start your work.
Superb deal, sir.
1000 crores will be yours..
..and who took the risk will just get 100 crores. Why?
Your brother is too smart..
..but I think in his youth his brain has stopped working.
Will your uncle send you to foreign?
Travel Moorty.
India's number 1 travel agent.
He will make arrangements for visa and passport and..
..within 24 hours you will be out from here.
- Lala.. - Yes, brother.
We do not work for free even for our father.
And those who do are fools.
So tell me when to loot the bank.
Sunday night would be perfect.
What if we loot tonight?
Is this much time enough?
It takes time to save money and not to loot money.
- Gather 7-8 boys who do not know each other. - Okay.
The plan should not fail because of tight security.
There is no one who can fail Bittoo's plan.
A train is running at a speed of 60km/hour.
So at what speed should a 50kg man.. on the platform to catch the train?
What is there to laugh?
What is this father?
- Your concept is wrong. - What is wrong in this?
There is no chance to catch a train running at speed of 60km/hour.
Then how does it matter whether the man is fat or thin.
Then what question should I ask?
The Ferrari worth 5crores is going at a speed of 150.
How much time will that car take to reach mall which is 50km away?
And you are talking cheap things like bus, train, auto..
The thing is clear.
A person may be poor but he should have a high and rich thinking.
Make them dream about 5 star and not of a food stall.
Children, if you listen to him then future will not be bright but tight.
Go home.
Silence, what is there to laugh?
Your husband has come.
So this is the plan of mother and son.
At least sometimes listen to your son.
You argue with him and outside children make fun of you.
Other than government job, if I earn a little more by taking tuitions..
- ..then you feel it is a joke. - Mother.
- What happened, son? - Give me 2 parathas full of clarified butter.
Okay, I will just get it.
2 parathas are not enough for him in father's hotel.
I would suggest to give him 20 parathas.
He is already fat so will become fatter after eating clarified butter.
Father, whenever my friends comes home.. purposely comes out without shirt..
- show his body. - Your friends?
Those who came yesterday.
- Yes. - If you remove their lipstick and liner..
..then they would get a role of ghost in Kanchana 2.
My son sees no one but everyone see him.
Take more. Listen, don't roam around wearing this vest.
Remove this vest as well.
You keep quiet. Cover it otherwise an evil eye will fall on you.
There are so many channels but none of them is good.
So you want to do something big in life.
Sleeping late at night and getting up late..
The one who gets up early in the morning progresses in life.
Father, even a cock gets up early but cannot even fly properly.
And then it is in someone's stomach as leg piece.
When will you change?
Is it necessary to give wrong answers to my questions?
Father, you may like middle class job but this is not acceptable to me.
Buying second hand phone..
..and not buying anything from shop without sale.
Boarding an over loaded bus.
I cannot do all this.
But son you can sleep peacefully only after hard work.
Father, earning money is not a magic.
Give m 10,000/- now..
..and in just two hours I will make it 1,00,000/-
1, 00, 000/- in just 2 hours.
That means my 4 months' salary.
The amount I earn in 120 days you will earn it for me in 120 minutes.
This is not a game.
Take it. Tuition fees for 20 children.
He asked for money and you gave him.
How will he earn 1, 00, 000/- in 2 hours?
He will not listen to me..
..but will understand once he is cheated.
What is the matter? Why aren't you coming?
Don't be scared. Nothing will happen.
Okay, leave and keep it.
Excuse me. I have to go somewhere urgently.
Can I get a lift? Please.
Thank you.
Oh, rubrics cube.
- So even you do time pass with it. - Where are you going?
- Sixer pub. - For partying.
It is IPL season so betting should be done.
So, do people come in pub now-a-days for betting?
Are you joking?
As far as betting is concerned Sixer Pub is amateur.
Leo Pub is on top.
Only with betting of tonight..
..the budget of state government will be crossed.
That is of high level.
Doesn't police know about it?
If it knew then wouldn't they leave duty and come there?
The money rains there.
Why do you put on Hello FM every time?
Hey, do not change the channel. I like it.
Boss, please park on the side.
- Second left, third building. - Take care of money.
Someone might loot in between.
Anyone who tries to loot will not be spared.
Don't be smart. If someone will loot then you will come to know.
Let anyone try.
I will thrash him so badly that all his generations to come will remember.
They will neither look like Chinese nor Africans.
They will neither be counted in men nor in women.
They will flutter for many births.
It is not ordinary to solve this cube so easily.
But he did it so easily.
Why are you so late?
I was waiting for Suri. Last moment he ditched me.
- I came here by taking lift. - Okay.
- Hi. - What happened? What is the score?
CSK needs 45 runs of 20 balls.
Tell me if Dhoni is playing or not?
- Yes, Dhoni is playing. - Then we have a chance.
- What is the rate for today? - 10:12
- What do you mean? - 10:12
Why are you talking about numbers?
Tell me clearly otherwise father's money will be lost.
If Dhoni hits a six then one lakh in your hand.
And if he does not hit then you will lose your 12,000/-
Oh! I have just brought 10,000/-
- I will give you 2,000/- - Really.
- Yes. - Thanks buddy.
- Come on. Done. - Put it on bet.
Hello. Present over is finished. Now a new over will start.
In next over Dhoni will hit two sixes.
- Okay. - I bet 1,00,000/-
Hey, what has happened to him?
He. In the previous over when he came back from washroom..
..then his zip was open.
And then Dhoni hit a six.
He thinks if he keeps standing like this then Dhoni will hit a six.
Then ask him to remain like this and do not move.
'There he goes.'
- 'And here he goes again..' - One more sixer.
Yes. Hey, keep 1, 00, 000/- on side.
Sir, why are you hitting my customers?
I have license to run this pub.
People from good families come here.
We have received information that is why I have come here to raid.
I will not even spare you.
Sir, Mike-2 calling.
I am in sixer pub.
- Sir, we have received important information. - What?
Sir, in Leo Pub bidding on IPL.. equivalent to budget of state government.
Okay, you take the remaining force there.
- Okay sir. - Hey, don't laugh.
Hey, why are you smiling so much?
Come here.
What happened? Why were you laughing?
I heard everything.
Second left and third building.
Betting in Leo Pub.
State level budget.
Exactly one hour before I had said these things to someone.
- Where are you going? - Sixer Pub.
- For partying. - For betting.
Leo Pub is the most popular.
In just tonight's betting the budget of state government will be crossed.
Absolutely same words.
So when I heard it again..
..I could not stop laughing.
Is this a joke?
- The one who called you is a criminal, sir. - How?
Did the person who gave you this news told his name?
He did not tell his name, sir.
Okay, I believe you. What do you want to say?
Very cleverly he sent half of your police force here..
..and rest to Leo Pub.
As far as remember there is DBF bank near control room.
He did all this to loot that.
How can you be so sure that they will loot DBF bank?
The entire gang was together in rain.
Surely they will not be going for wedding.
It is not marriage season.
They had monkey cap in their hands.
They also had wire cutter to cut the fence.
Tool box for breaking the locker.
The one who gave me lift informed you too.
Most importantly they were looking at everyone with suspiciously.
No one was laughing.
The environment was full of tension.. if they were going to so some risky work.
How can I believe on this logic?
Logic is now thing of past, sir.
Now-a-days magic works.
That is why in our country scientists are given les respect than Baba's.
Prabhu, let's go.
How many people are there?
There are total 10 people.
So our share has become less.
That is why as soon as you cut the wire you will die.
Hey, who's there?
It is impossible for us to open this locker.
We can do it if we get the keys.
Few people of staff are still inside.
They must be having the keys.
Did you do all this?
Tell me. Answer me.
They will hear.
Srinivas, Venky..
If you do not open this door..
..then the door of your house will be opened.
First your wife and then your children will die.
Good. Go and open the locker.
You killed them. You killed them all.
You think you are very smart.
Only you and I remain out of 10 people that came.
Only one of us will be able to go out.
So you want to kill me, right. Smart fellow.
Look, your death is approaching.
Mike-1 calling.. Mike-1 calling..
Grey innova and one car ahead of it whose number we cannot see.
One second stop, sir.
This is their plan.
We will get nothing by following them.
Money is not in those cars.
If it was present then they would leave in dark..
..and not through street lit roads.
They are trying to cheat.
The hook of crane is moving..
..which means money must have been picked up with this.
The engine is still hot.
The wall must have been broken with this crane.
The tyre prints has become deep.. it must have happened with the weight of money.
And the truck must have gone that side.
- Lala.. - Yes, brother.
The police is behind you.
By moving ahead a little you will see dumping yard.
Park the truck there.
I will call Varadhrajan.
No one should see the heaps of money.
Kill anyone who comes in between.
- Quickly hide those heaps of money in waste. - Okay.
Ravi, come on do something.
Now you will never be able to show finger to someone.
Send the body for postmortem.
Sir, that money would be somewhere here.
By giving him third degree we will get all information from him.
Sir, we can find money without that as well.
Ravi, go away from here right now.
Otherwise unnecessarily problem will arise.
- I am telling you. - Oh, God!
- Sir, listen to me. - Look.. is not a small matter but an important and complicated matter.
Just stay out of this.
Ravi, has come.
Our buddy has come. Let's do party.
Bring 4 more bottles.
He is coming police jeep and with security.
Surely he must be a criminal.
Why? It is not necessary that only criminals come in police jeep.
Hey, you are trying to be smart in front of us.
We are not trying to be but we are smart.
Hey seem to be intelligent.
Why are you getting involved with them?
Come on leave it.
1500 crores are going to get burnt.
I put my life at risk to loot them.
Bittu escaped..
..and killed two of our constables and an inspector.
You are his next target.
Often to protect the witness we send him to safe place.
We call it witness relocation program.
Till he is arrested you will have to be sent somewhere else.
Father, don't you want to say anything?
I had scolded you so that you don't roam around.
I just want you to be fine.
Don't worry Ravi.
Very soon we will arrest Bittu.
- Sir, sir.. - Yes?
I am not scared of Bittu.
I am going so that my family remains safe.
Leave all this but where are you sending me?
Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai..
And now that I am going there..
- .. I will earn money and come back. - Ravi..
..our budget is absolutely tight.
You are leaving for Coimbatore.
What did you say? Coimbatore.
That means I have to go in a crowded ST bus.
You were talking of witness relocation program.. if you are sending me to US.
My house is enough for me.
Going to save me.
You tell me what should I do now?
I have a solid idea.
Come with me.
- You stay back. - Yes sir.
..for the first time my photo will be published in the newspaper.. it must be nice.
Now will the dead body get photo clicked in style?
You have a point.
I shall give a deadly look.
Bittu has believed that I am dead so he will not harm my family.
This is called criminal confusion program.
- How did you like it? - Superb.
Sitaram, my batch mate stays in Coimbatore.
He is my special friend.
I have told him that you are searching for a job. And you can stay with him.
But don't show your stunts in front of him.
Especially nothing about Bittu.
Actually he is a very coward pesron.
God, please save me from thieves, robbers..
..hooligans, terrorists, roadside Romeos..
..smugglers, murderers and accused.
In 25 years of service I have never pressed the trigger of gun.
Oh God, save my dignity.
May robbers always escape?
Listen, coffee..
You had said that you had to go.. pick up someone from station but you are at home.
It is just 7:30 now and I have to go and pick him up at 8:30
- Excuse me. - Yes?
- Where is the bathroom? - Right side.
- Where? This side. - Yes.
Okay thanks.
- Who is he? - How will I know?
- Your house is very nice. - Thank you.
- It is 8:45 and I have to leave. - Leave it.
I have already come.
- Are you Ravi Narayan? - One and only.
- I am Sitaram IPS. - I know..
- Shanakr Rao and I.. - I have already heard the story.
- Address? - I found out.
Ravi, coffee?
- Yes, strong. - Sure.
- Hey, Mr. - What is it?
There is no need to hurry. Come with me as I want to talk to you.
A very smart boy has come.
- He is Ravi. - Hi.
- Hi. - Solid personality..
..most eligible bachelor.
He has still not fallen in love with anyone.
- Am I right? - Yes.
I thought so. But you are engaged.
If you wish to dance with him then only in dreams.
Don't embarrass me daddy.
- She is my elder daughter. - Really?
She is beautiful.
Don't speak in your mind. I can understand.
My son-in-law is pilot.
If you want to do time pass then another option is there.
With aunty?
Sir, if I fall in love with aunty then won't you be disgraced.
She is my wife Lalita.
I was talking about my son.
Ravi, don't call me aunty.
- Just call me Lalita. - Okay.
- And he is.. - Thief.
How did you come to know?
He has stolen my perfume bottle.
Bio data. Whenever he steals he is caught.
Even then he does it. This is his specialty.
For last 30 years I am training him and he has still not been successful.
Hey baldy, will you snatch my chain?
- I will not spare you. - Oh, God!
Hey, keep the bundle down.
Open it.
Mother, I am dead.
That is why I felt pity on him and kept him for work.
Brother-in-law, today everyone is in the hall in the morning.
If you say then shall I stand on railway track?
- Cool, brother-in-law. Cool. - Quiet.
How many times have I told you not to get criminals here?
The tyre of my jeep got punctured.. thought of going to police station with you.
- How are you, brother? - Absolutely fine.
- You tell me, how are you? - I am also fine.
Brother, will you have tea or coffee?
Have you gone mad? Will you serve a thief?
A guest is equivalent to God.
Is apple juice fine?
He snatched the chain of commissioner's wife. He isn't telling anything.
- Did you try everything? - Yes, everything.
Sir, who is this fake police?
No, no he is Mr. Sadanand, senior inspector.
Interrogation and encounter specialist.
As soon as criminal see him they speak everything.
And this thief is so stubborn.
Absolutely I thrashed him with hands and stick.
I made him lie on ice and thrashed him with belt.
I hanged him upside down and thrashed him.
I put chili and spice mix in his eyes but he did not open his mouth.
In fact I got hurt.
Sir, commissioner did not give me salary.. that is why I did stealing.
You tried everything but did not give him pain with pen.
I am feeling dizzy suddenly..
Clarified butter..
What is this?
If you east so much clarified butter then you will become fat like mother.
Was my mother fat?
Did you see child that your step mother..
..looks after you in a better way than your real mother?
- Isn't it dear? - You are right.
You are not only my wife but my life as well.
I neither have a life nor any boy.
Why are you hiding behind the curtain?
Come out and talk.
I am wearing the curtain daddy.
Just be careful of roadside Romeos and loafers.
Who will look at the garment store?
Some boy will enter into your life..
..and you fall in love with him. Understood.
Tell me one thing.
You do so much stealing..
..but why haven't you stolen someone's heart till now.
I had fallen in love with Katrina in Ek Tha Tiger.
I was so much in love with her that I did not woo anyone else.
Do you know who did I like next?
- Alia Bhatt. - You want all heroines.
You are not worth anyone of them.
- Rascal.. - Leave it, brother.
- Have you ever fallen in love yet? - No.
Till now I have seen no one who would touch my heart..
She is the one. I am impressed.
Look, she smiled and the lightning happened.
The lightning is taking place..
..and it seems as if it is going to rain heavily.
You go and find a place for shelter..
..and I am going to find myself wife.
Hey stop. Brother, stop.
Hi, I am Ravi.
And you..
From M..
When you had smiled then cute lightning took place.
My braces are the reason for that.
She has put braces on her teeth.
If you kiss her then you will get current.
That wire is making her look cute.
You are calling her cute. Now you are gone.
Nothing can happen of you now..
What does your father do?
He has just got married second time recently.
He seems to be a crazy fellow.
And mother..
She is no more.
The whole day she is after my life.
Any other question.
Family back ground of the girl does not seem to be good.
Shall we have tea there in this cold weather?
Okay, have coffee.
Shall we go?
The rain has stopped.
Oh, God!
There is still time for bus to come so let's have tea together.
Look, the bus has arrived too.
What is your name the one who is wearing red dupatta?
We have got acquainted well so at least tell me now.
Is that girl beautiful?
Very beautiful.
Then she must be dumb.
She is smarter than the smart phone, sir.
Does she wear Indian or western clothes?
She wears modern western clothes as well sir.
That means she is fully decked up in makeup.
Are you drunk?
Since long you are saying bad things about Madhu.
Do you think you know everything?
If you would not be making me drink alcohol for free..
..I would not have spared you.
Hey, he has gone so now even you go and sleep.
Since morning you are standing at the bus stop.
Don't you have any other work?
There are so many kinds of jobs but there are no jobs in software..
..real estate is not in a good shape.
You do not get good salary in construction.
If in haste I do some job..
..then my condition would be like that after 5 years.
And after 10 years like that.
There is still time for bus to come. Shall we have some tea?
But this bus does not go to your office.
I am going for shopping.
What will happen of my heart amidst this shopping?
Some things should be understood without telling.
Don't go on show off but use some brain as well.
Will I say that my wife is absolutely useless?
- What did you say? - Story..
Then to make her good from bad 50 episodes will pass.
What is this? Is this my daughter or someone else?
How much money have you spent on clothes?
So you did shopping worth 50,000/-
- Who paid the bill? - I did not pay.
Then how did they let you go?
Do you know who I am?
Relative of additional commissioner of police Sitaram Thakur.
Okay, so they let you go on hearing my name.
He will come and pay the bill.
So I will have to pay the bill.
With GST.
Calm down. Your BP will become high.
Enough, enough..
How much money did you lose?
- Total 10lakhs. - I lost 50lakhs.
Will you get money if you scream?
Arrest them quickly otherwise they will not spare us.
We are trying our best sir.
The day bank was looted that night..
..two people from Bittu's gang jumped the signal.
Their photos have been captured in CCTV.
We have sent his and Bittu's photo in every police station.
Today we are doing its press release.
Our intentions are absolutely clear.
We will not rest till we arrest the criminals.
You could have come with me and said hello to everyone in press meet.
As soon as I get passport and visa I will leave the city.
Murthy, get his documents made as soon as possible.
Otherwise he will make my farm house as his guest house.
Sir, it is not easy to get a fake passport made.
They are most wanted criminals.
They should at least send their photos and fake address.
Murthy needs photographs of you all.
Send it quickly and your work will be done.
Name is Satkar. Height 6 feet.
I have sent your photograph to him.
He will recognize you as soon as he sees you.
He will give you an envelope and then bring it to me.
The target is in front. Everyone be ready.
Mike 2calling. We need back up.
Leave me. Save me.
- He has kidnapped a school girl. - Leave me.
Police has surrounded you. You cannot escape.
Let me go from here otherwise I will shoot this girl.
No. We have informed senior officers and they are arriving here.
- Keep quiet. - For God's sake do not take any wrong step.
Sir. What is the situation?
The situation is very serious sir.
Leave me.
He is still alive.
What happened, sir? Why did you shoot him?
What is it, sir?
What is it?
You shoot him in his head.
- I shot him. - How did you do sir?
I do not know how I shot him.
Remove your goggles. I cannot see expression.
Do you know how to shoot?
Shooting is like playing marbles.
For both you need how to use your fingers and a good aim.
You must be aware that after that the criminal goes straight to jail.
You need to shoot a man with a criminal mind, sir.
When he has threatened to kill then he should die.
That is why I killed him.
Brother-in-law, find a girl for him and ask him to leave.
What happened suddenly?
This is an encounter that happened suddenly..
..and I got the news of it suddenly.
Get back everyone.
What is the matter?
Why are you crying like children?
He shot him in front of me.
My heart skipped a beat.
While talking he removed the gun and shot him.
He is crazy.
Now I will get bravery award from president.
Why are you crying? It is a happy moment to get president award.
You will get that after being a widow wearing that white Sari.
Oh, God!
I am dead.
- I am dead. - Ravi, tell me in detail as to what happened there.
- Nothing. There was a robber who kidnapped a girl.. - Ravi. Ravi.
My hand is shivering..
- Come on let's have one peg.. - Till now you were angry with him..
..and now you are talking lovingly with him.
Brother-in-law, explain it to her.
Yes, explain it to me.
- Those who watch horror movies are scared. - Yes you are right.
But that does not mean you stop watching horror movies.
His friendship is also like this.
In future whenever your husband fights..
..or is scared or wants to drink it would be with Ravi.
- Are you going to come for cheers. - You should have told me earlier.
You too go.
Come by evening.
I had told you that he will not open his mouth.
Our travel agency is number 1 travel agency in India.
For last 20 years we are working in this industry.
We have office in every city in India.
A total of 420 people work for us.
Actors, politicians, business tycoons, item girls, bar dancers..
- Who is doing commentary inside? - MAIN BADE BADE LOGO KO..
It is the result of you making brother-in-law a hero.
That was my style, sir.
Near the dead body of Satkar papers of travel Murthy were found.
For the first time in life brother-in-law has to do enquiry.
Don't be so happy. Murthy is setting brother-in-law right.
Look, he is sitting cowardly.
It is not right to think about us in this way.
Everyday thousands of people come to me to get passports made.
How do I know who is hero and who is villain.
He thinks himself to be smart.
He is shouting on IPS officer as if he is a watchman.
He is senseless.
Now even I am getting angry.
- Now I will not spare his men. - Give that to me and you continue.
Take it.
Oh god, today he has told the second use of pen as well.
What is happening? Who is he?
Why is he hitting him?
- There needs to be no excuse to thrash a criminal. - Right.
He has come here with me.
- But he will not go with you. - This is injustice.
He is frustrated.
- He has lost his bike and is taking his anger out on him. - Really.
So will he get his bike back like this?
At least his frustration will be taken care of.
Why has he started again?
- Now what? - Frustration, sir.
Poor fellow has lost his bike..
..but no one filed a complaint so he lost his temper.
Send him in, after it's over.
Look, he is hitting his men without any reason.
- Take care of him as well. - It will be taken care of.
Ravi will take care of you.
I understood sir.
He is thrashing my men and you are supporting him, sir.
You thrashed my boys and now I will show you who I am?
If I thrash you then you will not be able to recognize yourself.
What else is left to see?
You have made police station a cricket ground.
Murthy, why aren't the passports ready yet?
The police have got letter head of Satkar.
And now police is troubling me.
What should I do?
Someone is purposely after my life.
Who is he?
Bittu. Why is his photo here, sir?
Do you know him?
I have spoiled his life.
He escaped from jail so that is why I was sent here.
1500 crores jackpot all burnt to ashes.
It will not be easy to escape from there under such tight security.
If I get scared now then I will never be able to escape from here.
Why are you unnecessarily taking risk, Ravi?
It is not a matter of risk sir but that of ego.
What is the fun of taking such a big risk?
Not risk but ego.
Because of him I had to declare myself dead in the paper.
I will not spare him.
I will definitely catch him.
No one can catch me.
I will have to escape just as sand slips from hand.
If I decide to catch someone then not even air can go through my fingers.
Call up home minister and tell him..
..that no one should say anything to travel Murthy.
I want my passport.
DGP, no police officer will trouble travel Murthy.
Sitaram, stop troubling travel Murthy.
What happened, sir?
Travel Murthy has connections till top.
DGP called me and asked me not to arrest travel Murthy.
If we prove that he is making fake passport of Bittu..
- ..then what will DGP do? - He will do nothing.
Just like everyday he will go for walk in morning and play cards.. club in the evening.
Is it a child's play to find proof?
It is easy sir.
- Madhu works in travel Murthy's office. - So.
From Madhu's key card we can find out where is Murthy sending Bittu.
If we find documents relating to his travel..
..then we can arrest both.
But how will Madhu give you this card?
I want one water tank and two blue tooth.
After that she will do as I say.
Yes I am going to office.
Start the rain.
Come on cheers.
Today till our tea does not get over..
..neither the rain will stop nor will your bus come.
- Really? - Yes.
Stop, bus. Stop.
We have stopped the bus..
..bus but will not be able to stop for more than 10 minutes. Okay.
Why have you stopped the bus?
To come inside. This is police drill.
- What for? - For public safety.
Now please co-operate with us.
He is a dangerous terrorist.
Sit down.
Look at this bomb.
The moment I press the button the bomb will blast..
..and the bus will be in pieces.
Come on throw your mobile phones.
Hurry up.
He meant not on him but outside.
Now he is not playing the role of a terrorist.
He is a thief and is threatening to burn the bus.
He says he will use knife. Tell me what you will do.
Why did you get the axe?
First I will cut his hand and then extinguish the fire.
Blow off the fire and take the thief to the police.
Don't be so smart. Now go from here.
Go. Driver, next stop commissioner's daughter will be sitting.
- Has her car got punctured? - Don't scare me.
A man wearing red jacket is helping her.
Start the bus when he says.
I don't know what he will say. You get down.
Rain stop, stop..
And bus.
I had told you that your bus is not going to come.
Why so?
Everything will happen according to my wish.
- Really? - Of course.
Now close your eyes and wait for bus to come.
And the bus will come.
If common people are so dangerous then what will happen of criminals.
I don't know. I have always been away from such people.
Now I don't feel like going in bus.
So you do not feel like going in bus.
So you do not feel like going in go.
Did you see that your wish about bus also got fulfilled?
Did you see our power?
What power?
Ravi, to stop that bus I had to make brother-in-law a terrorist.
So now tell me which mode of transport would you like.
I just want to go on bike with you.
Okay, bike will be present soon.
Do you need bike? Is it a toffee that I buy from market?
Brother-in-law, tell him not to promise anything about color.
What is this? Just 10/-
Sorry priest, I don't have change.
Give me new and crisp 500/-
And I will put lemon and chili so that the bike moves smooth.
And traffic police never ever touches you.
You loot too much.
He is calling blessing as loot.
Is everything okay, priest?
Do you have RC papers, PUC papers and insurance papers?
- Yes sir I have. - Show me.
If you want this RC book back..
..then at the next turning you will find a handsome boy wearing red jacket.
So give your bike to him.
And come to police station to get your papers.
- Is my bike a government property? - Keep quiet.
You are arguing with us?
- Inspector.. - Yes, sir.
..make a charge sheet and write that a bomb is found on his bike.
After that remove all the spare parts and give the keys to him.
- Okay. - Double, okay.
What is wrong?
He will not be able to lift such heavy vehicle.
So keep motor with you and give the cycle to this stingy fellow.
- He was giving me 10/- - What a great idea you have given?
- Inspector, arrest him. Catch him. - Yes, sir.
Sir, what was the color of his jacket?
- Red. - Red.
- Bike. - Bike.
Excuse me, did you order for bike?
- Oh my God.. - Auto..
Come on.
Any other wish madam.
It would be fun if it rains now.
What did you say? We have to get rain done again.
No, no tanker has gone.
Not just rain but I will now get tsunami.
See you tomorrow.
Why did you get oil?
- This is not oil but acid. - Why?
Do you have to clean the toilet?
I will cut iron with it.
Why did you get this?
Welding. We will have to join iron back as well.
Why are you wearing goggles at night?
- To save my eyes from welding. - Why did you get this?
- Gloves. Safety. - Okay.
Is this a small bomb?
No, chewing gum.
- For what? - For style.
- So this is the planning. - You are right.
Are you poor?
Shall we go inside?
Madhu's ticket.
Did you get any lead?
Two tickets to Dubai via Mumbai have been booked for Madhu and Bittu.
That means Madhu was also a part of the bank robbery.
No, no..this cannot happen.
She is so innocent that she gets happy believing fake rain to be real.
She cannot do staling. There is no chance.
We will have to arrest travel Murthy and get the information from him.
Sir, if you arrest travel Murthy then Bittu will escape.
We will have to first arrest Bittu and travel Murthy will help us in this.
We will have to keep a watch on his office.
Tomorrow when Bittu comes we will arrest both of them.
Not in police but with my style.
Let's go from here.
- Pizza, sir. - Pizza..
I did not order pizza.
- You.. - My passport.
One minute.
Your wife has brain cancer and that is on last stage.
During security check you will get everyone's pity.
There is 3o'clock flight to Mumbai and then from there to Dubai.
Here are the tickets.
Who is my wife?
I did not order any pizza.
Whose bike is this?
Who has ordered pizza?
Zoom it.
What is pant doing in pizza box?
Car has left the gate, sir.
Sir, Bittu is delivery boy.
Excuse me, where is Madhu?
A man has taken her to hospital.
- Was the pizza delivery boy with her? - Yes.
Wait Ravi, wait. Even I am coming.
Stop the car.
Why did you stop the car here, Bittu?
We had to go to the right.
Your job was to give passport to me.
Rest leave on me as to what is to be done.
- But for going to Dubai.. - I can go from Madurai as well.
Tonight I will take a flight to Madurai from here.
Stop Ravi. Stop..
We have to go to right. What are you doing?
I have asked to put police checking on all roads that lead to airport.
He must not have gone to airport, sir.
We can easily trace the car in which he is going.
Hello control room. This is Mike 3.
Black Mercedes number 444.
Trace this car immediately.
It is going towards Chennai. Over.
They are going towards Chennai highway. Take left and we can catch them.
No sir. Even after looting the bank he had cheated police in this way.
Even today he is doing the same.
He has sent some police to airport and some to Chennai highway.
He is surely going to Madurai.
How can you be so sure?
Just give me 5 minutes sir.
After 5 minutes h will speak everything.
How did you guess right?
Hey don't shoot. I am a police officer.
I cheated all other police officers..
..but how did he come to know that I am here.
Go slowly..
I am a policeman not a stunt man.
In this way you will crush me into pieces.
You have already damaged my car and now you want to kill me too.
I am already scared and you want to scare me more.
I am going to be mad.
I am dead.
I am dead. My car has become waste.
Where have I got trapped?
On one hand stunts and on the other hand firing.
I can't show these stunts.
Come on.
Get aside..
Run. Save yourself.
Ravi, Ravi..
You wanted to kill me because of her.
How dare you?
You thought that the way you killed my brother.. would kill me as well.
No. I would give a worst death than that.
This is my guarantee.
I have already fixed your appointment with death..
..and just to take you from here is left.
Are you God of death that has come to take me?
I will not pare you now.
Be ready to offer last offerings to your family members.
What are you talking about family?
The girl with you is my life.
If any of the bullets in your gun..
..hit her then before that your dead body will be lying here.
Shall I kill her?
I told you that nothing should happen to her.
If you have the strength then shoot me. Shoot me.
Otherwise I will shoot you. Shall I shoot you?
Tell me shall I shoot you?
Shall I?
Bye bye Lalita. Your husband is dead.
- I am dead. - Come on..
- Ravi.. - Madhu..
I am saved. Hello. I am saved.
Call the entire force here.
Bring all that are saved.
- Come quickly.. - Madhu, Madhu..
Madhu. Sir, please call the ambulance.
Hurry up and send the ambulance.
Hurry up and send the ambulance.
They dropped me in the middle of the road. Send a car as soon as possible.
- Why did Bittu kidnappd Madhu? - I don't know.
Are you okay?
- Has Bittu been arrested? - No, sir.
- Red alert has been issued. - God daman it.
Did Bittu see you?
It is not safe for you to stay here, Ravi.
We will have to take you to such a place..
..where no one come sto know about you.
We have to shift your base immediately.
Where sir?
In Trichy or Madurai?
I can't understand one thing, sir?
Ordinarily a thief runs and the police follows him.
But here everything is reversed.
The thief is behind me and I have to hide myslf to help the police.
Even police needs time.
How much time, sir? How much time do you want, sir?
In 15 minutes I had caught him.
Before morning he escaped.
I again stoppd him in the middle of the road.
Even then you could not arrest him.
I do not like to be a failure so that is why I am very angry now.
Even if he is hidden in hell..
..then also I will find him and kill him.
He should be scared to the maximum on hearing the name of Ravi Narayan.
If I see him again..
..then you will not even get his dead body for post mortem.
Listen to one last thing. I will stay here only.
Get my address printed in the paper.
Let's see whether he is saved or I?
- Kavita, do you know something? - Yes, mother. What?
Police had planned a sting operation with the help of this girl.
- Really. - Many cameras were fitted near her office.
Sh did not come to know and the police did such a great planning.
Do you know your father and Ravi plaaned all this?
Ravi had decided to finish the matter today.
He was going to put Bittu in jail.
Sh is lucky that she is safe..
..otherwise according to Ravi's planning she would have been no more.
Ravi is so intelligent.
Your luck is good.
Absolutely in your favor.
As soon as you got kidnapped Ravi came to your office.
And I was doing all the planning sitting out in the car.
What a coincidence?
How is Madhu, sir?
Is your tooth paining?
No Ravi, the things is that..
I shall go and meet her.
All the best.
All the best.
Were you slapped twice?
The interior of this place is very good.
Why are they holding their cheeks?
I think they have problem with their teeth.
Hey brother, where is my daughter?
- Why are they not speaking? - I don't know.
Listen, Ravi.
- What happened, sir? - You are so talented..
..then why are you fighting with Bittu?
I do not fight with him sir but he comes in front of me to fight.
If he comes to fight then why do you fight?
Think about your family.
- Forget it. - It's not possible, sir.
Then what do you want to do?
Hold it.
Very simple sir.
We did not get a penny.
Lala was also killed.
If we get trapped in Ravi's next plan then even we..
If I put this through your brain..
..then all your fear will come out.
I have three goals.
Goal number 1- Family.
I will call my father, mother and sister here and save them.
Did you see the list?
The first thing is to finish Ravi's family.
Goal number 2- Madhu.
Just to make Madhu agree to marry me.
Number 2-to finish Ravi.
Goal number 3-Bittu.
I am sick and tired of him, sir. I will kill him.
How will you be able to do all this?
One who plans is intelligent but who executes that plan is more intelligent.
Number 3- to escape from India forever.
Now if you ever irritate me then your game is over.
After that my goal number 4 will be you.
- Father.. - Yes tell me.
Have all arrangements been made?
We are leaving for the station.
Take a taxi and reach station directly.
Taxi is expensive so we will come by bus.
Father, don't be stingy at such moment.
- Child, have you kept the ticket? - Yes father, I have kept it.
By calling for taxi and sending by train? What kind of plan is this?
Bittu's men will go to my house.
They will find the house locked.
Then they will go to neighbors.
We are neighbours. We always look here and there.
They are hooligans so will behave like that.
They were going with one bag and a suitcase.
I saw them going to station.
The name of their train is Cherran Express.
Shall I go now?
The milk kept on gas will boil.
- Tell me. - Did you reached the station?
No. If we take left from here then we will reach station in 10 minutes.
Take a right and touch the highway.
Come by taxi to Coimbatore.
- What? Coimbatore by taxi. - Yes father.
By doing this I will lose my 15 days earnings.
No you will not lose. Sitaram sir will bear all the expenses.
Why? Why should I give?
Take the car straight to Coimbatore.
Now is the time for authentic climax.
Bittu's men will be finding my family at the railway station.
And they will keep finding.
Now your family is safe so your next target is Bittu.
Not yet sir.
- After drinking you have forgotten the entire order. - Which order?
Goal number 2-my darling Madhu.
- Hi.. - I will..
Why are you getting angry?
You lied to me and used me..
..and still you are asking me as to why I am angry.
What are you saying?
- If anyone hears then they will think wrong. - I will not spare you.
You trapped me with your sweet talks. Cheater.
Sir, you tell me.
You get up.
I made this stupid looking girl modern. Why?
Because I love her. I love her.
Now everyone looks at her.
Do you know what kind of dreams did I start dreaming?
Dreams? What kind of dreams?
We will get married and name our two children Bobby and Babloo.
They will exactly be like you.
And if the third child is like you then family will be completed.
No, no both will be boys.
You sit down. I want a third one a girl.
- No way. Both will be boys. - You keep quit.
Sir will tell. You tell me sir, how many will be there?
Check, hello..1, 2, 3..
While eating I keep the machine in the pocket.. that there is no disturbance.
I have a problem in hearing but I am a very good listener, you know.
Now tell me what is the fight going on between brother and sister?
He did not hear anything. Madhu..
- Madhu, listen to me. - I think the sister is too angry.
Madhu, Madhu..
Madhu, listen to me.
- Auto.. - Madhu..
Why are you calling for auto? I will drop you.
You, okay.
So can you get that bike of the same color here?
Hey, I will close my eyes.
Go. Go, go from here.
Go, go from here.
- Sir, do you want this bike? - Go from here.
Okay, so you are going that side.
Hey, why did you give your bike the other day?
That day I met two policemen in the previous lane.
They threatened me that if I did not give the bike..
..then they will sell the spare parts and give me the keys of the bike.
- You revealed the entire secret. - Take the keys.
Madhu, listen to me.
That is not the case. I..
If that day there was no rain..
- ..then I wouldn't have ever talked to you. - Madhu..
I would have never drunk tea with you.
Oh, God!
Where did water tank come from behind?
Why are you talking to yourself?
Was rain also planned?
How can anyone plan rain, Madhu?
Tell me the truth.
What should I tell her?
Oh God..
How did you get the rain done as soon as I wished for it?
With the help of tanker.
Wait, wait.. Peace for two minutes and then you start again.
Madhu, Madhu..
Why are you behaving childishly?
Don't you know me?
No, I do not know you.
I don't even know whether your love is true or fake.
What Madhu? Please agree.
No. Who are you?
If you will not agree like this..
..then I will tell you everything about myself.
My name is Ravi.
Father's name is Narayan Murthy.
Mother's name is Kameshwari.
Sister's name is Rani..
- Father also.. - Hey Ravi..
For last three hours we are roaming..
..but no one is telling us exactly the address of Sitaram.
Madhu, they are my parents.
What a timing, buddy? You are great.
You had hidden actors in that car.
Madhu, they are really my family.
So, are you all drama artists?
Who is this stupid girl?
- Father, she.. - Is this old man your father?
You do not resemble each other at all.
My son resembles me.
Mother's character is homely type.
The one who is doing father's role is a villain type.
- Villian? Me? - I mean Shakaal..
- Madhu.. - ..from looks he seems to be C grade actor.
Brother, who is she?
- She is continuously insulting us. - Let it be. I..
You don't have a dialogue in this scene. No shouting.
- You.. - No. No.
No. No. I will explain.
Why do you want to waste time on this third grade artist?
- I will.. - Hey..
Enough of you're over acting.
Act according to the money you have taken.
- Take money and get lost. - Money..
- Have you come for free? - Hey, Madhu..
- What are you talking without thinking? - What happened?
Enough Ravi.
I know my son has many drawbacks.
But he is not that bad that he would change his parents.
You may believe or not but he is my son..
..she is my wife and she is my daughter.
We are not actors.
In future if my son marries you..
..then she will become your sister-in-law.
And she will trouble you.
She is not calm as she looks to be.
She is a monster.
Tell me where is Sitaram's house?
Go straight and then take a right.
We will take right but you do not go wrong.
Oh no..
Were they your real parents?
If you speak lies then every truth will seem to be lies.
- Father.. - What happened, child?
- Father.. - What happened?
Say something.
Is this fool troubling you?
- Yes, father. - Hey, who are you?
How dare you come till my door?
You do not know that even he is scared of my mother.
If she hits with love then her hand is not.. heavy as and when shits angrily.
But I love my wife.
Excuse me aunty, will I get some coconut oil.
Coconut oil?
Often people ask for water in sunshine but he is asking for coconut oil.
I think his business is that of massage.
Calm down.
Oh, God!
Coconut oil will finish our life.
- Massage is done. - Mother, save us.
Aunty.. are trying to be good.
- Wife.. - If you ever try to torture Madhu..
..then I will not spare you.
- Hey.. - Yes..
What were you saying?
You said that you love your wife.
I really love my wife. Truly.
- If you ever trouble Madhu again.. - No. No.
..then I shall shoot you.
Madhu, I love you.
Even the gun became emotional.
Anyway, bye..
Call me. Okay.
Goal number 3- Bittu.
To arrest Bitty it is necessary to release Travel Murthy from jail.
And to get him out we will have to send our tamed thief inside.
Stand straight. Otherwise the pant will tear.
I have seen Bruce Lee's movie many times.
It did not have a director. Hello, sir.
Kidnapping or murder.
Nothing. Travels.
They have put me inside for a false case.
This is my weapon.
Don't put in so much effort. The other side is central jail.
- Inspector, come here. - Am I your servant?
- I want paper and 10 pens. - For what?
I want to write biography. I want to write my own story.
Times have changed.
I will thrash you so much..
..that you will not be able to hear sad songs as well.
Hey, give him otherwise he will trouble us.
Inspector, sir..
What is it now?
He has made my life difficult.
- What is it? - I want black tea and white biscuits.
Do you think I am a waiter?
Come on let's go otherwise he will keep troubling us.
Go, go..even we will follow you.
The opportunity is good. Grab it. Even policemen are not there.
Why are you scratching your head? Come on.
- Remain cool. Cool. - Okay.
- What is this? - Phone.
- Who was he? - He was a friend.
He could have given you straight. Why did he throw it?
Friends are like this. What do you know?
Take this.
My number is saved in this.
Give a call in the evening. Okay.
Will he call from the phone that you gave him?
He will call, sir. just wait and watch.
If Travel Murthy does not call then we will not be able to arrest Bittu.
Ravi has not died yet.
Till he does not die I will not be at peace.
This is only possible if he commits suicide getting fed up of life.
You cannot harm him in any way.
You had confidently said that I if I give you 8 people..
..a van and a crane then the work will be done.
I got a fake family made for you and spent..
..lakhs of rupees on fake passport and visa.
But what happened?
You could not reach the airport.
Because of you I lost 1500 crores.
Even serving coffee to you is expensive for me.
Except for this language you have not done mastery in anything else.
If I had kept faith on Ravi than on you.. least my money would be with me today.
Useless, shameless fellow.
Do you know what a wife goes through..
..when her husband woos another woman?
When you supported him in front of me..
..then even I felt the same.
By giving lecture you make fun of language.
Do you know what I had told her?
Never to make fun of your near and dear one.
No, please spare me.
I have become hard hearted.
I have no benefit in keeping you alive.
- What? - 1500 crores.
I will give all to you.
- Do you have that money? - Yes.
But those are burnt.
The money that you had looted did not burn. That was waste.
I had changed the money.
Where have you hidden the money?
Tell me quickly.
Tell me.
I have to make a phone call.
I knew that he will not use our phone.
That is why I have put a transmitter on his shirt.
Sir, I am travel Murthy speaking.
It was impossible for me to come out on bail so I escaped.
Situation is complicated. Now Bittu will surely be arrested.
Till now no one is born to arrest Bittu, Murthy.
..where is Vardhrajan sir?
He is out of reach.
What did you say? I took this risk just to talk to him.
Since when have you become so smart?
The one who made a plan to help you get released..
..and is making you talk to me..
..ask him to listen to me carefully.
Hi Ravi. How are you?
I am your friend Bittu.
Missing me.
I will narrate a short story to you.
When I was very young then my father used to beat us a lot after drinking.
I used to bear it but Lala was very small.
Because of pain he used to scream.
Suddenly one day a thief entered our house..
..killed my father and looted all the money.
My father..
..could not control himself and died there.
After that my brother never cried.
But no one knows one thing that I was the thief.
He used to thrash my brother so I never repented about my father.
Just imagine what condition I will do of yours..
..after you have killed my brother.
Your generations to come cannot think about it.
- I will not spare him. - Wait.
Ravi, have you gone mad?
He wants to kill you and you are not scared.
He should be scared because I am the king of the jungle..
- ..and he is coward. - But, you listen to me.
It is always God who has destined death for everyone..
..but people like me are part time god of death as well.
He threatened to kill you and you are still cool.
Aren't you scared or you are hero of the picture that is why.
It is villain's job to threaten and hero's job to remain cool.
- Hey Chaman. - Yes.
Look, Madhu is there.
I shall take care of Bittu but how to take care of her.
Nowadays to woo girls you need to impress them.
Hey, you too impress her. Your life will be set.
Madhu, Madhu..
Madhu, Madhu..
Hey.. Hey..wait.
Hold this.
- Why did you give me this? - So that you cannot move from here.
This is paper weight for you.
Madhu, please listen to me.
You are my life. I love you Madhu.
I cannot stay away from you.
Please marry me. I will remain your servant.
One second..
For safety.
Because I cannot control now.
Madhu, it is right to trouble me so much.
You can think as much as you want..
..but then answer yes.
Okay, did you understand?
Son, I think she is mad.
Didn't you find anyone else in this world?
Nowadays size zero is in fashion.
- She spoke rudely to me. - So what?
- She thrashed me. - I think the girl is not at fault.
Our son would have done something wrong.
Hey, my entire family is sitting out
And walked straight into the bedroom.
What will they think?
My father and step mother want to talk about our marriage.
Are they coming now?
Hey, have you forgotten what happened the other day?
I need some time to make them agree.
Bring your family after that.
As of now everyone gets angry as soon as they hear your name.
- Now go, go quickly. - Even you see.
Shall we go out?
No, no there is no need to go so quickly.
- Come and sit comfortably. - What happened?
What is she doing?
You do not know my father.
Once he starts then in front of anybody..
- What's this? - Is that so?
Actually what?
Speak, Ravi..
My voice..
- Hick ups.. - Don't do this.
Madhu, please wear your clothes. My heart is beating fast.
Shall I call my parents?
She will put me in trouble.
He went into the bedroom scared and nervous and came out cheerful.
Has he fulfilled his fourth goal?
Fine, this relationship is acceptable to us.
If they like each other, then even I have no problem.
Let him first get a good job and then we will fix the date for marriage.
Driver, park the car outside the house. I am coming.
Hi Ravi.
Hi Rajesh, how are you?
You were supposed to go to Chennai.
- Yes. I thought of meeting you before leaving. - Okay.
- Come and sit. - No, buddy I have to leave.
How can that be possible? Have dinner.
No, it is time for my flight.
- Many guests have come. - Yes, because Ravi's marriage has been fixed.
Really. Wow! Wonderful Ravi. Congratulations.
- Thank you. - Who is the fortunate girl?
She is the one.
Yes. Very nice, very nice..
I will call you after reaching Chennai.
- Okay Rajesh, bye. - Bye.
Sir, I will just bid him farewell.
Okay Ravi.
Sir, till where has our case reached?
We are trying to find Bittu.
Today morning I had a talk with Vardhrajan.
Look Ravi, do not under estimate Bittu.
To show bravery is one thing but there is no harm in being alert.
- Why are you going inside? - I have left my phone inside.
I will get it. You wait here.
Sir, your phone..
Hey, Ravi..
Brother.. Brother..
- Brother.. - Rani..
- Brother, save us. - Ravi..
- Save us. - Drive fast.
Brother..leave us.
Leave me.
- Brother.. - Ravi..
Son, save us.
Drive fast. Very fast.
Hey, speed up the car.
Father, father..
- Oh God.. - Father..
- Get up. - Father..
- Get up. Open your eyes. - Father..
- Get up. - Father, get up.
- Ravi, leave him. - Brother..
Save your father's life.
Call the ambulance quickly.
Your father is alive. Take him to the hospital quickly.
Open your eyes.
Get up. Get up..
Hurry up.
Hurry up. Hurry up..
- Carefully take him. - Ravi..
- Hurry up.. - Will he be fine?
- Nothing has happened to him, mother. - Save him, son.
- Do something. - Nothing will happen. I am there.
You come with me.
- Sir.. - Come.
Look Ravi, the thing is that..
Hey, you will have to come to the police station.
I am present here.
Ravi, the bomb placed in Rajesh's car had control in this phone.
You go with them. They want to enquire few things for formality.
- Ravi..
- Sir.. - Let's go to the hospital.
- What happened sir? - There is nothing to worry.
- Is father fine? - Yes, he is absolutely fine.
- Tell me the truth, sir. - Come with me.
What can we do? It is in God's hands.
Get your father's spectacles.
If you hadn't taken 10,000/- that day..
..then today like a happy family..
..we would have been watching TV today.
Your mother would be making stuffed Parathas.
Your sister would be fighting with you.
This is called happiness.
Can you bring back that happiness?
All wealth is useless in front of family's happiness.
When you understand that no one can catch a train running at 60 km/hr.
Then how come you don't know..
..that it is not possible to make 1 lakh from 10,000/-
Because of your short cut today I am lying in this hospital.
I am not of that age.
I do not see any difference between Bittu and you.
You had dreams to earn in lakhs.
And he wanted to play in millions.
Why are you getting angry now?
Honest Yudhishtir played gambling once.
And Mahabharat took place because of that.
You played a gamble of 10,000/-and our lives became hell.
Do you know..
..that I saved every penny for your sister's marriage?
I gave you good education.
Many teachers and clerks are not able to afford food for their children.
Your mother and I may not have eaten..
..but never let you sleep hungry.
- How can I repay that loan? - I just do not want that money.
You will have to get entire 1500 crores.
Only then your father will agree that you and Bittu are different.
You do not worry about the case.
I will prove that you did not kill Rajesh.
You will not be able to prove.
- Why? - Because Rajesh is alive.
What are you saying?
Just remember what did he say while entering the house?
Park the car outside the house and I am coming.
According to this the driver was inside the car.
If Rajesh died of bomb blast..
- ..then how many dead bodies should be there in the car? - Two.
- How many did we get? - One.
Then who died?
While leaving the house do you know what Rajesh said?
Today morning I had a talk with Vardhrajan.
But Vardharajan was already died.
But he said he had a talk with Vardhrajan in the morning.
- How? - How do you know that Vardhrajan is dead?
While leaving the hospital I heard news of his death on TV.
Someone killed Vardhrajan mercilessly in his guest house.
Police is investigating.
Then what is involvement of IG Rajesh in it?
That night when we reached the waste he got a strong hint regarding money.
If I am thinking right then Rajesh must have found money in that waste.
And he must have found that money as well.
Who is there?
Once Bittu is released from jail..
..we three will divide the money amongst us.
But if we file such a case that Bittu never gets released..
..then can we divide it among both of us.
They did not think that Bittu will run.
Somehow Bittu came to know about Vardhrajan And Rajesh's plan.
That is why he killed Vardhrajan.
Then why did he spare IG?
Because only he knows where the money is. That is why he was spared.
Bittu must have come together with him.
I understood that IG got his car blasted sand played a game.
But how did Bittu come to know that Rajesh and Vardhrajan are together.
Bittu and I think alike.
But this time he thought much more than me and has defeated me.
That is why my father is in hospital and my sister with him.
And I in police custody.
- Now he will not escape from my hands. - But how?
Do you know how much effort I have put in to take care of this money?
1500 crores.
- Bittu, do not forget my share. - Okay, take it now.
Poor policeman got divided into shares.
Sir, tea.
He is dead.
Call up Bittu.
Murthy, why is he calling?
Don't pick up the phone. Murthy is not calling but someone else is.
Sir, trace this call.
Call for three containers.
Put money in one container and..
..before the heap of money is known you people..
Will go far away through the sea route.
And you.
I will go straight to Tuticorin airport.
From there I will go to Maldives which is very close by.
And you will get the money by ship over there.
- I will come by flight. - And this girl.
With her support we will be able to leave from here.
This call was connected to a cell phone in Inoor industrial area in Chennai.
Once if he would have picked up his phone..
..we would have come to know the exact location.
Sir, we will have to go to Chennai right away.
Chennai? It will be night by the time we reach.
And he will escape from the country.
- I need a helicopter. - Why?
- Is this a joke, you fool? - Brother-in-law..
..if robbers and hooligans can go ship and plane..
..then why cannot police go by helicopter?
They will not allow us to enter airport.
- We will surely enter. - How?
With the help of your son-in-law.
Our son-in-law is a pilot.
But why will he agree.
He will not agree.
- I will make him agree, sir. - How?
- The way you talked to Murthy. - Not at all.
I will request and beg from him.
You slapped me. I will see you.
Son-in-law, do not scream but put ice pack there.
Talk to my daughter and you will be fine.
I don't want to talk to your daughter.
- Stay away from me. - Are you happy now?
Before my daughter settles in married life you are spoiling it.
He is unnecessarily being stubborn.
He is not the owner of helicopter but just a driver.
- Keep quiet. Come on. - Okay, come on.
What are we finding in Chennai?
We have to keep a watch on the road..
..that goes from industrial estate to port.
But why will we do like this.
Because the container of money will go through that route.
Look behind.
There are three trucks below. But which one has the money.
Simple sir.
The truck with money would be heavy and its wheels will be pressed.
Ravi, look the wheels of that truck is pressed.
That means my doubt was right.
We will get the money..
..but after landing I will tell you how we will get Bittu.
Remember that your sister is in their custody.
Be careful.
Till he does not get money he will not touch my sister.
Driver, take it down.
- Hey, my car.. - Hey, my car..
- Hello sir, Ravi. - Tell me, Ravi.
Did you see orange container?
- Yes I saw it. - Which side is it going?
I cannot tell now. Give me a minute.
It is going towards east to harbor road.
Who is driving it?
- Singh. Dhanur Singh. - Surely the money is in that.
How will you stop the truck before it reaches the harbor?
You just keep watching.
- Tell me buddy. - Where are you?
- On the MG road. - Tell me the exact location.
I am standing opposite St John school. The bike has got punctured.
Go to the school and ring the bell. Hurry up.
- Why? - Do as I say.
An orange container will come there.
Yes, I saw it.
School children are crossing the road.
Because of that the container has stopped.
The container is taking reverse.
- Left or right. - Right..
- Towards Manali High road. - Yes.
Is there anyone whom we know there?
Yes, our Bhaskar stays there.
- Hello. - Listen, who is standing in front?
- A body builder type of man. - What are you doing?
- I am drinking tea. - Throw it on his face.
- On his face? - Hurry up and throw it on his face.
Come on drink it.
Today, I will not spare you.
Someone threw tea on someone's face so riots have started.
Send force sir.
Has the container gone left or right?
He turned the car towards right.
As soon as he crosses the flyover he will reach harbor.
I will not let him cross.
Why do you always put channel hello FM?
Don't change it. I like it.
Suresh, where are you?
- In the studio. - Quickly announce that there is traffic jam on highway..
- ..that goes from Manali to harbor. - But traffic is not jam on this route.
This lies is for the benefit of the country.
Hello listeners. Now we will listen to latest update on traffic.
There is heavy traffic jam on road that goes to harbor.
If you want to save yourself from traffic..
..then change the route or keep sitting in traffic for hours.
If you do not want to do anything then near our next super duper hit song.
He is taking U-turn and going right.
What do you want to do?
To shatter Bittu's intentions.
This truck will keep on moving here.
The steering will be in his hands but I will be controlling it.
One more left.
Who stopped the car?
It was so enjoyable.
You brought him in front of that bank.
Very good, Ravi.
Return our money!
It is our money..
Look, he is running away.
Catch him..
Catch him..
'Beat him. Beat him.'
Bittu.. will not be able to get a penny from 1500 crores.
I am coming.
Ravi, where are you going now?
Bittu would be waiting at harbour for money.
I will finish off his matter there and then.
No, look..
Turn towards the harbor. Towards harbor.
This is not an auto rickshaw that I would turn as you say.
Quietly turn it.
- Bittu, your man did not call. - What? The call hasn't come.
I am reaching.
Come on hit. Why did you stop?
You want to kill me.
It is just a game for you to kill someone.
Educated people like us should not fight.
We should sit and talk. Come on.
Let me go. I don't want to get involved in some problem.
You keep the entire money. You keep it.
I am giving you everything then why are you shooting.
Let me go.
- I will tell you where your sister is. - I don't want to know.
I don't want to know where she is.
If I am not alive then you will never be able.. come to know where your sister is.
If I am dead then your sister is also dead.
Are you deaf? Don't you understand?
My target is you.
I had made plans to kill you when you killed my brother.
She is your sister.
I know it.
- Don't you have any feelings? - No.
Till now we both were thinking alike..
..but in the middle you went ahead of me.
But now I have left you quite behind.
- Brother.. - I have come. Nothing will happen.
Hold on Ravi. Do not kill him.
- Hold on. - Officer..
..look he wants to kill me.
- Ravi, Ravi.. - Please, stop him.
- Hold on Ravi.. - Officer, please save me.
Before he shoots arrest him, officer.
I forgot to get handcuffs in hurry.
Even rubber band would do officer.
I am not going to run away.
Today, I will not let you escape.
But if you reach jail then you will surely escape.
Kill him.
If he does not escape then he will demand different dishes of eggs.
He will waste government money.
I am asking you to shoot him here.
I am pure vegetarian sir.
If we kill him then a case would be made.
Only if the body is found.
We will bury him here.
No one other than both of us knows this secret.
Why are you looking at me like this father-in-law?
We will finish him as well. Two dead bodies in one grave.
Don't waste time, sir.
You will find ten times better boy than him for your daughter.
He is a mad man.
- He is threatening to kill me. - What did you said? Am I mad?
- Shall I show you my madness? Shall I? - Stop. Stop.
You will achieve nothing by killing him.
- Let him go to jail. - Leave my hand, sir.
I will not spare him. I will kill him.
Ravi, you are like my son. Please throw the gun.
I am asking you to throw the gun.
Ravi, down..
If I would not have shot him then he would have killed you.
He could not have killed me, sir.
- How? - Because that gun does not have bullets.
How did this happen?
It is empty.
So you did drama of throwing empty gun.
Of course. Do you think I will kill him and go to jail?
Am I mad?
According to your promise you fulfilled the third goal.
Son Ravi, today is your interview.
Yes father.
How much salary will you get?
- I will get 25,000 /-in hand every months. - That's it.
But you wanted to earn 1 lakh in two hours and 1 crore in one day.
Father, you..
- Wish you all the best. - Thanks, father.
I am leaving, mother.
Thank you father for 5,000/-
Now see how I convert 5,000/- into 50,000/-
- Were you saying it to your father? - Yes.
- Look, he gave you 5,000/- - Yes.
Now if you adopt wrong means..
..then not only 50,000/- but you can make 5 lakhs.
I shall give you an advice. Go and give money to your father.
Kep 200/- with you and se a nice Goldmines movie in the evening.
Everything will be set.
Tell me, darling.
Ravi, I cannot travel in bus now.
Will you buy me a scooty after marriage?
Today evening is IPL match.. I shall cancel my interview and go for betting.
Then forget scooty I shall buy you a BMW.
- Will it do? - No, no bus is fine.
Please go for the interview.
Ravi, I love you.
I love you too.
Making EYES pop in Lightroom - Duration: 5:28.
Hey guys
Today's video is simple, fast and easy.
Making EYES pop in Lightroom
When we're taking portraits the eyes are usually the main point of interest
and giving a good edit in them costs nothing, and can make your photos much better
Always start with your normal edition, or to make thing easier use a preset
Here I will use one of my custom presets
I will use the spot healing tool to take some blemishes off
We saw this tool in last week's video
Just click on the card at the top of the screen to see the last week's video
for more content like this leave your like and share this video
to work on the eyes you will use the brush
Work with the brush by painting the iris of the eye if you want to emphasize the contrast, brightness, and color
you can also choose to change the color of the eyes, work lightly on the colors so that it does not become artificial
I use the exposure adjustment, contrast, sharpness, and saturation to give a pop of eyes' color
In areas that have well-defined contrast, we can let the automatic brushing option activated
Use the same adjustment for both eyes if they have practically the same illumination
In the air of reflections in the eyes, you can also improve the brightness by working with the brush
just create a new brush with positive exposure adjustment
To duplicate your brush, right click and then duplicate
These adjustments are very subtle but they make all the difference
Before and after
Now just finish, I'll create a vignette with the radial tool
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Como trocar filtro de combustível MERCEDES BENZ E W211 TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 5:58.
Use a torx №T30
Use an end bit №5
Heidi Klum: Schockierende Neuigkeiten nach der Trennung von Vito Schnabel! - Duration: 4:07.
Kuidas vahetada tagumised pidurisadulat autol mudelil MERCEDES BENZ E W211 ÕPETUS | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:29.
Use a simple screwdriver to take brake caliper spring out
Use a socket №8
Use a torx №T40
Use a special brake line wrench № 14
Use an open-end wrench №10
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