Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
How to refine Refine web searches. You can use symbols or words in your search, to make your search results more precise.
Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn't part of a search operator. Don't put spaces between the symbol or word
and your search term. A search for site:nytimes.com will work, but site: nytimes.com won't.
The following are Common search techniques, to refine web result from your search.
Search social media. Put @ in front of a word to search social media. For example: @twitter.
Search for a price. Put $ in front of a number. For example: camera $400.
Search hashtags. Put # in front of a word. For example: #throwbackthursday.
Exclude words from your search. Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. For example, jaguar speed –car.
Search for an exact match. Put a word or phrase inside quotes. For example, "tallest building".
Search for wildcards or unknown words. Put a * in your word or phrase where you want to leave a placeholder. For example, "largest * in
the world". Search within a range of numbers.
Put .. between two numbers. For example, camera $50..$100.
Combine searches Put "OR" between each search query. For example, marathon OR race.
Search for a specific site. Put "site:" in front of a site or domain. For example, site:youtube.com or site:.gov.
Search for related sites. Put "related:" in front of a web address you already know. For example, related:time.com.
Get details about a site. Put "info:" in front of the site address.
See Google's cached version of a site. Put "cache:" in front of the site address.
Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,
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Allu Arjun Family Latest Cute Video ! Allu Arjun Wife Sneha, Daughter Arha and Son Ayaan
iPhone x review - iPhone x hands on - HD Video Dear How To - Duration: 2:56.
iPhone x review - iPhone x hands on . hey everybody it's the iPhone verge I'm here with the iPhone 10 which is
absolutely beautiful I'm just going to say it straight out this is the white
version it's got a glass back here it's got a five-point eight inch OLED display
you can see the notch at the top there's no home button so you swipe up to close
an app and you're in an app and swipe up and hold to go to the App Store you can
just bang between apps there because there's swiping up from the bottom to
the control center you now swipe down from the right side for control center
you swipe down from the left side for the notifications try it is I mean I
just can't say enough there's a super beautiful phone it's got a stainless
steel band it's got 12 megapixel dual cameras on the back
they're both stabilized now this one is F 1.8 the telephotos 2.4 and on the
front you've got a depth trapped interest from the front that enables
face-i because there's no more touch ID on the phone you look at the phone it
protects 30,000 Emperor dots on your face it matches them against a map in
the secure on cable on the phone and unlocks the phone the iPhone 10 also has
new camera mode Phone 8 to the iPhone tag iPhone 10 has no home button it's
got face ID thought setup for my face the gentleman from Apple it's set up for
his face you can see just looks at the phone and automatically Imams the other
new thing is for Apple pay the side button is a lot bigger here so to use
Apple pay you just double click it it'll open it I'm gonna pointed at this
gentleman's face cuz that's his face and now you just wave it at the reader for
Apple pay I got to say this unlock stuff is really cool but also I've got this
phone if I just pointing to this gentleman's face I can unlock it so
obviously some security things to work through there for apples because if
someone grabs your phone and they just pointed at you
might want to keep your eyes closed all the time the front camera also can do
portrait mode now because of that depth tracking system and they fed off a
really cool demo of snapchat doing really cool new filters and snapchat
shows my face that's one of the new filters you can see it looks way cooler
than regular snapchat filters the iPhone 10 starts at $1,000 for the 64 gigabyte
version there's a 256 gigabyte versions more expensive Apple actually didn't
announce the price onstage got a look at on the web for that it is just an
absolutely gorgeous phone it's going to come out in November there's also the
iPhone 8 which is a little bit cheaper that's coming out a lot sooner so that
is a very very quick look at the iPhone 10
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