Take me to Noburo.
- Logan. - Take me to him.
I need to tell you something.
Do it. Now.
You wait in the car.
- Logan. - What?
I saw you die.
I saw you die.
When? Just now?
A while ago.
But it's not like I get a complete picture.
More like looking through a keyhole.
But I'm always right.
All I can see is one part of a person's life...
their death.
And I saw yours.
So, what did you see?
I see you on your back. There's blood everywhere.
You're holding your own heart in your hand.
It's not beating.
I don't have time for this shit.
When I was five, I knew how my own parents would die.
Then I watched it happen from the back seat.
Look at me.
A lot of people have tried to kill me, and I'm still here.
but you're different now, aren't you?
They can hurt you.
They can kill you.
Just wait in the car.
- I said, wait in the car. - You need backup.
You're not safe, not in your condition.
Just think of me as your bodyguard.
For more infomation >> Yukio Predicts Logan's Death | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Video: Tom Messner is looking at a dangerously windy night. 10.29.17 - Duration: 4:36.
Are you silly? I'm still gonna send it - Parody Promo - Duration: 0:54.
Just woke up from a little nap, little dark.
But are you guys silly? I'm still gonna send it.
That hurt, but the et still runs so
round two. (chuckles)
Snows too soft. Nother day, nother winter retreat.
What Happens To Your Stomach When Drink One Cup Celery Tea Before Breakfast | Celery Tea Weight Loss - Duration: 3:14.
What Happens To Your Stomach When Drink One Cup Celery Tea Before Breakfast | Celery Tea Weight Loss
Boynton Beach Storm Damage - Duration: 1:14.
Peru, Saranac claim Section VII football championships - Duration: 1:53.
Spiderman Cartoon For Kids Fun Colors For Children Nursery | Story Kids Music [SKM] - Duration: 13:23.
Learn Colors Kinder Surprise Egg Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Car for Kids Color Vehicles - Duration: 4:32.
Congregants at one South KC church arrived Sunday to find hateful graffiti, arson, and vandalism - Duration: 2:09.
Kodak Black Dropped Four New Songs Including Snap Sh*t - Duration: 1:10.
Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Kodak Black hit up Instagram Saturday night to announce that he would be releasing new
music and thankfully for fans, he pulled through.
The Florida rapper dropped 4 new tracks.
Snap Shit, Roll N Peace, Down South, and Right Now.
Roll as B-roll Back in 2016 a video of Kodak dancing in the studio to Snap Shit surfaced
on Twitter and went viral.
The song was leaked prematurely online and was mistakenly named Fresh Out (My Struggle).
Now the 4 minute track officially was released on Kodak's YouTube channel along with the
four others.
Snap Shit was produced by JayO who also worked on DJ Khaled and Drake's 'To The Max'.
The 4 new tracks arrive a little over a month after Kodak dropped his Project Baby 2 mixtape,
featuring Offset, John Wicks, and more.
That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe
to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Gardenscapes Level 101 - How to complete Level 101 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 4:51.
Gardenscapes Level 101 - How to complete Level 101 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 101 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 101
Gardenscapes how to complete level 101
Gardenscapes beat level 101
NFL: Houston Texans Just Revealed Their DISGUSTING Game Day Plan As Huge 'F You' To White Owner - Duration: 6:54.
Houston Texans Just Revealed Their DISGUSTING Game Day Plan As Huge 'F You' To White
Houston Texans players are now planning to protest as a unit before Sunday's game against
the Seattle Seahawks in the wake of team owner Bob McNair's controversial "inmates running
the prison" comment instead of saying "inmates running the asylum."
The comment was made during an NFL owners meeting in New York earlier this month.
It referred to ongoing player demonstrations during the national anthem.
The comment was made public in the extreme left leaning ESPN The Magazine story published
Friday that looked in-depth at what went on during the October 17th meeting of select
NFL owners, players and union leaders, and the full owner's meetings the following
day at which McNair made the comment.
McNair did, of course, apologize for his comment on Friday and again on Saturday, where he
said: "I am truly sorry to the players for how this has impacted them and the perception
that it has created of me, which could not be further from the truth."
SB Nation Reports:
Texans' Bob McNair apologizes for saying NFL can't have 'inmates running the prison'
Seth Wickersham and Don Van Natta Jr. of ESPN pulled back the curtain and provided an in-depth
look at the recent NFL meetings between owners and players to discuss protests during the
national anthem.
The most eye-raising quote in the article came from Houston Texans owner Bob McNair,
who reportedly derailed a discussion when he told other NFL owners that they "can't
have the inmates running the prison."
The comment came during a meeting that didn't include current players.
But McNair's words reportedly offended NFL executive and former player Troy Vincent.
Via ESPN.com:
After the owners finished, Troy Vincent stood up.
He was offended by McNair's characterization of the players as "inmates."
Vincent said that in all his years of playing in the NFL — during which, he said, he had
been called every name in the book, including the N-word — he never felt like an "inmate."
That sparked a back-and-forth with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones who said NFL owners are
historically responsible for the success of the NFL.
However, McNair later pulled Vincent aside to apologize for the comment and then released
a statement Friday after his words were made public in ESPN's report.
The expression of "inmates running the prison" or asylum is used to describe leadership surrendering
power to those being led.
But the optics of owners essentially describing themselves as prison wardens aren't great,
particularly because police brutality and systematic oppression are at the heart of
the player protests.
McNair suggested Saturday that his expression was used to describe the NFL league office
as the "inmates," but that falls flat when we already know the context of the conversation
that led to its use:
As Jones spoke, Snyder mumbled out loud, "See, Jones gets it — 96 percent of Americans
are for guys standing," a claim some dismissed as a grand overstatement.
McNair, a multimillion-dollar Trump campaign contributor, spoke next, echoing many of the
same business concerns.
"We can't have the inmates running the prison," McNair said.
Despite McNair's claims that the expression wasn't used to describe players, it's
hard to read the context any other way.
And even if McNair apologized, the comment only serves to validate what many already
perceive the thoughts and beliefs of NFL owners to be.
That includes Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, 49ers safety/linebacker Eric Reid,
and other players who commented about McNair:
Athletes in other sports spoke out, too.
NBA forward Draymond Green called what McNair said "unacceptable."
The comments also had a ripple effect in Houston with players on the Texans so offended that
they considered walking out of practice Friday.
Wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins did skip the practice.
While many of the owners thought the meetings were a strong effort to move forward, some
players weren't as impressed.
Los Angeles Chargers offensive tackle Russell Okung described the meetings as "unproductive
at best and disingenuous at worst."
That's not surprising after the ESPN article characterized most of the owners' concerns
as squarely on business, ratings, and sponsorships, and seemed to show the group as dismissive
of the concerns of racial inequality that prompted protests in the first place.
Leading the way was Jones, who has pushed for a leaguewide mandate to stand during the
national anthem like the one he declared for Cowboys players:
He said the owners had to take the business impact seriously, as the league was threatened
by a polarizing issue it couldn't contain or control.
To some in the room, it was clear Jones was trying to build momentum for an anthem mandate
resolution, and in the words of one owner, "he brought up a lot of fair points."
Jones believed he was one of the few showing any urgency on the matter and seemed to be
more frustrated that not everybody was listening than he was passionate about the mandate.
It also didn't help that others' attempts to listen to players' concerns were awkward
and/or tone deaf.
Bills owner Terry Pegula complimented Anquan Boldin for his message about police brutality,
but called the receiver "Antwan."
He also said the NFL could use a spokesperson like Boldin on social issues because it couldn't
be "white owner but needs to be someone who's black."
Not all owners were unsympathetic.
49ers owner Jed York and Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie have been supportive of players' right
to kneel, and only nine owners were in favor of a mandate.
Commissioner Roger Goodell was also in the corner of players and surprisingly opposed
Jones for much of the meetings, creating an interesting stage for a future power struggle.
Next week, the owners will again meet with players and this time it's expected to include
former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick — the player at the core of the protests
during the national anthem.
It's a chance for owners and players to take a step forward, but the ESPN article
further illuminates that the gulf between the two sides isn't close to being bridged.
Of course, because these spoiled players won't just walk out of their jobs where they make
an average salary of 2.2 million dollars a season, they initially stated they would remove
the Houston Texans decals from their helmets in protest.
But now, instead, it's being reported they have backed down from that idea and will just
kneel during the national anthem instead.
So let me get this straight.
These spoiled ball tossers have an issue with something their team owner says in a private
meeting so they go back to disrespecting the nation who made these illiterates rich beyond
Since you players are so principled why don't you put your money where your mouth is and
walk out of the game altogether?
That would really make a statement and it would stop people from thinking you are all
a bunch of money grabbing spoiled brats throwing a temper tantrum.
Please share and continue boycotting the NFL….
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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4 Natural Antibiotics that You Probably Didn't Know About - Duration: 4:30.
4 Natural Antibiotics that You Probably Didn�t Know About
Consuming natural antibiotics stimulates your defense mechanisms without giving bacteria
the opportunity to become resistant to them
1. Aloe vera gel, honey and lemon One of the most effective natural antiseptics,
thanks to its high content of salicylic acid and magnesium lactate that helps to reduce
pain and inflammation, is aloe vera.
Not to mention, it�s a great topical treatment because it heals and regenerates the skin.
Aloe vera pulp helps to treat colds and itchy throats.
As for the honey, it contains a protein called defensin-1 that kills bacteria.
Meanwhile, llemon is an expectorant and antiviral that�s capable of fighting congestion.
1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g) The juice from one lemon
1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) How to use it?
The only thing you have to do is blend the aloe vera pulp with the lemon juice and tablespoon
of honey. Take a tablespoon of the mixture once a day
Do this for 3 days and you will notice the results
Note: this is not recommended for pregnant women or children under the age of 8
2. Black mustard powder
If you have a cold, try washing your feet with a little mustard.
The reason? Mustard has properties that elevate the temperature of the body by eliminating
It also stimulates circulation and helps the body to perspire better. Use this method before
you notice the first symptoms so that the bacteria doesn�t have the opportunity to
8 cups of water (2 liters) 1 tablespoon of mustard powder (10 g)
How to use it?
Add the mustard powder to two liters of hot water
Mix until it�s completely dissolved Submerge your feet in the water for 15-20
minutes Note: Don�t exceed 20 minutes to avoid redness,
inflammation, or in the worst cases, blisters.
3. Orange, carrot, and beer yeast juice Is your throat congested? Carrot juice is
a natural source of vitamin A and alkalizes the circulatory system. Thus, it stimulates,
hydrates, and cleans the body.
As for the oranges, they contain antioxidants and are disinfectants.
And the beer yeast? It increases the body�s defenses due to its antimicrobial effects
thanks to its contents of vitamin B and zinc.
The juice from one carrot The juice from one orange
1 tablespoon of beer yeast (10 g) How to use it?
First, mix the carrot juice with the orange juice.
Add the tablespoon of beer yeast and mix well. Drink in the morning before breakfast.
In addition to relieving throat pain, your lungs will also thank you.
4. Pineapple
This remedy is ideal for nasal and sinus allergies.
Although the majority of people don�t keep in mind pineapple�s properties, its high
water content helps to decrease the retention of liquids and eases the elimination of toxins.
It also contains bromelain, an enzyme that�s in charge of decongesting the paranasal sinuses.
How to use it
You decide! You can eat pieces of it throughout the day or drink pineapple juice in the morning.
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Jerusalem 11/11/17 - DEFACE invites you!!! - Duration: 0:54.
11 of November
Blaze Bar, Jerusalem
Arallu releases
new album
Deface comes back to Jerusalem!!!
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