So you want to earn a bunch of coins in Super Mario Odyssey fast in order to buy all those
sweet outfits huh?
Well, how does maxing out you coin counter by earning 10,000 coins in one hour sound?
Here's how you can do it.
In Bowser's Kingdom, quick-travel to the Beneath the Keep checkpoint.
Now turn around and drop off the roof on the right to find a seed on a ledge below.
Carry it to the pot just ahead--being mindful of the spikes and enemies--and toss it in,
then catch a ride on the top of the beanstalk that grows to quickly reach a bonus area above.
Now this bonus area might seem difficult with its high-speed gameplay, but it's actually
super easy!
Just don't touch the control stick at all, seriously--keep your thumb off of it.
All you have to do is focus on grabbing the rocket flowers and jumping the gaps to grab
all the coins along the way.
And then do a ground pound rigth at the end to net the final 5 rings.
If you pulled it off, you'll have just earned yourself 202 coins.
And since it drops you right back in the same area, repeating the trick over and over is
a breeze.
Oh, and an entire cycle take just over a minute, you can max at your coin counter @ 9,999 coins
in just about one hour.
Pretty great huh?
And with that, thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more Super
Mario Odyssey tips and everything else Nintendo Switch as well.
For more infomation >> Super Mario Odyssey - How to Earn 10,000 Coins in 1 Hour! (Fast Cash! - Spoilers!) - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
🎵 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Jake Marshall ~ Detective from the Wild West (NES Style) - Duration: 0:51.
They shoot you in Texas for that!
While Away exhibition highlights travels of an adventurous generation - Duration: 2:38.
Atomic Bomb Scene / Wolverine Saves Yashida | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.
Hey, you!
That was a B-29, bub. There's no outrunning what's coming.
Yashida, what are you doing?! Come here!
Yashida, come here!
You're better off down here.
- Yashida! - Yes, I'll be right there!
I'd hurry if I were you.
Run. Now!
Stay down!
No, wait! No, no. Wait.
No. It's not safe.
Rainy ear cupping, Slovak whispering, shhhhing ASMR - Duration: 38:14.
Why I deleted all my videos?
Most of the videos
from my channel that you can watch on Patreon
a lot of people
oh you
you deleted my favorite video and where is that raining video
and since I'm making so many videos
I was making so many videos
I'm losing track of what I made
what was in that
rainy video
today it's raining and I hope
it will be raining for some time
so, I guess
I will make another one just to make you happy
if you're not happy just become a patreon
and watch that video there
OK, let me open a window
so, I am not sure
but it was maybe a ear cupping video
or maybe a blowing video
I don't know
so I will make a
ear cupping video
with the rain sound and
someone said in the comments that I should make
a shhsshhhhh
something like that video
so today it will be shhhhshhh
something like that video
with the rain, so enjoy it
in few minutes I will freeze here in my
because it's so cold
finger fluttering sounds
and as always
I will be talking
in English
and as always
most of the time
in Slovak language
Cocoa people
yeah there's no way of translating it :D
Prepare your ears
massage your ear-lobes
and enjoy this video
see ya later
I will so far not
cover your satelites
in soft voice will do
bing ***
Did you also check your phone?
"How is this possible?", asks Vlado
I will check that out
stands up and walks away...
my heart is broken :(
maybe the sponge is calling for help?
Vlado come baaaack
OK, while he is away, let's have some Q&A
Is that a wedding ring? Are you married?
Vlado, come back already!
Good boy!
inaudible whispering
chair sound
chair sound again
So, once upon a time
Again I am going to make up some silly
funny story
never mind
Once upon a time
there was one "Cauko"
Maria is doing it (subtitles)
Pom Pomik
IG: pom_pomik -->always plug :DDD
for the sake of translation I will not use
very agressive, uncomfortable, hard to translate words
ok, this one I didn't understand :D
Car, don't make noise here!
so Pom Pomik, please try (to make a good translation)
I am trying!
Quick note: Cauko means Hi in Slovakia, Kakauko means sweet cocoa drink. Cauko kakauko is a greeting. Here it will be used as a name for a person.
That Cauko Kakauko (used as name)
was the most
the most cauko kauko
Caukovec Kakaovec (the most hi and cocoa person) makes no sense, I know :D
in the whole Cauko Kakauko Land
today's translation is impossible :DDD
wind blowing sound
Cauko Kakauko
was friends with
I have to make it up
It's starting to rain
so much
and so many cars passing by
and waiting for when it will start to rain in my room
so, Cauko Kakauko
was friends with
he had one good female friend
who was called
who was called
***thinking about all the girls he knows***
I cannot remember how she was called
that's what you say!
she was called
I don't know Janey Greepy (literally said braided bread awful, but for the sake of rhyme and English word play, I changed it accordingly)
Because she had grape and was creepy
and therefore Janey Greepy
which made a very super first impression
and Cauko Kakauko
no idea sorry
finger fluttering sounds
and they were friends
OMG, impossible to translate
almost every day they greeted each other (caukovali sa spolu)
they were such
Cauko people
he is laughing because he can imagine my pain while translating this
but Janey
or braided bread :D
was sad
oh no why?
that she is creepy (awful) and full of grape =>greepy :D
Cauko kakauko was constantly calming her down
hey janey janey you are not greepy (awful)
I like your grapes :DDDD
says I like your grapes and then makes mouth sounds :D
cauko kakauko
waiting for the car to pass
Cauko Kakauko
was totally deeply (in love)with Janey Creepy
zacaukovany (I used in love cos in Hi will sound weird)
Hi-gh in love?
and for that reason he was
cocoa red
and so
Janey Greepy
was very sad that she is awful
that she is filled with grapes
Cauko Kakauko
kept constantly telling her
that he likes her grapes
do that one more time
beep beep***
and so
they liked each other
and Cauko Kakauko
liked Janey Greepy
and her grapes
and Janey Greepy
had little grapes
she liked
Cauko Kakauko
Cauko Kakauko
so they liked each other
until suddently
from the blue sky
on a walk
on a counter
appeared a hand
grabbed Janey
poured Cauko Kakauko into a glass
they covered in sadness that they will never see each other again
that cauko kakauko will never see
Janey Greepy and her grapes
and that Janey Greepy
and her small grapes
will never see that
cauko kakauko
they were mourning and mourning
you don't understand
you can sleep peacefully
and be glad you don't undersand
yeah it's better if you don't uderstand :D
because if
you understand
you will not be sleeping anymore :D
inaudible blabbing
Janey has four pieces
of grape cut down
where totally crumbling
on the table
and cauko kakauko even worse
cooked (boiled)
boiled in microwave
and when they thought it cannot get any worse
Cauko Kakauko
found himself on the table
in a cup right next to Janey Greepy
as Cauko Kakauko is watching
silently he is telling himself
Oh My God, those grapes are really small :DDD
chopped up Janey is looking
on the Cauko Kakauko
how he is steaming
from above his head
in silence he thinks to himself
God, he is warm (it can also mean gay)
My God!
Yes, dear child?
what have I made?
it was late
to run away from this situation
the two had dicided
two have decided
that they wanna be together
Also Cauko Kakauko
now warm
and also Janey Greepy
and her small grapes
and so
nothing was waiting for them, only...
ssshhh sssshhhh
one piece of grape
of Janey with grapes
ended up in the mouth
Cauko was laughing
they were completely hugging
they were completely together
and so somehow
they got used to each other
they ended up
in a common warm home
and there they lived happily
also Cauko Kakauko
also Janey Greepy
and her small grapes
and they lived together
For a long long long long long time
long long
until the next morning
Good, so this was a creative moment
as it's 12.00 lunch time
and it's raining
I feel a little bit creative
and now we continue
with not understandable
mumbling, rambling
but don't tell Pom Pomik
so that she has fun with the translation
it's beginning to rain a little bit more
there's nothing to be worried about
close your eyes
close your eyes
relax your body
and sleep
sleep shhhh shhhhhh
just throw away all your problems
and sleep
end of Pom Pomik subtitles
Hope you enjoyed :))))
[Victoria's turn now]
you can feel completely safe here with me
so just...
shh, breathe slowly
and relax your body from the bottom
higher and higher
'til all your body is relaxed
you don't have to look at me
just close your eyes
and sleep
and think about nice things
you have, or you want
and be happy of them
if you are healthy, be happy of that
if you can watch this
you ahve internet, so be happy of that
I didn't have internet
until the last week
so I was uploading my videos through neighbour's wifi, extremely slow
so if you have your own internet connection be happy of that
shh, and be happy of simple things
and sleep
don't worry
if you can
go and eat candy
because why not?
don't forget
that you are super special person
that can do anything
so if you want to do something, do it, you can do it
don't be worried about anything
you have life that you're living only once
everything is right
and be happy while living it
because why not be happy
relax and enjoy this rain
so relax
to the sound of rain
if you don't like rain
then it's okay, but don't forget that it have to rain
so it can be beautiful again
and you should be sleeping by now
I hope that you are sleeping by now
and that you will have a beautiful
beautiful day tomorrow
or.. or the next day
just have a beautiful day
and be happy
and take care
ok, my beautiful friends
so, that's it for today
so don't forget
to hug your fridge
to pet your shoes
to scratch your windows
to make them happy of course
and... lick.... air
and taste some
have a beautiful day my friends, take care and be happy and be asleep right now be sleeping right now
I wish you a beautiful day, take care and
enjoy the rain
for a few minutes
okay my friends
bye for now
love ya
NFL: It's OVER For Commissioner Who RUINED The NFL After What Pissed Cowboys Owner Just Did To Him.c - Duration: 5:48.
It's OVER For Commissioner Who RUINED The NFL After What Pissed Cowboys Owner Just Did
To Him.
While the National Football League commissioner is making excuses for anti-American players
and telling people to be patient with these protests, team owners are seeing the issue
for what it is.
With game ratings and attendance rapidly declining, some franchises are recognizing the need to
take drastic measures to protect their massive investments.
More important than money, is respecting the country, the people who have fought and died
for America, and the opportunities that sacrifice has provided these entitled players.
Preserving the reputation of the sport comes secondary, which should be something that
Commissioner Roger Goodell cares about.
Since he's repeatedly proven he doesn't, it's up to each team to make their own decisions
on game day decorum.
However, things just got really bad for Goodell since Cowboys owner Jerry Jones holds the
key to his karma for allowing athletes to disrespect America and plans to use it.
For the team that's commonly referred to as "America's Team," it's no wonder
that the owner is arguably one of the most powerful in his position within the league.
Jones happens to be in a much different mindset that Goodell on this protesting problem and
the timing of the issue couldn't be worse for the commissioner.
After making a clear-cut rule that all players on his team must stand for the Anthem, by
banning kneeling or sitting for it, Jones, didn't pull any punches when he said what
would happen to any player who's caught kneeling on his team.
He not only unafraid of kicking players off his team, he's also in a position of having
a major effect on Goodell's paycheck this year as he's the deciding factor in a huge
portion of the commissioner's contract which is now up for renewal.
Deadspin reports:
Roger Goodell has made as much as $44 million in salary in a single year as NFL commissioner,
and in his time on the job has reportedly made more than $200 million.
The NFL's compensation committee is currently working out a proposal to extend Goodell's
existing contract beyond its current 2019 expiration date, and at least one owner wants
to get serious about scaling back the commissioner's pay going forward.
It's just really, really unfortunate for Roger Goodell that this particular owner is
the most powerful of them all: Jerry Jones.
From an ESPN report:
"If not for Jerry," one person familiar with the contract negotiations said this weekend,
"this deal would be done."
While some owners believe a deal will be agreed upon, others aren't quite as sure thanks
to Jones, who has interjected himself into the process of the NFL's six-man compensation
committee, becoming the unofficial seventh member.
Jones is now being singled out by some owners and league executives as the reason Goodell
does not have the contract extension that many expected to be in place before this season
kicked off, per sources.
Jones has a rather tumultuous relationship with Goodell and like many people feel that
what he is getting paid is grossly out of proportion to what's reasonable.
"Jones isn't on the compensation committee, but he will reportedly join the all-important
Wednesday conference call, and apparently sees himself as "a representative of the
remaining 26 owners,'" Deadspin added.
"As unofficial representatives go, this one wields a lot of influence."
It would be the ultimate irony for the commissioner to really feel it in the pocketbook after
he thought he was responsible for some big boom in NFL profits when really, his support
of protests has had just the opposite effect.
Maybe the commissioner will start caring about the country and the fans a little more when
he literally has to pay for it.
It's time that the punishment starts at the top, sending the real message that everyone
in the NFL needs to get behind, and that is that politics have no place in the sport and
it's time to make the game great again.
It's unfortunate for Goodell that Jones, who apparently has a huge say in his contract
extension, is the one owner who made a huge move against him already after the commissioner
came out in defense of kneelers.
"He officially banned all players from kneeling during the anthem.
While other teams apparently love the attention from the media, this NFL owner knows what
is right.
He says that the Cowboys stand for patriotism and American tradition," Gong reports.
"Jones said that anyone who will protest the anthem will be gone."
Some have already begun complaining about their right to kneel if they want to without
the threat of punishment – much like their commissioner.
Conservative Fighters reports:
Doug Baldwin said that NFL owners "have told their players to do specific things or
to not do specific things… regarding the national anthem and the protests."
Baldwin thought the threat that Jones made was "egregious."
Jones has been very clear that he is against the national anthem protest.
"We strongly, strongly support the flag in every way we support – and it's almost
ridiculous to be saying – the people that for generations and generations that have
given it all up so that we can get out on television."
"There's no question in my mind.
The national anthem is sacred.
Our flag is sacred.
And our team has demonstrated that " he told reporters gathered at Cowboys training
camp in Oxnard, California.
Players reaction to this sensible rule is simply and adult-sized temper-tantrum.
It shouldn't be too much to ask athletes who are paid millions to play a game to stand
for a few minutes of the National Anthem.
Jones didn't ban their ability to make whatever social justice statement they want, just so
long as it's not on his watch or field.
The sign of a great leader isn't giving into whiny people without a real cause, it's
showing respect and honor for other people.
Jones is doing just that while the other owners and even league commissioner are bowing down
to these disrespectful crybaby athletes who so desire attention.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Papua - Expedition to the heart of a world - Part 1 of 3 - [LANGOSTO] - Duration: 28:56.
we know everything about our planet but blue is just an illusion
there are isolated regions difficult access
little known or even unexplored the the guru massif on the island of Papua
It is a stone fortress in which It has never been established so
permanent human population their foundations together in the depths
sea water wax Madame tussauds at the edge of the ocean
índico at the eastern end of Indonesian archipelago language
remained closed on itself for millions of years until
become a world completely apart
species that have survived the cataclysms that have set the pace
the history of the region are witnesses the evolution of life in their
adaptation away from their species originally
It is said to have become Endemic not exist anywhere else
place as are found here
I foresee it is one of the few places the world in which he has survived another
ancient and unspoiled world massif promises those incomparable discoveries
Franken its formidable barriers for pure expedition to the heart of a
lost World
scientific expedition guru is the most important ever made in
this region of the planet organized by Research Institute for
Development of France and the Institute for science is directed Indonesian
to wolf one of the few towns Coastal located at the foot of the massif
mission has gathered fifty Indonesian and European experts
in many disciplines these scientists want to understand
how animals and plants They were trapped in Urdu language
they adapted to survive
logan Puyo directs the expedition This French biologist travels
papúa tirelessly for more 15 years has learned languages
local and has earned the trust of Papuans where we are
how is it to what We arrive in less than three hours before
Night Falls is on an expedition previous
logan could glimpse the extraordinary wealth of the massif
It was he who convinced a gong or semi di Zeo Indonesian Institute logo
for science to participate the adventure together they formed the team
and they organized this ambitious project to unveil the mysteries of the guru
massif guru is like a immense natural labyrinth is a huge
limestone massif in its part Earth's surface doubles
CORSICA emerges from the seabed in abyssal pit closing 2,000 meters
deep and rises 1,500 meters above sea level
here they have been given circumstances special geological and topographical
that they have generated unique ecosystems a variety of living beings this
city The expedition aims to visit their
different subterranean ecosystems submarine and mountainous forest
understand how formed along millions of years
the architecture of life for predict its evolution warming
Global and action of man
len guru occupies an area of 35,000 square kilometers is what
called karstic relief water tropical rain dissolves the rock
excavates limestone mountain canyons and throats and infiltrates the subsoil
creating numerous networks of small caves underground
massif emerged makes 11 million years when the tectonic plate
Asian plate collided with Australian forming these mountains
the relief that emerged is full of bristling insurmountable barriers
dotted with peaks and steep walls Yes deeper
plants and animals living There appeared before the
mountains were trapped her communication with the rest of the world
He interrupted completely and were embarked on a mad race for
survival and adaptation
from the sea massif guru is an inaccessible wall
I have no words
Masters is the guide of logan in Papua for years he knows better than anyone
the difficulties that await them do not not afraid to go there
all landed on the island of wolf at most inhabited by a hundred
hello good morning how about on the pier joel muñoz massa
the head of the community welcomes logan visitors and reconnects with
his old friends like this is all all right
it did all well ready for the trip but your wife is well
base camp of the expedition installed near the village
where they will meet all researchers to the last
I think missing a store there are Walesa is the computer
to the kitchen and has good trip it has not been easy
arrival is an event for neighbors and an opportunity for those who
They want jobs and opportunities the wolf is scarce
many men offered to guide equipment and your gear
difficult areas for two people for Team Miami
ie bats and rodents
before we all ensure that the material they will need has
endured the long journey to wolf all check is ordered and prepared for
men can load their backs in precarious conditions or
be ferried work long and detailed that you can decide
success or failure of the mission not We are men of the jungle as often
although we say well prepared we know that there are hostile environments
to make the most of the time The less time spent there
we are and do better things
custom requires that members of the expedition seek approval
men of the village to access massif
I'm glad to see you again everyone and You know I was here in 2010 to reach
the village I was impressed to see the mountain
suddenly my heart started beating hard
as if there is a relationship very strong
I have goosebumps
all residents receive arms open days will accompany you to
help on the mountain has many Thank you
previous expedition logan ago four years he created a mutual trust and
The people accept open the doors of the sacred land of guru for
inhabitants again this sanctuary is the navel of the world
The Cradle of Life
It is the last lunch sharing all at the base camp
tomorrow the different teams separate
the die is cast Preparations have been completed and
begins the adventure each team will move to his work young
will explore the underwater topography another newt Bay Forest
SJR mountains stain and a third cam remote lakes here have for
front eight weeks to identify different species guru
marine and terrestrial mammals birds insects and reptiles amphibians fish
each has its specialists
meanwhile the team of divers arba towards the Bay of newt
only information that exist on the seabed of this place were
made in the 19th century since then it has not done anything yet
we are reaching the coastal zone in who work as an example see
perfect for a sea kart an old karst formation that has been
excavated and excited by the action incessant sea and if it is not the place
which will give us more information on the fauna and flora associated with the
card In fact, this training is also
submerged because the solid descends up to 2,000 meters
Mission team of divers is explore the coastal reliefs to the
ten meters deep and make a inventory of large families
organisms that populate the caps submarines needed to do the
latest technology and great rigor
for some years in our expeditions recyclers use their
functions to recycle the air breathe
That requires special treatment gas is conducted in hope
this unit which simultaneously removes carbon dioxide
It produced by the body and also enriched oxygen has
metabolized and consumed the body this recycled equipped with two
three-liter bottles can do three-hour dives with
traditional equipment would be impossible because the logistics would not be accommodated
on this boat
I foresee it is at the heart of what scientists call the triangle
Coral the region with the highest marine biodiversity in the world promises
great discoveries and surprises
I'm looking forward to enter the water if you do not I think we thought we nearly 200
22 kilos
divers are surprised immediately in the Bay of newt
Great Green has flooded the big blue water is filled with particles
organic and mineral suspension They come from rivers that originate in the
solid and penetrate far into the sea driven by strong currents the
freshwater and marine environment through the deposited on the ground as a thick layer of
the seabed is very different from what they are used to finding it is
as if they had messed up all species
contrary to what you might expect the lack of soft corals
skeleton are the most numerous
They appear to be in their element in these murky waters full of
They come in all shapes and sizes extravagant aspects
Divers team travels this fertile strange encounters
this quiet carpet shark threatened the rest of the world seems
I have found here a refuge a delicate marine lone feather
planted in the muddy bottom filters microplancton floats pulled by
a giant currents anemone Baroque tentacles is the sanctuary
a colony of tiny shrimps meanwhile translucent nude and
commonly known as bronchi Sea slugs are exceptionally
Numerous these hermaphroditic mollusc sometimes carnivores and cannibals
parade with their extravagant finery shapes and amazing colors
it is obvious that the mixture of water sweet and savory produce an alchemy
It will be equally surprising unusual in great depths
exploration should continue there where sunlight never reaches
logan enters the coastal forest newt around the bay at the foot of
the mountains stain There the specialists work in poultry
mammals and reptiles
we are in a forest Low altitude located between the sea and
the foothills of the karstic massif It is an extraordinary ecosystem
mysterious, even hypnotic houses exceptional diversity here grow
one hundred tree species It is different per hectare
limestone massif guru is porous rainwater is filtered through the rock
and descends deep into the underground away from the
roots of many plants lichens moss plants
Carnivorous numerous orchids have acclimatized and support without difficulty
episodes of relative drought
all wildlife has also had to adapt to this singular rhythm though
reptiles, birds and insects forests abound in Kourou
there is neither mysterious nor cats common monkeys in these latitudes
ornithologists have mounted a Middle Mountain temporary camp
now consult the guides where you can find some birds and
from here That is if here is to be
here it is filled with birds Figure also one of the stars
expect to see is the crowned patron Western Ogura an endemic species
in the region whose evolution continues a mystery
all who are in the book the We have here but it takes time
to catch
christophe I cn rs x Jamila's Museum of Madrid and hidayat to be and
Indonesian Institute for Sciences They found the perfect place for
place your networks Ornithologists believe that here they can
live up to 50 species of birds different in only one kilometer
Forest Square there is nothing comparable to anywhere else in the
world we will get a little below the
top of the hill is the best that's good about this place is
we can capture species that live arboreal canopy because we
We are on top at the height of canopy both sides there are two pairs of
Birds Flying Cup level not climb trees aids
will continue at this point so we have many possibilities to capture
specimens that would otherwise not We could hunt
on the seashore guided mammal specialists
by bonds and explore iad foot Lavanchy the mountains to find a kangaroo
they have spoken of natives gentoo
to him what I'm looking for a babysitter
I hope to find traces of their presence He sought his trace on the river watching this
They seem traces of last night we can see the footprints are frequent
usually the kangaroo is an animal Plains but it seems that
the species living guru has known adapt to dense underbrush of
mountain forests as he could this Animal perform such a feat
the mysterious marsupial has never been photographed and filmed in their midst
natural if one is measured and succeeds it will be a
great success because it does not know anything about the habits of this small mammal
This is a good place to two meters distance about when something
moves near infrared cameras is only triggered automatically
expected to be the famous kangaroo who the trigger
we must always be prepared a intriguing news puts on alert
lohan and divers Bay newt were the first fishing boat
we know that there is a whale shark Sedentary because fishermen
They feed every day and we will try to take DNA samples as
is feeding on fish will be relatively still and can
approach to extract the samples Whale sharks live in a
constant migration following banks and creel
plankton creep currents but here in Urdu fishermen
Local say they are sedentary is necessary to verify
If we add to this shark him word whale is exceptional
size up to 20 meters long and thirty tons
the shark is always accompanied by a group of pilot fish feed
parasites that infest your skin
the whale shark feeds mainly algae and plankton
microscopic animals but curiously what today he has
brought here are fish caught in the nets of fishermen
the colossus shows no bellicosity toward man
however we must proceed with prudent to remove a sample of the
skin we are in the presence of Local subspecies has been done
sedentary DNA analysis shark
Whale guru will tell if it is identical to the sharks that roam
the Indian Ocean or over the Time has become a relative
home that never ventures far from newt Bay
and at camp gogh not I been discovers that the images of the
cameras was a gamble but The trap has worked perfectly
How big is roughly 70 centimeters about a
error range Look at this look at how they move not
They have nothing to do with the new stec Guinea and wonder if
the surprise is capitalized images They reveal that the Papuan kangaroo has
developed a unique way of kangaroos around the
plains mainly use their tails like a spring to assault the kangaroo
gentoo uses its tail as a leg supplementary to stabilize its march
in the dense underbrush isolated the rest of the world for millions of
years this marsupial had no choice it must evolve to survive in a
means drastically transformed the incessant changes on the island
higher on the slopes of the mansion mountains
ornithologists strung catches very well fantastic is colored birds
wine and gold color under the wings It is magnificent magnificent makes no
He is very happy bush
I caught one that's where You find itself in a hole inside or
yes ap Pygmy amazing but gold
least of all for the amazing us we had not seen yet
I managed to capture one looks at death hard
the tiny pygmy parrot guru has developed a way of life
surprising parrots feed fruits and grains but strangely it
I is insectivorous runs trunks trees looking and pecking
insect larvae is an example of the admirable resilience
living organisms to their environment is so small that it is difficult
spectacular I'm very happy
we go
حظك اليوم الاثنين 30-10-2017 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:21.
Mini Pekka Minion Horde Combo Strategy | Best Counter CR Attack Deck For All Arenas - Duration: 3:59.
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Only MLB Player Bruce Maxwell Who Takes A Knee ARRESTED After What He Did To Trump Supporting Waiter - Duration: 4:47.
Only MLB Player To Take A Knee ARRESTED After What He Did To Trump Supporting Waiter.
To add to the saga of the only ballplayer in the MLB to disrespect our flag and kneel
for the National Anthem, it's now being reported that Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce
Maxwell has been arrested in Arizona after a food delivery person alleged he pointed
a gun at her.
Maxwell, who was the only disrespectful player in Major League Baseball to take a knee this
year during the National Anthem in order to protest so-called racial injustice, was swiftly
arrested after Scottsdale police say officers went to Maxwell's home Saturday night after
getting a call reporting a person with a gun.
Maxwell was booked on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly
Police released a statement saying Maxwell was being held at the county jail while pending
a court appearance.
It wasn't readily known if this genius had an attorney who could be contacted to make
a statement in this case.
Freedom Daily Reports:
Today the manager of the Alabama restaurant where Oakland A's catcher Bruce Maxwell
claims he was refused service by a pro-Trump waiter claims the ball tosser made up the
whole incident.
Bruce Maxwell, who to date is the only MLB player who has taken a knee during the playing
of our national anthem, claims the waiter recognized him after the so-called protest
and he refused to serve the ungrateful bubba.
But here is where the story gets interesting.
Apparently, according to the restaurant's manager Anne Whalen, who manages Keegan's
Restaurant in Huntsville, Alabama, the whole argument and refusal to serve was because
of alcohol, not politics as Maxwell claims.
She explained that one person at Maxwell's table had no ID to prove he was of legal drinking
age and the waiter refused to serve him a beer.
We know all too well most of these ball tossers aren't known for their class.
One thing led to another and the waiter ended up refusing to serve everyone in his party.
Via Fox News:
Oakland A's catcher Bruce Maxwell, 26, claimed this week that a waiter in his Alabama hometown
of Huntsville refused him service after identifying him as the MLB player who took the knee during
"The Star Spangled Banner" last month — only the waiter has a very different version
of events and he told Fox News that was far from what went down.
"He is outright lying.
This is really upsetting as he was given full service, I didn't even know who Bruce Maxwell
was," Matt Henry, a 42-year-old waiter at Keegan's Public House, told Fox News.
"This all started because I carded his friend who wanted to order a beer."
According to Henry, an Alabama native, Maxwell was dining with local Democratic councilman
Devyn Keith and another friend who produced an expired ID, and the server refused to serve
him a drink — which upset the friend, who followed him into the kitchen.
Matt Henry, the waiter at an Alabama restaurant who refutes Maxwell's claim that he was
not served because he took the knee.
"He asked me, 'Don't you know who Bruce Maxwell is?', and told me I was making everyone
feel uncomfortable.
Nobody was even paying attention to them," Henry claimed.
"I didn't know anything about him or the kneeling.
All I know is a friend of mine 15 years ago lost his job for serving someone a drink who
happened to be underage, so if anyone looks under 30, I'm going to card them."
The waiter said that the councilman then complained to the restaurant's manager about Maxwell
being uncomfortable, and the manager simply swapped me to another table, and that it was
"no big deal."
The restaurant manager on duty that day, Anne Whalen — who requested the restaurant name
not be used without permission from the owner — also told Fox News that Maxwell's story
being portrayed in the media could not be further from the truth.
"Matt came to me and told me that a guy wanted a beer but his ID was not valid and
I told him he absolutely could not give it to him, we can go to jail for that in the
state of Alabama," the manager said.
"It was his friend causing all the fuss, none of us even knew who this baseball player
I told him I had no idea who he was going on about," she said.
"Eventually Matt just asked if we could put another server on the table so I did.
… I can't believe the story."
As we can clearly see now, this man, who made $535,000 this year just for catching a ball
seems to be having some serious issues.
He has already been in the news twice in less than a week.
The average U.S. salary is $51,272.
So that would mean that this player makes over 10 times what the average American makes.
To put things into perspective here, it will take the average American over 10 years of
hard work to make what this ungrateful gun wielding liar makes in only 6 months of tossing
a damn ball around.
And he has the gall to kneel during the National Anthem, really?
What do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe.
Prince of Egypt Review || Movie Review (Spoiler Free) - Duration: 5:37.
Okay I'll just say I know the whole of the in movie "When You Believe" song even
the Hebrew bit not that I understand it but I know like the words and stuff
So this is my "The Prince of Egypt" review so this story is basically the biblical
retelling of the story of Moses and I got to know about this film because I
listen to Peter Hollins who does a cappella stuff on YouTube and one of my
favorite trucks of his is the Prince of Egypt Smedley so people always praise
this film they were present in the comments of that so I was kind of curious
as to what it was I had no idea what the film was I don't even know it was
animated at the time I just had no idea I was really really curious so I went
and watched it and that was a while ago and since then I've watched the film
again quite a few times so I know it pretty well so as I said before this is
the almost accurate story of Moses basically Moses is saved from the
Pharaoh's command to kill the firstborn by his mom putting him in a basket and
then putting him on to the Nile where he's then found by the Pharaoh's wife
he's then adopted by the Pharaoh and his wife and he grows up not knowing about
his past and while Egypt is still heavily using Hebrew slaves he
eventually finds out about his past and finds out that he's a Hebrew and would have
been a slave if he wasn't adopted and he also goes on to discover his father's
secret where he discovers that he wanted all firstborn boys to be killed from the
Hebrews so stuff happened and then he's commanded by God to free the slaves and
so we basically have to see whether he's able to free them or not so if you know the
story of Moses it's basically that although with the few adjustments to
make it more kind of fit into a film for example
it wasn't the Pharaoh's wife that found Moses it was his daughter but yeah this
is a film to be enjoyed as a film so the story I feel is told in the best way
possible they did a really really good job with that
it definitely surpassed my expectations although I didn't really know what was
going into I didn't think it was gonna be that good and yeah it's really well
made and the characters are portrayed really well
so Moses who's voiced by Val Kilmer is the main character and is the person
that's tasked with freeing all of the slaves in Egypt. Dreamworks does a great
job of showing all aspects of him where he's at one point working alongside the
Hebrews and at another point he is basically the Prince of Egypt the son of
Pharaoh and he's held up to that high standard and he's all snobby
and stuff and then there's Rameses who's voiced by Ralph Fiennes and he's the
son of the Pharaoh the biological son and he's eventually made to be the
Pharaoh because he's the eldest out of the two and he's a really good character
I feel because Dreamworks did a great job in making him do all the stuff that he
did but also letting the audience know exactly why he did the stuff that he did
even though it's obviously wrong the stuff they did so yes he was the
antagonist but you saw why he was the antagonist and what brought him to get
to that point which was really really good and then there's Tzipporah who's
voiced by Michelle Pfeiffer and she has an extremely strong personality she won't
let anyone boss her around yet she has a really nice personality if you get on
the good side of her and yes all the characters are pretty well rounded and
they do change over time which is always good to see in a film so anyway let's
move on to the visuals so officially this film is spectacle after spectacle
as I said I've watched this film a few times now but the scene that still blows
me away every time I watch it apparently it took 10 animators two years to do the
splitting the sea scene and to be honest I'm not surprised it looks so good and I
also love the calligraphy scene too. Scenes ranging from the burning bush
scene to the plague scene all took great and there's some really nice transitions
within the film too that looked really great and the animation itself was
really amazing they did a really great job with it
I especially really liked the hair blowing in the wind it was pretty much
throughout the film and it just looks really great especially on close-up
shots and yeah camera angles were great too so
yeah coincidentally amazing visuals again I forgot just how good they were
in this film but I didn't intentionally put this film after the last film I did
that looked great too and yeah audio was great too all the voice actors did a
really really great job but all the songs in this film are really memorable
and really well done and as I said and all the words to "When You Believe" and the
songs aren't out of place too they help carry the story along really
well and are really well fitting for their scenes and the notable one would
probably be "Deliver Us" which is right at the beginning of the film and it starts
off the film and it makes for a really really strong opening it fits really
well in with what's happening and it just as I said gives it a really strong
opening and I also love the score too with my favorites from it being "Red Sea"
and "The Burning Bush" so in conclusion this was a great mostly
accurate retelling of the story of Moses so no matter what your religion is or
even if you're an atheist this is a really enjoyable watch there's great
songs the soundtrack is great and there's some really really written
characters in here too the visuals as I said are stunning so yeah this film's
gonna be getting a 10 out of 10 for me because everything's pretty much perfect
and I don't see how they could have done it any better so really I loved every
part of this film it's definitely worth all the praise that it gets so yeah I can
personally tell that they put loads work into it and I do really really like
this film a lot but what are your thoughts on it be sure to leave them
down in the comments down below be sure to let me know what your score for this
film would be if you liked it be sure to give it a like be sure to subscribe and
I'll see you all on the next video bye
Spa Massage Video | Spa Day for Two at Bannatyne's Health Club:) Multiple Locations | Customer Revis - Duration: 4:33.
Spa day for Two at Vanity --Nz health Club multiple Locations
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