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For more infomation >> GR_ Wie man Chrome Update bei Verfügbarkeit erhalten kostenlos - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.105 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.27] - Duration: 33:46.
(Episode 105)
Are you awake?
Drink this and pull yourself together.
You seem to be awake,
so why don't you get up?
I have to talk to Officer Moo.
Snap out of it. This is a police station.
Don't you know what you did?
What did I do?
Jin Dohyeon.
Go ahead and tell me.
What did I do?
You're not at your home.
Do you have a death wish?
How dare you touch my son?
Let go of me.
Get down on your knees before Dohyeon right now!
How dare you!
You seem to be very confused.
Do your lecturing at home as
your son was brought in for causing a disturbance.
What did you say?
You should settle with the victim
instead of wasting your time here.
They already settled.
The victim won't press charges.
Wow. How resourceful.
You managed to settle already
after he smashed up a bar.
Take Dohyeon.
How dare you scoff at me?
Should I strip you of your job?
Or put you out on the street?
What? Who do you think you are?
That's enough.
You should go if you're done here.
You'll be arrested for obstructing justice
if you take this further.
Inspector Cha Taejin,
you know who I am, right?
Ignorance must make you brave.
I've gone easy on you for your mother's sake,
but not anymore.
If you don't want to die,
you'd better keep your head down.
Go visit your mother if you have time
to poke your nose into people's affairs.
He's a piece of work just as rumor has it.
He acts like he's led an exemplary life.
How shameless can he be?
do you know Chairman Jin?
He mentioned something
about your mother.
Don't worry about it.
There's nothing to it.
Yes, sir.
You must have felt uncomfortable
since he's your sister-in-law's father.
Geez. I don't know what to say.
I'm ashamed even seeing the staff here.
He's completely out of control.
I've had to deal with him a number of times,
but he surprises me every time.
I feel bad,
but I have to go on a business trip to Busan.
I'll be tied up there for 2 to 3 days.
It can't be helped.
Don't worry and have a safe trip.
- Take it easy, Officer Moo. / - Yes, sir.
What's keeping you?
Right... Good evening, sir.
It's all been taken care of, right?
Yes, sir. You have nothing to worry about.
May I ask you what this is about?
Dohyeon's been very distraught as of late.
It's nothing.
Don't worry about it.
You can go now.
It's me.
Cha Taejin has to be taught a proper lesson.
Pummel him half to death
so he can smarten up.
Where could she have gone?
So you haven't heard since that call earlier?
She hasn't called since telling me
she'd be right there.
Did you go to her studio?
She wasn't there when I checked.
Did you call your in-laws?
Why don't you call? Who knows?
I'm back.
Why is it so serious here?
Is something wrong?
Your sister-in-law isn't back nor is she
answering her phone.
Then we can't just dilly-dally here.
Could she have gotten into an accident?
Jin Bora.
What happened?
I'm sorry, Mother.
Bora, you should've called at least.
Did something happen?
Leave them be.
Has she gotten into the habit of worrying people?
It's enough she worried us once.
Look at the time.
I'm sure something came up.
Nevertheless, she should've answered her phone.
She said she'd be right there
and then not a word,
so imagine how worried your brother was.
Geez. Just unbelievable.
What happened?
I asked you what happened.
I'm tired.
Let's talk tomorrow.
You're tired after driving me mad all day
by not calling?
I'm sorry.
Something's wrong, right?
No, nothing's wrong.
Something's definitely wrong.
What is it?
- Suhyeok... / - Tell me what it is.
I don't want to talk right now.
Do you really want to drive me mad?
Did your father call you over?
So he did.
Why? Did he say something?
That's enough.
Leave me alone.
Please, okay?
Jin Bora.
Please leave me alone.
You know who I am, right?
Ignorance must make you brave.
I've gone easy on you for your mother's sake,
but not anymore.
If you don't want to die,
you'd better keep your head down.
Come have some fruit.
I had a large dinner.
Do you want to talk to me?
Yes. Your mom's been hospitalized.
Your mom must have left Chairman Jin's house.
I'm worried about her,
but I'm worried more about you.
Chairman Jin has a nasty temper to begin with,
so if he harbors a grudge
and attacks you...
What can he do to a Korean police officer?
I wouldn't worry if only he were
that reasonable.
Don't worry too much.
I'm being careful anyway.
I'm largely to blame.
Why would you suddenly say that?
What did you do?
Look at you getting all worked up.
Way back, I was like you too.
I resented your mom a lot, focusing only on
the shame she caused me
by getting into trouble in my jurisdiction.
But today when I saw her,
it really hit me that I'd wronged her.
If I hadn't turned my back on her,
she wouldn't have lived like this.
I'd like you to visit your mom...
But that'd be a no, right?
Don't overstrain yourself.
Go to bed early.
You insist on going today as well?
Of course. A man must
finish what he sets out to do.
Be careful.
Yes, Father.
I haven't given you permission yet.
He doesn't need your permission.
Is Baekho your son?
You're getting worse because he's nice to you.
Do you have any idea how...
I'll get going.
You can't return if you go.
You can't return to my room again.
Kang Baekho.
If you're going to miss me that badly,
hurry up and go to bed.
I'll be right there when you open your eyes.
Oh? Look.
Why you little...
You're so lucky.
Are you mocking me?
Why would I do that?
I'm truly envious.
Should I give you my whole life story?
Debt collectors stormed my son's school,
I couldn't even pay the interest even though
I toiled away all day,
my heart dropped every time the phone rang...
That's how I lived for over 10 years.
Despite all that, Juyeong's father
even slapped me.
He used to be a good man,
but when things kept getting worse,
that's how he changed.
Why are you telling me this?
So you can find comfort by looking at me.
When you hear how bad others have it,
you realize you're still doing okay.
That's how our minds work.
If I were you, I'd be on cloud nine every day.
You have a nice son and a devoted husband.
So don't play the world's smallest violin,
oblivious to how lucky you are.
Ms. Oh.
What I told you today is a secret.
You can't tell anyone.
I swear you're the first one I told.
It's okay. It'll all be okay.
You know virtual currency scams are rampant, right?
And it's evolving into illegal pyramid schemes,
so get the word out there
especially to keep innocent seniors safe.
That'll be all.
Thank you.
Officer Choi, so how much will he settle for?
He must be insane.
Isn't this basically robbery?
So will he sue if you don't pay up?
Of course.
He says he'll get me fired.
That's not fair.
I really don't know what to do.
Settling is the only way,
but I'm penniless.
What do we do, sir?
This just isn't fair.
How can he do this over a mistake?
Geez. This is bad. This is bad.
Good grief.
Hurry up and eat.
You must have gone without food all day.
I'm all set.
No, you're not.
A man must remain strong at times like this.
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough.
Geez, this is maddening.
What are we going to do?
It really is a problem.
That guy yesterday is the chairman of Seoul Corp?
How'd your brother marry into such a rich family?
What do you mean how?
He and my sister-in-law fell madly in love.
Must be hard on your family
to deal with someone like him.
Frankly, it is quite hard.
What good is it to have nothing but money?
And then there's him worrying sick as he's poor.
How annoying.
I'm sure Bora had her reason.
So what is that reason?
Shouldn't she at least tell me what it is?
Maybe it's something she can't talk about.
Man. This is so frustrating.
Maybe something happened with her family.
What else could it be but that?
What did your mom and dad say?
Dad said it was very good.
Mom said it was okay too.
Right. I think you're talented too,
so let's enjoy this even more,
Are you not feeling well?
You seem ill.
Oh... No.
You'll keep your mom waiting.
Run along.
- Bye. / - So long.
Let's have lunch together.
I'll come to you.
I'm sorry, but I have plans.
See you at home.
(Our Baby)
Is there anyone out there who doesn't do wrong?
People wrong others in the course of life.
And when they ask for forgiveness, you forgive.
Is that so impossible?
Yes, it's impossible.
Have you never done wrong?
Must a wrongdoer never get a second chance?
Once a wrongdoer, always a wrongdoer?
Can't a wrongdoer get a chance to start over?
That's just so unfair.
It's me.
Make time for me today.
Mr. Jin, I'm a bit busy.
There's something I must tell you.
Unless I do so today,
I don't think I'll ever be able to.
So please make time for me today no matter what.
I beg you.
Okay. See you later then.
Inspector Cha, this is Oh Deokpal.
What is this regarding?
Man, I don't know what to do.
I'm not sure I should be telling you.
What is it?
Spotty says he wants to meet.
You heard from Spotty?
Have a good evening. I have to run.
I thought I saw something whiz past.
There's only one reason Officer Moo bolts out
when the day's over.
She must be going to pick up her daughter.
Working moms in Korea have it tough.
Inspector Cha,
let's have a planning meeting
over beer at Daebak Nara.
I'm sorry, sir, but I have plans.
Oh well, if you have plans.
Run along.
I'll get going then.
Assistant Inspector Park isn't here either,
so those two can't bail.
I'll get going too.
You're not going anywhere.
This meeting's about you.
That's right.
Let's drink away, just the three of us.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on.
Here you go.
Won't Taejin be joining you?
Officer Moo isn't here either.
They had plans.
Oh, I see.
You've gotten even prettier, Eunju.
Oh, please.
We need to thank Officer Moo for saving our son.
Please tell her to stop by when she can.
She only did her duty as a police officer.
Haechan's doing well at school?
Yes, thanks to all of you.
Enjoy the chicken and beer then.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
What do you mean?
Sounds like Taejin and Officer Moo are together.
I don't know. It hurts my head.
They'll figure things out.
- Cheers. / - Cheers.
I'm really sorry about everything.
You didn't do it on purpose.
Don't let it get you down.
Yes, sir.
I heard you're meeting the victim tomorrow.
Go plead with him to go easy on you.
I doubt that would do anything.
You need to figure a way out of trouble.
Why give up before even trying?
I really don't care for this.
It's because I feel so cornered.
Fine. Give up then. Just give up.
Senior Officer Jang, why are you drinking so fast?
It's because I'm upset.
And what's with Inspector Cha and Officer Moo?
Where's their loyalty to bail like that?
They had plans.
I'll ask around too,
so let's figure out a way.
You passed the difficult police exam,
so this is nothing, right?
I really wanted to be a great cop.
What in the world are you saying?
Hey, drink away.
Senior Inspector Lee says he's buying.
Yes, let's drink.
Power-tripping jerks are angering us,
so let's drink the night away.
It's Officer Moo.
Officer Moo.
Sir, you need to come right away.
Yes, okay.
Let's move. Police business.
You need to settle the bill.
Who do you think you are?
Don't you dare lay a finger on him.
Don't come closer.
Are you okay?
Yes. What about you?
What happened?
You want me to go empty-handed,
leaving behind all this wealth?
I can't do that.
Mr. Jin Daegap, you underestimated me.
What? Cha Taejin got away?
Why can't you do your job properly?
What? A female cop?
So that Moo Gunghwa brat jumped in
to save Cha Taejin, right?
Darn it.
You heard, right?
What's going on?
I sent the boys to teach Cha Taejin a lesson,
but Moo Gunghwa risked her life to save him.
You're not thinking of getting together
with her after this, are you?
They're so madly in love!
I told you I can't give her up.
I'll kill Cha Taejin if I have to
in order to make Moo Gunghwa mine.
Have you lost your mind?
Don't you know who she is?
The world's littered with women.
Yes, I've lost my mind!
She was married to the cop you killed.
You'll live with the wife and child of your victim?
That's right!
I'm going to live with her.
That'll be a good way to make amends.
Right, Dad?
I'm going to make her happy. Me!
And I'll raise their child too!
How dare you!
How is he?
I warned you last time
that another collapse may prove fatal.
He might not wake up easily this time.
Let's see how he does.
Even if you'd come,
I probably couldn't have told you the truth.
Be that as it may, Moo Gunghwa,
you still should've come to me.
Mr. Cheon Yangbae.
Or should I call you Spotty?
This is Jin Dohyeon.
I think we must meet.
Officer Moo saved Taejin.
I hope you don't worry your partner again.
I told you they're meant for each other.
How many times has she helped us?
I'd like to see Chairman Jin myself.
Keep a very close eye on Cha Taejin.
Spotty must be worried sick given
the state of his financier.
Do you recognize me?
Why are you nursing him?
I'm sure you know very well why.
Is something wrong with Bora?
I think she saw Father recently,
and she's been acting strangely since.
I'm so very sorry.
Hulk vs Helicopters | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:13.
Mayday! Mayday! Ah, shit!
Tango Four is down. Have C-SAR respond to our 20 ASAP.
We're okay, but, damn it, get him off us before he tears us apart!
I've got no shot. Do you have a clear line of fire?
Watch it, Tango Flight.
Break left! Break left!
Tango Three, pull back and set up for a Hellfire shot.
Hold your fire till we draw him off.
Tango One is hot. Gun wazzed.
Roger. Going hot. Guns ready.
Engage at will.
Tango One, pull back! Clear my line!
Tango Flight, clear back. I've got him painted for Hellfire.
Roger that. Tango One clear. Take the shot.
Tango One, Tango Three. I have contact.
Holy shit! He's got my missile!
Mayday! Mayday!
Mayday! Mayday! We're hit! We're going down!
Give me a head count.
Tango Three, give me a sit rep.
Our kite's busted up, but we're okay.
Tango Flight, do you have eyes on the target?
Tango One, I have him in the rocks.
Salvo all. Turn it into a parking lot.
T-bolt, your parking lot is ready.
We're bingo for fuel and ammo. R. T.B.
Bjorn and Bucky 🐻 Best Cartoon Collection 🐻 Episodes (21-30) Moolt Kids Toons - Duration: 50:27.
Just the Right Size
Just the Right Size
Nice try! Almost!
...I'm telling you... that trolls are a trillion percent real.
Sure they are.
They're as big as mountains!
And terribly mean and ugly!
Hey, Franny, why aren't you eating cherries? Don't you like 'em?
I love 'em... But I can't reach 'em.
Alrighty, then...
Y'know, this tree would barely come up to a troll's knees.
You guys never change!
You care more about trolls or whatever than me.
Don't be silly. We care about you, Franny.
Hey, trolls don't even exist.
But you're completely real.
Ooh, Franny!
I think I know what can be done to help you! Hey, we're going to build Franny something...a fancy ladder just for her so she can reach cherries.
Awesome plan!
My workshop is out of bounds for little kids!
Hey, why don't you go swing or something? We'll be right back! Bjorn, close the curtains! ...This is gonna be awesome!
"""No little kids!"" That's all I ever hear."
I'm sick of being little!
I am!
Ladder's are okay!
But this'll be waaaayyy cool!
Well, it's done! The Larger-Charger!
Hey, where's Fran?
The trolls ate her…Eh, she's probably picking flowers somewhere.
Or trying to pick cherries...
Let's go find her.
New invention?
Larger-Charger, huh?
I wonder if it'll make me bigger?
Hey, what happened to me?
Where could Franny have possibly gone?
That girl's always so much trouble.
It's a… TROLL!
It's a… TROLL!
Not a troll! It's Franny, guys.
Look, it's... Franny.
So you used the Larger-Charger without even asking first?
I just wanted to be big enough...so you guys'd have to notice me!
Well, you're certainly hard to miss like this!
Don't be upset, Franny. We'll think of a way to help!!
I don't wanna be a troll!
Just stop crying! You're acting like a big baby!
I can't help it!
I want to be little... Like I was before! I don't want to be big!
I don't want to be a whale-fox!!
We made something so you won't be too small anymore!
Bucky, it's time. Get Franny's big surprise, please.
Oh, please... just not the Larger-Charger!
I've never heard of that, but this is yours! To get at high branches. The Super-Climb-a-tron!
You made me a ladder of my very own?
A "ladder"? This is no ordinary ladder... it's a Super-Climb-a-tron! With an advanced platform system, and dual-bear transport action.
So, Franny... you can pick all the yummy cherries that you'd like now.
Come try it out.
Yeah! Climb-o-tronic, baby!!
I am telling you that trolls are absotively for real!
Uh-huh... Yeah, sure they are. I suppose that trolls can just rip trees right from the ground, too.
Yeah, of course.
Silly bears, I just adore you.
hello I'm Sonny Williams I'm up here on
the International Space Station no want
to say where we are so right now we're
in the Japanese laboratory it's one
laboratory out of many here on the
International Space Station it's
actually on the left-hand side if I was
International Space Station and I was
flying through space like this my left
hand would be where the Japanese
laboratory is so now again we're on the
right hand side all the way on the right
of the International Space Station this
is Columbus the European module it has
science experiments all over you could
see it looks a little bit crowded and
here we do a lot of our medical
so this is no - this is a really cool
module of course most of these modules
you'll see they have four sides and
they're put together that way we could
sort of wat work on a flat plane either
a wall a floor another wall or the
ceiling but you know again all you have
to do is turn yourself and your
reference changes the reason I'm
bringing that up is because this is
where four out of six of us sleep and so
people always ask about sleeping in
space do you lie down are you in a bed
not really because it doesn't matter you
don't really have the sensation of lying
down you just sit in your sleeping bag
so here's one sleep station right here
I'm going in right now you can follow me
if you want
so I'm inside it's sort of like a little
phone booth but it's pretty comfy I've
got a sleeping bag right here that we
sleep in so we don't have a sort of like
a little bit of a cover and we don't fly
all over the place
but you know you can sleep in any
orientation I have it sleeping feeling
like I'm standing up right now but like
you saw him on the floor but it doesn't
matter if I turn over and I sleep upside
down I can't have it I don't have any
sensation in my head that tells me that
I'm upside down so it really doesn't
matter the sleep station is also like a
little office we've got a computer in
here as you can see we've got a couple
little toys I've got some books I've got
some clothes with other things that make
it sort of like home I'm coming out
and just for reference that's one sleep
station this one's another
right here
there's one on the ceiling if you want
to call it right here and then there's a
fourth on the other wall over here so
all of us sleep in a little bit of a
circle all right come on back there's
more to show you
here we are in the u.s. laboratory again
this is a laboratory with science
experience on all of the walls here all
sorts of stuff that we do and one of the
things we also do is we exercise we have
some exercise equipment on board the
space station we need to do that because
we lose bone density and muscle mass
while we're up here and that's a result
of not having to fight against gravity
so how we keep ourselves in shape are
with a bike a treadmill and a
weightlifting machine this is the bike
you notice the clip the pedals so all
you need to do is actually clip your
feet in and then you can start pedaling
you don't need a seat because you don't
sit down actually I haven't sat down for
six months now so you don't need any any
type of seat just make sure you're
you're held in with your pedals you
probably see that the bike bounces
around a little bit as I move it it's
not steady and held to the wall firmly
and the reason for that is
the space station is pretty big you saw
that there's also solar arrays on the
space station if we start putting any
forces into the space station it's going
to make those solar arrays bounce around
a little bit so to prevent that the
machines bounce around a little bit move
around a little bit and that way we
don't put any forces on to the structure
of the spacecraft out to the solar
arrays all right a little farther on
come on
here's a pretty cool place this is sort
of like in your house where everybody
meets in the morning after you wash your
face brush your teeth you want to find
something for breakfast and this is our
you might notice there's all sorts of
foods here it's like opening the
refrigerator you've got all your
different stuff that you want to have
drinks meats eggs vegetables cereals
bread snacks and that's a good place
that's where you find all the candy side
dishes and then some little power bars
just in case so we have all this type of
food some of it is dehydrated and so we
have to hydrate it fill it up with water
some of it is already made and then all
we have to do is heat it up so something
like this I'm pulling out barbecued beef
brisket pretty yummy not only is this
food made in the US but we also have
food here from Japan
we've got Russian food as you can see
all these red containers are filled with
food that's from Russia and then we get
some of our specialty stuff some things
that we like some of our favorite stuff
that your family can send up in fact I
like fluffernutter's and so I got sent
up some fluff so I could make my
fluffernutter with peanut butter so you
have a lot of food up here no problems
I'm here with my two buddies in the
airlock actually these are two
spacesuits that are ready primed up to
go outside as we call it to go do a
spacewalk in case we have to do any
thing outside some of the things we do
outside there's just like inside repairs
we have a lot of electrical boxes and
machinery in solar arrays in fact that I
talked about earlier that are outside
and sometimes they don't work quite
right remember space is really cold and
really hot and it's also the vacuum of
space with no pressure and so some of
the equipment doesn't work well all the
time so we might have to go out and do a
spacewalk right behind me is actually
the hatch that you go out into space and
right now we have it filled up with a
couple other spacesuits because we've
got four of them up here and some of our
tools but right behind here is the hatch
in which you actually go right outside
into the vacuum of space the space suit
is pretty big as you can see it's like
being a football player part of the
reason it's so big and bulky is because
of this backside this backpack it's like
going on a hike with a backpack but the
backpack and the suit weighs about 300
pounds luckily in space nothing really
weighs anything so you don't feel that
it's so heavy but we need to have such a
big suit because that guy back there is
essentially the heart of the space craft
this I call this actually a spacecraft
it has all the oxygen for you it has all
the carbon dioxide removal system for
you it also has a heating and cooling
system to make sure the regulate our
body temperatures while we're outside it
also has a computer so it tells you on a
display here if there's anything that is
going wrong with the suit if we're
running out of oxygen if we have too
much carbon dioxide
or any type of electrical problem so
it's a pretty awesome little spacecraft
and actually got to go out use my
spacecraft little spacecraft a couple
times and it worked like a charm lucky
that it works very nice you might want
to see what the helmet looks like it's
pretty cool too we don't usually go out
like this so you usually can see for the
helmets open so you can see what it
looks like inside somebody's little head
would be inside of here so you can see
you can turn your head all the way
around while you're inside of there but
the helmet stays still so it's
determined you're how far you could see
and it's usually pretty sunny out there
so we have to wear our sunglasses and
this is our sunglasses right here which
make you look pretty cool
here we are at the throne this is
you might see their little you might
have noticed a little moon on the
outside this is our orbital outhouse
right here
and of course it serves for two
number two right here I'll show you but
you see it's pretty small so you have to
have pretty good aim and you'll be ready
to make sure things get let go the right
direction and it smells a little bit so
I'm closing it up and that's of course
for number two and this guy right here
is for number one so there's sort of two
slightly separate functions but you can
do a little essentially both by hanging
on right here and doing number one and
number two I might add it's color-coded
so you really don't get it mixed up
which is nice this is yellows for number
one and also there's a selection of
paper people always ask about toilet
paper what do you do with toilet paper
what kind of toilet paper do you have we
have gloves just because sometimes it
does get messy we have some Russian
wipes which are a little bit coarse if
you like the coarse type of toilet paper
we have some nice tissues which are nice
and soft if you like soft toilet paper
we have Huggies just for any cleanup you
know we're all babies once and this sort
of helps and then if things get really
out of control we have
disinfectant wipes just to make sure we
clean up here because you know just like
the water I showed you the number one
stuff can sort of go all over the place
if you don't aim correctly and did I
mention both of these have a little bit
of section so they should keep things
going in the right direction
but like I said sometimes things get a
little out of control if you are out of
control yourself flying around so we
have lots of protective stuff and of
course you do have your privacy there's
a little door so other people know that
you're in there now I'm going to take
you to one of the coolest places on the
Space Station
it's like a glass-bottom boat this is
the cupola it stick sticks down below
the space station it's one of those
places you find yourself hanging out and
all the time because all you want to do
is look back at our planet I think some
questions I had were about what are you
doing your free time and you can't help
but want to just come to the cupola and
look outside as much as you can and a
lot of folks I play this game with
myself about where we're flying over the
earth I try to come in here and just
guess after being here for a little
while you can sort of figure it out you
can tell different cloud types over
different continents you can tell
different soil types over different
continents so let's see and then of
course there's a lot of ocean so usually
we're over the ocean at first glance I
will tell you in just a moment where we
there we go right now we are right over
Africa it's a little bit cloudy as you
can tell so we're right over the
continent of Africa hey what's that I
think that's a Soyuz spacecraft that's
the spacecraft that's taking us home to
Planet Earth today oh my gosh we might
have to go take a look at that that's
pretty cool it's a little bit smaller
than the rest of the spacecraft the
space station so you'll see if we get go
there it will be a little bit more
cramped well we're going you can look
all the way back to the back of the
spacecraft which is where the Russian
segment is and then you could look all
the way forward to the front of the
spacecraft where the where the Japanese
laboratory the European laboratory and
the American laboratory hey one thing I
didn't show you or I talked about but I
didn't show you was the exercise one
another piece of exercise device this is
what we call the a red and with this you
can lift weights
based on vacuum in these cylinders just
like you do at home at a gym for example
if I wanted to do a squat I could do it
like this which means some weight on
this thing I'm not lifting with anything
so it's dirty it's too easy
one of the cool things you could do you
could do things that you can't do at
home for example single leg squats with
just one leg because the other leg you
won't fall over so all sorts of stuff
you can also do bench press we have a
bench that we could add on here so you
can work on your beach muscles alright I
showed you the Soyuz let's go check it
hey Aki what are you doing down there
this is one of the cool things about
space - it sort of looks like there's a
big old hole here but you don't even
think twice about it you can just jump
over the hole or if you want you can go
jump into the hole I'm coming down back
up again like Superman we were lucky we
have a really cool big Space Station
that you can fly around and that's
actually called
the PMM you might have thought out the
window is a big silver canister what's
really great about that is it's
essentially our closet in our pantry or
whatever you want to call it
we have extra food down there we have
extra clothes we actually throw the
trash out down there so it's nice and
organized and we have all of our stuff
that we need while we're working in all
these other modules all stowed in this
location down here and it's a lot of fun
to play in now that's a lot bigger than
the Soyuz oh one thing we need to show
you is our patches here well we've been
up here we've been expedition 32 first
and then just recently we're leaving
will be
we were expedition 33 and there's all
the crew members who are up here with us
right now myself yuri malenchenko aki
hoshide if you couldn't read japanese
you've guinea tarelkin if you can read
Russian Oleg Novitsky and Kevin Ford who
just took over as the commander of the
space station and will be the commander
for the next couple months and he by the
way is behind the camera right now so
you can say hi Kevin they were going
into the Russian segment
you ready you don't need a passport
it goes a lot farther back than this
we'll go take a trip and say hello to
the boys down there in just a minute but
let's do that first actually then we'll
go down to the Soyuz at the very end
this is your beginning this is the FGB
and what's cool about this modular it is
actually the very first piece of the
space station that came up in 1998 the
space station has been around for about
now man for 12 years but it's been up in
space for about 14 years and this was
the very first it is like the Russians
PMM it has a lot of storage as you can
so here we are in the heart of the space
station really this is the service mall
module this is the central post in case
we had any problems I know when a couple
of the questions are about what type of
things do you have to worry about and
some of the things we have to worry
about in space are fire if we had a fire
if we had a depressurization like we
were kicked by a micrometeorite and they
made a hole or if we had some type of
toxic atmosphere we use ammonia for our
radiator so there is a possibility that
ammonia could come into the vehicle and
then it would be bad for all of us if we
have any of those problems we come right
here which we call the central post it
is the main heart of the space station
it was also the first computers that
came up here that ran the space station
so behind this wall right here are these
main computers so we gather here as a
group of three or six and then figure
out how we're gonna either fight the
fire patch the hole or solve the the
toxic spill and what's cool about this
module of course is the central post it
also has great windows right down toward
Earth it has controls to fly in visiting
spacecraft if
some assistance right here it has
Russian computers as well as American
computers to help us control anything we
need to on the space station it's a cup
of our crewmates back there live Oleg
Novitsky on the right and nearing
launching code on the left
there's also second bathroom here which
is really cool because six of us going
to but one bathroom is really tough and
so there's one bathroom here in one
bathroom on the other side where I
showed you and you can probably see on
the wall behind a leg and earring some
of the heroes of the space program
Korolev Sergei Korolev who was a chief
designer of putting men into space and
of course on the right hand side Yuri
Gagarin the first man
this reminds us of our roots
I'm gonna I'm gonna stop here just for a
quick second you can see on the Russian
spacecraft there's also other modules
that stick out down and above right here
is let's see I'm trying to be oriented
that's a place where we do spacewalks
trim for the Russians the Russian side
there's Russian spacesuits in here and
also a visiting vehicle which brought
fruits and vegetables and becomes a
trash container when we undock upon this
side is also a future place where
they're going to do spacewalks from and
connected to it is Kevin's a legs and
you're Ginny's Soyuz spacecraft
and I will still see hours Venezia at
the program
coming down
it's a little tricky getting in here
this is the docking probe right here
this big thing this helps us connect to
the spacecraft this probe actually
sticks into this cone
and that's how the spacecraft this our
Soyuz becomes connected to the ISS
initially that is then replaced by
clamps which are around here that will
allow the two spacecraft to be stuck
together and then you can remove the
probe in the cone
all right so here we are business or use
this is what we call the vet oh the
living compartment fit Savoy on second
Russian it also has a little bathroom
it's not as good as the other bathrooms
so we try not to use it too much
it has drinking water in it if we need
something to drink and then of course
it's filled up with a lot of cargo for
us for us bringing up and also bringing
back down it has a second purpose when
it comes back to earth it serves as a
garbage container during the descent
will will get rid of this area right
here and everything that's in it will
just burn up as it's coming into the
atmosphere so that way we can get rid of
a little bit of trash but the main area
where we were when launched and where we
are going to be on descent is down here
because we're not part of the trash so
we're in a safe place so we're in the
descent module si
it's a little small but you can get in
not sure how well you could see in here
hold on for a second
I'm gonna turn it up this way just so
you could see the hatch and you can see
Kevin it's a little bit small but we'll
come in and show you around just
starting to get ready we're preparing a
couple days ago for a ride home it's a
little bit squishy but everybody asks
how do you sit in the Sawyer's and you
sort of sit in your seat like this seat
is molded to your body and so you can
just sort of squish in here and be
pretty relaxed everybody has a handmade
seat for them and then of course there's
a control panel and that's where we do
most of our actions and work right here
there's hand controllers which you can
fly the vehicle with and there's a stick
right here primarily used for
communications when we're trying to talk
to the ground so three of us fit in here
like I said it's a little squishy but
somehow it seems like we all managed to
get in here and and fit pretty well and
it's a pretty safe ride home
you're probably wondering what's all
this junk behind us well it's all of our
parachute first of all and then it's all
of our survival gear just in case we end
up landing in some strange place on the
planet and nobody is there to rescue us
right away we have all sorts of survival
gear with us keeping us safe in here so
they're pretty much thought of
we'll be home on the planet within the
next 12 hours pretty shocking
Sunny and warm weekend turns cold starting Monday _ 102717 - Duration: 1:38.
Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
Michelle, the level of fine dust remains high for tonight.
Is it going to clear up tomorrow?
Daniel, luckily we'll have some refreshing air over the weekend.
There will be rain for some regions, but most areas including Seoul will be sunny and warm,..
so get out there and get some sunlight.
Looking more closely,...
Seoul will start off the morning at 11 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Busan begin at 11
and 16 degrees.
The nation will reach way above the seasonal average readings.
Seoul topping out at 24 degrees while Gwangju and Busan peak at 24 and 21 degrees.
Next week, the sun will stick around,... but an autumn chill is expected to hit the nation,
bringing our morning lows down to 4 degrees.
Meanwhile, there's another typhoon called SAOLA heading towards Japan.
By Sunday, the Korean peninsula will get an indirect impact with high waves and strong
wind on the coasts.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
노광일 인터뷰 화제|KT-KR - Duration: 11:12.
President Trump Has A Personal Reason On Declaring Opioid Crisis A 'Public Health Emergency' | TODAY - Duration: 2:40.
Biking the Czech Republic - DAY 13 [EPISODE 13] - Duration: 7:33.
I don't even know what day it is.
My name is Brian Cox,
but most people know me as The Travel Vlogger.
I am always in search of extraordinary experience,
and on this adventure
I will be biking over 700 kilometers across the Czech Republic.
Come with me
to see what makes this destination so special.
Dobrý deň and welcome to day 13.
We woke up super early this morning in Brno,
and grabbed a train and took it about 100 kilometers
to the town of,
I am going to apologize
because I can't pronounce it without looking.
The town of Strážnice.
and we are taking it to Otrokovice.
The total biking today will be about 47-48 kilometers.
So, let's go see what we are going to find
on this awesome journey.
Come on!
First thing we did was meet two new riders.
Lenka and Petr.
Our first stop was this family run shop,
That has been opened since 1905.
Famous for their traditional blue fabric,
died in indigo and decorated using wooden molds,
with various motifs to choose from.
It was really neat to see the process.
Next we would head to the town center.
Here we would climb up the watch tower,
where we would get a good view of the town,
as well as do this…
[bell ring]
It was finally time to start our journey.
We rode about 12 kilometers until we stopped
at another shop specializing in traditional folklore clothing.
Here I would learn so much about the different designs.
Every small town has it's own unique design,
and it changes depending on the age,
sex or marital status of the individual.
Thank goodness Petr was there,
he was great at translating and helping me understand.
Now we would follow the Bata Canal
for the next few kilometers
that is until we hit a bump in the road.
Garrett: Hey guys, Hey Brian.
Garrett: Why are you walking?
So we got another flat tire,
so I'm guessing that patch is no longer working,
that or we have got a new whole.
If we are lucky,
there will be a cycle point coming up.
As it turns out we thought we were super lucky,
because the flat tire happened about 1 kilometer away
probably less than 1 kilometer
away from this really nice bike shop
where they quickly put a tube in,
but that is when things took a turn for the worse.
Apparently we need a new tire.
There is kind of a rip in the tire.
The next place to buy the tire is 10 kilometers.
So, fingers crossed that the new tube holds up,
and that we can make it 10 kilometers
to get a new tire.
We decided this was a good time
to grab a quick bite to eat.
We just heard some amazing news.
The really awesome dude at the bike shop,
went to the other town while we were ordering lunch,
and he got us a new bike tire.
So we are totally ready to go,
as soon as I finish this amazing plate of ribs.
Czech ribs!
I was so happy to see the bike back in riding condition.
Now it was time to keep riding.
New tire is sexy!
Garrett: Alright!
That was really awesome that,
that guy was able to do that while we were eating lunch.
This is why I love the Czech Republic.
The people are super friendly, super nice.
I thought we were going to spend all day there
trying to get this all sorted out,
but really we at a fabulous lunch,
and got it all figured out
and even saw this really cool place if your are biking.
They have all kinds of cabins, a restaurant
and stuff for the family.
After about 8 kilometers,
we came up to another town
with another difficult name to pronounce.
Uherské Hradiště
This is where we would say good bye to Lenka,
And hello to Zdenek.
He was a jolly man
that was a wealth of knowledge and passion
for the region.
The first place he took us to see,
was a huge basilica in a small town.
What is this place called?
We are in the Velehrad.
Velehrad is very famous,
and very important pilgrimage place
in the Czech Republic,
but not only in the Czech Republic,
in all of middle Europe.
This basilica is the second biggest church
in the Czech Republic.
This place was an extrodinary surprise,
even more so
when we heard a young group of musicians practicing.
As we exited the basilica
we found out that Petr had to leave us.
We still had almost 30 kilometers left
until our end destination,
so we got back on the bikes and kicked it into high gear.
An hour later we needed a break.
It is pivo thirty, time to get some beer.
Beer for you.
Na zdraví.
That was just what we needed.
Loosening up our muscles
so that we could ride those last few kilometers.
The sun was setting and before we knew it.
We had arrived to our final destination.
We made it to Otrokovice.
About a 47 total kilometers.
I feel pretty good, I think I am getting used to it.
Just as the trip is winding down.
Tomorrow is our last day,
but here we are at the Harley Pub.
Microbrewery and pension.
I wonder what kind of trouble
we are going to get into tonight.
If you are a beer fan
and you like Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Then the Harley Pub is your holy land.
Attached you will find a museum
dedicated to all things made by Harley Davidson.
It is really worth a quick look.
If you have any questions about today's trip,
leave them in the comment box below.
If you liked this video, go ahead hit that like button.
Until next time…
On day 14
We ride to industrial city of Zlín,
Try on some wild hats in Nový Jičín.
Eat some Štamberk ears,
and finish the cross country journey in Ostrava.
To see tons of great photos from the journey,
or to post your own shots
be sure to check out these hashtags on Instagram.
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🔴 RV Living - Our Top 5 RV Bathroom MODS - Duration: 2:23.
In this video we're gonna share with you our top 5 RV bathroom mods for
and we're starting right now
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** Music **
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until next time remember live simple live free and enjoy the ride and we'll
see you next time we'll see you next time
İnadına Aşk-Αγαπη απο πεισμα επ 02 Ελληνικοι Υποτιτλοι - Duration: 1:52:08.
Supernatural 13x04 Promo "The Big Empty" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.
Видео VR 360 градусов прогулка с таксой по осеннему парку - Duration: 3:18.
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Review Trek Procaliber 8 (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:57.
The Trek Procaliber 8...
..is a XC hardtail with rear 'suspension'!
How do they do it?
Stay tuned!
The Netherlands is a real hardtail mountainbike country.
Our trails are quite flat...
..and we don't have any serious mountains.
We don't need full suspension bikes.
And a fully is more heavy.
...in the Netherlands more and more bumpy...
... and exciting trails are build.
And wouldn't it be sweet to have some suspension...
...in the rear of the bike.
That's exactly where the Trek Procaliber-series is developed for.
In it's frame Trek designed a way of 'suspension'...
...to easy up those small hard bumps...
...and get a more comfortable ride.
Let me explain how.
This is what the Procaliber is all about: the Isospeed decoupler.
It's been developed in 2012 for Trek's road bikes...
...by Trek engineers in cooperation with road bike racer Fabian Cancellara...
...to get a less fatiguing bike on European classic bike races on cobblestones.
Last year Isospeed was introduced in the Procaliber.
How does Isospeed work?
The word 'Decoupler' says it all:
it disconnects the seat tube from the toptube and seat stays.
Both tubes are connected with a pivot so the stiffness is not compromised...
...and the space between the tubes is filled with a 'plastic'.
This allows the seat tube a bit off flex...
...and bumps get absorbed.
So you get a more comfortabel ride.
With the Procaliber-series you have three frame material options:
The 6 and 8 have aluminium frames.
All the 9 versions are made of carbon fibers.
There is also a SuperLight carbon frame...
...that weights about 200 grams less.
This aluminum frame has a beautiful oversized downtube...
...to gain stiffness even when using really thin wall thinkness tubes.
What I don't really like is that some cables are...
...on the inside and others are on the outside.
But that is more aesthetics..
In the seat tube there is a opening for the cable of an adjustable seat post...
...it is not plugged....
... but it should be.
The frame has two places to mount a bottle cage.
The fork is a RockShox Reba RL.
Under the right fork leg you can adjust the rebound.
The rebound manages how fast (or slow) the fork reacts on bumps and...
...this depends on how you like it to be.
On the left top you can adjust the sag by...
...increasing or decreasing the air pressure in the fork...
...depending on your weight.
And on the top right the remote lockout.
With the lever on the handlebar.
The derailleurs are from Shimano.
A Deore XT with Shadow Plus in the rear.
Shadow Plus blocks the movement of the derailleur...
...resulting in less chain bounce and chain drop.
The cassette is an 11-speed.
The smallest gear has 11 tooth and the largest 42.
The large 42 is made out of aluminium...
...to reduce weight.
The others are made of steel.
The crank has two gears:
the smallest is a 26 and larger one a 36.
And I do like the fact that the Race Face crank arms are made of carbon.
Makes the bike a bit more technical and beautiful.
And talking of carbon. The seat post is also carbonfiber.
It is made by Bontrager....
...and Bontrager is Trek's own components brand.
The seat is from Bontrager...
...as the stem and the handlebar.
The handlebar is a whopping 720mm wide...
...and gives a total control of the bike.
Let's continue with the wheel sets...
Rims, hubs and tires... all Bontrager.
The bike I am testing has frame size 17.5".
Starting from 17.5" all bikes above have 29" wheel sets.
The smaller sizes - women 13.5" and men 15.5" - get 27.5" wheel sets.
So Trek decides for you what wheel set you get.
And that is fine: for smaller persons big wheels...
...are not an advantage.
The brakes are also from Shimano: MT500.
Rear and front a caliper with a single piston.
The fronts disc is 180 mm and the rear 160 mm.
What I really like....
...is the way the brake-levers and shifters...
...are mounted on the handlebar.
With just this small part...
... the handlebar has a nice clean look.
The brake levers are adjustable to fit all finger lengths.
You just need a 2.5 hex key to adjust it...
...to your personal needs.
But... beware...
...not every bike tools has a 2.5 hex key!
And the remote lockout is well in thumbs reach.
The brakes are pretty powerful...
...and the dosage is super!
Handy when the cameraman doesn't move ;-)
The riding position is sporty...
...and I love the wide handlebar!
As sad: we don't have real mountains...
...but we have some climbs.
With the 26 sprocket in the front...
...and the 42 in the rear...
...the bike must be capable for real mountains.
And what about the Isospeed decoupler?
On the trails with loads of washboards and tree roots...
...definitely YES!
I am a lucky person...
Trek allowed me two weeks testing with the Procaliber.
And I think Trek does something remarkable....
Within the Procaliber-series the 8 is one of the 'cheaper' bikes.
The price is € 1799,00.
That price is possible because of the aluminum frame...
... and not to high end components.
It's not the € 8000 9.9 SL
The Procaliber 8 weights almost 12 kg.
That's neat for a XC like this.
The components are decent.
Gearchange is smooth...
...and the brakes powerful but forgiving.
And the bike even has got a carbon seat post and crank.
The Isospeed decoupler...
...it does what it's supposed to do:
It takes the edge of bumps, tree roots, washboards.
I have the feeling this frame is more comfortable...
...than a hardtail.
Trek made a hardtail with 'suspension'!
12 kg... € 1799,00... The right components...
Trek hits the nail right on the head: a 5 star rating!
Dil Buffering | Paint My Love | Episode 5 - Duration: 10:55.
For breakfast, I don't like to eat anything sweet, Abby.
Who eats cupcakes without even brushing their teeth?
Mom, just like wine tasting has some rules
Cupcake tasting has some rules too, made by me of course.
I mean, I don't want your toothpaste's flavour
to interfere with my cupcake flavours.
This is a bit... It's like... How do I explain it to you?
Pretty please! My reputation is at stake.
I want one more.
I will have a half... Let me take one only.
Put the leftovers in the fridge.
Very good. - Yes! Yes!
Bro, I didn't see you. I'm sorry.
That's why you addressed me as a brother.
For you.
Marriage invitation?
My marriage with success.
The sweet taste of success.
It's tonight at 8 o'clock without you.
But yes, don't cry too much.
I hate tears.
'Art Show, TRU LOV.'
How is it connected to Abby?
The same way your job is connected to your salary.
Mr Gopala, the finesse,
the perspective you bring into your critique!
You're an artist yourself!
You have to be there. I'm a big fan.
Yes, I'm going to see you tonight.
Since it's such a big event,
don't you want to give me a preview or something?
I'm sorry, Abby,
but my opening is the opening for everyone.
Come on. That's not fair.
I let you taste my cupcakes.
So? - I gave you a preview of my art.
Abby, you're too cute to be true.
You think that baking cupcakes
is the same as creating a piece of art?
You know, you are too cute. Wait.
Hello? Mr Azmi...
Yes. You back? How was Berlin?
Great! Okay. I want to know all the details.
I'm going to see you tonight at 8.
Okay, bye.
You're not ready? - I am.
In fact, I dropped the cupcakes on the venue this morning. - Hello?
No, I mean your attire.
All the names from the world of art are going to be there.
So, just dress up.
Guess you're right.
I'll see you at 8 then.
Abbs, whatever I'm about to say, listen very carefully. Okay? - Yes.
Every moment, every famous person, and every pretty dress!
I want all the pictures, okay? - But what outfit should I wear?
Why don't you try this new black dress?
Show it to me.
Wow! - Looks nice.
Isn't it? It's done.
I'm so excited!
'What's a relationship?'
'Believe me, it's a beautiful experience'
'that makes you explore new things.'
'All the romantic people of Delhi,'
'real relationships are those'
'where you surrender yourself completely.'
'Just keep your ego in check,'
'and experience the beauty of love.'
'Open your heart to true love.'
Ah! Sorry!
Abby, you're here! Tu es charmante !
I thought you're going to miss this. - Of course, not.
In fact, I'm just coming from the cupcake counter.
You know, let that be.
Are you ready to be in the limelight?
Totally! - Yes?
And all the best to you. - Thanks a lot.
Hey, San!
Abby, two minutes. - Alright.
I'll see you. - Sure.
'He made such an intense artwork out of my note.'
'Am I the inspiration behind this entire exhibition?'
That is not mine.
Boarding pass?
I have to make you meet someone very important. - Hey...
Diandra, you have to meet her. Abby.
A baker par excellence.
And a very sweet friend. - 'Friend.'
Hey, Abby. Nice meeting you.
Hi. - By the way, you have sweetened this evening.
But it's you who made this evening intoxicating.
Thank you for all the wine. - Anything for you, my Sany boy.
After all, this is your first solo exhibition.
I can do anything for you, my love. - Honoured, mademoiselle.
I really loved what you did with my anklet.
I never thought I could be an inspiration for an artist.
I love you for that.
Let's just say, I have a twisted sense of beauty.
I'm an artist, so that happens.
You're a naughty boy, I must say.
Sandeep. - Yes.
Can I have a minute with you please?
Yes, just give me a minute. - Yes.
Yes? - Sure.
What's going on? I thought I'm your muse and
you get inspiration from me. - Definitely, I do.
But what's the point? - The point is that...
These girls that I'm seeing...
Every painting has a different story, a different girl...
I just... - Abby, are we getting a bit jealous out here?
What do you expect?
You even call this true love?
And it just feels like that all these girls
who are your inspiration,
you've been very closely...
attached with all of them. - I have... And I still am.
Abby, you know what, like every other time,
you're overreacting here as well.
Why don't you just chill tonight for me?
Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!
Are you doing yoga in the bathroom?
Hey, listen. Do you have a sanitary napkin?
I carry Sofy. Here...
Thanks. And I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to offend you about that yoga bit.
I don't know what to get offended by any more.
You know, art is only... - Hi, Sandeep!
Hey, hi!
How are you doing? - Nice work, darling. I just love it.
It looks better than what it looked in the studio, man!
Superb! - Exactly.
Exactly. - Wow!
You've seen its preview in the studio? - Preview?
They're all born out of me, baby. - No, not all of them, Koel.
Oh! Come on. That third one definitely is.
I loved the way you have incorporated
my boarding pass.
Wow! - Excuse me please.
Excuse me. Abby!
Can you stop acting like a little child please?
You're acting as if we guys were exclusive.
You know I don't do exclusive, right?
I don't know... - You know what, suit yourself.
I'm not going to leave my guests alone
just because you decide to throw a little tantrum.
And your cupcakes, send me a bill for it.
Actually, you know what, they're free.
Just like this.
Cheers to true love, guys. - Oh God!
Abby, wait up.
50-50? - What?
These are good.
They have always been good.
But I thought you did business only with the professionals.
And I'm not a professional, am I?
Well, I changed my mind. - Right.
Good show today.
The point where I got upset,
or the point where I threw the wine on his face?
The point where you put up a counter.
Your preparation was good.
The quality was consistent and...
I think it was a job good enough.
You think you're up for it?
Well, I guess you have changed your mind then.
Fine by me. - Gaurav.
I have changed my mind.
But not towards cupcakes, towards life.
So, 50-50?
Here's to new beginnings. - Cheers.
'So, this is my beautiful counter'
'where I'll sell my beautiful cupcakes.'
'Happier than the happy hours, is Abby Hours…'
'Thank you. - Excuse me, what should I pack for you?'
'I would love to have it, but I'm on a protein diet so...'
'But you just took a selfie with...
'With the girl whose video went viral.'
'Serial dumper turns into a baker.'
Hi, guys. Hope you liked the episode.
And as you must have seen that even though Diandra was mean to me,
I helped her out with a pad when she was in need.
That's because Sofy and I believe
that if a girl doesn't watch out for another girl, who will?
So, let's put these minor differences aside,
and pledge to stand up for each other.
Sofy says, 'Girl for girl.'
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