Driver, stop. Driver, stop.
Gunner, traverse left! Traverse left!
Clear back! Clear back!
Mr. President, I have some bad news, sir.
Well, let's have it, general.
I've briefed the President on Angry Man. I assume that's what this is about.
It is, ma'am. I'm requesting a National Command Authority override.
Angry Man is unsecure.
I need everything we have at my disposal in order to stop his movement.
You're expecting civilian casualties, general?
Not if I can help it, ma'am.
Consider it done. Keep us posted.
Contact Goodman Control.
Patch data to the assets.
Contact H.Q.
Have them initiate an immediate evacuation
in vicinity of grid coordinates 653-216.
For more infomation >> Hulk vs Tanks | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
The Time Zack Morris Sold Swimsuit Photos Of Underage Girls - Duration: 3:55.
♫ Zach Morris is trash
(school bell rings)
- [Narrator] Zack Morris enters the school store
where Kelly works to berate
and judge her coworkers for being different.
- There's nothing in here any normal person
would want to buy.
- [Narrator] Unable to accept
that this store he's never been to
sells stuff he doesn't like, Zack takes it upon himself
to get these nerds fired.
Zack makes his case to Mr. Belding.
- Their best seller is flesh colored bandaids for nerds.
- [Narrator] Then age shames him in his own office.
- You know you've proven
that people over 40 still belong in a workplace.
- [Narrator] Mr. Belding finally caves to Zack's bullying
and agrees to let Zack run the store,
but asks him to please handle
this delicate situation gracefully.
So Zack makes this announcement to the entire school.
- Will the three dweebs who used to run
the school store please report to the principal's office.
- [Narrator Zack gives the store a makeover,
replacing all the school supplies, textbooks
and SAT prep guides with sunglasses, beach balls,
and those books for kids that come
with a bag of magic tricks.
But for some reason, nobody is lining up
to buy Zack's novelty clock backpacks.
When the girls go to swimsuit practice
and Screech leaves for photo club,
Zack gets one of his signature great ideas.
- Screech, go get your camera.
We're gonna take pictures of the girls in the pool.
- [Narrator] Yikes, Zack sends Screech in full scuba gear
to take pictures of the female swim team
without their consent so he can sell them
in a Girls Of Bayside swimsuit calendar for $5 a pop.
The girls are excited about the new customers,
until they see the giant cardboard cutouts,
of some super casual candid moments at practice,
advertising the unauthorized calendars.
They demand Zack stop selling them immediately, he refuses.
Mr. Belding tells Zack to destroy every last calendar,
when a strange man with a goatee appears who was drawn
to the school thanks to the photos of underage girls
in bathing suits that his friend who works
at a print shop showed him.
He says he's a fashion magazine photographer
and is looking for three models for an upcoming spread
on high school fashion, which everyone believes
even though this creep looks like
he got dressed in the dark.
The girls jump at the chance to be famous
and Zack says he's happy to recommend them
as the best models in the calendar
if they agree to let him keep selling.
The girls agree to Zack's extortion.
The girls have a photo shoot all over school,
including at the student store
which means they had to close it for business,
and the pictures turn out great!
So great that this man who they just met
and for some reason still believe works in fashion
despite that shirt, wants to take Kelly
to Paris for a month for more photo shoots.
Zack narcissistically makes this all about him and decides
to sabotage Kelly's potentially life changing opportunity.
- If Kelly goes to Paris, she'll forget about me forever.
I've gotta find some way to make her stay.
- [Narrator] Zack begins psychologically manipulating Kelly,
first reminding the girls that Paris
means she'll miss their upcoming swim meet.
Then telling Slater Paris means she won't be able
to work with him on their science project.
Then asking Screech to pretend to cry,
and telling Kelly he doesn't want to make her feel bad
or anything but Screech is crying
because she's missing his birthday next week.
- Gosh, I feel like I'm disappointing everybody.
- [Narrator] The gang tries to take Kelly
to a goodbye lunch, but she can't make it
because of one last photo shoot.
Zack says he'll invite everybody to the photo shoot,
which sounds great to Kelly, then Zack turns around
and lies to his friends that Kelly doesn't want them there
because it's unprofessional.
Zack arrives at Kelly's photo shoot alone
and says nobody came because they're angry at her
for all the ways she's let them down.
This emotionally destroys Kelly forcing her to
run off the set in tears.
The creep in the ugly shirt sees
right through Zack's mind games,
shames him for taking away Kelly's opportunity,
and is somehow the voice of reason in all of this.
Zack shows up at Kelly's house to confess and apologize.
And gives her permission to go to Paris
because he still thinks he owns her
because he never learned anything.
Let's review.
Zack Morris got three innocent students fired,
turned a high school student store
into his personal toy chest, sold illegal swimsuit photos
of his underage classmates,
which brought this creep out of the woodwork,
and when this gave Kelly a life changing opportunity,
he psychologically manipulated her
into feeling bad about it, and never learned anything
from any of it.
Zack Morris is trash.
♫ Zach Morris is trash
(school bell rings)
How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017 - Duration: 10:09.
How Earn Money 15$ to 20$ Daily From Appgreedy Android Mobile App 2017
San Francisco Scene | Hulk (2003) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.
To all aircraft. Vicinity of San Francisco.
This is DEVO armed guard.
This area has been declared restricted airspace.
All aircraft are ordered to clear the airspace immediately.
Echo, One-Niner. Weapons are hot.
Target acquired. Waiting your orders to engage.
Repeat, waiting your orders to engage.
Command code yellow. Hold for authorization.
All units, hold your fire.
This is T-Bolt to all assets. You have direct orders to hold your fire.
I repeat, hold your fire.
Echo One-Niner. Roger that.
Go go, go, go, go, go!
Engine 24 to command. We are in position now.
You found me.
You weren't that hard to find.
Yes, I was.
EP065: Comic Book Origins - Superman - Duration: 10:19.
[Main Theme]
Hello everyone!
And welcome to our very special 65th episode of MajestiComic.
Over the past sixty-four episodes, we have profiled some of the greatest superheroes
in all of comic books.
Today, though, it is finally time to bring you the superhero who started it all: Superman.
Standing for truth, justice, and the American way, Superman was meant to be one of the greatest
heroes of all time, and something that we should all aspire to be.
He was the first real, bona fide superhero to ever get his own comic book, and has inspired
hundreds of characters and touched millions of lives since he first appeared in Action
Comics in 1938.
Most comic book fans know this, of course, but what they may not know is that there is
more to the story.
Superman as we know him – the strong, brave, bold Kryptonian who came to Earth as a baby
and was raised as a kindhearted farmboy by an older couple from Kansas – is actually
a second draft.
The original Superman actually appeared in a short story in 1933, and was not really
very super or heroic at all.
Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster, the creators of both this original Superman and the Superman
we know and love, were in high school when they first began writing and drawing comics.
They then tried to sell their stories to magazines and other publications to make money.
This was during the Great Depression, and money was tight.
Unfortunately, though, all of the magazines they queried weren't interested, as their
work was something completely new and different.
So, Siegel and Schuster went into business for themselves, and began to print their own
With Siegel as the writer and Shuster as the artist, the pair produced a magazine dedicated
to science fiction stories, which was where they eventually came to print their first
incarnation of Superman.
As I said before, this Superman was not like the Clark Kent version of Superman.
In fact, the name itself was spelled a bit differently, with a hyphen between the "super"
and the "man."
The Reign of the Super-Man was a story inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of an Ubermench,
which translates roughly to "superman," or to "overman" or "hyperhuman," – in
other words, a man with greater powers than a human is meant to have.
This idea had been used by many different authors and scholars at many different points
in history – in fact, the word "superman" was being used in English as early as 1903
– but for their story, Siegel and Shuster imagined this "super-man" as a weak man
who gained incredible telepathic powers and set out to rule the world.
He was a bald man, and looked more like the popular Superman villain Lex Luthor than the
Superman we know, and he was more of an allegory on the dangers of power than a true comic
book character.
So, that Super-man faded into obscurity, and Siegel and Shuster later decided to take out
the hyphen and start all over with their Superman character.
Finding inspiration in mythology and heroic tales of the past like Hercules and the Biblical
Samson, as well as characters from pulp magazines like Doc Savage and Buck Rogers, Siegel and
Shuster created an all-new person, a hero this time.
This character wasn't out to destroy the world, he was out to save it, fighting against
real-life threats like Hitler and Stalin, as well as your average low-life thugs from
the street.
They created a costume for him that resembled that of a circus performer or an astronaut,
and that costume would go on to be the prototype for nearly all of the superheroes who came
after him.
They gave him handsome, movie-star looks reminiscent of a popular actor of the time named Douglas
Fairbanks, and they gave his an alter ego a name that combined the Clark from actor
Clark Gable, and the Kent from actor Kent Taylor.
Everything about him seemed to be made to appeal to the average American reader... but
yet, their first attempts to publicize Superman were completely unsuccessful.
The pair tried to pitch their idea to many comic book publishers, but they got rejected
over and over again.
The publishers had only really seen comics that featured characters who were human beings,
and who had real-life powers.
This man with super strength and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound was
too quote "fanciful" for them, and they didn't see how it would work.
Fortunately, though, it only takes one person to give you a chance to show what your character
is made of, and National Allied Comics gave Siegel and Shuster that chance.
In 1938, the company that would later become DC Comics published Action Comics #1, an anthology
that featured many other characters in addition to the duo's revamped Superman.
This Superman character, though, turned out to be wildly, ridiculously, unprecedentedly
popular, and almost immediately had to be given his own solo comic book series.
Since then, Superman has been going strong, and his story has never stopped.
But where did that story start, though?
We know the origins of the Superman comic book, and how it came to be, but what about
the character of Superman?
What is his origin story?
Let's take a look at it now and find out.
As most DC fans know, DC Comics often reboots or reimagines the origin stories for many
of their characters every decade or so, and Superman is no exception.
In the 1930s and 40s, known as the Golden Age of Comics, Superman's origin begins
on the planet Krypton, as it does in the other versions as well.
At this point, though, he is called Kal-L, son of Jor-L, a Kryptonian scientist.
Jor-L discovers that the planet is about to explode, but no one believes him.
With no time left and no hope of saving themselves, Jor-L and his wife, Lara, put their baby in
a small spaceship and send him to Earth.
When the ship arrives on Earth, it is discovered by an older couple named Jonathan and Mary
At first they are not sure if they can raise a child, so they consider sending him to live
in an orphanage.
In the end, though, they decide to raise the baby as their own, and name him Clark.
As Clark grows up, he begins to develop more and more incredible powers, such as super
strength and x-ray vision, but they love him just the same.
Unfortunately, though, in this incarnation Jonathan and Mary both die, but before they
do, they call Clark Superman for the first time, and beg him to use his powers for good,
and for justice.
So, with this in mind, Superman moves to the big city of Metropolis, where his alter ego
Clark Kent gets a job as a reporter at the Daily Planet newspaper, and his superhero
alias Superman begins saving the world.
This first version of Superman, though, was a bit ruthless when it came to fighting crime.
He used a lot of brute force, and often killed people.
In the late 1940s, though, a new editor gained control of the project and banned Superman
from killing anyone.
So, Superman declared that he would never kill again, and if he did, he swore he would
retire from the superhero business.
In this version, Lois Lane is introduced as Clark –slash-Superman's love interest
and eventual wife, and Lex Luthor is introduced as his archenemy.
These things stay pretty much the same when the story is revamped in the Silver Age of
The Silver Age is also when we began to see the introduction of other members of the Superman
family, like Superboy, Krypto the Superdog, and Supergirl, who we profiled in a previous
video, as well as some of his most notable adversaries, like Bizarro, who we will profile
in the future.
The story of Clark Kent, though, was fleshed out as well, and we see that baby Kal-El's
ship lands in a small Kansas town called Smallville, where Clark begins exhibiting his powers even
when he was just an infant.
His parents are Jonathan and Martha this time, and a teenaged Clark now has two best friends
to connect him to his second hometown – Lana Lang and Pete Ross.
If you have watched the CW series Smallville, you will recognize that this Silver Age comic
is the basis for that particular Superman show.
In the comic book version, though, Jonathan and Martha still die (even if they live in
future versions), this time of a terrible disease that Superman just cannot cure.
But before they die, though, Clark convinces his mother to sew him a superhero costume,
so he can fight crime.
After Jonathan and Martha's deaths, Clark goes to Metropolis University, moves to Metropolis,
and eventually becomes the Superman he was meant to be.
As Superman, with even more new powers fueled by Earth's yellow sun, Clark not only fights
crime on his own, but he often joins forces with other heroes like Batman and Wonder Woman.
His most important connection, though, is probably with Lois Lane, the woman who, in
some incarnations of the story, eventually becomes his wife.
She loves both Clark Kent and Superman, which is lucky, since they turned out to be the
same person!
We will go into more detail on Lois in a future video (because this one is getting a bit long...
haha), but she, too, was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to be a perfect match
for Superman.
She is tough, feisty, and would do anything to get a story for the Daily Planet... including
faking an accident to get the scoop on Metropolis' newest superhero.
Lois and Superman first met when he came to save her from an incident of her own making,
but she first met Clark when she went to turn in the story she had written about that incident.
When she went to hand in her report, she found that an article had already been written about
it – by a new reporter named Clark Kent.
She was furious with him at first, but eventually she and Clark became good friends, and the
rest, as you know, is history.
Superman, being one of the most important characters ever to appear in comic books,
obviously has a very rich, detailed history, and we have only just begun to scratch its
surface in this short video.
For now, though, the important thing to know is that Superman is responsible for bringing
the idea of superheroes into our lives, and for giving us something greater than ourselves
to believe in.
What are your thoughts on Superman?
Let us know in the comments section!
While you're here, don't forget to subscribe to our channel, and to follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, and Google+.
If you like talking about comics, you can also join our forum at
Thanks for watching!
Until next time.
[Credits theme]
Тверь (улица Паши Савельевой → улица Склизкова) (06/2016) - Duration: 26:08.
71Ekattor Tv News 28 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News bangla - Duration: 21:55.
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Fischiettando ft. Google Translate (Electronic) - Duration: 3:25.
Goodmorning (in a satirical way)
I'm Google's vocal synthesizer and for some strange reason this song has a terrible voice
I don't want questions
don't ask me why Corroid has had this fucking idea
oh, the drop is coming
it will be awful for sure
shitty electronic song
create the coolest drop in the world
you're good, good, but I do it whistling
wait, what the fuck just happened?
I see, the record stopped
as always, my usual shitty bad luck
how much does this verse last?
ah, finally it changed a bit
you can be good but I do it whistling
Independent TV News 285 Octobor 2017 , Bangladesh Larest News , Today Bangla Breaking News , BD New - Duration: 18:10.
Independent TV News 285 Octobor 2017 , Bangladesh Larest News , Today Bangla Breaking News , BD New
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박상면 부인(아내) 김수경 결혼스토리|KT-KR - Duration: 3:49.
LinkCollider | Ganhar Seguidores | Marketing - Duration: 1:47.
The Flatterer (아부쟁이 얍) - Full Episode 9 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 19:03.
Web Drama
Without risk, there is no benefit. To gain one, I need to give to others too. But that doesn't mean I always gain something. Episode 9
You should sit, Hyungnim.
Okay, thanks.
Everyone go back to your seats. Get ready for class.
Hyungnim, we sincerely congratulate
your discharge!
We congratulate Ho Geol's discharge.
-You've all been well? -Yes
-Your hair looks good. -Yeah, you too.
Did you change your shampoo?
If Park Geon's dad is a boss of gangsters, then my dad
is the President.
His dad came to me and asked me to forgive his son.
Ha, this young jerk. He dared to fool us?
Do not worry. I, as a hyungnim, will show him what hell is.
And again I'm, Poonglang High's
If you don't like this, then tell your dad. You said he was the boss of gangsters.
Hey, get lost.
Run back.
Hey, loser.
Ah, poor life.
Why would you call your friend a loser?
I'm not friends with Park Geon.
So childish. They always bully those weaker than them.
Ms. Bong. I have feelings too. Don't take Park Geon's side so much in front of me.
What side? What you guys are doing is just so childish.
He brought that upon himself.
Yoo Dae Chi, I thought you had loyalty. I'm disappointed in you.
Speak for yourself. Why don't you be loyal to me?
You never worry about me. But you always worry about Park Geon.
Never mind.
Ms. Bong! Bong!
Who are you?
We need soju on days like these.
I became a loser at school because of you, do you know that?
Um, that's why...
What? How are you going to embarrass me this time?
This time, you should create your own group.
My own group?
Yes. In society, people always make their own group.
That enhances one's benefits. Those groups always keep benefits as a priority-
So what?
In our school, there are people who haven't created their own groups.
Who are they?
Yoo Dae Chi.
Yoo Dae Chi?
First of all, make Dae Chi be on your side.
Ahjussi is not here.
I didn't ask.
He went out earlier with Teacher Choi Mi Na.
I'm not curious.
Well, I just told you because I thought I should.
I, I came to eat cup noodles.
-How much is it? -A do, dollar.
I'll give it to you later.
First of all, make Dae Chi be on your side.
Hey, Yoo Dae Chi.
You like Bong Hui, right?
Mind your own business.
I'll help you get together with her.
What did you say?
Bong Hui listens to me all the time.
Don't insult Bong Hui.
I will help you get together with her.
Don't play with people's feelings.
Why you bastard. Are all my sincerities a joke?
Sincerity? Kids like you need some beating.
Don't be around Bong Hui.
I will help you get together with her.
Also, mind your own business.
I need to be friends with you.
If it's time to come, then why isn't he coming?
Hey, loser.
If you heard Hyungnims' voices, you should hurry up and say hello.
Do you want to get beat up?
I'm sorry. I hurt my arm.
-Why is your arm like that? -Ah!!
Oh gosh.
No, dude. He's probably not like that because of us.
Well, that... I don't specifically know who it was since I was beat up by multiple people.
The weather is so nice today.
Hyung, it's late. We should go.
Don't you guys want to do a meeting 3 to 3?
I love you.
I'll call you. I'm going to dress up!
Have a nice day.
How did it go with Yoo Dae Chi?
I can't become friends with him.
So is that why your arm is like this?
This time, believe in my intuition.
Park Geon!
The reason why you didn't come to practice. Was it because of your arm?
Yeah, this happened.
Bong Hui, I have a favor to ask.
What is it?
do a meeting.
Park Geon, I spent a lot of time getting ready.
Yes, I spent a lot of time too.
-Ow! -You better have prepared well.
Yes! It's about time for them to come. Criticize me after you see them.
If I'm disappointed, then that will be the end of you.
You guys like this already?
Ip Sae, Ip Sae
-Bong Hui. -I like it!
Wow, she is a healthy beauty.
I like it.
-What the, are they under construction? -No, construction was over.
What the-
Let's select partners by hyungnims picking one of the girls' belongings.
Oh my gosh.
Why don't bombs get lost by themselves?
What, bomb? You look like a gorilla.
What, gorilla? Do you want to die?
Kill me you bastard!
Hey guys. Stop it! I'm picking this.
What kind of stupid meeting is this?
Hey, Ms. Bong!
I'll see you tomorrow at school.
Ha Rim, let's go together! Ms. Bong, I'll see you during Judo.
I'll get going too.
I'm disappointed in you.
Hey, Park Geon.
You did this to make fun of us?
No, no.
What do you mean no?
That's not it.
No, I didn't mean it!
No, no. I didn't mean it!
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Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
Taekwondo skills-Girls and Boys fighting martial arts Skills
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