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Rankings Outside the Rankings | 순위 밖 순위 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.02] - Duration: 3:10.(Rankings Outside the Rankings)
Hello, everyone.
It's time to talk about rankings outside the rankings.
I'm the 168th ranked comedian, Yang Seonil.
You all kiss a lot.
- Yes. / - You kiss a lot?
- Yes. / - Everyone...
What do couples say after kissing?
That's why we looked into it.
The top 3 comments after kissing.
"See you in my dreams."
Guess you've said that before.
"You're mine now."
And 1st place.
" I love you."
Unfortunately, these didn't make the top 3.
Comment after kissing ranked 22nd.
Did you like that?
You're a better kisser than Mincheol.
I guess you don't scrape your tongue
when you brush your teeth.
Baby, about our kiss...
Don't tell my girlfriend.
Honey! Is this why you're dating me?
So where do you live?
Did you see that?
Did they mention a few you had in mind?
People, couples go watch movies often too.
Then what do couples say often
after watching a movie?
That's why we looked into it again.
The top 3 comments said to your significant other
after watching a movie.
"I need to use the bathroom."
"Give me a dollar to pay for parking."
I guess you've said that often.
It's 1st place.
"You're a lot prettier than the female lead."
The ones that didn't make the ranking.
What you say to your significant other after a movie.
Honey, wasn't that great?
- Honey. / - Yeah?
I took the 3D glasses from the theater.
You're crazy!
Honey, wasn't the movie great?
It was.
Let's go smoke a cigarette now.
That movie was terrible.
Kim Gyeongsik fooled me again.
The action in "Thor." Wow...
Thor's butt... Wow...
This has been Yang Seonil
of Rankings Outside the Rankings. Thank you.
Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill - Duration: 4:49.Pelosi Stuttering, Stammers, Appears "on Something" as She Attacks GOP Tax Bill.
During House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daily press briefing Thursday, a day before
the Senate finally passed the GOP's sweeping tax reform bill, she gave America more embarrassing
evidence that it's long past time she left the national stage.
Pelosi was clearly trying to portray some kind of moral outrage, but right from the
onset, the 77-year-old congresswoman behaved like a senile senior fast approaching the
onset of full-blown dementia.
First, she walked by a giant sign labeled "GOP tax sham" but, as she arrived at
the podium, looked over her left shoulder in search of that very same sign.
Upon realizing that it was to her right, she pivoted and announced, "Here it is: the
GOP tax scam."
And here you are — the Democrat Party's Achilles heel.
Pelosi then began babbling her complaints about the tax bill, repeating and slurring
her words like the iPhone's Siri stuck in a loop.
Pelosi has embarrassed herself in public before, of course, but this time came off differently.
The careful, but botched, enunciation gave the impression she was "on something."
She sounded like a driver who's had a few too many trying to tell a cop exactly how
he was just heading home.
Listen to a compilation of Pelosi's stuttering and stammering pieced together by the folks
over at The American Mirror:
"It will unravel the ACA," she said, using liberal terminology for what normal Americans
call "Obamacare."
The Senate version of the tax reform would repeal Obamacare's individual mandate.
"The sneaky ACA ref .. reform," she then repeated.
"Repeal … sneaky ACA repeal."
Took you long enough to get that right, Nancy.
"It's a lethal attack on the middle class, on America's jobs … on Americans' jobs,"
she later said.
Interestingly, a transcript of this briefing posted to Pelosi's House website didn't
include most of her mistakes: "It's a lethal attack on the middle class, on Americans'
jobs, good health, and education, on the children and seniors."
How convenient.
Pelosi also slurred her speech when speaking about veterans, referring to them as "ever-veterans,"
and spoke of congressional "bri-partisanship" in regard to her hopes Congress will pass
legislation to protect illegal immigrant children.
When later criticizing President Donald Trump for his alleged refusal to hear her arguments
in favor of former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program,
which Trump rescinded earlier this fall, Pelosi then said something astounding.
"How can you judge — judgement be respected if you don't even know what you're talking
about?" she uttered.
Said the lady who enthusiastically voted in favor of Obamacare seven years ago despite
admitting to not knowing what was inside the bill.
Nice try, though.
I'm not an ageist or whatnot, but I gotta wonder … does does an aging woman with so
many glaring issues really need to be leading the Democrat Party?
I would typically argue "no," though given the effect her leadership has had on the party,
I'm tempted to yell, "Heck yes!"
What do you think about this?
Please Share this news and let us know what you think about Pelosi's bizarre behavior.
Trump I'm Not Worried About Flynn's Guilty Plea | Breaking News Today - Duration: 1:46.Trump I'm not worried about Flynn's guilty plea President Trump on Saturday
addressed for the first time his former national security advisors admission
that he lied to FBI investigators about his contact with Russian officials no
I'm not worried about what Michael Flynn will tell investigators Trump told
reporters what has been shown is no collusion he said there's been
absolutely no collusion so we're very happy Flint as part of a plea deal
announced Friday has agreed to cooperate fully with Special Counsel Robert
Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference and alleged
collusion between Trump campaign officials and Moscow Trump has
maintained that his campaign did not collude Trump has also called the
investigation of witch-hunt and a democratic cloy we'll see what happens
Trump told reporters of the investigation on Saturday when pleaded
guilty to lying to the FBI about his contact with Russian ambassador Sarika
slack in December of last year during the presidential transition period Flynn
reportedly spoke to the Ambassador about tensions between the US and Russia
regarding former President Obama's sanctions against the nation Flynn is
the third Trump campaign associate now charged in new lers Pro he is the first
individual prosecuted by Mueller who held a formal position in the Trump
Top 10 Alola Forms That Shouldve Been In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon [Part 2] w/Monkiez Ft HybridHero - Duration: 7:51.Monkiez: Wow would you look at that, I actually managed to upload for two weeks in a row!
*airhorn and hooray sound effects* But seriously though, I've been wanting to focus on uploading
content on a more consistent basis, so today I'm here with another top 5 video.
And I'm bringing you guys my Top 5 Favorite Pokemon of all… *record scratch*
HybridHero: *cough cough* Ahem…
Monkiez: Uhh what are you doing he-
HybridHero:Don't you remember, you're supposed to be continuing our Top 10 list,
you know, of the Alolan Forms that SHOULDVE Been in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon?
Monkiez: Oh, yeah… holdup *video rewinds*
What's up guys my name is Monkiez and welcome to the second part of our two part list of
the Top 10 Alolan Forms that SHOULD'VE Been in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
And of course today I'm joined by HybridHero.
HybridHero: *Hybrids intro…*
Monkiez: Before we begin I would just like to say that all the amazing artists whos work
we're using on this list will be credited below, but without further ado Let's get
Alolan Swanna Before we get started with this list, I just
wanna point out that Hawaii, the region that Alola is based off of is home to a lot of
species of bird so expect to see a few on this list.
Soaring in at the number 5 slot *heh see what I did there?* is Swanna.
Now I know this seems like something that people probably wouldn't expect, Swanna
is kind of irrelevant, but hear me out.
Hawaii's state bird is known as the Ne-nay, nay-nay, ne-ne?
But this bird is based off a species of Geese, and Swanna is a swan… close enough.
Since Alolan forms are just regional adaptations it would make sense.
Swanna would have to adapt to the Harsh temperatures of alola and lose its feathers and cool down.
Honestly, there isnt much to say about this one, and its basis for
alolan form kinda looks like another Pokemon, unfeazent.
Alolan Tyranitar In our number 3 slot and one of my personal
favorites on this list.
Out of every Pokemon in Johto, I feel like the main priority should be the best Pokemon
from the region, tyranitar.
Tyranitar has a perfect role in Alola and he blends in really well with the mountainous
Its Pokedex entry from Pokemon Ultra Sun states "It wanders through the mountains seeking
opponents to fight.
If it finds an opponent that's not worthy, Tyranitar ignores it and wanders on."
One of the coolest mountains in all of Alola is the Wela Volcano located on Akala Island
west of route 7.
This is where you take the Alolan Marowak Trial and it would be a cool spot to see Tyranitar
adapt to.
Tyranitar would have to adapt to the 2000 plus degrees farenheight temperatures inside
the volcano, which is why we decided that Alolan Tyranitar be a Fire/Rock type.
Not only would this make sense based on his adaptation to the climate, but it would also
help him out with pokemon in the area.
In the area you can find wild Salandit, Magby and Magmar.
His typing would allow him to actually go into the volcano and have more
of an advantage of the Pokemon around him.
All in all, the design and concept for an Alolan Tyranitar is super cool.
Alolan Mawile Our number one slot has to go to one of my
favorite Pokemon of all time, Mawile.
Mawile at its base design has a super cool design and concept.
Many of the Pokemon on this list have gotten their designs off adaptations from the Alolan
climate and environment but we feel as though Mawile's design would stem more from Hawaiian
This design of course, if you couldnt tell already is based off the traditional Hula
dancers in Hawaii.
Mawile fit perfect for this role as its regular design already makes it look its wearing somewhat
of a dress and it was easily interchangeable for a hula skirt.
My favorite part of this design is that mawile's Pirhanna plant turns into a tiki.
If you didnt know, Tiki's are carved wooden statues that are used in Hawaiian and Polynesian
culture to represent a god or deity.
Having mawile with a Tiki as its… head, is super cool as it pays homage to Alolan
culture and it fits the design of Mawile perfectly.
We decided to go with a Grass Fairy Typing as it doesnt really look like too much of
a steel type anymore, its more of in tune with nature now.
EATING JALAPEÑOS CHALLENGE! GONE WRONG! - Duration: 6:16.-------------------------------------------
설탕으로 피부 관리하는 5가지 방법|HYA TV - Duration: 8:41.-------------------------------------------
박수진 A셀 특혜 논란 삼성서울병원이 직접 나서 사죄해라|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:19.-------------------------------------------
Independent News 3 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 15:04.Independent News 3 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla
셀룰라이트 퇴치에 효과적인 8가지 오일|HYA TV - Duration: 9:01.-------------------------------------------
신연희 CCTV 증거인멸 논란 경찰 수사 제대로 하고 있나?|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:00.-------------------------------------------
5 talking points from Brighton 1-5 Liverpool - the Brazilians back in form - Duration: 9:35.5 talking points from Brighton 1-5 Liverpool - An unconventional back three and the Brazilians back in form
Liverpool ran riot on the south coast on Saturday, seeing off Brighton with a thumping 5-1 win to move back into the Premier League's top four.
Jurgen Klopp opted to continue his rotation policy in a busy period of the season and once more his choices, though bold or even startling, paid dividends.
The Reds dominated long stretches of possession in the first half, with Brighton extremely defensive and passive in their positioning.
Despite that, it took a set piece for the first goal to arrive, Emre Can heading in a corner from the right flank.
Within a minute the lead was doubled in fine style; Mohamed Salah and Philippe Coutinho combining at pace to gift Roberto Firmino a tap-in at the far post, sending the Reds in 2-0 up at the break.
The action continued after the break as a superb Firmino second was followed up by Pascal Gross' penalty for Brighton, but thereafter the Reds missed several big chances to wrap up the points.
It meant a more nervous finale than it needed to be, but Coutinho settled matters with a brilliant free-kick, rifled under wall as they jumped in unison, before curling home a deflected fifth seconds later.
Here are the biggest talking points from the 5-1 win.
An unexpected trio.
Liverpool have altered formation once or twice of late, but it has usually been variations of 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 for Klopp; at Brighton however it was all change as the boss opted for a back three.
And not just any line of three: midfielders Emre Can and Gini Wijnaldum took their place either side of sole natural centre-back Dejan Lovren, with Joel Matip and Joe Gomez both out.
While Can has of course filled that role before, right of centre, there was plenty of interest in how the Dutchman coped, and early on there were a few worries.
He was somewhat higher with his positioning and loose with his passing, but as the Reds dominated he grew into the role more and seemed more confident about his work.
Liverpool didn't gift too many chances to attack, with the midfield four working hard to deny Brighton counter-attacking chances, and Wijnaldum would perhaps be thankful to his team-mates for that.
After the break Brighton attacked far more and it's fair to suggest they targeted Wijnaldum at times; while he wasn't a poor performer overall, it's clearly not a position which he will be occupying with any regularity.
Assuming the centre-back injury woes don't continue to grow, of course….
Coutinho back on song.
A welcome return to near top form for Coutinho saw him relentlessly create openings for the Reds in the first half, pinning Brighton back and letting his team-mates find dangerous areas to receive play in.
The Brazilian was constantly looking to make the killer pass into the box, but also pressed and challenged quickly to stop the home side escaping the confines of their own half.
A few dribbles saw him win free-kicks or open up spaces to take two or three defenders out of the game, and his assist for Firmino's first was perfectly executed with his first touch.
The late goals were thoroughly deserved for the No.
10 and he really made the Reds tick in attack on the day.
Firmino rediscovers scoring touch.
After just one goal in 10 Premier League appearances, it was tremendously important to see the Reds' regular centre-forward back on the scoresheet.
Firmino had one of his best games of the last few months, not just in finding the net but with his link play, his movement between defenders and defending from the front.
It's increasingly apparent that Firmino is able to play at his best when there is support and service around him, and the high line of three attackers ensured there was often one of Salah or Coutinho central and close to the No.
Props should be given to him for keeping pace with Salah on the run too, bursting forward off the ball to net both of his goals as the Egyptian surged toward the Brighton defence with the ball at his feet.
A fine all-round performance, only bettered by Coutinho's brilliance.
Wing-back opportunities.
It wasn't just the centre-backs who had an unfamiliar look: Trent Alexander-Arnoldand Andy Robertson filled the wing-back roles for Liverpool.
Both have impressed in 2017/18, but neither are first choice and both have needed to be patient of late, particularly the left-sided Scot.
Against Brighton they both fared well in possession, always looking to break forward and give the Reds an outlet, though the final ball from both was understandably rusty at times.
Defensively it was more apparent in the second half that the back five was in place with frequency, but neither were found wanting for effort or discipline in getting into position.
Alexander-Arnold proved the importance of that with a massive late challenge on Brighton sub Jose Izquierdo, in the box as he let loose on a shot, having tracked the winger all the way infield.
Klopp's rotation.
A manager lives and dies by his team selections, and Jurgen Klopp has gotten in spot on over the last seven days.
Starting the busiest period of the campaign so far, the Reds have come within five minutes of beating Chelsea, seen off Stoke and then thrashed Brighton, both on the road.
In that time, he has used 19 different starters and kept key players fresh by rotating, bringing them on as sub or taking them off early.
Sadio Mane, for example, a key player for the Reds last term, has been a starter once and a sub once in that time—and didn't see a minute against Brighton.
It's near unthinkable Liverpool would have managed such a set of results in his absence a year ago.
Similarly Mohamed Salah was subbed off once and came on once, Firmino didn't play against Chelsea and Coutinho was rested vs Stoke.
Meanwhile both full-backs have been changed, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and James Milner have played more prominent roles of late and even with injuries, the centre of defence has coped reasonably well.
A brave selection policy then from Klopp, but an utterly necessary one, and he's gotten his timings absolutely right so far.
TRIPREPORT|Toulouse|Aeroscopia|Carcassonne+Bonus: Frankfurt Airport|with English subtitles - Duration: 25:49.Start at Dresden Airport
Landing at Frankfurt Airport
A few impressions from Frankfurt Airport
I came to Frankfurt on this plane
My hotel room in the B&B Wiesbaden
Away game of the Chemnitzer FC in the third german football league against Wiesbaden
With Ju 52 overflight before kick-off
My flight to Toulouse has slight delay ...
because fog in Frankfurt
After one minute flight, we are above the clouds in the sun
Airbus factories
Landing in Toulouse
After one hour waiting time at the passport control, I am outside the airport
I take the tram for the way to the hotel
My room at the ibis Budget Hotel
By tram it goes to the city sightseeing
Capitole - Town hall
Murals inside the town hall
Pont Neuf - "New Bridge" oldest surviving Garonne Bridge of Toulouse
With their "lion's mouths" serving for flood protection
Toulouse has a lot of Uber-Eats cyclists
Japanese garden
Large new construction of houses in Beauzelle
Way to the museum Aeroscopia
Cockpit of the Concorde
Inside the Airbus A300B With luxury equipment
Former Concorde of Air France
10 minutes later
After a heavy rain shower, puddles are in the hall
Final assembly line of the Airbus A380
A little air traffic of Toulouse
Old bridge
Between the two wall rings
Castle Comtal
There is even a traffic light at the castle
Market halls
It goes back home early in the morning
Landing at Frankfurt
My City Tour Link to the tour in the description
Statistics: 2185 km flight 25 km on foot and a lot of kilometres with train and tram
A film by Tom Hofmann
এই মাত্র পাওয়াঃ দেখুন এসএ টিভি সংবাদ - SATV News (Bangladesh News Live 03 December 2017) - Duration: 25:48.Today Bangla Breaking News Update, Bangla News update,
bangla news, Bangla tv News, Bangla News today, Today Bangla News
iOS 11.2 — ЧТО НОВОГО? Обновляться ли? Как работает на iPhone 5S? - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Athletic Bilbao vs Real Mdrid -Full Match Highlights -l laliga santander 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 19:57.Athletic Bilbao vs Real Mdrid
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