Your own motivation, your drive to accomplish something, is what actually
drives projects forward. People are more important than technology.
I'm Urs Hölzle and I'm the SVP for Technical Infrastructure. I've worked at
Google since 1999. In a way I've been doing the same thing for the last you
know 19 years, namely infrastructure. You know that was my first thing but what
surprised me is actually how much that question has changed and I don't feel I
have the same job even for two years in a row because it very much changes over
time because you get to apply your technical skills to new problems and
problems that are surprising. Cloud for example is really materially
different from what we used to do and that keeps it interesting, and sometimes
frustrating of course, but rewarding more often than frustrating.
Infrastructure is not just about the technology, it's actually about creating
an outcome that matters for customers or for end-users or for someone internal.
On pretty much any area of infrastructure, our network is something like a quarter
to 30% of Internet traffic that's delivered to user comes from Google.
So clearly with our network we have to do things that weren't done before because
there isn't an existing one that works for that problem. To some extent
the craziest idea was really the original index all the world's
information and make it universally accessible and useful. Then it was kind of
crazy and it still is, except that today the expectations of the user are much higher.
Literally when we launched people were super happy that you could type in
Stanford or IBM or Coca-Cola and actually get Stanford or IBM or
Coca-Cola because that was actually new at the time. The product leads a user to
expect more and more and it's very challenging to keep up with that but
often when you fail you still solved a very important problem halfway. So it's
much harder to fail completely. If you are ambitious versus when you're not
ambitious you're trying to do something incremental and any fail, you really
fail. Like you did nothing, and that is much worse. It's an interesting job but
at the same time we're really trying hard to make it a fun job,
to make it a job where you actually like to hang out because people are your
friends and not just your co-workers in that keeps lots of people, here including
myself. Transfers are very easy inside of Google. Google isn't really one company.
You can go from a very business facing thing like advertising to something like
Gmail that's very user focused, and that way you can kind of change your career
without changing the company. You can go to a different team or to a different
challenge in a very very low overhead way and that's why we're actually
spending a lot of time trying to really make people feel empowered and free
to take risks and you know respect risks but not fear them. If you're passionate
about infrastructure this really is an awesome place because we have some of
the best infrastructure everywhere and we really work, and we
have to work, on the problems that are leading edge. I mean, ten years in the
past basically almost nothing that you care about today existed and so ten
years from now I think the things that we're going to be most excited about are
things that we're not really thinking about, and yes, you know I hope we have a
big hand at inventing that so to speak but I have no idea what it will be.
I have absolutely no idea, that's why you should apply!
For more infomation >> Urs Hölzle on Work and Culture at Google - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Best Camera Apps For Editing To Make DSLR Quality Photos On Android - 2018 - Duration: 3:11.
Sorry Friends For Bad Audio And Video Quality
Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 59 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:23.
Getting over you was the hardest thing I've ever done.
I don't know if I can do it twice.
Feeling brave?
I'd feel like hot ---- too with 40 armed men around me.
Let's go toe to toe.
You're right, Owl.
It's been years since I killed a man with my bare hands.
I miss the feeling.
Don't get involved with him again, please.
So Daniel's the only one who deserves to be happy?
I brought Aida so she can work on your ranch again.
No, you're confused.
We don't hire illegals on this ranch.
Okay, so you won't mind if we ask everyone working here
for their papers.
Come on, boss!
Hit him, boss!
Hit him again! Do it, boss!
Show him, boss!
You can do it, Owl! Go, Owl, go!
Kill him, Owl!
You got him now! Kill him!
-Yeah! -Get up!
Hit him hard, Owl!
Are you crazy? Don't say that!
Let go!
Are you jealous because I'm with Owl now?
Does the rapist feel sad?
I'm just saving your life.
Romero is obviously going to win this fight.
After he beats Owl up,
he'll come after you 'cause you were supporting him.
You want your head to be the next head placed on that pike?
I don't need your help. I can take care of myself.
Loosen up, boss.
Get up!
You think Owl will win?
If he does, we're screwed.
Your threats to call the governor don't scare me.
I know the guy very well.
By the way, I have some paperwork for you.
It talks about inflated invoices,
properties you own but don't use,
and the transfer of millions of dollars
to the governor's accounts.
Should I keep going?
Aida... why are you doing this?
Because you didn't help me when I needed it.
When we met in Matamoros, I asked for my job back.
You're a coward!
-I'll end this. -Stay back, fool!
If you get involved, the boss will cut your ----- off.
Come on, boss!
Come on, Mr. Romero!
Get up, you crybaby!
Get up, man!
Come on!
Disrespect me again, ------!
Do it!
Who won?
That's my boss!
You're friends with the governor,
so I'm sure you know that hiring illegals
comes with a hefty fine.
You'll have to pay a lot of money.
You're also committing immigration fraud.
Were you aware of that, sir?
How much will an Immigration agent be fined
for bringing an illegal migrant to work at my ranch?
You're wrong, ma'am.
Should I address you as Mrs. or miss?
Ms. Aida Franco isn't undocumented.
Check it out.
It's a temporary work permit issued by Homeland Security.
You have to hire her after unfairly dismissing her.
You don't have to carry out a search or threaten us.
Aida will work with us again.
Are you insane?
Do you want to go to prison?
Congratulations, girl!
Keep an eye on everything like we agreed.
It's been a pleasure doing business with you two gringos.
Thank you very much.
Take care, girl.
Call me if you need anything.
-Thanks. -Okay?
Aida, darling...
you didn't have to do this.
I tried to find another way to help you.
Don't you dare come near me again!
And don't call me darling!
You're the worst man I've ever known!
Like this?
You have to work faster, Felipe.
The sooner we get out of the States, the better.
It doesn't have to be perfect. We're wrapping it in plastic
so the dollars won't get wet when it reaches the Rio Grande.
Chava, I have a question.
Where does Park get his weapons?
That's none of our business.
From abroad, I guess.
War zones, Europe, Asia and other places.
Wouldn't we make more money if we had the weapons ourselves?
Get a load of that!
Felipe's going to tell us how to run the business.
Smuggling weapons is a complicated business.
Those who do it are wanted and it's very dangerous.
The Acero-Quintanillas smuggle people across the border
and launder money.
Let's just leave it at that.
So are we going to use horse races and casinos
to launder the money once we're in Mexico?
Felipe, I'm very proud of you, but I won't lie.
This is a dangerous business you want to get into.
A lot of people have died doing this.
I would've loved for you to have lead a normal life.
If you want to do this, know nothing is certain.
We're always in danger.
Being born into this family puts a target on your back.
I'm not afraid of the business. I'm learning from the best.
I'll be fine.
That's right.
What's so hard to understand?
That chick isn't a chick!
She's a man! She fooled us!
I'm not a man! I'm a transgender woman!
-That's different. -Different?
Different how?
We have the same ---- hanging between our legs!
I was born a man, but my mind and soul are that of a woman.
Your soul? Don't give me that -----!
Hold on. Show me your boobs.
I paid for them in installments.
They look amazing, girl!
They're perky.
You know what? I'm not one to judge,
but I'd like to look at your package
so I can understand what's really going on.
Show me!
This isn't a freak show!
First the Bearded Lady and then the hermaphrodite.
Don't get like that, babe. It's not that big a deal.
It's fun! Variety is the spice of life!
You get the best of both worlds in one body.
-You want a taste? -Stay the ---- over there!
Show some respect!
We're all set.
It took a lot of work, but Aida will get footage of that guy.
That's right. That's what I love about you.
You always accomplish what you set out to do.
Yeah, always.
-What? -Don't give me that.
I'm still pissed.
I'm happy for Aida, but I'm still pissed.
How can I earn your forgiveness?
-You can't! -Should I tickle you?
-No! Don't tickle me! -Yes, yes!
-Smile! -Stop it! I won't!
That's how it's gonna be?
-You won't forgive me? -No!
-I'll let go of the wheel. -No! Please!
I won't grab the wheel till you forgive me!
-Do you forgive me? -Yes!
-Do you love me? -I love you!
-How much? -A lot! Take the wheel!
I want more. Where's my kiss?
How about a smile?
---- you!
You're so cute! My mom used to say that to me.
-Watch the road! -Who loves you?
You do.
I never meant to disrespect you!
You invited me to the party!
I was minding my business and being a lady,
but you called me over.
I was in the mood, so I did.
Listen up, you bastard!
I invited you over because I thought you were a woman
and not some freak.
You tried to make the most of the opportunity,
-but you crossed the wrong guy. -Rooster, show her some respect.
So what if she's got the same thing as a construction worker
between her legs?
That's why I want to go the States.
They get and accept these situations.
No, girl. Relax.
I'm from Medellin, and you know what?
I can accept whatever. I'm open-minded.
I won't treat you any differently.
That'd be awful.
What are you saying? Are you insane?
So you're trapped in a man's body?
I'm not trapped! I'm happy with who I am!
I'm free to do what I want with whomever I want!
You can be a close-minded Neanderthal if you want!
Close-minded Neanderthal?
I'll shut you up with a couple of bullets!
No, no... Come on, Rooster!
Chill, man!
What's with you?
You're not going to kill anyone in my home.
This isn't the Acero's ranch. We don't behead people here.
Show her some respect! She works for me!
You won't touch a hair on her head!
Shut up...
I'm leaving before I shoot everyone here!
Leave before I ask my guards to kick you out!
And you know what?
Take your anger out on your ugly and horrendous Josefina.
Felipe has a promising future in the business, Rooster.
You should be very proud of your son.
We ran into some problems early on,
but his first mission was a success, right?
I'm proud of you, son.
I knew you were a badass!
The Quintanilla blood flows through your veins!
Acero, too!
You know what, though? Don't tell your mother.
I'll teach you how to use an AK-47
when the campaign ends.
I want a girlfriend too.
Settle down.
Felipe! My name is Felipe, okay?
Well, Felipe Quintanilla...
you've earned your first beer.
Start getting a taste for alcohol.
To Felipe!
Who said you could drink, Felipito?
It's Felipe, honey.
Our son went on his first job with Chava and Bebote.
They successfully managed to smuggle weapons into the States!
He's a true Quintanilla!
Are you insane? He's just a child!
I'm not a kid anymore.
I'm a man!
Relax, Josefina. He was with them.
I won't argue with a bunch of drunks.
I'll give you an earful when you're sober tomorrow.
Same goes for you, Erick.
Go to your room, Felipito.
Come on!
Hey, don't lecture him! He's my son too!
Do it, you bastard! I dare you to hit me!
Come on! Do it!
Hit the piñata!
Son of a bitch!
Look what the cat dragged in!
Say all you want, Indio. I just hear your whining, pig.
You hit like a bitch!
Are you going to hit me now or wait till I look away?
You're afraid of me. I can see it in your eyes!
You know I'm a tough son of a bitch.
I saw you trembling, punk. You gonna pee your pants?
No one wants to hit the devil because they know he won't die!
Remember that!
I won't die!
I'll get through this!
And after the Colombian is dead and buried,
I'll come after each of you myself!
I'll find your families! I'll eat your children!
And then I swear I'll ---- them!
You don't scare me, Amaro!
I pity you!
Let go! [¶¶¶]
That's enough.
Time out!
How's the game going?
Who's the boss, ------------?
Who's the boss?
Indio Amaro.
These two haven't learned a thing!
Have fun, guys! The night is still young.
Excuse me.
Who's next?
Let's go, bitches! I can take it!
Come on!
Sons of bitches!
Inspirations for the Nissan Xmotion concept - Where tradition meets modernity - Duration: 2:30.
I own a woodcraft workshop in Otsu city, Shiga Prefecture.
I come from Kyoto
and I weave Kimono obi by using the Nishijin technique.
I'm from Kyoto, Japan, and I make tea containers by hand.
I brought my tea caddy here
and it's made from tin, copper and brass.
If you touch and rub it everyday,
it gets patina in a very nice way.
The Nishijin technique is probably
one of the world's most complex tapestry,
where you can essentially make three dimensional textures.
Depending on the angle, you can see that it changes color.
It is very unusual to showcase our artwork at a motor show.
Sometimes a hundred-year tea caddy is brought back to be fixed again, to use again.
Also with the car, people use it, fix it and use it
and sometimes they pass it on to their children.
I think that is a very good connection.
We always think about the future.
Also, we feel the past
and we are in the middle.
Techniques for making these wooden tubs have been passed down from craftsman to craftsman for 800 years.
It wouldn't have lasted 800 years without innovative changes.
The traditions that have been carried to the present have been challenged throughout the generations
by innovating and incorporating modern technologies.
In that sense, I see similarities
between Nissan and the crafts that we do.
பெண்களே உங்கள் குளியல் அறையில் இது போன்று நடக்காமல் பார்த்து கொள்ளுங்கள் - Duration: 1:15.
José José | Capítulo 09 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:33.
and please write.
Airport, please.
With me...
your career will do a 180.
Call it a hunch, but I don't like that bald guy.
We'll talk about the show next time.
-Sure. -The proposal was well received.
I'll have good news for you soon.
You'll get to witness our magic taking effect.
Go get him.
You've proven yourself to be a good friend.
Yes, I am a loyal friend.
I know.
Those are amphetamines, right?
How long have you been taking those?
My doctor prescribed them.
I want Anel out of Pepe's life.
Apparently Anel stole someone important's necklaces
and I have their name.
If you're as good on stage as you are between the sheets...
What's your problem?
Don't get your hopes up over some escort.
"Leave, you speed-popping whore!"
-I deserve respect. -Of course, sweetie.
Let it all out, girl! Just let it out!
Yell if you have to!
Get it out of your system! You can't hold it in!
Let it out!
Yell it out!
That's it! Let it all out!
What are you doing?
Hold on. Girl...
What are you doing?
-I'm done. -It's okay.
Sit down. It's okay.
You're okay.
You're always putting up with my problems.
It's okay, honey.
-I'm sorry! -What are friends for?
You can't get like this over Pepito.
-He's not worth it. -No!
Know what the worst part is?
I'm not crying over him.
Why then?
I'm mad at myself.
Oh, Jorja.
I've been through harder situations than this
and I've always come out stronger.
Sweetie, love...
Love is different.
Don't talk to me about love!
I don't plan on letting unrequited love ruin me.
I know.
I know this all seems like a Marga Lopez movie right now,
but if it isn't for you, it'll never happen.
And if it is, there's no avoiding it.
Hey, Chumo! I'm here with Peraza.
Hey, Pepe.
<i> Peraza, I reviewed</i> <i> the documents you sent me.</i>
Did the numbers add up for you, Chumo?
<i> Yeah, man.</i>
<i> I'm getting</i> <i> the same thing.</i>
Well, dear Pepe... if your success continues,
you'll be able to live comfortably
on your Patio royalties alone!
And not just me, baldy.
My family and colleagues as well.
I can finally convince my mom to retire for good.
<i> Congrats, bro!</i>
<i> Just remember to tread lightly</i> <i> with the money.</i>
Don't worry, man. Hard work pays off.
There's plenty of reason to celebrate, Pepe,
but I think Chumo's right.
We're better off playing it safe.
<i> You heard the bald man.</i> <i> Put that money in the bank!</i>
I wouldn't say that.
From my experience, investing in a business is best.
Banks diminish your money's value.
It's true.
<i> I knew you wouldn't agree</i> <i> with me for long.</i>
<i> Well, what should we</i> <i> invest in?</i>
<i> Do you have</i> <i> a business model in mind?</i>
Relax, Chumo!
Peraza's just speaking from experience.
Look, I don't want trouble.
This is just my perspective.
Investments are good, banks are not.
Just my humble opinion.
"World Cup Finale: Brazil Third-Time Champions"
Pele's the ultimate champ.
If Mexico had its own Pele, we'd be celebrating our win
and raising our own cup.
Care for a pastry, ma'am? These are your favorite.
That's interesting.
I just met you this week
yet it's like we've known each other for years.
No, thank you.
What are you two hiding?
There's something we want to tell you, Mom.
Don't tell me you...
No, it isn't that.
The thing is... How can I put this?
Minerva makes me happy and I make her happy.
We want to live together.
So soon?
It isn't that soon, Mom.
I nearly committed suicide for that woman!
The first Mexican actress to work in Europe.
Those lovely bedroom eyes...
How could I forget?
I started out in Wardrobe.
I recall the first time she came here
like it was yesterday.
I remember the fabric of her sweater.
You treated us so well that day.
I've liked you ever since.
Who would've ever imagined it?
You became manager just years later.
So many actresses have come through here.
From the starlets, to the divas,
to their love-struck fans.
Look, Manuel.
Jose has had so much success in this venue.
Imagine what'd it be like to air that on TV!
Why don't we make this the location
of our first Jose Jose show?
The first Jose Jose show, here?
Boy, that'd be great!
That boy was born lucky.
He's got the Midas touch!
Everything he touches turns to gold.
So... are you in?
I'm in, alright!
-Cheers. -Cheers!
Alright, fine.
If you're happy, I'm happy.
I'd like to contribute to that happiness.
Besides, Minerva's a great kitchen helper.
I do it because I care, ma'am.
I'd do more if I could spare you from working so hard.
Sounds good.
In that case, I'll hire you and pay you a salary.
So I'd work every day? All week long?
Of course.
Nothing is free, honey. You've gotta work for them.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
So, you in?
Of course!
Well, then.
If you want to live together, you can have Gonzalo's room.
Things are finally working out for me.
I've got a job, a girlfriend, a supportive Mom,
and a brand new love nest.
Feel free to rearrange the room as you wish.
You might just end up with a grandson, Mom.
Can you imagine?
Are you sure investing is smarter than just saving?
I don't just think so. I know so.
A bank will never offer you the same interest as, say, gold.
Gold, jewelry, art... real estate!
Their value grows exponentially over time.
The stock market, even at its best,
can offer you barely half of that return!
Those investments won't grow at nearly the same rate.
Champ... I'm only advising you on what I know will work.
At the end of the day, it's your money.
You can do whatever you want with it, really.
Yeah, but to invest in art, for example,
I'd have to at least know something about it.
What do you value?
What's something your life could use?
Good question.
You know what I've always wanted?
A house for my mom.
I want her to live somewhere nicer.
That's what I want.
Consider it done.
An old classmate friend of mine works in real estate
and manages all these houses.
He isn't here right now.
He's vacationing in Acapulco with his family,
but he left me the keys.
I don't think I can afford this much house.
You're too modest, Pepe!
You could easily buy three of these houses
with your current income!
How much are we talking about?
Who do you think you're talking to, huh?
I'll negotiate the price. My friend will match your bid.
I know, but I don't want to deplete my savings.
My dad lived paycheck to paycheck,
and that never really worked out.
I understand.
Family comes first... but let me tell you something.
Opportunities like this don't come around every day.
I was going crazy looking for a plot in this area.
Know why?
The price of this terrain and the value of this general area
will double within five years!
Anel, your visitor's here!
We did what we could.
She's desolate.
Hopefully these chocolates work.
Wish me luck.
Good luck, hunk.
Hey, beautiful.
I brought your favorite chocolates.
Thank you.
I'm going to get sad more often so people spoil me more.
Want one?
I thought I'd ask you to get dressed for a night out,
but I'm afraid you'll chew me out.
You know I'd never, but...
But you don't want to go out with me.
No. It isn't that.
Eating chocolate here with you
is the best thing that's happened to me all week,
believe me.
I needed a friend.
I thought Blondie and Jorja were your friends.
They are.
They're the best... but they're more melodramatic than I am.
I need to stop thinking of him.
Besides, there's too much traffic out.
How about I make you something for dinner?
Thank you.
I meant what I said, Anel.
If you see me as just a friend,
I'll try to be the most loyal one you have.
Perfect. I'll...
Should I come back?
You're so fine...
I mean, that's fine. Come in.
Yes, I'll check the dates immediately.
I'll get in touch with you later.
Thank you.
Likewise. I'm sorry.
Nora, I need your help finding Pepe's agenda again.
We need to check his availability
for the coming month.
I know you gave me a copy, but I don't know where I left it.
There it was.
How stupid of me. I'm sorry.
Don't worry.
I've just been told that multiple venues
are looking to book Pepe.
They contacted you and you weren't able to set them up.
Sorry, Peraza.
I was tied up, but I'll take care of it right away.
First off is the new tour,
which begins on the 12th and runs into the following month.
We don't know whether it'll run two weeks in
or till the end of the month.
Depends on the filming schedule.
Filming happens every Tuesday and Thursday.
We also need to schedule promo days on Wednesdays.
I think that's it. You got all that?
Got it.
- BIEN. Good.
So you've seen variety shows before, right?
Yes, I've been on El Loco Valdez's show
as well as Mauricio Garcez's.
Well, just stand there.
All cameras are on you.
Is this like when I performed "El Triste?"
There's one key difference. You only had to sing then.
Each camera has a light. When that light turns on,
look directly at the camera and speak towards it.
When I look at the camera, the light will turn on.
No. The other way around.
Don't worry.
We'll cue you in. You'll get the hang of it.
The showgirls will come in through here and surround you.
Just crack a joke.
They'll follow up with their lines.
That's it.
Doesn't sound too hard.
Palong Shak Ghonto—Palang Saag Bengali Recipe—Spinach Mixed Vegetable Curry—Indian Spinach Dishes - Duration: 7:01.
Palong Shaak'er Ghonto
palong shaak (spinach) 300g
potatoes 60g 4cm cubes
sweet potatoes 60g; potatoes 60g
pumpkin 150g
brinjal 150g
moolo (radish) 80g
sheem (broad beans) 60g
dal'er bori 10 pcs
coriander leaves 15g
dried red chillies 2 pcs; bay leaves 2 pcs
kaalo jeere ¼ tsp
turmeric 2g
cumin powder ½ tsp; turmeric 2g
salt 7g; sugar 15g
spinach is full of soil and dirt; soak in water for 15 minutes, and rinse thoroughly, several times, before using
separate leaves from the stalks
divide stalks in 6cm segments
pile spinach (leaves + stalks) into a pan
sprinkle 2g salt
steam on medium heat for 8 minutes
heat 35g mustard oil
fry bori until golden (20 seconds)
set aside
fry brinjal until golden (4 minutes)
set aside
10g more mustard oil
temper with dried red chillies
bay leaves, kaalo jeere
in this torkari, vegetables are cooked, slowly, in their own juices
stir, cover, and keep heat low
this is the remaining salt (5g)
remember to keep heat low, stir regularly, and cover the pan
lightly squeeze water from spinach (reserve the water)
continue cooking on low heat until veggies are done (10 minutes); stir intermittently
break bori into shards
chop coriander
moisture from the spinach will cook the vegetables; in case vegetables stick to the pan, add some of the squeezed-out spinach water
fried brinjal; fried bori
cover again to allow brinjal and bori to soak up the juices (4 minutes)
slit green chilli, coriander
one last stir:; be gentle so that the veggies don't disintegrate
fluffy, steaming rice (link in description)
mosur dal (link in description)
Bunken Strand Camping, Aalbæk, Nordjylland, Denemarken (English subtitled) - Duration: 1:23.
Beloved little league ballpark in West Sac to close - Duration: 1:28.
Residents along Hwy. 50 dig out from Sierra snow - Duration: 1:33.
Review Trek Fuel EX 9.9 (English subs) - Duration: 10:16.
The Trek Fuel EX 9.9 is
with a price tag of almost € 8000 the most...
...expensive bike I have ever tested.
Curious about my rating? Stay tuned!
As mentioned: a retailprice of € 8000
The Trek Fuel EX 9.9 is... of the most expensive bikes in the Trek collection.
Expensive so.... top notch parts!
I was surprised when I pulled the bike from it's box.
It's appearance is very modest:
Matt black with anthracite.
The colors say something about the material:
The frame is made out of carbon.
Let's take a closer look at the frame.
Ok, a carbon frame.
The good thing with Trek nowadays is...
...that they mention the weight on their website.
The frame weight is 2.54 kg including the rear shock.
I put the bike on my scale...
and the Trek weights 12 kg. With pedals.
The 11.96 kg that Trek claims, is spot on!
A carbon frame and carbon rear end....
...and it's loaded with clever features.
Like the Mini-Link...
...and the Knock Block.
Let's go into the details.
First: Knock Block
Design mission for the Fuel EX...
...was the construction of a very stiff frame.
Resulting in a down tube that goes straight down.
When turning the handlebar the top crown plate...
...could crash into the down tube.
The knock Block is a construction with a catch... the frame and the head tube that prevents this.
Over to the Mino Link.
It's the top connection between...
...the main frame and the rear frame.
It has an asymmetrical bolt.
Now the bolt is facing forward.
If I release it and turn it around...
...It changes the geometry of the Trek.
The head angle changes about 0.5 degree...
...and the bottom bracket height changes by 6 to 9 mm.
With the Mino-Link you can choose...
... between a quicker steering bike...
...or more stable riding bike.
A carbon frame is a bit sensitive to gravel... a robust rubber protective strip has been applied.
And the same on the top of the Down Tube... prevent damage just in case.
The suspension is top of the bill.
Fork and rear shock are from Fox.
The fork is a...
Fox Factory Float 34.
It is fully adjustable.
On the left top is the CTD adjustment:
Climb, Trail, Descend.
At least that's what it was called.
Now Fox uses: Firm, Medium and Open.
It doesn't have a remote.
And when I started testing the Trek I really missed it.
I do have it on my own bike.
But after a week testing I came to the conclusion...
...that a remote in this case is unnecessary.
Most of the time...
...I've been riding in the Medium/Trail position.
On the condition that the fork setup is to your own weight...
...the fork works fine without a remote.
The rear shock is also from Fox and it's a mouth full.
Officially it is named:
Fox Factory 34 Float Evolution Re:Activ with Thru Shaft!
I think I say it correctly...
There is much to be told about this shock.
It does something no other shock does.
But first, the easy part.
Like the fork it has CTD but with a lever.
Open, Medium and Firm.
Let's go back to it's rather long name.
Factory: Top line of Fox.
Re:Activ: It is an invention of Trek engineers.... collaboration with Penske:
an American F1 and Nascar team.
And is does something that is noticeable for every fully-mountainbiker.
When you are riding you feel that due to pedal movement...
...and the tention on the chain...
...the back tends to creep into the shock.
Exaggerated: the shock starts to pump.
This is bad! It's consumes energie and the ride is no fun!
The engineers found a way to let the shock react different to...
...a slow incoming impact... the pedal movement or body displacements when riding...
...or a fast incoming impact... treeroots.
With a fast impact, a valve opens, as it were, in the demper, so that it can do its full effect.
During slow pedaling movements the shock does almost nothing and stays firm.
For so far: Re:Activ!
On to the Tru Shaft technology.
No other bike-shock has it.
It's hard to video but let's take a closer look.
Most shocks have a closed lower attachment point.
With a bolt.
This shock has a sort of Y-connection point.
Every shock absorber suffers from something called Lag.
Lag: a delay in the response of the shock.
And that has to with the construction of the shock.
I am not going into details about this.
More on shock construction in the article on
Lag... It's something I find hard to notice...
...maybe I am not good enough.
But the Pro's do notice.
With the Tru Shaft construction the piston... the shock is able to...
...pass through the bottom of the shock and...
...Trek claims this results in less Lag.
The wheelsets are from Bontrager;
Treks own parts brand.
The Trek Fuel EX 9.9 is a 29-er. What else would you expect...
The front hub is a 110 Boost with 12mm axle.
The rear hub is a 140 Boost with 15mm axle.
The tires are Bontrager XR4 Team Issue.
Until recently I was not that fond of Bontrager tires.
Just not enough Oemphh.
But since the review of the Procaliber 8...
I adjusted my opinion.
The tires are fine for Dutch trails.
There is more carbon on the Trek.
The SRAM XX1 crank is also made from carbon.
The chainring has 32 teeth...
...and the smallest on the cassette is a 10T...
...and then we go up 12 gears...
...and the largest is 50T!
Only one chainring in the front and 12 sprockets in the rear so...
...only one shifter.
The shifter is a thing of beauty.
Underneath the shifter there is a torx bolt that enables you... adjust the lower lever over an angle of 60 degrees.
30 degrees both ways.
Very ergonomic.
With the lower lever I am able to shift 5 gears up in one go.
And with the other down one by one.
The derailleur and the shifter are equipped with...
...SRAM XX1 Eagle Technology.
It's SRAM way of producing a fast and accurate system.
And that is somehing I can vow for.
In the past six weeks I misshifted not a single time.
It is really a very fine and accurate combination.
One of the best I've ever tested.
The brakes are also from SRAM: SRAM Guide Ultimate.
Both discs have a diameter of 180 mm.
And both calipers have 4-pistons.
The brakes are very powerful and...
...stopping from high speeds is no problem.
The brakes are very well balanced.
And the blocking point of the brakes is easily determined.
The dosage of the brakes is adjustable at the lever.
Lets move up!
The levers are short and very ergonomic.
By turning the knob I adjust the distance between lever and handlebar.
That works for small and large hands.
But there is another adjustmentwheel.
With this wheel I adjust the braking point to my liking.
The riding position on the Trek is sporty...
...but is never aggressive.
The handlebar is 760 mm wide.
It is a bit too wide to my liking
On Dutch trails with narrow gabs between trees...'s just too wide.
What I do like is the drop seat post
Push the lever on the handlebar...
...and the seat drops.
Perfect for steep descends.
Climbing? Up the seat goes!
But... for a € 8000 euro bike...
...I don't want play on the seat post.
On to the conclusion
The Trek Fuel EX 9.9...
... the most expensive bike I have ever had under my buttocks!
And also one of the best.
The weight of 12 kg is fine for a fully...
...the suspension with 130 mm travel...
...super in the Alpes and fine for Dutch trails.
But the real praise go's to the rear shock with Re:Activ.
This is noticeable for every fully mountainbike rider.
Two points of criticism.
The handlebar... too wide to my liking.
But sawing the ends off is easy.
More serious is the play on the seatpost.
In this price categorie it should not be.
And for this I take half a star of the total rating.
And therefore I rate the Trek Fuel EX 9.9.... 4.5 stars!
Nice is that Treks provides a mini torque wrench...
...that fits almost all bolts with the bike!
And with this beautiful weather...
...I do a final lap on the magnificent...
...trail around Amerongen.
Homage to the designers and builders!
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Why was the door closed?
We've begun work on the exhibit...
and we didn't want any interruptions.
In fact, we came up with a brilliant idea.
We want to base our campaign on intrigue.
You know, make it like Napa's best-kept secret.
We want to arouse curiosity regarding the exhibit.
Excuse me.
Paloma has the design scheme for the exhibition
planned out already.
We're talking large-scale photographs,
book quotes lining the walls...
What a surprise.
Everything sounds so fresh and interesting.
You guys make a good team, it seems.
I think it'll be a success.
I'm sorry.
My mom just called. Something happened to Aurora.
I need to go. Bye.
Calm down, baby.
Are you alright?
I don't want to talk, Sofi.
You wouldn't understand.
Of course I would.
Just breathe, babe.
Relax and tell me what's going on.
I promise we can work it out.
Talk to me!
What's going on?
I'm a woman, Sofi.
I'm not Leonardo. I'm Leonora!
I don't believe you.
Aurora would never do such a thing.
Well, believe it or not Roberto's a bloody mess.
He had to get stitches.
Your sister attacked him in his sleep.
He's lying, Mom.
Aurora couldn't have done it. At least not like that.
There she is.
Oh, God.
Aurora, sweetie! Are you alright?
Please! She's my sister.
My mom needs to talk to her.
I'm sorry, but you can't speak to her
until we get her statement.
Everything's going to be alright, sis.
I believe in you! You know I do!
What the hell is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind?
What do you mean?
You think I'm an idiot?
You think I'm blind or deaf?
What if someone else had come in earlier?
You were having sex with that girl!
She's just a girl, Paco!
You've known her all your life.
She's Crisanto's daughter!
What are you doing with your life?
What the hell are you doing?
Sofi... listen to me.
I may look like a man on the outside,
but on the inside, I know I'm a woman.
I've always known it, ever since I was a child...
but I kept it from everyone and only lied to myself.
But you aren't a woman!
You have to shave every day!
You have testicles... and everything else!
Stop lying, Leo. Please.
This can't be happening. This is a nightmare.
You're right. It is.
My own personal nightmare.
The same one I've been living for as long as I can remember.
This makes no sense. You've gone mad, Leo!
Have you gone mad, Paco?
Hooking up with Paloma Castañeda?
You've really done it now.
What if one of our business partners had walked in?
What about your wife or mine?
You're jeopardizing our reputation, Paco!
Our prestige.
You're right, I know.
Quit telling me I'm right.
Can you please explain this to me?
I thought you were a serious man.
You're a college professor, for crying out loud!
You've never done anything this crazy... or have you?
Of course not, Mike!
Who do you think I am?
I have nothing but respect for the university and my students!
I've never cheated on Natalia.
I don't know what happened.
I just couldn't...
Or rather, I chose not to avoid it.
Gramps, how am I supposed to remain calm if...
Juanjo! Pipe down.
The baby's sleeping.
How am I supposed to calm down?
I wasn't even allowed to see Aurora at the station.
Can't you understand?
Juanjo, don't be irrational.
Roberto may be there, but it's still a police station!
Aurora's perfectly safe there.
I know that, Grandpa, but that isn't what I'm worried about.
Roberto will be there.
He's going to get interrogated, but he's an expert liar!
He'll try his hardest to antagonize Aurora.
Right, but you can't be there...
so just calm down already!
Son of a...! I need to know...
Juanjo, be quiet. You're going to wake the baby.
Aurora doesn't want you going to the station
because you might complicate things.
What part of that don't you understand?
Well, I won't take this lying down!
Aurora's been accused of attempted murder.
Do you realize how serious this is?
You think I don't care?
You think I'm any less nervous than you are?
The only way to show our support right now
is taking care of Emilito,
so please be quiet before you wake him.
How could Aurora leave the baby with those people?
This is why bad things keep happening to her!
She's asking for it!
Mom, do you hear yourself?
Aurora isn't speaking to you lately because of just that.
You're always judging and blaming her
instead of hearing her out and trying to understand her.
Crisanto, where are you going?
Where else? To get my grandson.
Dad, wait!
Wait, Dad!
Don't take Emilio.
Serena's taking good care of him.
This is a choice his mother Aurora made!
Dad, don't be ridiculous!
Do you seriously want to make everyone your enemy?
Don't tell me what to do.
Out of the way.
And you'd better stop covering for your sister.
This I what she gets for fooling around.
You Neanderthal!
A true father would never speak ill of his daughters.
Don't try me, Paloma.
What are you going to do? Hit me?
Go on! Hit me!
Go inside and find out what's going on?
Go inside, Paloma!
I'm coming with you. I know where this is headed.
Look, Mercedes...
Let's go.
Come on, Crisanto.
You aren't expecting me to cover for you, are you?
You know I care about Natalia.
She's my wife's best friend.
I'm not asking you for anything, Mike.
It's just... I'd rather you didn't tell your wife.
Hold up.
You can't tell me what I can talk to my wife about.
Who are you to tell me?
I'm not meddling in your marriage.
I'm just asking you to not tell Susan.
I promise I'll put an end to this.
No, Paco. Don't make any promises.
We need to nip this in the bud, Paco.
If you keep seeing her on a daily basis,
you won't be able to resist the temptation!
I think it's best we fire her.
We can't fire her. That'd be unfair.
Somebody's Mr. Bossypants.
Who are you going to fire?
Hey, honey.
Natalia, you look simply radiant.
Thanks, Mike.
I cleaned up a bit today.
My husband's too handsome. I've gotta try my best.
Cat got your tongue?
You look radiant. You know, like Mike said.
That's it?
I was expecting something along the lines of,
"You drive me crazy."
You drive me crazy.
Whatever. I forgive you.
We have a reservation at Monsieur Le Chef in 30 minutes.
I tried calling Susan, but she didn't answer.
I think she got caught up with an
attempted murder investigation or something like that.
So, shall we? My treat.
Let's go.
Come on.
Roberto's been mistreating me for a while now.
At first, it was understated. I never realized it.
He'd demean me subtly...
Over time, he began to lose control
and just started insulting me harshly.
He'd be jealous about Juanjo or whoever else came near me.
What exactly do you mean by losing control?
He started yelling at me, accusing me of things,
threatening me...
Then he started getting violent and controlling.
He'd constantly check my phone and my call list.
One day, he showed up at the hotel I was staying in
just to spy on me.
Never mind that his foot was broken.
Please help me with my bag.
Help you?
If you didn't need help to fly to Chicago to spy on me,
you don't need help with your luggage.
Then he saw some photos on the MAWA Facebook page.
Did you show them to him?
No... he searched for them.
I came out in some photos with Mike, Horacio, and Juanjo.
He also saw some pictures of me dancing with Juanjo...
and he just lost it.
Get your hands off me!
You wore it for him!
Now wear it for me! Wear it for me!
He forced me... to put on that same dress...
and then he ripped it apart.
The day of the earthquake,
he suddenly became convinced that I'd slept with Juanjo...
and he forced me to sleep with him.
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