It's a thief.
- It's a thief. / - It's a thief.
(Did a thief drop by in the dead of night?)
What's going on with Seoeon and Seojun?
(The twins are caught in a huge incident.)
Come here.
How do we catch him?
Report it to the police.
- Call the police? / - Yes.
This has never happened. I'm baffled.
(What might have happened here?)
- Aren't you sick of this? / - No.
Do you know how many times we've played this?
About 1,000 times.
- If we win, / - Then?
then you must buy us more tops.
If I win, I won't buy you more tops, okay?
- Promise. / - No, buy us tops.
Then, let's switch it around.
If you win, Daddy, then you buy us tops.
If we lose, then you don't have to buy us anymore.
Wait, that's the same situation.
Hold on, Seojun. What happens if I win?
If you lose,
then you have to buy us three tops each.
- Three of them? / - Yes, that three-in-one pack.
- You want that? / - Yes.
How about if you lose?
Then we won't buy the three-in-one pack.
We'll just get a small one instead.
(One way or another, they want more tops.)
All right. Fine.
- Okay. / - Let's go.
- Three, two, one. Let it rip! / - Three, two, one.
(And so, the top battle begins.)
(They go at it for hours.)
Kids are all into these tops nowadays.
(The 3-2-1 countdown never ends.)
Seven to zero.
Let's stop playing now.
Let's play more.
Let's stop. Do you know what time it is?
We're done for the day. It's time to sleep.
We're playing tomorrow.
- One more time. / - We have to sleep.
- One more game. / - No. Go in, now.
Go inside.
- Please. / - No. You can't.
- Pretty please. / - No, you can't.
- Pretty please. / - Please.
(Cuteness assault)
No, you can't. Play tomorrow. Go inside.
Hurry inside.
(The twins give up and try to fall asleep.)
Close your eyes and sleep.
You're the best, Daddy.
Am I the best?
Sleep well.
Good night.
Be careful, Daddy.
I'm sorry.
Despite the struggle, Hwijae puts them to bed
and he goes to his bedroom.
The exhausted father also tries to sleep.
(the twins pop up.)
(Gosh, pretending to sleep was tough.)
Don't you want to go for a spin?
How? Let's do it.
Commence operation. Move out.
Let's hurry and play.
Just one game, right?
We need the flashlight.
I found it.
(They carry out their plan with a flashlight in hand.)
Let's go, Seoeon. Follow me.
Hey, Seojun. I think Dad's going to come.
It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid about.
You don't need to be afraid.
I'm just going to sleep.
Just go play alone.
My goodness.
- Please? Just one game. / - All right.
- Just once, okay? / - Sure.
Let's go.
Are they trying to spin tops instead of sleeping?
Oh, dear.
Hey, Seoeon. Take a look at this.
If you press this, it lights up.
Be quiet.
- Just press this. / - Shush.
(Sneaking around makes it so much more fun.)
All right. I win.
Let's just move it, Seoeon.
Move it.
(Let's move everything to the bedroom instead.)
Hey, just enjoy yourself.
Three, two, one. Let it rip.
Oh, gosh.
(They revel through the night with their tops.)
That's just game over.
But suddenly...
Hwijae wakes up.
(The twins cluelessly chatter about.)
Oh, gosh.
(Oh, no. What should we do?)
Daddy, to be honest,
we were playing with our tops.
(They hope for the best by admitting guilt.)
You said you were going to sleep.
- What were you doing? / - Spinning tops.
- You couldn't help it? / - No.
(My goodness.)
I told you to stop, so no more, okay?
(They get everything confiscated.)
(He cleans up after putting them back to bed.)
For goodness' sake.
(He worries about their obsession.)
They like them too much.
(He worries about their obsession.)
The Return of Superman, episode 210,
"For You, Who Always Shine".
Morning arrives.
(The twins wake up the following morning.)
Are you awake? Did you sleep well?
- Daddy. / - Yes?
Where did my tops go?
- What? / - My tops.
I don't know.
I didn't touch them.
Where did you put them?
I'm not sure. I didn't move them.
But you cleaned them up last night.
Sure, but I left them right where they were.
(Have they disappeared?)
(Are they here?)
(Seojun checks every little corner.)
Despite the search, they are nowhere to be found.
Where have they gone?
(Seoeon wakes up as well.)
Daddy, where's the arena?
The arena? I'm not sure. I don't know either.
I just woke up too.
Look. It's a letter.
It's a letter.
A letter?
Who stuck this here?
I don't know.
(They discover a strange red envelope.)
What is this?
I think it might be from Yerin.
Oh, my.
"As you're reading this,"
" I'm sure you're in an uproar over the missing tops."
(His eyes are quaking.)
"Shall I tell you who I am?"
"I seize tops from houses with big collections,"
"I am Top Thief."
"I hear, 'Three, two, one' all day from this house."
"Not only do you beg for more tops,"
"but you also play deep into the night."
"I'm sorry, but your tops"
"are now mine."
"Yours truly, Top Thief."
(A sudden calamity)
(Hopelessness and despair)
How did he come in?
How did he come in?
What's going on here?
(What is the full account of this burglary?)
(Hwijae sought out a childcare expert.)
- Hello? / - Hello, it's Hwijae.
- Hello there, Hwijae. / - Have you been well?
They're almost inexplicably obsessed
with playing with these tops.
They sleep late. It's almost uncontrollable.
They keep begging for more tops.
How can I get this situation under control?
It's natural for children to get very invested
in one kind of toy or activity.
The problem stems from overindulgence.
To combat the effects of overindulgence,
you have to admit their lack of control
and it's best to take the objects out of sight.
Simply put, you're temporarily removing the objects
that are causing their overexcitement.
All right. I understand.
(He follows expert advice.)
Hwijae seeks to discipline the twins
according to expert advice.
It turns out that Top Thief is Hwijae.
They're the most valuable to me.
How should we catch him?
- The police station. / - The police station?
Hurry and report it.
You want to report it? Do you know the number?
112. Is that right?
It's 112.
(Police crime report, 112)
- You want to report it? / - Wait.
We have a policeman on the first floor.
- There's a police officer on the first floor? / - Yes.
Isn't he like a section chief?
A section chief?
No, he's in charge of the maintenance here.
Report it, Daddy.
(Oh, no. This can't really be reported.)
(Moving hurriedly)
(He makes an urgent phone call.)
- Hello? / - Hey, Kyeonghwan.
- Who is this? / - It's me, Hwijae.
- Yes, hello. / - Hey, this is urgent.
- Okay. / - You're a policeman.
Just play along for my kids, okay?
- I'm a policeman? / - Yes, you are.
- I'm counting on you. / - Okay.
- Got it. / - Thank you.
Boys, come over here.
What's the number?
- You mean the police? / - Yes.
(He calls Kyeonghwan again.)
- Yes, hello? / - Is this the police?
Yes, you're right. Do you have an issue?
Excuse me, officer.
Hello, there.
A thief broke into the house
and stole our stuff.
You had a break-in? How frightening.
Our tops have disappeared.
Your tops?
They're gone.
What kind of tops? You mean snails?
- Then... / - Snails?
The window was open at night.
The crook must have entered through there.
That's right. Top Thief left a letter behind.
The crook left a letter? What does it say?
He heard us fight over the tops.
And because we play with them late at night,
he said he took them.
Do you think we can find them?
I'll do my best,
but top burglary is a high-level crime.
Please find them for us.
Along with CSI,
I'll try to solve the case with community help.
But it won't be easy.
I love you, officer.
Sure, I love you too, but...
Please excuse us. The kids wish to salute you.
- Attention. Salute. / - Salute.
- Thank you, officer. / - Salute.
The officer is on the move to find your tops.
Let's pretend that the tops are here.
- You want to pretend? / - Yes.
(He winds up his invisible top.)
In three, two, one. Let it rip.
(The game is visible to just the three of them.)
Who will win?
Daddy's top is getting weak.
- Let's go. / - Seojun's is strong
and Daddy's top is getting weak.
- You destroyed his top. / - Yes.
- Three, two, one. Let it rip. / - Let it rip.
- Who will win? / - I wrecked Dad's.
- Hurrah, I won. / - Applause.
(Gosh, what is the point of all this?)
This isn't fun.
My top.
(Feeling hopeless)
Why did you take our tops?
Whatever for?
He didn't even tell us.
(Escaping reality)
You're doing fine without the tops.
- It's not fun at all! / - It's not fun!
(Spacing out)
(They have given up.)
(Cheer up, guys. Let's wait a bit longer.)
Daddy, can we go out to play?
- You want to go out? / - Yes.
But you can't play long.
Just a little while, okay?
My tops...
Hey, let's walk together.
The twins work out to forget about their tops.
Will they be able to get them off their minds?
(Why is it so loud?)
Just then, Seojun discovers something.
- What have they seen? / - Let it rip.
(Their expressions are suddenly bright.)
Hey, let's run.
(What luck is this?)
One more time.
(They discover kids playing with tops.)
Let it rip.
Wasn't that awesome?
(What's with these kids?)
- We don't have tops. / - You don't have any?
- No. / - We used to have some,
but Top Thief stole them away.
- Can we watch? / - Can we watch?
(He sits like a middle-aged man.)
- Gosh, it looks fun. / - Make it go inside.
It's about to go down.
The win is mine.
I want to play too.
You want to try?
- Sure, why not. / - Here you go.
(He hasn't felt this feeling in a while.)
- Three, two, one. / - Three, two, one.
(They yell at the top of their lungs.)
- Let it rip. / - Let it rip.
It's a tie.
- Give it to me. / - Is it not working?
Kids, it's been a while, so I have to go now.
(They have to go.)
Can you return the tops now?
He wants his top back.
- Why? / - Sorry, but I have to go.
(I already have to let you go.)
Let's meet again, okay?
(I want to play more, but I must hold it in.)
Now, please.
Hold on, guys.
Be very careful.
Watch out for Top Thief.
- Okay. / - Keep your windows closed.
All right.
(Dear tops, are you really leaving me?)
(The twins gaze on as they walk further away.)
(They can part without crying now.)
More time might be needed.
But I think they'll get used to it just fine.
I want to play with them differently too.
It'll take some effort.
From now on,
I'll only spend a bit of time playing with tops.
I won't sleep late because of them either.
I'll stop asking you to buy us more tops.
- Daddy. / - Yes?
I want to play something else now.
Something else?
Wed-light, green-light.
- Wed-light... / - You're saying it wrong.
(We hope they'll play more actively now.)
For more infomation >> A burglar breaks into the twin's house.…"Thief!Call the police!"[The Return of Superman/2018.01.28] - Duration: 16:25.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 Aligot! Mashed Potatoes With Melty Cheese & 5 Hamburgers [About 4000kcal] [Click CC] - Duration: 4:48.
Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 3:31:14.
Title: Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist
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5 Bollywood Actress Rare And Unseen Childhood Photos - Duration: 5:08.
5 Bollywood Actress Rare And Unseen Childhood Photos
Feed me! 🐯🐯We should eat something since we're awake? [Dragon Club / 2017.12.19] - Duration: 10:12.
(The true story of 20 years of friendship)
(Dragon's Club: Overgrown Bromance)
(Episode 3: Neighborhood guys)
(This show was actually)
(Planned by someone before)
(They first made their runaway plans on August 19th)
- There's an original version of this. / - What?
What a surprise.
Someone is there.
The original version? What was it?
Neighborhood Guys.
Neighborhood guys?
You know the neighborhood guys being us.
Like voluntary night guarding.
They said you came up with Neighborhood Guys.
Back when we were drinking,
someone suggested that.
This was the thought.
The idea of Neighborhood Guys was
just hanging out with these guys
without a specific format.
Talking about the same stuff and
telling the same stories again and again.
It would've worked.
It's not important to do something.
It's not about what we do.
It's about what we talk about.
Because we met when we were all struggling...
The idea was to get together and be immature.
(Dragon's Club: Overgrown Bromance)
(The waves shimmer with radiance)
(On a day like today with a hot sun)
(Let's go to the refreshing beach!)
(On a fall day that's as hot as summer)
(They all wake up early this morning)
It's so hot.
What's going on?
How is it so sunny?
The sun is brutal.
This room is so cool.
It is.
This is the coolest room.
(Not so hot in Taehyun and Hyuk's room as it's shaded)
That room is incredible.
- The sun coming in... / - That room?
Our room is shaded nicely.
- The sun is really hot today. / - It's super hot.
Hey, what are we eating?
I think we should get groceries.
Can we just eat brunch?
Yeah. We'll eat on time.
You hungry? You sure eat a lot.
Do we have rice?
Make some toast for Jongkook at least.
- Some toast... / - Oh, we have bread.
- We have bread. / - And egg.
- We have bread? / - There's no oil.
- What kind of bread? / - I mean butter.
We don't have a toaster, do we?
- What? / - A toaster.
How about some instant noodles?
- Are you going to eat instant noodles? / - No.
We should eat something since we're awake.
We should eat something since we're awake.
- There's egg. / - We need oil to fry an egg.
Did we leave the oil at the tent bar?
We left everything there.
(We have rice)
(No time to dilly-dally)
("Safety First!" Save Jongkook's stomach from hunger)
Let's go.
(Feed me)
I hate feeling hungry.
I wake up at 4 and eat 2 bowls of soup.
I grill pork belly in the morning.
(Let's hurry)
Eat breakfast like a king
and lunch like a prince.
(Taehyun is in the kitchen)
We can just eat laver, rice
and the pickled squid we bought.
We have cooked rice.
We can just eat whatever.
Why did they go out to get stuff?
(Taehyun starts making something)
Isn't that a kid's meal?
That's what you serve kids.
This is great.
- All we need to do is grill some Spam. / - Yeah.
Kids love it too.
We're all friends. We don't need anything special.
Is this how you make Taeeun's meal?
Taeeun and Sujin.
Suchan doesn't eat like that.
Suchan only eats when the table is fully set.
He needs ham with his meals.
(Cooking breakfast like he does for his 3 kids)
(Leftover cartilage stir-fry from yesterday)
(Piling up)
There's nothing to prepare.
This is easier.
Just eat whatever for breakfast.
This is actually pretty good.
It is.
Kid's meal is the best.
(He fried up some eggs)
It's like a tent bar, almost.
This is delicious.
This is a feast!
Add "Taeeun's meal" on the menu.
- It would've been better with ketchup. / - Try it.
It'll surprise you.
Kid's meal is good.
- I need more rice. / - More rice?
You're going up to work out, right?
- Should we? / - Of course.
He brought something to work out.
What is it? Your back?
As soon as you mentioned working out...
- What's this about? / - Be careful.
It sometimes gets like this.
This is good.
(As the others eat breakfast)
(The Hong brothers come back from the tent bar)
You couldn't wait for us and you're eating already?
- Come on, guys... / - We don't need more food.
- Let's just eat that. / - Yeah, to conserve time.
I should've brought ketchup.
- You guys look so sad. / - A servant's meal.
I bet it's like a sauna in the tent bar.
It feels like summer.
When we go out...
I'm going swimming.
Do we have to eat in the corner like this?
It tastes better in the corner.
Eating like this...
Should I grill some more Spam?
All I need is kimchi and rice.
I'm not picky about food.
(Here's a refill)
You made so much.
He has 3 kids.
You need a lot of food for 3 kids.
That was good.
We have to wash the towels ourselves, right?
I don't think I saw a washing machine.
What's this towel for?
It's mine. I only used it once yesterday.
I'll use it again.
You only used it once?
Just for a bit.
- So you put it here? / - I only used it a little.
Unbelievable... You should let it dry.
- Yeah. / - Amazing...
I only used it a little.
Either wise it'll add to the load.
(Hyuk changes out of his pink pajamas)
I didn't bring a pair of shorts.
- You want some shorts? / - No, it's okay.
(I want shorts too)
(Time to change out of their pajamas)
Dozens of pies on the menu at OOB Pie-A-Palooza - Duration: 0:36.
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Should Children Take Vitamins | What Age Do Babies Need Vitamins | Best Childrens Baby Vitamins - Duration: 3:20.
And it tastes like, bananas!
here's an interesting fact! 64% of parents said they didn't give their children vitamin drops growing up
and actually I've just had a really good idea but bear with me...
okay so let's carry on
so the Department of Health recommends that all children aged 6 months to 5 years
are given vitamin supplements containing vitamin A, C and D
and research showed that most parents were unaware that they needed to give vitamin supplements
to their children, because they thought a healthy diet was enough and that is meant to be fruit and veg
and interestingly only 30% of parents were advised by a healthcare professional on this
so if there's any health care professionals watching (Door Knocking) come in
so where was I so if there are any health care professionals watching
we need to do more and advise more
so why do we actually need to give these vitamins to children aged 6 months to 5 years?
well it's a good question and I'm going to try my best to answer it for you now
ok well firstly it can be quite difficult to give children a varied diet as they're growing up
so sometimes they wont get enough vitamin A, C or D
It's also quite difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone
and these vitamins are essential for good health
such as growing healthy bones and building a strong immune system
if you're now wondering which vitamin drops you should buy well don't worry too much
all it needs to contain is vitamin A, C and D
and to make life easier the NHS actually made their own vitamin drop
and it's got a great name called healthy start vitamin drop
and here's some even better news you could actually be eligible to getting these vitamin drops for free
by applying for them on the NHS healthy start website I've left a link in the description below
but if you're not eligible you can still buy these drops or other brands from your local pharmacy
and once you've got it give it as directed on the packaging
children can be a little fussy with these kinds of things so you can either give it straight
and the Healthy Start one tastes it tastes like bananas
or you can mix it with food milk or any juice but make sure they eat all of it or drink all of it to get the full dose
and now that that's done here's some information which you may find useful
if you're breastfeeding it's also recommended that babies are given a vitamin D supplement
from birth so if you're not doing this already speak to your midwife about it
but if you are using infant formula and your baby's feeding more than 500mls a day
then you don't need to give any vitamin supplements because it's all already in there
and lastly it's still important for children to eat healthy so they can get all the nutrients they need
to grow and develop properly so I've left a few links in the description below with more information on it
and as always make sure to like, comment and tag friends who'll find this information useful
hey guys thanks for watching this week's video
make sure to click that like, follow or subscribe button now
to stay up to date with new weekly videos
so when I was playing squash last week I beat Moudy 4-1
"I beat him 3-1 is the truth"
milk no sugar, sugar is bad guys keep away from that sugar
this is a test to see if the sound, is working correct, on the camera
Unhas Decoradas Passo a Passo Simples Faceis de Fazer 2018 | Tutorial de Unhas #60 - Duration: 10:11.
Thank you for watching the video Please subscribe to enhd e new video
USM Gorham hosts annual Swish-out Cancer event - Duration: 0:47.
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Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - CON BÒ BIẾT Ý - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2018 - Duration: 14:36.
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lemon tea - health benefits of lemon tea (hindi) lemon tea - natural home remedy for weight loss
How to Import data from third party websites to WordPress in Telugu - Duration: 2:54.
The worst F1 car in AC? Ferrari F2004 nightmare + Setup - Silverstone hotlap 1.28.535 - Duration: 8:41.
1. Abbey corner - has to be taken flat out. Timing is absolutely crucial, especially in a car that likes to understeer as much as this one.
2. Farm - just keep it in check and as far to the left as possible...
3.,4.,5. ...before braking hard into the Arena combination. Trigger oversteer by downshifting precipitously.
And once again, forcing the car to apex.
6. Get ready to brake nice and early into Brooklands - the corner is long and gradually tightens. Don't brake too hard - the front needs to be kept reactive and willing to steer.
7. Luffield - prepare to fight understeer all the way through the corner and then get on the throttle as soon as possible.
8. Flat out through Woodcote.
9. Prepare for Copse. Timing is once again vital - you need to keep maximum momentum before accelerating for the long straight.
10., 11., 12., 13., 14. - Maggots, Becketts, Chapel. The trickiest section of the circuit. First two kinks are taken flat out, but then...
...the car has so much sideways momentum that it's very hard to keep it planted for the exit. It just wants to leave the circuit, going left.
Barely kept it in.
Now thundering down the Hangar straight...
15. ...before braking hard into Stowe. The lateral acceleration makes it very hard, once again.
16., 17., 18. Vale, Club - now for the final challenge. Brake like crazy into Vale...
A moment of full steering lock... And get on the gas as hard as possible, allowing the Traction control to power you through this long right hander.
Phew, that was difficult...
Let the machine rest a little :D
Защита Компьютера От Интернет Угроз (Безопасный серфинг в Интернете) - Duration: 8:40.
Phim hoạt hình - Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - ĐẠI BÀNG ĐỀN ƠN ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2018 - Duration: 10:16.
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Title: Blues Piano: Mama's insane blues - Full Album (2 Hours Blues Piano Music)
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