[music playing]
You can watch more Team Umi Zumi in the free Nick Junior app.
For more infomation >> How to Build Your Own Bot from Team Umizoomi 🖌️ | DIY Crafts | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
How to Properly Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Site - Duration: 5:14.
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to start monetizing your website? Well
keep watching in this video I'll walk you through how you can add Google
Adsense to your WordPress website to start earning money quickly and don't
worry if you run into any issues I'll also share a couple of frequently asked
questions and a couple of solutions if you run into problems while installing it.
The first thing you need to do if you don't already have it is you need to
apply for a Google Adsense account. Open up a new tab and go to the google.com/adsense
website from here you can sign up for our Google Adsense account
and it typically takes about six to eight hours for approval process. Once
you've been approved simply log into your dashboard for Google Adsense and
over here under my ads we can create a new one to get started. Now that you
click on ad units let's click on a new ad unit and from here you can choose
from three different ways to do it I'm going to show you the text & display
ad that's the classic way that most people have done Google Adsense so we'll
select this one. You want to make it a descriptive name so that you'll know
what this is. Some people do it by where they're placing the ad and down here you
want to choose what the size of the ad you want. The responsive one is really
good because it will expand or contract according to what the end-user has if
they're viewing it from their smart phone or their tablet or their desktop
this will expand to show it properly for that person. You want to test different
ad sizes because different ad sizes will probably mean different amounts of money
for your website. A lot of people recommend the 336 by 280 rectangle
and the medium rectangle 300 by 250 both of those seem to do pretty well for many
websites. So I'm going to click on the 300 by 250 for the ad type then either
will just show text or an actual image to a person. By default they recommend to
show both of them again with many other things you'll want to play with this to
see which one works best for you but you can typically start with the display and
text ads part and then change it as you go along. So we're going to keep it as
that the text ad style we'll click on that you want to put the ad style
that looks the most like your website so scrolling through you can pick the one
that looks the best. If you don't see any that looks as close to yours as you can
then you can also click create ad style and you'll create a completely brand new
one and you can match up the colors to match with your website. Once you pick
the one that you want then there are two other items that you want to look at. The
custom channels area is simply a feature that allows you to better track your ad
performance so you can choose to do that now; since you're just getting up and
running it's probably a good idea to just wait until later. The, if no ads are
available that's crucial to know what you want to do because if Google can't
find an ad to show your visitors then you need to tell Google what to do.
By default it'll simply collapse the ad unit or show a blank area and when you
first set this up that's actually what you'll probably see in the beginning
because it can take a little bit of time for the Google ads to start appearing on
your website. We get that error a lot, people think it's an error they're like
I just installed this and nothing is showing on my site what's wrong? Well
it will take a little bit of time for Google to show the ad and when that's
happening you'll see a blank area. The other two options you can do is you can
collapse the unit and show color it's a different color that you want maybe from
your website or you can also show other URL if there's an image from somewhere
else that you want to show you can do that.
We're gonna stick with the default we'll just have a blank space if nothing is
available. Now we're done with this particular ad so we want to save and get
the code and you'll want to copy this. We want to keep it asynchronous that means
that your website will load regardless if this ad will load so it's very good
for speed and for the user experience. So we need to select all this
I'll right click and copy. Now that we've copied it we need to add
it to our website and we'll do that next. From our dashboard the absolute simplest
way that you can do this is by adding it to one of your sidebar widget areas. So
to do that from our WordPress dashboard we'll head down over to appearance go to
widgets and what we want to use for this is we want to add the custom HTML over
to our sidebar and put that there. Under the content area I just want to
right-click and paste it and now we'll save it. Now that we've added it to our
site we can take a look and see what it looks like on our website. Now looking on
the website you see that there is a blank area that's because we just put it
on here so it will take a little while for Google to match some ads to
show on our site. So it could take a little bit of time for this to show up as you
can see that after I refreshed my page my ads are finally showing up on my site.
So now that you've set up your first one go ahead and go back through Adsense and
create a few more ad units so that you can start testing and improving your
results with them. Did you learn something from today's video? If so subscribe to
our YouTube channel and we'll send more helpful tips to help
you manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching
Ramalingam Hotel since 1936 - An Eatery In Rasipuram Serving Tasty Non Vegetarian Food For 80+ Years - Duration: 4:38.
This is broiler chicken kurma
chicken kurma with chicken pieces
all kurma's are prepared with meat pieces in them
if its without meat then we call it veg kurma
this is country chicken varuval
if customers ask for gravy, we ask them what gravy they want mutton, chicken or country chicken gravy.in the 3 gravy we give them what they ask
this is mutton intestine
we have been preparing in this style since the beginning
this is mutton varuval
there are about 10 varieties of parota
wheat parota, bun parota, chapathi etc
how long have you been working here?
25 years
how long have you been working here?
about 11 years
he's my dad
my grandfather's name is Ramalingam
he started this place in the year 1936
after my grandfather , my father took care now iam managing things here.
now my son the 4th generation he is studying in psg coimbatore - catering science and hotel management
what are the items famour here?
mutton biriyani, chicken biriyani, country chicken biriyani
mutton kadhambam, country chicken varuval, parota, a lot of varieties in parota
dosa , idly .....
people who are hungry or who wants to try variety of dishes can come ...
if the order is 2 idlies or 200 idlies we are happy to service..
we also take out door catering services....
we start at 7.30 am till 9.30 pm
continuously without break
from morning 7.30 to 9.30 there will be parota
7.30 to 1 there will be tiffin items
afternoon there will be meals
fish items like seer fish, prawn. crab, chili fish, fish maharani, fish finger all these items are available
no other branches........
The 'Boy Meets World' When Shawn Joined A Cult - Duration: 6:01.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] Mr. Turner hands back tests and announces
Shawn is the only student that did poorly.
He tells Shawn he's worried he has no goals
or plans for college and when Shawn blows him off,
Mr Turner says Shawn only has a handful of people
in his life who care about him.
Shawn says he has plenty of friends who care.
His friends who care bail on this conversation
to go make out.
Mr Turner urges Shawn to think about his future.
Sherry, who looks like a hotter version of Shawn
if he owned a comb, was eaves dropping and tells Shawn
she has a hundred friends who care about her
and these hundred friends don't judge.
Shawn sees nothing weird about that super weird statement
and accepts Sherry's invite
to get a judgment free cup of coffee.
Presumably because he thinks it's code
for an old fashioned jerk job
or at least some over the sweater hand stuff.
Sherry brings Shawn to a creepy room full of strangers
that say his name in unison and line up to give him hugs.
She says this place is a "hangout"
where friends get together and talk about "stuff".
Sherry invites Shawn to be one of their friends.
He says he can always use more friends
but isn't sure about the hugging thing.
Sherry tells him Mr. Mack says a hug is a burst
of pure love.
Shawn says he's bursting with pure love.
Eyes still on the prize for that afternoon handie.
Sherry says Mr. Mack is a remarkable man
who changed her life.
Mr. Mack walks in, hugging all these teens
and asks Sherry if she's centered.
Mr. Mack gets Shawn a can of generic red cola.
Then says his name three times in a row.
- Well it just goes to show Shawn,
you can't always go with your first instincts Shawn,
you've got to give people a chance Shawn.
- [Narrator] Shawn looks around, and finally realizes
he's in the middle of a cult.
He politely declines but Mr. Mack says he's judging them
just like Shawn's teachers and family judge him.
Mr. Mack asks Shawn to get to know them
before making judgments.
Shawn says that seems fair.
And one hour later, I mean they couldn't even have Shawn
put on a different shirt to make it look like
more time has passed, Shawn is completely brainwashed.
He's hugging Corey, asking him if he's centered
and telling Corey he really likes Mr. Mack and the Center.
He's freaking Corey out, talking in riddles
and for the first time in their friendship
Corey asks Shawn about his spirituality.
He asks Shawn what he believes in, Shawn says,
he doesn't have the luxury of believing in a warm house
with a warm family like Corey.
Even though he's at that house
with that family every every fucking day.
And says he found something new to believe in,
a basement full of hugs and off brand cola.
And the heavily implied possibility
that he might get JO'ed by all three of these girls
if he plays his cards right.
Mr. Turner asks Shawn about the Center,
and instead of answering a single question
Shawn tells Mr. Turner he's judging.
Mr. Turner asks Shawn why he feels like he needs this place?
Shawn says it's because he felt incomplete.
Mr. Turner tries to relate to Shawn
but Shawn glosses over it with a fake smile
and hug that Mr. Turner promptly shuts down.
He tells Shawn the Center is filled with lost souls
and a clearly predatory creep and urges Shawn
not to let this place take away who he really is.
Shawn says he doesn't know who he really is.
Which checks out, because it only took a can of soda
and hearing his name three times
to get balls deep in the brainwash sauce.
Corey and Eric attempt to infiltrate the Center
to get Shawn back.
Eric says you'd have to be a weak minded fool
to fall for this place then instantly falls for the place
when a girl in a vest gives him a hug.
Shawn asks Corey what he's doing
and tells him to scram 'cause Corey has something
to believe in and Shawn doesn't.
Corey warns Shawn that once Mr. Mack gets ahold
of his mind he will have it for life.
Mr. Mack says Corey is overreacting and this place
isn't so bad, then hits the lights and has a weird, fake,
award ceremony to welcome their new lifetime member Shawn.
Corey snitches on Shawn and his parents decide
they're going to go get him but before they can leave
Shawn shows up with Eric.
He had to drag Eric out of there because Mr. Mack
though Eric was only in it for the "hugs".
Since you can't say "hand jobs" Friday night at 8:30 on ABC.
Shawn says he's going back because he's happy
and totally centered.
They all try to talk sense into him, saying they love him
and the Center is cuckoo, banana bread, cray cray.
And they're fine with him searching for something
to believe in but this Mr. Mack guy is bad news.
Corey's dad asked Shawn what he used to believe in
before this place, you know, yesterday
and Shawn says he doesn't know.
So Corey's dad follows up with this question,
that's a totally normal thing to ask your son's best friend,
- Did you believe in God?
- [Narrator] You can literally hear the crickets.
Feeny returns to say Mr. Turner has been Centered
in the middle of the god damn street
because he crashed his motorcycle.
The gang is waiting at the hospital when Shawn arrives
with his turtle neck dick hole.
Shawn says he couldn't face this alone,
ignoring that this family he's known his whole life
is right there with him.
Mr. Mack antagonizes Feeny and Corey's parents
to the point where Corey's dad says he would kill
to protect Shawn.
Feeny says Mr. Mack can't have Shawn and Mr. Mack says
that's up to Shawn and even if Shawn says no,
there are many more just like him.
But Shawn didn't hear that horrific
human trafficking comment because he's already
in Mr. Turner's hospital room.
Shawn is freaking out and says he needs Mr. Mack.
Corey stops him and gives him a hug, a real hug,
not like those knock off bootleg hugs
Shawn's been handing out left and right
like he took ecstasy at Bonnaroo.
They leave Shawn with Mr. Turner
and Shawn has a complete breakdown.
Shawn pleads with Mr. Turner to hang in there
then looks at this machine like he has any idea
what the fuck it means.
He finally appreciates Mr. Turner and the handful of people
who care about him.
Then calls out to God, because now he also believes in God.
He starts talking to God in the hospital room
and says Mr. Turner can't be done yelling at him yet.
Then Mr. Turner squeezes his hand because apparently
he's got a whole lot more yelling to do.
Only he doesn't
because we never see Mr. Turner ever again
for the rest of Boy Meets World
because he probably fucking killed himself.
So what did we learn today?
If a hot girl wants to buy you a cup of coffee
chances are she's trying to get you to join her cult.
But if it only takes a can of soda
and hearing your name three times to get brain washed
you're dumb as rocks and deserve whatever happens to you.
And appreciate the people who care about you
because they're only going to try to connect with you
and infiltrate cults for you and threaten to murder for you
for so long
and if you feel incomplete
in this confusing life, arbitrarily fill that whole
with a hasty belief in God after someone you care about
gets in a motor cycle accident.
An accident that probably happened
because they were so stressed out thinking about
how you're fucking up your life.
And the most important lesson,
you can always give yourself a hand job
and avoid a mess like this entirely.
See you next time on A Very Special Episode.
(soft music)
(whooshes and squeaks)
How to replace pollen filter NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:06.
Use a torx №T25
Orioles Fanfest brings baseball to January - Duration: 1:38.
They Are One (Scene) | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 10 - Duration: 4:58.
There's nothing.
There are markings.
It's some form of Elvish. I can't read it.
There are few who can.
The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.
In the common tongue, it says:
"One Ring to rule them all...
...One Ring to find them...
...One Ring to bring them all...
...and in the darkness bind them."
This is the One Ring...
...forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom.
Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself.
Bilbo found it.
- In Gollum's cave. - Yes.
For 60 years, the ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping...
...prolonging his life, delaying old age.
But no longer, Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor.
The ring has awoken.
It's heard its master's call.
But he was destroyed. Sauron was destroyed.
No, Frodo.
The spirit of Sauron endured.
His life force is bound to the ring, and the ring survived.
Sauron has returned.
His orcs have multiplied.
His fortress at Barad-dur is rebuilt in the land of Mordor.
Sauron needs only this ring to cover all the lands in a second darkness.
He is seeking it.
Seeking it - All his thought is bent on it.
For the ring yearns above all else...
...to return to the hand of its master.
They are one...
...the ring and the Dark Lord.
...he must never find it.
All right.
We put it away. We keep it hidden. We never speak of it again.
No one knows it's here, do they?
Do they, Gandalf?
There is one other who knew that Bilbo had the ring.
I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum.
But the enemy found him first.
I don't know how long they tortured him.
But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words:
Baggins. But that would lead them here!
Who goes there?
Take it, Gandalf!
- Take it! - No, Frodo.
- You must take it! - You cannot offer me this ring!
- I'm giving it to you! - Don't tempt me, Frodo!
I dare not take it.
Not even to keep it safe.
Understand, Frodo...
...I would use this ring from a desire to do good.
But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
- But it cannot stay in the Shire! - No.
No, it can't.
What must I do?
- You must leave. And leave quickly. - Where? Where do I go?
Get out of the Shire. Make for the village of Bree.
- What about you? - I'll be waiting for you...
...at the inn of the Prancing Pony.
- And the ring will be safe there? - I don't know, Frodo.
I don't have any answers.
I must see the head of my order. He is both wise and powerful. Trust me, Frodo.
He'll know what to do.
You'll have to leave the name of Baggins behind you.
That name is not safe outside the Shire.
Travel only by day. And stay off the road.
I can cut across country easily enough.
My dear Frodo.
Hobbits really are amazing creatures.
You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month.
And yet, after a hundred years...
...they can still surprise you.
Friday, January 26th: Londonderry Coach Lauren Gaudette - Duration: 6:38.
11 Fitness: Here's how to work out with a partner! - Duration: 2:34.
LISTEN TO STEVE BEFORE YOU WORKOUT! Steve Cook 2018 Bodybuilding Motivation (Fitness Motivation) - Duration: 3:12.
When you come to a crossroad, and run into the winner and the quitter in you…
Listen to the winner.
The quitter will never take you down the road you want to travel.
I believe we all have a winner in us.
There is a WINNER inside of you Sometimes we've just been hanging around
with LOSERS for far too long.
Develop the mindset of a winner.
The truth is, MOST people GIVE UP on their dream.
Most people give up on their dream to live the average lifestyle.
But it really doesn't matter what most people
Because YOU are different!
YOU will NOT listen to the AVERAGE!
YOU WILL listen to the winner in you!
You WILL believe in yourself when NO ONE ELSE DOES.
YOU WILL believe in yourself when you have NO REASON to believe!
…I Know some of you are going through a rough time.
SOME OF you are going into the FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE
Fighting for your future Fighting for your career
Fighting for your family Some of you are FIGHTING for your life
And i'm telling you: DO NOT QUIT!
I know life can be tough, I know life can wear you down, but if you
Even if you don't get the result…you will find…the character you show will be your
REWARD The fighting spirit you develop will be the
And it will serve you well, for the rest of your life.
Don't you DARE quit.
Don't you DARE settle.
Don't you DARE back down.
Not TODAY, or any other day.
When the tough moments come, NEVER FORGET, you are in THAT MOMENT, writing your legacy.
In that TOUGH MOMENT you are setting the standard for your character.
Do you have the character?
When you come to a crossroad and run into the winner and the quitter in you…
Listen to the winner!
When you make a commitment to yourself YOU MAKE SURE YOU SEE IT THROUGH.
Never, ever quit.
Hot Cross Buns | Popular Nursery Rhymes | I'm A Little Teapot And Many More - Duration: 16:44.
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters give them to your sons
One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters give them to your sons
One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns!
Thank You!
Pat-A-Cake Pat-A-Cake Baker's man
Pat-A-Cake Pat-A-Cake Baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can, Prick it and pat it and mark it with a "M",
And put it in the oven for Baby and me.
Make it with chocolate, make it with cream, Make it the prettiest you've ever seen.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man, Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it and stir it and bake it just right Good from the first 'till the very last bite
Write his name with lots of care, And top with candies here and there,
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man, Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Prick it and price it and mark it with a "M", And put it in the oven for Baby and me,
And put it in the oven for Baby and me, And put it in the oven for Baby and me.
I Am The Baker Man
I am the baker man I come from far away
And I can bake
What can you bake?
I can bake biscuits
Crunchy crunchy crunchy crunch Crunchy crunch crunchy crunch
Crunchy crunchy crunchy crunch Crunchy crunchy crunch
I am the baker man I come from far away
And I can bake What can you bake?
I can bake cakes
Yummy yummy yummy yum Yummy yum yummy yum
Yummy yummy yummy yum Yummy yummy yum
I am the baker man I come from far away
And I can bake What can you bake?
I can bake cookies
Chewy chewy chewy chew Chewy chew chewy chew
Chewy chewy chewy chew Chewy chewy chew
I Am a Little Teapot
I'm a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle,
Here is my spout,
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout,
Just Tip me over and pour me out!
I'm a clever teapot, Yes, it's true,
Here's an example of what I can do,
I can change my handle to my spout,
Just Tip me over and pour me out!
I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Just Tip me up and pour me out
Simple Simon
Simple Simon met a pieman,
Going to the fair;
Said Simple Simon to the pieman,
"Let me taste your ware."
Says the Pieman to Simple Simon, "Show me first your penny."
Said Simple Simon to the Pieman, "Indeed I have not any."
Simple Simon went to fishing, For to catch a whale;
All the water he had got Was in his mother's pail.
Simple Simon went to look, If plums grew on a thistle;
He pricked his fingers very much, Which made poor Simon whistle.
Johny Johny! Yes Papa!
Johny, Johny!
Yes, Papa
Eating sugar?
No, Papa
Telling a lie?
No, Papa
Open your mouth!
Johny, Johny!
Yes Papa!
Eating Sugar?
No Papa
Telling A Lie?
No Papa!
Open Your Mouth
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet, Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey; There came a big spider,
Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Little Miss Muffet, Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey; There came a big spider,
Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Polly Put The Kettle On
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
We'll all have tea.
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
They've all gone away.
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
We'll all have tea
Sukey take it off again
Sukey take it off again
Sukey take it off again
They've all gone away
Let's have some tea
Let's have some tea
Come on! Let's have some tea
Let's have some cookies.
Little Jack Horner
Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie; He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum, And said 'What a good boy am I!'
Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner
Eating a Christmas pie
He put in his thumb
And pulled out a plum
And said 'What a good boy am I
On Thanksgiving Day
We eat turkey, we eat turkey Oh so good, oh so good
Always on Thanksgiving, always on Thanksgiving Yum, yum, yum... yum, yum, yum
We eat pumpkin pie, we eat pumpkin pie Oh so good, oh so good
Always on Thanksgiving, always on Thanksgiving Yum, yum, yum... yum, yum, yum
We eat yams, we eat yams Oh so good, oh so good
Always on Thanksgiving, always on Thanksgiving Yum, yum, yum... yum, yum, yum
We eat mashed potatoes, we eat mashed potatoes Oh so good, oh so good
Always on Thanksgiving, always on Thanksgiving Yum, yum, yum... yum, yum, yum
Hey There, Did you enjoy singing with us?
For more Nursery Rhymes, Please SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel
Cancel It! | Portlandia | IFC - Duration: 1:40.
- Hi, I'm Bryce Shivers. - And I'm Lisa Eversman.
- Have you ever been invited to something
you don't want to go to?
- But you made the commitment anyway
because you felt obligated.
- What you do is you wait till the very last second
and then you... both: Cancel it!
- [quietly] Ow.
- Events like your boss's barbecue.
Cancel it!
- Your niece's birthday.
[party blower squawks] Cancel it.
- Allen's open mic.
- Just wait until the very last second,
and then just cancel it.
- You don't have to cancel everything.
- It's weird--I was never invited to Allen's open mic.
- Yeah, that is weird. Hm.
- Reminder: client dinner. - Cancel it.
- Dentist appointment. - Cancel it.
- Couple's counseling. - Cancel it!
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
Do you have plans to see a play with your parents,
but you don't wanna go?
- But you feel guilty
because you barely ever see them?
- You don't have to go. - But they're old.
- Cancelling is the fastest way
to teach the elderly
about the uses of technology.
[keys clacking] [text message whoosh]
- This is why texting was invented:
so you could cancel last-minute.
- Theater with parents. - Cancel it.
- Breakfast with Diane. - Cancel it!
[buzzer sounding wildly]
- Even if you love your family,
we all dread the holidays.
- Why not exchange presents in January,
when the flights are cheap and the malls are empty?
- That's right. You can...
both: Cancel Christmas!
- Cancel it! Hey, uh,
what are we doing for Christmas?
You know, I might be out of town.
- Aww.
What's Allen doing here?
[camera shutter clicks]
[Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" playing]
- Yes, I am aware.
It sounds so boring!
[soft laugh]
Cancel it! [buzzer sounding wildly]
Should You Buy YouTube Views and Subscribers? | Secrets to Buying Views the Right Way to Boost Rank - Duration: 5:08.
BREAKING! Obama's FBI Just Got DEVASTATING News For MURDERING LaVoy Finicum - Duration: 5:38.
TCL P Series TV Picture Settings - Rtings.com - Duration: 9:56.
SAP HANA Academy - SAP HANA Installation and Update: Update SAP HANA Cockpit [2.0 SPS 02] - Duration: 5:34.
Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy.
The topic of this video tutorial series is SAP HANA platform Installation and Update
and in this video, I will show you how to update the SAP HANA cockpit.
Hi, I am Denys van Kempen.
Updating the SAP HANA cockpit is almost identical to installing SAP HANA cockpit and both are
easy activities to perform.
If you are completely new to the topic, you might want to take a look at the Getting Started
with SAP HANA cockpit video tutorial playlist.
In this series of videos, we tackle some of the concepts, where to download the software,
how to get it to the server, and so on.
There is also a blog on the topic with background information and references that you might find useful.
Assuming, then, we are all on the same page, let's proceed.
I will be updating an SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 Support Pack 4 system to SP 5.
We have our files here in /tmp.
It is in the videos, but as a reminder, extract the downloaded SAR file with -manifest option
SIGNATURE.SMF, otherwise you will get errors during the installation.
Then to install or update, use the hdblcm.sh script
in the unlikely event, you have a graphical environment (X-Windows) installed, you can also use hdblcmgui.sh
same thing.
Please note that we are not executing the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM)
directly for this task and we are also not using the lifecycle management tools like
hdbinst, hdbsetup, or hdbupd(ate).
You have to run the script, as it will do the necessary checks and housekeeping.
A previous version has been detected: H4C (HANA for Cockpit) which we can update
and we could also perform a brand new installation, of course.
Entering 1.
We are prompted to provide the password for the operating system administration account,
<sid>adm, here h4cadm, and if you don't remember, you can easily reset the password as root
then the username for the database super user: SYSTEM.
I have left it at the default value.
the password
and the password the XS Advanced administration account: COCKPIT_ADMIN, in this case.
and that's it.
Summary before execution screen.
Do you want to continue?
Then, we have seen this before, I will go through it quickly.
files are extracted.
the database is stopped.
files are updated.
the SAP HANA XS Advanced runtime is installed.
database is started again and also the XS advanced runtime;
the Java and Node.js runtimes are updated.
services are updated.
HRTT - HANA runtime tools are updated.
XS Monitoring - the XS Advanced Administration tools
SAP UI5, latest version
and cockpit itself, of course.
Log files in /var/tmp, should any issue have occurred and you can send your feedback using the form.
So, how do we know what version we have got?
First, login: 'xs l' as COCKPIT_ADMIN
and then, with 'xs mtas' (MTAS) we can list all our multi-target applicationswhere
we can see the version installed.
With 'xs version' you can get additional information, the registered service URLs and
the HANA database version, for example.
'xs a', or 'xs apps', will print the list of applications with urls.
We can also do a quick check in the browser.
Paste in the URL for the XS Controller.
You should get you this pagewith the same registered service URLs
and we can connect, for example, to the XS Advanced Administration app
the Application Monitor tile will present us with the same list as the 'xs' apps command
and finally, we can connect to the SAP HANA cockpit manager
and from there connect to the SAP HANA cockpit.
Here, I only have the system database of HANA cockpit itself registered
you might have a couple of more systems
and here we can get our system overview.
That's really all there is to it.
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