Supply Line: collect FREE Drops with Components, Silver and Keys every day!
New battle mode King of the Hill: top priority — beacons. Cooperate with teammates and outsmart your opponents!
Hangar Deck X: addition to Custom Games. WR team will regularly provide all pilots with a fully equipped additional hangar deck! Try out robots and weapons you don't have yet, compete on equal ground and prove your skill!
Lunar New Year is coming! Join the event to collect bonus Gold! Complete special tasks to collect Components for such weapons as Storm, Gust AND Redeemer! Final prize — Haechi!
New festive paint jobs for Dash robots
New robots: Spectre & Strider
New weapons: Vortex, Dragoon & Arbalest
For more infomation >> War Robots update 3.6 — on Google Play! - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Wednesday AM KSBW Weather Forecast 1.31.18 - Duration: 2:54.
Shooting investigation underway in Butler County - Duration: 0:25.
How to replace rear shock absorbers DODGE CALIBER TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 13:31.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №10
Use a combination spanner №15
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use an open-end wrench №15 and an ajustable spanner
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
Will Multiracial Kids End Racism? | Decoded | MTV - Duration: 5:46.
- Hey, did you know in the year 2030
everybody is going to be beige with green eyes
and racism will finally be over?
Still no hover boards though.
Today we're gonna talk about that weird MEME
that claims interracial relationships
and pretty mixed babies are the cure for racism.
You may have seen this photo from National Geographic
floating around the internet suggesting
that in several decades, the majority of people
in America will be of mixed race.
There's this idea that if everyone
in the future is coffee colored and racially ambiguous,
institutionalized racism in America will be
a thing of the past.
Oh sweetie, if it were only that simple.
Not all mixed race people look
racially ambiguous like Rashida Jones or Haulsey.
For example, President Obama is mixed race
but most people just code him as black.
Not to mention that mixed people come in all
different combinations not just x-race person
plus white person.
Ooh, that just turned into a math equation.
No matter how you look at it, it's kind of icky
to fetishize mixed race people,
distilling what makes them valuable down
to the way they look or more frequently,
what makes them look more white.
And while some people talk at mixed babies
as a patriracial harmony may mean well,
here are three reasons why multiracial
people won't end racism.
First, and this is a big one, being mixed does not
shield you from racism.
In fact, research published in 2015
by the Pew Research Institute shows
that a majority of mixed-race people have faced
discrimination in the form of racial slurs and jokes,
poor customer service, and racial profiling by police.
But we don't need studies to know
that being mixed doesn't mean being immune to racism.
Just take a look at this country's history.
Think of the millions of mixed people who came
out of the institution of slavery
as a result of sexual violence.
Many slave owners were still very much willing to enslave
and sell off their own mixed kids.
And if you need an extremely recent example,
Chloe Bennet, a half white half Chinese actress,
who stars on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD laid down
some serious truth on how being biracial doesn't
exempt you from discrimination
when someone called her out for changing
her last name from Wang to Bennet.
She said, "Changing my last name doesn't change
"the fact that my blood is half Chinese,
"that I lived in China, speak Mandarin,
"or that I was culturally raised both American and Chinese.
"It means I had to pay my rent and Hollywood is racist
"and wouldn't cast me with a last name
"that made them uncomfortable."
Which brings us to our next point.
There are actually already a lot of mixed people
and that hasn't solved racism.
According to a 2015 study by the Pew Research Center,
the number of mixed-race Americans is
actually growing three times as fast
as the American population as a whole
which is why some people think
we're automatically headed for that racial utopia.
But here's the thing, approximately nine million
people in the United States are already mixed race
and that hasn't made racism go away
nor has it made talking about race any easier.
Some people think that with millions
of multi-racial people walking around,
everyone should have a deep and nuance understanding
of race and racism.
But that's like assuming having daughters will end sexism
and sexual violence or that gay children
will end homophobia.
Which considering people have been having daughters
and gay children since the beginning of time,
babies clearly aren't the solution to structural oppression.
And on top of that, having a mixed kid
might not actually affect how you feel
about people who aren't your kid
thanks to confirmation bias.
Confirmation bias is the tendency for people to interpret
and recall information in a way that confirms
their pre-existing beliefs.
Sometimes people see their biracial family members
as existing outside of the negative cultural stereotypes
they hold against minorities in general.
What can happen is the mixed kid becomes
an exception to the rule.
They're the good kind of minority.
So please let's not turn mixed children
into the new, "But I have a black friend!"
You don't automatically understand racism
or the experiences of all people of color
simply because of your friends or family.
And finally and perhaps most importantly,
racism is an institutional problem.
Let's pretend that more mixed race people means
everybody is suddenly super nice to each other
and harbors no personal biases or prejudice.
But being nice to each other won't solve
housing inequality or the fact
that white Americans still hold up to 88%
of the nation's wealth despite being 64%
of the population or force the US government to honor
its treaties with Native Americans.
Racism is a complex problem that has existed
for hundreds of years.
And complex problems almost always require
complex multifaceted solutions.
As we've spoken about before, during the Great Depression
in the 1930s, the US government used
racially motivated assessments as part
of a huge mortgage refinancing initiative.
The goal was to keep people of color
out of certain neighborhoods and because it was effective,
it prevented huge amounts of black home ownership.
And its effects are still a problem today.
A 2010 study by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago found that the practice
of redlining in Chicago had a persistent
adverse impact on local neighborhoods.
They found redlining affected home ownership rates,
home value, and credit scores in 2010.
2010 which is 70 plus years after the problem even started!
Racism isn't just about individuals,
it's about institutions, and those aren't going to change
just because of the racial makeup of your parents.
Look, having friends and romantic partners
of different races is definitely not a bad thing.
I can personally vouch for that.
Having mixed children is not a bad thing.
It's great!
After all, couples like Mildred and Richard Loving
fought valiantly so people of all races have
the right to love and marry whoever they want.
At the end of a day, coveting mixed children
because of how cute they look or because they represent
some idea of racial equality that doesn't quite exist yet is
super unfair to them.
It fetishizes them and also erases the very
complex reality of what it means to be mixed race.
So if we're going to truly end racism
and white supremacy, we're going to have to think
of more concrete ways to fight racist laws,
policies, and ideas.
Unfortunately, settling down and having a bunch
of cafe-olay babies is probs not going to be
the nail in the racism coffin.
Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
right here on Decoded.
Top 5 Tax Deductions For Online Business Owners - Duration: 6:06.
Top 5 Tax Deductions For Online Business Owners
Whats good Wealthbuilderz its yah boy DeVaughn back again with another
video and today we are talking The top 5 Tax Deductions for online business
owners lets go!!
Ok real quick before we get started hit that subscribe button
to stay up to date with the
Wealthbuilderz movement ok so now back to the topic at hand
Top 5 Tax Deductions For Online Business Owners
So yup they are coming... are you scared yet
You know the three little letter crew.. I'm talking about THE I R S
and they are coming to destroy you and your bank account!!
Yes you the one who made all that money online but don't worry I've got your back
I mean waaaaaay back.
No seriously I got you I'm going to hit you with my top 5 tax deductions
for online business owners. Now remember I'm not a tax professional
or anything like that so before you take my advice
make sure you run it by your favorite tax guy or gal
So lets start #5 Advertising
If your like most smart online business owners you've invested in some type of advertising
during the course of the year. Well those fees can be deducted as well as
websites, fliers and business cards.
#4 Postage and shipping costs These include boxes, tape and even mileage
driving back and forth to the post office. Shipping
and postage can be a hefty deduction for certain types of online sellers.
Especially if you sel clothes on apps like poshmart
and places like that.
3. Software and Apps Do you use software or apps to run your business?
The cost you paid for the software or the monthly
subscription fees may be deductible. Examples can include financial management
software, ecommerce platforms, payment processers and
2. Training and Conference If your like me
your always buying different trainings and trying to learn different online marketing
methods to keep you up to date with all the trends.
Well this also
tax deductible.
1. Home Office
Now this is my favorite tax deduction because if you actually have a room in your
home specifically
used for the sole purpose of running your business
then your definitely going to be able to claim this on your taxes.
But do remember I'm not a tax professional or advisor
so definitely talk to your local tax guy before making any moves
this list.
If you want to check out a written format of this list
of Tax deductions go ahead and check the blog in
the description below.
Also check out my wealthbuilderzsystem if you want
to learn how to build a business online on autopilot. Its free so go ahead and check
it out.
Until next time its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for.
Top 5 Tax Deductions For Online Business Owners Do remember wealthbuilderz
Make More Save more
Build More Peace!!
Kinderschändern auf der Spur | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:35.
What Are Progressive Web Apps and How Do They Compare With Native Apps - Duration: 6:13.
Hi this is Phil from Make Tech Easier and welcome to what are progressive web apps
and how do they compare with native apps? As a tech lover you've probably come
across an article mentioning progressive apps, how great they are and that they
are the future in apps and how all sites should have one. But what are progressive
apps exactly? Progressive apps are not entirely
different from standard web apps but there are specific concepts that
developers need to fulfill. What are progressive web apps? Progressive web
apps (PWA) are web apps that live in your browser and are made out of CSS, HTML and
JavaScript. You can also look at a PWA as a cross between a mobile website and an
app in other words it's hybrid. PWAs use modern web technologies and developers
can create sites that offer the user a mobile app-like experience, as well as
perform better and more safely and load faster. They're a normal web site but look
like an application to users. They will also use the most current web standards
and are made to work correctly and quickly on just about any browser.
Progressive web apps will also load instantly regardless of how slow your
internet connection might be. You can even use the apps if there is no
Internet connection, just without the dynamic content. How to use a progressive
web app offline. To use a progressive app offline you need to have some
experimental chrome features turned on. Type into the chrome address bar the
following commands . . . or cut and paste them from the description. At the bottom you
should see the Relaunch Now button. Click on it and next time you visit a site
that uses progressive apps you'll be prompted to install it. For now
progressive web apps won't work on Safari or iOS. This means that you are
not able to enjoy offline mode push notifications nor home screen
installation. Hopefully Apple will switch to progressive apps very soon.
An example of a progressive web app is Twitter's site. It does what a progressive
web app should do: it has an add to homescreen prompt, lowers data consumption
and has nearly instant loading with serviceworker scripts. Progressive app
security. Since they live in your browser there's no need for an app store and
they will always use HTTPS for security. If a site does not work with HTTPS it
can't qualify as a progressive app. The site has to have an SSL or TLS
certificate installed in the browser. A progressive app is ready for any device
it doesn't matter if it's a phone, tablet, computer etc.; since progressive apps are
made on a shell model you'll enjoy app-style navigation and interactions. You
won't have to worry about using an out-of-date app since the serviceworker
update process will keep the content updated. Progressive apps can easily be
shared through URL and you can easily keep them on your home screen without
depending on app store. They can also be added to your mobile home screen and
can send push notifications as well. Progressive web apps are also a benefit
for those businesses that use them since they help reduce maintenance time and
costs. Firefox has followed Chrome's example and with Firefox 58 you'll be
able to enjoy progressive web apps. If you come across a site that has a valid
manifest and that is served over HTTPS then you should see a badge in the
address bar. When you select it you'll see a message that says add to
homescreen. You won't lose any progress you've made on the site if you tap on
our an external link when you launch the app from your home screen. PWAs
versus native apps. Progressive web apps are better than native apps since
developers will no longer have the need to create apps for multiple platforms.
This is going to save developers an extensive amount of time and money not to
mention the economic savings as well. Developers will only have to create one
app that will work on all current platforms and devices. With progressive
web apps you don't have to install anything before using them unlike native
apps. While PWAs are great they do have their drawbacks since they're still
relatively new. For example they have limited capabilities when trying to
integrate your tablets or smartphones features.
They are still not able to integrate with features such as Bluetooth, the
fingerprint sensor, accelerometer or NFC. For now native apps are still more
reliable than PWAs but time will tell how that story ends. PWAs and native
apps are not all that different from each other, for example both of them are
launched on the home screen and provide a very similar web experience or user
interface. The limitations of PWAs. Progressive web apps are supposed to be
the next big thing but they do have their drawbacks. For example they don't
work on all browsers such as Edge, Safari, Internet Explorer and other custom
browsers. PWAs do work on newer versions of browsers such as Samsung's Android
browser, Opera and Chrome. The limitation also affects devices since not all of
them can support them. Android does support PWAs but there are some support
issues since it's relatively new. iOS currently does not support PWAs since
it has problem supporting notifications and shortcut prompting on the devices
home screen. So far Apple is not officially announced it's taking on
PWAs or not anytime soon. If cross application logins are important to you
then you might want to steer clear of PWAs they do not support it since they
can't gather data independently. Conclusion. Progressive apps are still
relatively new and there are still companies that are adjusting or at least
thinking about it. They are definitely the future since they will only help
improve the users mobile experience. Ok as always thanks for watching and please
like, subscribe and add your comments below. See you next time!
Piers Morgan Presses Trump… His Response on Climate Change Sends Enthusiasts Into a Rampage - Duration: 2:17.
Vermont Farm Show kicks off in Essex Junction - Duration: 0:56.
Vt. considers expanding energy efficiency standards - Duration: 0:56.
BOMBSHELL: Heads Set To ROLL After SECOND Russian DOSSIER Discovered… LOOK Who Funded It! - Duration: 2:42.
Vermonters speak out at gun legislation hearing - Duration: 2:04.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of Japan… HIGH ALERT STATUS - Duration: 2:56.
দেখুন ৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ঘিরে বিএনপির যে সব প্রস্তুতি - Duration: 5:03.
bangladesh news
Beatrice Egli: Pikante Liebes-News - Duration: 4:36.
BREAKING: Hillary Mega-Donor BUSTED FORCING Disgusting Item Into Employee's VAG*NA! - Duration: 2:53.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Lemon | Homemade Stretch Mark Removal - Duration: 1:20.
get rid of stretch marks with lemon
lemon is the best home remedy to treat stretch marks it can remove dead cells
supply water to nourish the skin and new cells
ingredients lemon and warm water cut in half lemon squeezed
apply lemon juice on the stretch marks and massage gently in circular motions
for 10 minutes if your skin is sensitive or dry you should add a little water to
the lemon juice
finally rinse with warm water makes about 2-3 times per week until the
stretch marks disappear
BREAKING NEWS Out Of San Diego… IT JUST HAPPENED!!! - Duration: 3:26.
Studio G 1 29 18 - Duration: 1:15.
HEY TRIPPSTERS Garth brook's inside studio G Monday night he did not give us a lot
of information other than his new website will be launching February the
7th which is on his birthday other than that all he did was answer questions but
he didn't give us any new details on what's coming the big thing that's going
to happen that's gonna make everything else look small
we don't know anything okay so the only actual official information we got is
yes the new website will be launching February the 7th so if you're a Garth
fan keep an eye out for that and that's it that's seriously that's it guys and
please let me say I'm sorry for not having finished the video that I have
been doing on the anthology I will do it guys
but I've had some health issues and I've not been able to do anything and I am
sorry about that but I will do it I promise I will get to disc four and five
hopefully within the next couple of weeks if not sooner but guys that is
going to do it for now this is Icepets Queen and I am tripping out
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