My name is Tomoko Hiroki. I work at Bandai Namco Entertainment
and I'm in charge of producing Dragon Ball FighterZ.
I'm the game director,
my name is Motomura, from Arc System Works.
The topic at hand, I believe
is the story behind the making of Dragon Ball FighterZ.
The first who came up with the idea of developing this game
was Bandai Namco Entertainment.
As for the reason
that led to us wanting to create Dragon Ball FighterZ...
There was an earlier game
or a prior game, rather, called Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
The Xenoverse series has sold over 8 million copies so far,
and looks like it will reach 10 million in total.
So there is an extremely large market out there, of players who purchase and enjoy these titles.
We wanted to challenge ourselves this time
to come up with additional interesting elements
and create a full blown fighting game.
As for why Arc Systems Works then...
Bandai Namco Entertainment and Arc System Works
had actually worked together before
on Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden.
While we worked on that title for the 3DS
I found myself thinking about how I'd like
for the next title to be a full on fighting game.
I was thinking about the Guilty Gear games coming out then.
Right... Right.
What was your role in the project?
I worked as a technical artist and lead modeler
so mainly on the visual side of things, essentially.
Well, the visuals are extremely important for this series in particular
and I ended up joining the project as director.
Right, so I found myself thinking
that I really did want to make a full on, hardcore fighting game.
One other thing that I also wanted
was to come up with a new manner of expression there
and to then implement it.
I think it's fair to say that
we've seen a relatively large amount of photo-realistic games recently.
I was thinking about how Dragon Ball was originally an anime title
while also thinking about how evolved graphics capabilities are now
the way that high end systems can display them.
So I was thinking about these games, like the Guilty Gear ones
and the idea suddenly popped into my head
just how incredible that technology really is.
I'm really thankful for it.
And with that technology, it was Motomura who...
Right. Well, it wasn't just me.
We made it after linking up.
And so I was set
on collaborating with Arc System Works on the next project.
And so this is the plan that we ended up coming up with.
So this next thing may just be a rumor...
I can't say anything for sure.
I heard, though, that when the request was made
for consent to start on the project
that although there weren't any problems or anything
Arc System Works was
quite busy at the time, simply put.
We really did have a lot on our plate at that time.
We shuffled things around
to see if we would be able
to take on the project after all.
And it was there that the idea of me joining came up.
That was how my candidacy began.
There was discussion within Arc as to who would be carrying the project out.
So I heard from someone higher up at Arc
that they were discussing about who should helm it
and that is where your name first came up.
I heard about it later.
It's still something of a sensitive topic, I imagine.
Oh, that's right.
This actually wasn't my first time
directing a Dragon Ball game.
Quite a while ago I also directed one
for the Game Boy Advance game called Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors.
I had already had a previous opportunity to work on a Dragon Ball title
and this latest one felt connected to that in some way.
This was something that I realized working on FighterZ.
So if you include the earlier game
you've actually been responsible for Dragon Ball games for quite some time now.
I felt like you had some pretty detailed knowledge of the series.
Oh, right.
And from then on...
Actually at that time too...
This is also just a rumor that I have heard.
The game Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
actually had 2D pixel art
as it was on the Gameboy Advance.
Its characters were actually originally made in 3D
with those 3D models in turn being pixelated and turned into 2D ones.
I imagine that this was probably done at Arc fairly early on.
I see.
I thought that I probably had the experience too.
I had some experience working with 3D too.
Oh, that's the first that I've heard of this.
I see now.
Bandai Namco being able to come out with it,
making Dragon Ball FighterZ
into a 2.5D style
that combines the best of both 3D and 2D,
you were the first one
to lead a team towards that style.
It's true.
Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
was a 2D game where characters would fly up into the sky
and players could freely move and rotate them.
It required mechanics allowing the players to move in a variety of different directions.
So the models were first created in 3D, then animated,
with shots of those animations then being taking from a specific angle.
Those snapshots would become the foundation for the following pixelated models.
Well, there are some pretty crazy things there.
All laid on top of each other.
And that eventually turned into the form we have now.
And this is how we got our start with Dragon Ball FighterZ.
For more infomation >> Dragon Ball FighterZ Developer Diary #1 (Behind the Scenes) - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
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Byron Morton's Saturday Forecast - Duration: 1:14.
TOY HUNT ~ LOL SURPRISE CONFETTI POP, Num Noms Snackable Dippers, Shopkins Wild Style, Squishies - Duration: 11:31.
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hello everybody welcome my name is Mint
and today I'm going on my very first toy hunt! Starting with Toys R Us! Wohoooooo
Let's goooooooo
I really love Peppa Pig she's super cute and I don't know why but her name is a
little bit funny to me
all her toys are super cute! Look!
Super Cute!
Num Noms, Num Noms Everywhere!
I'm looking for the new num noms I believe the name is snackables
they come with a small sauce that is not a sauce but a slime and I used to make
slime I still have all the materials and I love slime but I don't know do you
think I should still make slime now and then? let me know in the comments
Now is Shopkins time, for Shopkins I'm looking for the wild style blind boxes
and happy places studio extension is on clearance if you want to buy them now
these are the wild style 20 shopkins package
I'm looking for actually pupkin cake she's
blue with white ribbon! yeaaaah there is one here and you are coming with me
whoa new blind boxes I'm taking two for the future video!
Weeeeee, I do love squishies!
Do you love squishies? I'm taking one from season one and two from season 2
Oh No! This is my life guys! I never find new lol dolls when I look for them
I was hoping I could find maybe one or two confetti pop! Let's see if we are lucky today
Well, at least, pleaseeee i just want one
This was sold out last year is really really cute
I have a couple of fingerlings in my house I want to buy one, the unicorn one, but I never find it
do you want to see tutorials with fingerlings? let me know in the comments
My little pony
love them! So far I have made Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash as lol dolls
I really need to make the rest of the Little Pony family. Will be so cool to make princess Celestia, right?
These Little guys i believe are the blind boxes from littlest pet shop
They are so cute and tiny, I'm getting one to see how they are. I really love the box!
I wanted to buy this one last year and it is so perfect to give to friends
Valentine's present idea right here!
I'm taking, I'm taking one of these tsum tsums
Last year this thing was so crazy to find! I'm going to get one of the small ones
to see how the are and maybe come back for more other day
Guys! I love Claire's section in Toys R Us! Look at this...
I love it I love it I love it
I never had a journal before even though I really love writting!
But these ones are beautiful
I need this in my life right now, it's my color, it's my channel, it's everything!
Oh, there is a little one!
You know? I love teen titans!
Starfire is my favorite
Oopss.. Sorry..
There you go, like nothing happened.. let's go, let's go
Star Wars
Did you watch the movie? I really love this guy, it reminds me of groot from guardians of the galaxy!
and i LOVE that movie so much
Hey Rei, what happened to you?
At least Leia is super cute
Wow he is so popular!
He is everywhere
I think this one was board game of the year, it's like a jenga
but with spaghetti.. spaghetti
okay, we didn't find lol dolls so now we are in target
oh no, we are out of luck today! This is not my day, guys. This was full yesterday
the employee just told me, so sad!
shopkins section is sad as well
let's go! let's go! Just, let's go
now we are in Walmart, Walmart always kind of
saves my day so hopefully we will find something good
Yeiiiii, at least i am getting the new num noms!
these are really really nice with slime inside, wait for the video really soon
I wanted to get these squishies, it says they are slow rising which is amazing
Weeee a couple of molang
I am also getting this peel to reveal, same ones that we got before but these ones are smaller
These BENTO box squishies are super soft and cute
This one reminds me of someone, who could that be?
yay, I love this trend of peeling layers to reveal your surprise. I'm getting one to see how the toys are!
more pikmi pops
I bought a couple of these cereal snackables num noms a while ago
so i will open them in a future video really really soon
I like these plushies but they have only one type
monster high mini dolls in a locker
well guys unfortunately we didn't find lol surprise dolls this time I will try to
go tomorrow to other stores to see if I can find something anything just one
please I really want to make tutorials for you
guys with the new dolls so I stay tuned love you and I hope you enjoyed my very first
toy hunt don't forget to subscribe if you like my videos and you leave a
comment if you have any ideas for new videos a big shoutout to Sarah thank you
so much for watching my channel and if you want a shoutout you just need to
leave a really nice comment I will see you all tomorrow bye bye
mint out
10-year-old on Blues Marathon 5K: It was really hard - Duration: 1:41.
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Afghanistan Cricket Team Tour in India 2018 | तारीख, भारतीय समय और स्टेडियम | In Hindi | In Urdu - Duration: 1:20.
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In this video I will tell you the Schedule of Afghanistan Vs India Only Test in June 2018
India will host this Test Match.
International Cricket Council awarded Test status to Afghanistan & Ireland in June 2017
It will be Afghanistan's first Test since they were awarded Test status
It will be the first time a Test match has been played in June in and with India.
Only Test will be played in June 2018 Test Series
India will host Afghanistan's maiden Test match from 14 to 18 June from 10 AM onward in Bengaluru.
Who will win this Test Match, Afghanistan or India? Please Comment!
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New Rampage The Movie Subject Lizzie Big City Brawl Godzilla Vs Lizzie Lanard Toys Unboxing EP #4 - Duration: 16:20.
watch what happens with Lindsay and Godzilla attacked Chi cago who will be
the victor okay man be on the lookout we have a 300 foot alligator and bound
tinks are in place soldiers are ready fire on my command sir
did you say a 300 foot alligator I did indeed soldier 300 foot alligator
now get with it our job is to defend this city whatever means necessary even
knew Clara free have to if she goes mad prepare to fire
New Rampage The Movie Subject Lizzie Big City Brawl Godzilla Vs Lizzie Lanard Toys Unboxing EP #4
sir it's impossible
disappear cause it's every man for himself this city is going to
our only hope of escape is the bridge everybody head for the bridge head for
he has met this city is going down in flames what is this
look something is coming out of the river gonna be somebody to rescue us
something says to rescue us Oh God what's he doing here children
she comes for the finishing now
it's fast
let's the end the Godzilla
Lucy's dragging him into the river
keep watching to find out guys watch the next episode to see the origin of
subject Ralph as he mutates from wolf to Super Bowls Kanda city survived these
three dangers creatures keep watching to find out
okay it's great to see you again I'm super excited today I got another
awesome rampage the movie toy this is big city brawl genetic containment
division subject Lizzie Lizzie is a huge mutated alligator comes with action
figure like I said in earlier videos I loved
the art work they did on the box I mean the box is themself walk pretty much as
good as the toys I mean I cannot say enough about this company and guys I'm
not saying it because they sent me these toys because they did not send me these
toys I went to Walmart and I bought all these toys with my money so this company
did not send them to me but I love their toys I also bought all the King Kong
toys they made and they are fantastic so I mean this company does a great job
especially this line of toys I am super impressed
so with Lizzie you got job chopping action spike attack action and she is
ready to destroy once again here is the synapses basically this story
of the movie where you got all the rock Blaine Johnson who is David Koya and
he's trying to save his friend George the gorilla who gets mutated along with
this crocodile and an awesome woman Wow it is cool I used to play this game all
the time on the original Nintendo okay so let's go ahead and see what was
included in this box and they even did the graphics on to the side of this box
of this just the tail assembly I love this character so that is what's in the
box before I remove anything one word of warning though guys these are sharp
spikes so I mean I don't know these are probably not really curve very young
kids because if one of your kids left this out if you stepped on this at
nighttime you could not be happy okay guys I continue to be blown away with
these toys I mean I've reviewed a lot of toys these are super awesome
once again the company did not pay me I mean I bought these toys myself so I
mean check out this work on the jaw the look of the teeth the paint job the act
future everything I mean as I open these sets I like one more than the other
if these guys would have got the Jurassic world lineup dinosaurs for
Jurassic world - I will not be scared at all the fantastic job I cannot say
enough about these figures and the toy sets they are so cool take a look at
these guys this guy's teeth these are jagged
looking teeth like all over the place I mean it's just so good detail the paint
job everything wicked little eyes these spikes that pop out there when you push
the action button the action button is nicely hidden here on top of the
character there is no screw holes or anything visible on this guy so I mean
it's I mean if if I'm looking at this guy here if nobody said anything I will
think this was some type of a custom-made figure that's like a hundred
or $150 so it's I mean they just did that great of a job so that our legs
move back and forth not too much this quote does not move but one of the feet
do I'll show you in a minute super great detail here it is plastic
well I mean the detail I love the detail on this guy let me just tell you that
and these spikes here on the back these are softer but these spikes here they
are sharp select I said if you stepped on this at nighttime you would probably
be bleep let's just say that does that that would
seriously hurt okay so this one's book doesn't move either the leg does
continuing on down big spikes big huge spikes on the tail the tail does swing
back and forth so you get like tail action there so if this guy's like over
here you could just who I am I mean if these spikes but this is real life and
these spikes hit you it would probably in and then are continuing on same
movement as this one this one's foot does move I think so you could put this
guy in two different positions I'm wondering that no I don't think you
could stand him but most of these characters you could pull on three legs
there he's on three legs there without falling over and you know guys they
didn't even skimp on the bottom most companies will skimp on the bottom maybe
not colored as good or anything or leave screw holes are there is no screw holes
down there I mean I I just can't say enough of these characters I mean they
are totally awesome and I love the head of this gaming book inside it is a
perfect paint job I don't see any color running off anywhere the wicked look
design on those this is a fantastic figure and then even the action figures
are awesome I mean they did not skimp anywhere on the figures or the main
characters themselves so this is one of the action figures from the movie room
great detail there I mean if you see the characters in the movie and you see
these characters you know exactly who they are the first one I showed you was
Dwayne Johnson the rock I and I mean it looks exactly like him so uh full
movement on the arm there he does bend at the elbow his arm will turn 360 at
the elbow really good detail on the rest of the same movement here he's got a
pistol and a holster here but it does not come out he's got like knee pads his
legs his feet his feet don't do anything but his legs do bend at the knee joint
and they do go all the way up there so you could put it on like different
vehicles and stuff and here is a good look at the back of him
Oh God Zilla and subject Lizzie for image the movie have destroyed Chicago
that was totally awesome guys and if you want to see more fun videos go ahead and
click the subscribe button next to a click the belt button also I do have
over a thousand videos the majority are Godzilla King Kong Jurassic world
Jurassic Park and Power Rangers keep watching you guys are awesome I will see
today secret word is the word
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"How to beat level 252 on Homescapes"
"Homescapes how to complete level 252"
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