Google's Clips camera which uses artificial intelligence to figure out
when it should take a picture or video is now available for purchase on the
Google store however the $249 tiny clip-on camera
will not be delivered immediately choosing the fastest expedited shipping
option will deliver the device by February 27 the clip-on camera itself
automatically adjusts its resolution according to the situation and has a 130
degree lens to fit more of the scene in the frame the camera leverages moment IQ
an onboard and offline machine learning model and a visual processing unit to
automatically capture meaningful images by recognizing the right expressions
lighting and framing the report added the device was unveiled at the company's
flagship pixel two launch event in October 2017 and passed through the US
Federal Communications Commission last week
For more infomation >> HOT NEWS !!! Google Clips AI powered camera now available on its online store - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Metro woman puts on performance to celebrate her 101st birthday - Duration: 1:39.
Lyn Slater Explains How She Became an "Accidental Icon" | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 2:14.
What surprises a lot of people is that I'm much more appealing to young people.
They don't want to be afraid of getting old.
They don't want to have to be thinking, oh I need botox and I'm 20.
And so they see me with my attitude, which is, I'm not 20.
I don't care that I'm not 20.
I think that feels very liberating to them.
I've been an academic for the last 17 years.
The professors and all the students would say, your style is really amazing.You should
do a blog.
I approached it like an academic, actually.
I did a lot of research, I saw what was out there.
I disliked most of it.
If the picture is too contrived, if the picture is too perfect, after a while, so many people
are doing that, it gets boring.
My approach is very much in the moment and it's still that way -- it was just, I'm going
to sit down and write about fashion and have my partner Calvin take photos of me, and let's
see what happens.
I write it at 6:00 in the morning.
Press publish, and that's my process.
I was meeting a friend at fashion week, and I was wearing a Yohji Yamamoto suit and this
very obscure Chanel bag.
These photographers came and started taking pictures of me, so when my friend who I was
meeting came upon the scene, she said, oh, look at this, an accidental icon.
That story is how I named by blog.
When I was in Shanghai, it was really the first time I felt like a real celebrity because
literally crowds of people had come to see me.
I was like, okay, I'm famous here.
If I started being too contrived, I think I would lose my most important ingredient,
which is in the moment attitude of just like, this is who I am and this is what I'm doing
now and for those who enjoy it, great.
And those who don't...
Nancy Pelosi With DRASTIC Actions Against Trump State Of The Union. - Duration: 2:45.
Nancy Pelosi With DRASTIC Actions Against Trump State Of The Union.
It's simply unbelievable how liberals are determined to take down President Trump regardless
of the million good things he did including the tax cuts that increased the standard of
the American people.
And now, the Democratic party is going to put dozens of DREAMERs on a balcony during
the January 30 State of the Union.
Via Politico:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats will fill the balcony with so-called
Dreamers and other immigrants during President Donald Trump's State of the Union address
next week as the party panned a White House attempt on Thursday to reach a deal on immigration
The White House released a one-page framework for legislation that includes a path to citizenship
for 1.8 million Dreamers — recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
program, or DACA — and other undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
The proposal, the work of senior White House adviser Stephen Miller, was offered as a bipartisan
compromise to give young undocumented immigrants a legal foothold in exchange for more than
$25 billion in increased border security and a sharp reduction in future legal immigration.
While Miller described the plan as a dramatic concession for the White House, Democrats
aren't yet buying in and plan to make a statement at the State of the Union on Tuesday.
There is even more written about this issues.
Via BizPac Review:
Younger illegal immigrants in Arizona make up a far larger percentage of the state's
prison inmates than their share of the population would suggest, according to a new analysis.
While illegal immigrants ages 18 to 35 — a group immigration activists call "Dreamers"
— are about 2 percent of of the Arizona population, they are almost 8 percent of the
prison population.
The over-representation by a factor of four shows that younger illegal immigrants in Arizona
are far more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens or legal immigrants of a similar
age, says John Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center.
"Even after adjusting for the fact that young people commit crime at higher rates,
young undocumented immigrants commit crime at twice the rate of young U.S. citizens,"
Lott wrote in a report published Thursday.
"These undocumented immigrants also tend to commit more serious crimes."
Liberals are widely known for forcing their propaganda based on 'power' and muscle.
They are always making public stunts because they cannot face Republicans with words because
their words mean nothing.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
12 Things You Missed in The Ritual | Official Trailer [HD] - Duration: 5:07.
I'm gonna get behind the mythological references made in this trailer in a second, but as a
fair disclaimer, I haven't read the book, so if you have read it, or if you got to see
the film in theaters already, let me know if I was on point at all in the comments.
First I want to point out the setting.
Based off of this billboard, they're in Northern Sweden.
If you pause on this shot of the map you can see that they're cutting through Sareks Nationalpark,
so let's investigate that area.
It was first inhabited by a group of hunter-gatherers known as the Sami, who used these mountains
as places of worship.
One of the mountains was known as Mount Apar and it was believed to house demons and the
ghost of an illegitimate child.
Remember that, because I'm gonna come back to it.
But with that being said, let's approach the rest of the trailer with Norse mythology and
Pagan culture in mind.
At the beginning of the trailer, the characters put together a little ritual of their own
for their deceased friend, Rob.
In Nordic culture, they had a number of places of worship in nature and their holy spaces
were often marked with some kind of landmark.
It could be anything from the base of a mountain to an entire valley to a notable pile of rocks
as we see here.
Sacrifice rituals were a huge part of this culture, especially in relation to births,
marriages and death.
And these rituals often involved the sacrifice of food and drink and the consumption of alcohol.
It's possible that the ritual mentioned in the title of the movie is this ritual; that
these four characters attempting to honor their friend have actually awoken some malevolent
spirit from Norse mythology.
In fact, the people who settled on this land believed in the ability to influence the living
from the land of the dead.
If the rituals were performed correctly they could give their blessings and stuff, but
if done incorrectly, it was believed that dead could haunt the living and bring bad
I'd say both of those things are going on in this trailer.
Before I move on, let me emphasize one thing.
I want you to imagine a Nordic celebration in your head.
You're probably imagining a bunch of burly dudes in viking helmets dancing around in
a circle with big frosty beer mugs in hand.
That may be a stereotype, but in reality the consumption of alcohol was instrumental in
these rituals.
This one character does appear to have a drinking problem, but perhaps the constant appearance
of these shelves of alcohol in dreams and hallucinations is actually a sign of something
If you go frame by frame, this is all over the trailer.
That brings us to the first strange thing they come across, which is this cow that is
hanged in the tree and gutted.
Sacrifice rituals known as blót were a huge part of the traditions practiced in Northern
Sweden before the common era.
They would actually hold festivals in which male animals corpses were hung in trees as
a sacrifice to their deities.
That included both wild animals found in the area, and men.
It's quite possible that our main characters have unknowingly walked into a ritual to honor
those Pagan Gods.
There's more evidence to back this up.
This guy they stumble upon seems to be praying to some kind of altar.
These markings seen on the trees match up with the ones on the pole in this shrine,
where we again see a praying figure.
The idol pictured here has goat-like horns and stands up on two legs in a humanoid pose.
Similarly, the cow the they found hanging in the tree was oriented in a way that that
made it appear to be standing on two legs as well.
This is most likely a reference to Fylgja, a mythological Norse spirit that can take
the form of ox, goat and boar, among other animals and is said to mark the transformation
between human and animal.
Fylgja are said to appear during sleep and seeing one is an omen of death.
It would appear that death is indeed in some of these characters' futures just based off
of this trailer.
There are also flashes of that praying figure cut into the trailer elsewhere, but upside
That could possibly play into the whole hanging motif, but we'll have to wait and see.
The creepiest part of the trailer for me was this hand that one of the characters sees
wrapped around a tree in the forest.
If you take a closer look these are pretty thin trees and the hand is actually very small.
Remember how I mentioned that the area was thought to house demons and the ghost of an
illegitimate child?
I think this could be that child.
And one last thing, it seems like they find shelter at some point, and on the shelf right
here, I spotted this hammer that resembles Thor's Hammer, which is regarded as the most
important symbol in all of Norse Mythology.
Not only was it a weapon used to defend the domain of the Gods, but it was also used in
formal declaration ceremonies to bless marriages, births, and funerals, just like the sacrifice
rituals I mentioned earlier.
There's also an excellent song by Equilibrium called Wingthor's Hammer, and on that note,
you'll have to take some of my deductions in this video with a grain of salt, seeing
as how most of what I know about this culture was learned from listening folk metal bands
like Equilibrium and Finntroll, but let me know if this stuff made sense to you.
A lot of people are saying this is just another Blair Witch type movie, but I'm hoping it
will make use of the extensive lineup of Nordic mythological creatures, because some of them
are pretty cool.
If that's something you want to see, let me know by leaving this video a like.
And if you're new here, I'm going to be covering all the best horror films of 2018, as well
as making my own.
So if that's something you want to see, subscribe to CZsWorld for new horrors every week, hammer
that deathbell for notifications and I'll see you in the next one.
Assuming we both survive.
Medieval Montblanc, 2nd. episode. Between truffles and wines... (December 2017) - Duration: 6:28.
Don't forget to watch the previous week's video.
We are going to look for truffles with dogs!
Good morning fellow travelers!
We are here with Didac and Jesús, from Tofona de la Conca.
We want to learn more about the world of truffles.
What are the dogs' names?
This is Kona, this is Shiva and Trufo, on his own…
They are happy working on this.
For them, this is a game.
How long does it take to train a truffle dog?
From 1 to 3 years to become a good seeker dog.
We are here in a field that specialises in truffle farming, right? Yes.
They mentioned that truffles need a mínimum of 7/8 years to develop their first signs.
They are always eaten uncooked. When the dish is finished and warm,
we put the truffle on the top and that's all.
Shiva is receiving her reward because she detected that there were two truffles here.
Is that the truffle? Yes, all of this.
You have to turn it over and take out remove the soil. You have to be careful because it's easy to break.
I bet you don't know what this is…
This is a "scare-mole".
When it's windy, it makes a sound and moles don't like to live in noisy neighborhoods, so since it bothers them, they move to another place.
Look at the small truffles they are able to detect. Trufo is our digger dog!
Jesus gave us such a beautiful truffle! We are going to remember them because we definitely will prepare some nice recipes.
As we have worked hard and found some truffles, we have earned a lunch, so we are going to try them…
And, after lunch, we will visit a vineyard.
What does this plate have?
Grilled foie, fries and two fried eggs, very tasty! Besides, this plate has truffle oil!
This truffle is clean, it doesn't have soil on it.
Wow, it smells good!
He serves it generously, it's not the same with the expensive restaurants
that just give you a little bit of truffle…
You have to notice that there is a truffle, otherwise…
I have never seen so much such truffle on a plate in my life!
The white veins must be thin. The Chinese truffles have wider veins so, they are not so tasty.
It's important for you to know that, so that, you can identify the good ones.
Imagine that, before the phylloxera plague affected all the vineyards in Europe, all these hills were vineyards.
Since then, little by little, they are developing again.
We are in a vineyard at 900 meters altitude with Jose, known as Vega, from the Vega Ixalà winery.
What are the characteristics of these wines?
The altitude creates a perfect climate for vineyards, especially when it's time for the grapes to ripen,
because it's cold at night and hot during the day. Another feature is the land, it has more stones than soil.
Stones radiate heat during the night.
And, it takes a lot of effort to make the wine here. Because it's imposible to get the machinery in.
Yes, we pick the grapes by hand, we put them in small boxes, we send them to a refrigerator
every two hours so the fermentation can't start.
We don't use herbicides or pesticides.
We just learned that there are not only organic wines but now biodynamic wines!
Yes, the biodynamic wines don't have sulfites. Besides, we stabilize them in amphoras-
Yes, Romans did it a long time ago!
Now the vineyards have no grapes, they are sleeping, but it must be beautiful in summertime.
What better than to try their wines, after having enjoyed such spectacular vineyards.
Let wines talk so the owner can stop…
First biodynamic wine that I've ever tried. The color is different, a bit cloudy. It even smells like apples…
You will find more information about these experiences in the description box and on our website.
Please do come here to try the truffle&wine tasting. It's a perfect mix!
Well, our friends, here we end our visit to Montblanc, which, by the way, we liked a lot!
If you liked the video, please, share it with your friends,
because the more people know about these less well-known and less touristy places, the better
You know where you can find us on our social profiles and our website. Good bye!
The best templates for the web | TemplateMonster MVC - Duration: 22:04.
welcome to this new video, the model view controller... without going into many
details we've already heard about it, but without going into many
details basically means in that the programmers program and the
designers design that is for separating what design is, from the its functionality
again without going into many details there are other things that include the model
view controller, it separates into three things actually the model the view the
controller but without talking about those details but only summarizing ... the
designers design and that the programmers program, this is
a programming channel and here I'm not going to teach how to design
but what if we have to make a website and we want it to have a great
design, we can hire a designer and work alongside with the
designer and we program the web site, it's true, but today
I'm gonna talk to you about an alternative, have asked me
to make a video about their website and templemonster is a place where you can
buy templates, but there are an infinity of templates, with designs that are
totally great, very well made designs which are totally responsive then
you only buy the template and you concentrate on making the website itself and the design is already
done, first of all a small
pause, I know that the people from Venezuela will be asking: how can
we pay? well if you don't know Venezuelan credit cards
don't work in abroad, for example netflix for
most Venezuelans is impossible, at the end of the video at the very
end of the video I'm going to tell you how you can buy
a template at templatemonster if you live in Venezuela
there's a way but I'm going to leave it at end of the video
then today I'm going to make a small review about the templates
available in templatemonster I'm going to use a single template that is this one
I downloaded it exclusively
for the video ... I'm going to make an small review of this template as such
I'm going to show how responsive it is and I'm going to teach how to install it, the features that it
has, this is a joomla template, if you have never worked with joomla
you can ask me any question you have and I'll explain it to you, anyway I'm
planning on doing tutorials about joomla, but also very briefly joomla
it's a cms ... What a cms is.... explained with my own
words so everyone can understand, a CMS is practically a ready to go
php site, that has all the functionality, is like
wordpress, joomla is the same as wordpress is an alternative to wordpress is a php
site ready to go with which you only have to give some functionality maybe
you have to code a little bit to give it some personal touch and in
general, all you have to do is to install a template and changing the
template will totally change the design let's do a coulple of things first
let's install the fullpackage that comes with the template that is a full Joomla package
with the template included and then we will install the template from scratch
on a new Joomla installation, so let's start with the fullpackage
let's quickly see the template, it's a
template with some sample data
that show a repair shop for cell phones and computers
the template is totally responsive What does this mean? that is going to
respond to size without deforming, if you are testing websites and
you want to see how they look in cell phones
you are go in chrome here on developer tools,
now, here we see how
responsive it is, she adapts to
size, but if you want to see how it looks in
cell phone, click here, where it says toggle device toolbar
but you do not need to see the name in English then if you don't talk
to much in English, simply go to the icon that looks like a cell phone or a
tablet you click here and look it automatically looks
like a cell phone it even shows us the navigation buttons here and
everything, the battery and it works as a touchscreen, the mouse becomes a point and
I can use it as if it were a finger and the website is shown how
it would look on the cellphone, right here we can choose from different
devices, for example an iphone x, look how it looks on the iphone, additionally
you can choose any template you want on
and click here where it says "view live demo" and there, you can also toggle from
different devices, for example in landscape which is what it's called when a
device is lying down or, portrait it is called when the device is on
stanting postition both tablets and cell phones although I get the impression that here
focus it on the ipad, Its the impression I get, unlike in chrome dev tools
where you can choose from
any device, android or
Apple devices, then if we clic here again we go back to
how it looks on the computer, so this templates are full responsive
we are not going to have to worry about that, now we're going to
to do a installation from scratch I'm going to do a joomla tutorial from scratch as well
so for now I'm going to do it quick
if you already know about joomla then this is not going to be unfamiliar
so here as you can see I'm installing joomla from scratch,
but this is a modified joomla installation that comes with the template, let's see,
when we download the template, we'll have this zip file
here, inside the folders you'll find another folder called joomla
this file is the theme that we are going to install in joomla and this is the full package
it's a joomla installation with the template already included and that's
what we are going to see now, I repeat if you do not know joomla
then subscribe to the channel and activate notifications because soon I'm going to
to post tutorials about joomla, in fact
if you have any suggestions regarding to what you want to know about
joomla tell me in the comments, then now let's proceed to
install this this fullpackage, that means Complete package
other things that come within the Template
apart from the theme that we'll install in joomla, they are a lot of modules because
the templates itself has a lot of features that's why
I recommend you, the template not only includes how you are going to see, your
website, it also include a lot of modules, the modules in joomla are
let's say certain sections with specific functionality therefore
these templatemonster templates are quite resourceful, they not only have
appearance but much much functionality, well let's
continue, then, here we fill in the joomla data, the
name of the site and everything else I'm going to pass in fast camera
well here just before we finish
joomla installation we must choose here sampletheme with
the number of your template in my case is the 3428 this will
install the template with the sample data that comes with the template
the sample data is an example content only
in the second half of this video you will understand better what the sample
data is, we'll do an installation of the template from scratch, on a new
joomla installation, so we're going to understand this better
If you select "None" ... it's not going to install the template, nor the sample
data, then you have to select here again if you do not understand much about
joomla don't worry let's focus on Template
for now, the joomla tutorials will come very soon by clicking on the
install button, the installation will start and I'll pass again in fast camera because this is
a process that will take like ... about ten minutes
well the installation it's done, again if you do not know much about joomla ...
Excuse me for repeating it so much but I know that maybe some would be
lost in case of not knowing joomla at all then I don't want that to encourage them to leave the
video, then one of the Things to do when you finish
the installation is to delete the installation folder ... deleted, and then I can
click here, I will click with the middle button so that it opens
automatically in a new tab and the site will appear as I show you
before the complete website, with the sample data
Here it is, the sample data is the content
this content that is here this number phone and everything else, now let's quickly
see how to change this, how to customize the content of the
template because remember that this is only the design
we are going to do the rest, let's see, we go to the
joomla administration site , joomla has, let's say two views
the frontend and the backend ... the backend is where we change the
site settings as such, we change the content and
the frontend, is what the user sees, the visitor of the web page
for example if we want to change this phone number that's going to be an
article, then I'm going to the article that
have that phone number ... maybe it will take me some
time to find it
I'm filtering it by category here it is "topcontacs"
this is it, and here I change it to 0 500 1230 500 for example ... I turn it into a link... then
tel: 05001230500 and I save the changes here, now I update the page
and here it appears with the new number, that refers to
content, the modules as I said they are sections, which have their own
functionality for example this here is a module if I want to hide this
module which is some kind of slider we go here
I leave the article ... I go to the modules and that module is called "swiper"
then I simply unpublished it Now when you update the page, it is no longer there
the page is without that Swiper, if for example you want it in that way, now
Well, we're going to install the template from scratch in a new joomla installation
here we have a blank joomla installation
so in the frontend, it has some things in English because those are the sample data
from joomla I installed them so that it had something the joomla
installation comes with some templates, that are very basic and the default
template is this one, called protostar but we can select this one called beeze
and when we update it totally changes the design, it's like that
to install the templatemonster template on a new joomla
installation assuming that you already have the site ready and configured with all its
functionality and data and all you want is to install the template, you go here to
manage-> install, the templates from templatemonster comes like this
we open it and you have all these files, you are going to
unzip those files and then we have a file called sources
is password protected What will that password be? It's going to
be your order number when you buy the template in
templatemonster they will send you an order number, the templates are not very expensive
I do not know if I told you about the price they are about $ 75
I repeat those who live in venezuela at the end of the video I'll explain
how you can buy them ... then unzip this and then again unzip
this one, now once you have unziped
all the files, we go to Extentions->Manage->install as I showed you before
the first one that we are going to install ... is ... we go to joomla and the one that says theme ... that's the first
that we install
well here it finished installing then we are going to install these two located in sources
this one up here is an extension named komento that allows us to
enable comments and this one rigth here we are going to open it is a package of
many plugins and modules that comes with the template, here for example
we have a google maps plug-in ... we have this one called acymailing...
the ones that don't name is because I don't know ... I'm not sure what they do but
this one acymailing is for enable newsletters to send
mass emails to users let's see which other one I know ...
Joomgallery is for making photo galeries ... let's install those two then
we the same, we go to sources and first Komento
well ... it finished, now we are going to install the package of modules
extensions this is going to take also like about 10 minutes I'll show you
everything in fast camera
well here it finished installing the module package and the template is ready
now we go to templates->styles
now that we have our template installed we selected it here and
we update ... let's see that the content is still the same as it only
changes its presentation... now Why doesn't it look the same? Because
we must enable the modules, for example this menu if we want it
we go to extensions modules and it's "icemenumegamodule" ...
then we simply enable it this is for
showing or hiding the title we make it public we must go to the section of
the template and we search where do we want to place it...
if I remember correctly in the example that I showed, is the position named "navigation"
we select the menu, it will be mainmenu
and this is it for now, we show the menu in
all the pages and I'll give it to save and close, then when I update
this is the menu, well this option is if we already have the site loaded and
we want to customize the template we want to customize it a lot even though
as I taught you in the first half of the video
once the template is placed It can also be customized
deactivating and activating modules at will, changing the texts is obvious because
that's not customizing it's just placing our content
now for those who live in venezuela How to pay for these templates?
very simple ... as I said at the beginning, those who live in
venezuela ... Venezuelan credit cards don't work abroad
so how can Venezuelans pay for a
templatemonster template? very simple we are going to this page that is called airtm here
you ... airtm is in a money exchange network
then you can do electronic transfers from venezuelan
banks and in airtm it will be accredited in US dollars
and once accredited in airtm you can send it to another airtm
acount or send it to another payment processor like paypal for example or
payoneer, I recommend you uphold ... uphold is a payment processor like paypal or payoneer
but uphold has a very interesting feature that allows us to create
virtual credit cards with the balance you have in uphold
then you create a virtual credit card and you go to templatemonster
and you register it there and you pay your template without any issues from
venezuela... the change from dollar to bolivar is
quite high as we know but, at the the final that cost will be paid by the
client because you'll charge them the work of making the entire web page and there
you include the price of the template
so well this is a solution very simple for those who live in
venezuela well I hope that you like this video it was a sponsored video
by the company templatemonster I would never recommend something that I wouldn't buy
for myself or somethin that I don't think is good and these templates are very good
since they not only include a design but a functionality also as I said includes
a lot of modules with the template itself they have a very good support if
you have any problems installing the template you can
communicate with the templatemonster team and they will help you
in fact they have an installation service forthe templates that I think that
It costs about 45 dollars ... if you want them to
install the template for you, you have to give them the access codes to your server so
they can log in and install and there are different licenses per
example a license that is quite expensive how you can see cost about 4,100 dollars
with this one you make sure that you'll be the last one that will use the template
if you want your website to be a little more original if not then ... with the standard license
is more than enough ... I hope you liked this video
if so, give me a thumbs up is the best way to help me
if you have any doubt or question about the templates
or about joomla you can ask me in the comments section below
I remind you that I'll be making joomla tutorials very soon, you can suggest me any
topic also in the comments
I remind you that I have a patreon page which I'm using to
make giveaways within the channel I want to make an arduino giveaway or a
Dreamweaver giveaway and well if you want to participate in these
giveaways go to my patreon page
My name is Giovanni and thanks for watching
حظك اليوم الاثنين 29-01-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 6:58.
¿Qué puede hacer la Fiscalía en el caso de la violación de Claudia Morales? | El Espectador - Duration: 5:53.
5 biggest casinos in the us - Duration: 4:53.
We all love to hit the casino either for fun or just to gamble.
Casino refers to a place where gambling activities take place.
There are various other activities that take place in the casino such as hosting of live
Modern day casino's are generally seen in one world big.
from heavy spending to very big structures right down to the buffet all have that exclusive
design and taste.
Even the hotels attached to the casino's are also very big.
The casino world is all about competition and as such casino's are always competing
with themselves.
Each casino wants to be the biggest in their region or state and even in the world.
The competition is really high.
For the purpose of this article, we are going to take a look at the top 5 biggest casino's
in the United States.
Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada: When you talk about casino's in the US, then think of Vegas.
Fifth on the list for largest Casino in the US is the Bellagio casino in las Vegas Nevada.
It includes a luxury hotel and resort.
The Bellagio hotel and casino is owned and managed by MGM Resorts International.
It is the fifth largest casino in the United States.
It consists of 155,000 square meters for gaming and 200,000 square meters for meeting.
Also it holds lots of features like having 14 resturants, a botanical garden, art exhibition
gallery and so much more.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, Atlantic City, New Jersey: This is the fourth largest casino
in the US.
It is also owned and managed by MGM Resorts International.
It consists of 2002 rooms and records have it as the largest hotel in New Jersey.
The Borgata consists of 161,000 sq ft space for gaming and also includes about 4000 slot
machines and around 50 poker tables.
The Borgata has an event center that accommodates over 3000 persons and also has about five
night clubs and so many other features.
MGM Grand Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV: The MGM Grand Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, NV is one of the best casino's you can visit.
It has a very unique and elegant as well as a classy mode of operation.
It is the third largest casino in the United States.
It is regarded as the symbol of Vegas with its unique features.
The MGM Grand Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV has a gaming space of 170,000
sq ft and a meeting space of 602,000 sq ft.
It also holds more than 5000 sleeping room for guests.
The MGM Grand Hotel & Casino plays hosts to those who are willing to spend some extra
Foxwoods Resort Casino, Mashantucket, Connecticut: Foxwoods Resort Casino is the second largest
casino in the US.
It is located in Connecticut and is one of the casino's in Connecticut.
It poses a massive 340,000 sq ft of gaming space and 150,000 sq ft of meeting space.
It is one of the oldest casino's in the US.
WinStar World Casino & Resort, Thackerville, Oklahoma: Can you believe that the biggest
casino in the US is not located in Vegas?
Yes you heard me right.
The biggest casino in the US is not located in the gaming city of Vegas, instead it is
located right in the city of Oklahoma.
The Winstar World Casino is the biggest casino in the US.
It boasts of about 500,000 sq ft of gaming space and 45,000 of meeting space.
The winstar plays host to so many high class events such as the MMA, golf tournaments and
so much more.The world of casino has always been big and huge and this just gives you
a peak of how big the casino industry is.
Biggest Mistake with Bitcoin - Security - Don't lose your money - Duration: 3:22.
Today we will learn about
Securing Bitcoin wallet if you have no idea about one Bitcoin is please check our previous video
Like in real life your wallet must be secured
Bitcoin makes it possible to transfer value anywhere in a very easy way, and it allows you to be in control of your money
such great features also come with great security concerns at
The same time that coin can provide very high levels of security if used correctly
Now let's see some important points
That would help us to secure our wallet any backup that is stored online is highly vulnerable to theft even
the computer that is connected to the Internet is vulnerable to malicious software as
Such encrypting any backup. That is exposed to the network is a good security practice
Single points of failure are bad for security
If your backup is not
Dependent of a single location it is less likely that any bad event will prevent you to recover your wallet
You might also want to consider using different medias like USB keys
papers and CDs
You need to back up your wallet on a regular basis to make sure that all recent Bitcoin change addresses and all new
Bitcoin addresses you created are included in your backup
however all
Applications will be soon using wallets that only need to be backed up once
Find wallet also known as cold storage provides the highest level of security for savings it
Involves storing a wallet and a secured place that is not connected to the network
When done properly it can offer a very good protection against computer vulnerabilities?
Using an offline wallet in conjunction with backups and encryption is also a good practice
The latest version of your Bitcoin software allows you to receive important stability and security fixes
Updates can prevent problems of various severity include new useful features and help keep your wallet safe
Installing updates for all other software on your computer or mobile is also important to keep your wallet
environment safer
Bitcoin includes a multi signature feature that allows a
Transaction to require multiple independent approvals to be spent
This can be used by an organization
to give its members access to its Treasury while only allowing a withdrawal of three of five members sign the
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