For more infomation >> 7 Habits of Self Made Billionaire In English - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Kauai Hawaii Travel Guide - Duration: 10:16.
Huawei P Smart — смартфон за $300 по методичке для флагманов - Duration: 4:42.
Fe Ekhtlaf Elmes Edena Band - فى اختلاف فريق المس ايدينا - Duration: 4:35.
Most of my problems haven't been finished except by you
There alot of things that especially need your hands
And there are some situations that showed the difference of the conditions
If I were going alone or being protected by you
Without your presence beside me I couldn't live
There is a life beside you but without you there is no life
I couldn't describe how I really need your presence
There are a lot of things that I cannot describe by words
If I am alone I fall and without you I drown in a little bit of water
and also become afraid But you let it normal for me to walk over the water
There is a huge difference when you are beside me really there is a difference
Without your presence beside me I couldn't live
There is a life beside you but without you there is no life
I couldn't describe how I really need your presence
There are a lot of things that I cannot describe by words
I don't want to let a day pass without seeing you
Also I don't have the ability to do anything better than letting you feel satisfied
When I am not with you everything becomes bad
And I need you to make my life completely
Without your presence beside me I couldn't live
There is a life beside you but without you there is no life
I couldn't describe how I really need your presence
There are a lot of things that I cannot describe by words
Origami Heart Box | Valentine's Day Crafts | EMMA DIY #17 - Duration: 6:31.
Origami Heart Box | Valentine's Day Crafts | EMMA DIY #17
Justice Department Will REVEAL New Strzok Text Messages! - Duration: 2:04.
2018: A Race Odyssey (Part 2) | The Rundown With Robin Thede - Duration: 5:37.
Racism is being propagated
in ways that we're not even thinking about
in our daily lives.
(Robin) In part one, we learned
that from biased data sets to facial recognition
to soap dispensers, racism is everywhere in tech.
So now what are we gonna do about it?
A.I. doesn't have to be racist.
How can we fix it?
By getting more black folks in artificial intelligence.
Yeah. And to really mobilize scientists
around racial justice issues.
Not just exposing racism... (siren wailing)
...but using these technologies
to really make concrete and measurable change.
See, we start talking about racism,
and the cops show up. And here they go, right?
(Robin) Damn, the feds are watching us.
I gotta go shake these cops.
So, quick, Timnit, tell 'em how hard it is to get into STEM.
I experienced a lot of racism in high school.
I experienced teachers
telling me I can't take AP classes,
that I'm not gonna get into any of the colleges I applied to.
(Robin) But look at you now,
shining bright like a diamond, but also just as rare.
Is there a way to change the misconceptions
of black folks in STEM?
Yeah, I mean, we call it Afrofuturism.
I'm sorry? Afrofuturism.
I consider myself an Afrofuturist.
So there's a future where everyone has an Afro?
No, no-no-no.
(Robin) Hold on, Pierce.
I need to check with somebody who actually has an Afro
just to make sure.
Afrofuturism is a way
of looking at the future or alternate realities,
but you use a black cultural lens.
(Robin) Thanks to Afrofuturist pioneers
like musicians Sun Ra and George Clinton,
and author Octavia Butler,
black voices are being brought to the future.
The way we talk about futurism, it's default white.
(Robin) She is not lying.
So it's fun to be able to look at these stories
where we can be superheroes... in outer space,
because it just pushes the limits
that we've been socialized around.
I run a community center in Durham called Blackspace.
And we make sure black students from a younger age
have resources and networks that they can build on
so that we can start to bridge this digital divide.
And I think that's our obligation
as technologists and as future-makers.
(Robin) Afrofuturism isn't a new idea.
It's older than the Underground Railroad,
for real.
I think Harriet Tubman is the quintessential Afrofuturist
because she lived in a world where
slavery was the status quo.
And she manifested and created a new future.
Well, she had a lot of time to think about it
in her dreams 'cause she was narcoleptic.
Yeah, in this kinda dream kinda world,
she was able to envision a different future.
That's like a superpower. Absolutely.
And she had a shotgun. (gun clicking)
And she had a shotgun.
(Robin) Okay, so maybe it was more of a pistol.
I wasn't good at history.
The important thing is, kids like George
are channeling Harriet's spirit and shootin' their shot.
What we do at my company is we create social justice
mobile applications as well as websites
for local companies.
(Robin) By the way, he's only 17,
so he had to do the interview from his mama's living room.
He's so cute.
I've created the 21st century key for staying safe
from police brutality with my application Cop Stop.
I created Cop Stop because I was afraid
of being the next Trayvon Martin.
Once you click the stop sign, it sends a message
that you're about to interact with a law enforcement officer.
So that phone number would now know where you are
and that you're about to be
in a potentially volatile situation.
(Robin) Yes! Show 'em how to do it, ASAP Appy.
There's been a few articles that have called me
"the black Bill Gates,"
but I have my own separate agenda.
And that's to change the world's perspective
on race through technology.
So what does your Afrofuturist future look like?
Welcome to the Afrofuture, a world that values humanity.
A place where rhythm is celebrated.
Oh, look, Sasha and Malia are president.
("National Anthem" playing)
Do you hear that?
The "National Anthem" has bass.
(Robin) Look, I don't want to wait
for the future to come to me.
So I'm gonna bring the Afrofuture to us.
I decided to throw an Afrofuture party.
(techno music playing)
Greetings, everyone!
(crowd murmurs)
Welcome to my Afrofuturist gala.
(cheering and applause)
What better way to welcome us into the future
than with the granddaughters
of the original Afrofuturist himself, George Clinton.
Give it up for Kandy Apple Redd.
(cheering and applause)
♪ Every girl loves a bad boy ♪
♪ 'Cause a bad boy likes to go hard ♪
♪ And every boy wants a good girl ♪
♪ To be a bad girl...
For me, being an Afrofuturist means
acknowledging some history that has been lost to us,
reclaiming it, and changing the image
so that future generations are more inspired.
♪ No one does what I do
♪ To you
♪ So bring it home...
(woman) I love to just imagine a world
where we're not dealing with injustices
and criminal systems.
(singing continues, then ends)
(cheering and applause)
So good!
If this is the future, I'm not going back.
(cheering continues)
The foundation for Wakanda is all around us.
We can build our Afrofuture together, today.
Even if it means a body-rolling robot might try to take my job.
(electrical buzzing, mechanical whirring)
How to draw CHESS KNIGHT - Duration: 1:57.
How to draw CHESS KNIGHT
Steve James - In My Head (Oli Hanson Remix) - Duration: 3:07.
Steve James - In My Head (Oli Hanson Remix)
Serena Williams Sheds Light On Black Women + Child Birth Issues | The Rundown With Robin Thede - Duration: 3:26.
Now, earlier this month,
Serena Williams covered "Vogue" magazine.
(cheering and applause)
In the issue, she revealed that the delivery
of her grand-slam Gerber baby was no Crip Walk on the court.
(female reporter) Williams had a pulmonary embolism
and other blood clots which set off coughing fits
that burst her C-section incision.
Here's a woman who had had blood clots before.
She told her nurse, she told her doctors
that she needed a CT scan, and they weren't listening.
They were saying, "You're just delirious
from the pain medication."
Who the hell is this hatin'-ass doctor,
Maria Sharapova?
But Serena isn't the only one.
The nickname for black women in many doctors' contacts
appears to be "Do Not Answer."
We have this discrepancy, um, with different races
in the care that they receive.
I see a difference sometimes between the way
that black women are listened to versus the way
that white women are listened to.
See, this is just another example
of black women being right.
Even if you doubt what's coming out of our mouths,
you need to listen to our heartbeats.
(whooping and applause)
The entire situation sheds light on another important fact,
and you know I don't normally say this,
but there's one particular area where black women
are getting too much shine.
This is not just a medical crisis.
This is a social justice crisis.
In the United States, this is incredibly alarming,
but black women are three to four times more likely
to die in child birth than white women.
Four times.
That's both an alarming fact and further proof
that Beyoncé is always trying to warn us.
But there's a shocking twist in this crisis.
Since stress and anxiety only increase
as black women get older,
professionals have now found a concept
that wasn't even on Al Roker's radar.
Toxic weathering is essentially the accumulation of stress
that black women face over their entire lives.
Women of color have so much toxic stress from discrimination
that it physicalizes in some way
and affects them when they go into birth and pregnancy.
And that might actually be contributing
to the incredibly high rates of harm and death.
Ooh, ooh, whoo! I'm sorry.
I had to sit down because I think I'm 12 months' pregnant
with hashtag facts.
(laughter, cheering, applause)
And while countless black women are dying
from medical negligence, two D.C. hospitals
are leaving a Michael Strahan gap
between pregnant women and health care.
The two hospitals that closed were in Agoura area,
but it was also in an area
with a very large concentration of black mothers.
There were a couple controversies around it,
a couple complications.
Instead of investigating the hospitals
and investigating the obstetric wings
and looking into what went wrong and how can we make this better,
the hospitals just closed the obstetric wings.
Wow, they really think black women are dumb.
You don't think we'd notice an entire missing hospital wing?
We noticed that "Living Single"'s first living room
used to be the Winslows'.
We notice everything. (laughter and applause)
And everybody needs to notice this issue more
if we want to save black women's lives.
Just because we give everybody life
doesn't mean we have to die to do it.
Black women... (cheering and applause)
Black women are strong, but we are not superhuman.
Well, except for this woman.
It's coming! It's coming!
Everyday Carry Essentials EDC For The Modern & Discerning Gentleman + Top EDCs + My Pocket Dump - Duration: 12:23.
Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette.
Today's video is about EDC or everyday carry essentials for the modern gentlemen.
We had lots of requests for this video and today I talk about my personal EDC essentials
that I carry with me every day about extended things I sometimes carry as well as other
things that you might consider for your EDC depending on your needs and preferences.
So first of all let's talk about the EDC essentials, the three items every man should wear.
First of all it's the smartphone.
Second of all it should be your wallet and third of all, it should
be your keys.
So what does my EDC look like?
First of all, I have a Google pixel 2 XL because for me, as an online entrepreneur, having
a quality smartphone is essential.
Not only can I answer my email, I can also run the backend of our shop, I can look into
customer service requests, I can see how sales are doing, at the same time, I use it at home
to either control my Lutron lights, to turn off my alarm system, to open my garage doors,
as well as my doors, to check the water shut-off valve, or whatever else that is app-based
these days.
So where do I wear it?
Usually, it's in my chest pocket on the left side because it's slimmer than my wallet and
if I have the pocket square on the left, it balances out very nicely.
For my main wallet, I use the very first prototype of Fort Belvedere wallets that is several
years old, but it's in pretty good shape, and usually, we test everything extensively
before we offer in our shop.
Of course, I also have the other Fort Belvedere wallets and sometimes I switch them out based
on the color scheme of my current outfit.
To learn more about wallets what goes into a quality wallet or different sizes, there
are, and what you should invest in, please check out our wallet guide here.
If you want to take a look at the selection of Fort Belvedere wallets, please head over
to our shop.
I usually wear it in my right chest pocket.
If I happen not to wear a jacket or a coat without those chest pockets, I usually wear
my wallet in my right back pocket and my phone in my left back pocket that way I don't have
anything on the sides, and I find it more comfortable.
Keys are essential to most of us, and actually I only use them if I Drive a car or my bike
otherwise it's controlled from my phone I don't like having all the bulk so try to have
keys with as few keys as possible in this case just a car key or just the bike keys.
If I wear a vest, I carry the key in there because you don't really notice it and you
don't even feel it on your body if I wear a jacket I usually wear it in the side pocket
and oftentimes there's a little inside pocket that is smaller that way it doesn't destroy
your silhouette but everything looks neat and it's very easy to grab it at any point
in time If I don't have a jacket with pockets I wear them in my right pants pocket.
So some of you wonder what car do I Drive?
Right now it's an Audi a6 with Quattro simply because it's great in the
coldness of the winters with icy roads I'd love to have an electric car such as a Tesla,
however, I don't like their interior very much so I hope that either they
improve, or maybe some other brands step up their game with electric cars and have the
nice interiors that I really enjoy.
So next up our extended EDC essentials.
First of all, it's probably the wristwatch.
Most men like them, most men wear them.
Personally, I'm not a huge wristwatch guy I very rarely wear one if I want to have a
timepiece then maybe a go with a pocket watch, but sometimes I just skip even that.
Arguably you can tell time by just looking at your phone but all the men consider it
to be a kind of jewelry accessory and it's something that really appreciates and that
they can hand down to their children.
To learn more about watches with extensive wristwatch guides on our website here.
The second item is a business card case I carry it with me where I go because you never
know who you're gonna meet and who wants to have your card normally I wear it next to
my smartphone because the width of the phone and the case combined is about the width of
my wallet so it's very balanced as you can tell I don't like a lot of bulk and the way
it looks and drapes on my body is very important, so I like to think about these things.
if you ever travel to Asia, you know that a business card is very important there and
even in Europe or the US or South America it's much nicer much more respectable if you
pull up your business card of a nice case and the same is true
for the card that you receive.
The third extended item would be a handkerchief.
No, it's not a pocket square but a white linen or cotton handkerchief that you can wear in
your pants pocket you can use it to rub some dirt maybe to clean up a spill or help out
if there is no napkin available so what's the difference to a pocket square?
Pocket squares are usually decorative and not meant to be used versus a handkerchief
is definitely meant to be used and not necessarily meant to be seen.
now we offer 100% Irish linen pocket squares with your initial with hand rolled edges but
you could also use them as a handkerchief if you need it to
The fourth extended item is a writing instrument, or a pen I usually have one on hand because
sometimes you need to sign cheques or maybe give your signature and no pen is handy, or
around if I know, I'm gonna take some notes, I actually bring a portfolio with me if not
I'll just take notes on my phone normally I carry the Montblanc meisterstuck 149 with
me it's a nice nib it gives my signature truly unique character and if you want to learn
more about it and see whether it's worth it or not please check out this video here
The fifth extended item is a briefcase ora messenger bag traditionally gentleman would
wear an attache case or a briefcase modern gentlemen are more likely to have a messenger
bag whatever it works for you it's okay If you wear a suit to work I suggest to go with
something more dressier maybe in leather otherwise you make up for canvas, in any case, skip
the backpack because it makes you look like a schoolboy.
So apart from the extended everyday carry items there are also very popular EDC's that
you might like for example some men like to carry a pocket knife with
them they use them indoors and outdoors for all kinds of tasks don't
bring it when you travel by plane because that may get you into trouble some people
like a serrated knife because they find it more useful personally I rarely carry a pocket
knife with me but it's just me apart from that all
men like to carry USB charger with them so they can charge their phone or
any other electric devices personally I find it to be too bulky and that's why I'll leave
it behind but if you have a high energy consumption it's definitely the
way to go
if you're a smoker, you definitely want to carry a lighter but
even if you're not, it may come in handy depending on what your everyday tasks and uses are
if you live in a colder climate having a lip balm in your everyday carry is a wise idea
because it helps you to prevent cracks in your lips, so you always look well-groomed
and dapper
if you're prone to getting your clothes stained maybe having a little tide stick or a liquid
stain remover is a great idea because it simply helps you to protect you from stains on your
ties and it's a good first-aid treatment of course afterwards you have to do proper cleaning
but it's just a great first defense
if you have a smartphone chances are that videos and music are a big part of your daily
routine and because of that you need headphones when I'm out, and
about I usually like to bring very small earbuds simply because they're not bulky they don't
intimidate other people and they don't annoy them because they can't hear what I'm listening
to my standard go-to earbuds are from Panasonic they cost between five and eight bucks I find
the quality of the sound is pretty decent for the price if I lose them or
if they get destroyed it doesn't matter that much, and I can get a new pair at home, of
course, I have AKG headphones, and they're much more expensive, but it's not something
I would like to bring in a street it's just too big and too bulky
and not suited for everyday carry in my opinion, of course, you can spend hundreds and over
$1000 on custom earbuds, and while the quality is noticeably better and it insulates better
from outside noises sometimes they even have noise canceling earbuds I find it's not something
I'm definitely in need of
in case you're big into cigars, a cigar cutter may be a good idea just in case you walk past
the tobacconist and you want that cigar right now
If you're more a handyman a multi-tool such as the
Leatherman may come in handy.
Personally, it's over the top for me, and so I wouldn't want to carry it with me all
day around
If you're like me, and you like quality pictures you may even want to carry around a camera,
yes I know most cell phones these days have quite good cameras and while it's true and
I use them for regular snapshots if I know I want to capture quality shots I walk around
with my full-fledged DSLR If that's too big for you maybe a Micro Four Thirds camera is
better, but I don't want to make any sacrifice in quality so either I use my Google phone
camera or DSLR nothing in between
When you travel up by plane, and you don't want to rely on the monitors for the airline's
entertainment systems a tablet may come in quite handy they're able to watch movies maybe
play games or read the news personally I don't find them very conducive to do work
on but that's a personal choice
here's some small item EDC's that you may want
to consider adding to your lineup.
first of all, floss if stuff regularly get stuck in your teeth definitely bring it with
you because there's nothing quite as embarrassing if a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth
when you talk to someone
a bit of moisturizing lotion is great for your hands especially during the colder months
of the year
if you suffer from bad breath occasionally definitely bring some mints because no one
likes talking to someone who has bad breath and they will talk about you behind your back,
but they will rarely come to you and tell you what the
problem is so you can fix it
if you're a hipster with an elaborate haircut or if you have a big beard or mustache you
definitely want to bring a little mustache comb or a beard comb or just a pocket comb
for your hair, so you always look stylish and dapper
my wife is allergic to a lot of animals and because of that
she always carries some medication with her some people have Tylenol others aspirin just
know what makes life uncomfortable for you and prepare for it
if you're prone to nail dirt or you travel a lot, a travel manicure kit is really handy
the one we designed is TSA approved whenever I travel I bring it along because I hate
the sight of ungroomed nails
apart from that I also like to bring a travel sewing kit which usually consists of a few
needles some threads and maybe some buttons
so as a conclusion obviously not everything I listed here should be carried by everyone
at all times instead try to keep your EDC lean so your silhouette is always
nice and it also means the fewer things you have, the less likely you are to forget them
If you're not quite sure yet what works for you please head over to the full-fledge guide
on the website so you can learn about different options and different price ranges and you
can just put together an EDC kit that is perfect for you and your environment in today's outfit
I'm wearing a sport coat combination which consists of a vintage oversized Prince of
Wales check tweed coat it has elements of beige brown green and red, so
it's really nice for the fall-winter season I'm combining it with a doe skin
vest in kind of a tan color because the jacket is so bold I keep it in a solid my shirt is
red and white stripe the stripes are fine and so the scale the pattern
is much smaller than the jacket, and because of that it works together my silk knit tie
is yellow and contrasting it picks up colors from the jacket, and it works well with vest,
and it also contrasts a shirt it's a nice thick knit tie made out of silk and you can
find it in our shop here my pocket square is made out of silk wool with printed rabbits
which are good in scale, because it's larger than the stripes
of the shirt and the pattern of the jacket and so it blends in nicely
the blue is picked up by my slacks which are part of a suit I have pleats because I have
big thighs I also like turn ups because they give my pants more weight, and
so they hang more nicely my shoes are nice burgundy hand polished double monks from Ace
Marks, and I tied them together with socks from Fort Belvedere which
are blue and navy and so they pick up the tone of the pants, and it's just very elegant
my cufflinks are blue and sterling silver lapiz lazuli cufflinks from Fort Belvedere
which are quite new they go well with my pocket square as well as my pants and you can find
all of our accessories in the shop here the ring is likewise a lapis and sterling silver
and therefore it works really well with the entire outfit and my
Car Repair Mechanic Free Shuttle - 1450 Grimm Rd, Severn, MD 21144 - Duration: 0:22.
Welcome to Walt Eger's. We hope you enjoyed the ride and we'd love a chance to earn your business. Thanks for coming.
Thunder Show: Tank action hero - Duration: 4:20.
In this episode: Teamwork vs mass
Tank action hero
Welcome to Thunder Show!
It's not secret that cats hate water.
So, these two British ack-ackers
have come up with nothing better, than to give the enemy King Tiger a push
into the nearby river, instead of simply obliterating the target with their mighty powerful autocannons. Ahaha!
You ddidn't think that the poor German tank had any hopes of beating TWO British commandos?).
Using well-honed teamwork, two Crusaders slowly, but surely, have pushed the fat cat into the murky waters
and then vanished off into the ruins, to complete another classified mission for the Crown.
DeniTau shows us how to hunt Tigers and makes 5000 Golden Eagles!
When you're stuck in a really tough spot and hope dims fast, only some stubborn perseverance can save day.
The commander of this IS-6 is being fired upon by the maker of the submission.
The much heavier Soviet machine, for some reason, decides not to pay the American SPAAG too much attention
even as his cannon barrel was taking damage from determined fire from the American.
But the plan of the M19 was not just to break the gun, no sir.
He was actually trying to find the best angle to shoot THROUGH the barrel and into the breach.
FINALLY, hard works pays off!
A few shots have penetrated the breach and entered the interior of the turret
finally proving that nobody should ignore any threats, no matter how small.
TDLA inc., puts his scientific knowledge to work and adds some good old perseverance!
A job well done!
Looks like the British tankers are not all super-talented commandos.
Some of them are normal people and some are, well, just showoffs,
willing to risk it all just for that one perfect shot.
One such Brit decided to destroy an enemy tank WHILST FLYING.
So, he built up some speed, drove his tank off a hill and VOILA, his tank has liftoff!
Now is the time to send that in a billion shot into the enemy engine from above!
Playing with style is the middle name of this fella!
Congratulation Space Walrus, and good luck next time.
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Andre Dalia said : That bomb found a window of opportunity.
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