the strongest force in the human
personality is the need to remain
consistent with how we define ourselves
I'm gonna say that again the strongest
force in the human personality is the
need to remain consistent with how we
define ourselves what does that mean we
live in a world of so much uncertainty
now because change happens how often
constantly men's roles women's roles
jobs environments businesses bam bam bam
it's all changing so we have a need as
human beings for certainty we're not
certain about relationships businesses
time we're not certain that a lot but
one thing at least were certain about us
I know who I am if you don't know that
you freak out you have what's called an
identity crisis we can't make any
decisions you're freaking out so we all
define ourselves subconsciously so some
people see themselves as being
extraordinary conservative how they're
gonna do something crazy they're gonna
know hey hey I'm not that kind of person
what kind of person I don't know but I'm
not that kind of person then they're
true if you think you're outrageous you
move differently you talk to me you do
things differently there's no one right
or wrong but most of us have trapped
ourselves in an old identity we've never
updated who we are today and so you go
learn something a skill a talent or
ability but your identity is this is Who
I am and so you'd never far surpass it
many years ago I was asked a very
interesting question somebody asked me a
question they raised their hand the
seminar said Tony can you change people
that don't want to change of course you
can change people don't want to change
all you need is the right kind of if you
have an up leverage where change becomes
an absolute now for some people leverage
is not even the threat of their own life
some people rather die than have you
tell them what to do and so that's not
the leverage the leverage for them might
be something for their children leverage
of them might be spiritual growth all of
us have a leverage point if you find the
leverage not the leverage you make
someone do it the leverage that will
make them make themself do it
we all have someplace that will get us
to fall through now if you get enough
leverage and if you interrupt the
pattern enough how many of you ever had
a pattern when you're a kid and you had
like some obnoxious uncle or something
and you were trying to be upset and they
come like rub your knee on the head or
some ish make you crazy and you couldn't
stay upset because they kept doing this
to you how many other selves and say ah
if you have enough leverage and you
break someone's pattern enough times a
new pattern will show up if you're
conscious you can create the new pattern
so the answer is yes now then the
question would be Tony if all it takes
is leverage then why don't most people
change and I had a lot of answers for
that but that night I'm a night person
that night I'm wired up after a seminar
it's like two o'clock in the morning it
was December and so I flip on the
television in the back for some white
noise looking for CNN and I come across
the old Christmas classic this couch
Christmas Carol right a Dickens classic
and I see it in black and white and I
start watching the movie and remembering
her for being a kid and as I'm watching
this thing I see this man named Scrooge
who clearly doesn't want to change in
fact he's certain he doesn't need to
change because what's happened is his
life went through a lot of pain and when
he got pain he looked for the source of
that pain and he said it was being close
to people so we decided his people
equals pain remember the red squares we
talked about so now he wants to avoid
people and
mean to people now he's also very
wealthy financially he makes up this
belief because I mean and tough with
people I'm rich the truth is he's
financially rich if you watch the movie
you read the story when everyone else is
gone who's still working he is he's
hard-working he's thrifty smart he's
intelligent but he thinks he's rich cuz
he's mean so he doesn't want to live as
being rich he doesn't want to lose not
being hurt so he has a belief be mean to
people and everything works out even
though he's miserable can we have
beliefs that make no sense and yet still
believe him yes or no sure if we just
get wired so I'm watching this guy now
the only way people change is if they
associate either enough what pain so
they have to change or they associate
changing will equal enough what and
ideally if you get both you'll change if
you get every moment I do this the pains
getting more and more tense there's a
point where you must change and if you
get if I change again on this pleasure
you're gonna want to change how many
follow but what equals pain and what
equals pleasure is what you associate in
your nervous system so what happens is
the only way you create change is
changing what you link pain and what you
link pleasure to in your nervous system
not just in your head and your duck
that's what controls you lots of times
in your head you know what you should do
but your gut takes over your fear or
your greed or your desire or you comfort
or whatever who knows what I'm talking
about here say i watch this how many of
you used to have a favorite dessert or a
food or a form of alcohol that you
really really really loved and then one
night you had an experience like never
before where something happens where
this food of this drink of this alcohol
that you love so much it went down but
it kept coming back up at a level of
intensity and with enough aroma and pain
an association
that to this day it takes little
willpower just to think of that alcohol
or think of the smell of that food or
look at it makes you appalled makes you
repelled who's good who's had an
experience like this in your life say I
tell me what that change was was that a
change in willpower no all that happened
is your brain changed what it used to
link pleasure to and now link pain to
when you link enough pain it takes the
willpower you're gonna void the problem
is so are you linking paying the things
you need like exercise right or pain
what you need like a relationship right
and it's the wrong Association but it's
going to control your life your job is
to change what you link pain and
pleasure to so that night what was
pleasure became pain and now takes in
the willpower you just avoid it so we
call that changing what you associate
the things in your nervous system or for
short a neural associative change in
other words changing in your neuro your
nervous system what you associate pain
and pleasure do so by the way in this
Christmas Carol story
does this man Scrooge change his life
yes or no he didn't want to change does
he change his life a little or
completely and by the way how fast
heartbeat one evening how does it happen
three your associative conditioning
specialist show up in his house right
three ghosts show up and what do they do
they give him the link a massive
unbearable amount of what to all the
things he did in the past around people
then they go to everything he has in the
present pain and everything in the
future pain to there's so much there was
no word escape here's the other reason
why people don't change because right
now my relationships in pain but it was
good in the past so you escape having a
change by remembering a good time or I
might be coughing and having these
problems with cigarettes right now but
you know what George Burns lived to be
102 he smoked cigars by the way and he's
1 out of 10 billion people that bought
that off
but let's not confuse ourselves with
ratios so you make up what the future is
if your present is painful you can
escape to the past and get out of the
pressure to change how many followers
say I or you can escape to a future
because no one knows what it is for sure
and you can make it up but if your brain
links it's been painful in the what past
in the S key even worse and uh they'll
change like that who here has ever
stayed in a relationship that you knew
was not right for you you it wasn't
right for you it wasn't right for them
who has ever stayed a relationship way
too long who's done this before raise
your hand say ah it wasn't good for you
wasn't good for them yet you stayed why
why because even though it's painful in
the present what you do you said it'll
get better over there in the future
why'd you finally changed who here
finally changed that say I how'd you do
it your brain wet it's painful now it
was painful in the past see me worse in
the future that's it that's what I call
a Dickens pattern when you lock in pain
in all those places there's no place to
escape so you change it's like if you
put a wall here awhile here the wall
here and we close them in on you
amazingly you'll move forward that's
what we're talking about giving yourself
leverage on yourself that way not having
someone else do to you you do it to
yourself that's when you got the power
again I'm gonna get it say ah
this could be the greatest time you ever
live if you control what you focus on if
you find a more empowering meaning and
if you decide to model the actions of
those who succeeded before you it can be
the best financial time the best
emotional time that a spiritual time of
your life but you better take control of
your state and if you think you're gonna
do it just by today you're wrong you're
gonna need to get yourself some rituals
right now every one of you this room is
controlled by your rituals I don't just
mean this one I mean every morning you
get up I know your body I can look at
your body right now and I can guess your
rituals some of you your rituals to work
out five times a week I can see it
clearly four to six times a week
it's obvious because you couldn't look
like that if you didn't do that some
form of workout I don't care it's
walking lifting whatever somebody it's
obviously lifting weights as far you can
see by the band's muscles I know I know
what his rituals are because your life
comes from your rituals but you don't
about the ritual you're kidding yourself
how many degrees me on this rage against
AI and there are rituals to put you in
state no rituals to take you out of
state you have rituals in your
relationship you have rituals with your
body you have rituals run your finances
and the rituals that worked in the
reaping time of fall in the markets and
in business and a real estate those
rituals won't work them if you do the
right thing at the wrong time you get
pain I'll say that again if you do the
right you go but okay I'm doing the
right thing but I'm not being rewarded
if you do the right thing at the wrong
time you don't get rewarded you get paid
so you better do the right thing at the
right time and to do that you better
know what season you're in to do that
you better learn how to change your
state how to take control of your own
conditioning that's what I live for
does this make sense to you yes or no
come on guys yes or no so now it's time
to train yourself to do that I'll show
you how fast it can change try this just
for a second I want to show you what you
can do with just focus try this for a
moment I'm gonna give you a test sit up
in your chair with some energy
make sure buddy next using strong state
if we're otherwise adjust their state
come on change your physiology what am I
gonna do see if they're ticklish that
might help now do this I want to look
around this room right now and find
everything in this room that you can
find this brown as fast again with the
violet ceramic for brown look around
look around you look for Brown look for
brown look for brown okay close your
eyes I'm gonna give you a test with your
eyes closed now
shout out loud everything you saw that
was red if you see a lot more Brown
right now than red say yes open your
eyes look for red now I want you to
really look for red look for red look
for red look for red anything you'd find
it's red look for red all around you
look for red raise your hand if you feel
it more at this time and say aye
why did you find more red this time cuz
seek and you shall that's right whatever
you focus on you're gonna find it in
fact let me tell you something you'll
even find it when it's not there how
many saw burgundy called it red just so
you can have more things you count it
raise your hand say aye
come on see whatever you're looking for
you're gonna find so if you want to
change your life my friends you've got
to change your physiology and you gotta
change your focus by the way how fast
can you change that stuff how fast my
for us how fast how fast come on and a
heart beat once you reach Ange you're
conditioning that's all you got to do
ain't gonna fast you can do it a
question or two try this right now
answer this question in your mind and be
honest what in your life today if you
wanted to be could you feel proud about
right now if you wanted to feel proud if
you do like I shouldn't be proud if you
want to feel proud
what could you be proud of in your life
today your children your health your
body is there a problem you faced and
instead of running from it you finally
stepped up and handled it could you feel
proud of in your life too that if you
wanted to feel proud how many could pick
us up
and when you think about this thing
you're proud of what about that makes
you feel proud what do you focus on that
makes you feel proud how do you breathe
when you really start to feel proud
that's what kind of look on your faces
starts to happen when you let yourself
feel proud yeah how's it feel
think of another area life think of any
of your life that you're grateful for or
I'm not grateful if you wanted to be
grateful what's an area you could feel
grateful for me I think you feel
grateful for if you really wanted to
feel great
I'm a can think of something you can
feel grateful for misters your hands and
what about bad are you grateful for what
do you focus on that makes you feel
grateful how does it feel when you're
really truly feeling filled with
gratitude here's one if you wanted to be
excited about your life right now and
you're willing to be excited you want a
buck everybody else's trend what could
you feel excited about in your life if
you wanted to feel excited what could
you get excited about if you really
focused on it and you really took it in
and you weren't in a negative place what
could you get excited about if you
wanted to be excited in your life what
could you get excited about
I believe you can think of something you
feel excited about right now right yeah
miss use your head ci when you're really
excited about it what about that excites
you or when you're really excited how do
you feel how do you speak what's your
life like by the way when you're excited
does it tend to touch other people yes
or no
absolutely by the way do people have a
tendency but who feels different right
now they're just even a couple moments
ago raise your hands say aye
why because focus is controlled by
questions if you ask a different
question continuously that once
continuously you will get a different
answer if you ask a lousy question you
get a lousy a certain a lousy state
somebody said why does this always
happen to me it doesn't always happen to
you but the brains like a computer
asking a question you don't have to come
up with an answer because you deserve it
you idiot someone will say how come I
can never lose weight you can't lose
weight but if you keep saying how come I
can ever lose weight that means gotta
come an answer goes you're a pig lousy
questions create what lousy answers ask
a better question get a better answer
now here's what I want you to get I want
you to get that you can change your
stain how fast guys how fast how fast
and if you get the habit of doing it you
have a different life
For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: HOW TO FINALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE (Motivational Video 2018) - Duration: 16:33.-------------------------------------------
DIY How To Make Gorgeous Elsa Slime | Most Satisfying Slime 2018 - Duration: 3:25.
Barbie Hair 💇 Barbie Hairstyle Tutorial 😱 Barbie Hair Color Transformation😱 - Duration: 11:27.
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Crazy Eggs Farm Animal | Song For Babies | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 47:44.
Crazy Eggs Cartoon Video For Kids
Cold spell lingers until tomorrow morning _ 012918 - Duration: 1:51.
A major local online shopping mall and one of South Korea's biggest currency exchange
are joining forces to develop a system that would allow purchases using crypto-currency.
Although not an entirely new concept..., it is still foreign to many in the nation.
Lee Jeong-yeon provides a closer look.
A major project is underway in South Korea for virtual currency.
One of the country's biggest online shopping malls, Wemakeprice, and the largest local
crypto exchange, Bithumb, are working on a system that'll see virtual currencies used
on a large scale... for their original purpose -- namely, buying things.
Currently, Bithumb and Wemakeprice are waiting on government regulations on virtual currency
to be finalized before launching the service.
If this were to become possible, it would mean that 12 types of virtual currency, including
Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum, could be used to make purchases online.
It's not the first time in Korea that a vendor has accepted virtual currency, but it is the
first time that a major online retailer has done so.
Crypto prices are notorious for their volatility, so transactions will reflect the coins' value
in real time.
But not everyone's convinced.
"I think for now the prices of cryptocurrency fluctuate too much, so I would think twice
before using it as money.
But it would be convenient if I could."
"Virtual currency isn't yet backed by by the government, so I think there's a risk.
I'm not sure, but I feel like it's too soon to be used as currency."
In the United States, Bitcoin is already accepted by major online platforms such as Overstock,
Expedia, and Microsoft.
Japanese electronics store BicCamera has also started accepting it at their brick-and-mortar
So there's evidence that cryptos are gaining a foothold, but experts see significant downsides.
"The current crop doesn't really have a central authority trying to stabilize the prices,
so I think they're working against themselves in trying to make this a currency.
The value is just too volatile."
Still, the expert says it might be worth a try.
"It will be an interesting experiment.
I think a lot of people will look at this as perhaps trying to figure out what the future
path of the cryptocurrency will be, whether it will be able to fulfill its original intention
as a currency or whether it will just be a niche asset like gold."
He also speculates that it could be years before the value of cryptos is stable enough
for it to become a mainstream form of currency.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.50 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.01.29] - Duration: 34:30.
Ms. Kim, someone's here to see you.
Long time no see, Haengja.
Hi. You can go.
(Episode 50)
We can catch up later.
Did you look into it?
Have you gotten married?
Huh? Yes.
Why? What about it?
Some recklessly gutsy fellow
claiming to be your husband
brought a family relations certificate,
seal certificate, and power of attorney and sold
your store space by the police station.
He forged the documents so well
they looked authentic.
But then he came back the next day
to call the deal off,
paying a threefold penalty.
That so-called husband came himself?
That's what they said.
He took the originals of the agreement and such,
but the realtor had made copies,
so that's what I brought.
But... But why did he change his mind?
Did they say he said it just wasn't right?
I'm not sure.
There's something you must do with me.
You'll help me, right?
I'm indebted to you.
Of course I'll help.
Okay. Then you must go through each and every
piece of real estate in my name
to see if there have been
any deals or negotiations for deals.
Is that all?
Don't worry.
I'll go through everything thoroughly.
Good grief. I can't believe
I'm nursing my daughter through a hangover.
Wake up.
It's honey tea.
Drink up and snap out of it.
Geez. You reek of alcohol.
Where's Seokpyo?
He left a while ago.
He wouldn't stay put at home.
Did he even come home last night?
Just worry about yourself.
Good grief. Talk about embarrassing.
I understand what drove you to cause such a scene,
but this isn't the way to go.
How will I face Mi-ae,
no, Counsel Byeon from now on?
Mi-ae will probably dump me like you wanted.
I think I did do something,
but what was it?
Let go!
Why are you doing this to me?
Oh, no. What have I done?
This won't work.
This won't work at all.
What is it now?
Geez. I've seen my fair share of psychos
but she's in a league of her own.
Forget marrying Chungseo.
It'll be best just to walk away now.
Whatever. You don't mean that.
I agree with you that Director Gu's very lonely.
You used to be like her.
Being lonely has boundaries too.
She's bad. She's really bad.
What exactly happened yesterday?
Yes. I trust you're well.
Oh... And?
I have no say in it.
Okay. I'll discuss it and call you back.
Who is it that you're so meek?
This store space has been sold.
The new owner wants to raise the rent.
I got over one crisis, and here's another one.
By how much?
I don't know.
I somehow paid off that $10,000,
but it's only getting worse.
So what will you do?
I don't know.
I'm drawing a blank.
Will she close down her business?
Man. This is the perfect timing to get married,
but that Gu Jonghui...
What was that for?
"What was that for? What was that for?"
How dare you scheme behind my back?
I'm Kim Haengja of Geumdong Market.
How dare you lay your dirty paws on my fortune?
What are you thinking about?
Oh, um...
Fine. I'll wait until Mr. Oh's checked everything.
Please sit down.
Thank you.
I can't help but notice
you look very relaxed.
Losing my greed
has put me at ease.
How have you been greedy?
How should I put it?
I thought having money
would improve my quality of life.
So what made you change your mind?
Greed only begets more greed.
And it makes me anxious.
I had a momentary lapse,
but I pulled myself together.
What momentary lapse?
You see...
Please just let it go.
I'm so ashamed.
I'll make it up to you for the rest of my life.
Are you doing well at the Center?
More or less.
More or less...
Listen, Ms. Gil Eunjo,
keep your head on straight.
Life isn't a bed of roses.
Why are you telling me this?
It's frustrating how little you seem
to know about the world.
Thank you for your concern,
but mind your own business.
Don't be too trusting of people.
People aren't always what they appear.
Are you talking about yourself?
At least pretend to care
when someone's giving you sincere advice.
Why would you do that?
Don't regret it later.
How much of what he says must I believe?
And what about my registered seal?
Oh, right. It was then...
What? Did I leave this in here?
You found it?
Yes, I did, but...
Wow. I should keep my head on straight
or I could really mess up.
That's right.
Yes. Something didn't feel right then.
Okay. In any case,
I'll know once Mr. Oh's done investigating.
Mr. Hong.
Why haven't you called even once?
Did I keep you waiting long?
Of course.
I told you to call regardless of the outcome.
What's this?
I'd gotten these a while ago.
It took me this long.
Nothing's wrong, is there?
Something about you tells me you're sad.
Never mind.
It didn't go well.
But I'm not going to give up.
It's okay.
You can start over.
Hang in there until you succeed.
You have me.
Thank you. I feel much better now.
Hi, Inu.
Dad wants to thank you for all your help.
May I ask you what he's thanking you for?
Can't you tell me what you and Dad
are up to?
You don't need to know.
But I want to.
Then ask your dad.
I have nothing to say.
It's cold.
Oh? That's Inu and Busik.
I don't know about Dad, but I trust you.
Because I know very well you've never crossed
any moral boundaries.
You say you know me well?
Of course.
I bet I know you better than you know yourself.
Don't be too sure.
I'll get going.
W-W-What was that?
Why did they...
Busik. Busik. Byeon Busik.
Sit. Let's talk.
I have a lot to do.
We'll talk later if it's not urgent.
It is urgent.
It's just as urgent as if the sky were caving in.
I saw something odd when I went out to get tofu.
I saw my son with someone other than his fiancee.
Explain to me what's going on.
Eunjo and I broke up.
But why...
Okay, fine. So it's Inu because
you're through with Eunjo?
Are you settling for second-best?
Have you been bewitched?
Did you and Eunjo break up because of Inu?
Eunjo broke up with me.
I was dumped.
Nevertheless, you can't go right to Inu.
Why not?
I told you.
Marriage is a for-profit deal.
The woman I'd worked hard to get
left me because I made her uncomfortable.
And the woman who loves me
came back to me offering a better deal.
So there you have it.
Who are you talking about?
Do you mean Inu?
Will Ms. Kim give Dr. Jeong
all her money because she's marrying him?
Is that why you're going to marry Inu?
Why not?
No. I am marrying Inu,
and that's final.
What about you?
What about me?
Why are your feelings missing from the equation?
I had lots of guy troubles.
I was conned
and disrespected,
but my decisions were for me.
Because I loved them enough to be with them.
So even I was betrayed,
I never regretted my decisions.
I'm doing this too so I won't have any regrets.
Marriage is reality.
It doesn't work out as you plan it.
People divorce
even if they were madly in love.
Wow. That was smooth.
How and where did it go wrong?
Was I really in love with Ms. Gil?
I chose Inu.
I won't regret my decision.
They say even a bear can pull stunts.
That foolish bear pulled a huge stunt.
What is this?
Why is this...
Oh. Oh, my goodness.
Then that night Injeong was at the motel...
No... Was it even earlier than that?
What is she going to do?
Go ahead if you want to talk.
I'm all ears.
I bet you're the one who wants to talk.
Same here.
She'll have to tell me
if she doesn't want to get kicked out.
How else will I help her?
So she's finally gotten Busik.
Wow. They say men can't be trusted,
but I didn't think Busik would be like this.
(Kim Haengja)
(Kim Haengja)
Yes, Counsel Noh.
I was so out of it earlier that
I didn't get to say hello to you properly.
You've been well, right?
Even Geumdong's Kim Haengja is losing her edge.
Listen. I signed all the papers you sent me.
So I just mail them back to that address, right?
Geez. Don't worry too much.
I'm just being prepared just in case.
Alas, I've had to turn to you for help again.
I'll be in touch again.
I'll mail those papers.
Yes. Yes, yes, okay.
Yes, come in.
What brings you here?
I came to see you.
Oh, no. I'm sorry,
but I'm expecting someone.
If you come back...
No, no. Come back tomorrow at lunchtime.
I'm not here as the Center staffer.
I'm Hong Seokpyo, the CEO of Genius.
W-What did you say?
Wait. Wait a minute,
so you're saying you are President Hong Seokpyo
of Genius Group,
not a Center employee?
It's a shocker, right?
I didn't mean to deceive you for so long.
I'm sorry.
Oh, is that so?
But I guess it beats working with a stranger.
Sit. Sit down.
My goodness.
(Law Office of Noh Huitae)
It must have been hard for you, Seok...
I mean,
it must have been hard for you, President Hong.
Because of all the responsibilities at your age.
That's why I must have felt for you.
So is it true you live with distant relatives?
I see. Okay.
Then what about my kids?
I'll tell Ms. Gil and Myeongjo.
Please don't tell them until then.
Okay. Sure thing.
Then let's talk business.
Your assistant Mr. Lee sent me a bunch of papers,
so I'm having an expert go over them.
Are you considering investing?
Isn't that why you sent the papers?
I'll give it favorable consideration.
Thank you.
Hey, Busik.
I need to see you.
You'll find out when we meet.
Come to the pawnshop tomorrow after work.
I won't go home and wait until you get here.
Good grief. Where did it go wrong?
Did he get greedy once he saw
money dangling before him?
Or was it from the start?
Did he take me for a fool from the get-go?
No, he must've been sincere in the beginning.
Yes. Yes. I'm sure he was.
He had to have been.
Hey, send this by registered mail right away.
Someone's waiting for you inside.
The man who was here yesterday. Mr. Oh.
Oh, okay.
Why did you want to see me all the way out here?
Too many prying eyes in our neighborhood.
What's going on?
Why are they meeting all the way out here?
What is it?
What's this?
This is where my salon is...
(Title holder: Jeong Geunseop)
You bought this?
Where did you get the money?
Oh. Did Ms. Kim get it for you?
Good grief.
Haengja isn't generous with money.
Then what is this?
The world knows you're penniless.
Being Cinderella isn't just for young ladies.
It can even happen to middle-aged men like me.
Do you think I'll just accept this?
He must have pulled a fast one again.
Do I have to look into this?
Haengja, your real estate holdings are fine.
No one's touched anything. They're all in order.
Is there anything else?
But of course.
What's wrong?
There's one missing.
This is all you gave me.
No, no, no.
I know how many properties I own.
Hang on.
This is one building short.
What is it?
Haengja, there's a huge problem.
What are you fussing about now?
Who bought the salon building?
Are you sure?
Haengja. Haengja, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Yes. It's that one.
That building... The one in northern Gyeonggi-do.
This is the certified copy of the deed to the land
and building recommended by Counsel Noh.
It's causing me a lot of grief.
I heard it was in northern Gyeonggi-do somewhere,
but I couldn't be bothered to go see it.
I listed it with a realtor,
but I haven't gotten a single call.
I see.
Hey, we need to go somewhere.
The ownership
of the Paju building changed hands
2 days ago.
That's why it didn't show up when I checked
as it's no longer in your name.
And that's a building Mr. Jeong Geunseop owns.
It's in Sinsu-dong, Mapo-gu.
The title was transferred yesterday.
Welcome, Haengja.
Would you like a warm cup of tea?
Is something wrong?
You look pale...
Why did you do it?
Pardon? What are you talking about?
The Paju building.
The salon building.
I told you I'd give you money if you needed it.
This isn't the kind of person you are.
Did... Did someone goad you into this?
Yes. Byeon Busik told me to.
I don't know real estate because I'm an academic.
Would Busik have done that even if you'd said no?
Did you take me for a pushover because
I was a single woman with money?
Did you think a marriage license
would make my fortune yours
because I was alone on my family register?
This will be void if I file a suit.
And you'll get arrested
if I report you to the police.
You won't report your husband to the police, right?
I wouldn't stand for this
even if you were my late Changsu returned to life.
How dare you touch my fortune?
I'm Kim Haengja!
You gave me your registered seal,
saying the Paju building was a wedding gift.
W-What? What did you say?
I didn't make much
after the registration and acquisition taxes.
So would you pay the property tax?
You pursued me with this in mind, didn't you?
Watch it.
Don't tell me you thought I really loved you.
A woman smitten with me
turns out to be filthy rich
without any family.
Not even a saint would say no to that.
So this is how you really feel?
You were faking it at the orphanage?
Crying at my story by the river,
getting the lock on Namsan,
and dressing me in a school uniform...
That was all fake?
Good grief.
Let's be honest.
You used me too.
You needed me to adopt the kids,
didn't you?
How could you... How?
What can stop a money-crazed man?
And how can there be love at our ripe old age?
You're crass, ignorant,
and impossible to talk to.
How dare you, woman?
Fine. I'm too refined to retaliate.
So what will you do now?
Must I spell it out?
You'll report me to the police?
Let's do this.
Give me alimony and we'll end it here.
I gave you many happy memories.
You should give me alimony at least.
You can divorce me
and adopt the kids.
You'll kill two birds with one stone.
And the brief happiness was icing on the cake.
Oh... And so was smacking me in my face.
I'm getting shortchanged then.
I'm Kim Haengja...
Kim Haengja of Geumdong Market.
I am Kim Haengja.
Haengja! Haengja, Haengja! Haengja!
Haengja! Haengja!
She's not back yet.
There's a major problem,
so where is she,
ignoring my calls and texts?
What's wrong?
What happened to Ms. Kim?
Was protecting Ms. Kim just lip service?
Go out and look for her. Move it.
Haengja! Haengja!
Haengja, why the silence despite the catastrophe?
What's the matter?
Ms. Kim.
I'm Kim Haengja,
Eunjo and Myeongjo's guardian,
Kim Haengja of Geumdong Market.
We know.
You've told us a million times.
Ms. Kim, what's wrong?
- Ms. Kim! Ms. Kim! / - Ms. Kim!
- Ms. Kim, what's wrong? / - Haengja, what's wrong?
Ms. Kim. Ms. Kim!
- Wake up. / - Wake up. What's wrong?
- Ms. Kim! / - Haengja, what's wrong? Haengja.
Light snow expected Tuesday morning - Duration: 2:59.
American Truck | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | Cartoon Video For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:06.
American Truck Video For Kids
N. Korea will be wiped off world map should it use nuclear weapons on S. Korea, U.S.... - Duration: 2:04.
At an international security forum, the nation's Defense chief used some strong words to warn
Pyongyang against using nukes to attack Seoul or Washington.
According to our Oh Jung-hee, he also reassured, in dealing with the regime's threat, South
Korea's non-proliferation stance remains unchanged.
North Korea will be wiped off the world map should it use nuclear weapons on South Korea
or the United States.
That's what South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo confidently stated on Monday
at a security forum in Singapore.
When asked whether Pyongyang has a coercive purpose to its nuclear weapons program,...
Minister Song said... the North attacking South Korea or the U.S. won't happen for real...
and that the nuclear development program is just a part of the Kim Jong-un regime's propaganda
He stressed that it's (quote)"anachronistic" to say Pyongyang will use its nuclear weapons,...
but added... if it does, then the regime will be erased
off the world map.
And to deal with this threat,...
Minister Song gave assurances... that South Korea won't be deploying tactical
nuclear weapons... but developing stronger conventional weapons... to keep peace, not
go to war.
The remarks came during a question-and-answer session after Minister Song's keynote speech
at the 2018 Fullerton Forum... the very first as Seoul's defense chief.
During his address,... he stressed the most urgent and grave security threat in the Asia-Pacific
region is Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development... and said South Korea will not,
under any circumstances, accept North Korea as a nuclear state.
He emphasized that Seoul will work towards a complete denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula,... through peaceful measures like dialogue and negotiation, saying sanctions
and pressure will only be used as means of achieving this.
Mentioning that North Korea could have been secretly trading with other nations using
foreign vessels, Minister Song urged all nations in the region to abide by UN sanctions and
up the pressure on the regime.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
How to draw COOKED CHICKEN - Duration: 2:44.
Narcissist Has A Very Fragile Ego 👺 | Spoken Word by Anna Szabo #NARCISSIST [2018] - Duration: 0:55.
The Narcissist's ego is fragile like a bomb.
Because his identity is rooted in nothing solid,
He will be charming, cherishing, and very calm,
As long as toward him you are admiring and torrid.
But if you say to him anything other than praise,
He will explode toward you with anger and hatred.
He will meticulously manipulate you into complete haze
Where you from your sanity and dignity will become separated.
The Narcissist has no concern for you at all.
Except, he needs you to feed his ego with admiration.
So, when you refuse to be his Narcissistic Supply anymore,
The Narcissist will instantly want you dead with no hesitation.
36세까지 뇌의 한 부분은 다 자라지 않는다|HYA TV - Duration: 8:34.
Korean online retailer plans to accept payment in cryptocurrencies - Duration: 2:43.
A major local online shopping mall and one of South Korea's biggest currency exchange
are joining forces to develop a system that would allow purchases using crypto-currency.
Although not an entirely new concept..., it is still foreign to many in the nation.
Lee Jeong-yeon provides a closer look.
A major project is underway in South Korea for virtual currency.
One of the country's biggest online shopping malls, Wemakeprice, and the largest local
crypto exchange, Bithumb, are working on a system that'll see virtual currencies used
on a large scale... for their original purpose -- namely, buying things.
Currently, Bithumb and Wemakeprice are waiting on government regulations on virtual currency
to be finalized before launching the service.
If this were to become possible, it would mean that 12 types of virtual currency, including
Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum, could be used to make purchases online.
It's not the first time in Korea that a vendor has accepted virtual currency, but it is the
first time that a major online retailer has done so.
Crypto prices are notorious for their volatility, so transactions will reflect the coins' value
in real time.
But not everyone's convinced.
"I think for now the prices of cryptocurrency fluctuate too much, so I would think twice
before using it as money.
But it would be convenient if I could."
"Virtual currency isn't yet backed by by the government, so I think there's a risk.
I'm not sure, but I feel like it's too soon to be used as currency."
In the United States, Bitcoin is already accepted by major online platforms such as Overstock,
Expedia, and Microsoft.
Japanese electronics store BicCamera has also started accepting it at their brick-and-mortar
So there's evidence that cryptos are gaining a foothold, but experts see significant downsides.
"The current crop doesn't really have a central authority trying to stabilize the prices,
so I think they're working against themselves in trying to make this a currency.
The value is just too volatile."
Still, the expert says it might be worth a try.
"It will be an interesting experiment.
I think a lot of people will look at this as perhaps trying to figure out what the future
path of the cryptocurrency will be, whether it will be able to fulfill its original intention
as a currency or whether it will just be a niche asset like gold."
He also speculates that it could be years before the value of cryptos is stable enough
for it to become a mainstream form of currency.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
Test your knowledge (mcq) in periodic classification of elements :CBSE 10th Chemistry :NCERT Science - Duration: 12:48.
Pres. Moon orders safety checks on all public facilities after Miryang tragedy - Duration: 2:32.
Turning our focus to a meeting held between the president and his top aides.
The liberal leader called for the formation of a special task force on fire safety measures.
Hwang Hojun starts us off from Cheongwadae.
President Moon Jae-in called for an overall safety check on fire-prone public facilities
as well as new safety measures to put an end to fire-related accidents.
"The pervasive feeling that we aren't safe, the tendency to go for stopgap measures.
This is another way of saying that safety is not a priority and that it's a waste of
These are just the kind of deep-rooted evils we have to eradicate."
That was the President speaking during Monday's meeting with his top aides, just a couple
days after he visited the site of the hospital fire in Miryang last weekend,... which, as
of Monday morning, had resulted in 39 deaths.
The fire in Miryang came just over a month after another fire in a commercial building
that killed nearly 30 people in the city of Jecheon.
Since then, the Moon administration has been blamed by some for the deep flaws revealed
in the nation's safety.
The fires have been seen as a setback for President Moon's pledge to make the country
safer,... with the PyeongChang Winter Olympics coming up in a matter of days.
President Moon said the fundamental cause of catastrophes like these lies in the past,
a jab at the past two conservative administrations which were focused more on external growth.
But amid the finger-pointing, President Moon stressed that no one is blameless and asked
all parties to put their full efforts into righting this wrong.
"We can ask whether this was caused by local governments failing to properly manage safety
or by the National Assembly falling behind in safety-related legislation.
But ultimately, the people's lives and safety are the responsibility of the central government.
And with that in mind, I urge you take action."
The South Korean President called for the creation of a special task force within the
Blue House that will deal with fire safety measures.
He also insisted that the government come up with new methods that will find every last
problem with buildings across the country and let the public know about them.
Even if it takes time, he said, they can't continue with business as usual.
Several safety measures were suggested by the President, such as mandatory fire drills
and installing an emergency button at larger facilities that will alert the authorities.
When it comes to applying new safety rules to existing buildings, he asked his top aides
to find a way that won't put too much financial pressure on building owners.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
4th Industrial Revolution Committee unveils 'smart city' plan - Duration: 2:11.
Members of the presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution met for talks.
The main topic in its latest gathering since October's launch was smart city plans.
Kim Hyesung shares with us what was discussed.
The government's committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution held its first meeting of the year
on Monday... to discuss measures related to the so-called smartcity framework -- a way
of using information technology to improve the way cities are run.
"The fourth industrial revolution has a huge effect socioeconomicaly.
Smart city is a platform using related technologies and services.
Today, we will deliberate on a smart city development plan that has been worked on by
government officials and private sector experts since last November."
The smart city platform combines infrastructure, technology and services.
It uses tech like the Internet of Things and big data to share information on things like
traffic, transportation or the weather,... which improves efficiency... by saving energy
and labor costs.
Our smart city plan is based on the stage of a city's development.
It distinguishes between new cities and old cities.
For new cities, smart technologies will be applied from the design stage to final construction...
to drive innovative growth."
One of the "new cities" is in an area in Busan and another is in the country's administrative
hub of Sejong.
They'll become testbeds for cutting edge technologies like artificial intelligence, smart farms
and driverless cars.
For instance, the government envisions a city connected by the internet of things, electric
vehicles powered by renewables, and deliveries by drone, all of which would help increase
As for existing, so-called old cities, the government plans to save energy by using renewable
sources as a form of urban power generation.
The broad picture has been unveiled, but it's still in its intial stage.
For the plan to be carried out in a sustainable way, details need to be fleshed out on things
like the government's budget, cooperation between the private and public sectors, and
a system for for evaluating performance.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
Fast Way To Clear Stretch Marks | Naturally And Feel Free To Make At Home - Duration: 14:16.
hi weavers today I am going to share with you some home remedies to get rid
of stretch marks stretch marks are unsightly lines appearing on your
abdomen thighs arms are buck tucks soon after pregnancy or sudden weight
loss are gained here are some home remedies to get rid
of stretch marks fast home remedy for this we need a levira gel and almond oil
aloe vera gel is the best way to stretch marks removal it constitute of healing
elements that make your skin healthy clean and supple use aloe vera gel by
rubbing it on the affected skin now let's start the process take a bow
take some aloe vera gel
a few drops of almond oil to it and mix well make a smooth paste out of it
rub this mixture on your skin daily until ugly marks disappear from your
body second home remedy to get rid of stretch marks
potato potahto is also the best way to get rid of stretch marks potato has high
content of vitamins and minerals like calcium potassium phosphorus magnesium
and zinc these nutrients help to reduce stretch marks on your skin now let's
start the process take potato peel it
then cut it into small pieces
now take a blender chair place potato pieces in it blend well and make juice
out of it
potato juice is ready apply this juice on stretch marks and allow it to dry
then wash it off with cold water by doing this you can get rid of stretch
marks third home remedy to get rid of stretch marks egg white along with 40
different proteins egg whites are also rich in amino acids vitamin E and
collagen they are the best way to get rid of stretch marks instantly take an
egg take egg white separately into a bowl
apply this mixture on your skin with a soft brush you can use your fingers to
let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes then rinse well with lukewarm water by doing
this you can reduce the stretch marks fourth home remedy to reduce stretch
marks for this we need sugar and lemon juice sugar is an excellent remedy for
stretch marks you can use it to exfoliate your skin on thighs arms and
abdomen let's start the process take sugar add some lemon juice in it mix it
well mix until sugar dissolves completely in lemon juice add few drops
of almond oil and mix well
rub this homemade exfoliate on the affected skin for few minutes latter
raise it with lukewarm water Vicks VapoRub for stretch marks apply the
VapoRub on the affected area and massage for a minute or two cover the area with
the help of cling wrap and leave this on overnight repeat this every night till
the stretch marks fade away Vicks VapoRub is composed of essential oils
namely equal piss or turpentine oil and said early foil it also has camper and
petrolatum all these work together to moisturize the skin and make it softer
even though there is no scientific data to support this remedy women around the
world have noticed sixty to eighty percent difference in their stretch
marks by using this remedy all marks one to two tablespoons sweet almond oil a
few drops of essential oil to the sweet almond oil add a few drops of your
favorite essential oil and mix well heat for a few seconds and apply all over the
stretch marks massage in a circular motion for a couple of minutes and let
it dry repeat this twice a day almond oil contains between Yee and essential
oil nutrients that nourish and heal the skin quickly it has been proven to
reduce carrying smoothen the skin and improve the complexion baby oil for
stretch marks after taking a hot shower pat your skin dry and apply baby oil on
the affected area massage well so that the oil gets absorbed into the skin let
the oil dry naturally this usually takes a few minutes use the oil every day
after taking a shower baby oil consists of vital nutrients that will nourish
your skin and keep it soft and supple it will prevent the appearance of a future
stretch months baking soda offer stretch marks one tablespoon baking soda
juice of one lemon mix the baking soda with the lemon juice to form a paste
apply this on the affected area blow up in cling and let it sit for 20 to 30
minutes remove the wrap and wash with warm water
apply this every day for quicker removal of stretch marks
baking soda exfoliates the skin and removes the dead skin layers
thus lightening the stretch marks turmeric for stretch marks one
tablespoon of turmeric powder one tablespoon of fresh cream or yogurt mix
the turmeric with a cream or yogurt to form a paste apply this on the stretch
marks and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes rinse with lukewarm water and
moisturize repeat this twice a day to fade away stretch marks turmeric is full
of antioxidants and also has anti-inflammatory and skin lightening
properties regular application will reduce the stark difference between your
skin and the stretch marks scars after a few weeks you will also notice your
stretch marks fade away to a great extent these are the best home remedies
to get rid of stretch marks drink plenty of water because the skin tends to lose
its elasticity when it is dehydrated have a nutritional diet eat skin healthy
food to ensure your skin gets the request site 2 nutrients to heal and
recover a good diet will help the skin remain healthy stretch marks or the off
colored stripes are streaks formed on the skin as a result of swiftly
stretching of skin or weight changes they mainly appear on the abdomen due to
pregnancy or obesity in dermatology they are termed as straight they are formed
due to hormonal changes related to pregnancy puberty hormone replacement
therapy etc stretch marks can be commonly seen on waist thighs lower
backs hips breasts arms and buttocks however these stretch marks removed for
this we need sugar almond and lemon juice sugar sugar is used as a natural
exfoliant for skin it is one of the best home remedies to get rid of stretch
marks take a tablespoon of sugar
add some drops of almond oil and lemon juice in it
stood it well and apply directly on the stretch marks rub it for eight to ten
minutes and then take a shower continue to use it for one month or so until the
stretch marks gets fed out egg whites to get rid of stretch marks egg whites are
beneficial as they are rich in proteins and amino acid extract whites of eggs
whip it with the help of a fork after washing the affected area with clean
water apply a thick layer of egg whites with the help of a brush let it dry
completely unwashed it off with cold water after this apply some olive oil to
moisturize the skin for two weeks continue the process daily for better
results apricots take 2 to 3 apricots cut them and remove their seeds grind
them to form a paste apply the paste directly on these stretch marks leave it
for 20 minutes then rinse it with lukewarm water follow the process for
one month and see the promising results glycerin and lemon lemon is rich in
citrus acid which one to two drops of glycerine in lemon juice
rub the lemon on the affected area gently repeat the process two times a
day it will not only reduce these stretch marks but will also keep your
skin moisturised vitamin K which mean K is helpful in preventing scars or dermis
which mean K is present in green vegetables like cabbage spring onions
pickled cucumber etc make a solid of all these vegetables and consume it daily to
get rid of stretch marks physical exercise one must regularly do
physical exercises like abdominal crunches sit-ups swimming and etc which
tone the underlying muscles and remove the ugly stretch marks how to prevent
pregnancy stretch marks pregnancy stretch marks are a natural research of
the skin around the abdomen stretching out to accommodate a growing belly they
start out as red streaks and turn silvery over time how to prevent stretch
marks with lifestyle changes stay hydrated water helps detoxify your body
and keeps your skin cells plump which makes your skin healthier and more
likely to bounce back from the stress caused by stretching drink eight glasses
of water a day drink herbal tea choosing cheese without caffeine helps your body
stay hydrated and can elevate the boredom of drinking only water everyday
eat watery fruits and vegetables eating visit Able's that contain a lot of water
is another great way to hydrate yourself eat big solids filled with cucumbers
fresh bell peppers and celery choose watermelon strawberries honeydew and
other watery fruits take a skin nourishing diet foods rich in
antioxidants which help nourish and protect skin eat plenty of spinach
blueberries strawberries and other fresh fruits and vegetables foods containing
vitamin E which protects skin cell membranes eat nuts seeds avocados
broccoli foods containing vitamin A which repairs
skin tissues eat carrots sweet potatoes mango squash and red bell peppers
foods containing Omega threes which keep cell membranes healthy and make your
skin glow eat fish fish oil walnuts eggs and oysters make sure to thoroughly cook
eggs and oysters gain weight gradually stretch marks happen when you gain a lot
of weight fast avoid eating for two you should be eating more calories than you
did before you were pregnant but not twice as many when you feel crowning's
coming on have a little taste of the food you really want say ice cream and a
hefty serving of strawberries or fruit you will satisfy your palate and feel
full exercise during pregnancy exercising helps the skin retain its
elasticity by improving your body's circulation exercise will help prevent
you from gaining too much weight too much quickly nipping stretch marks in
the bud but from exercises meant to make pregnancy easier on your body stretches
Kegel exercises and other simple moments can help keep your body moving and keep
you more comfortable during pregnancy try pregnancy yoga and other low-impact
exercises yoga gives you an excellent workout without requiring you to move in
ways that may feel uncomfortable while you are pregnant moisture your skin it's
important to use a moisturizer to hydrate the skin on your belly sites
lower back thighs legs and anywhere else you might get stretch marks cocoa butter
almond oil egg oil shea butter and wheat germ oil or popular and effective
choices for moisturizing skin during pregnancy moisturize your skin in the
morning after body and again at night if you notice eaching where your skin is
being stretched that is a sign to add more moisturizer in that area by
following all the above you can reduce stretch marks thank you for watching
this video like and subscribe for more videos
details Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Sapyoseksüel Nedir ? Peki siz Sapyoseksüel misiniz ? - Duration: 1:21.
Ruling party, government, Blue House vow all out efforts for successful Olympics - Duration: 2:38.
For the first time this year, a policy coordination meeting between the ruling party, government
and the presidential office was held.
A wide range of pending issues including the upcoming Winter Olympics and the hospital
fire in Miyrang were discussed.
Kim Min-ji has the highlights from that session.
South Korea's ruling party, government and presidential office vowed all out efforts
to ensure the successful hosting of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
During their first policy meeting of the year on Monday -- they said the event will be an
opportunity to raise Korea's national status and brand value... as well as reduce geopolitical
The ruling bloc also called on the opposition to avoid causing political strife regarding
North Korea's participation.
"It's foolish and regretful to use this prime opportunity to raise the country's status
to instead trigger a political conflict.
Now is the time for us to lay low and put down our personal interests -- and instead
ask for the understanding of the people and cooperation from the opposition.
Nobody can guarantee what will happen on the peninsula afterwards -- that is why we need
more effort and sincerity.
We believe the Olympics will not just bring economic benefits,... but will be a step towards
protecting the peninsula from the threat of war."
To further promote participation -- the government is also considering offering temporary visa
waiver programs for Chinese visitors and Southeast Asian tour groups that have tickets for Olympic
In addition, drivers will be exempt from paying toll fees on highways in eight regions of
Gangwon-do Province during the Olympic period,... while all state-operated highways will be
free-of-charge over the Lunar New Year holidays -- which fall between February 15th and 18th
this year.
As for the hospital fire in Miryang last week, which killed 39 people,... the three sides
promised to swiftly find the exact cause of the fire,... and also agreed to step up safety
inspections to prevent further accidents.
"We will make sure there's no negligence in supporting the bereaved families... and in
dealing with the aftermath of the disaster -- from the cause of the fire and who is responsible...
and to prevent this from happening again.
We will be carrying out a full inspection of facilities,... and implement overall safety
And to ensure people can have a peace of mind over the Lunar New Year break,... they vowed
to swiftly implement measures to support the vulnerable and micro-businesses in the wake
of the minimum wage hike,... and called on the National Assembly to pass pending bills
related to people's livelihoods during the February parliamentary session.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
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